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- // Fabric 1.21.3
- package com.sforzando.sforzandostools;
- public class SforzandosToolsMod implements ModInitializer {
- public void onInitialize () {
- Items.register();
- }
- }
- package com.sforzando.sforzandostools.item;
- public class Items {
- public static class_1792 STEEL_INGOT = register("steel_ingot", new class_1792(new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 INFERNAL_GOLD = register("infernal_gold", new class_1792(new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 SPIRITED_GOLD = register("spirited_gold", new class_1792(new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 SPIRIT_DUST = register("spirit_dust", new class_1792(new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 SPIRIT_CHUNK = register("spirit_chunk", new class_1792(new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 DESCENDED_UPGRADE_TEMPLATE = register("descended_upgraded_template", createDescendedUpgradeTemplate());
- public static class_1792 INFERNAL_SWORD = register("infernal_sword", new FireSwordItem(ToolTiers.INFERNAL, 3, -2.4F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 INFERNAL_PICKAXE = register("infernal_pickaxe", new FirePickaxeItem(ToolTiers.INFERNAL, 1, -2.8F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 INFERNAL_AXE = register("infernal_axe", new FireAxeItem(ToolTiers.INFERNAL, 6.0F, -3.2F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 INFERNAL_SHOVEL = register("infernal_shovel", new FireShovelItem(ToolTiers.INFERNAL, 1.5F, -3.0F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 INFERNAL_HOE = register("infernal_hoe", new FireHoeItem(ToolTiers.INFERNAL, 0, -3.0F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 COPPER_SWORD = register("copper_sword", new class_1829(ToolTiers.COPPER, 3, -2.4F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 COPPER_PICKAXE = register("copper_pickaxe", new class_1810(ToolTiers.COPPER, 1, -2.8F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 COPPER_AXE = register("copper_axe", new class_1743(ToolTiers.COPPER, 6.0F, -3.2F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 COPPER_SHOVEL = register("copper_shovel", new class_1821(ToolTiers.COPPER, 1.5F, -3.0F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 COPPER_HOE = register("copper_hoe", new class_1794(ToolTiers.COPPER, 0, -3.0F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 EMERALD_SWORD = register("emerald_sword", new class_1829(ToolTiers.EMERALD, 3, -2.4F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 EMERALD_PICKAXE = register("emerald_pickaxe", new class_1810(ToolTiers.EMERALD, 1, -2.8F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 EMERALD_AXE = register("emerald_axe", new class_1743(ToolTiers.EMERALD, 6.0F, -3.2F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 EMERALD_SHOVEL = register("emerald_shovel", new class_1821(ToolTiers.EMERALD, 1.5F, -3.0F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 EMERALD_HOE = register("emerald_hoe", new class_1794(ToolTiers.EMERALD, 0, -3.0F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 DESCENDED_SWORD = register("descended_sword", new class_1829(ToolTiers.DESCENDED, 3, -2.4F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 DESCENDED_PICKAXE = register("descended_pickaxe", new class_1810(ToolTiers.DESCENDED, 1, -2.8F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 DESCENDED_AXE = register("descended_axe", new class_1743(ToolTiers.DESCENDED, 6.0F, -3.2F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 DESCENDED_SHOVEL = register("descended_shovel", new class_1821(ToolTiers.DESCENDED, 1.5F, -3.0F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 DESCENDED_HOE = register("descended_hoe", new class_1794(ToolTiers.DESCENDED, 