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- Script started on Wed Oct 10 04:48:39 2018
- 0>:cd ~d zz
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- alias diary=/Users/daniel/Documents/Orders,info,etc./chats/social
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- alias zelda=/Users/daniel/Documents/Games/zelda
- 0>:cd ~diary/0>: cd ~tweets
- 0>:d
- 0>:type d
- d is an alias for 'ls -1p | sed -n '\''/\/$/s/^/ /p;'\'
- 0>:ca0>: files
- #KeeptheFillibusterRule.textClipping
- #MrRobot.textClipping
- 2tweet.123
- 2tweet.299
- 2tweet.308
- 2tweet.308.~1~
- 2tweet.elf
- 2tweet.keep
- 2tweet.txt
- 2tweet.txt.~1~
- 2tweet.txt.~2~
- 2tweet.txt.~3~
- 2tweet.txt.~80~
- 2tweet.txt.~81~
- A Tweet copy.rtf
- A Tweet.rtf
- A TweetANCHOR.rtf
- A Tweet_friends.rtf
- AGarbageFileHaha
- AGarbageFileHaha.~1~
- ClintEastocastthechairplease.png
- ClintonServerAirGap.txt
- ClintonServerAirGap.txt.~1~
- Fillibuster.textClipping
- GRATS.~1~
- GRATS.~2~
- GRATS.~3~
- HeyNiceScreenUpdate.png
- IfExecs.png
- Indeed (@indeed) | Twitter.webloc
- IrejectTrumpism
- IrejectTrumpism.~1~
- JadeHelmCommandersearch1.png
- JadeHelmCommandersearch2b.png
- Lonnie
- Lonnie.~1~
- Manofwar.txt
- MassivelyDisrtuptiveBO.png
- Monster ‚Äè@Monster.webloc
- Proof_Against_Cynics.rtf
- RCCT.txt
- RCCT.txt.~1~
- Realjerrybakerislamembrberry.png
- The_Proof_Against_Cynics.rtf
- TweetRuler.rtf
- Twitter.webloc
- YesItstoocursorsstupid.png
- __gameover
- abgameover.txt
- adTWITTER.webloc
- airgap.txt
- airgap.txt.~1~
- airgap.txt.~2~
- airgap.txt.~3~
- airgapgeneralinfo.txt
- airgapgeneralinfo.txt.~1~
- airgapprint.jpg
- bedboulblefuckcompliantplzdan&droptosocnowplz.png
- betterthanwhat
- brainstormingdarkweb.txt
- brainstormingdarkweb.txt.~1~
- bravetweet
- change1.txt
- change1.txt.~1~
- change1.txt.~2~
- change1.txt.~3~
- change1.txt.~6~
- change1.txt.~7~
- changetxt.txt
- citizen__b.tweets
- citizen__b.tweets.~1~
- citizen__b.tweets.~2~
- citizen__b.tweets.~3~
- citizen__b.tweets.~4~
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- cobradont.txt.~1~
- comboverstrobe.txt
- comboverstrobe.txt.~1~
- comboverwikistrobe.txt
- cosbyjoke.txt
- cosbyjoke.txt.~1~
- cosbyjoke.txt.~2~
- cursorsnapplelaterplz.png
- damnthemthen
- damnthemthen.~1~
- darlene.txt
- dexpimp.jpg
- ebasics.txt
- elflord
- facetiously.textClipping
- filibuster.textClipping
- fuckfixthis.txt
- fuji1.jpg
- hahaha.tar
- haswd40microcuckblockedmeyet.7z
- helltrump.txt
- helltrump.txt.~1~
- historyspatfuckuwikisplat.fu
- huh1
- i
- idinsu.txt
- idinsu.txt.~1~
- idinsu.txt.~2~
- incasetheysteellUphone.jpg
- insideaircjoke.png
- jokewithfreebiescript
- just1morething
- lame1
- lametroll
- letmeexplainthewholething
- links_eqlsbotsendslikeadvert.jpg
- loadavg59strobepic.png
- lolaatmyselflistening2you2.png
- lousyiscorrect.png
- mehu2.txt
- mymisguidedbeliefs.txt
- mymisguidedbeliefs.txt.~1~
- mymisguidedbeliefs.txt.~2~
- mymisguidedbeliefs.txt.~3~
- newrc
- oldedshow.tweet
- pathiscomplicateddofus.png
- perniciousGarbage
- pete
- rationalizingBible.rtf
- screencap293.png
- sincerely.textClipping
- snowmeh
- southpark
- splat
- splat2
- t.txt
- t.txt.~1~
- t.txt.~2~
- te
- thebasics
- thebasics.~1~
- thebasics.~26~
- thebasics.~27~
- thebasics.~2~
- thebasics.~3~
- theshitontoast.7z
- thewickedturtle
- thewickedturtle.~1~
- thewickedturtle.~2~
- thewickedturtle.~3~
- thewickedturtle.~8~
- thewickedturtle.~9~
- thisstickerextracrusty.jpg
- toadisbetter.601.JPG
- tough2beme.jpg
- tweet.txt.~1~
- tweet.txt.~2~
- tweetingBillCobsy.txt
- twitTrump.png
- usaiddone.jpg
- way2gettothebottom.jpg
- whathappendtoourwikidemocracy
- whitetrash
- wirePicture 3.png
- witch-hunt
- witch-hunt.~1~
- witch-hunt.~2~
- witch-hunt.~3~
- witchhunt
- witchhunt.~1~
- witchhunt.~2~
- wsavesowhatsofar.txt
- yeahmydustydesk.jpg
- yeahthatloksright.jpg
- youSUCKTRUMP.txt
- yousuckwd40throwmicuckcock
- 0>:ls *.txt
- 2tweet.txt changetxt.txt idinsu.txt
- ClintonServerAirGap.txt cobradont.txt mehu2.txt
- Manofwar.txt comboverstrobe.txt mymisguidedbeliefs.txt
- RCCT.txt comboverwikistrobe.txt t.txt
- abgameover.txt cosbyjoke.txt tweetingBillCobsy.txt
- airgap.txt darlene.txt wsavesowhatsofar.txt
- airgapgeneralinfo.txt ebasics.txt youSUCKTRUMP.txt
- brainstormingdarkweb.txt fuckfixthis.txt
- change1.txt helltrump.txt
- 0>:cat the
- thebasics thebasics.~27~ theshitontoast.7z thewickedturtle.~2~ thewickedturtle.~9~
- thebasics.~1~ thebasics.~2~ thewickedturtle thewickedturtle.~3~
- thebasics.~26~ thebasics.~3~ thewickedturtle.~1~ thewickedturtle.~8~
- 0>:cat the b
- thebasics thebasics.~1~ thebasics.~26~ thebasics.~27~ thebasics.~2~ thebasics.~3~
- 0>:cat thebasics the
- thebasics thebasics.~27~ theshitontoast.7z thewickedturtle.~2~ thewickedturtle.~9~
- thebasics.~1~ thebasics.~2~ thewickedturtle thewickedturtle.~3~
- thebasics.~26~ thebasics.~3~ thewickedturtle.~1~ thewickedturtle.~8~
- 0>:cat thebasics the w
- thewickedturtle thewickedturtle.~2~ thewickedturtle.~8~
- thewickedturtle.~1~ thewickedturtle.~3~ thewickedturtle.~9~
- 0>:cat thebasics thewickedturtle ai
- airgap.txt airgap.txt.~3~ airgapprint.jpg
- airgap.txt.~1~ airgapgeneralinfo.txt
- airgap.txt.~2~ airgapgeneralinfo.txt.~1~
- 0>:cat thebasics thewickedturtle airgap .t
- airgap.txt airgap.txt.~1~ airgap.txt.~2~ airgap.txt.~3~
- 0>:cat thebasics thewickedturtle airgap.txt t
- #KeeptheFillibusterRule.textClipping darlene.txt
- #MrRobot.textClipping dexpimp.jpg
- 2tweet.123 ebasics.txt
- 2tweet.299 elflord
- 2tweet.308 facetiously.textClipping
- 2tweet.308.~1~ filibuster.textClipping
- 2tweet.elf fuckfixthis.txt
- 2tweet.keep fuji1.jpg
- 2tweet.txt hahaha.tar
- 2tweet.txt.~1~ haswd40microcuckblockedmeyet.7z
- 2tweet.txt.~2~ helltrump.txt
- 2tweet.txt.~3~ helltrump.txt.~1~
- 2tweet.txt.~80~ historyspatfuckuwikisplat.fu
- 2tweet.txt.~81~ huh1
- A Tweet copy.rtf i
- A Tweet.rtf idinsu.txt
- A TweetANCHOR.rtf idinsu.txt.~1~
- A Tweet_friends.rtf idinsu.txt.~2~
- AGarbageFileHaha incasetheysteellUphone.jpg
- AGarbageFileHaha.~1~ insideaircjoke.png
- ClintEastocastthechairplease.png jokewithfreebiescript
- ClintonServerAirGap.txt just1morething
- ClintonServerAirGap.txt.~1~ lame1
- Fillibuster.textClipping lametroll
- GODSAVEHIMSELF.jpg letmeexplainthewholething
- GRATS links_eqlsbotsendslikeadvert.jpg
- GRATS.~1~ loadavg59strobepic.png
- GRATS.~2~ lolaatmyselflistening2you2.png
- GRATS.~3~ lousyiscorrect.png
- HeyNiceScreenUpdate.png mehu2.txt
- IfExecs.png mymisguidedbeliefs.txt
- Indeed (@indeed) | Twitter.webloc mymisguidedbeliefs.txt.~1~
- IrejectTrumpism mymisguidedbeliefs.txt.~2~
- IrejectTrumpism.~1~ mymisguidedbeliefs.txt.~3~
- JadeHelmCommandersearch1.png newrc
- JadeHelmCommandersearch2b.png oldedshow.tweet
- Lonnie pathiscomplicateddofus.png
- Lonnie.~1~ perniciousGarbage
- Manofwar.txt pete
- MassivelyDisrtuptiveBO.png rationalizingBible.rtf
- Monster ‚Äè@Monster.webloc screencap293.png
- Proof_Against_Cynics.rtf sincerely.textClipping
- RCCT.txt snowmeh
- RCCT.txt.~1~ southpark
- Realjerrybakerislamembrberry.png splat
- The_Proof_Against_Cynics.rtf splat2
- TweetRuler.rtf t.txt
- Twitter.webloc t.txt.~1~
- YesItstoocursorsstupid.png t.txt.~2~
- __gameover te
- abgameover.txt thebasics
- adTWITTER.webloc thebasics.~1~
- airgap.txt thebasics.~26~
- airgap.txt.~1~ thebasics.~27~
- airgap.txt.~2~ thebasics.~2~
- airgap.txt.~3~ thebasics.~3~
- airgapgeneralinfo.txt theshitontoast.7z
- airgapgeneralinfo.txt.~1~ thewickedturtle
- airgapprint.jpg thewickedturtle.~1~
- bedboulblefuckcompliantplzdan&droptosocnowplz.png thewickedturtle.~2~
- betterthanwhat thewickedturtle.~3~
- brainstormingdarkweb.txt thewickedturtle.~8~
- brainstormingdarkweb.txt.~1~ thewickedturtle.~9~
- bravetweet thisstickerextracrusty.jpg
- change1.txt toadisbetter.601.JPG
- change1.txt.~1~ tough2beme.jpg
- change1.txt.~2~ tweet.txt.~1~
- change1.txt.~3~ tweet.txt.~2~
- change1.txt.~6~ tweetingBillCobsy.txt
- change1.txt.~7~ twitTrump.png
- changetxt.txt usaiddone.jpg
- citizen__b.tweets way2gettothebottom.jpg
- citizen__b.tweets.~1~ whathappendtoourwikidemocracy
- citizen__b.tweets.~2~ whitetrash
- citizen__b.tweets.~3~ wirePicture 3.png
- citizen__b.tweets.~4~ witch-hunt
- cobradont.txt witch-hunt.~1~
- cobradont.txt.~1~ witch-hunt.~2~
- comboverstrobe.txt witch-hunt.~3~
- comboverstrobe.txt.~1~ witchhunt
- comboverwikistrobe.txt witchhunt.~1~
- cosbyjoke.txt witchhunt.~2~
- cosbyjoke.txt.~1~ wsavesowhatsofar.txt
- cosbyjoke.txt.~2~ yeahmydustydesk.jpg
- cursorsnapplelaterplz.png yeahthatloksright.jpg
- damnthemthen youSUCKTRUMP.txt
- damnthemthen.~1~ yousuckwd40throwmicuckcock
- 0>:cat thebasics thewickedturtle airgap.txt to ci
- citizen__b.tweets citizen__b.tweets.~2~ citizen__b.tweets.~4~
- citizen__b.tweets.~1~ citizen__b.tweets.~3~
- 0>:cat thebasics thewickedturtle airgap.txt citizen__b.tweets tow w 2
- 2tweet.123 2tweet.308 2tweet.elf 2tweet.txt 2tweet.txt.~2~ 2tweet.txt.~80~
- 2tweet.299 2tweet.308.~1~ 2tweet.keep 2tweet.txt.~1~ 2tweet.txt.~3~ 2tweet.txt.~81~
- at thebasics thewickedturtle airgap.txt citizen__b.tweets 2tweet. <we t
- 2tweet.123 2tweet.308 2tweet.elf 2tweet.txt 2tweet.txt.~2~ 2tweet.txt.~80~
- 2tweet.299 2tweet.308.~1~ 2tweet.keep 2tweet.txt.~1~ 2tweet.txt.~3~ 2tweet.txt.~81~
- at thebasics thewickedturtle airgap.txt citizen__b.tweets 2tweet. <keep
- thebasics thewickedturtle airgap.txt citizen__b.tweets 2tweet.keep < 2twee
- 2tweet.123 2tweet.308 2tweet.elf 2tweet.txt 2tweet.txt.~2~ 2tweet.txt.~80~
- 2tweet.299 2tweet.308.~1~ 2tweet.keep 2tweet.txt.~1~ 2tweet.txt.~3~ 2tweet.txt.~81~
- s thewickedturtle airgap.txt citizen__b.tweets 2tweet.keep 2tweet. <txt you
- youSUCKTRUMP.txt yousuckwd40throwmicuckcock
- ckedturtle airgap.txt citizen__b.tweets 2tweet.keep 2tweet.txt you <S
- rgap.txt citizen__b.tweets 2tweet.keep 2tweet.txt youSUCKTRUMP.txt <
- Do you feel, the president, should feel priviledged to dispense, with the power of the court, to consider evidence, and establish truth.
- And, how you do feel, #MAGA #realDonaldTrump, and #MAGA @Gulie
- Faith doesn't need to be maintained by reasoning.
