
Ingar missed this

Mar 9th, 2019
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  1. * Ingar est parti (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  2. * StalKermit est parti (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  3. <illwieckz> perturbed`, thanks a lot you made me able to find the initialization I was looking for
  4. * FreeSlave (~freeslave@ a rejoint #unvanquished-dev
  5. <illwieckz> I already noticed that the shader code implied that boolean were false by default, for example the `parallax` boolean is only set to true, there is no code to set this boolean as false, so if there was an initialization, it had to be as a whole
  6. <illwieckz> I now found this:
  7. <illwieckz> Com_Memset( &table, 0, sizeof( table ) );
  8. <illwieckz> this is the table of shaders
  9. <illwieckz> so I can assume a boolean is false by default
  10. <illwieckz> `Ishq, it does not yet, it will
  11. <illwieckz> within the boundaries of the current r_dpMaterial PR, the only drawback is extra compute, btw I don't know how the renderer behaves if it autodetect a file suffixed with _norm and then a normalMap keyword Shader set it again with, in the best situation it would only load the image twice
  12. <illwieckz> because we use _n suffix but it prevents no one tu use _norm
  13. <illwieckz> it will have drawbacks and it's better to disable r_dpMaterial by default because normalmap detected the darkplaces way will have a bit set to true telling this normalmap is in directx format
  14. <illwieckz> so if an unvanquished mapper uses names his normal map _norm and dpMaterial is enabled… it may face issues
  15. <illwieckz> he*
  16. <illwieckz> -uses
  17. <illwieckz> so if an unvanquished mapper suffixes his normal map _norm and dpMaterial is enabled… he may face issues*
  18. * Amanieu est parti (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
  19. * Amanieu (~amanieu@unvanquished/developer/amanieu) a rejoint #unvanquished-dev
  20. * ChanServ donne la parole à Amanieu
  21. <illwieckz> hmmm, I had to delete my glsl cache to get things rendered properly after having switched git branches
  22. <illwieckz> is there ways to better detect the need for a cache invalidation?
  23. * ZdrytchX (~ZdrytchX@unaffiliated/zdrytchx) a rejoint #unvanquished-dev
  24. <perturbed`> another bug with the build system is that errors are not detected when creating the glsl hexdumps
  25. <perturbed`> i know because it "works" when building from a readonly source dir
  26. <illwieckz> another bug with the CI is that we never check for glsl validity at build time
  27. <illwieckz> this is only checked when the engine is run for real
  28. <perturbed`> that's a feature request :P
  29. <illwieckz> perhaps we can run the engine for real in travis
  30. <illwieckz> at least a subset of the engine that compiles the glsl
  31. <illwieckz> it would be cool to have that subset in anyway
  32. <illwieckz> so this tiny engine that only compiles glsl can be called in a make target so we can do make && ./daemon
  33. <illwieckz> daemon would even not be called
  34. <illwieckz> because the test would have been done by make first
  35. * ingar ( a rejoint #unvanquished-dev
  36. * ChanServ donne la parole à ingar
  37. * ingar s'appelle maintenant Ingar
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