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- #AoC 2018 Day 13: Cart class
- #TODO: Minecarts: test data work, normal not - Carts definovane jako trida, trizene pole
- class Cart:
- def __init__(self, x,y, direction):
- self.coords = (x,y)
- self.coordsIndex = y * 10000 + x
- self.direction = direction
- self.directionIndex = 0
- def getCoordsIndex(self):
- x = self.coords[0]
- y = self.coords[1]
- self.coordsIndex = y * 10000 + x
- from collections import Counter
- def tupleSum(a,b):
- return tuple([x + y for x, y in zip(a,b)])
- with open ("data.txt") as file:
- lines =
- cartsChars = "^>v<"
- up, right, down, left = (0,-1), (1,0), (0,1), (-1,0)
- slash = {up: right, down: left, left: down, right: up}
- backslash = {up:left, down:right, left:up, right:down}
- turn = [
- {up: left, left: down, down: right, right: up},
- {up: up, left: left, right: right, down: down},
- {up: right, down:left, left: up, right: down}
- ]
- carts = []; tracks = {}
- for y, line in enumerate(lines):
- for x, char in enumerate(line):
- if char in ["\\", "/", "-", "|", "+"]:
- tracks.setdefault((x,y), char)
- if char in cartsChars:
- if char == "<":
- direction = left
- tracks.setdefault((x,y), "-")
- elif char == ">":
- direction = right
- tracks.setdefault((x,y), "-")
- elif char == "v":
- direction = down
- tracks.setdefault((x,y), "|")
- elif char == "^":
- direction = up
- tracks.setdefault((x, y), "|")
- newCart = Cart(x,y,direction)
- carts.append(newCart)
- collided = False
- counter = 0
- while not collided:
- counter += 1
- locations = []
- #sort carts
- carts.sort(key = lambda x: x.coordsIndex, reverse = True)
- #move carts
- for cart in carts:
- if tracks[cart.coords] == "\\":
- #turn on backslash
- cart.direction = backslash[cart.direction]
- elif tracks[cart.coords] == "/":
- #turn on slash
- cart.direction = slash[cart.direction]
- elif tracks[cart.coords] == "+":
- currentTurn = turn[cart.directionIndex]
- cart.direction = currentTurn[cart.direction]
- cart.directionIndex = (cart.directionIndex + 1) % 3
- #change direction
- cart.coords = tupleSum(cart.coords, cart.direction)
- cart.getCoordsIndex()
- locations.append(cart.coords)
- collisions = [x for x, y in Counter(locations).items() if y > 1]
- if len(collisions) > 0:
- print(collisions, counter)
- collided = True
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