- ??
- inflationary and inflation together
- ??
- depressive mood vs depression
- ??
- evil faith corruption
- faith fractures.!
- ??
- ----------
- #THEBASICS Fornicate. To copulate, outside, while standing, in a private or semi-private place.
- Evil. The only thing that must be accepted to exist, before it can be fought somehow. Or, in any, effective way, diminished.
- -----------------------==============-----------------------
- Too any, would be, detracters, without "expression" among one's peers, what good is the right to vote? (cf. #THEBASICS 2/2 ;-)
- ??? where ?? delete this maybe?
- --------------------========================-----------------------
- -SOME + MOST = "a slim majority"
- ----
- ALL "equals" ALL
- MOST "equals" ALL "minus" SOME
- MOST "minus" SOME "equals" AMAJORITY
- -----------------------
- ( @maddow )
- -----------
- midnight comwboy
- she's so popular
- games without frontiers
- The #GOP, problem with the China?
- CHINA: WE CAN MOVE 1/3 of your money around the world,
- and over here it's like 25$ worth of inflationary spending. lol me lub U so long time
- CHINA: yes, we understand simple encomics. you can't prove we didn't event currency 1000 years before you.
- Republicans: we hope everyone, will save the all the money they can, for somthing that we hope will never come, except China, and most -- don't believe those liberals -- brown people.
- mamals
- Profit. The basis of taxation for a business is profit, not gross income, as it for the consumer, or individual. PROFIT = GROSS - COST(s)
- Gross income. Everything that comes in, minus nothing.
- Information. Data items, or data, that fit the data model; it, really, is that simple.
- Moment of Silence
- Would you consider?
- is that UR picture
- Is that your picture, or is it your homosexual brother's conflicted iphone
- ---------------
- Care. In order to care, one has to choose to care, no matter, what it is, or one never does. So, it's possible to love, or even feel sympathy, but never choose to care.
- Gift. A promise to make a gift is -- the Norman Invasion -- not a contract.
- #THEBASICS @FBIMostWanted @TheLastWord
- Justice Perjury, how would you describe the FUNDAMENTAL NATURE OF THE COMMON LAW? Is it not, that, there must be, means, for the right to be proven in the Common Law, your honor?
- * --- 140 tweet?VV---
- enum LV { false=-1, ambivalent=0,UNKNOWN=ambivalent, true=1 } ;
- enum { lawful=1, liberty=0, absenceofprohibition=0, unlawful=-1 }
- 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
- #THEBASICS Acceptance. Acceptance is the only thing less than love, that is like love.
- love
- acceptance
- sympathy
- tolerance
- no sabe / I don't know you
- intolerance
- antipathy
- hatred
- #music Rosey
- @SenatorCollins
- Senator, and, Driplow or @Lqrd_Pi
- One, cannot "love it or leave it."
- As, an exit visa is required(International Law),and America, does not
- recognize dual citizenship.
- Of course, since, there always deportation for political dissidents, Senator,
- and #MAGA @realDonaldTrump
- #resist
- Yeah, my bad, earlier, but you were muddying the issues.
- #StopKavanaugh
- Do, you think that, the president, #MAGA @realdonaldTrump, would agree that a lot of rights, involve expression? How about MAGA @RudyGiuliani?
- Of course, #BlackLivesMatter Yeah, my bad, earlier, but you were muddying the issues.
- #StopKavanaugh
- Do, you think that, the president, #MAGA @realdonaldTrump, would agree that a lot of rights, involve expression? How about MAGA @RudyGiuliani ?
- Of curse, they don't. I'd like my time black plz.
- #StopKavanaugh
- Do you feel that the MAGA @realdonaldTrump, perhaps with the MAGA @RudyGiuliani would want, you out of the way, the Supreme Court, that they would use your absense, as I do? lol.Because, a case, like something above cursor my now? Meaning, they could do more without U where you are?
- #StopKavanaugh
- Oh, you'd like the, to answer the question, but I feel Lynsey Graham, will disallow your answer.
- #morequestionsforacavein
- Yeah, Judge, I would sustain your contempt, if I could.
- #WeAreThePatriots
- #music Love, Rosey
- #music Two Hearts Beat as One, War
- I #wasThinking you can't say 'leet'er, but you can say more-semi, why? 'Cu's' because 'leet, is no one knows, to say, anything about you.
- #music Mr. Blue Sky
- -retweet? deathbe
- n
- Ok, so there's
- Love, Acceptance, Sympathy, Tolerance, (no sabe / I don't know you ), intolerance, antipathy, hatred -- And, then there's my #Charlottesville tweet.
- #morequestionforacavein
- What's the
- No, that's ok, U can do that, I find that an acceptable answer, I wrote it.
- #morequestionsforacavein #resist #resistance
- now i should ask you something about sedition, what right do they not have in common, Justice Perjury? A judge and an prosecutor. Crime, sir, they don't have crime in common.
- #morequestionsforacavein #resist #resistance
- now, what do they have in common? perjury that is the right that is shared, witha judge and prosecutor, Justice Perjury.
- #morequestionsforacavein #resist #resistance
- What you have alone, sir, is contempt.
- Is it not, true? That you have the right to solicit, nothing, but contempt.
- I see, so when the law describes a right, you feel somehow negligence could still be found there?
- -------
- #morequestionsforacavein #resist #resistance
- Could U self bork please?
- I mean there's a certain beer ad, that I remember I like a lot, back when
- you it was just ale, and lager, you know "Do you really, like beer?"
- @senjudiciary @maddow #MSNBC @meetthepress
- THEBASICS Acceptance. Acceptance is the only thing less than love, that is like love. love acceptance sympathy tolerance no sabe / I don't know you intolerance antipathy hatred
- @senjudiciary #AStarIsBorn #SCOTUS
- Senator, ask him, simply, do you know what women risk?
- Don't presume he does, simply because he, and #MAGA @realdonaldTrump, have a family. Can you spell toximia or eclampsia, Now spell onomatopoeia please, Justice Perjury -- I mean your honor
- #lyric fame, fame, fatal fame, it can play hideous tricks on the brain
- #StopKavanaugh
- Ask him about this? Is it worthy, Judge Kavanaugh
- How about, you MAGA @realDonalTrump?
- @Omerosa ?
- Regarding, the method, Judge [ as shifts in his chair ]
- #NoToKavanaugh
- #StopKavanaugh
- Here are, you may find some questions, they might ask, if they ever answer, of course.
- Pedantically, it's not a block, if they(r) do it.
- #StopKavanaugh
- Here are, you may find some questions, they might ask, if they ever answer, of course.
- #hackers I was going to do it. I nearly did it. The C-64/Vic20 Grail Quest, a stupid self-modifying -- I just needed on thing -- editor, the sys routine, so you can peek/poke/ data statements, in place, then you type, save. His name == Micheal Lampart 1/2
- 2/2
- yeah, I had my summer all planned out, in April.
- Micheal Lampart, I hate you, forever.
- Wouldn't it be funny, if you were, so, stupid, your parents told you, you could be sterile, and you believed it.
- And, you're no, pal, either.
- I could have been a contender.
- When, of,
- #
- "Brett Kavanaugh"
- Kavanaugh, go rot.
- #music What Shall We Do Now?
- #BuildThatWall MAGA @realDonaldTrump
- #resist
- @lisamurkowski @
- Ask, him.
- Does abortion cure, anything?
- #StopKavanaugh
- yeah, I'm saying hit where it should hurt. Don't be sure it will, tho.
- #StopKavanaugh
- ask him if can spell it.
- Ask, can you, spell it?
- -wait for his response-
- -he says abortion, or something like, tell him.
- Tell him you mean.
- #StopKavanaugh
- Did the Lord, cry, when he said the words, Brett Kavanaugh?
- ---
- On, the Cross, Judge? Did he, even a little, in your opinion?
- NO. Only, in your opinion. Did he?
- #StopKavanaugh
- Really, how was he a man then, Kavanaugh?
- Was, he ever a man at all -- in your opinion?
- #StopKavanaugh
- You don't know. You're a christian but you don't have an opinion?
- What if I said you, felt the same as #MAGA @realdonaldtrump
- #StopKavanaugh
- Do, you feel your a knowledgeable, person?
- So, I say again to you, In your opinion, did he?
- Don't answer, a question with a question, please.
- Would you answer any one of the questions, here, in "the exhibit", Judge?
- And, if so how would you answer?
- #StopKavanaugh
- Are, you in fact, happy where you are, but, don't know how to refuse the president?
- #StopKavanaugh
- Q Would you resign, so a woman president could have one pick?
- #BlackLivesMatter
- -- no any, woman? Would you consider it?
- Would about omera
- Yes, she would became president?
- ---------------
- * #THEBASICS Knowledge 1. Can be shared. 2. Doesn't have to be accepted. 3. Must be maintained with reasoning, or it fades.
- * #THEBASICS Knowledge 4. There can be many forms of knowledge. One is Self Knowledge.
- * #THEBASICS Knowledge 5. Sophistical Reasoning is almost ideal if one intends to maintain Self Knowledge.
- * #THEBASICS Knowledge 6. Another, form of knowledge is how knowledge is expressed in words.
- * #THEBASICS Sharing 1. Sharing is logical, because when you apply logic to it, what you get it is logical, or a logical value.
- * #THEBASICS Sharing 2.[LV],or something that is either true, false, or unknown; sometimes unknown is better expressed as "ambivalently known"
- * #THEBASICS Misgivings are, in fact, beliefs.
- * #THEBASICS Feelings are transitory, and beliefs can be mutable.
- * #THEBASICS Cheating. Taking something that one does is wrong, and then changing it so, it's the same, but can't be explained in words.
- * #THEBASICS There's nothing that can be done, that can't be done badly.
- * #THEBASICS Propaganda. Corrupts knowledge,(by design), by 1. intending to make it shameful to share. And, 2. problematic to maintain.
- * #THEBASICS Interpreting 1. Interpreting is is not reasoning, it's interpreting, so it cannot maintain knowledge 2. However, how one expresses an interpretation, is a form of knowledge.
- * #THEBASICS Sophistical Reasoning 1. Can express a feeling. 2. Can solicit equivocation 3. Can be a fallback when one attempts something better, than [it] and fails.
- -----------
- * #THEBASICS Nothing beats success, like success, because there's nothing else like it.
- -----------------
- A right is something that the law describes as lawful.
- Freedom is the absence of prohibition.
- But, a right, can be described as a prohibition against the lawmaker.
- Also, no one has the right to be negligent, as negligence is a form of unlawfulness.
- -----------
- All knowledge has three properties:
- It can be shared.
- It doesn't have to be accepted.
- It must be maintained with reasoning, or it fades.
- -----------
- Satanism. A term in catatism, to teach that one shouldn't "go to God for words against their neighbor". Satan, himself, always, represents the entity, that is why [all] men fail to address the evil in the nation, or society, that Satan deceives.
- Life is not fair; it's finite.
- #THEBASICS Hypocrite -- invented by the Romans.
- The friend that never gives the advice that they'd give to herself.
- ================================
- Is History a science? NO. It's is fact a subdiscipline. The Science is fact unamed, but is of course, History, Archerc, and Annthopry, all together, and working as one.
- @msnbc #foxnews NO @foxnews when acting in any way a legal advisor, and colluding with anything mafia, then COLLUSION IS CRIME
- Consider Putin can play both sides, by using INTERPOL, and turn over to INTERPOL some Russian mafia ... ( eg. Rudy Giuliani :(
- --------- I think he'd be Impeachable as a processserver.
- Wall
- #MondayMotivation
- It's better to be ambitious, than self-motivated.
- Why? One is an attribute, the other a process.
- a teacher can teach someone that doesn't accept the 3 properties of knowledge
- as a "fundemental truth", I'm don't
- -------------------------
- Opinion do the thing antithesis of knowledge, as 1 property is in a fact the opposite, and
- #THEBASIC Opinion is the antithesis of K. because sharing, an opinion does, in fact, maintain the opinion, at least in one's self, with/or/without sosphistical reasoning.
- pedantic
- Gay Marriage, is really is, different, or special.
- Since marriage, really should be modelled, as a potentially a life-long-commitment, between two people, who are fundementally different, but do, really, do love each other. 1/2
- But, only one should, necessarily possess the 'fault of being male', 2/2
- #meh I can revisit this later.
- The making of a previous post.
- #music Walking In L.A, composer:Terry Bozzio
- putting off listening to the track, "Walking in L.A," until, actually, working on previous tweek, in the app, Graphic Converter #Macintosh, on 1 track only repeat!
- In a movie, made by the people, who made the Sharknado movies?
- Maybe, Japan could help us, out diplomatically, by trying to see if he'd adopt the theme Star Blazers, somehow, and, then directing the Japanese holder, to consider denying the rights. @DaSpaceForce
- I guess I should have replied here, where I could have re-tweeted there ;-)
- Incidentally, I have a super-bridge, follow up later.
- #hashtag maybe never at this rate!
- #hashtag 2bePendantic
- @TwitterSupport, I'm about to logoff, shave, shower, and go pick-up-a-refill.
- And, because I want to reference something I posted on my microblog, here.
- Now, I can't do that. Tell me it's temporary because of clustering.
- This is premature flagging. We both know kids could be seeing more than just
- dirty pictures, considering what U allow & in less clicks, or mouse movements, than from specifically, my micro-blog with you @Twitter. Dirtys words vs. Dirty Pictures,really,seriously,really? And, I fall on the is worse side? I already un-checked it.
- Incidentally, when I shared something like,FuckTheDemsWiththeDebtCeiling, I did choose to capitalize that way, to express the sentiment; that, that's the proper name for that, which is a form political speech or expession, too.
- Funny thing is it was actually going to be about opinions, how they are the antithesis of Knowledge in fact. Irony intentional Twitter?
- yeah, d00d you shouldn't tried to start reading a lot sooner than you did.
- &witch-hunt
- #THEBASICS #SoftwareDevelopment Sometimes, you have to READY WILLING AND ABLE TO DEVOTE A WEEK TO DO SOMETHING, and sometimes it only takes 2 days.
- ----
- Not hypocritical, in fact, because they can FuckTheDemsWiththeDebtCeiling, again. 'Cept it would be better, bc it's Trump, somehow.
- -----
- plus err dmanit
- if theres no God, then we still owe something to Something like God
- Something about God frightened me.
- picture as a paste
- What if, the only word for God, was Something capitalized?
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- embrace and disintegrate ? is a line from @Kanye West?
- The 4 aspect of the human psyche NO aw basic? really dan really
- I don't think I'd know his hame him if it wasn't for you?
- Why don't you care less then, if you can. Chose to care less.
