
ROBLOX meteor script

Nov 8th, 2015
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  1. --This ROBLOX Script Is Made By The Respected Owners.
  2. --Script Hidden For Privacy Of The Users. Script Hidden For Privacy Of The Users.
  3. --This script runs in an infinite loop. No name change or extra work required.
  4. while true do
  5. local m = Instance.new("Message")
  6. m.Parent = game.Workspace
  7. m.Text = "A meteor is coming towards us!!! AHHH!!!"
  8. wait(3)
  9. m:remove()
  10. local b = Instance.new("Part")
  11. b.Parent = game.Workspace
  12. b.Position = Vector3.new(0,5000,0)
  13. b.Size = Vector3.new(200,500,200)
  14. b.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(199)
  15. b.Transparency = 0
  16. wait(10)
  17. b:remove()
  18. wait(1000)
  19. end
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