

Mar 4th, 2014
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text 27.80 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 1>------ Build started: Project: bzip2, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  2. 2>------ Build started: Project: lzmalib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  3. 2>Compiling...
  4. 1>Compiling...
  5. 1>cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Wp64' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
  6. 1>blocksort.c
  7. 2>cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Wp64' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
  8. 2>7zBuf.c
  9. 1>randtable.c
  10. 2>7zItem.c
  11. 1>huffman.c
  12. 2>7zIn.c
  13. 1>decompress.c
  14. 1>crctable.c
  15. 2>7zHeader.c
  16. 2>7zExtract.c
  17. 1>compress.c
  18. 1>bzlib.c
  19. 2>7zDecode.c
  20. 1>Generating Code...
  21. 2>Threads.c
  22. 2>LzmaLib.c
  23. 2>LzmaEnc.c
  24. 2>LzmaDec.c
  25. 2>LzFindMt.c
  26. 2>LzFind.c
  27. 2>Bra86.c
  28. 2>Bcj2.c
  29. 2>Alloc.c
  30. 2>7zStream.c
  31. 2>7zCrc.c
  32. 2>Generating Code...
  33. 2>Creating library...
  34. 1>Creating library...
  35. 1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\bzip2\Release\BuildLog.htm"
  36. 1>bzip2 - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)
  37. 2>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\lzma\Release\BuildLog.htm"
  38. 2>lzmalib - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)
  39. 3>------ Build started: Project: zlib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  40. 4>------ Build started: Project: gdtoa, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  41. 4>Compiling...
  42. 3>Compiling...
  43. 4>cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Wp64' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
  44. 3>adler32.c
  45. 4>dmisc.c
  46. 3>zutil.c
  47. 4>misc.c
  48. 4>dtoa.c
  49. 3>uncompr.c
  50. 3>trees.c
  51. 4>Generating Code...
  52. 3>inftrees.c
  53. 3>inflate.c
  54. 3>inffast.c
  55. 3>infback.c
  56. 3>deflate.c
  57. 3>crc32.c
  58. 3>compress.c
  59. 3>Generating Code...
  60. 4>Creating library...
  61. 3>Creating library...
  62. 4>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\gdtoa\Release\BuildLog.htm"
  63. 4>gdtoa - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)
  64. 3>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\zlib\Release\BuildLog.htm"
  65. 3>zlib - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
  66. 5>------ Build started: Project: dumb_static, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  67. 5>Compiling...
  68. 5>cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Wp64' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
  69. 5>readxm2.c
  70. 5>readxm.c
  71. 5>readstm2.c
  72. 5>readstm.c
  73. 5>reads3m2.c
  74. 5>reads3m.c
  75. 5>readriff.c
  76. 5>readptm.c
  77. 5>readpsm.c
  78. 6>------ Build started: Project: zipdir, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  79. 5>readoldpsm.c
  80. 6>Compiling...
  81. 6>cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Wp64' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
  82. 6>zipdir.c
  83. 5>readokt2.c
  84. 5>readokt.c
  85. 5>readmtm.c
  86. 5>readmod2.c
  87. 5>readmod.c
  88. 6>Linking...
  89. 5>readdsmf.c
  90. 5>readasy.c
  91. 5>readam.c
  92. 5>read6692.c
  93. 5>read669.c
  94. 5>Generating Code...
  95. 6>Embedding manifest...
  96. 5>Compiling...
  97. 5>ptmeffect.c
  98. 5>loadxm2.c
  99. 5>loadxm.c
  100. 5>loadstm2.c
  101. 5>loadstm.c
  102. 5>loads3m2.c
  103. 5>loads3m.c
  104. 5>loadriff2.c
  105. 5>loadriff.c
  106. 5>loadptm2.c
  107. 5>loadptm.c
  108. 5>loadpsm2.c
  109. 5>loadpsm.c
  110. 5>loadoldpsm2.c
  111. 5>loadoldpsm.c
  112. 6>Performing Post-Build Event...
  113. 5>loadokt2.c
  114. 5>loadokt.c
  115. 6> 1 arquivo(s) copiado(s).
  116. 6>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\tools\zipdir\Release\BuildLog.htm"
  117. 6>zipdir - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)
  118. 5>loadmtm2.c
  119. 5>loadmtm.c
  120. 5>loadmod2.c
  121. 5>Generating Code...
  122. 5>Compiling...
  123. 5>loadmod.c
  124. 7>------ Build started: Project: fixrtext, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  125. 7>Compiling...
  126. 7>cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Wp64' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
  127. 7>fixrtext.c
  128. 5>loadasy2.c
  129. 5>loadasy.c
  130. 5>load6692.c
  131. 5>load669.c
  132. 5>itunload.c
  133. 5>itrender.c
  134. 5>itread2.c
  135. 5>itread.c
  136. 7>Linking...
  137. 5>itorder.c
  138. 5>itmisc.c
  139. 7>Generating code
  140. 7>Finished generating code
  141. 5>itload2.c
  142. 5>itload.c
  143. 7>Embedding manifest...
  144. 5>Generating Code...