0, -3.0F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 SPIRIT_BOUND_SWORD = register("spirit_bound_sword", new SpiritBoundSwordItem(ToolTiers.SPIRIT_BOUND, 3, -2.4F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 SPIRIT_BOUND_PICKAXE = register("spirit_bound_pickaxe", new SpiritBoundPickaxeItem(ToolTiers.SPIRIT_BOUND, 1, -2.8F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 SPIRIT_BOUND_AXE = register("spirit_bound_axe", new SpiritBoundAxeItem(ToolTiers.SPIRIT_BOUND, 6.0F, -3.2F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 SPIRIT_BOUND_SHOVEL = register("spirit_bound_shovel", new SpiritBoundShovelItem(ToolTiers.SPIRIT_BOUND, 1.5F, -3.0F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 SPIRIT_BOUND_HOE = register("spirit_bound_hoe", new SpiritBoundHoeItem(ToolTiers.SPIRIT_BOUND, 0, -3.0F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 STEEL_SWORD = register("steel_sword", new class_1829(ToolTiers.STEEL, 3, -2.4F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 STEEL_PICKAXE = register("steel_pickaxe", new class_1810(ToolTiers.STEEL, 1, -2.8F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 STEEL_AXE = register("steel_axe", new class_1743(ToolTiers.STEEL, 6.0F, -3.2F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 STEEL_SHOVEL = register("steel_shovel", new class_1821(ToolTiers.STEEL, 1.5F, -3.0F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 STEEL_HOE = register("steel_hoe", new class_1794(ToolTiers.STEEL, 0, -3.0F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 ABYSSAL_SWORD = register("abyssal_sword", new AbyssalSwordItem(ToolTiers.ABYSSAL, 3, -2.4F, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 ABYSSAL_PICKAXE = register("abyssal_pickaxe", new AbyssalPickaxeItem(ToolTiers.ABYSSAL, 1, -2.8F, 0, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 ABYSSAL_AXE = register("abyssal_axe", new AbyssalAxeItem(ToolTiers.ABYSSAL, 6.0F, -3.2F, 0, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 ABYSSAL_SHOVEL = register("abyssal_shovel", new AbyssalShovelItem(ToolTiers.ABYSSAL, 1.5F, -3.0F, 0, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 ABYSSAL_HOE = register("abyssal_hoe", new AbyssalHoeItem(ToolTiers.ABYSSAL, 0, -3.0F, 0, new class_1793()));
- public static class_1792 register (String name, class_1792 item) {
- return class_2378.method_10230(class_7923.field_41178, class_2960.method_60655("sforzando's_tools", name), item);
- }
- public static final class_2561 DESCENDED_APPLIES_TO = class_2561.method_43471("sforzando's_tools:item.descended_upgrade_template.applies_to");
- public static final class_2561 DESCENDED_INGREDIENTS = class_2561.method_43471("sforzando's_tools:item.descended_upgrade_template.ingredients");
- public static final class_2561 DESCENDED_BASE_DESCRIPTION = class_2561.method_43471("sforzando's_tools:item.descended_upgrade_template.base_description");
- public static final class_2561 DESCENDED_ADDITIONS_DESCRIPTION = class_2561.method_43471("sforzando's_tools:item.descended_upgrade_template.additions_description");
- private static class_8052 createDescendedUpgradeTemplate () {
- return new class_8052(DESCENDED_APPLIES_TO, DESCENDED_INGREDIENTS, DESCENDED_BASE_DESCRIPTION, DESCENDED_ADDITIONS_DESCRIPTION, List.<class_2960>of(class_2960.method_60655("sforzando's_tools", "empty_slot_nether_star")), List.<class_2960>of(class_2960.method_60656("empty_slot_sword"), class_2960.method_60656("empty_slot_pickaxe"), class_2960.method_60656("empty_slot_axe"), class_2960.method_60656("empty_slot_shovel"), class_2960.method_60656("empty_slot_hoe")), new class_1793());
- }
- }
- public class SpiritBoundSwordItem extends EffectApplierSwordItem implements PlayerDeathAction {
- public SpiritBoundSwordItem (class_9886 tier, float damage, float speed, class_1793 settings) {
