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- -- dictionary, where index = <string: classname> and value = <number: rectoffset>
- local ClassNameRectOffsetX = {
- ABTestService = 0;
- Accessory = 512;
- Accoutrement = 512;
- Actor = 0;
- AdService = 0;
- AdvancedDragger = 0;
- AlignOrientation = 1600;
- AlignPosition = 1584;
- AnalysticsSettings = 0;
- AnalyticsService = 0;
- AngularVelocity = 1648;
- Animation = 960;
- AnimationController = 960;
- AnimationTrack = 960;
- Animator = 0;
- AppStorageService = 0;
- AppUpdateService = 0;
- ArcHandles = 896;
- AssetCounterService = 0;
- AssetDeliveryProxy = 0;
- AssetManagerService = 0;
- AssetService = 0;
- Atmosphere = 448;
- Attachment = 1296;
- AvatarEditorService = 0;
- AvatarImportService = 0;
- Backpack = 320;
- BackpackItem = 0;
- BadgeService = 0;
- BallSocketConstraint = 1376;
- BasePart = 0;
- BasePlayerGui = 0;
- BaseScript = 0;
- BaseWrap = 0;
- Beam = 1536;
- BevelMesh = 0;
- BillboardGui = 1024;
- BinaryStringValue = 0;
- BindableEvent = 1072;
- BindableFunction = 1056;
- BlockMesh = 128;
- BloomEffect = 1328;
- BlurEffect = 1328;
- BodyAngularVelocity = 224;
- BodyColors = 0;
- BodyForce = 224;
- BodyGyro = 224;
- BodyMover = 0;
- BodyPosition = 224;
- BodyThrust = 224;
- BodyVelocity = 224;
- Bone = 1824;
- BoolValue = 64;
- BoxHandleAdornment = 1776;
- BrickColorValue = 64;
- BrowserService = 0;
- BulkImportService = 0;
- CacheableContentProvider = 0;
- CalloutService = 0;
- Camera = 80;
- CatalogPages = 0;
- CFrameValue = 64;
- ChangeHistoryService = 0;
- CharacterAppearance = 0;
- CharacterMesh = 960;
- Chat = 528;
- ChorusSoundEffect = 1344;
- ClickDetector = 656;
- ClientReplicator = 0;
- Clothing = 0;
- Clouds = 448;
- ClusterPacketCache = 0;
- CollectionService = 0;
- Color3Value = 64;
- ColorCorrectionEffect = 1328;
- CompressorSoundEffect = 1344;
- ConeHandleAdornment = 1760;
- Configuration = 928;
- Constraint = 1376;
- ContentProvider = 0;
- ContextActionService = 0;
- Controller = 0;
- ControllerService = 0;
- CookiesService = 0;
- CoreGui = 736;
- CorePackages = 320;
- CoreScript = 0;
- CoreScriptSyncService = 0;
- CornerWedgePart = 16;
- CSGDictionaryService = 0;
- CustomEvent = 64;
- CustomEventReceiver = 64;
- CylinderHandleAdornment = 1744;
- CylinderMesh = 128;
- CylindricalConstraint = 1520;
- DataModel = 0;
- DataModelMesh = 0;
- DataModelSession = 0;
- DataStore = 0;
- DataStoreEnumerationPages = 0;
- DataStoreIncrementOptions = 0;
- DataStoreInfo = 0;
- DataStoreKeyInfo = 0;
- DataStoreKeyPages = 0;
- DataStoreKeyVersionInfo = 0;
- DataStorePages = 0;
- DataStoreService = 0;
- DataStoreSetOptions = 0;
- DataStoreVersionPages = 0;
- Debris = 480;
- DebuggerBreakpoint = 0;
- DebuggerManager = 0;
- DebuggerWatch = 0;
- DebugSettings = 0;
- Decal = 112;
- DepthOfFieldEffect = 1328;
- Dialog = 992;
- DialogChoice = 1008;
- DistortionSoundEffect = 1344;
- DockWidgetPluginGui = 0;
- DoubleConstrainedValue = 64;
