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- "===============================================================================
- "
- " FILE: hmofa.vim
- " Date of Creation: Sat 11/23/19 09:41:45
- " AUTHOR: Azuhmier
- "===============================================================================
- let s:dir_setup_FILE = "/Users/Work/.vim/bundle/vim_hmofa/autoload/dir_setup.vim"
- augroup hmofa
- au!
- au BufWritePost /Users/Work/.hmofa/.dirty exe "so " . s:dir_setup_FILE
- augroup end
- "-----| -= |-----{{{
- let g:hmofa_master_dir = 'nada'
- nnoremap <leader>= :Goto<enter>
- "-----| :Goto |-----"
- command! Goto call Goto_fun()
- "-----| Goto_fun() |-----"
- function! Goto_fun()
- " FUN VARS "{{{
- let l:library = "/Users/Work/Documents/hmofa/pastebin/Library.txt"
- let l:library2 = "/Users/Work/Documents/hmofa/pastebin/code_examples/txt_files/lib_copy.txt"
- let l:dir = "/Users/Work/Documents/hmofa/pastebin/code_examples/goto_files*"
- let l:dir_2 = '/Users/Work/Documents/hmofa/fics*'
- let l:url_dir = "/Users/Work/Documents/hmofa/pastebin/code_examples/goto_files/url.txt"
- let l:any = "goto_files*/*"
- let l:tag_list = 'tag_names.txt'
- let l:tag_bin = 'tag_bin.txt'
- let l:op_list = 'op_names.txt'
- let l:op_bin = 'ops.txt'
- "}}}
- "-----| MAIN |-----"
- let l:current_file = expand('%:p')
- "-----| LIBRARY |-----"
- " IF - current file is a library
- if l:current_file == l:library || l:current_file == l:library2
- " go to alt. file
- let l:buf_N = bufnr('%')
- execute "normal \<C-^>"
- silent execute ":bd".l:buf_N
- "-----| TAG AND OP LIST |-----"
- " Elseif - current fIle is a tag_list
- elseif (l:current_file =~ l:tag_list || l:current_file =~ l:op_list) && l:current_file =~ l:dir
- let l:line = getline(".") " get entire line
- " get only the numbers from the line
- " Template - {number} {tag}
- let l:LN = matchstr(l:line,'^\d\+\s\+')
- let l:tag = substitute(l:line,l:LN,"","")
- let l:LN = substitute(l:LN," ","","g")
- let l:alt_file = expand('%:p') " set current file as the alt. file
- "-----| TAG_BIN |-----"
- if l:current_file =~ l:tag_list
- execute "e ".l:tag_bin
- else
- execute "e ".l:op_bin
- endif
- let l:buf_N = bufnr('%')
- execute "normal ".l:LN."G"
- let l:line_2 = getline(".")
- " get only the numbers from the line
- let l:LN_2 = matchstr(l:line_2,'^\d\+\s\+')
- let l:LN_2 = substitute(l:LN_2," ","","g")
- "-----| LIBRARYY |-----"
- if l:current_file =~ 'goto_files2'
- execute "e ".l:library2
- else
- execute "e ".l:library
- endif
- silent execute ":bd".l:buf_N
- setlocal autowrite
- execute "normal ".l:LN_2."G"
- let @# = l:alt_file
- if l:current_file =~ l:op_list
- let @/ = '\]\[.*\].*\zs\V'.l:tag.'\m\ze'
- else
- let @/ = '\V[\.\*,\s\zs'.l:tag.'\ze?\*,\.\*]
- \\|[\zs'.l:tag.'\ze?\*,\.\*\]
- \\|[\.\*,\s\zs'.l:tag.'\ze?\*]
- \\|[\zs'.l:tag.'\ze?\*]'
- let @r = '\V[\.\*\zs,\s'.l:tag.'?\*\ze,\.\*]
- \\|[\zs'.l:tag.'?\*,\ze\.\*\]
- \\|[\.\*\zs,\s'.l:tag.'?\*\ze]
- \\|[\zs'.l:tag.'?\*\ze]'
- endif
- execute "normal /\<cr>"
- "------| FICS/NOTES |------"
- elseif l:current_file =~ l:dir_2
- let l:url = getline('.')
- let l:url = substitute(l:url,'\s','',"g")
- let l:url = escape(l:url, '/.')
- let l:alt_file = expand('%:p') " set current file as the alt. file
- exe "e ".l:url_dir
- exe "normal /".l:url."\<enter>"
- let l:line = getline(".")
