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- = Survey Computer Science computer =
- a piece of shit
- 16 8-bit registers
- 8-bit address space
- 1RXY - LOAD rR, memory
- register rR = memory at address XY
- 2RXY - LOAD rR, constant
- register rR = constant XY
- 3RXY - STORE rR, memory
- memory at address XY = register rR
- 40RS - MOVE rS, rR
- register rS = register rR
- 5RST - ADD rR, rS, rT
- register rR = rS + rT
- 6RST - ADDF rR, rS, rT
- register rR = rS + rT, except they're really shitty 8-bit floating point numbers
- 7RST - OR rR, rS, rT
- register rR = rS | rT
- 8RST - AND rR, rS, rT
- register rR = rS & rT
- 9RST - XOR rR, rS, rT
- register rR = rS ^ rT
- register rR is rotated right X times
- BRXY - JUMP rR, address
- jump to address XY if rR == r0
- C000 - HALT
- stop execution
- -------------------------------------------------------
- = MARIE =
- a slightly less piece of shit
- 16-bit accumulator, AC
- 12-bit program counter, PC
- 0nnn - JnS address
- Stores program counter to location NNN.
- Set accumulator and program counter ot NNN+1.
- 1nnn - Load address
- AC = memory at address NNN
- 2nnn - Store address
- memory at address NNN = AC
- 3nnn - Add address
- AC += memory at address NNN
- 4nnn - Subt address
- AC -= memory at address NNN
- 5000 - Input
- Request a value from the user and put it in AC
- 6000 - Output
- Write AC to the output
- 7000 - Halt
- 8000 - Skipcond <
- Skip next opcode if AC < 0
- 8400 - Skipcond =
- Skip next opcode if AC == 0
- 8800 - Skipcond >
- Skip next opcode if AC > 0
- 9nnn - Jump address
- PC = NNN
- A000 - Clear
- AC = 0
- BNNN - AddI address
- AC += memory accessed through pointer at address NNN
- CNNN - JumpI address
- PC = memory at address NNN
- DNNN - LoadI address
- AC = memory accessed through pointer at address NNN
- ENNN - StoreI address
- memory accessed through pointer at address NNN = AC
- -------------------------------------------------------
- = CHIP-8 =
- a bit better but suffers from poor access to memory
- 12-bit program counter
- 16 8-bit registers V0 through VF
- 12-bit register I
- 16 stack levels
- 8-bit timer register, counts down at 60hz
- 8-bit sound register, counts down at 60hz, beeps while nonzero
- 64x32 monochrome display
- * marks SuperChip only opcodes
- 00CN - SCD lines *
- Scroll display N lines down
- 00E0 - CLS
- Clear the display
- 00EE - RET
- Return from subroutine
- 00FB - SCR *
- Scroll display 4 pixels right
- 00FC - SCL *
- Scroll display 4 pixels left
- 00FD - EXIT *
- Exit intereter
- 00FE - LOW *
- Disable extended screen mode
- 00FF - HIGH *
- Enable extended screen mode (128x64)
- 1NNN - JP address
- PC = address
- 2NNN - CALL address
- push old PC to stack
- PC = address
- 3xkk - SE Vx, byte
- Skip next opcode if Vx == byte
- 4xkk - SNE Vx, byte
- Skip next opcode if Vx != byte
- 5xy0 - SE Vx, Vy
- Skip next opcode if Vx == Vy
- 6xkk - LD Vx, byte
- Vx = byte
- 7xkk - ADD Vx, byte
- Vx += byte
- 8xy0 - LD Vx, Vy
- Vx = Vy
- 8xy1 - OR Vx, Vy
- Vx |= Vy
- 8xy2 - AND Vx, Vy
- Vx &= Vy
- 8xy3 - XOR Vx, Vy
- Vx ^= Vy
- 8xy4 - ADD Vx, Vy
- Vx += Vy
- VF = carry from this operation
- 8xy5 - SUB Vx, Vy
- Vx -= Vy
- 8x06 - SHR Vx
- Vx >>= 1
- VF = carry
- 8x07 - SUBN
- Vx = Vy - Vx
- If Vy > Vx, VF = 1. Otherwise it's 0
- 8x0E - SHL Vx
- Vx <<= 1
- VF = carry
- 9xy0 - SNE Vx, Vy
- Skip next opcode if Vx != Vy
- Annn - LD I, address
- I = address
- Bnnn - JP V0, address
- PC = address + V0
- Cxkk - RND Vx, byte
- Vx = random()&byte
- DXYN - DRW Vx, Vy, size
- An 8 pixel wide sprite is drawn at position Vx and Vy, using XOR to change the pixels.