- *Propaganda. Corrupts knowledge,(by design), by 1. intending to make it shameful to share. And, 2. problematic to maintain.
- What?If you don't maintain a roof, and somehow the roofers have special-unalianble-rights-when whatever-is the 1st lie-the unspoken one-,bc--THEN IT DOESNT MEAN A THING IN THE COMMON LAW, just say bc you bought it! #enough THE STATES NO LONGER MAINTAIN Milita OR IRREGULAR FORCES
- They sustained the right to express a mistaken or abbreviated belief. which is #1A NOT the 2nd
- A right is something that the law describes as lawful.
- Freedom is the absence of prohibition.
- negligence is a form of unlawfulness.
- Buying back stock is, an example of deflationary saving.
- It takes wealth created in economy, or the real world, and,
- takes it out of the economy, to be stored in the virtual world of Wall$TREET
- U probably need someone to tell U this, too
- Buying back stock is, an example of deflationary saving.
- It takes wealth created in economy, or the real world, and,
- takes it out of the economy, to be stored in the virtual world of Wall$TREET
- that was fun, funner than Internet Prawn
- too bad twitter seem to have trimmed it. like veryone in that chain
- didnt need to know this.
- -- It's
- ---
- I'd prefered the particple, as I find it's closer to the infinitive
- ----
- Secularism, in fact, benefits racism. It's part of their intelligent, and corruptive design. A secular interpretation of the Common Law of America
- LocalWords: mafia
- common typo mitch mconcel
- mitch mcconnell
- -----------------------------------------
- Did anyone see Mitch Mcconnell in the Senate, and I mean a few Mitch Mcconnells
- ago, he actually channeled Paul Harvey. He even did a 'dead-on' imitation of
- his voice, his tone -- to me, and I noticed his cadence was something, from he start. #Anybody?
- Then, I #wasThinking something about a blue hornet, and then
- brother finished speaking.
- #hackers if that was a russian troll, I flamed, lastweek, or yesterday, now I ccould be under their survillance, and that call, could have be a fed, or statie, at least he'd suspect, I could feel like that-- somehow,,, something somethinf err fuck U #MAGA @realDonaldTrump
- #music Subdivisions
- #music TheWeapon
- Since I had to listen to music, somehow, I can't find those words, of only
- a moment ago.. I make to with these.
- Anyway--Feeling are transitory--Anyway
- I was going to file this away somewhere, in folder, that has an alias on my desktop.
- Seems, Senator, you intend to leave an olive leaf, near the wrong stone.
- #morequestionsforacavein @senjudiciary
- Do you know the name for kind of judges, that president, #MAGA @realDonaldTrump
- most loyal voters, refer to simply as deep state?
- Yes, or term.
- Yeah, monkeyface, I intend to riot, this weekend, if the Senate doesn't hurryup, and do thw wrongfacethg, I might need another tank of gas, bc when Mom found I was a human primate baby,she made me say to the brook,the ford,and the moon,that I'd never be the man with the two tanks
- like MonkeyUDo.
- #morequestionsforacavein @senjudiciary
- Can, a leader in the Senate, deprive a senator of the right to abstain, in any vote.
- No, not in election.
- Chair, I object, I believe he can still answer.
- Chair, I believe I did speak the article.
- Chair, NO, I will not CARE to repeat myself!
- @SenatorCollins @ninjamom94 @senjudiciary
- @twitter , these are X40 WTFS from me to U
- #morequestionsforcavin
- Judge, two questions, and the 2nd question is a two part question.
- Well, I don't know if U --
- -- Alright, Chair, I will simply try to comply.
- Yes. 1/?
- -----
- Judge in a small claims court, there are claimants, correct?
- And, if, they are mistaken in facts, and they lie when they say
- they are certain in their beliefs --
- Yes, those believes -- 2/?
- So, they are cetrain in their beliefs -- certain that is in fact, so, certify, that under oath -- Judge, shouldn't the claim claims be diminished?
- Yes, their ability to seek redress again, should not be diminshed, but that is no the question!
- !/?
- ---------------------------------------
- Elflord, and trollslayer wannabe
- I touched my innerELFlordPoet #lol
- Dan, online elflord, and trollslayer
- Dan,->online<-elflord, and trollslayer invalid
- Dan, online elflord, and trollslayer
- Dan,->online<-elflord, and trollslayer***--- invalid
- Dan, online elflord, and trollslayer***--- valid
- v
- The right is, to have an unequivocally fair trial -- not middling.
- FUCK GOD. Why? Most people use God as a conversation starter. And, of course,for those awkward moments of silence.
- Yes, sometimes I feel I'm part of the universe simply expressing itself.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- davidsbday-----------------------------------==========================
- you see abortion should be like life insura--wife insurance
- Why don't you shut the fuc. up and just say BC you bought it. AND THAT's UR GUN RIGHT U STOOPID @NRA @NRATV #1A and don't confuse the subject and the predicate in #2A
- UR so dumb you'd kill your mom with your assault rifle, BC=because, of your torn finger nail, that's how stupid you are.
- Climite Change? Maybe, #SCIENCE
- How about temperate zone manifest pwnage< >
- Thx Dictionary. However what's the difference between inclement weather
- and intemperant? #IMO Hail and if everyone should know know or most should not
- witness in any given place, town, or municipality
- Yeah, our manifest destiny, relates clearly to what we ( #UnitedStates )
- should carve out of the temperate zone, and we took only what we wanted.
- allright *shrug* dash it all then
- Yeah I remember the good stuff from compuserveleet-speek
- Please insert lol cursor into cursor box > > Human.>_<
- ---------------------------------------------
- So, there's a loop hole?
- There'slol always a loop hole if UR crooked like lol "Rudy Giuliani"
- #guiliani ( I know it's an old joke ;-)
- #TheResistance #Resistance #ImpeachTrump #NotMyPresident #Resist #Trump #StormyDaniels #MichaelAvenatti #RudyGiuliani
- #BlueWave2018 #BlueWave #StrongerTogether #BlueTsunami
- #StillWithHer (and him :-)
- #FightFor51
- #BlueWave2018 #ResistanceUnited #DemForce
- #hashtag #mutethepresident should trend for #Easter2018
- #TheResistance #Resistance #ImpeachTrump #NotMyPresident #Resist #Trump #DemForce #BlueWave #BlueTsunami #FBR #LGBT #Equality #StrongerTogether #FollowBackResistance #BlackLivesMatter #WomensRights
- #FightFor51
- #BlueWave2018 #ResistanceUnited #DemForce
- #LGBT #StrongerTogether #BlackLivesMatter
- #EmbarrassmentIn4Words
- #hashtag we were pwnd
- Your so COOL your like magneto (is not|it like the same but U cant getout)
- Yeah your right they don't make it that bad
- instead it's like U life out your life in
- a painful masturabation chamber
- U KNOW its one of those painful ones but it's make
- you crank it out anyway.
- And, it hurts, but yeah its still good
- ------------------------------------------------
- Retweets with hashtags: #DonaldTrumpFail #NeverTrump #NotMyPresident -
- Part of The Resistance
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- I forgot about Murdock, #Iwasthinking, it was just mainstream-racist-media.
- #resist
- --------------------
- <<1<
- #LOL they didn't ask him sh/t
- #morequestionsforacavein
- I got their "Twilight Zone" reference that they shared. My daddy be that old, as for as beer, I'm the only friend from High School, that had a friend like that, I graduated 1990, inside please. Yeah, they said they liked Cut, I'm sure they did.
- See
- Did you see, or hear, or anyone, really how.
- actually sounded like he was 'channelling' Paul Harvey. Especially, at the end.? ( After @LindseyGraham I'm just teasing you anyway. )
- I really should add something.
- So, his high-tech comment had much more meat #MSNBC to it.
- ------later
- Remember, when they asked him what, "a tree bee?", oh I forgot, they WERE going to mix things up, to challenge him, but they decided they couldn't be sure he wouldn't blurt out something like, "I might have lied on my last." etc.
- -------------------------------
- So, Justice Perjury, I don't really get the Twilight Zone reference from #KavanaughHearings , Can you place or understand this
- #lyric well, the night weighs heavy on his guilty mind
- album!? Cut, Track 6 of 8!
- @senjudiciary @jefflake 1/2 @SenFeinstein @SenatorCollins @GrahamBlog
- #morequestionsforacavein #StopKavanaugh @senjudicary
- That's apparent, readily apparent, no investigation needed, as anyone can make
- that conclusion. Does he know perjury (the right to solicit), he has in common with a prosecutor, crime is the right he should not? And, Senator? 1/2
- Oh, I C
- And, ask him about sedition please? @senjudicary Does anyone have a right to solicit seditious speech, there, save the prosecutor? GINSBERG RULE BE DAMNED #SCOTUS And, a judge can deprive that right as well, can he not?
- Without reading _Go_Set_a_Watchman_, you have read _To_Kill_a_Mockingbird_
- -- of, course -- can see how Atticus Creech, can be a hachete-man?
- and, isn't that a good question for a, certain candidate?
- #morequestionsforacavein #KavanaughHearings
- Who's the quicksort Hoare?
- And, is quarto A4, or are they merely alike? @senjudiciary
- And, would these questions be acceptable on a flutter test, Justice Perjury?
- Cat got your ton-[#LOL]-gue ?
- mastur
- And, #dem's know that was going~w~brewing thru some states. @dianfianstein.
- @mattdamon like bear
- #morequestionsforacavein
- #StopKavanaugh
- #morequestionsforacavein
- Judge, do you think perjury can be abused when against a minor, to simply sustain cause?
- Yes, Judge, I mean, the parent sustains the allegation, and --
- I see, yes, but, how easily, will the child re-obtain his voting rights, your honor?
- #hashtag Anita Hill revisted #morequestionsforacavin.
- At, that time any middle schooler, could have known quite a lot about Long John Silver, #IAC , so, yes she could be a simply a proud christian woman, that never learned to masturbate @dianfi #dems
- And,
- Yes. I mean specifically, or simply Long John Silver, like while eating 'cross the street, even if somehow Put-Put, or Chucky Cheese.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- #IwasThinking on this chain, or thread, this picture found below
- is better than yours #resist.
- #IwasThinking on this chain, or thread, the picture found below is better than yours #resist.
- My feelings are transitory. All feelings are transistory.
- Can you provide a simple predicate plz? Instead of a hanging dependency.
- Yeah, that works, that's an example of a simple predicate.
- So, you confuse you feeling with your beliefs? I don't.
- We don't live in the world that should be; we live in the world that is.#Resist
- I #wasthinking I went on a reverse-troll-lording spree. What's the difference?
- You have pictures too, But, they format a little better.
- (This is an emotoclose ;-)
- We don't live in the world that should be; we live in the world that is.#Resist
- I #wasthinking I went on a reverse-troll-lording spree. What's the difference?
- You have pictures too, But, they format a little better.
- (This is an emotoclose ;-)
- We don't live in the world that should be; we live in the world that is.#Resist I #wasthinking I went on a reverse-troll-lording spree. What's the difference? Y
- I didn't think you were worth making a new picture.
- I #wasThinking I was going find a @nova chain and I guess troll them
- like this:
- I #wasThinking I could make this my bio
- New laws?
- How about we prove we can make them amend corruptive laws to {NULL}!
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- do that dan.
- your evil crossword puzzle
- Cronyism
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- FXCKU and go to hell, plz.
- Democrats needed blacks to help them rid themselves of corrupt incumbents.
- Why was there ever Jim Crow, and Bird Machine?
- Yours is the party of gerrymandering and police brutality!
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hi. Way back in a show, from mb 2016 U guys said, you can't mix weak encryption
- with strong encyption. Now Mueller trial is on my mind, and it occurs to me
- what if that's the Goverment's beef is in fact, that's the Cell phone companies did that way back when.
- @logic301
- @UnitedWeDream @MaketheRoadNY
- @DomesticWorker
- #familiesbelongtegother
- When does the raffle, for all those new jobs, start #MAGA @realDonaldTrump ?
- To be fair, to all your voters from all those, coal mining towns, shouldn't there be one. Couldn't congress help you do that? #resist
- Nice too know, but can you, correlate that with, if they'd rather date older guys? If thats too complicated, or too much too ask, theHill, how about, if they'd talk to me?
- Thanks for sharing what the great innovation racism is #MAGA @realDonalTrump !
- And, Lord Pi, you spell check troll u , I bet you U think he's still a great innovator, do not you ? And, check out FatherEvilSuperman, in my banner pic please.
- I #wasThinking
- #morequestionsforacavin
- Is perjury, something U share with a prosector, Justice Perjury.
- Yeah, I C how you could be drunk at the time.
- thx @Twitter I #wasThinking I was micro-blogging here, that was nano-blogging. #lol
- ---------------------------
- #TheDateWasGreatUntil They Got Stabby Chapter 0
- The date went right, until some median white teen-agers, started, saying, what if I said, sosphistically, the 2nd Amendment.
- And, I don't mean mean me. +++
- Luckily, for me, the thing I'm thinking of,we already had fornicated, on the back deck. lol. I think you even, got told by me, Gunther, Craig, er what ever you real name was? U should go shoot Jules Verne. Yeah, I'm saying the date went wrong, right away!
- That was Ben, Me, Heather, and Brooke.
- And, then U said Call Heather, Dan. DAMN U STILL SUCK. Gunther. I think
- U lied, in the lunchroom, you name was really Gunther -- Gunther w/ a gun.
- Yeah, we had to call off the Date, so you won, U and that other sh/t talking aboubt how you'd get stabby any minute, and Ur gang had your back bigtime. Yeah, I was going fight U in the bushes in mini-traffic circle.
- Chad, arrived late, certified your victory.
- But, I think we both remembered how you said we should we'd meet up at the mini-mall lololoolrolf Yeah, that's when I remembered I was there w/ my Mom, when you got busted at Leg-it, with your Mom's best friend, Nathan. Who wasn't there that night.
- So, don't tell me you love #2A, just to talk some more trash.
- ---
- Anyone time, someone solicits the death penalty, they are in fact, worthy of citation. CONTEMPT. Why? It's unusual, in the Christian nation, to make the condemned lie down, or to execute someone in a prone position.
- ------------------
- Header, you know admitted it, you said to, as a joke. Don't lie to your 1st 1st. Anyway, yeah. #music lol Dream Boat Annie, is about me. They should rewrote it, to be a girl, better music that way.
- And, so I find Pretenders, going my 3 [garbage files] , but we talked about it, that too. I made it. Jimi Hindrix, w/ the intro not in the track. The Cream Cover. U know, we did. babydoll. Never call U that, I'm writing it tho.
- They new well, then they told, well before I had my MRI, that I got it.
