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- -- ###FIXME### Impact of housing such a large script in the workspace unknown!
- -- ###FIXME### Testing has not been _exhaustive_, for obvious reasons!
- -- ###FIXME### Unclear whether script can run in the background while you continue working in QLab (or elsewhere)
- -- Best run as a separate process so it can be happening in the background
- set userEscapeHatchInterval to 50 -- Set the number of cues to process between each progress report / opportunity to cancel
- set theExplanation to "This script will attempt to import Eos cues from an open Excel CSV. It will not work if there is no Excel file open."
- -- Declarations
- global dialogTitle, userEscapeHatchInterval, startTime, ohDear, abortAbort, theSelectionRef
- set dialogTitle to "Import Eos"
- set theSelectionRef to ""
- global subChoiceImportCues, subChoiceImportNotes, subChoiceImportSceneEnds, subChoiceLogging, subChoiceSetColors
- --set processChoices to {"Import Cues From Eos", "Import Scene Notes", "Import Scene Ends", "Set Colors", "Build Logging Playlist", "Insert Logging Cues"}
- set processChoices to {"Import to existing cue list?", "Import to empty cue list?"}
- set subChoiceEmpty to {"Cues only", "Cues, Scene Notes, and Scene Ends"}
- set subChoiceExisting to {"Cues only", "Cues, Scene Notes, and Scene Ends"}
- (* -- Do I need sub choice for next routines, or just to start sub routine?
- set subChoiceColors to {} -- These values can be customised as they are never used explicitly
- set subChoiceLogPlaylist to {}
- set subChoiceLogCues to {}
- *)
- -- NB: use "false " rather than "false" in lists presented to pickFromList()
- -- Preamble
- set theProcess to ""
- set firstTime to true
- --repeat until theProcess is "Finished adjusting"
- set ohDear to false -- A simple flag to detect problems
- set abortAbort to false -- A flag for aborting!
- (*
- -- Test for a selection; modify options if only one cue selected
- if firstTime is true then -- Only need to do this step once
- tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4"
- try
- set theSelection to (selected of front workspace as list)
- end try
- end tell
- set theSelectionRef to a reference to theSelection
- set countSelection to count theSelectionRef
- if countSelection is 0 then
- --return
- set theProcess to "Import to empty cue list?"
- end if
- set firstTime to false
- end if
- *)
- -- Choose a process
- --fix so it ends after one run through
- set theProcess to pickFromList(processChoices, theExplanation & return & return & Β¬
- "So that you can run more than one process, you'll keep coming back to this screen until you hit any \"Cancel\" button, " & Β¬
- "or choose \"Finished adjusting\"." & return & return & "Choose a property category:")
- -- Find out more about what we're doing, and then call a subroutine to do itβ¦
- (*
- if theProcess is "Set Colors" then
- doColors(theSelectionRef, "selected cues")
- else if theProcess is "Build Logging Playlist" then
- buildLogPlay(theSelectionRef, "selected cues")
- else if theProcess is "Insert Logging Cues" then
- insertLogCues(theSelectionRef, "selected cues")
- *)
- if theProcess is "Import to existing cue list?" then
- set theChoice to pickFromList(subChoiceEmpty, "Choose how you would like to import")
- if theChoice is "Cues only" then
- importA(theSelectionRef, "selected cues")
- else if theChoice is "Cues, Scene Notes, and Scene Ends" then
- importB(theSelectionRef, "selected cues")
- end if
- else if theProcess is "Import to empty cue list?" then
- set theChoice to pickFromList(subChoiceExisting, "Choose how you would like to import")
- if theChoice is "Cues only" then
- importC(theSelectionRef, "selected cues")
- else if theChoice is "Cues, Scene Notes, and Scene Ends" then
- importD(theSelectionRef, "selected cues")
- end if
- end if
- --end repeat
- --subroutines
- on pickFromList(theChoice, thePrompt) -- [Shared subroutine]
- tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4"
- choose from list theChoice with prompt thePrompt with title dialogTitle default items item 1 of theChoice
- if result is not false then
- return item 1 of result
- else
- error number -128
- end if
- end tell
- end pickFromList
- on importA(cuesToProcess, whichCuesString)
- (*Currently only moves cues if new placement is in group in Qlab 3, marks misplaced cues red. Fully functional in Qlab4 with edits*)
- tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4" to tell front workspace
- set namePrefix to "LX"
- set lblCol to "F"