- " get only the numbers from the line
- let l:LN = matchstr(l:line,'^\d\+\s\+')
- let l:tag = substitute(l:line,l:LN,"","")
- let l:LN = substitute(l:LN," ","","g")
- "------| LIBRARYY |------"
- execute "e ".l:library
- setlocal autowrite
- let @# = l:alt_file
- execute "normal ".l:LN."G"
- execute "normal 2k"
- "------| OTHER |------"
- elseif l:current_file =~ "goto_files"
- let l:line = getline(".")
- "get only the numbers from the line
- let l:LN = matchstr(l:line,'^\d\+\s\+')
- let l:tag = substitute(l:line,l:LN,"","")
- let l:LN = substitute(l:LN," ","","g")
- "remember the taglist
- let l:alt_file = expand('%:p')
- "------| LIBRARY |------"
- if l:current_file =~ 'goto_files2'
- execute "e ".l:library2
- else
- execute "e ".l:library
- endif
- setlocal autowrite
- let @# = l:alt_file
- execute "normal ".l:LN."G"
- else
- echoerr "No can do"
- endif
- endfunction
- "}}}
- " ----- | Ntk | -----"{{{
- vnoremap <esc>b vNNgn
- vnoremap <esc>f vngn
- "Enter Tag Mode
- nnoremap <leader>n :Ntk<enter>
- " ---| Ntk |--- "
- command Ntk call Ntk_fun()
- " ---| Ntk_fun() |--- "
- function Ntk_fun()
- "Fun Vars"
- let l:dir = '/Users/Work/Documents/hmofa/fics*'
- let l:cur_dir = expand('%:p')
- "Where am I?
- "If; cwd eq to l:dir
- if l:cur_dir =~ l:dir
- "If; Cur_fname Contains the String 'NOTES'
- if l:cur_dir =~ 'NOTES'
- exe 'noh'
- let l:tag = '\[^,]\*'
- let @/ = '\%>12l\%<35l\[\@<=\([^,\]]\)\+
- \\|\%>12l\%<32l\(\1,\s\)\@<=[^,\]]\+'
- exe "normal /<C-r>/"
- exe "normal ngn"
- endif
- else
- echo 'No Can Do'
- endif
- endfunction
- " -----| Ntk2 |----- "
- "rm tag
- "<C-u> is used to delete from cursor to the beginning of the Cmd_Line
- vnoremap <esc><down> :<c-u>Ntk2<enter>
- " ---| Ntk2 |--- "
- command Ntk2 call Ntk2_fun()
- " ---| Ntk2_fun() |--- "
- function Ntk2_fun()
- " GoTo Prev Visl Sel and Copy it
- exe "normal gvy"
- let l:cur_tag = getreg('"')
- "Escape the Fwd Slashes
- let l:cur_tag = escape(l:cur_tag, '/')
- exe '6s/\V'.l:cur_tag.'?\*,\s
- \\|,\s'.l:cur_tag.'?\*\ze]
- \\|[\zs'.l:cur_tag.'?\*\ze]//'
- exe "normal \<C-o>"
- exe "normal gv"
- endfunction
- " -----| Ntk3 |----- "
- "add tag
- "<C-u> is used to delete from cursor to the beginning of the cmd_line
- vnoremap <esc><up> :<c-u>Ntk3<enter>
- " ---| Ntk3 |--- "
- command Ntk3 call Ntk3_fun()
- " ---| Ntk3_fun() |--- "
- function Ntk3_fun()
- " go to prev visl sel and copy it
- exe "normal gvy"
- let l:cur_tag = getreg('"')
- let l:line = line(".")
- "escape the fwd slashes
- let l:cur_tag = escape(l:cur_tag, '/')
- let l:tagline = getline(6)
- let l:grp_a = substitute(l:tagline, '\[[^\[\]]*\]\zs\[[^\]\[]*\].*',"","")
- let l:grp_b = substitute(l:tagline, '\zs\[[^\[\]]*\]\ze\[[^\]\[]*\]',"","")
- if l:line == 13 || l:line == 14 || l:line == 19
- if l:grp_a =~ '[]'
- exe '6s/\(\V[\)/\1'.l:cur_tag.'/'
- else
- exe '6s/\(\V[\)/\1'.l:cur_tag.', /'
- endif
- else
- if l:grp_b =~ '[]'
- exe '6s/\(\V[\.\*][\)/\1'.l:cur_tag.'/'
- else
- exe '6s/\(\V[\.\*][\)/\1'.l:cur_tag.', /'
- endif
- endif
- exe "normal \<C-o>"
- exe "normal gv"
- endfunction
- "}}}
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