- I shared, &U started talking about a race defect. A defect. I'm not, going to share, at large, what was meant.
- ---
- Then I played the rolling stones, onto the Pretenders song, that I just forgot, but know you how, you took that take. (with it.)
- And, there's more but I needed to brush, and I just forgot.
- Yeah. I got it. I don't need computer, U were teasing about it, Heather,
- a little up the street, from your 2nd, How did you know, Heather?
- To say, that that Heather, is God a woman, Heather, is She?
- You even talked about that, I don't know how I managed to admit yes, I'd capitolize. But, you're very insightful, my 1st girl friend.
- ----------------------------
- -------------------------------------
- #50YearsInTheFuture
- National Enquirer
- May still exist, or there could be many things, like it.
- bc /c/
- +more+
- And, people will prefer, and promote, this thought,
- over, the self-evident.
- +more+
- So, Trump won, because Stupid is Better? Not bc, you can't fix stupid? Wouldn't it B horribly cruel if your mother said that to you all your life? What about a cruel whore*? Not quite as bad, but a good thing?
- +more+
- *Whore* because, she doesn't know what she risks?! Or worse, in the biblical sense, does, but will she share it with her children. Does she protect her children, or her fragile self?
- #StopKavanaugh
- +more+
- -more-
- Oh, well , I can always, comfort myself, bc someday, I'll figure out to say this on Twitter.
- +more+
- Hillary's face looked cadaverous.
- BitCoin, basically, a fraud, but so is modern conservativism.
- Read Link.
- See if you can understand, how to "inflate the balloon", instead.
- And, never be taken advantage of by charlatanism.Yes, see if you can look past liberal bias, without a mentor!
- But, you see, because the whites, are cash strapped, but land wealthy
- But the blacks, don't have enough, money, for the whites to get what
- they should. Not only is it good -- It's Inflationary.
- #ChildhoodsEnd
- I hope I don't have to explain the balloon to you twits.
- ( 'Cept, it's not called an one. :-( ( Can't Resist ;-)
- In a Judge's Hands. So, are his tweets. So, are our tweets.
- And equal to published.
- #BeHonestIn4Words
- Pence by same measure
- The executive certifies, forever, and for all time, the crime in fact occured, by the pardon. It's an essential property, and can't be separated, in anyway.
- However, Lethal Injection, proves, we are no longer Christian, as a nation. As it is unusual for a Christian Nation to make the condemned lie down, or to be killed in a prone position.
- #BlackLivesMatter
- #BeHonestIn4Words
- #BustARhymeIn3Lines
- -----------------------------------------------------
- what if the turks or turkisn intelliengance took down the other
- paste bin?
- is that your picture or is it your homosexual brother's conflicted iphone
- ----
- and so therefore because when bs stupid shit
- what if opened the file der?
- -----------
- emoo 2.9-3.1 radians
- emo 2.69-3.8999
- anyone one remember middleschool? amy and kim? anyone?
- ------------------------------------------------------
- xi china trump---
- -----------------------
- xi
- china xi
- china xi
- -------------
- #demoncratoes
- chin trump xi
- charltostone paint it black
- swingers, liers, and thugs
- still play into the party line in the mean time
- #ClintonEmails $AIRGAP #RESISTANCE
- #infosec
- #hacking
- #infosec
- #hackers
- #USelection
- #RussiaHacking
- @mightyvote16 @HamiltonElector #UniteForAmerica
- Clinton Private Server issue, could all be about "AirGap"
- Anyone else feel the root of the Clinton Server issue, was it was required to
- be AirGap'ed? But, her dev only added a logger? #hacking
- #mondaymotivation
- @moralelectors
- I believe The Private Server was misconfigured $AIRGAP #resistance
- #russianhack #HillaryClinton #ClintonEmails
- ban
- "Alex Jones"
- Alex JonesVerified account
- @RealAlexJones
- Fighting for Freedom & Liberty on the Frontlines of Truth Journalism
- #Infowars TUNE IN 24/7 at
- Austin, TX
- Joined January 2010
- --------------------
- @4joachim
- -----------------------
- Carly Fiorina Verified account
- @CarlyFiorina
- Businesswoman, wife, mother, & grandmother. A conservative who believes in
- unlocking human potential & holding govt accountable.
- Virginia
- Joined August 2009
- --------------------------
- I believe the Clinton Email Server scandal was entirely about "Air Gap."
- "Air Gap" is the name for a logical network setup where internet traffic
- upstream and downstream flows through a specially configured packet filter
- firewall, setup not only to log every tcp/ip packet coming in and out, but
- setup so that the protected sub-net, actually only has its route in and out
- from the log of firewall. Packets from internet destined for the network,
- are entered into the packet log, and then read from the log and injected into
- the protected network, and the reverse is done as well. The method is kept
- secret. If the path is not through the packet log, it is not "Air Gap." it's
- just a packet logger. With "Air Gap" everything that goes in is captured,
- and everything that goes out is captured, if the logger can't keep up the
- traffic in&out slows down, traffic on the subnet itself, would be uneffected.
- Attacks that effect network can be saved even replayed, and of course file
- transfers, and emails can be reconstructed.
- I believe there was a
- requirement that any White House serving internet server, be "Air Gapped."
- And, of course, like anything that can be done, it was done badly. I suspect
- the Clinton software developer only did a packet logger, and was not "Air
- Gap", traffic did not go through the log. This also means there should
- likely be 2 servers, 1 to provide "Air Gap", and the email server. Most
- likely, there was only 1 with a tcp/ip packet logger, which was incompletely
- done or could n't keep up with heavy traffic, and possibly had retention
- issues as well. I suspect the Clinton dev had basically a "Barron's Guide"
- definition of a firewall, when he walked into the job, and was buzzword
- compatible as far as packet filter and packet logging firewalls -- I learned
- what Air Gap was in college in the mid 1990's. I also suspect the Clinton
- dev might be described as "top heavy", heavy on design patterns, object-
- -oriented methodogies, and client-server strategies and implementations.
- Air Gap itself is not a secret, but the software and configuration details
- would necessarily have to be, and also a proprietorial secret for a business.
- I suspected Air Gap was a factor in the scandal, but when I realized Congress
- was talking in terms of deletions, while Clinton had printed copies, but the
- FBI was in terms of "recovery". With Air Gap recovery should be 100% if
- you archive the log for the period in question. So, 60% of the emails the
- were the server saw were recovered from the Clinton Server, then 80% of
- the of the (40%) were recovered from other "servers on the network." At
- that point I became convinced the scandal was really about Air Gap. If
- there was any doubt, President Elect Trump practically sings Clintons
- praises, after the first security briefing after the election, before
- the spin to gracious, after all the calls to imprison her, why? Because
- Clinton is essentially, herself, blameless on the emails. It's also becomes
- clear the Congressional hearings were a deliberate minefield, had Clinton
- revealed any details about AirGap, to better explain it as server
- misconfiguration, she would have been in violation.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- #ClintonEmails
- AIRGAP also means real jobs. Since it isn't an off-the-shell solution
- Real positions are required to work it. ( #PodestaEmails19)
- Because,@wikileaks,with #AIRGAP zerodays that effect the network can be
- saved even REPLAYed #PodestaEmails19 #PodestaEmails19 #ClintonEmails
- Don't be so @k nieve, it's all about AIRGAP.
- ========================
- #AIRGAP earns it name because the subnet protected,is only partof the same
- logical network.
- "supportforhillaryweakly" #emailsareinfack #WITCHHUNT all about talking around #COMPUTERSCIENCE term #airgap #professinalterm
- making #AIRGAP an offtheSHELF would be harmful and witchhunts esp. democracies in
- I would not be so sure. In fact I am still not.
- In #AIRGAP every packet is logged in and logged out.
- In #AIRGAP packets are read from the log in the Firewall & then ...
- & then [in #AIRGAP] injected into the subnet, & that's the only way in.
- & injected into the subnet by reading from the log of the packet-filter
- firewall
- Reading from the log of the packet-filter firewall configured to log every
- packet it receives...
- In Airgap there is no physical connection from the subnet, or SOHO
- NO physical connection from/to Small-office-home-office type subnet.
- AIRGAP is not an off-the-shelf software solution, that
- be cracked, and so Russia get have the same thing we have
- typical netmasks used
- connection from/to Small-office-home-office type subnet.
- #AIRGAP In Airgap there is
- no physical connection from the subnet, or SOHO
- #AIRGAP Reading from the log of the
- packet-filter firewall configured to log everypacket it receives
- #AIRGAP & injected into the
- subnet by reading from the log of the packet-filter firewall
- & then [in #AIRGAP] injected
- into the subnet, & that's the only way in.
- #AIRGAP packets are read
- from the log in the Firewall & then...
- #AIRGAP every packet is
- logged in and logged out.
- #AIRGAP earns it name
- because the subnet protected,is only partof the same logical network.
- #AIRGAP zerodays that effect the network can be
- saved&even REPLAYed
- ...that were actually dropped on the network.
- I feel the former special prosecutor chose his words very carefully.
- Packet filter firewalls be configured to create an "AIRGAP" logging every
- packet in&out.Emails could be recovered-
- Here "server should ahve recieved" is not the same as she read them.
- EX. the archaic POSTMASTER alias and other cruft.
- ============================================================================
- Trump says he's not interested in pursuing case against Clinton:
- "Its not something that I feel strongly about"
- -------------------------------------------------
- packet filter firewall
- emailconfugration 60/80 cynches... why go into this since
- clintion had printed copies of all emails?
- recovered
- server misconfigured
- ec dec 19th
- a 0daycould only be used once
- ---top heavy mr top heavy
- ---client server
- ---desert part
- livelihood
- part and parcel
- air gap
- logical it ca be anything only aricap have
- esp when its done badly
- logged in to network
- and logged out of the network
- only way to for tcp/ip packet to enter
- -------------------------------------------
- ========--------------------- airgap GOD HELP US---------------
- torrent The are Dan's files related to air plus his macgarbage
- $RESISTANCE this the repost with $AIRGAP tags everywhere.
- $AIRGAP maybe use after yes when you do. but maybe after as ELCTORS vote.
- or last few days.....
- what ??? no dont touch this "
- remeber the 60% 80% thing... this is what finally convinced though
- I admit it took about a week for too sink in
- Apparently #AIRGAP has taken to mean a hole in security shouldthat
- be #AIRHOLE but I dont want to into any that could the product of
- pre-fud from a cabal that includes the members of the FBI and ofcourse
- "whats that mayorImeanThatNewyork"?
- conspiracy I just want to discuss how a particular setup
- Could this fud put out by the a possible cabal in the FBI a conspiracy
- of "shared intents" ? Just you know #hackers I earned my degree
- in the 90's. Airgap is the profession term for this configuration
- Could a certain security co. and there whats that mayorImeanThatNewyork
- guys want to
- twitter
- twitter t
- repost $airgap
- Calling airgap wire
- search @danlabell #THEBASICS
- esp. about knowledge or click my home page.
- for change dot com and describe clintons d00d there
- last minute troll "AirGap Collective" or possible
- RU a fake fbi faking a NSA account? or could be "What's the Stalin?_
- mean that stupidNewyork Mayor? who has a security co.? @DreadedJudge
- if why fbi?
- individuals dont deserve privacy sound v ery Julian?errwhatever that Newyorks
- guys name?
- This is really just college knowledge really.
- @backdoorviews
- SURE but def precusor block before sidecar and hackerbot run thru
- possible tease? also send to might be interested @Nataya
- $RESISTANCE != #RESISTANCE but it isit splat/bio? search?
- -----------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^----------------
- #HillaryForPrison #Benghazi
- I'd want to be deep background of course.
- #SaveAmerica msm links prove I'm right.
- I completely and absolutely believe the Clinton Email scandal
- was about entirely airgap.
- double the double double double first with hash tags no
- tags in body of entries.....
- #reverse sulu
- $pizzagate #pizzagate is the coverup
- block
- keep it lean splat is for reposts and retweets if at al
- #Resistance #hackers $Resistance
- BC I'm a lamedev there's no reason to believe I'm signed even a proprietorial
- secrets contract. @megynkelly
- #Resistance #hackers $Resitance #BoycottMegynKelly #pizzagate
- First "He sings her praises" now its "gracious" @sethmythers @girlsreally
- @maddow #pizzagate
- do it put dont post it this way now
- stupidly germaine example of a decoderring cypher $Resistance
- #BoycottMegynKelly @msnbc
- hal <<< "fridaydropairgap"
- $pizzagate is $air$gap
- reverse sulu it post to sulo wesly and patton last
- !!!!!!!! !!!! !!!! MAKE shellscript that splits error if wc exceeds 140
- or paste then to pbcopy ... and clears if error 1keyboard macro + bind
- try twit annouce 1 more time with #clintonemails no afterwards
- teasers 1st when ready to ost but with link to link
- why "spin to gracious?" for not prosecuting after
- reply with link
- $fees
- $Air$Gap ?
- Why Did "Trump almost sing her praises?" Hillary is blameless on the Emails!
- and #pizzagate is part of the coverup John Persino
- #ClintonEmails
- .@#ParodyButTrue
- #Obamacare
- @SenSchumer @sethmythers @girlsreally "Why [Elect] is so nice to #GOHILLARY
- somewhat recently? It could be [$#]...-...
- @POTUS @SenSchumer
- think step 1 packet log 2 file then click save
- if airgap complete 1stfeature=if every body get disintregated w/ a
- startrekphaser blast
- the airgap wouldd then min. provide software flowcontrol to the soho lan in the
- soho would be so protected.
- (as an asid: the prob. tripped clintons person]
- step 2. read from file. inject by "means kept secret/propertial at least"
- but main knowledge with reasoning.
- step into the logical
- so to understand airgap one needs "subnetting" + firewall (as a professional)
- + encapsulation KNOWLEDGE
- ALSO the way out (of course.)
- it would move from my desktop computer.
- ok. if the away party
- winning the cyberwar #airgap
- #ClintonEmails
- close the blinds on this one for sure!!!!! i mean you could be secretly
- masterbaiting in an other window. maybe no port thing. NOOOOOO port thing.
- get pastepay thing 1st?.... yeah..... do it..... and post only rcfile
- to pastepay put do that rest even commandline fu...
- #LockHerUp Why? Now "He sings her praises" Why, #libtard ?
- My #wednesdaywisdom he now knows Clinton is blameless.
- ----====================----==========----------------------=================
- #PodestaEmails27
- #PodestaEmails28
- Russia, and perhaps a very oligarchical @wikileaks doesn't
- want #AIRGAP to become the default for US companies. #PodestaEmails19
- #AIRGAP also means real jobs. Since it isn't an off-the-shell solution
- Real positions are required to work it. ( #PodestaEmails19)
- #AIRCAP Real positions for computer-professionals. Would @realDonaldTrump
- care about real-jobs? Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.
