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- local tArgs = {...}
- local betaKey = ""
- local currentFile = ""
- local isSaved = true
- local isChanged = true
- local fileLinesArr = {""}
- local curLine,curCol,lastCol=1,0,0
- local menus = {}
- local inMenu=false
- local selectedMenu = 1
- local selectedSubMenu = 1
- local running = true
- local config = {isFullScreen = false, clipboard=""}
- local showFirstTimeMessage = false
- local showAboutBox=false
- local collectedInputs = {file="My Input Data"}
- local collectedInputsCursor = {file=1}
- local collectedInputsOffsets = {file=0}
- local collectedInputsSize = {file=0}
- local w,h = term.getSize()
- local scrollOffsetX,scrollOffsetY = 0,0
- local isBlinking = false
- local state = "edit"
- local message = {}
- local showingMessage=false
- local showingFileDialog = false
- local selectedMessageOption=1
- local lastBlinkTime = 0
- sleep(0.1)
- local timer = os.startTimer(0)
- local function setColors(monitor, bg, fg, bg2, fg2)
- if monitor then
- if monitor.isColor() then
- monitor.setBackgroundColor(bg)
- monitor.setTextColor(fg)
- else
- monitor.setBackgroundColor(bg2)
- monitor.setTextColor(fg2)
- end
- end
- end
- local function checkLinePosition()
- local maxLines = #fileLinesArr
- if curLine < 1 then
- curLine = 1
- elseif curLine > #fileLinesArr then
- curLine = maxLines
- end
- local yOffset = 2
- if config.isFullScreen then
- yOffset = 0
- end
- if scrollOffsetY > h-yOffset-curLine then
- scrollOffsetY=h-yOffset-curLine
- elseif scrollOffsetY < 1-curLine then
- scrollOffsetY=1-curLine
- end
- end
- local function checkColPosition()
- if curCol < 0 then
- curCol = 0
- elseif curCol > string.len(fileLinesArr[curLine]) then
- curCol = string.len(fileLinesArr[curLine])
- end
- local total = h-3 --todo: possible bug
- if #fileLinesArr < total then
- total = #fileLinesArr
- end
- local padWidth = string.len(tostring(total))
- local workingWidth = w - padWidth - 1
- if scrollOffsetX >= workingWidth - curCol-1 then
- scrollOffsetX=workingWidth-curCol-1
- elseif scrollOffsetX < 0-curCol then
- scrollOffsetX=0-curCol
- end
- end
- local function checkMenuPositions()
- if selectedMenu < 1 then
- selectedMenu = #menus
- elseif selectedMenu > #menus then
- selectedMenu = 1
- end
- if selectedSubMenu < 1 then
- selectedSubMenu = #menus[selectedMenu].items
- elseif selectedSubMenu > #menus[selectedMenu].items then
- selectedSubMenu = 1
- end
- end
- local function checkMessageOptionPositions()
- if selectedMessageOption < 1 then
- selectedMessageOption = #message.footer
- elseif selectedMessageOption > #message.footer then
- selectedMessageOption = 1
- end
- end
- local function loadFile(file)
- if fs.exists(file) and not fs.isDir(file) then
- local tmpArr = {}
- local h =, "r")
- while true do
- local data = h.readLine()
- if data == nil then break end
- table.insert(tmpArr, data)
- end
- h.close()
- return tmpArr
- end
- return null
- end
- local function openFile(file)
- local data = loadFile(file)
- if data then
- fileLinesArr = {""}
- currentFile = file
- isSaved = false
- isChanged = false
- scrollOffsetX,scrollOffsetY=0,0
- if data then
- fileLinesArr = data
- isSaved = true
- end
- curLine,curCol,lastCol=1,0,0
- checkLinePosition()
- checkColPosition()
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- local function saveFile(file, dataArr)
- local tmpArr = {}
- local h =, "w")
- if h then
- for i=1, #dataArr do
- h.writeLine(dataArr[i])
- end
- h.close()
- isSaved = true
- isChanged = false
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- local function loadSettings()
- if fs.exists("taco.db") then
- local cfg
- local h ="taco.db", "r")
- while true do
- data = h.readLine()
- if data == nil then break end
- if data == "--[[CONFIG:" then
- local tmpCfg = h.readAll()
- cfg=textutils.unserialize(string.sub(tmpCfg,1,string.len(tmpCfg)-2))
- end
- end
- h.close()
- if cfg then
- if cfg.isFullScreen then
- config.isFullScreen = cfg.isFullScreen
- end
- if cfg.clipboard then
- config.clipboard = cfg.clipboard
- end
- end
- else
- showFirstTimeMessage = true
- end
- end
- local function saveSettings()
- settingsStr=textutils.serialize(config)
- local h ="taco.db", "w")
- h.writeLine('print("This is a settings file for TACO :)")')
- h.writeLine('--[[CONFIG:')
- h.writeLine(settingsStr)
- h.writeLine(']]')
- h.close()
- end
- local function newFile()
- currentFile = ""
- fileLinesArr={""}
- curLine,curCol,lastCol=1,0,0
- checkLinePosition()
