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- // Snake extension auto play Version 1 (this AI suck and will died on 20 points)
- //
- // edit the source code from original snake extension in app.js
- (() => {
- "use strict";
- class t {
- constructor(t, e, s) {
- this.x = t, this.y = e, this.dir = s
- }
- collides(t) {
- return this.xx == t.xx && this.yy == t.yy
- }
- get xx() {
- return Math.round(this.x / scl)
- }
- get yy() {
- return Math.round(this.y / scl)
- }
- }
- class e {
- constructor(e, s, i, r) {
- this.justTurnRight = 0;
- this.justTurnLeft = 0;
- this.justStarted = 0;
- this.justHitBottom = false;
- this.x = e, this.y = s, this.color = r, this.body = [], this.dir = {
- x: 0,
- y: 0
- }, this.newDir = {
- x: 0,
- y: 0
- }, this.greenFace = new Image, this.greenFace.src = "images/head.png", this.redFace = new Image, this.redFace.src = "images/redHead.png", this.face = this.greenFace;
- for (var n = 0; n < i; n++) this.body.push(new t((this.x - n) * scl, this.y * scl, {
- x: 1,
- y: 0
- }))
- }
- update() {
- if (!this.isDead) {
- if (this.justStarted < tileCount){
- this.justStarted++;
- this.newDir.x = 0;
- this.newDir.y = -1;
- }
- const headFront = this.headFront()
- const checkTop = this.isHitTop(headFront.yy);
- const checkBottom = this.isHitBottom(headFront.yy);
- const checkRight = this.isHitRight(headFront.xx);
- const checkLeft = this.isHitLeft(headFront.xx);
- if (this.justTurnRight >= 1 && !checkRight){
- this.justTurnRight++;
- if (this.justTurnRight >= 5){
- this.justTurnRight = 0
- this.newDir.x = -1;
- this.newDir.y = 0;
- }
- }
- if (this.justTurnLeft && !checkLeft){
- this.justTurnLeft++;
- if (this.justTurnLeft >= 5){
- this.justTurnLeft = 0
- this.newDir.x = 1;
- this.newDir.y = 0;
- }
- }
- if (checkTop){
- this.newDir.x = 1;
- this.newDir.y = 0;
- this.justHitBottom = false;
- }
- else if (checkBottom){
- this.newDir.x = 1;
- this.newDir.y = 0;
- this.justHitBottom = true;
- }
- else if (checkRight){
- this.newDir.x = 0;
- this.newDir.y = (this.justHitBottom ? -1 : 1);
- this.justTurnRight = 1;
- }
- else if (checkLeft){
- this.newDir.x = 0;
- this.newDir.y = (this.justHitBottom ? -1 : 1);
- this.justTurnLeft = 1;
- }
- //console.log("Going "+ (this.newDir.x == 1 ? "Right" : "Left"));
- if (0 == (this.head.x / scl).toFixed(1).substr(-1) && 0 == (this.head.y / scl).toFixed(1).substr(-1)) {
- if (this.checkDeath() && !this.isDead) return this.die();
- // Update the direction of snake
- this.dir.x = this.newDir.x;
- this.dir.y = this.newDir.y;
- this.head.dir.x = this.dir.x;
- this.head.dir.y = this.dir.y;
- // Update the snake body/pos
- for (let t = this.length - 1; t > 0; t--) {
- this.body[t].dir.x = (this.body[t - 1].x - this.body[t].x) / scl;
- this.body[t].dir.y = (this.body[t - 1].y - this.body[t].y) / scl;
- }
- }
- // Move snake
- this.body.forEach((t) => {
- t.x += t.dir.x * speed;
- t.y += t.dir.y * speed;
- });
- }
- }
- headFront() {
- const predictedX = this.head.xx + this.head.dir.x;
- const predictedY = this.head.yy + this.head.dir.y;
- return { xx: predictedX, yy: predictedY };
- }
- isHitTop(yy) {
- if (yy <= -1) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- isHitBottom(yy) {
- if (yy >= tileCount) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- isHitRight(xx) {
