

Apr 7th, 2013
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  1.        /**
  2.          * Left mouse button without shift and not dragging inside the
  3.          * inventory.
  4.          * <p>
  5.          * DEFAULT behavior: If the cursor is air, and there is a item in the
  6.          * clicked slot, the whole itemstack is picked up. If the cursor is
  7.          * air, and there is no item in the clicked slot, this does nothing.
  8.          * If the cursor has an item, and there is no item in the clicked
  9.          * slot, this deposits the whole itemstack. If the cursor has an item,
  10.          * and the same item is in the clicked slot, as much as possible
  11.          * ({@link Inventory#getMaxStackSize()} of the itemstack is deposited.
  12.          * If the cursor and the clicked slot have different items, they are
  13.          * exchanged.
  14.          */
  15.         LEFT,
  16.         /**
  17.          * Shift key plus left mouse button.
  18.          * <p>
  19.          * DEFAULT behavior:
  20.          * <ul>
  21.          * <li>If the player's inventory is open: If the clicked item is a
  22.          * wearable piece of armor, it is equipped. If the clicked slot is
  23.          * not on the player's hotbar, and there is room on the player's
  24.          * hotbar, it is moved to the rightmost slot on the hotbar. If there
  25.          * is no room on the player's hotbar, and the clicked slot is within
  26.          * the player's inventory, this does nothing, excluding the armor
  27.          * behavior mentioned above. If there is no room on the player's
  28.          * hotbar, and the clicked slot is in the player's crafting grid, the
  29.          * clicked item is moved to the first available slot in the player's
  30.          * inventory, starting on the hotbar then starting from the top-left
  31.          * and going across. If the clicked slot is on the hotbar, the item
  32.          * is moved to the first available slot in the player's inventory,
  33.          * starting on the top-left and going across.</li>
  34.          * <li>If the player's inventory is not open: If the clicked item is
  35.          * in the player's inventory, it is moved to the top inventory if
  36.          * possible. If no slots in the top inventory will accept the item,
  37.          * this does nothing. If the clicked item is in the top inventory,
  38.          * the item will be moved to the first slot in the player's
  39.          * inventory, starting with the right side of the hotbar, then
  40.          * starting in the bottom-right of the player's inventory and going
  41.          * across.</li>
  42.          * </ul>
  43.          */
  44.         SHIFT_LEFT,
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