- checkColPosition()
- isSaved = false
- isChanged = false
- end
- table.insert(menus, {
- name="File",
- hotkey=keys.f,
- items={
- {"New", "N", "new_file", true},
- {"Open..", "O", "open_file", true},
- {"Save", "S", "save_file", false},
- {"Save As..", "A", "saveas_file", false},
- {"--"},
- {"Revert", "R", "revert_file", false},
- --{"Print..", "P", "print_file", false},
- --{"Run Script", "E", "run_file", false},
- {"--"},
- {"Exit", "X", "exit_app", true}
- }
- })
- table.insert(menus, {
- name="Edit",
- hotkey=keys.e,
- items={
- --{"Cut", "X", "cut_selection", false},
- --{"Copy", "C", "copy_selection", false},
- --{"Paste", "V", "paste_selection", false},
- --{"--"},
- --{"Delete", "D", "clear_selection", false},
- --{"--"},
- {"Cut Line", "K", "cut_line", false},
- {"Copy Line", "J", "copy_line", false},
- {"Paste Line", "U", "paste_line", false},
- {"--"},
- {"Delete Line", "R", "delete_line", false},
- {"--"},
- {"Clone Line", "R", "clone_line", false},
- }
- })
- --[[
- table.insert(menus, {
- name="Search",
- hotkey=keys.s,
- items={
- {"Find..", "F", "find_text", false},
- {"Replace..", "R", "replace_text", false}
- }
- })]]
- table.insert(menus, {
- name="Options",
- hotkey=keys.o,
- items={
- {"Full Screen Mode", "F", "fullscreen_toggle", false},
- --{"Settings..", "S", "show_settings", false}
- }
- })
- table.insert(menus, {
- name="Help",
- hotkey=keys.h,
- items={
- --{"Help", "H", "show_help", true},
- {"Grab Updates", "U", "perform_update", true},
- {"--"},
- {"About TACO", "A", "show_about", true},
- }
- })
- local function lpad(str, len, char)
- if char == nil then char = ' ' end
- local i = len - #str
- if i >= 0 then
- return string.rep(char, i) .. str
- else
- return str
- end
- end
- local function rpad(str, len, char)
- if char == nil then char = ' ' end
- local i = len - #str
- if i >= 0 then
- return str .. string.rep(char, i)
- else
- return str
- end
- end
- local function drawScreen(monitor)
- w,h = monitor.getSize()
- monitor.setBackgroundColor(
- monitor.clear()
- --header bar
- local guiOffset = 1
- local lineTotalOffset = 2
- if config.isFullScreen then
- guiOffset = 0
- lineTotalOffset = 0
- end
- --editor area
- local ii=1
- local total = h-lineTotalOffset-scrollOffsetY+curLine
- if #fileLinesArr < total then
- total = #fileLinesArr
- end
- local padWidth = string.len(tostring(total))
- for i=1+guiOffset, h-(guiOffset/2) do
- local currentLineIndex = ii-scrollOffsetY
- local workingWidth = w - padWidth - 1
- if 1==2 then
- workingWidth=workingWidth-1 --scrollbar
- end
- monitor.setCursorPos(1,i)
- setColors(monitor,, colors.lightGray,, colors.white)
- monitor.write(string.rep(" ", w)) --subtract the two "+"'s
- if currentLineIndex <= #fileLinesArr then
- local currentLine = fileLinesArr[currentLineIndex]
- setColors(monitor, colors.white,, colors.white,
- monitor.setCursorPos(1,i)
- monitor.write(lpad(tostring(currentLineIndex), padWidth, " "))
- if curLine == currentLineIndex then
- setColors(monitor, colors.lightBlue, colors.white,, colors.white)
- else
- setColors(monitor,, colors.lightGray,, colors.white)
- end
- monitor.setCursorPos(padWidth+1,ii+guiOffset)
- currentLineFit = currentLine
- if currentLineFit then
- currentLineFit = string.sub(currentLineFit, -scrollOffsetX+1, string.len(currentLineFit))
- if string.len(currentLineFit) > workingWidth then
- currentLineFit = string.sub(currentLineFit, 1, workingWidth)
- end
- monitor.write(" "..rpad(currentLineFit, workingWidth, " ").." ")
- end
- if curLine == currentLineIndex and (isBlinking or inMenu) then
- monitor.setCursorPos(padWidth+2+curCol+scrollOffsetX,i)
- setColors(monitor, colors.white, colors.lightBlue, colors.white,
- local msg = string.sub(currentLineFit,curCol+scrollOffsetX+1,curCol+scrollOffsetX+1)
- if msg == "" then msg = " " end
- monitor.write(msg)
- end
- end
- ii=ii+1
- end
- if not config.isFullScreen or inMenu then
- --footer bar
- setColors(monitor, colors.lightGray,, colors.white,
- monitor.setCursorPos(1,h)
- monitor.write(string.rep(" ", w))
- monitor.setCursorPos(1,h)
- if not isSaved or isChanged then
- setColors(monitor, colors.lightGray,, colors.white,
- monitor.write("*")
- end
- if currentFile == "" then
- setColors(monitor, colors.lightGray,, colors.white,
- monitor.write("new_file")
- else
- monitor.write(currentFile)
- end
- setColors(monitor, colors.lightGray,, colors.white,
- local footerMsg = "Ln "..curLine..":"..#fileLinesArr.." Col "..(curCol+1) --.." XOff="..scrollOffsetX