- DraftsService = 0;
- Dragger = 0;
- DraggerService = 0;
- DynamicRotate = 0;
- EchoSoundEffect = 1344;
- EmotesPages = 0;
- EqualizerSoundEffect = 1344;
- EventIngestService = 0;
- Explosion = 576;
- FaceInstance = 0;
- Feature = 0;
- File = 0;
- FileMesh = 0;
- Fire = 976;
- Flag = 608;
- FlagStand = 624;
- FlagStandService = 0;
- FlangeSoundEffect = 1344;
- FloorWire = 64;
- FlyweightService = 0;
- Folder = 1232;
- ForceField = 592;
- FormFactorPart = 0;
- Frame = 768;
- FriendPages = 0;
- FriendService = 0;
- FunctionalTest = 0;
- GamepadService = 0;
- GamePassService = 0;
- GameSettings = 0;
- GenericSettings = 0;
- Geometry = 0;
- GetDataStoreOptions = 0;
- GlobalDataStore = 0;
- GlobalSettings = 0;
- Glue = 0;
- GoogleAnalyticsConfiguration = 0;
- GroupService = 0;
- GuiBase = 0;
- GuiBase2d = 0;
- GuiBase3d = 0;
- GuiButton = 832;
- GuidRegistryService = 0;
- GuiLabel = 0;
- GuiMain = 752;
- GuiObject = 0;
- GuiService = 0;
- HandleAdornment = 0;
- Handles = 848;
- HandlesBase = 0;
- HapticService = 0;
- Hat = 720;
- HeightmapImporterService = 0;
- HingeConstraint = 1392;
- Hint = 528;
- Hole = 0;
- Hopper = 0;
- HopperBin = 352;
- HttpRbxApiService = 0;
- HttpRequest = 0;
- HttpService = 0;
- Humanoid = 144;
- HumanoidController = 0;
- HumanoidDescription = 1664;
- ILegacyStudioBridge = 0;
- ImageButton = 832;
- ImageHandleAdornment = 1728;
- ImageLabel = 784;
- IncrementalPatchBuilder = 0;
- InputObject = 0;
- InsertService = 0;
- Instance = 0;
- InstanceAdornment = 0;
- IntConstrainedValue = 64;
- InternalContainer = 0;
- IntValue = 64;
- InventoryPages = 0;
- IXPService = 0;
- JointInstance = 544;
- JointsService = 0;
- KeyboardService = 0;
- Keyframe = 960;
- KeyframeMarker = 960;
- KeyframeSequence = 0;
- KeyframeSequenceProvider = 0;
- LanguageService = 0;
- LayerCollector = 0;
- LegacyStudioBridge = 0;
- Light = 208;
- Lighting = 208;
- LineForce = 1616;
- LineHandleAdornment = 1712;
- LocalizationService = 1472;
- LocalizationTable = 1552;
- LocalScript = 288;
- LocalStorageService = 0;
- LoginService = 0;
- LogService = 0;
- LuaSettings = 0;
- LuaSourceContainer = 0;
- LuaWebService = 0;
- ManualGlue = 0;
- ManualSurfaceJointInstance = 0;
- ManualWeld = 0;
- MarketplaceService = 736;
- MemoryStoreQueue = 0;
- MemoryStoreService = 0;
- MemoryStoreSortedMap = 0;
- MemStorageConnection = 0;
- MemStorageService = 0;
- MeshContentProvider = 0;
- MeshPart = 1168;
- Message = 528;
- MessagingService = 0;
- Model = 32;
- ModuleScript = 1216;
- Motor = 0;
- Motor6D = 1696;
- MotorFeature = 0;
- Mouse = 0;
- MouseService = 0;
- MultipleDocumentInterfaceInstance = 0;
- NegateOperation = 1152;
- NetworkClient = 256;
- NetworkMarker = 0;
- NetworkPeer = 0;
- NetworkReplicator = 464;
- NetworkServer = 240;
- NetworkSettings = 0;
- NoCollisionConstraint = 1680;
- NonReplicatedCSGDictionaryService = 0;
- NotificationService = 0;
- NumberPose = 960;
- NumberValue = 64;
