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- unit Unit_Main;
- interface
- uses
- Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
- Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ComCtrls, Math,
- Vcl.Samples.Spin;
- type
- TArrStr = Array of String;
- TPClient = ^TClient;
- TClient = Record
- TaskLengths: Array of Integer;
- TaskToDo, RemainingTimeToThink: Integer;
- End;
- TLineOfSamePriority = Record
- Clients: Array of TPClient;
- ClientToWorkWith: Integer;
- End;
- TClientBase = Array of TLineOfSamePriority;
- TForm1 = class(TForm)
- LabelTickLength: TLabel;
- LabelThinkingTime: TLabel;
- Memo1: TMemo;
- ButtonRun: TButton;
- ListBox1: TListBox;
- LabelAnswer: TLabel;
- SpinEdit1: TSpinEdit;
- SpinEdit2: TSpinEdit;
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ButtonRunClick(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- public
- procedure DrawTick(Pri, CliNumInPri, PointsMade: Integer);
- function GetRealNumFromPriorityAndClientNum(Pri, CliNumInPri: Integer) : Integer;
- procedure DoTick();
- function CheckIfClientCanWork(Prior, ClientNum: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure SubstractWaitingTime(Pri, CliNumInPri, PointsMade: Integer);
- end;
- procedure MyMessageBoxInfo(Form: TForm; CaptionWindow, TextMessage: String; IsWarning: Boolean = False); external 'Dll_MyMessageBox.dll';
- function FindRegEx(SInput, StrRegEx: String; StrIfNothingFound: String = '')
- : TArrStr; external 'FindRegExes.dll';
- var
- Form1: TForm1;
- AllClients: TClientBase;
- ThinkingTime, TickLen, QuantityOfClients, QuantityOfTicks, PointsDoneByProcessor: Integer;
- implementation
- {$R *.dfm}
- function TForm1.CheckIfClientCanWork(Prior, ClientNum: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- Client: TPClient;
- begin
- Client := AllClients[Prior].Clients[ClientNum];
- Result := (Client.TaskToDo <> -1)
- and (Client.RemainingTimeToThink = 0);
- end;
- function TForm1.GetRealNumFromPriorityAndClientNum(Pri, CliNumInPri: Integer) : Integer;
- var
- RealNumOfClient, i: Integer;
- begin
- RealNumOfClient := 0;
- for i := 0 to Pri - 1 do
- RealNumOfClient := RealNumOfClient + Length(AllClients[i].Clients);
- Result := RealNumOfClient + CliNumInPri;
- end;
- procedure TForm1.DrawTick(Pri, CliNumInPri, PointsMade: Integer);
- var
- RealNumOfWorking, RealNumTemp, i, j, k, TimeInThoughts: Integer;
- Cl: TPClient;
- begin
- if (Pri > -1) and (CliNumInPri > -1) and (PointsMade > -1) then
- begin
- RealNumOfWorking := GetRealNumFromPriorityAndClientNum(Pri, CliNumInPri);
- for I := 1 to PointsMade do
- ListBox1.Items[RealNumOfWorking] := ListBox1.Items[RealNumOfWorking] + IntToStr(AllClients[Pri].Clients[CliNumInPri].TaskToDo + 1);
- TimeInThoughts := Min(TickLen - PointsMade, ThinkingTime);
- for I := 1 to TimeInThoughts do
- ListBox1.Items[RealNumOfWorking] := ListBox1.Items[RealNumOfWorking] + '*';
- for I := PointsMade + TimeInThoughts + 1 to TickLen do
- ListBox1.Items[RealNumOfWorking] := ListBox1.Items[RealNumOfWorking] + '_';