- monitor.setCursorPos(w-string.len(footerMsg)+1,h)
- monitor.write(footerMsg)
- --header bar
- monitor.setCursorPos(1,1)
- setColors(monitor, colors.lightGray,, colors.white,
- monitor.write(string.rep(" ", w))
- monitor.setCursorPos(2,1)
- for i=1, #menus do
- if inMenu and i == selectedMenu then
- setColors(monitor,, colors.white,, colors.white)
- else
- setColors(monitor, colors.lightGray,, colors.white,
- end
- monitor.write(" "..menus[i].name.." ")
- end
- -- Time
- local time = os.time()
- local timeFmt = textutils.formatTime(time, false)
- local timeLen = string.len(timeFmt)
- monitor.setCursorPos(w-timeLen,1)
- setColors(monitor, colors.lightGray,, colors.white,
- monitor.write(timeFmt)
- end
- if inMenu then
- monitor.setCursorPos(1,1)
- setColors(monitor, colors.lightGray,, colors.white,
- local menuWidth = 1
- local menuOffset = 0
- for i=1, selectedMenu-1 do
- menuOffset=menuOffset+string.len(menus[i].name)+2
- end
- for i=1, #menus[selectedMenu].items do
- local len = string.len(menus[selectedMenu].items[i][1])+2
- if len > menuWidth then
- menuWidth = len
- end
- end
- for i=1, #menus[selectedMenu].items do
- if i == selectedSubMenu then
- setColors(monitor,, colors.white,, colors.white)
- else
- setColors(monitor, colors.lightGray,, colors.white,
- end
- monitor.setCursorPos(menuOffset+3,1+i)
- monitor.write(string.rep(" ", menuWidth))
- monitor.setCursorPos(menuOffset+3,1+i)
- local str = menus[selectedMenu].items[i][1]
- if str == "--" then
- if monitor.isColor() then
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.gray)
- else
- monitor.setTextColor(
- end
- monitor.write(string.rep("-", menuWidth))
- else
- monitor.write(" "..str.." ")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function updateAllTheThings()
-"market get gjdh1m taco "..betaKey.." y")
- end
- local function resetBlink()
- lastBlinkTime = os.clock()+.5
- isBlinking = true
- end
- local function centerText(monitor, tY, tText)
- local offX = (w+1)/2 - (string.len(tText)-1)/2
- monitor.setCursorPos(offX, tY)
- monitor.write(tText)
- end
- local function centerTextWidth(monitor, tX, tY, width, tText)
- local offX = (width+1)/2 - (string.len(tText)-1)/2
- monitor.setCursorPos(offX+tX, tY)
- monitor.write(tText)
- end
- local logo = {
- " 1111111111 ";
- " 11115e454e5e11 ";
- " 11545e5111111111";
- "1154e411111111111";
- "1e455111111111111";
- "15ec5111111111111";
- "1cccc1111111111 ";
- "1cccc111111 ";
- " 111111 ";
- }
- --[[Stolen Shamelessly from nPaintPro -]]
- local function getColourOf(hex)
- local value = tonumber(hex, 16)
- if not value then return nil end
- value = math.pow(2,value)
- return value
- end
- local function drawPictureTable(mon, image, xinit, yinit, alpha)
- if not alpha then alpha = 1 end
- for y=1,#image do
- for x=1,#image[y] do
- mon.setCursorPos(xinit + x-1, yinit + y-1)
- local col = getColourOf(string.sub(image[y], x, x))
- if not col then col = alpha end
- if term.isColor() then
- mon.setBackgroundColour(col)
- else
- local pixel = string.sub(image[y], x, x)
- if pixel == "c" or pixel == "5" or pixel == " " then
- mon.setBackgroundColour(colors.white)
- else
- mon.setBackgroundColour(
- end
- end
- mon.write(" ")
- end
- end
- end
- --[[End Theft]]
- local function trySaveFileFromDialog()
- currentFile = collectedInputs.file
- if saveFile(currentFile, fileLinesArr) then
- showingFileDialog=false
- else
- messageBox("Error!", {"Couldn't save file!", "Try another name.."}, {{"OK",null}})
- end
- end
- local function tryOpenFileFromDialog()
- if openFile(collectedInputs.file) then
- showingFileDialog=false
- else
- messageBox("Error!", {"Couldn't open file!"}, {{"OK",null}})
- end
- end
- local function hideFileDialog()
- showingFileDialog=false
- end
- local fileDialog={}
- fileDialog.title="Open File"
- fileDialog.basePath="/"
- fileDialog.currentTab=1
- fileDialog.currentTabMax=4
- fileDialog.dirScrollOffset=0
- fileDialog.fileScrollOffset=0
- fileDialog.dirSelected=1
- fileDialog.fileSelected=1
- fileDialog.currentPathFiles={}
- fileDialog.currentPathFolders={}
- fileDialog.selectedFooterOption=1
- fileDialog.footer={}
- local function addSlashIfNeeded(path)
- local len = string.len(path)
- if string.sub(path, len, len) ~= "/" then
- return path.."/"
- else
- return path
- end
- end
- local function addSlashIfNeededLeft(path)
- if string.sub(path, 1,1) ~= "/" then
- return "/"..path
- else
- return path
- end
- end
- local function getFilePath(file)
- local fName = fs.getName(file)