- ObjectValue = 64;
- ObjectVersionInfo = 0;
- OrderedDataStore = 0;
- OutfitPages = 0;
- PackageLink = 1568;
- PackageService = 0;
- Pages = 0;
- Pants = 704;
- ParabolaAdornment = 0;
- Part = 16;
- PartAdornment = 0;
- ParticleEmitter = 1280;
- PartOperation = 0;
- PartOperationAsset = 0;
- Path = 0;
- PathfindingService = 0;
- PermissionsService = 0;
- PhysicsService = 0;
- PhysicsSettings = 0;
- PitchShiftSoundEffect = 1344;
- Platform = 560;
- Player = 192;
- PlayerEmulatorService = 0;
- PlayerGui = 736;
- PlayerMouse = 0;
- Players = 336;
- PlayerScripts = 1248;
- Plugin = 1376;
- PluginAction = 0;
- PluginDebugService = 736;
- PluginDragEvent = 0;
- PluginGui = 0;
- PluginGuiService = 736;
- PluginManager = 0;
- PluginManagerInterface = 0;
- PluginMenu = 0;
- PluginMouse = 0;
- PluginPolicyService = 0;
- PluginToolbar = 0;
- PluginToolbarButton = 0;
- PointLight = 208;
- PointsService = 0;
- PolicyService = 0;
- Pose = 960;
- PoseBase = 960;
- PostEffect = 0;
- PrismaticConstraint = 1408;
- ProximityPrompt = 1984;
- ProximityPromptService = 0;
- PublishService = 0;
- PVAdornment = 0;
- PVInstance = 0;
- QWidgetPluginGui = 0;
- RayValue = 64;
- RbxAnalyticsService = 0;
- ReflectionMetadata = 0;
- ReflectionMetadataCallbacks = 0;
- ReflectionMetadataClass = 0;
- ReflectionMetadataClasses = 0;
- ReflectionMetadataEnum = 0;
- ReflectionMetadataEnumItem = 0;
- ReflectionMetadataEnums = 0;
- ReflectionMetadataEvents = 0;
- ReflectionMetadataFunctions = 0;
- ReflectionMetadataItem = 0;
- ReflectionMetadataMember = 0;
- ReflectionMetadataProperties = 0;
- ReflectionMetadataYieldFunctions = 0;
- RemoteEvent = 1200;
- RemoteFunction = 1184;
- RenderingTest = 80;
- RenderSettings = 0;
- ReplicatedFirst = 1120;
- ReplicatedScriptService = 1120;
- ReplicatedStorage = 1120;
- ReverbSoundEffect = 1344;
- RobloxPluginGuiService = 736;
- RobloxReplicatedStorage = 0;
- RocketPropulsion = 224;
- RodConstraint = 1440;
- RopeConstraint = 1424;
- Rotate = 0;
- RotateP = 0;
- RotateV = 0;
- RunningAverageItemDouble = 0;
- RunningAverageItemInt = 0;
- RunningAverageTimeIntervalItem = 0;
- RunService = 0;
- RuntimeScriptService = 0;
- ScreenGui = 752;
- Script = 96;
- ScriptContext = 0;
- ScriptDebugger = 0;
- ScriptService = 0;
- ScrollingFrame = 768;
- Seat = 560;
- Selection = 0;
- SelectionBox = 864;
- SelectionLasso = 0;
- SelectionPartLasso = 912;
- SelectionPointLasso = 912;
- SelectionSphere = 864;
- ServerReplicator = 0;
- ServerScriptService = 1136;
- ServerStorage = 1104;
- ServiceProvider = 0;
- SessionService = 0;
- Shirt = 688;
- ShirtGraphic = 640;
- SkateboardController = 0;
- SkateboardPlatform = 560;
- Skin = 0;
- Sky = 448;
- SlidingBallConstraint = 1408;
- Smoke = 944;
- Snap = 544;
- SocialService = 0;
- SolidModelContentProvider = 0;
- Sound = 176;
- SoundEffect = 0;
- SoundGroup = 1360;
- SoundService = 496;
- Sparkles = 672;
- SpawnerService = 0;
- SpawnLocation = 400;
- Speaker = 176;