- ListBox1.Items[RealNumOfWorking] := ListBox1.Items[RealNumOfWorking] + '|';
- end
- else
- RealNumOfWorking := -1;
- for I := Low(AllClients) to High(AllClients) do
- for j := Low(AllClients[i].Clients) to High(AllClients[i].Clients) do
- begin
- Cl := AllClients[i].Clients[j];
- RealNumTemp := GetRealNumFromPriorityAndClientNum(i, j);
- if RealNumTemp <> RealNumOfWorking then
- begin
- TimeInThoughts := Min(Min(cl.RemainingTimeToThink, ThinkingTime), TickLen);
- for k := 1 to TimeInThoughts do
- ListBox1.Items[RealNumTemp] := ListBox1.Items[RealNumTemp] + '*';
- for k := TimeInThoughts + 1 to TickLen do
- ListBox1.Items[RealNumTemp] := ListBox1.Items[RealNumTemp] + '_';
- ListBox1.Items[RealNumTemp] := ListBox1.Items[RealNumTemp] + '|';
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TForm1.SubstractWaitingTime(Pri, CliNumInPri, PointsMade: Integer);
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- Cl: TPClient;
- begin
- for I := Low(AllClients) to High(AllClients) do
- for j := Low(AllClients[i].Clients) to High(AllClients[i].Clients) do
- begin
- Cl := AllClients[i].Clients[j];
- if (Pri = i) and (CliNumInPri = j) then
- begin
- if cl.TaskLengths[cl.TaskToDo] = 0 then
- Cl.RemainingTimeToThink := Max(ThinkingTime - TickLen + PointsMade, 0)
- end
- else
- begin
- if Cl.RemainingTimeToThink > 0 then
- Cl.RemainingTimeToThink := Max(0, Cl.RemainingTimeToThink - TickLen);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TForm1.DoTick();
- var
- Pri, Cli_In_Pri, PointsDoneWithCli, j: Integer;
- ClientToWorkWithIsNotFound, NoneToWorkInThisPri, NotGivenOrderToNextInThisPri: Boolean;
- Cli: TPClient;
- begin
- Inc(QuantityOfTicks);
- ClientToWorkWithIsNotFound := True;
- Pri := Low(AllClients);
- while (Pri <= High(AllClients)) and ClientToWorkWithIsNotFound do
- begin
- if AllClients[Pri].ClientToWorkWith <> -1 then
- begin
- Cli_In_Pri := AllClients[Pri].ClientToWorkWith;
- while (Cli_In_Pri <= High(AllClients[Pri].Clients))
- and ClientToWorkWithIsNotFound do
- begin
- ClientToWorkWithIsNotFound := not CheckIfClientCanWork(Pri, Cli_In_Pri);
- Inc(Cli_In_Pri);
- end;
- if ClientToWorkWithIsNotFound then
- Cli_In_Pri := 0;
- while (Cli_In_Pri < AllClients[Pri].ClientToWorkWith)
- and ClientToWorkWithIsNotFound do
- begin
- ClientToWorkWithIsNotFound := not CheckIfClientCanWork(Pri, Cli_In_Pri);
- Inc(Cli_In_Pri);
- end;
- end;
- Inc(Pri);
- end;
- if not ClientToWorkWithIsNotFound then
- begin
- Dec(Pri);
- Dec(Cli_In_Pri);
- Cli := AllClients[Pri].Clients[Cli_In_Pri];
- PointsDoneWithCli := Min(Cli.TaskLengths[Cli.TaskToDo], TickLen);
- Cli.TaskLengths[Cli.TaskToDo] := Cli.TaskLengths[Cli.TaskToDo] - PointsDoneWithCli;
- // Draw and Wait
- Form1.DrawTick(Pri, Cli_In_Pri, PointsDoneWithCli);
- SubstractWaitingTime(Pri, Cli_In_Pri, PointsDoneWithCli);
- PointsDoneByProcessor := PointsDoneByProcessor + PointsDoneWithCli;
- NoneToWorkInThisPri := False;
- if Cli.TaskLengths[Cli.TaskToDo] = 0 then