- local lenBpath = string.len(file)
- local lenFname = string.len(fName)
- return string.sub(file, 1, lenBpath - lenFname-1)
- end
- local function prepareDialog()
- local tmpList = fs.list(fileDialog.basePath)
- local tmpFileArr,tmpFolderArr={},{}
- fileDialog.basePath = addSlashIfNeeded(fileDialog.basePath)
- if fileDialog.basePath ~= "/" then
- table.insert(tmpFolderArr, {"..", getFilePath(fileDialog.basePath)})
- end
- for key, file in ipairs(tmpList) do
- local len = string.len(fileDialog.basePath)
- file = addSlashIfNeeded(fileDialog.basePath)..file
- if fs.isDir(file) then
- table.insert(tmpFolderArr, {fs.getName(file), file.."/"})
- else
- table.insert(tmpFileArr, {fs.getName(file), file})
- end
- end
- fileDialog.currentPathFiles = tmpFileArr
- fileDialog.currentPathFolders = tmpFolderArr
- fileDialog.dirScrollOffset=0
- fileDialog.fileScrollOffset=0
- checkDialogLimits()
- end
- function dialogReset()
- fileDialog.currentTab=1
- fileDialog.dirScrollOffset=0
- fileDialog.fileScrollOffset=0
- fileDialog.dirSelected=1
- fileDialog.fileSelected=1
- end
- local dirFileListHeight = 1
- function checkDialogLimits()
- if fileDialog.selectedFooterOption < 1 then
- fileDialog.selectedFooterOption = #fileDialog.footer
- end
- if fileDialog.selectedFooterOption > #fileDialog.footer then
- fileDialog.selectedFooterOption = 1
- end
- if fileDialog.dirSelected < 1 then
- fileDialog.dirSelected = 1
- end
- if fileDialog.fileSelected < 1 then
- fileDialog.fileSelected = 1
- end
- if fileDialog.fileSelected > #fileDialog.currentPathFiles then
- fileDialog.fileSelected = #fileDialog.currentPathFiles
- end
- if fileDialog.dirSelected > #fileDialog.currentPathFolders then
- fileDialog.dirSelected = #fileDialog.currentPathFolders
- end
- if fileDialog.dirScrollOffset > dirFileListHeight-fileDialog.dirSelected+1 then
- fileDialog.dirScrollOffset=dirFileListHeight-fileDialog.dirSelected+1
- elseif fileDialog.dirScrollOffset < 1-fileDialog.dirSelected then
- fileDialog.dirScrollOffset=1-fileDialog.dirSelected
- end
- if fileDialog.fileScrollOffset > dirFileListHeight-fileDialog.fileSelected+1 then
- fileDialog.fileScrollOffset=dirFileListHeight-fileDialog.fileSelected+1
- elseif fileDialog.fileScrollOffset < 1-fileDialog.fileSelected then
- fileDialog.fileScrollOffset=1-fileDialog.fileSelected
- end
- if collectedInputsCursor.file < 0 then
- collectedInputsCursor.file = 0
- elseif collectedInputsCursor.file > string.len(collectedInputs.file) then
- collectedInputsCursor.file = string.len(collectedInputs.file)
- end
- if collectedInputsOffsets.file >= collectedInputsSize.file - collectedInputsCursor.file-1 then
- collectedInputsOffsets.file=collectedInputsSize.file-collectedInputsCursor.file-1
- elseif collectedInputsOffsets.file < 0-collectedInputsCursor.file then
- collectedInputsOffsets.file=0-collectedInputsCursor.file
- end
- end
- function showFileSaveAsDialog()
- if fs.exists(currentFile) and not fs.isDir(currentFile) then
- fileDialog.basePath=addSlashIfNeededLeft(shell.resolve(getFilePath(currentFile)))
- else
- --fileDialog.basePath=addSlashIfNeededLeft(shell.resolve(""))
- end
- prepareDialog()
- dialogReset()
- fileDialog.title="Save File As.."
- collectedInputs.file = addSlashIfNeededLeft(shell.resolve(currentFile))
- collectedInputsCursor.file = string.len(collectedInputs.file)
- collectedInputsOffsets.file = 0
- collectedInputsSize.file = 0
- fileDialog.footer={{"Save",trySaveFileFromDialog},{"Cancel",hideFileDialog}}
- showingFileDialog = true
- end
- function showFileOpenDialog()
- if fs.exists(currentFile) and not fs.isDir(currentFile) then
- fileDialog.basePath=addSlashIfNeededLeft(shell.resolve(getFilePath(currentFile)))
- else
- --fileDialog.basePath=addSlashIfNeededLeft(shell.resolve(""))
- end
- prepareDialog()
- dialogReset()
- fileDialog.title="Open File"
- collectedInputs.file = addSlashIfNeededLeft(shell.resolve(currentFile))
- collectedInputsCursor.file = string.len(collectedInputs.file)
- collectedInputsOffsets.file = 0
- collectedInputsSize.file = 0
- fileDialog.footer={{"Open",tryOpenFileFromDialog},{"Cancel",hideFileDialog}}
- showingFileDialog = true
- end
- function drawFileDialog(monitor)
- w,h = monitor.getSize()
- local height = h-2
- local width = w-4
- local offX = (w+1)/2 - (width-1)/2
- local offY = (h+1)/2 - (height-1)/2
- local footerMsg = ""
- for o=1, #fileDialog.footer do
- local item = fileDialog.footer[o][1]
- if fileDialog.selectedFooterOption == o then
- item = "["..item.."]"