- SpecialMesh = 128;
- SphereHandleAdornment = 1792;
- SpotLight = 208;
- SpringConstraint = 1456;
- StandalonePluginScripts = 1248;
- StandardPages = 0;
- StarterCharacterScripts = 1248;
- StarterGear = 320;
- StarterGui = 736;
- StarterPack = 320;
- StarterPlayer = 1264;
- StarterPlayerScripts = 1248;
- Stats = 0;
- StatsItem = 0;
- Status = 32;
- StopWatchReporter = 0;
- StringValue = 64;
- Studio = 0;
- StudioData = 0;
- StudioDeviceEmulatorService = 0;
- StudioService = 0;
- StudioTheme = 0;
- SunRaysEffect = 1328;
- SurfaceAppearance = 160;
- SurfaceGui = 1024;
- SurfaceLight = 208;
- SurfaceSelection = 880;
- TaskScheduler = 0;
- Team = 384;
- Teams = 368;
- TeleportAsyncResult = 0;
- TeleportOptions = 0;
- TeleportService = 0;
- Terrain = 1040;
- TerrainRegion = 1040;
- TestService = 1088;
- TextBox = 816;
- TextButton = 816;
- TextFilterResult = 0;
- TextLabel = 800;
- TextService = 0;
- Texture = 160;
- ThirdPartyUserService = 0;
- TimerService = 0;
- ToastNotificationService = 0;
- Tool = 272;
- Torque = 1648;
- TorsionSpringConstraint = 2000;
- TotalCountTimeIntervalItem = 0;
- TouchInputService = 0;
- TouchTransmitter = 592;
- TracerService = 0;
- Trail = 1488;
- Translator = 0;
- TremoloSoundEffect = 1344;
- TriangleMeshPart = 0;
- TrussPart = 16;
- Tween = 0;
- TweenBase = 0;
- TweenService = 0;
- UGCValidationService = 0;
- UIAspectRatioConstraint = 416;
- UIBase = 0;
- UIComponent = 0;
- UIConstraint = 0;
- UICorner = 416;
- UIGradient = 416;
- UIGridLayout = 416;
- UIGridStyleLayout = 0;
- UILayout = 0;
- UIListLayout = 416;
- UIPadding = 416;
- UIPageLayout = 416;
- UIScale = 416;
- UISizeConstraint = 416;
- UIStroke = 416;
- UITableLayout = 416;
- UITextSizeConstraint = 416;
- UnionOperation = 1168;
- UniversalConstraint = 1968;
- UnvalidatedAssetService = 0;
- UserGameSettings = 0;
- UserInputService = 0;
- UserService = 0;
- UserSettings = 0;
- UserStorageService = 0;
- ValueBase = 64;
- Vector3Value = 64;
- VectorForce = 1632;
- VehicleController = 0;
- VehicleSeat = 560;
- VelocityMotor = 0;
- VersionControlService = 0;
- VideoFrame = 1920;
- ViewportFrame = 832;
- VirtualInputManager = 0;
- VirtualUser = 0;
- Visit = 0;
- VoiceSource = 176;
- VRService = 0;
- WedgePart = 16;
- Weld = 544;
- WeldConstraint = 1504;
- Workspace = 304;
- WorldModel = 304;
- WorldRoot = 0;
- WrapLayer = 2016;
- WrapTarget = 2032;
- }
- local V2 =
- -- args: <str: classname> <bool: if true, errors if 1st arg is not an index of dictionary above>
- function GetClassIconV2(cn,IsDictionaryExclusive)
- local RectOffsetX = ClassNameRectOffsetX[cn]
- assert(not(IsDictionaryExclusive and not RectOffsetX),'ClassName not found in dictionary')
- RectOffsetX = RectOffsetX or 0
- local result = {
- Image = "rbxasset://textures/ClassImages.png",
- ImageRectOffset = V2(RectOffsetX, 0),
- ImageRectSize = V2(16, 16)
- }
- return result
- end
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