- not jobs
- Because,@wikileaks,with #AIRGAP zerodays that effect the network can be
- saved even REPLAYed #PodestaEmails19 #PodestaEmails19 #ClintonEmails
- Don't be so @k nieve, it's all about AIRGAP.
- ========================
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.)
- #AIRGAP earns it name because the subnet protected,is only partof the same
- logical network.
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP
- With this #GOP "maybe something only the government be allowed in have." ???
- escape with AIRGAP and take it Russia
- "supportforhillaryweakly" #emailsareinfack #WITCHHUNT all about talking around #COMPUTERSCIENCE term #airgap #professinalterm
- making #AIRGAP an offtheSHELF would be harmful and witchhunts esp. democracies in
- I would not be so sure. In fact I am still not.
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.)
- In #AIRGAP every packet is logged in and logged out.
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.)
- In #AIRGAP packets are read from the log in the Firewall & then ...
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.)
- & then [in #AIRGAP] injected into the subnet, & that's the only way in.
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP
- & injected into the subnet by reading from the log of the packet-filter
- firewall
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP
- Reading from the log of the packet-filter firewall configured to log every
- packet it receives...
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP
- In Airgap there is no physical connection from the subnet, or SOHO
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP
- NO physical connection from/to Small-office-home-office type subnet.
- #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP
- #AIRGAP is not an off-the-shelf software solution, that
- be cracked, and so Russia get have the same thing we have #PodestaEmails19
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP
- Snowden can't get escape with AIRGAP and take it Russia
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP
- Doesn't matter how may hotels @realDonaldTrump can get make in Russia...
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP
- But, with Trump/Pence ( & @preibus leading #GOP ) could they somehow outlaw it?
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP
- "maybe something only the government be allowed in have."
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 & @realDonaldTrump) #AIRGAP
- &then "maybe something only the military should be allowed in have."
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 & @realDonaldTrump) #AIRGAP
- &then just turn it off. How we would we know? All, Russia would have...
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 & @realDonaldTrump) #AIRGAP
- All, Russia would have to do is roll out the "red carpet" for him
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 & @realDonaldTrump) #AIRGAP
- Maybe turning it off everywhere would be the 2nd executive order he'd make.
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 ) #AIRGAP
- Maybe turning it off everywhere would be the 2nd executive order Trump would make.
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 ) #AIRGAP
- ... First @realDonaldTrump would disable the link from @twitter to national archive!
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 ) #AIRGAP
- Why just to meet Snowden, perhaps. In Russia, (of course)
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc ) #AIRGAP
- Why just to meet Snowden, perhaps. In Russia, (of course) Natrually from...
- (why Russia & @wikileaks benefit from #PodestaEmails19 etc ) #AIRGAP
- Snowden went to Russia just because of extradition? Really? Aren't...
- (why Russia & @wikileaks benefit from #PodestaEmails19 etc ) #AIRGAP
- Aren't there quite a few countries that Snowden could have gone to...
- (why Russia & @wikileaks benefit from #PodestaEmails19 etc ) #AIRGAP
- Aren't there quite a few countries that Snowden could have gone to...
- (why Russia & @wikileaks benefit from #PodestaEmails19 etc ) #AIRGAP
- Countries that deny extradiction for whistle blowers. But of course...
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 & Snowden ) #AIRGAP
- But of course, they also part of NATO aren't they, @realDonaldTrump ?
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 , Snowden & @realDonaldTrump) #AIRGAP
- But, in cases of their national security interests...
- (Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.)
- So from Snowden, Russia can learn not just #AIRGAP, but codewords for AIRGAP
- typical netmasks used
- #AIRGAP ... [national security interests] they don't.
- ------------------------------------------
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 , Snowden & @realDonaldTrump)
- #AIRGAP ... [national security interests] they don't.
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc, Snowden & @realDonaldTrump)
- #AIRGAP But, in cases of their national security interests...
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 & Snowden ) #AIRGAP But of course,
- they also part of NATO aren't they, @realDonaldTrump ?
- (why Russia & @wikileaks benefit from #PodestaEmails19 etc ) #AIRGAP
- Countries that deny extradiction for whistle blowers. But of course
- why Russia & @wikileaks benefit from #PodestaEmails19 etc ) #AIRGAP Aren't
- there quite a few countries that Snowden could have gone to...
- why Russia & @wikileaks benefit from #PodestaEmails19 etc ) #AIRGAP Snowden
- went to Russia just because of extradition? Really? Aren't...
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc ) #AIRGAP Why just to meet
- Snowden, perhaps. In Russia, (of course) Natrually from...
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 ) #AIRGAP ... First
- @realDonaldTrump would disable the link from @twitter to national archive!
- why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 ) #AIRGAP Maybe turning it off
- everywhere would be the 2nd executive order Trump would make.
- why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 & @realDonaldTrump) #AIRGAP All,
- Russia would have to do is roll out the "red carpet" for him
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 & @realDonaldTrump) #AIRGAP &then
- just turn it off. How we would we know? All, Russia would...
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 & @realDonaldTrump) #AIRGAP &then
- "maybe something only the military should be allowed in have."
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP With this #GOP
- "maybe something only the government be allowed to have." ???
- Daniel LaBell @danlabell Oct 26
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP
- But wtih Trump/@pence ( @preibus leading #GOP could they somehow outlaw it?
- p
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP But wtih
- Trump/@pence ( & @preibus leading #GOP ) could they somehow outlaw it?
- why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP Doesn't matter how
- may hotels @realDonaldTrump can get make in Russia...
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP Snowden can't get
- escape with AIRGAP and take it Russia
- why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP Snowden can't get
- escape with AIRGAP and take it Russia!
- #AIRGAP is not an off-the-shelf software solution, that
- be cracked, and so Russia get have the same thing we have #PodestaEmails19
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP NO physical
- connection from/to Small-office-home-office type subnet.
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP In Airgap there is
- no physical connection from the subnet, or SOHO
- why Russiabenefits #PodestaEmails19 ) #AIRGAP Reading from the log of the
- packet-filter firewall configured to log everypacket it receives
- why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP & injected into the
- subnet by reading from the log of the packet-filter firewall
- why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) & then [in #AIRGAP] injected
- into the subnet, & that's the only way in.
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) In #AIRGAP packets are read
- from the log in the Firewall & then...
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) In #AIRGAP every packet is
- logged in and logged out.
- (why Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.) #AIRGAP earns it name
- because the subnet protected,is only partof the same logical network.
- Is Attenuation different? Now 6.0 margin. Transmit Power has crashed to
- 6. Hovering around 13 is typical.
- &For a while! No problems during the storm, AND all at once? Didn't step
- down! Suddenly it crashed to 32KB w/ 6.5 margin.
- #AIRCAP Real positions for computer-professionals. Would @realDonaldTrump
- care about real-jobs? Russia benefits from #PodestaEmails19 etc.
- #AIRGAP also means real jobs. Since it isn't an off-the-shell solution Real
- positions are required to work it. ( #PodestaEmails19 )
- Because,@wikileaks,with #AIRGAP zerodays that effect the network can be
- saved&even REPLAYed #PodestaEmails17 #PodestaEmails19 #ClintonEmails
- Russia, and perhaps a very oligarchical @wikileaks doesn't want #AIRGAP to
- become the default for US companies. #PodestaEmails19
- ...that were actually dropped on the network.
- I feel the former special prosecutor chose his words very carefully.
- Packet filter firewalls be configured to create an "AIRGAP" logging every
- packet in&out.Emails could be recovered-
- Here "server should ahve recieved" is not the same as she read them.
- EX. the archaic POSTMASTER alias and other cruft.
- ============================================================================
- Trump says he's not interested in pursuing case against Clinton:
- "Its not something that I feel strongly about"
- -------------------------------------------------
- packet filter firewall
- emailconfugration 60/80 cynches... why go into this since
- clintion had printed copies of all emails?
- recovered
- server misconfigured
- ec dec 19th
- a 0daycould only be used once
- ---top heavy mr top heavy
- ---client server
- ---desert part
- livelihood
- part and parcel
- air gap
- logical it ca be anything only aricap have
- esp when its done badly
- logged in to network
- and logged out of the network
- only way to for tcp/ip packet to enter
- -------------------------------------------
- ========--------------------- airgap GOD HELP US---------------
- torrent The are Dan's files related to air plus his macgarbage
- $RESISTANCE this the repost with $AIRGAP tags everywhere.
- $AIRGAP maybe use after yes when you do. but maybe after as ELCTORS vote.
- or last few days.....
- what ??? no dont touch this "
- remeber the 60% 80% thing... this is what finally convinced though
- I admit it took about a week for too sink in
- Apparently #AIRGAP has taken to mean a hole in security shouldthat
- be #AIRHOLE but I dont want to into any that could the product of
- pre-fud from a cabal that includes the members of the FBI and ofcourse
- "whats that mayorImeanThatNewyork"?
- conspiracy I just want to discuss how a particular setup
- Could this fud put out by the a possible cabal in the FBI a conspiracy
- of "shared intents" ? Just you know #hackers I earned my degree
- in the 90's. Airgap is the profession term for this configuration
- Could a certain security co. and there whats that mayorImeanThatNewyork
- guys want to
- twitter
- twitter t
- repost $airgap
- Calling airgap wire
- search @danlabell #THEBASICS
- esp. about knowledge or click my home page.
- for change dot com and describe clintons d00d there
- last minute troll "AirGap Collective" or possible
- RU a fake fbi faking a NSA account? or could be "What's the Stalin?_
- mean that stupidNewyork Mayor? who has a security co.? @DreadedJudge
- if why fbi?
- individuals dont deserve privacy sound v ery Julian?errwhatever that Newyorks
- guys name?
- This is really just college knowledge really.
- @backdoorviews
- SURE but def precusor block before sidecar and hackerbot run thru
- possible tease? also send to might be interested @Nataya
- $RESISTANCE != #RESISTANCE but it isit splat/bio? search?
- -----------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^----------------
- #HillaryForPrison #Benghazi
- I'd want to be deep background of course.
- #SaveAmerica msm links prove I'm right.
- I completely and absolutely believe the Clinton Email scandal
- was about entirely airgap.
- double the double double double first with hash tags no
- tags in body of entries.....
- #reverse sulu
- $pizzagate #pizzagate is the coverup
- block
- keep it lean splat is for reposts and retweets if at al
- #Resistance #hackers $Resistance
- BC I'm a lamedev there's no reason to believe I'm signed even a proprietorial
- secrets contract. @megynkelly
- #Resistance #hackers $Resitance #BoycottMegynKelly #pizzagate
- First "He sings her praises" now its "gracious" @sethmythers @girlsreally
- @maddow #pizzagate
- do it put dont post it this way now
- stupidly germaine example of a decoderring cypher $Resistance
- #BoycottMegynKelly @msnbc
- hal <<< "fridaydropairgap"
- $pizzagate is $air$gap
- reverse sulu it post to sulo wesly and patton last
- !!!!!!!! !!!! !!!! MAKE shellscript that splits error if wc exceeds 140
- or paste then to pbcopy ... and clears if error 1keyboard macro + bind
- try twit annouce 1 more time with #clintonemails no afterwards
- teasers 1st when ready to ost but with link to link
- why "spin to gracious?" for not prosecuting after
- reply with link
- $fees
- $Air$Gap ?
- Why Did "Trump almost sing her praises?" Hillary is blameless on the Emails!
- and #pizzagate is part of the coverup John Persino
- #ClintonEmails
- .@#ParodyButTrue
- #Obamacare
- @SenSchumer @sethmythers @girlsreally "Why [Elect] is so nice to #GOHILLARY
- somewhat recently? It could be [$#]...-...
- @POTUS @SenSchumer
- think step 1 packet log 2 file then click save
- if airgap complete 1stfeature=if every body get disintregated w/ a
- startrekphaser blast
- the airgap wouldd then min. provide software flowcontrol to the soho lan in the
- soho would be so protected.
- (as an asid: the prob. tripped clintons person]
- step 2. read from file. inject by "means kept secret/propertial at least"
- but main knowledge with reasoning.
- step into the logical
- so to understand airgap one needs "subnetting" + firewall (as a professional)
- + encapsulation KNOWLEDGE
- ALSO the way out (of course.)
- it would move from my desktop computer.
- ok. if the away party
- winning the cyberwar #airgap
- #ClintonEmails
- close the blinds on this one for sure!!!!! i mean you could be secretly
- masterbaiting in an other window. maybe no port thing. NOOOOOO port thing.
- get pastepay thing 1st?.... yeah..... do it..... and post only rcfile
- to pastepay put do that rest even commandline fu...
- #LockHerUp Why? Now "He sings her praises" Why, #libtard ?
- My #wednesdaywisdom he now knows Clinton is blameless.
- To differ is neither to compromise, nor to disagree, really.
- ex. a qualitative difference.
- It's the 1st Amendment you idiot! 1. Twitter spoke to her which she can share.
- 2."assaultive" means not a right but not nec. a crime either.
- You don't know you had from ass on this. Thanks the for slander too.
- Its not a simple as you think. LAW is logical values not bools.
- NO @Citizen__B mere boolean logical isn't valid in Law. It may "necessary"
- but it is "not sufficient." If you think a right is merely a
- more precious liberty @Citizen__B you equivocate like THEY do. A right
- is always LAWFUL and what is described in that right cannot be
- negligence. Liberty, @Citizen__B ,is merely the "absence of prohibition" &
- in this light, privilege is similar. The only one w/ the right
- to deprive others of their rights @Citizen__B is a judge. And, it
- takes a judge to "determine negligence;" which is a form of unlawfulness.
- So, if you are "free to do something", and provably have means; "Assembly"
- means that, while not the same as a "right described in law"
- It is logically the same; and should not be viewed as unlawful.
- 8m:> @Citizen__B Doesn't matter
- No it does matter. If twitter deprives means then Assembly no longer applies.
- @Citizen__B who should have right to presume a suit in America? the oligarchs?
- Or the judges? AND I mean a =RIGHT=can never be unlawful=?!
- Thanks 4 liking @Sharleeevitz Since __B is a pussy and has me blocked. After
- saying invalid twice & don't bother to chk my microblog. thx. __B
- Ricky Vaughn 29m29 minutes ago
- re. Ricky Vaughn @ReturnofRV 29m29 minutes ago
- re.@ReturnofRV Flood hashtag #AMJoy, let's demoralize Hillary's base
- 3 replies 18 retweets 33 likes
- gold standard, 'you mean completely, buckley'
- grabthepussy solved... toomey prebus invisble hand... pen holding wasnt doing
- so great in last debate
- PodestaEmails
- PodestaEmails26
- #PodestaLeaks
- 4 me
- produces you. @anti_Trump_CLE
- "it could help in a suit against" twitter bc not dismall"
- i believe the law allows that "they could be forbiden from bring
- suit" in that court again.