- else
- item = " "..item.." "
- end
- if o > 1 then
- item = " "..item
- end
- footerMsg=footerMsg..item
- end
- if monitor.isColor() then
- monitor.setBackgroundColor(colors.cyan)
- else
- monitor.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- monitor.clear()
- for i=1, height do
- setColors(monitor,,, colors.white,
- monitor.setCursorPos(offX, offY+i-1)
- if i == 1 or i == height then
- monitor.write("+")
- monitor.write(string.rep("-", width-2))
- monitor.write("+")
- if i == 1 then
- setColors(monitor,, colors.yellow, colors.white,
- centerText(monitor, offY+i-1, " "..fileDialog.title.." ")
- setColors(monitor,,, colors.white,
- elseif i == height then
- if fileDialog.currentTab == 4 then
- setColors(monitor,, colors.white,, colors.white)
- else
- setColors(monitor, colors.lightGray, colors.white, colors.white,
- end
- centerText(monitor, offY+i-1, " "..footerMsg.." ")
- setColors(monitor,,, colors.white,
- end
- else
- setColors(monitor,,, colors.white,
- monitor.write("|")
- setColors(monitor, colors.white,, colors.white,
- monitor.write(string.rep(" ", width-2))
- setColors(monitor,,, colors.white,
- monitor.write("|")
- end
- end
- setColors(monitor, colors.white, colors.gray, colors.white,
- monitor.setCursorPos(offX + 2, offY + 2)
- monitor.write("File: ")
- if fileDialog.currentTab == 1 then
- setColors(monitor,, colors.white,, colors.white)
- else
- setColors(monitor, colors.lightGray, colors.white,, colors.white)
- end
- local workingWidth = width - 10
- local textWidth = workingWidth
- collectedInputsSize.file = textWidth
- monitor.write(string.rep(" ", workingWidth))
- monitor.setCursorPos(offX + 8, offY + 2)
- currentLineFit = collectedInputs.file
- inputCursor = collectedInputsCursor.file
- inputOffsetX = collectedInputsOffsets.file
- if currentLineFit then
- currentLineFit = string.sub(currentLineFit, -inputOffsetX+1, string.len(currentLineFit))
- if string.len(currentLineFit) > textWidth then
- currentLineFit = string.sub(currentLineFit, 1, textWidth)
- end
- monitor.write(rpad(currentLineFit, textWidth, " "))
- end
- if fileDialog.currentTab == 1 and isBlinking then
- monitor.setCursorPos(offX+8+inputCursor+inputOffsetX,offY + 2)
- setColors(monitor,,, colors.white,
- local msg = string.sub(currentLineFit,inputCursor+inputOffsetX+1,inputCursor+inputOffsetX+1)
- if msg == "" then msg = " " end
- monitor.write(msg)
- end
- local fileStart = 15
- setColors(monitor, colors.white, colors.gray, colors.white,
- monitor.setCursorPos(offX + 2, offY + 4)
- monitor.write("Dir: ")
- monitor.setCursorPos(offX + fileStart, offY + 4)
- monitor.write("Files: "..fileDialog.basePath)
- dirFileListHeight = height - offY - 6
- for i=0, dirFileListHeight do
- local dirIndex = i+1-fileDialog.dirScrollOffset
- local fileIndex = i+1-fileDialog.fileScrollOffset
- if fileDialog.currentTab == 2 then
- setColors(monitor,, colors.white,, colors.white)
- else
- setColors(monitor, colors.lightGray, colors.white,, colors.white)
- end
- monitor.setCursorPos(offX + 2, offY + 5+i)
- monitor.write(string.rep(" ", fileStart - offX))
- if fileDialog.currentPathFolders[dirIndex] then
- if fileDialog.currentTab == 2 and dirIndex == fileDialog.dirSelected then
- setColors(monitor,,, colors.white,
- end
- monitor.setCursorPos(offX + 2, offY + 5+i)
- monitor.write(fileDialog.currentPathFolders[dirIndex][1])
- end
- if fileDialog.currentTab == 3 then
- setColors(monitor,, colors.white,, colors.white)
- else
- setColors(monitor, colors.lightGray, colors.white,, colors.white)
- end
- monitor.setCursorPos(offX + fileStart, offY + 5+i)
- monitor.write(string.rep(" ", width - fileStart - 2))
- if fileDialog.currentPathFiles[fileIndex] then
- if fileDialog.currentTab == 3 and fileIndex == fileDialog.fileSelected then
- setColors(monitor,,, colors.white,
- end
- monitor.setCursorPos(offX + fileStart, offY + 5+i)
- monitor.write(fileDialog.currentPathFiles[fileIndex][1])
- end
- end
- --gui debug
- --monitor.setCursorPos(1,1)
- --monitor.write("ICur="..collectedInputsCursor.file.." IOff="..collectedInputsOffsets.file.." ISize="..collectedInputsSize.file.." IValSize="..string.len(collectedInputs.file))
- end
- function drawAbout(monitor)
- w,h = monitor.getSize()
- local height = 13
- local width = 39
- local offX = (w+1)/2 - (width-1)/2
- local offY = (h+1)/2 - (height-1)/2
- if monitor.isColor() then
- monitor.setBackgroundColor(colors.cyan)
- else
- monitor.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- monitor.clear()
- for i=1, height do
- setColors(monitor,,, colors.white,
- monitor.setCursorPos(offX, offY+i-1)
- if i == 1 or i == height then
- monitor.write("+")
- monitor.write(string.rep("-", width-2))
- monitor.write("+")
- if i == 1 then
- setColors(monitor,, colors.yellow,, colors.white)
- centerText(monitor, offY+i-1, " About TACO BETA ")
- setColors(monitor,,, colors.white,
- end
- else
- setColors(monitor,,, colors.white,
- monitor.write("|")
- setColors(monitor, colors.white,, colors.white,
- monitor.write(string.rep(" ", width-2))
- setColors(monitor,,, colors.white,
- monitor.write("|")
- end
- end
- drawPictureTable(monitor, logo, offX + 2, offY + 2, colours.white)
- setColors(monitor, colors.white,, colors.white,
- centerTextWidth(monitor, offX + 14, offY+3, width - ((offX*2) + 10), "=TACO BETA=")
- setColors(monitor, colors.white, colors.gray, colors.white,
- centerTextWidth(monitor, offX + 14, offY+4, width - ((offX*2) + 10), "Edit with flavor!")
- setColors(monitor, colors.white, colors.lightGray, colors.white,
- centerTextWidth(monitor, offX + 14, offY+6, width - ((offX*2) + 10), "By: da404lewzer")
- centerTextWidth(monitor, offX + 14, offY+8, width - ((offX*2) + 10), "")
- centerTextWidth(monitor, offX + 14, offY+9, width - ((offX*2) + 10), "Project #gjdh01")
- end
- function drawMessage(monitor)
- w,h = monitor.getSize()
- local height = #message.body + 2 + 2 --2 for header/footer, 2 for border
- local width = 1
- for i=1, #message.body do
- if string.len(message.body[i])+4 > width then
- width = string.len(message.body[i])+4
- end
- end
- local footerMsg = ""
- for o=1, #message.footer do
- local item = message.footer[o][1]
- if selectedMessageOption == o then
- item = "["..item.."]"
