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- local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting");
- local Players = game:GetService("Players");
- local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage");
- local ScriptContext = game:GetService("ScriptContext");
- for _, connection in ipairs(getconnections(ScriptContext.Error)) do
- connection:Disable();
- end
- local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))();
- local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera;
- local client = Players.LocalPlayer;
- local LoadModule = require(ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Load);
- local LoadSharedModule = require(ReplicatedStorage.SharedModules.Load);
- local AnimalModule, BreakableGlassModule, CameraModule, ClientProjectiles, GunItemModule, NetworkModule, PlayerCharacterModule, SharedUtilsModule, UtilsModule; do
- AnimalModule = LoadModule("Animal");
- BreakableGlassModule = LoadModule("BreakableGlass");
- CameraModule = LoadModule("Camera");
- ClientProjectiles = LoadModule("ClientProjectiles");
- GunItemModule = LoadModule("GunItem");
- NetworkModule = LoadSharedModule("Network");
- PlayerCharacterModule = LoadModule("PlayerCharacter");
- SharedUtilsModule = LoadSharedModule("SharedUtils");
- UtilsModule = LoadModule("Utils");
- end
- local GetClosestCharacter = function()
- local ClosestCharacter;
- local closest = math.huge;
- local center = camera.ViewportSize / 2;
- for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if (player ~= client) then
- local character = player.Character;
- if (character) then
- local vector, visible = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(character.Head.Position);
- if (visible) then
- local distance = (, vector.Y) - center).Magnitude;
- if (distance < closest) then
- ClosestCharacter = character;
- closest = distance;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return ClosestCharacter;
- end
- local OldFireServer = NetworkModule.FireServer;
- NetworkModule.FireServer = function(self, remote, ...)
- if (library.flags.InfiniteStamina and remote == "LowerStamina") then return end;
- if (library.flags.NoFallDamage and remote == "DamageSelf") then return end;
- return OldFireServer(self, remote, ...)
- end
- --// Character
- local OldCharacterRagdoll = PlayerCharacterModule.Ragdoll;
- PlayerCharacterModule.Ragdoll = function(...)
- if (library.flags.NoCharacterRagdoll) then return end;
- return OldCharacterRagdoll(...);
- end
- local JumpConnection = client.Character and getconnections(client.Character.Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Jump"))[1];
- local OldOnCharacterAdded = PlayerCharacterModule.OnCharacterAdded;
- PlayerCharacterModule.OnCharacterAdded = function(self)
- OldOnCharacterAdded(self);
- JumpConnection = getconnections(self.Human:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Jump"))[1];
- if (library.flags.NoJumpCooldown) then
- JumpConnection:Disable();
- end
- end
- local OldBreakFree = PlayerCharacterModule.BreakFree;
- PlayerCharacterModule.BreakFree = function(self)
- if (library.flags.InstantBreakFree) then
- self.BreakFreePerc = 1;
- end
- return OldBreakFree(self);
- end
- local OldGetUp = PlayerCharacterModule.GetUp;
- PlayerCharacterModule.GetUp = function(self)
- if (library.flags.InstantGetUp) then
- local a, b = NetworkModule:InvokeServer("AttemptGetUp");
- self:OnGetUp(a, b);
- return;
- end
- return OldGetUp(self);
- end
- --// Combat
- local OldIsFirstPerson = CameraModule.IsFirstPerson;
- CameraModule.IsFirstPerson = function(self)
- if (library.flags.SilentAim) then
- if (getfenv(2) == getfenv( then
- return true;
- end
- end
- return OldIsFirstPerson(self);
- end
- local OldGetMouseHit = UtilsModule.GetMouseHit;
- UtilsModule.GetMouseHit = function(...)
- local args = {...};
- if (library.flags.SilentAim) then
- if (getfenv(2) == getfenv( then
- local ClosestCharacter = GetClosestCharacter();
- if (ClosestCharacter) then
- return ClosestCharacter.Head.Position;
- end
- end
- end
- return OldGetMouseHit(...);
- end
- local OldCalculateRecoil = GunItemModule.CalculateRecoil;
- GunItemModule.CalculateRecoil = function(...)