- set listnumCol to "C"
- set qnumCol to "D"
- set qNotesCol to "AE"
- set startRow to "3"
- set endRow to "700"
- set cueCount to ""
- set grabbedQs to (selected as list)
- repeat with targetQ in (selected as list)
- set TEST to q number of targetQ
- set rowNum to startRow
- tell application "Microsoft Excel"
- repeat until (value of cell ("A" & rowNum) as string) is "END_TARGETS"
- if (value of cell (qNotesCol & rowNum) as string) is not "" then
- if (value of cell (qNotesCol & rowNum) as real) mod 1 is 0 then
- set qNotesStr to (value of cell (qNotesCol & rowNum) as integer) as string
- else
- set qNotesStr to (value of cell (qNotesCol & rowNum) as string)
- end if
- if qNotesStr is equal to TEST then
- --next series creates data for settings in newQ
- if (value of cell (qnumCol & rowNum) as real) mod 1 is 0 then
- set qNumStr to (value of cell (qnumCol & rowNum) as integer) as string
- else
- set qNumStr to (value of cell (qnumCol & rowNum) as string)
- end if
- if (value of cell (lblCol & rowNum) as string) is not "" then
- set lblTxt to " - " & (value of cell (lblCol & rowNum) as string) as string
- else
- set lblTxt to "" as string
- end if
- set qname to namePrefix & qNumStr & lblTxt
- set groupName to lblTxt
- set qCmd to ("/eos/cue/" & (value of cell (listnumCol & rowNum) as integer as string) & "/" & qNumStr & "/fire") as string
- tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4" to tell front workspace
- set qlq to TEST & "LX"
- make type "NETWORK"
- set newQ to last item of (selected as list)
- set properties of newQ to {q name:qname, osc message type:custom, custom message:qCmd, q number:qlq, continue mode:auto_continue}
- set newCueID to uniqueID of newQ
- if q type of targetQ is "group" then
- move cue id newCueID of parent of newQ to beginning of targetQ
- else
- tell parent of newQ
- move cue id newCueID to after cue (q number of targetQ)
- end tell
- set continue mode of cue before newQ to auto_continue
- end if
- (*
- if q type of parent of newQ is not "group" then
- tell parent of newQ
- move cue id newCueID to after cue (q number of targetQ)
- end tell
- end if
- *)
- if q type of parent of newQ is not "group" then
- set continue mode of newQ to do_not_continue
- end if
- if q type of parent of newQ is "group" then
- set cueCount to ((count cues) in parent of newQ)
- end if
- if cueCount is less than "2" then
- set continue mode of newQ to do_not_continue
- end if
- if q number of cue before newQ is not TEST then
- set myColor to "red"
- set myOSC to "/cue/selected/colorName " & myColor
- do shell script "echo " & myOSC & " | nc -u -w 0 53535"
- --set q color of newQ to "red"
- end if
- set rowNum to rowNum + 1
- exit repeat
- end tell
- else
- set rowNum to rowNum + 1
- end if
- else
- set rowNum to rowNum + 1
- end if
- end repeat
- end tell
- end repeat
- set selected to (grabbedQs)
- end tell
- end importA
- on importB(cuesToProcess, whichCuesString)
- tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4" to tell front workspace
- set namePrefix to "LX"
- set lblCol to "F"
- set listnumCol to "C"
- set qnumCol to "D"
- set qNotesCol to "AE"
- set sceneEndCol to "AG"
- set sceneNotesCol to "AF"
- set startRow to "3"
- set endRow to "700"
- set cueCount to ""
- set grabbedQs to (selected as list)
- repeat with targetQ in (selected as list)
- set TEST to q number of targetQ
- set rowNum to startRow
- tell application "Microsoft Excel"
- repeat until (value of cell ("A" & rowNum) as string) is "END_TARGETS"
- set endName to ""
- set noteName to ""
- if (value of cell (qNotesCol & rowNum) as string) is not "" then
- if (value of cell (qNotesCol & rowNum) as real) mod 1 is 0 then
- set qNotesStr to (value of cell (qNotesCol & rowNum) as integer) as string
- else
- set qNotesStr to (value of cell (qNotesCol & rowNum) as string)
- end if
- if qNotesStr is equal to TEST then
- --next series creates data for settings in newQ
- if (value of cell (qnumCol & rowNum) as real) mod 1 is 0 then
- set qNumStr to (value of cell (qnumCol & rowNum) as integer) as string
- else
- set qNumStr to (value of cell (qnumCol & rowNum) as string)
- end if
- if (value of cell (lblCol & rowNum) as string) is not "" then
- set lblTxt to " - " & (value of cell (lblCol & rowNum) as string) as string
- else
- set lblTxt to "" as string
- end if
- --checks for Scene End
- if (value of cell (sceneEndCol & rowNum) as string) is "Scene_End" then
- set endTxt to (value of cell (sceneNotesCol & rowNum) as string) as string
- set endName to endTxt & " END"