- else
- item = " "..item.." "
- end
- if o > 1 then
- item = " "..item
- end
- footerMsg=footerMsg..item
- end
- if string.len(message.title)+4 > width then
- width = string.len(message.title)+4
- end
- if string.len(footerMsg)+4 > width then
- width = string.len(footerMsg)+4
- end
- local offX = (w+1)/2 - (width-1)/2
- local offY = (h+1)/2 - (height-1)/2
- for i=1, height do
- setColors(monitor,,,, colors.white)
- monitor.setCursorPos(offX, offY+i-1)
- if i == 1 or i == height then
- monitor.write("+")
- monitor.write(string.rep("-", width-2))
- monitor.write("+")
- if i == 1 then
- setColors(monitor,, colors.yellow,, colors.white)
- centerText(monitor, offY+i-1, " "..message.title.." ")
- setColors(monitor,,, colors.white,
- elseif i == height then
- setColors(monitor,, colors.white,, colors.white)
- centerText(monitor, offY+i-1, " "..footerMsg.." ")
- setColors(monitor,,, colors.white,
- end
- else
- setColors(monitor,,,, colors.white)
- monitor.write("|")
- setColors(monitor, colors.white,, colors.white,
- monitor.write(string.rep(" ", width-2))
- setColors(monitor,,,, colors.white)
- monitor.write("|")
- if i-2 > 0 and i-2 <= #message.body then
- setColors(monitor, colors.white,, colors.white,
- centerText(monitor, offY+i-1, message.body[i-2])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function messageBox(title, bodyArr, footer)
- message.title = title
- message.body = bodyArr
- message.footer = footer
- showingMessage = true
- end
- local function trySaveFileAs()
- showFileSaveAsDialog()
- end
- local function stopEditor()
- running = false
- end
- local function trySaveFile()
- if currentFile == ""then
- trySaveFileAs()
- else
- saveFile(currentFile, fileLinesArr)
- end
- end
- local function trySaveFileThenNew()
- if currentFile == ""then
- trySaveFileAs()
- else
- saveFile(currentFile, fileLinesArr)
- if isSaved and not isChanged then
- newFile()
- end
- end
- end
- local function trySaveFileThenOpen()
- if currentFile == ""then
- trySaveFileAs()
- else
- saveFile(currentFile, fileLinesArr)
- if isSaved and not isChanged then
- showFileOpenDialog()
- end
- end
- end
- local function trySaveFileThenExit()
- if currentFile == ""then
- trySaveFileAs()
- else
- saveFile(currentFile, fileLinesArr)
- if isSaved and not isChanged then
- stopEditor()
- end
- end
- end
- local function tryExitEditor()
- if isSaved and not isChanged then
- stopEditor()
- else
- messageBox( "Exit Editor?",
- {
- "The current file isn't saved, save it first?"
- },
- {{"YES", trySaveFileThenExit}, {"NO", stopEditor}, {"CANCEL", null}}
- )
- end
- end
- local function tryOpenFile()
- if isSaved and not isChanged then
- showFileOpenDialog()
- else
- messageBox( "Create New File..",
- {
- "The current file isn't saved, save it first?"
- },
- {{"YES", trySaveFileThenOpen}, {"NO", showFileOpenDialog}, {"CANCEL", null}}
- )
- end
- end
- local function tryNewFile()
- if isSaved and not isChanged then
- newFile()
- else
- messageBox( "Create New File..",
- {
- "The current file isn't saved, save it first?"
- },
- {{"YES", trySaveFileThenNew}, {"NO", newFile}, {"CANCEL", null}}
- )
- end
- end
- local function revertFile()
- if currentFile == "" then
- fileLinesArr = {""}
- isChanged = false
- else
- if not openFile(currentFile) then
- messageBox("Error!", {"Couldn't revert file!"}, {{"OK",null}})
- end
- end
- end
- local function tryRevertFile()
- messageBox( "Revert file?",
- {
- "This cannot be done, sure?"
- },
- {{"YES", revertFile}, {"NO", null}}
- )
- end
- local function doFileDialogDefaultOption()
- local item = fileDialog.footer[1][2]
- if item then
- item()
- end
- fileDialog.selectedFooterOption = 1
- end
- local function doFileDialogMessageOption()
- local item = fileDialog.footer[fileDialog.selectedFooterOption][2]
- if item then
- item()
- end
- fileDialog.selectedFooterOption = 1
- end
- local function doMessageOption()
- local item = message.footer[selectedMessageOption][2]
- if item then
- item()
- end
- selectedMessageOption = 1
- end
- local function doMenuAction(action)
- if action == "exit_app" then
- tryExitEditor()
- elseif action == "new_file" then
- tryNewFile()
- elseif action == "open_file" then
- tryOpenFile()
- elseif action == "revert_file" then
- tryRevertFile()
- elseif action == "save_file" then
- trySaveFile()
- elseif action == "saveas_file" then
- trySaveFileAs()
- elseif action == "paste_line" then
- table.insert(fileLinesArr, curLine, config.clipboard)
- isChanged=true
- elseif action == "clone_line" then
- table.insert(fileLinesArr, curLine, fileLinesArr[curLine])
- isChanged=true
- elseif action == "copy_line" then
- config.clipboard = fileLinesArr[curLine]
- elseif action == "cut_line" then
- config.clipboard = fileLinesArr[curLine]
- table.remove(fileLinesArr, curLine)
- if #fileLinesArr == 0 then
- fileLinesArr = {""}
- end
- isChanged=true
- elseif action == "delete_line" then
- table.remove(fileLinesArr, curLine)
- if #fileLinesArr == 0 then
