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- ===========bash ============================
- #!/bin/bash
- # GitHub repository owner and name
- OWNER="ivan-hc"
- REPO="Chromium-Web-Browser-appimage"
- # Fetch the latest release information using the GitHub API
- API_URL="$OWNER/$REPO/releases/latest"
- RELEASE_INFO=$(curl -s "$API_URL")
- # Check if the request was successful
- if [[ $RELEASE_INFO == *"Not Found"* ]]; then
- echo "Error: Repository or release not found. Please check the repository owner and name."
- exit 1
- fi
- # Extract the latest release version and asset download URL without jq
- LATEST_VERSION=$(grep -oP '"tag_name": "\K[^"]+' <<< "$RELEASE_INFO")
- DOWNLOAD_URL=$(grep -oP '"browser_download_url": "\K[^"]+' <<< "$RELEASE_INFO")
- # Download the latest version
- #wget "$DOWNLOAD_URL" -O "Chromium_Web_Browser-$LATEST_VERSION.AppImage"
- wget "$DOWNLOAD_URL"
- echo "Downloaded Chromium Web Browser version $LATEST_VERSION to Chromium_Web_Browser-$LATEST_VERSION.AppImage"
- =================PHP=======================
- #!/bin/bash
- # GitHub repository owner and name
- OWNER="ivan-hc"
- REPO="Chromium-Web-Browser-appimage"
- # Fetch the latest release information using the GitHub API
- API_URL="$OWNER/$REPO/releases/latest"
- RELEASE_INFO=$(curl -s "$API_URL")
- # Check if the request was successful
- if [[ $RELEASE_INFO == *"Not Found"* ]]; then
- echo "Error: Repository or release not found. Please check the repository owner and name."
- exit 1
- fi
- # Extract the latest release version and asset download URL using php
- LATEST_VERSION=$(php -r 'echo json_decode(file_get_contents("php://stdin"))->tag_name;' <<< "$RELEASE_INFO")
- DOWNLOAD_URL=$(php -r 'echo json_decode(file_get_contents("php://stdin"))->assets[0]->browser_download_url;' <<< "$RELEASE_INFO")
- # Download the latest version
- #wget "$DOWNLOAD_URL" -O "Chromium_Web_Browser-$LATEST_VERSION.AppImage"
- wget "$DOWNLOAD_URL"
- echo "Downloaded Chromium Web Browser version $LATEST_VERSION to Chromium_Web_Browser-$LATEST_VERSION.AppImage"
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