
Discord Bot Commands

Mar 17th, 2016
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  1. Help - These commands will render assistance to you, textually.
  3. Command | Description | Usage
  4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. -h , -help | Shows a help for a single command, or PMs you this page if no arguments are specified. | '-h !m q' or '-h'
  7. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  9. Conversations - These commands will return responses from the bot.
  11. Command | Description | Usage
  12. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. e | You did it. |
  14. \o\ | Bot replies with /o/ |
  15. /o/ | Bot replies with \o\ |
  16. @Roboverse uptime | Shows how long Roboverse has been running. |
  17. @Roboverse do you love me | Replies with positive answer only to the bot owner. |
  18. @Roboverse how are you | Replies positive only if bot owner is online. |
  19. @Roboverse insult | Insults @X person. | @Roboverse insult @X
  20. @Roboverse praise | Praises @X person. | @Roboverse praise @X
  21. @Roboverse pat | Pat @X person. ^_^ | @Roboverse pat @X
  22. @Roboverse cry | Tell Robo to cry. You are a heartless monster if you use this command. |
  23. @Roboverse ? | Checks if the bot is operational. |
  24. @Roboverse slm | Shows the message where you were last mentioned in this channel. |
  25. @Roboverse bb | Says bye to @X person. | @Roboverse bb @X
  26. @Roboverse av | Shows @X person's avatar. | @Roboverse av @X
  28. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  30. Games - These commands will help your boredom surpass.
  32. Command | Description | Usage
  33. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. >8ball | Ask the 8ball a yes/no question. | >8ball question
  35. >attack | Attack @X person. Supported attacks: 'splash', 'strike', 'burn', 'surge'. | > strike @X
  36. >poketype | Gets @X user's element type. Use this to do more damage with strike! | >poketype @X
  37. >rps | Play a game of rocket paperclip scissors with Robo. | >rps scissors
  39. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  41. Music - These commands will make the bot play music in the Voice Channels. You must be in a Voice Channel.
  43. Command | Description | Usage
  44. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. !m q, !m yq | Queue a song using keywords or a link. Bot will join your voice channel. | !m q Dream Of Venice
  46. !m radio, !m ra | Queues a direct radio stream from a link. |
  47. !m lq, !m ls, !m lp | Lists up to 15 currently queued songs. |
  48. !m np, !m playing | Shows the song currently playing. |
  49. !m vol | Sets the music volume 0-150% | !m vol 123
  50. !m min, !m mute | Sets the music volume to 0% |
  51. !m max | Sets the music volume to 100% (real max is actually 150%). |
  52. !m half | Sets the music volume to 50%. |
  53. !m mv | Moves the bot to your voice channel. (Only if music is already playing) |
  55. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  57. Searches - These commands will make the bot search for information, and return the result in the chat.
  59. Command | Description | Usage
  60. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. ~lolchamp | Shows League Of Legends champion statistics. | ~lolchamp Annie sup
  62. ~lolban | Shows top 6 banned champions ordered by ban rate. |
  63. ~hs | Searches for a Hearthstone card and shows its image. | ~hs Ysera
  64. ~yt | Searches YouTube, and shows the first result. | ~yt Gangnam Style
  65. ~ani, ~anime, ~aq | Searches AniList for an anime and shows the first result. | ~ani Boku no Pico
  66. ~mang, ~manga, ~mq | Searches AniList for a manga and shows the first result. | ~mang Tokyo Ghoul
  67. ~randomcat | Shows a random cat image. |
  68. ~ir | Pulls a random image using a search parameter. | ~ir cute kitten
  69. ~osu | Shows Osu! stats for a player. | ~osu Name
  70. ~ud | Searches Urban Dictionary for a word. | ~ud Pineapple
  71. ~# | Searches Tagdef.com for a hashtag. | ~# ff
  72. ~quote | Shows a random quote. |
  74. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  76. Wasabi Ice Cream
  77. Gameoverse: http://www.gameoverse.com
  78. Discord: https://discord.gg/0hT9PgQRD9Ua2mfE
  80. NadekoBot by Kwoth: https://github.com/Kwoth/NadekoBot
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