- if (xx >= tileCount) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- isHitLeft(xx) {
- if (xx <= -1) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- draw(t) {
- this.body.forEach((e => {
- t.fillStyle = this.color, t.fillRect(e.x, e.y, scl, scl), keys.shift && (t.strokeStyle = "red", t.strokeRect(e.xx * scl, e.yy * scl, scl, scl))
- })), t.drawImage(this.face, this.head.x, this.head.y, scl, scl)
- }
- appendNew() {
- let e = this.tail;
- this.body.push(new t(e.x, e.y, {
- x: 0,
- y: 0
- }))
- }
- checkDeath() {
- if (this.head.xx >= tileCount || this.head.yy >= tileCount || this.head.xx < 0 || this.head.yy < 0) return !0;
- for (let t = 1; t < this.length; t++)
- if (this.head.collides(this.body[t])) return !0;
- return !1
- }
- die() {
- this.isDead = !0;
- let t = this.color;
- this.color = "red", this.face = this.redFace, setTimeout((() => {
- this.color = t, this.face = this.greenFace, setTimeout((() => {
- this.color = "red", this.face = this.redFace
- }), 200)
- }), 200)
- }
- get length() {
- return this.body.length
- }
- get head() {
- return this.body[0]
- }
- get tail() {
- return this.body[this.body.length - 1]
- }
- get xx() {
- return this.head.xx
- }
- get yy() {
- return this.head.yy
- }
- }
- class s {
- constructor() {
- return new Proxy(this, this)
- }
- get(t, e) {
- try {
- return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(e))
- } catch (t) {
- return console.warn("Unable to load value from localstorage"), null
- }
- }
- set(t, e, s) {
- try {
- return localStorage.setItem(e, JSON.stringify(s)), !0
- } catch (t) {
- return console.warn("Unable to store value to localstorage"), !1
- }
- }
- }
- const i = t => chrome && "storage" in chrome && t in,
- r = t => (e, s) => new Promise((r => {
- i(t) ?[t].set({
- [e]: s
- }, r) : (localStorage.setItem(e, s), r())
- })),
- n = t => e => new Promise(((s, r) => {
- const n = `item with key [${e}] does not exist`;
- if (i(t))[t].get(e, (t => e in t ? s(t[e]) : r(n)));
- else {
- const t = localStorage.getItem(e);
- null !== t ? s(t) : r(n)
- }
- })),
- o = n("local"),
- a = r("local"),
- h = n("sync"),
- c = r("sync");
- class l {
- constructor(t, e, s) {
- this.xx = t, this.yy = e, this.padding = s, this.p = s, this.color = "red"
- }
- generateNew() {
- this.xx = Math.round(Math.random() * (tileCount - 1)), this.yy = Math.round(Math.random() * (tileCount - 1));
- let t = !1;
- snake.body.forEach((e => {
- e.xx == this.xx && this.yy == e.yy && (t = !0)
- })), t ? this.generateNew() : this.p = scl / 2
- }
- draw(t) {
- t.fillStyle = this.color, t.fillRect(this.x + this.p, this.y + this.p, scl - 2 * this.p, scl - 2 * this.p), this.p > this.padding && this.p--
- }
- get x() {
- return this.xx * scl
- }
- get y() {
- return this.yy * scl
- }
- }
- const d = async (t, e = {}) => {
- const s = "clientId",
- i = "userId",
- r = "sessionData",
- n = await o(s).catch((() => self?.crypto?.randomUUID()));
- a(s, n);
- const l = await h(i).catch((() => self?.crypto?.randomUUID()));
- c(i, l);
- const d = await o(r).catch((() => ({
- timeStamp:,
- sessionId:
- })));
- 5 < ( - d.timeStamp) / 6e4 && (d.sessionId =, d.timeStamp =, a(r, d);
- const y = chrome?.runtime?.getManifest()?.version;
- return fetch("", {
- method: "POST",
- body: JSON.stringify({
- client_id: n,