- fileLinesArr = {""}
- end
- isChanged=true
- elseif action == "perform_update" then
- setColors(temp,, colors.white,, colors.white)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- updateAllTheThings()
- messageBox("Downloaded Latest",
- {
- "Restart TACO to complete :)"
- },
- {{"OK", null}})
- timer = os.startTimer(0.01)
- elseif action == "show_about" then
- showAboutBox = true
- elseif action == "fullscreen_toggle" then
- config.isFullScreen = not config.isFullScreen
- checkLinePosition()
- checkColPosition()
- else
- --show_help
- --show_settings
- --replace_text
- --find_text
- --delete_line
- --paste_line
- --copy_line
- --cut_line
- --clear_selection
- --paste_selection
- --cut_selection
- --copy_selection
- --print_file
- --revert_file
- --open_file
- end
- selectedMenu = 1
- selectedSubMenu = 1
- end
- loadSettings()
- if #tArgs > 0 then
- --openFile(tArgs[1])
- if not openFile(addSlashIfNeededLeft(shell.resolve(getFilePath(tArgs[1])))) then
- messageBox("Error!", {"Couldn't open file!"}, {{"OK",null}})
- end
- end
- prepareDialog()
- if showFirstTimeMessage then
- messageBox("Welcome to TACO BETA",
- {
- "Welcome to the editor with flavor!",
- "This is BETA sorry if you find bugs :(",
- "",
- "Presse ENTER to continue,",
- "Press CONTROL to access menus :)"
- },
- {{"OK", null}})
- end
- while running do
- local event, p1,p2,p3 = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "mouse_scroll" then
- if not showingMessage and not showAboutBox and not inMenu then
- curLine=curLine+p1
- checkLinePosition()
- checkColPosition()
- resetBlink()
- end
- elseif event == "mouse_click" then
- if not showingMessage and not showAboutBox and not inMenu then
- local padWidth = string.len(tostring(#fileLinesArr))
- local offsetY = 1
- if config.isFullScreen then offsetY = 0 end
- if p1 == 1 then
- curCol=p2-padWidth-scrollOffsetX
- curLine=p3-offsetY-scrollOffsetY
- checkLinePosition()
- checkColPosition()
- end
- resetBlink()
- end
- elseif event == "key" then
- if showingMessage then
- if p1 == keys.enter then
- showingMessage = false
- doMessageOption()
- elseif p1 == keys.left or p1 == keys.up then
- selectedMessageOption=selectedMessageOption-1
- checkMessageOptionPositions()
- elseif p1 == keys.right or p1 == keys.down then
- selectedMessageOption=selectedMessageOption+1
- checkMessageOptionPositions()
- end
- elseif showAboutBox then
- if p1 == keys.enter then
- showAboutBox = false
- end
- elseif showingFileDialog then
- if p1 == keys.enter then
- if fileDialog.currentTab == 1 then
- doFileDialogDefaultOption()
- elseif fileDialog.currentTab == 2 then
- fileDialog.basePath = fileDialog.currentPathFolders[fileDialog.dirSelected][2]
- prepareDialog()
- elseif fileDialog.currentTab == 3 then
- collectedInputs.file = fileDialog.currentPathFiles[fileDialog.fileSelected][2]
- fileDialog.currentTab = 1
- prepareDialog()
- elseif fileDialog.currentTab == 4 then
- doFileDialogMessageOption()
- end
- elseif p1 == then
- fileDialog.currentTab=fileDialog.currentTab+1
- if fileDialog.currentTab > fileDialog.currentTabMax then
- fileDialog.currentTab = 1
- end
- elseif p1 == keys.home then
- if fileDialog.currentTab == 1 then
- collectedInputsCursor.file=0
- end
- checkDialogLimits()
- elseif p1 == keys["end"] then
- if fileDialog.currentTab == 1 then
- collectedInputsCursor.file=string.len(collectedInputs.file)+1
- end
- checkDialogLimits()
- elseif p1 == keys.backspace then
- if fileDialog.currentTab == 1 then
- if collectedInputsCursor.file > 0 then
- local leftSide = string.sub(collectedInputs.file, 1, collectedInputsCursor.file-1)
- local rightSide = string.sub(collectedInputs.file, collectedInputsCursor.file+1)
- collectedInputs.file = leftSide..rightSide
- collectedInputsCursor.file=collectedInputsCursor.file-1
- end
- end
- checkDialogLimits()
- elseif p1 == keys.delete then
- if fileDialog.currentTab == 1 then
- if collectedInputsCursor.file <= string.len(collectedInputs.file) then
- local leftSide = string.sub(collectedInputs.file, 1, collectedInputsCursor.file)
- local rightSide = string.sub(collectedInputs.file, collectedInputsCursor.file+2)
- collectedInputs.file = leftSide..rightSide
- end
- end
- checkDialogLimits()
- elseif p1 == keys.up or p1 == keys.left then
- if fileDialog.currentTab == 1 then
- collectedInputsCursor.file=collectedInputsCursor.file-1
- elseif fileDialog.currentTab == 2 then
- fileDialog.dirSelected=fileDialog.dirSelected-1
- elseif fileDialog.currentTab == 3 then
- fileDialog.fileSelected=fileDialog.fileSelected-1
- elseif fileDialog.currentTab == 4 then
- fileDialog.selectedFooterOption=fileDialog.selectedFooterOption-1
- end
- checkDialogLimits()
- elseif p1 == keys.down or p1 == keys.right then
- if fileDialog.currentTab == 1 then
- collectedInputsCursor.file=collectedInputsCursor.file+1
- elseif fileDialog.currentTab == 2 then
- fileDialog.dirSelected=fileDialog.dirSelected+1
- elseif fileDialog.currentTab == 3 then