- Sprite graphics are at I, and are a given number of pixels tall
- VF = 1 if any pixels are turned off, or 0 if not
- DXY0 - DRW Vx, Vy, 0
- In extended mode, draw a 16x16 sprite
- EX9E - SKP Vx
- Skip if key of value Vx is pressed
- EXA1 - SKNP Vx
- Skip if key of value Vx is not pressed
- FX07 - LD Vx, DT
- Vx = Delay timer
- FX0A - LD Vx, K
- Wait for key press, store its value into Vx
- FX15 - LD DT, Vx
- Delay timer = Vx
- FX18 - LD ST, Vx
- Sound timer = Vx
- FX1E - ADD I, Vx
- Vx += I
- FX29 - LD F, Vx
- I is set to a pointer to a hex digit sprite corresponding to Vx (5 rows tall)
- FX30 - LD F, Vx *
- I is set to a pointer to a decimal digit sprite corresponding to Vx (10 rows tall)
- FX33 - LD B, Vx
- Stores 3-digit BCD version of Vx at I (hundreds), I+1 (tens), I+2 (ones)
- FX55 - LD [I], Vx
- Stores registers V0 through Vx into memory at I through I+x
- FX65 - LD [I], Vx
- Loads memory at I through I+x into registers V0 through Vx
- -------------------------------------------------------
- = Data General Nova =
- big endian
- four 16-bit accumulators (AC0, AC1, AC2, AC3)
- I/O
- AA = Which accumulator
- TTT = 000 NIO - no I/O transfer
- 001 DIA - data in from buffer A
- 010 DOA - data out to buffer A
- 011 DIB - data in from buffer B
- 100 DOB - data out to buffer B
- 101 DIC - data in from buffer C
- 110 DOC - data out to buffer C
- 111 SKP - skip on condition
- CC (if not SKP) send a control signal to device
- = 00 issue no commands
- 01 (S) set busy flag, clear done flag
- 10 (C) clear both busy and done flag
- 11 (P) issue a pulse to device
- (if SKP)
- = 00 (SKPBN) skip if busy flipflop is nonzero
- 01 (SKPBZ) skip if busy flipflop is zero
- 10 (SKPDN) skip if done flipflop is nonzero
- 11 (SKPDZ) skip if done flipflop is zero
- Memory access (without accumulator)
- FF = 00 JMP to effective address
- 01 JSR (store PC in AC, set PC to effective address)
- 10 ISZ - increment memory address, skip if zero
- 11 DSZ - decrement memory address, skip if zero
- NN = 00 D is a zeropage address
- 01 PC relative
- 10 index with AC2
- 11 index with AC3
- I = use address as a pointer if 1
- D = displacement
- Memory address (with accumulator)
- FF = 01 LDA - load accumulator
- 10 STA - store accumulator
- ALU opcodes
- SS = source accumulator
- DD = destination accumulator
- FFF = 000 COM, destination = ~source
- 001 NEG, destination = -source
- 010 MOV, destination = source
- 011 INC, destination = source + 1
- 100 ADC, destination = destination + source, 1's complement
- 101 SUB, destination = destination - source
- 110 ADD, destination = destination + source
- 111 AND, destination = destination & source
- RR = 00 no shifting
- 01 L, rotate result of function left 1 bit, including carry
- 10 R, rotate result of function right 1 bit, including carry
- 11 S, swap the two bytes in the word
- CC = 00 don't change carry before function
- 01 Z, force carry to zero before function
- 10 O, force carry to one before function
- 11 C, complement carry before function
- N = if 1, don't actually change destination register
- TTT = 000 never skip
- 001 SKP, skip unconditionally
- 010 SZC, skip if carry zero
- 011 SNC, skip if carry nonzero
- 100 SZR, skip if result of function is zero
- 101 SNR, skip if result of function is nonzero
- 110 SEZ, skip if either carry or result are zero
- 111 SBN, skip if both carry and result are nonzero
- Macros:
- IORST - IO reset
- HALT - halt the processor
- READS - read switches on the machine
- INTEN - interrupt enable
- INTDS - interrupt disable
- MSKO - interrupt mask out
- INTA - interrupt acknowledge
- Special addresses:
- 16-23 - When used as a pointer, auto post-increment
- 24-31 - When used as a pointer, auto pre-decrement
- 0 - Return address for interrupts
- 1 - Interrupt handler address
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