- else
- set endTxt to "" as string
- end if
- --checks for Scene Note
- if (value of cell (sceneNotesCol & rowNum) as string) is not "" then
- set noteTxt to (value of cell (sceneNotesCol & rowNum) as string) as string
- set noteName to noteTxt & " BEGIN"
- else
- set noteTxt to "" as string
- end if
- --build Q settings
- set qname to namePrefix & qNumStr & lblTxt
- set groupName to lblTxt
- set qCmd to ("/eos/cue/" & (value of cell (listnumCol & rowNum) as integer as string) & "/" & qNumStr & "/fire") as string
- tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4" to tell front workspace
- set qlq to TEST & "LX"
- make type "NETWORK"
- set newQ to last item of (selected as list)
- set properties of newQ to {q name:qname, osc message type:custom, custom message:qCmd, q number:qlq, continue mode:auto_continue}
- set newCueID to uniqueID of newQ
- if q type of targetQ is "group" then
- move cue id newCueID of parent of newQ to beginning of targetQ
- else
- tell parent of newQ
- move cue id newCueID to after cue (q number of targetQ)
- end tell
- set continue mode of cue before newQ to auto_continue
- end if
- if q type of parent of newQ is not "group" then
- set continue mode of newQ to do_not_continue
- end if
- if q type of parent of newQ is "group" then
- set cueCount to ((count cues) in parent of newQ)
- end if
- if cueCount is less than "2" then
- set continue mode of newQ to do_not_continue
- end if
- if q number of cue before newQ is not TEST then
- set myColor to "red"
- set myOSC to "/cue/selected/colorName " & myColor
- do shell script "echo " & myOSC & " | nc -u -w 0 53535"
- --set q color of newQ to "red"
- end if
- if noteName is not "" then
- set noteNum to (q number of targetQ) & ".BEGIN"
- make type "Memo"
- set noteQ to last item of (selected as list)
- set properties of noteQ to {q name:noteName, q number:noteNum, continue mode:do_not_continue}
- set noteCueID to uniqueID of noteQ
- tell parent of noteQ
- move cue id noteCueID to beginning of cue (q number of targetQ)
- end tell
- set myCue to q number of noteQ
- set myColor to "yellow"
- set myOSC to "/cue/" & myCue & "/colorName " & myColor
- do shell script "echo " & myOSC & " | nc -u -w 0 53535"
- end if
- if endName is not "" then
- set endNum to (q number of targetQ) & ".END"
- make type "Memo"
- set endQ to last item of (selected as list)
- set properties of endQ to {q name:endName, q number:endNum, continue mode:do_not_continue}
- set endCueID to uniqueID of endQ
- tell parent of endQ
- move cue id endCueID to after cue (q number of targetQ)
- end tell
- set contTestQ to cue before endQ
- set continue mode of parent of contTestQ to auto_continue
- set myCue to q number of endQ
- set myColor to "yellow"
- set myOSC to "/cue/" & myCue & "/colorName " & myColor
- do shell script "echo " & myOSC & " | nc -u -w 0 53535"
- end if
- set rowNum to rowNum + 1
- exit repeat
- end tell
- else
- set rowNum to rowNum + 1
- end if
- else
- set rowNum to rowNum + 1
- end if
- end repeat
- end tell
- end repeat
- set selected to (grabbedQs)
- end tell
- end importB
- on importC(cuesToProcess, whichCuesString)
- set namePrefix to "LX "
- set lblCol to "F"
- set listnumCol to "C"
- set qnumCol to "D"
- set afCol to "W"
- set startRow to "3"
- set endRow to "700"
- set rowNum to startRow
- set cellval to "Cell"
- tell application "Microsoft Excel"
- repeat until (value of cell ("A" & rowNum) as string) is "END_TARGETS"
- if (value of cell (afCol & rowNum - 1) as string) starts with "F" then
- set rowNum to rowNum + 1
- else if (value of cell (afCol & rowNum - 1) as string) starts with "H" then
- set rowNum to rowNum + 1
- else
- if (value of cell (qnumCol & rowNum) as real) mod 1 is 0 then
- set qNumStr to (value of cell (qnumCol & rowNum) as integer) as string
- else
- set qNumStr to (value of cell (qnumCol & rowNum) as string)
- end if
- if (value of cell (lblCol & rowNum) as string) is not "" then
- set lblTxt to " - " & (value of cell (lblCol & rowNum) as string) as string
- else
- set lblTxt to "" as string
- end if
- set qname to namePrefix & qNumStr & lblTxt
- set groupName to lblTxt
- set qCmd to ("/eos/cue/" & (value of cell (listnumCol & rowNum) as integer as string) & "/" & qNumStr & "/fire") as string
- tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4" to tell front workspace
- make type "group"
- set selectedCue to last item of (selected as list)
- set mode of selectedCue to fire_all
- set the q number of selectedCue to qNumStr
- if q type of selectedCue is "Group" then