- "a good judge candi. understand the law then and there in lawschool
- not how to prove the case and the later in life. understands
- sim. to me a lawyers son in 30and40's
- and
- produces cool
- " #insertparameterhere /followers_you_follow"
- #hackers am I "tardy? to consider this is %"googlehack"% %blts.
- @SassCBrown
- It's that short for "ASS CLOWN" haha & dont worry I'm deleteX3 before I take
- a sandwhich break.
- @FreakOutNation
- -----------------------------
- pin=
- My @anomaly100 account has been hacked! Follow me here now! @FreakOutNation
- @anomaly100
- ???
- Frequent bullshit. Liberal #CTL #UniteBlue
- Politely Naughty USA
- Joined March 2009
- ----------------------------
- ---------------
- How much money do you, @AnabelPeguese give @twitter. What's the %percent or cut @Briannonswell?
- @Anomaly100 It looks like the short cut drop down is an issue and they're messing with unicode too. But full search goes to you.
- --------------------------hahah this earned the block!!!---------
- ironically remark
- 3. regarding the "charlock" remark , Nostradanus #HomeOfCommonSense @realdealdanny. It occurred do to me this morning, that it could be the intelligent design of english speakers tens of thousands of years ago, that to disagree should consume more characters!!!!
- 3. regarding the "charlock" remark , Nostradanus #HomeOfCommonSense @realdealdanny. It occurred do to me this morning, that it could be
- 3. regarding the "charlock" remark , Nostradanus #HomeOfCommonSense @realdealdanny. It occurred do to me this morning,
- 4. that it could be the intelligent design of english speakers tens of thousands of years...
- 5. that to disagree, Nostradanus #HomeOfCommonSense @realdealdanny, should consume more characters.
- 6. And, "Nostradanus #HomeOfCommonSense @realdealdanny" is forty-five characters right there!
- 4. that it could be the intelligent design of english speakers tens of thousands of years ago, that to disagree
- 3. regarding the "charlock" remark , Nostradanus #HomeOfCommonSense @realdealdanny. It occurred do to me this morning, that it could be the intelligent design of english speakers tens of thousands of years ago, that to disagree should consume more characters!!!!
- 3. regarding the "charlock" remark , Nostradanus #HomeOfCommonSense @realdealdanny.
- It occured do to me this morning, that it could be the
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------
- @BernPress block pre-emptive
- I bet theyd ticklsnitchshare?
- @LadyInfidels
- We are actively being PURGED from Twitter! Sign up for Gab & Follow me @ MrsViking #HesWithUS #Trump2016 #AmericaFirst
- pay............
- I got so much score. I know I could never get better. Face it you got 0wnd and elf'lamed you to rollyourself lololol
- --------------Hey I got somebodies splat
- Sign up for Gab & Follow me @
- We are actively being PURGED from Twitter!
- ---------------------------------------------------
- It's 0hour1 @Brian_Was_Here_ and do you know #1A where your splat is
- hackerd00d? #HesWithUS #Trump2016 #AmericaFirst #In2017IPredict
- @Brian_Was_Here_
- God: Now, would be a good time to raise taxes!
- Trump: I must be must be hallucinating.
- It's 0hour1 @Brian_Was_Here_ and do you know #1A where your splat is
- hackerd00d? #HesWithUS #Trump2016 #AmericaFirst #In2017IPredict
- @Brian_Was_Here_
- God: Now, would be a good time to raise taxes!
- Trump: I must be must be hallucinating.hall
- hey #1A You don't mind if I call you WD-40 and you microwaveoven @Nerdspiracy to my friends please? #2A what's your opinion ? @bernpess
- #1A
- me:and don't forget the pepsi please
- #2A
- Jesus:I have perfect teeth. I'm not just white.
- @JamesDoss2
- kinda ambavilents racist image there d00d
- AngryAmerican @jdavis3 5h5 hours ago
- AngryAmerican Retweeted Colleen
- --------------------------------------------------------
- How can admin/govt bring into our nation people like this? @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #MASA #TrumpTrain #chocho #HillaryIndictment #LockHerUp
- -----------------------------------------
- Liberal Tears
- ? @NoneYaB04158091 47m47 minutes ago
- @David_Leavitt Still butt hurt. Load up on the preparation H. It's going to be a long time b4 a Crackhead #Libtard occupies 1600 again.
- ---------------
- ------------------------------------
- >Bitch we beat you a runaway slave...
- Ok, bitch; Would this be like you beat a slave U would own ? or UR neighbors?, or just slave?
- Ok. So If I had a story-telling slave you'd beat me too? I guess I better stay liberal!
- ---------------
- @NoneYaB04158091
- Unpolitically correct, my rights don't end where your feelings begin, so keep them to yourself. It is what it is. Deal with it.
- Liberal Tears
- ?
- @NoneYaB04158091
- Liberal Tears
- ?
- @NoneYaB04158091
- Unpolitically correct, my rights don't end where your feelings begin, so keep them to yourself. It is what it is. Deal with it.
- Joined November 2016
- ----------they must be trolls || they should have bled to death bynow ------
- omg and I made this insult just for you. You are such the conservatively
- pigeonholing cr.cktro.. U should be #FuckTrump 1st nomination.
- why no #ProtestTrump apostrophe "S" bc I dont think of you like a friend!
- Well I think they're holding a storyback like msm does so often and this
- there a few #libtards making little conservative girls cry online!
- =made while listening to B:OC_
- I'm here to mostly microblog xcept when I 'm slashingtags and taking names you
- 1st pigeonholing conservative chief justice b.t!h
- you aint worth a hyphen whore ;;;; just think it ;dont click tweet
- I'm not afraid of your judgment. Im afraid if your lies become the news!
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Q Marco Rubio ? What can 3 #libtard + @LAAreaChamber
- &a #dumptrump do to [Gross] "Income Averaging" BCC thegipper
- Q Marco Rubio ? What can 3 #libtard + @brightonchamber
- 2>thegipper do to [Gross] "Income Averaging" CC #PatriotsUnited
- @LAAreaChamber pre mute see if works.
- Who, thinks there isn't even 1 family that would have been able keep their
- home if there was still "Consumer [Gross] Income Averaging" ?!?
- -------------------------------------
- ----bet it's "Gus"
- Don't troll me, however lamely #IRLWIE You intend to waste 4 years? or just
- 2 years?
- 2 years? @JamesDoss2
- Don't troll me, however lamely part2: Every knows Reagan wasn't the architect. But, it was done during his tenure!
- architect. But, it was done during his tenure! @JamesDoss2
- ---------------------------------------------------
- > ... [wtf?] Oh. and make me smell your feet?
- #IRLWIE **** >@@@@ #meh hehmehmeh @JamesDoss2
- Duhhhhhh. *dunce slap* ; they're the only 2 with icons dammit! @JamesDoss2
- Duhhhhhh. *dunce slap* ; they're the only 2 with icons dammit!
- N. SH.. IT"S brighton UK. I even have some *snapple* But if thats the
- "party line" might as well the be U.S. #IRLWIE
- Well UR a smart-one. "Then U dont" If choose not to care you dont care
- anymore than I do, if I choose not do. Big mystery!
- IN-REAL-LIFE-WHILE-IN-EDITOR == #IRLWIE It's not /that/ hard. #meh
- just block no answers if you get his far.!!!!!!!!
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @marcorubio
- What can 3 #libtard s
- xo
- > @sweetatertot2 The Democratic Party is dead
- #DEMS are not dead. What a CRACK>TROLL that is. I bet UR 5 white men w/ a
- sexy photo bitch!
- majority
- @wikileaks Do you believe in the natural right to effective legislature?
- W/o wiki-strobe we would have a reformed-senate. Now, what chance?
- Dan Nassimbene
- @DanNassimbene
- Pragmatic conservative. Policy Wink. I don't complain about something without a solution. Rare retweeter what is on my feed are my thoughts... Engage politly
- @sweetatertot2 >I dumped Kelloggs long ago. I don't eat that GMO garbage.
- But you do eat out of the garbage though!
- @sweetatertot2 >I dumped Kelloggs long ago. I don't eat that GMO garbage.
- You no longer dictate the narrative. &do U eat of the #FuckTrump
- @TEN_GOP >Corporations think they own people of our country! Boycott #BoycottTrump
- Did you proof this? " own people of " AwKWard!
- --------------------------
- ------------------------------------------
- Boondock Saint
- @The13th_Ghost
- Former USMC 5811/5816/8531Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum #IRISH Teufel Hunden Kafir ???? ? ?????? ??????Tattoos & Punk?Our forefathers would be shooting by now
- Assassinating Liberal Rhetoric
- Joined April 2014
- --------------------------
- #obama #tcot #pjnet #waar #RedNationRising #maga #MAGAx3 #CruzCrew #2a #Democrats
- Former USMC 5811/5816/8531Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum #IRISH Teufel Hunden Kafir ???? ? ?????? ??????Tattoos & Punk?Our forefathers would be shooting by now
- ===================================================
- Locard
- @rayvenslady52
- Conservative, Mommy, and Southern by the Grace of God. Don't tread on me.
- Nunya, USA
- Joined October 2013
- -----------------------------
- made the list 4 hours after I added them 2:05 -4 ~
- -----------------------------------
- Katarina
- @Welly_World
- President Trump! America First, Christian, Family, Constitution, Capitalism, 1A, 2A, NRA, Military, Police, Israel #SecureTheBorder
- Joined June 2016
- Katarina
- @Welly_World
- Tweets 13.7K
- Following 2,495
- Followers 2,805
- Likes 8,778
- ---------------------------
- Chancellor of #MadmanTwitter. Unofficially Mr. Trump's Unofficial Minister of Unofficial Propaganda. Creator of the You Can't Stump the Trump series on Youtube.
- ---------wierd sidecar
- trump is alway in hulldown faceing ?? iddint invent this I heard this??!!!
- social mixplay ...
- #dumptrump
- mere boolean logical isn't valid in Law. It may "necessary"
- but it is "not sufficient." If you think a right is merely a more ..
- -----------------------
- missed here
- Jeremiah James Jill
- ===============
- My would be always replay
- andieiam
- Boy I love to hit a trending tag twice.
- Dear Progressive, my #wednesdaywisdom if U reply2 @andieiamwhoiam
- goto w/a >qoute to her pin @VA4Hillary1
- Bitch, we beat you like a runaway slave.
- Happy wife. Homeschool mom.Proud police supporter. Paleoconservative. I block
- beta males & shrieking Godless harridans as matter of course. I represent
- only me.
- Greatest @onebadmamaijama 17h17 hours ago
- @TEX_49 @JKH2 @horserider2244 @andieiamwhoiam its crude. And
- dehumanizing. That's why the term white supremacist is being used. Cmon now
- 1. The problem with Social Conservatives on @twitter, is that, when they say
- "What if I told you;" the thing is,
- 2. that it should mean the same as the same, but without any equivocation!
- And, that's a lot characters, so there's not much space left to differ;
- 3. let alone to disagree. =26=
- @lawrence @JoyAnnReid
- So clear this is going to be a conservative adminstration, "that will MAGA" by changing "how things are said."
- @amjoyshow @newshour
- [It's] so clear this is going to be a conservative adminstration, "that will MAGA" by changing "how things are said."
- @newshour
- @nytdavidbrooks @JudyWoodruff
- I've been thinking the best we can hope for is that it be will like Reagans
- last 3 years in reverse.
- So clear this is going to be a conservative adminstration, "that will MAGA" by changing "how things are said."
- @maddow regarding "Just in Classified Channels" I'm a B.S.C.S And my
- professional op. about what I'm forwarding should be germane IMO
- So, @maddow, Are the jobs that remain mainly $50k or more, filled by 50 year-old or more males? #ProtestTrump
- Are the jobs will that remain after the slighty delayed move, mainly $50k or more, filled by 50 year-old or more males? @graboid11
- "exposing leftist bullshit is a hobby". laughing at their bullshit is a way of life
- CNN #1 in Fake News
- @BayShoreIsHome
- We call anyone who doesn't agree with us KKK members. Making stuff up since 1980. Home of former #FoxNews "Blood Shooting from Wherever" Megyn Kelly. #ThisIsCNN
- andandandblock
- Jared Wyand
- ??
- @JaredWyand
- I put my name behind my words because a lot of men & women died for my right to do so. #Nationalist Founder of ProjectPurge
- Joined July 2011
- @Kiana_Monet
- @Kiana_Monet
- @mariGabrielle
- CERTIFIED Weirdo...BONAFIDE Asshole...HALF Homo...Young Wild & Living Life High...If you tweet me you owe me ... #LUSTFEST2016
- Hey @Realjerrybaker be4 the summer comes #member @SP when you were this lame?lol easily 2block and Iwllleetx3this2
- Clint Eastwood
- ?
- @ClintEastwoodLA
- @ClintEastwoodLA gotta admit how much IHATEDUR tweets on #ElectionNight
- PLZ don't cast yourself CAST THE CHAIR INSTEAD! ROWDYYATESmehisU
- NOT Clint Eastwood. I'm Walt Kowalski #GranTorino, Callahan #DirtyHarry & Munny in #Unforgiven. I'm the good, the bad, & the ugly. #Fansite. Now #GetOffMyLawn
- Los Angeles, CA
- Joined June 2014
- Born on May 31
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @KellyannePolls
- shutup(not @maddow :-( with this obvious msmtemplate story please.
- #DEMS did nothing wrong...#GOP basically won the pick 3 electoral lottery
- thankgodimean @ComedyCentral for the running the "simpsons did it'
- episode & of course what I'm watching now. err was.
- @GeorgeTakei
- @maddow with
- (
- monologue
- monaluge
- simpsons
- .
- :wq
- 1. @lawrence @GeorgeTakei I've been wondering if pizzagate was a deliberate
- plan to flood twitter in order keep rational discussions about the
- 2. ClintonServer from conceivably taking place. I have a "treaty on the
- subject" that I've been meaning to share for a while. @lawrence @GeorgeTakei
- geneal micale flynn @lawrence
- pizzagate should be the name for the fud delibratley for airgap
- more later....
- lawrence regarding obamacare &ryan what about the chance
- emplyee compelling an employee
- nihil
- nihilism |?ni??liz?m; ?ne-|
- noun
- the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that
- life is meaningless. Philosophy extreme skepticism maintaining that nothing
- in the world has a real existence. historical the doctrine of an extreme
- Russian revolutionary party c. 1900, which found nothing to approve of in
- the established social order.
