

Feb 20th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Then spoke Third: ‘Odin is highest and most ancient of the
  2. Æsir. He rules all things, and mighty though the other gods are,
  3. yet they all submit to him like children to their father. Frigg is his
  4. wife, and she knows men’s fates though she does not prophesy, as
  5. it says here that Odin himself spoke to the As called Loki:
  7. “Mad you are Loki, and out of your wits; why will you not
  8. be silent, Loki? All fates I believe Frigg knows, though she
  9. herself does not pronounce.”
  11. ‘Odin is called All-father, for he is father of all gods. He is also
  12. called Val-father [father of the slain], since all those who fall in
  13. battle are his adopted sons. He assigns them places in Val-hall and
  14. Vingolf, and they are then known as Einheriar. He is also called
  15. Hanga-god [god of the hanged] and Hapta-god [god of prisoners],
  16. Farma-god [god of cargoes], and he called himself by
  17. various other names on his visit to King Geirrod:
  20. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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