- user_id: l,
- events: [{
- name: t,
- params: {
- appVersion: y,
- sessionId: d?.sessionId,
- page_location: globalThis?.location?.href,
- page_host: globalThis?.location?.host,
- page_title: globalThis?.document?.title,
- ...e
- }
- }]
- })
- }).then((t => t.text()))
- }, y = t => fetch("" + t);
- async function w() {
- const t = y("snake").then((t => t.text())).then((t => {
- d("ad_load");
- const e = document.querySelector("div#ads");
- e.innerHTML = t, e.querySelectorAll("[data-close]").forEach((t => {
- const e = t.getAttribute("data-close"),
- s = document.querySelector(e);
- t.addEventListener("click", (() => {
- s.toggleAttribute("hidden")
- }))
- })), e.querySelectorAll("[data-analytics]").forEach((t => {
- const e = t.getAttribute("data-analytics");
- t.addEventListener("click", (() => {
- d(e)
- }))
- }))
- })),
- e = y("snake-uninstall-urls").then((t => t.text())).then((t => t.split(","))).then((t => t.filter((t => -1 !== t.indexOf("https://"))))).then((t => {
- const [e] = [...t, ""];
- return chrome.runtime.setUninstallURL(e)
- }));
- return Promise.all([t, e])
- }
- const u = t => {
- if (!(t instanceof Error)) return JSON.stringify(t);
- const e = {};
- return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).forEach((s => {
- e[s] = t[s]
- }), t), JSON.stringify(e)
- },
- x = async (t, e) => {
- "string" != typeof t && (t = u(t)), (async (t, e, s) => {
- const i = (() => {
- try {
- if (-1 !== window.location.href.indexOf("chrome-extension://")) return chrome.runtime.getManifest().version
- } catch (t) {}
- return "null"
- })(),
- [r] = (new Date).toLocaleString("no-NB").split(",");
- d(t, {
- version: i,
- date: r,
- description: s,
- where: e
- })
- })("error", e, t)
- };
- let g, f, m, p, k = 0;
- function b() {
- p.fillStyle = "black", p.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height), g.draw(p), snake.update(), snake.draw(p), p.font = 1.5 * scl + "px Arial", p.fillStyle = "#fff", p.fillText(k, canvas.width / 2 - p.measureText(k).width / 2, 2.5 * scl), p.font = .5 * scl + "px Arial", p.fillStyle = "#fff", p.fillText("High score: " + m, canvas.width / 2 - p.measureText("High score: " + m).width / 2, 3.5 * scl), snake.head.collides(g) && (g.generateNew(), snake.appendNew(), k++), k > m && (m = k, f._hscore = m)
- }
- window.tileCount = 11, window.speed = 7, window.onload = function () {
- !async function () {
- && (window.addEventListener("error", (t => {
- const e = u(t.error ? t.error : t);
- x(e, "window.onerror")
- })), window.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", (t => {
- const e = t.reason ? t.reason : "unhandled rejection";
- x(e, "window.onunhandledrejection")
- })))
- }();
- let t = document.querySelector("#canvas");
- p = t.getContext("2d"), f = new s, window.scl = t.width / tileCount, g = new l(6, Math.floor(tileCount / 2), 5), window.snake = new e(4, Math.floor(tileCount / 2), 3, "rgb(50, 255, 50)"), m = f._hscore || 0, d("page_view", {
- highScore: m
- }), setInterval(b, 1e3 / 90), w()
- }, window.keys = {}, document.addEventListener("keydown", (t => {
- snake.isDead && window.location.reload(), keys[t.key.toLowerCase()] = !0
- })), document.addEventListener("keyup", (t => keys[t.key.toLowerCase()] = !1))
- })();
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