- nihilist noun
- nihilistic |?ni??listik; ?ne?-| adjective
- ORIGIN early 19th cent.: from Latin nihil nothing + -ism .
- Thesaurus
- nihilism
- noun
- she could not accept Bacon's nihilism, his insistence that man is a futile
- being skepticism, negativity, cynicism, pessimism; disbelief, unbelief,
- agnosticism, atheism.
- My feelings.. N. dont understand knowledge. That it must be maintained by
- reason. they never accept that.
- LocalWords: nihil
- The Beloved Debs ?@McDebida 3h3 hours ago
- If you're keeping score, Democrat Brown Shirts deface cars, beat Trump supporters & firebomb GOP HQ. #Scum #ThingsTrumpClaimsRigged
- women who pigeon men for trump.. that's what those pictures say to me.
- And it that your mom, in the "bio area". BUt that's her car.
- &he's saying Icantbelieveit
- I'm starting to accept that "hubby" may be an ambulance chaser. #HASHTAG #BURN
- YEAH, I'm sorry about your fire.. LOOKs like someone could have been smoking on the couche.. AND then someone lets get out and blame the democrats!
- THAT was SO ugly. It. was like a MAN of WAR
- Sorry
- Then we have to imagine what it would be like imagine all those #deplorable
- #tidewater jelly fish, that would swim in the wake of a portg man of war!
- THATs how ugly that was.
- well you don't mind if choose to care about myself?
- Bill has the charisma, and Hillary has the game... & political insight
- She knew he could be that ugly. but what if they cut it.?
- I'm saying the #deplorables was always about he's so ugly.
- knowledgeable
- How I might defend Hillary Clinton if she should be condemed to death
- block @KellyannePolls + general
- ttps://
- block now list later
- --------------------------------------
- Locard
- @rayvenslady52
- --------------------------------
- -------------------------------------
- @BonnieSue05060'@maddow is that where Dilbert's boss came from?'
- Dilbert's pointy-haired boss?
- Trump:Im China, youve got no where to go, Ill starve you out
- Me: I have a NUKES, I can nuke you farms, I can nuke your phone factories.
- Trump: Im ambivalentlly christian
- JEB! Youknow Im also ambivalentyly christian.. you should let me win.
- sed -n '4{s/Me:/Mejjongill/p;}' < 2tweet.txt'
- if youre a system adminstrator do not hinder the developer, STOP them, or help them depending on the business application.
- a god with no self knowledge is a deamon with a christenname #theology
- @msnbc @jeb! can anyone in the age of social media, do the classic pander-[and then]-pivot"
- @biden thanks for saying adjukated...of course I say disturbed is disturbed... --mental health will drive you crazy...
- @cnn @cruz, NO. He, is not merely the commander in chief, he is the chief executive of the united states, and he decides how he fulfills that oath.
- It would be good if they could get coal to the people who are burning down their forests to make charcoal.
- So we are a nation state, created by christians of the 18th century, with corrupt legislative bodies, and kane-in-night neighbors
- So we are a nation state, created by christians in the 18th century, with corrupt legislative bodies, and kane-in-night neighbors
- incdentially, to the christians of the bible, rulers are the only lawmakers.
- how abortion is actually part of gods plan
- consider how though religion is wrong the laws of the land esp. the common laws
- keep their org. intent. AND the intent WAS AND THEREFORE ALWAYS IS TO EXTEND THE peerage to the individual.
- the
- in america religion can obsolete itself can never change that fact.
- i think i'll keep my prose such as they are.
- sed&awk by Dale 22 millimetters on the shelf!
- In retrospect... perhaps it was my something about my posture
- How I might defend Hillary Clinton if she should be condemed to death
- @larwence instresting, but dot at is so lame.
- carry seems like it could be A. for women after (and link)
- Urban Dictionary: existentialism Here URBAN is WRONG!
- and this definition is nihilistic
- and nilistis phisopher have NO ambition.
- They're nothing like writers. NO WAY
- phantom limp dick syndrome
- -------------------------
- Header, you know admitted it, you said to, as a joke. Don't lie to your 1st 1st. Anyway, yeah. #music lol Dream Boat Annie, is about me. They should rewrote it, to be a girl, better music that way.
- And, so I find Pretenders, going my 3 [garbage files] , but we talked about it, that too. I made it. Jimi Hindrex, w/ the intro not in the track. The Cream Cover. U know, we did. babydoll. Never call U that, I'm writing it tho.
- They new well, then they told, well before I had my MRI, that I got it.
- I shared, &U started talking about a race defect. A defect. I'm not, going to share, at large, what was meant.
- ---
- Then I played the rolling stones, onto the Pretenders song, that I just forgot, but know you how, you took that take. (with it.)
- And, there's more but I needed to brush, and I just forgot.
- Yeah. I got it. I don't need computer, U were teasing about it, Heather,
- a little up the street, from your 2nd, How did you know, Heather?
- To say, that that Heather, is God a woman, Heather, is She?
- You even talked about that, I don't know how I managed to admit yes, I'd capitolize. But, you're very insightful, my 1st girl friend.
- #music No More "I Love You's"
- You remember the pier, Annie?
- You remember how wide the James?
- ------------------------------------------
- Hey, @ladygaga guess what matches=jim h
- A lot. Nice live track. Way to go, girl.
- 94 items, 619 MEGA-BYTE Track 94.
- Sunshine of Your Love, w/o Intro, right there in the middle
- Sunshine of Your Love, w/ Intro right after, Track 4/13
- Maybe, you remember Chad, better?
- Would you belaieve I had this in a garbage file?
- Your reponse is in my trash, right now.
- #MAGA @realDonaldTrump
- Shouldn't #LOL that be a donkey, bitch?
- Maybe U can't fix stupid, if it's President #MAGA @realDonaldTrump I'd say you should try.
- But clearly, you can improve on stupid, with greater stupidity, like a massively conservative, massively deflationary tax cut. Hope, I don't have to use the balloon to explain it 2U
- Yeah, why can't he have same rights as, say, the @NRA, or @NRATV,
- Does he have -- I don't know -- to take advantage of a sitting president?
- Like someone special who just had 1 demented day, in an otherwise unimportant, year.
- Could it be that @snowden stole
- #impeachnow #MAGA @realDonaldTrump
- FOR emoluments NOW AND ONLY emoluments
- Rather that seeing what other inducements, could be had, @mitch mconcell
- emolument |i?maly?m?nt|
- noun (usu. emoluments) formal
- a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office : the directors' emoluments
- right for him to be employed gainfully, or otherwise as prosecutor, or similarly. Furthermore, do the same in an adjacent act, but impeach him, also, as a process server.
- #impeachNow #MAGA @realDonaldTrump and you.
- Emoluments is sufficient to impeach w/, as it the very letter of the law.
- You advice, is so contemptable, you should be, impeached, simply, meaning
- denied the means and right to to be employed gainfully, or otherwise as prosecutor, 1/3
- or similarly. Furthermore, and also, the same, in an adjacent act,as a process server. AND ALSO PARDON WOULD BE LIKE AFFIDAVIT -- The executive certifies, forever, and for all time, the crime, occured, by the pardon. It's an essential property, and can't be separated. 2/3
- However, if you were so impeached, as I described, The President of United States could pardon, enabling you to work again -- But, guess what? I, believe that's an EXAMPLE OF A PARDON THAT CAN BE VACATED! 3/3
- Congress should act now, while there's still time.
- #StopKavanaugh
- I feel if the Congress removes the Debt Ceiling, The Supreme Court could then find itself,motivated to vacate it's ruling, regarding Citizens United.
- Q. Judge, do you agree or disagree?
- @markwarner
- my ans. McCain*Finegold* was in fact a compromise to keep it.
- Simply #impeachNow #MAGA @RudyGiuliani
- Meaning, remove the right for him to be employed gainfully, or otherwise as prosecutor, or similarly. Furthermore, do the same in an adjacent act, but impeach him, also, as a process server.
- imitate vs admire
- care to... just to care.
- #LOL Congress was less racist, when there was slavery?
- =====================================================
- So, did Comey change things, is that your implication?
- U C Snowden stole what Evil Clintons' Dev. never did right!
- c /c/ 1/5
- Naturally, I feel the #GOP could be so interested what SINGLE ISSUE @snowden
- voters, did in the last election cycle, that they might simply try to recreate
- their success with them. 2/5
- But, isn't this something you could have marketed when UR
- hustling as Security Consultant? U C if you claimed to your clients
- that U could provide as a service or capability a way to have provably
- correct firewall rules, then according to C.S. that's Air Gap. 3/5
- Incidentally, the term for offline is offline. What if the
- Russian's pown'ed their way to U, way back then. Meaning,
- compromised your network, system archives, etc. If it was a syndicate
- it wouldn't make much difference. Air Gap is a play on 4/5
- on Ethernet, which is play on the Greek-Roman concept of the air
- the demi-gods, should need, if they should need to breath. Yes, Hercules,
- might hold his breath, until he finds, he's, in fact, son of Zeus, but every
- Roman city had a demi-god, so a play on THE ETHER. 5/5
- #BeMyFriendIn5Words
- What was the generation tag-thing?
- I predicted the Gore Decision
- --
- I was being cynical, it was one of those, you can't leave it blank.
- Or U lose points, on 2 other things.
- I cynically ESP'ed the decision before Hillary gave up her big 70's frames.
- Ok, pedantically, outcome. It was grade 12, the spring of 1990.
- and earned
- 2/3
- @Twitter is clear
- because
- You see, Aretha Franklin, they didn't want to give bonuses to executioners so they made lethal injection for black people. What happened, was (R)lawmakers just mimicked what lawmakers in Florida wered doing except for gun control.
- I #wasThinking the msm-thing "Aretha Franklin" thing were basically compiled, when interviewed for your position at UR MSM company (esp. @lawrence & maybe @maddow ) Kinda like that Brenan* ad. with the testimonial was likely when we was between gigs.
- Because, somehow instinctively the know theirs some kind of ms-racist-m trap-play story they can, and the longer they wait, until they spring it, the more de-visive it should be.
- You what you should do, Jimmy, the Jimmy Falcon, or what-ervring-berliner
- Is even tho. I'm saw. Read all my stuff. so follow me, how knows you'd change
- the world. poser.
- Did U already do one, oh , wait that's CBS. Are they going to like, on your thing, do songs, are like about how "life's not fair, since it's finite', and still it could somehow be about "Aretha Franklin". U should just steal my stuff.
- Or 1 thing for the audience, then a stooge thing for TVLAND? or me.
- Where's the obvious racist tweet? DAMNIT! I would like to know!
- Ur just from MS-racist-M so where I could just drop this w/o explaining it./mb/
- #music I Walk The Line , Johnny Cash
- #music Black Country Woman ,Led Zeppelin
- #music Borderline ,Madonna
- #music This Train ,Sandy Denny
- Jimmy, the Jimmy Falcon,
- Searchable link to this, include in this file <_>Garbage file! #hackers
- print that N.A.^WPecker!
- Why does the quality filter not do anything -- it removes my links -- oh, it removes quality.
- I thought he used a teleprompter now.
- I hope you understand UR presidency is (R)epublican band-aid for decades of bad ideas. Inflationary is, actually, good for the economy.
- U C THATS HOW U GOT SOUTH AFRICA WRONG w/ some help @TuckerCarlson
- Yes, but of the secret implied videndtta clause,
- Once, is again
- Simply #impeachnow as a process server.
- Tweet's or, in thing considered Affidite
- I think it would be better if the president,
- didn't follow @guilline, at but instead followed Max from GetSmart
- until he finds that agent that hangs out in drink machines and stuff
- I think you need 44. 1/2
- Yes, but because of the secret implied videndtta clause,
- Thx Zigfried. U right. Af f davit,
- I regret nothing. #hashtag insert simpson's joke here
- --- also to treyfuck!
- Ok, but, really. So, what if I do? Do you think they R redeemable? Or should
- it take God, Himself, to make Himself, Herself, then'd they'd just think somehow, they'd be older, and she'd need Her, salvation thru them. That's U #MAGA!
- et tu @realDonaldTrump, & #betterwithfriends
- @GovernmentZA
- I was also offended by @TuckerCarlson. I was watching late night TV, when I flipped over to channel 64, with both mute and captions, on, and was promptly offended by his deliberate lies. I was gladdened by your response, thank you.
- National Enquirer
- It's like Hustler but without the prawn, @maddow .
- I think that started when Ollie North took advantage of a dememented president. Which tag should make use of here? HMMM Just to be certain let me say I mean
- #GOP #MAGA Ollie #2A @NRA North !
- Also, I think, it's IKE, not Reagan. You see the MAGA GOP grek*o*roman tragic flaw was everyone knew IKE would be a 3 term president. So, the 1st thing --and they think the last thing -- they did to themselves to preserve incumbencies.
- Will it still be true that GOP MAGA @realDonaldTrump is the 1st, and only online internet troll that became president.
- Will it still be true that #GOP #MAGA @realDonaldTrump is the 1st, and only online internet troll that became president.
- #foxspeak
- ImTuckerCarlson
- @ImTuckerCarlson: I don't care anymore
- $$$$: Are you aware you just said that.
- Tucker: Ok I'll do the story
- $$$$: Now
- Tucker: I'll do the
- $$$$: remember you don't do the story I do the story
- Tucker: I read the story
- #MAGA #GOP @realdonaldTrump
- I think the Trumps, did it, thinking they'd get mobbed up
- I mean what's of being racist, without the mafia ties, especially if your rich, but not that rich?!
- hey @jimmyfallon /,/ what happen to post that was just stewpid...
- I know.. I mouse-slurred, that's what happened.. but I'm -tackling- this chain
- w/ stuff from a -neighbors- garbage - it's like lame... all these could B like about her. I Walk The Line, Black Country Woman ,
- Oh,so no UR. I don't care what U thought I might post, if thought I
- your half of it. I never do. We will be a nation of wife killers, and baby daughter killers WHEN YOU GET RID of THE CURE for the thing where the B>TCHWH<RE SHAKES TO DEATH! 'cus' you don't like how the name sound when say turn yourself in you damn filthy rich thoughts...
- --
- trey doughty.. who's that surfer fucker? who's like I had the name but it like it's not worth remembering. something witha G.. gatsby, but surfer like he's
- like the could have kill Gidget's friend, Laru, if she needed an abortion, but either way she'd die of toxic shock! soo that's why it was only 1 season show.
