
Childhood Friend - 11

Nov 5th, 2019
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(DISCLAIMER: App Translations so not everything is accurate)

소꿉친구 --- Publisher Link --- By Abyo4 & Bolp

Childhood Friend ~ Thanks to 'The Professor'

Notable Characters:

Name / Nickname Situation Relationship
Lee Hyuno (MC) Office Worker Single
Kim Sujin (FMC) Part-Timer Single
Do Hyuna (Imouto) Part-Timer Single
[N/A] (Mom) [N/A] Divorced
[N/A] (Mother) [N/A] Divorced
Yudai (Pink) Waitress BF's Girlfriend
Sang Hoon (BF) [N/A] Pink's Boyfriend
[N/A] (Blonde) Waitress [N/A]

(TLN: 'Sis' => 'Imouto' & 'E.Sis' => 'Mother', in this chapter she's introduced as FMC's Mother. I don't really know if the 'Elder Sister' introduced earlier in the fifth chapter was really an 'Elder Sister' or if she was FMC's mother.. They look alike but in this chapter the woman wearing a ponytail looks a bit older than the one in the fifth chapter.. I don't think FMC has a sister anymore now with how her mother is acting in this chapter..)

Chapter - 11

FMC's House FMC x Mother

Sujin is lazily lying on the couch while playing with her cellphone. She's narrating how it's already autumn right now and the summer has gone so fast..
Her mother is walking inside the living room while holding a cup of coffee. She's surprised to see FMC still lying on the couch and asks her if she's aware of how much time she passed at home recently. Sujin tries to find an excuse saying she isn't doing this intentionally.. Mother tells her how it's surprising because not long ago she was almost always at MC's home but recently she didn't go there that much, she asks her if she had a fight with Hyuno.. FMC quickly denies this saying how it's not really like that.

FMC's Mom looks at her and smiles knowing she can tease her a bit more. She asks her it's a love fight making FMC react strongly. She shouts how it's not like that at all and she's just letting MC some times to rest because he's tired of his new work these days. She asks him if he's still working for the company located downtown, Sujin tells her how he's still working there and he's only coming back home on the weekend and says how she doesn't want to make it hard for him because he's giving his best at work so she's avoiding him a bit.

Mother is a bit pissed watching her daughter doing this and thinks how FMC should be an the offense to seal the deal with MC. She clenches her teeth thinking how she can't let such a good son-in-law slips away from her daughter grasp. She tries to calm herself thinking about how much she worked for her daughter, she says how Sujin is born without strong aptitude and can only rely on a good and kind husband in the future. She thinks how she should get married to someone with a high position..

Mother tells to her daughter how what she's doing right now is pretty dangerous.. FMC is surprised and asks her what she's talking about, Mother looks away and put an act.. She tells her how it's dangerous because she isn't MC's 'Girlfriend'.. She keeps teasing her while saying how it's normal for men to be surrounded by women at their work, she tells her how she's old enough to know what could happen with MC and his female coworkers. FMC's making a horrified expression after knowing what her mother is trying to say, Mother says how it's normal for a young man like MC to experience this kind of 'Romance'.

It's like a wake up call for FMC, she stands up saying how she's going to MC's place right now and how she'll be home late. Mother tells her how she should stay there and even sleep at his place.

FMC is leaving, her mother is making a 'fight on' posture wishing her success.


MC's Home Imouto x FMC

Imouto opens the door of their house because someone was ringing the doorbell and she's surprised to see that it was FMC. She tells her how it's been awhile and wonders if she's doing okay recently. Sujin tells her how she's okay and asks about Imouto and Mom.. Sister tells her how Mom went on a trip with her 'Dad' and because they're still maintaining a good relationship she went with him. (Iffy here, I still can't figure out MC's Family Ties..)

She tells her to come inside..

They're drinking an orange juice.. Imouto tells her how she's glad to see FMC coming today, she complains a lot about staying at home alone all week until MC's return and how happy she's to see her. She tells her to stay at home tonight and how they'll have a dinner with MC.
FMC is already trying to conduct her investigation about MC's routine, asking Imouto if MC isn't already late. She tells her how it's like this and how MC is usually coming back at 8 o'clock but sometimes he's coming back later.
(TLN: Maybe I made a mistake about him only coming back the weekend.. Well.. whatever.)

Imouto looks at FMC and understands right away what she's trying to do, she asks her if she's waiting for MC to come back or if she'll leave before.. She tells her how she's bored and wishes for her to stay with her until MC went home, Sujin still keeps her act saying 'is that so?' while lowering her head thinking how she was busted by Imouto and how it's weird to see her acting all considerate.

Hyuna asks her if she's okay to watch a movie and what kind of movie she wishes to see, FMC tells her how she only likes horror movie.

MC's Office - Sales Team N°2 MC x Imouto x FMC

MC's working overtime, he's looking all exhausted and keeps sighing.. He thinks how the work is still isn't done and wonders if he should stay all the night or lets it go until tomorrow.. His cellphone is ringing, he takes the call, it's Imouto asking him why he's so late today.
FMC is burrowing her head in a pillow looking at Imouto talking with MC, Hyuno is really angry and shouts at MC about him staying at his work overnight and how he would stay at his office tonight.. MC is taking a breath at the window and apologizes to his sister saying how it's not his wish but he has to finish the work before tomorrow. He tells her to go bed early and to not wait for him.. She tells him how she's with FMC right now and wonders what to do. MC stays silent for a moment before telling her to let her go home. He says how he'll come home earlier tomorrow and hangs up.

Imouto reports her the content of the conversation and asks her what she intends to do now, FMC tells her how she wishes to wait..

MC took a can of energy drink and sighs.. he thinks about FMC and how it's been awhile since he saw her and he didn't have that much free time for her since he's working. He finally says how he really wants to see her..

To be continued..
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