- fileDialog.fileSelected=fileDialog.fileSelected+1
- elseif fileDialog.currentTab == 4 then
- fileDialog.selectedFooterOption=fileDialog.selectedFooterOption+1
- end
- checkDialogLimits()
- end
- else
- if state == "edit" then
- if p1 == 29 or p1 == 157 then
- inMenu = not inMenu
- end
- if inMenu then
- if p1 == keys.up then
- selectedSubMenu=selectedSubMenu-1
- checkMenuPositions()
- if menus[selectedMenu].items[selectedSubMenu][1] == "--" then
- selectedSubMenu=selectedSubMenu-1
- checkMenuPositions()
- end
- elseif p1 == keys.down then
- selectedSubMenu=selectedSubMenu+1
- checkMenuPositions()
- if menus[selectedMenu].items[selectedSubMenu][1] == "--" then
- selectedSubMenu=selectedSubMenu+1
- checkMenuPositions()
- end
- elseif p1 == keys.left then
- selectedSubMenu = 1
- selectedMenu=selectedMenu-1
- checkMenuPositions()
- elseif p1 == keys.right then
- selectedSubMenu = 1
- selectedMenu=selectedMenu+1
- checkMenuPositions()
- elseif p1 == keys.enter then
- doMenuAction(menus[selectedMenu].items[selectedSubMenu][3])
- inMenu = false
- end
- else
- if p1 == keys.up then
- curLine=curLine-1
- elseif p1 == keys.down then
- curLine=curLine+1
- elseif p1 == 201 then -- page up
- curLine=curLine-(h-2)
- elseif p1 == 209 then --page down
- curLine=curLine+(h-2)
- elseif p1 == keys.left then
- curCol=curCol-1
- elseif p1 == keys.right then
- curCol=curCol+1
- elseif p1 == keys.home then
- curCol=0
- elseif p1 == keys["end"] then
- curCol=string.len(fileLinesArr[curLine])+1
- elseif p1 == then
- isChanged=true
- local leftSide = string.sub(fileLinesArr[curLine], 1, curCol)
- local rightSide = string.sub(fileLinesArr[curLine], curCol+1)
- fileLinesArr[curLine] = leftSide.." "..rightSide
- curCol=curCol+2
- resetBlink()
- checkLinePosition()
- checkColPosition()
- elseif p1 == keys.enter then
- isChanged=true
- if curCol == string.len(fileLinesArr[curLine]) then
- curLine=curLine+1
- curCol=0
- table.insert(fileLinesArr, curLine, "")
- elseif curCol == 0 then
- table.insert(fileLinesArr, curLine, "")
- curLine=curLine+1
- else
- local leftSide = string.sub(fileLinesArr[curLine], 1, curCol)
- local rightSide = string.sub(fileLinesArr[curLine], curCol+1)
- fileLinesArr[curLine] = leftSide
- table.insert(fileLinesArr, curLine+1, rightSide)
- curLine=curLine+1
- curCol=0
- end
- elseif p1 == keys.backspace then
- isChanged=true
- if curCol > 0 then
- local leftSide = string.sub(fileLinesArr[curLine], 1, curCol-1)
- local rightSide = string.sub(fileLinesArr[curLine], curCol+1)
- fileLinesArr[curLine] = leftSide..rightSide
- curCol=curCol-1
- elseif curCol == 0 and curLine > 1 then
- local newCurCol = string.len(fileLinesArr[curLine-1])
- fileLinesArr[curLine-1] = fileLinesArr[curLine-1] .. fileLinesArr[curLine]
- table.remove(fileLinesArr, curLine)
- curLine = curLine -1
- curCol = newCurCol
- end
- elseif p1 == keys.delete then
- isChanged=true
- if curCol < string.len(fileLinesArr[curLine]) then
- local leftSide = string.sub(fileLinesArr[curLine], 1, curCol)
- local rightSide = string.sub(fileLinesArr[curLine], curCol+2)
- fileLinesArr[curLine] = leftSide..rightSide
- elseif curCol == string.len(fileLinesArr[curLine]) and curLine < #fileLinesArr then
- fileLinesArr[curLine] = fileLinesArr[curLine] .. fileLinesArr[curLine+1]
- table.remove(fileLinesArr, curLine+1)
- end
- end
- checkLinePosition()
- checkColPosition()
- end
- resetBlink()
- elseif state == "msg" then
- if p1 == keys.enter then
- state = "edit"
- end
- end
- end
- elseif event == "char" then
- if showingMessage then
- elseif showAboutBox then
- elseif showingFileDialog then
- if fileDialog.currentTab == 1 then
- local leftSide = string.sub(collectedInputs.file, 1, collectedInputsCursor.file)
- local rightSide = string.sub(collectedInputs.file, collectedInputsCursor.file+1)
- collectedInputs.file=leftSide..p1..rightSide
- collectedInputsCursor.file=collectedInputsCursor.file+1
- checkDialogLimits()
- end
- else
- if state == "edit" then
- isChanged=true
- local leftSide = string.sub(fileLinesArr[curLine], 1, curCol)
- local rightSide = string.sub(fileLinesArr[curLine], curCol+1)
- fileLinesArr[curLine] = leftSide..p1..rightSide
- curCol=curCol+1
- resetBlink()
- checkLinePosition()
- checkColPosition()
- end
- end
- elseif event == "timer" and p1 == timer then
- if state == "edit" then
- drawScreen(term)
- elseif state == "additem" then
- --displayAddItem()
- elseif state == "msg" then
- --displayMsg(currentMessage)
- end
- if showingFileDialog then
- drawFileDialog(term)
- end
- if showingMessage then
- drawMessage(term)
- end
- if showAboutBox then
- drawAbout(term)
- end
- timer = os.startTimer(0.01)
- end
- if os.clock() - lastBlinkTime > 0.5 then
- lastBlinkTime = os.clock()
- isBlinking = not isBlinking
- end
- end
- saveSettings()
- setColors(term,, colors.white,, colors.white)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
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