- if (library.flags.NoRecoil) then return 0 end;
- return OldCalculateRecoil(...);
- end
- local OldGetProjectileSpread = SharedUtilsModule.GetProjectileSpread;
- SharedUtilsModule.GetProjectileSpread = function(a, b, c, d)
- if (library.flags.SilentAim or library.flags.NoSpread) then
- c.accuracy = 1;
- end
- return OldGetProjectileSpread(a, b, c, d);
- end
- local OldOnHit = ClientProjectiles.Projectiles.GunProjectile.OnHit;
- ClientProjectiles.Projectiles.GunProjectile.OnHit = function(self, ...)
- if (library.flags.InfiniteBulletPenetration) then
- local OldCheckPenetration = self.CheckPenetration;
- self.CheckPenetration = function(self)
- self.PenetrationLeft = 999999;
- return OldCheckPenetration(self);
- end
- end
- return OldOnHit(self, ...);
- end
- --// World
- local OldAnimalRagdoll = AnimalModule.Ragdoll;
- AnimalModule.Ragdoll = function(self, ...)
- if (library.flags.NoHorseRagdoll) then return end;
- return OldAnimalRagdoll(self, ...);
- end
- local OldAnimalBoost = AnimalModule.Boost;
- AnimalModule.Boost = function(self)
- OldAnimalBoost(self);
- if (library.flags.InfiniteBoosts) then
- self.Boosts = self.MaxBoosts;
- end
- end
- --// Miscellaneous
- local LightingChangedConnection;
- local Fullbright = function(state)
- if (state) then
- LightingChangedConnection = Lighting.Changed:Connect(function()
- local color =, 1, 1);
- Lighting.Ambient = color;
- Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom = color;
- Lighting.ColorShift_Top = color;
- end)
- else
- LightingChangedConnection:Disconnect();
- end
- end
- local BreakableGlass = {}; do
- for k, v in next, debug.getupvalue(BreakableGlassModule.GetBreakableGlass, 1) do
- if (type(k) == "userdata") then
- table.insert(BreakableGlass, v.Id);
- end
- end
- end
- local BreakAllGlass = function()
- for _, id in ipairs(BreakableGlass) do
- NetworkModule:FireServer("BreakGlass", id,;
- end
- end
- local CharacterWindow = library:CreateWindow("Character"); do
- CharacterWindow:AddToggle({
- text = "No Ragdoll",
- flag = "NoCharacterRagdoll"
- })
- CharacterWindow:AddToggle({
- text = "Infinite Stamina",
- flag = "InfiniteStamina"
- })
- CharacterWindow:AddToggle({
- text = "No Fall Damage",
- flag = "NoFallDamage"
- })
- CharacterWindow:AddToggle({
- text = "No Jump Cooldown",
- flag = "NoJumpCooldown",
- callback = function(state)
- if (JumpConnection) then
- if (state) then
- JumpConnection:Disable();
- else
- JumpConnection:Enable();
- end
- end
- end
- })
- CharacterWindow:AddToggle({
- text = "Instant Break Free",
- flag = "InstantBreakFree"
- })
- CharacterWindow:AddToggle({
- text = "Instant Get Up",
- flag = "InstantGetUp"
- })
- end
- local GunWindow = library:CreateWindow("Gun"); do
- GunWindow:AddToggle({
- text = "Silent Aim",
- flag = "SilentAim"
- })
- GunWindow:AddToggle({
- text = "No Recoil",
- flag = "NoRecoil"
- })
- GunWindow:AddToggle({
- text = "No Spread",
- flag = "NoSpread"
- })
- GunWindow:AddToggle({
- text = "Infinite Bullet Penetration",
- flag = "InfiniteBulletPenetration"
- })
- end
- local HorseWindow = library:CreateWindow("Horse"); do
- HorseWindow:AddToggle({
- text = "No Ragdoll",
- flag = "NoHorseRagdoll"
- })
- HorseWindow:AddToggle({
- text = "Infinite Boosts",
- flag = "InfiniteBoosts"
- })
- end
- local MiscellaneousWindow = library:CreateWindow("Miscellaneous"); do
- MiscellaneousWindow:AddToggle({
- text = "Fullbright",
- flag = "Fullbright",
- callback = Fullbright
- })
- MiscellaneousWindow:AddButton({
- text = "Break All Glass",
- callback = BreakAllGlass
- })
- MiscellaneousWindow:AddBind({
- text = "UI Visible",
- key = "RightShift",
- callback = function()
- library:Close();
- end
- })
- end
- library:Init();
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