- super (new class_1293(class_1294.field_5920, 100), tier, damage, speed, settings);
- PlayerDeathAction.Registry.add(this);
- }
- public void onPlayerDeath (PlayerDeathAction.PlayerState oldPlayer, class_1657 player, int slot) {
- class_1799 stack = oldPlayer.inventory.method_5441(slot);
- player.method_31548().method_7398(stack);
- }
- }
- public class SpiritBoundPickaxeItem extends EffectApplierPickaxeItem implements PlayerDeathAction {
- public SpiritBoundPickaxeItem (class_9886 tier, float damage, float speed, class_1793 settings) {
- super (new class_1293(class_1294.field_5920, 100), tier, damage, speed, settings);
- PlayerDeathAction.Registry.add(this);
- }
- public void onPlayerDeath (PlayerDeathAction.PlayerState oldPlayer, class_1657 player, int slot) {
- class_1799 stack = oldPlayer.inventory.method_5441(slot);
- player.method_31548().method_7398(stack);
- }
- }
- public class SpiritBoundAxeItem extends EffectApplierAxeItem implements PlayerDeathAction {
- public SpiritBoundAxeItem (class_9886 tier, float damage, float speed, class_1793 settings) {
- super (new class_1293(class_1294.field_5920, 100), tier, damage, speed, settings);
- PlayerDeathAction.Registry.add(this);
- }
- public void onPlayerDeath (PlayerDeathAction.PlayerState oldPlayer, class_1657 player, int slot) {
- class_1799 stack = oldPlayer.inventory.method_5441(slot);
- player.method_31548().method_7398(stack);
- }
- }
- public class SpiritBoundShovelItem extends EffectApplierShovelItem implements PlayerDeathAction {
- public SpiritBoundShovelItem (class_9886 tier, float damage, float speed, class_1793 settings) {
- super (new class_1293(class_1294.field_5920, 100), tier, damage, speed, settings);
- PlayerDeathAction.Registry.add(this);
- }
- public void onPlayerDeath (PlayerDeathAction.PlayerState oldPlayer, class_1657 player, int slot) {
- class_1799 stack = oldPlayer.inventory.method_5441(slot);
- player.method_31548().method_7398(stack);
- }
- }
- public class SpiritBoundHoeItem extends EffectApplierHoeItem implements PlayerDeathAction {
- public SpiritBoundHoeItem (class_9886 tier, float damage, float speed, class_1793 settings) {
- super (new class_1293(class_1294.field_5920, 100), tier, damage, speed, settings);
- PlayerDeathAction.Registry.add(this);
- }
- public void onPlayerDeath (PlayerDeathAction.PlayerState oldPlayer, class_1657 player, int slot) {
- class_1799 stack = oldPlayer.inventory.method_5441(slot);
- player.method_31548().method_7398(stack);
- }
- }
- public class AbyssalSwordItem extends class_1829 {
- public AbyssalSwordItem (class_9886 tier, float damage, float speed, class_1793 settings) {
- super (tier, damage, speed, settings);
- }
- public boolean method_7873 (class_1799 stack, class_1309 target, class_1309 attacker) {
- if (!super.method_7873(stack, target, attacker)) return false;
- if (target.method_5864().method_20210(Items.ABYSSAL_ATTACKS_INEFFECTIVE_ON)) return false;
- if (attacker.method_5816() || target.method_5864().method_20210(Items.ABYSSAL_ATTACKS_EFFECTIVE_ON))
- target.method_5643(class_1282.field_5846, 13.0F);
- return true;
- }
- }
- public class AbyssalPickaxeItem extends class_1829 {
- public AbyssalPickaxeItem (class_9886 tier, float damage, float speed, class_1793 settings) {
- super (tier, damage, speed, settings);
- }
- public boolean method_7873 (class_1799 stack, class_1309 target, class_1309 attacker) {
- if (!super.method_7873(stack, target, attacker)) return false;
- if (target.method_5864().method_20210(Items.ABYSSAL_ATTACKS_INEFFECTIVE_ON)) return false;
- if (attacker.method_5816() || target.method_5864().method_20210(Items.ABYSSAL_ATTACKS_EFFECTIVE_ON))
- target.method_5643(class_1282.field_5846, 13.0F);
- return true;
- }
- }
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