

Apr 4th, 2021
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  1. New study aims to develop population-based dietary assessment mobile app
  3. Excessive intakes of saturated fat and added sugar are a leading cause of premature mortality among adults in the U.S., contributing to nearly 700,000 deaths each year, but nutritional research aimed at improving health is often challenging due to limitations in accurately tracking participants' food intake. A new University of Arizona Health Sciences-led study aims to develop a novel dietary assessment mobile app for researchers to use that will help study participants more accurately track their saturated fat and added sugar intake.
  4. Dr. Schembre explained that existing food-tracking consumer apps, while popular, do not link to research-quality nutrient databases. This makes them limited in their ability to be used in research studies.
  6. The proposed dietary assessment method aims to address these limitations with "ecological momentary assessment" (EMA). EMA approaches involve recording events as they occur in a person's natural environment. The project.
  7. for more:
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