- so you want to return to the FUCKING BRONZE AGE REALLY #MAGA @realDonalTrump
- TRASH! FAGGOT! U surfer U U will turn america until a nation of baby daughter killers, in fact that's what America will spealize in. ,under your tenure, your absolutely
- Remember he doesn't have UR GODLESS you so
- ------------------------------------------------------
- No, it's not. No, it's not. Obama should have benn speculative fiction writer. The plan was center. But, years later its there's still 4 kinda of republicans. What's a RINO? WRONG! It' the 1 kind that would CONSIDER/just consider/ doing anything, w/a democrat #MAGA @realDonaldTrump.
- ---------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------xxxxn
- I don't care what the POPE thinks, I guess he thinks that God intended to make the world Perfectly, so we can all be Catholics, and, he just learned to supress those beliefs he has, just so he can intend to become a bishop. And learn nothing about God. Can't He change Himself?
- OH LETS GO BACK TO THE BRONZE AGE #MAGA @realDonaldTrump PICK YOURSELF, U ARE ABOUT THE ONLY person U could pick that wouldn't end MAKING US a nation BABY DAIGHTER KILLERS! 32% STUPID #MAGA @realDonaldTrump U will make God Hate Himself
- If He's not already there?
- =====================================
- Oh, but how 'bout we just go so for back that, god's is a word; but, it's name isn't you #MAGA or @realDonaldTrump. 50 to 60 thousands years ago, when Man, Woman, and Child, thought in pictures, to make, basically,every word we speak today.And, didn't have thought's like we do.
- They'd be more like dogs, Or Nigger Bitches , #MAGA @realDonaldTrump
- But, you don't owe them anything, 'cus U can say they're black.
- And, some of there would have to be black. And it, should, just eat U
- up inside, but it dont. Do it?
- ----------------------------------------
- It's like 'cus' it's like how Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely #LIBERALISM
- But, you know so you could help someone, so you won't you absolutely, won't do it! And, it wouldn't help U that much bc. God. Is going to have to make Herself
- exist. #MAGA @realDonaldTrump
- -------------
- Damn it! Why won't U bc. the real #MAGA \h\ @realDonaldTrump
- so God, should just be able to tweak you somehow, But She won't I guess,
- mabye, bc first thing that happened, when He made himself She, is She remembered athat Damn Christian thing about She wants everyone to know Her.
- --------------------
- like in the world of Death Note, would if they just stopped naming babies, to deal with those demon devil Gods?, of Death?.. slowing but surelly, everyone just started calling U #MAGA @realDonaldTrump , both irl and online, really, not no-one got God, to make anyone, or anything
- ---------------
- I don't know what I #wasThinking but something Aretha Franklin, then something, something, something, and 5GL would be like 4GL PLUS some kinda of spoken word s-q-l like interface to the source code repository thing.
- -----------
- Where someone sets me up. Of course, you know don't U that I know there only video media clips of her covering Burt. Bachar hits. -- Then, you could talk about Bur
- #s something different. That I think could all be about her.
- Best thing about these plans, is how a guy can still get screwed by COBRA,
- after 1 of those, But, Alex, knows some how it a way for the rich, to get richer, like they're just buying money. LIKE THEY'RE JUST BUYING MONEY.
- OBAMA CARE WAS SO SHORT IN DURATION THAT IM damn fortunate I could proudly
- pay 787$ on a 42k long term capital gain #MAGA #realDonaldTrump. mitch the evil turle---before I forget instead of nothing, but state tax. That became the boy that became the \@\ tag I'm not going 2 look
- @secazar @charles_gaba @washingtonpost
- But of course, never imagine, how it could just me like before TrumptheRACESTwithAlexDONTCAREplan
- me: I'm working leave me alone.
- them: you can't say that unless you can xplain in english everything you know
- about computers and do for the company
- me: what new plan? huh/???
- me: huh not that shit where they get decide the 2 insurance ALEX of course
- you know... thats a way from U to buy more filthy money... and have basically
- no -- 2 companies, not my company.. ALEX et. Putin.
- UR right He's he is a troll, he trolls the fucking world now, bc he just potus, really, not much... he know's his name is a charlock. you could out of chracters, and then just not post, or U change the tone, but keep the logic.
- Corbra. care is COMA READY.
- somehow you don't like unless it more like'd UD REMOVE 4 the real world,
- into the WallSTREET, where that wealth could just get ZAPPED, they call
- it a correction... doesn't matter just can blame a liberal, or a democrat
- Led Zeppelin, Conspicuously Absent
- recommended eq. flat.
- --
- ---------
- dot:talk about a swing vote, he'd be like a jack-in-the-box, that could roll a D&D die.
- --<save, for when/if It's too late.... I
- --
- xoxo
- #nuspeak
- -------------------------
- after 11pm
- I #wasThinking #hashtag ethereal fist pump
- What #s that? You don't actually connect or bumb, but you would in space-time, but not real-space.
- #music For your Life
- ---
- #hiphop new?! vocabulary ethereally
- 4really
- me: love my ispell on emacs
- J: Would you like to answer that?!
- 1: There's a right to incriminate oneself of wrong-doing in A COURT OF LAW --
- 8: I gotta say something, here.
- J: Any wrong doing?
- 0: Furthermore, the jury should be dismissed right now, as 8 admits they have no role as
- finder of fact.
- ------------
- @christ_american , Christ was no american, and is there a reason to think God sent his only son for Jingoism, or is there? Also, these days, 'type-pun' for a username, really seems the hallmark for a shared-troll-account.
- Th
- fuck iseareal -- 1 capital ship destroyed, and no admission, or apology.
- oh sure
- --------------------
- #TrumpGroceryStores @jeandunn52
- Why yuppies are squares -- the thing: it must remain in a correctable form.
- Me: Yeah, well what if it's never corrected? And, times like these, of course.
- What's the difference between a facist american , and an authentic internet troll? With the facist it's, really, IN REAL LIFE ALL THE TIME.
- for-really!#LOL
- ---
- SO #realmeh UR pandering too,cus you dont want a segment of white elite #s to squabble with each other, THEDUMBRICH vs THESMARTRICH, then msm might explain capitlol gains lol, anyway Dumb can't beat inflation with their investment.
- #BetterThanSexIn3Words
- Brandy, Casey, Katea?
- God you suck; et tu Trump.>:<
- And, so you told ex-kgb-chiefs, dry-ops ok, wet-ops , well maybe if you really need to? #realmeh Since you implied it IRL and online, we don't know how you said it offline.
- #hackers? LOL?
- -----------
- What should have happened?
- If you're like ten/11,or twelve and in Bible-Study study , but only if #hashtag rebuke me back please.
- esp. regarding in my last at you, esp. Christ is for all of us. YOU CHARLATAN!
- And, do U think it's an individual right? Or, a right to claim you'd be governed somehow abroad in extenuating circumstance, and perhap for certain matters?! ( Of Religion, naturally :-(
- ----------------------------
- What's going to God, for words against ones neighbor, the beginning of
- Satanism or Charlatanism
- 2...
- -------------
- I #wasThinking I'd add #LOL but really I should be LOLOLloololo....xcvcv loLOOOLLLOOOL, (#LOL middle bit be when I drop the mouse and pick it up again;-)
- I #wasThinking I forget right now lol. but _No_Sand_For_Eternity_ plz.
- Love in a Elevator.. is actually better sex on a beach; it can be done.
- And just now, WaterLoo, sex on a reverse slope.
- P.S. Casey I love -- sex was good too. Esp. the ass in class. Brandy, wellol
- we both know we kept that casual, and we both know we didn't need to call it anything LOL Sorry I got a way scott-free LOL#hashtag no I'm not.
- I #wasThinking I'm #s tillthinking what's this about. capital gains is profit
- not gross, and progresive, starts with... OHH ME its --it's OMG it CRONEY CAPITLISM PLUS PROPAGANDA still hope I do the tweet. -- ZERO starts with 0%!
- I #wasthinking it would be easy to do a tweet, it's about Stupid rich, vs Smart Rich, stupid can't always beat inflation.
- --]-self censored for fun-]--- it's like a quadratic factory class tweet maker!
- I #wasthinking Valkeries could be all kinds of things, like if they a temple of their own, and they're naturally the temple gaurds, then keepers of the dead, so , acropolis, Norse and Danes keep it state secret, if they can... they could be nurses, but they could also be like Quincy, they could know naturally bc of their serpet, they can't call something a super-bridge, so since it religion, they can call it a super-cock, -- it's not science-- so they're cloistered
- and after 1 decade, they could just always be like 'we call that a brain cock'
- bc it's religion not science, they can change names, for even just opinions, and "societal reasoning", so then [when] with societal-reasoning, and an opinion of consensus, but not proof there of, they could act much faster, enjoy the present they make, and not worry about the future. weather, ordinary women accept what it should be called could ebb and vary, and they should know it doesnt matter, and if you know what I'm referring to, you know I'm right.
- P.S. Trump supporters why don't you say bc someone died. bc, ur just following the bouncing ball, its not a cartoon, true, but it's a sing-a-long @foxnews #hastag FOXNESSISCRORRUPTIVETOSOCIETY #liberalism 1/2
- IAOC SEXUAL BATTERY is CORRUPTIVE BY ABSENCE, and esp. so, if implemented if I were a petty dictator LIMIT IS 3 CRIME IS 5! 2/2.
- Naturally, followers, I feel, yes, they build the wall to keep liberals in!
- (cf. Hypocrites!)
- #IAC I #wasThinking --last night -- a game that's AD&D like , in that is level based profieciency.. maybe rogues would even be npc only skill like things, so there there could be rogues, BUT here #s the new thing. It's called SailorSuit
- or S.S. even? #meh Your maximum potential hitpoints, are calculated, and then you start with that!
- I'm like you want to make the wall to make liberals tweak your laws.
- Hi. It's me again.
- typo
- ---------------------
- I #wasThinking perhaps bc I would chose not to play the game of misremebering a game, but instead always choose to maintain a relationship.
- NO d00d*drone*nerdrone* the worlds a
- ----------------------
- Halwys acked foolishly pictue of that.
- @comey acted foolishly!, In fact @twitter, we should remember that, but instead, on that day, in WW2 in the pacific, where #hashtag HALSEY-ACTED-FOOLISHLY.
- #stillwithher
- #resist
- #bookLoversDay
- ------------
- #hacEric cant your Judge nominate yourself and resign
- hes got a blind and Im in the shootingallery --software boutiques
- 0:Im a reasoner not a consensus maker 6 nines of comprehension by the 5th grade / CRT scored 90th percentile for the 1st time grade 4
- God: I #wasThinking idstop, and do something else
- 6: I thought hey dan is that leetspeek?
- 1: bc?
- 9: thats comp-u-speak
- 8: make it stop 0tardyslips
- 2: Seriously Dan, its not love I just want to F.CkYXX1
- 1: sererous/ly? u need to be like that?
- 0: its going to fuck everything up.
- 6|8: this is why you went on line, man?
- 3.14: URveryEMO
- 1: It's EMOO4me bc I have carpm, like U Qtee!
- 0: I can't believe this happening. now both--
- 2:A: we overtook U and you got mad, and did KissinginaTree!
- 8: why're weren't U in college with my sister?
- xy: It's very possible, I think*it*s*called*a super-bridge
- 0: thx 4 memberbury Anna, but adding as part of the toilet bridge, of the Ambee-burn
- 1: yeah, made that a very painful emmy for me
- 0: but I loved everything minute of it.
- ----------------
- @RudyGiuliani
- --------
- social conserations and securular huminists
- ---------
- i mean just bc life can iminiate art.. really means nothing
- g8: like what we should still be able to Clinton.. accept naturally bc were the president
- Hannity: look how many people do I have to get rid of before you stop doing that
- g8: what/?
- ----------------------------------
- alert2.jpg 0>:open remberpastepugs\?alfinpugforth.jpg 0>:pbpaste <<< 'Remember paste pugs,Steve\? Guess what. Alf's in back in pugforth.' > 0>:pbpcopy <<< 'Remember paste pugs,Steve\? Guess what. Alf's in back in pugforth.' > 0>:pbpcopy <<< "Remember paste pugs,Steve\? Guess what. Alf's in back in pugforth." mksh: pbpcopy: not found0>:pbcopy <<< "Remember paste pugs,Steve\? Guess what. Alf's in back in pugforth." 0>:pbcopy <<< "The Method is Known as:Lethal Injection is UNLAWFUL, and corruptive. It violates t>0>:beep0>:beep 0>:#debatenight @msnbc
- Surrogates, Do you know that abortion removes the placenta?
- #debatenight @msnbc
- [Surrogates], Do you know that a woman with #toxemia should
- die of toxic shock?
- #debatenight @msnbc
- [Surrogates], Do you know that, to me the #BIBLE describes the world without abortion?
- #debatenight @msnbc
- [Surrogates],
- If you're that ignorant, why should you lead?
- If you're that scornful, why are you Christian?
- 0>:gap.txt citizen__b.tweets 2tweet.keep 2tweet.txt youSUCKTRUMP.txt <|wc -l
- 2580
- 0>:t citizen__b.tweets 2tweet.keep 2tweet.txt youSUCKTRUMP.txt |wc -l <
- 2580 16736 110183
- 0>:man wc | head -18
- WC(1) BSD General Commands Manual WC(1)
- wwcc -- word, line, character, and byte count
- wwcc [--ccllmmww] [_f_i_l_e _._._.]
- The wwcc utility displays the number of lines, words, and bytes contained
- in each input _f_i_l_e (or standard input, by default) to the standard out-
- put. A line is defined as a string of characters delimited by a <new-
- line> character, and a word is defined as a string of characters delim-
- ited by white space characters. White space characters are the set of
- characters for which the iswspace(3) function returns true. If more than
- one input file is specified, a line of cumulative counts for all the
- files is displayed on a separate line after the output for the last file.
- 0>:exit
- Script done on Wed Oct 10 04:51:47 2018
- is bitcoin a fraud NO!
- BUT bitcoin is very strange. VERY VEY STRANGE
- TAKE FROM THE WORLD from market is propery -- ( you should might fight that stange at all!)
- TAKN FROM THE THE ENCOMENY it can be done, but since it is a form of script, which from another proof I wont repeat, acceprt that bitcoin is script(like on tv show MAxh for example, the commedy set in the korean klonict, ,but about vietname, but all more so, now bc infact the characters never get enough script.;0)
- so from that proof, but now into this, its cleary niether "monies", nor CASH!
- AS I prooved there, I say again here, it can be undersimply as script, but only if accept, a new nuance, of "what the market will bear" twice" so when convertd the money-wealth-in realspace
- so
- that's how strangely bad it is when its badly done..
- Script done, output file is /tmp/typescript.194.283
- Already at end of file
- ~
- 2942,54 *Append
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