- make type "NETWORK"
- set newQ to last item of (selected as list)
- set q name of newQ to qname
- set the q number of newQ to ""
- set the osc message type of newQ to custom
- set the custom message of newQ to qCmd
- set newCueID to uniqueID of newQ
- move cue id newCueID of parent of newQ to end of selectedCue
- set rowNum to rowNum + 1
- end if
- end tell
- end if
- end repeat
- end tell
- end importC
- on importD(cuesToProcess, whichCuesString)
- set namePrefix to "LX "
- set lblCol to "F"
- set listnumCol to "C"
- set qnumCol to "D"
- set sceneEndCol to "AG"
- set sceneNotesCol to "AF"
- set afCol to "W"
- set startRow to "3"
- set endRow to "700"
- set rowNum to startRow
- set cellval to "Cell"
- tell application "Microsoft Excel"
- repeat until (value of cell ("A" & rowNum) as string) is "END_TARGETS"
- set endName to ""
- set noteName to ""
- if (value of cell (afCol & rowNum - 1) as string) starts with "F" then
- set rowNum to rowNum + 1
- else if (value of cell (afCol & rowNum - 1) as string) starts with "H" then
- set rowNum to rowNum + 1
- else
- if (value of cell (qnumCol & rowNum) as real) mod 1 is 0 then
- set qNumStr to (value of cell (qnumCol & rowNum) as integer) as string
- else
- set qNumStr to (value of cell (qnumCol & rowNum) as string)
- end if
- if (value of cell (lblCol & rowNum) as string) is not "" then
- set lblTxt to " - " & (value of cell (lblCol & rowNum) as string) as string
- else
- set lblTxt to "" as string
- end if
- if (value of cell (sceneEndCol & rowNum) as string) is "Scene_End" then
- set endTxt to (value of cell (sceneNotesCol & rowNum) as string) as string
- set endName to endTxt & " END"
- else
- set endTxt to "" as string
- end if
- if (value of cell (sceneNotesCol & rowNum) as string) is not "" then
- set noteTxt to (value of cell (sceneNotesCol & rowNum) as string) as string
- set noteName to noteTxt & " BEGIN"
- else
- set noteTxt to "" as string
- end if
- set qname to namePrefix & qNumStr & lblTxt
- set groupName to lblTxt
- set qCmd to ("/eos/cue/" & (value of cell (listnumCol & rowNum) as integer as string) & "/" & qNumStr & "/fire") as string
- tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4" to tell front workspace
- make type "group"
- set selectedCue to last item of (selected as list)
- set mode of selectedCue to fire_all
- set the q number of selectedCue to qNumStr
- if q type of selectedCue is "Group" then
- make type "NETWORK"
- set newQ to last item of (selected as list)
- set q name of newQ to qname
- set the q number of newQ to ""
- set the osc message type of newQ to custom
- set the custom message of newQ to qCmd
- set newCueID to uniqueID of newQ
- move cue id newCueID of parent of newQ to end of selectedCue
- end if
- --creates newQ, then moves it into targetQ, deletes newQ if targetQ is not group
- if endName is not "" then
- set endNum to (q number of selectedCue) & ".END"
- make type "Memo"
- set endQ to last item of (selected as list)
- set properties of endQ to {q name:endName, q number:endNum, continue mode:do_not_continue}
- set endCueID to uniqueID of endQ
- tell parent of endQ
- move cue id endCueID to after cue (q number of selectedCue)
- end tell
- set contTestQ to cue before endQ
- set continue mode of parent of contTestQ to auto_continue
- set myCue to q number of endQ
- set myColor to "yellow"
- set myOSC to "/cue/" & myCue & "/colorName " & myColor
- do shell script "echo " & myOSC & " | nc -u -w 0 53535"
- end if
- --creates newQ, then moves it into targetQ, deletes newQ if targetQ is not group
- if noteName is not "" then
- set noteNum to (q number of selectedCue) & ".BEGIN"
- make type "Memo"
- set noteQ to last item of (selected as list)
- set properties of noteQ to {q name:noteName, q number:noteNum, continue mode:auto_continue}
- set noteCueID to uniqueID of noteQ
- tell parent of noteQ
- move cue id noteCueID to beginning of selectedCue
- end tell
- if q type of cue before noteQ is not "group" then
- set continue mode of parent of noteQ to auto_continue
- else
- set continue mode of parent of parent of noteQ to auto_continue
- end if
- set myCue to q number of noteQ
- set myColor to "yellow"
- set myOSC to "/cue/" & myCue & "/colorName " & myColor
- do shell script "echo " & myOSC & " | nc -u -w 0 53535"
- end if
- end tell
- set rowNum to rowNum + 1
- end if
- end repeat
- end tell
- end importD
- --doColors
- --buildLogPlay
- --insertLogCues
- --import eos a
- --import eos b
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