
宇宙のオーロラ Uchū no ōrora

Nov 25th, 2018
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  1. local Torso = game.Players.Crystal5241.Character.UpperTorso
  3. A = Instance.new("Attachment", PARENT)
  4. A.Position = POSITION1
  5. A.Name = "A"
  6. B = Instance.new("Attachment", PARENT)
  7. B.Position = POSITION2
  8. B.Name = "B"
  9. tr1 = Instance.new("Trail", PARENT)
  10. tr1.Attachment0 = A
  11. tr1.Attachment1 = B
  12. tr1.Enabled = true
  13. tr1.Lifetime = LIFETIME
  14. tr1.TextureMode = "Static"
  15. tr1.LightInfluence = 0
  16. tr1.Color = COLOR
  17. tr1.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(0, 1)
  18. end
  19. local function weldBetween(a, b)
  20. local weld = Instance.new("ManualWeld", a)
  21. weld.Part0 = a
  22. weld.Part1 = b
  23. weld.C0 = a.CFrame:inverse() * b.CFrame
  24. return weld
  25. end
  28. locpart = Instance.new("Part",Torso)
  29. locpart.Size = Vector3.new(1.1,1.1,1.1)
  30. locpart.Transparency = 1
  31. locpart.CanCollide = false
  32. locweld = weldBetween(locpart,Torso)
  34. circlepart = Instance.new("Part",Torso)
  35. circlepart.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
  36. circlepart.Transparency = 1
  37. circlepart.CanCollide = false
  38. circlepart.Anchored = false
  39. circlepart.Name = "c1"
  40. circlepartweld = weldBetween(circlepart,locpart)
  42. circlepart2 = Instance.new("Part",Torso)
  43. circlepart2.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
  44. circlepart2.Transparency = 1
  45. circlepart2.CanCollide = false
  46. circlepart2.Anchored = false
  47. circlepart2.Name = "c2"
  48. circlepart2weld = weldBetween(circlepart2,locpart)
  50. circlepart3 = Instance.new("Part",Torso)
  51. circlepart3.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
  52. circlepart3.Transparency = 1
  53. circlepart3.CanCollide = false
  54. circlepart3.Anchored = false
  55. circlepart3.Name = "c3"
  56. circlepart3weld = weldBetween(circlepart3,locpart)
  58. circlepart4 = Instance.new("Part",Torso)
  59. circlepart4.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
  60. circlepart4.Transparency = 1
  61. circlepart4.CanCollide = false
  62. circlepart4.Anchored = false
  63. circlepart4.Name = "c4"
  64. circlepart4weld = weldBetween(circlepart4,locpart)
  66. A = Instance.new("Attachment", circlepart3)
  67. A.Position = Vector3.new(0,.05,0)
  68. A.Name = "A"
  69. B = Instance.new("Attachment", circlepart3)
  70. B.Position = Vector3.new(0,-.05,0)
  71. B.Name = "B"
  72. trail = Instance.new("Trail", circlepart3)
  73. trail.Attachment0 = A
  74. trail.Attachment1 = B
  75. trail.Enabled = true
  76. trail.LightEmission = 1
  77. trail.Lifetime = 2.5
  78. trail.TextureMode = "Static"
  79. trail.LightInfluence = 0
  80. trail.Color = ColorSequence.new(BrickColor.new("Cyan").Color,BrickColor.new("White"))
  81. trail.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(0, 1)
  83. A2 = Instance.new("Attachment", circlepart4)
  84. A2.Position = Vector3.new(0,.05,0)
  85. A.Name = "A"
  86. B2 = Instance.new("Attachment", circlepart4)
  87. B2.Position = Vector3.new(0,-.05,0)
  88. B.Name = "B"
  89. trail2 = Instance.new("Trail", circlepart4)
  90. trail2.Attachment0 = A2
  91. trail2.Attachment1 = B2
  92. trail2.Enabled = true
  93. trail2.LightEmission = 1
  94. trail2.Lifetime = 2.5
  95. trail2.TextureMode = "Static"
  96. trail2.LightInfluence = 0
  97. trail2.Color = ColorSequence.new(BrickColor.new("Cyan").Color,BrickColor.new("White"))
  98. trail2.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(0, 1)
  101. A = Instance.new("Attachment", circlepart)
  102. A.Position = Vector3.new(0,.05,0)
  103. A.Name = "A"
  104. B = Instance.new("Attachment", circlepart)
  105. B.Position = Vector3.new(0,-.05,0)
  106. B.Name = "B"
  107. trail3 = Instance.new("Trail", circlepart)
  108. trail3.Attachment0 = A
  109. trail3.Attachment1 = B
  110. trail3.Enabled = true
  111. trail3.LightEmission = 1
  112. trail3.Lifetime = 1
  113. trail3.TextureMode = "Static"
  114. trail3.LightInfluence = 0
  115. trail3.Color = ColorSequence.new(BrickColor.new("Cyan").Color,BrickColor.new("White"))
  116. trail3.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(0, 1)
  118. A2 = Instance.new("Attachment", circlepart2)
  119. A2.Position = Vector3.new(0,.05,0)
  120. A.Name = "A"
  121. B2 = Instance.new("Attachment", circlepart2)
  122. B2.Position = Vector3.new(0,-.05,0)
  123. B.Name = "B"
  124. trail4 = Instance.new("Trail", circlepart2)
  125. trail4.Attachment0 = A2
  126. trail4.Attachment1 = B2
  127. trail4.Enabled = true
  128. trail4.Lifetime = 1
  129. trail4.LightEmission = 1
  130. trail4.TextureMode = "Static"
  131. trail4.LightInfluence = 0
  132. trail4.Color = ColorSequence.new(BrickColor.new("Cyan").Color,BrickColor.new("White"))
  133. trail4.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(0, 1)
  135. x = 0
  136. g = 0
  137. range = 2.5
  138. range2 = 5
  140. coroutine.wrap(function()
  141. while true do
  142. x = x + 2
  143. g = g + 1
  144. wait()
  145. circlepartweld.C0 = CFrame.new(-3,range,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(x),math.rad(0),math.rad(0))
  146. circlepart2weld.C0 = CFrame.new(-3,-range,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(x),math.rad(0),math.rad(0))
  147. circlepart3weld.C0 = CFrame.new(-3,-range,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad( g),math.rad(0),math.rad(0))
  148. circlepart4weld.C0 = CFrame.new(-3,range,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(g),math.rad(0),math.rad(0))
  149. end
  150. end)()
  152. wind = Instance.new("Part", Torso)
  153. wind.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Cyan")
  154. wind.Size = Vector3.new(10,5,10)
  155. wind.CanCollide = false
  156. wind.Anchored = true
  157. wind.Name = "wind"
  158. wind.Transparency = 0
  159. wind.Material = "Neon"
  160. windmesh = Instance.new("SpecialMesh", wind)
  161. windmesh.Scale = Vector3.new(.5,.8,.5)
  162. windmesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://168892432"
  163. n = 0
  166. coroutine.wrap(function()
  167. while true do
  168. wait()
  169. n = n + 3
  170. wind.CFrame = Root.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,-1,-1.5) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(n),0)
  171. if hum.Health < .1 then
  172. deadsound = Instance.new("Sound", Torso)
  173. deadsound.Volume = 6
  174. deadsound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1411352723"
  175. deadsound:Play()
  176. immortality()
  177. end
  178. end
  179. end)()
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