- begin
- Inc(Cli.TaskToDo);
- if Cli.TaskToDo > High(Cli.TaskLengths) then
- begin
- Cli.TaskToDo := -1;
- NoneToWorkInThisPri := True;
- j := Low(AllClients[Pri].Clients);
- while (j <= High(AllClients[Pri].Clients))
- and NoneToWorkInThisPri do
- begin
- NoneToWorkInThisPri := AllClients[Pri].Clients[j].TaskToDo = -1;
- Inc(j);
- end;
- if NoneToWorkInThisPri then
- AllClients[Pri].ClientToWorkWith := -1;
- end;
- end;
- if not NoneToWorkInThisPri then
- begin
- AllClients[Pri].ClientToWorkWith := Cli_In_Pri + 1;
- if AllClients[Pri].ClientToWorkWith > High(AllClients[Pri].Clients) then
- AllClients[Pri].ClientToWorkWith := 0;
- NotGivenOrderToNextInThisPri := False;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- Form1.DrawTick(-1, -1, -1);
- SubstractWaitingTime(-1, -1, -1);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TForm1.ButtonRunClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- ThereIsNothingToDo: Boolean;
- i: Integer;
- PointsWastes: Integer;
- begin
- ButtonRun.Enabled := False;
- TickLen := SpinEdit1.Value;
- ThinkingTime := SpinEdit2.Value;
- repeat
- DoTick();
- ThereIsNothingToDo := True;
- i := 0;
- while ThereIsNothingToDo and (i < Length(AllClients)) do
- begin
- ThereIsNothingToDo := AllClients[i].ClientToWorkWith = -1;
- Inc(i);
- end;
- until ThereIsNothingToDo;
- PointsWastes := TickLen * QuantityOfTicks;
- LabelAnswer.Caption := LabelAnswer.Caption + IntToStr(PointsDoneByProcessor) + ' / ' + IntToStr(PointsWastes);
- if PointsDoneByProcessor/PointsWastes < 1 then
- LabelAnswer.Caption := LabelAnswer.Caption + ' = 0.' + IntToStr(Trunc(1000 * PointsDoneByProcessor/PointsWastes))
- else
- LabelAnswer.Caption := LabelAnswer.Caption + ' = 1';
- end;
- procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- var
- i, j, k, realNumOfClient: Integer;
- StrArr1, StrArr2: TArrStr;
- begin
- SetLength(AllClients, StrToInt(FindRegEx(Memo1.Lines[0], '\d+')[0]));
- StrArr1 := FindRegEx(Memo1.Lines[1], '\d+');
- RealNumOfClient := 0;
- ThinkingTime := 1;
- TickLen := 1;
- QuantityOfTicks := 0;
- PointsDoneByProcessor := 0;
- for I := Low(AllClients) to High(AllClients) do
- begin
- SetLength(AllClients[i].Clients, StrToInt(StrArr1[i]));
- AllClients[i].ClientToWorkWith := 0;
- for J := Low(AllClients[i].Clients) to High(AllClients[i].Clients) do
- begin
- New(AllClients[i].Clients[j]);
- AllClients[i].Clients[j].TaskToDo := 0;
- AllClients[i].Clients[j].RemainingTimeToThink := 0;
- StrArr2 := FindRegEx(Memo1.Lines[RealNumOfClient + 2], '\d+');
- SetLength(AllClients[i].Clients[j].TaskLengths, Length(StrArr2));
- for k := Low(AllClients[i].Clients[j].TaskLengths)
- to High(AllClients[i].Clients[j].TaskLengths) do
- AllClients[i].Clients[j].TaskLengths[k] := StrToInt(StrArr2[k]);
- ListBox1.Items.Add(' ' + IntToStr(RealNumOfClient + 1) + ': ');
- Inc(RealNumOfClient);
- end;
- end;
- QuantityOfClients := realNumOfClient;
- end;
- end.
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