  145. 7>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\tools\fixrtext\Release\BuildLog.htm"
  146. 7>fixrtext - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)
  147. 8>------ Build started: Project: jpeg-6b, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  148. 8>Compiling...
  149. 8>cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Wp64' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
  150. 8>jcomapi.c
  151. 5>Compiling...
  152. 5>filter.cpp
  153. 8>jutils.c
  154. 8>jmemmgr.c
  155. 8>jidctint.c
  156. 8>jerror.c
  157. 8>jdsample.c
  158. 8>jdpostct.c
  159. 8>jdphuff.c
  160. 8>jdmerge.c
  161. 8>jdmaster.c
  162. 5>Generating Code...
  163. 5>Compiling...
  164. 5>stdfile.c
  165. 8>jdmarker.c
  166. 5>silence.c
  167. 8>jdmainct.c
  168. 5>sampbuf.c
  169. 5>riff.c
  170. 8>jdinput.c
  171. 8>jdhuff.c
  172. 5>resample.c
  173. 8>jddctmgr.c
  174. 8>jdcolor.c
  175. 5>memfile.c
  176. 8>jdcoefct.c
  177. 5>clickrem.c
  178. 8>jdatasrc.c
  179. 5>blip_buf.c
  180. 8>jdapistd.c
  181. 5>barray.c
  182. 8>jdapimin.c
  183. 5>unload.c
  184. 5>rendsig.c
  185. 8>Generating Code...
  186. 5>rendduh.c
  187. 5>register.c
  188. 8>Creating library...
  189. 5>readduh.c
  190. 8>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\jpeg-6b\Release\BuildLog.htm"
  191. 8>jpeg-6b - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)
  192. 5>rawsig.c
  193. 5>makeduh.c
  194. 5>loadduh.c
  195. 9>------ Build started: Project: updaterevision, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  196. 9>Compiling...
  197. 9>cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Wp64' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
  198. 9>updaterevision.c
  199. 5>dumbfile.c
  200. 5>duhtag.c
  201. 9>Linking...
  202. 9>Generating code
  203. 9>Finished generating code
  204. 5>duhlen.c
  205. 9>Embedding manifest...
  206. 5>Generating Code...
  207. 9>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\tools\updaterevision\Release\BuildLog.htm"
  208. 9>updaterevision - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)
  209. 10>------ Build started: Project: wadsrc, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  210. 10>Checking gzdoom.pk3...
  211. 5>Compiling...
  212. 5>cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Wp64' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
  213. 5>atexit.c
  214. 5>xmeffect.c
  215. 5>Generating Code...
  216. 5>Creating library...
  217. 5>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\dumb\vc6\dumb_static\Release\BuildLog.htm"
  218. 5>dumb_static - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s)
  219. 10> 1 arquivo(s) copiado(s).
  220. 10>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\wadsrc\Release\BuildLog.htm"
  221. 10>wadsrc - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
  222. 11>------ Build started: Project: zdoom, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  223. 11>Checking gitinfo.h...
  224. 11>src/gitinfo.h is up to date at commit G1.9pre-480-g4a23b97.
  225. 11>Assembling c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\src\asm_ia32\tmap3.asm...
  226. 11>Assembling c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\src\asm_ia32\tmap2.asm...
  227. 11>Assembling c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\src\asm_ia32\tmap.asm...
  228. 11>Assembling c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\src\asm_ia32\misc.asm...
  229. 11>Assembling c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\src\asm_ia32\a.asm...
  230. 11>Compiling...
  231. 11>r_utility.cpp
  232. 11>r_sky.cpp
  233. 11>voxels.cpp
  234. 11>sprites.cpp
  235. 11>renderstyle.cpp
  236. 11>r_translate.cpp
  237. 11>r_interpolate.cpp
  238. 11>colormaps.cpp
  239. 11>warptexture.cpp
  240. 11>tgatexture.cpp
  241. 11>texturemanager.cpp
  242. 11>texture.cpp
  243. 11>rawpagetexture.cpp
  244. 11>pngtexture.cpp
  245. 11>pcxtexture.cpp
  246. 11>patchtexture.cpp
  247. 11>multipatchtexture.cpp
  248. 11>jpegtexture.cpp
  249. 11>imgztexture.cpp
  250. 11>flattexture.cpp
  251. 11>Generating Code...
  252. 11>Compiling...
  253. 11>emptytexture.cpp
  254. 11>ddstexture.cpp
  255. 11>canvastexture.cpp
  256. 11>buildtexture.cpp
  257. 11>bitmap.cpp
  258. 11>automaptexture.cpp
  259. 11>animations.cpp
  260. 11>anim_switches.cpp
  261. 11>strife_sbar.cpp
  262. 11>a_strifestuff.cpp
  263. 11>a_minotaur.cpp
  264. 11>a_artitele.cpp
  265. 11>a_hexenmisc.cpp
  266. 11>a_hereticmisc.cpp
  267. 11>a_doommisc.cpp
  268. 11>thingdef_states.cpp
  269. 11>thingdef_properties.cpp
  270. 11>thingdef_parse.cpp
  271. 11>thingdef_function.cpp
  272. 11>thingdef_expression.cpp
  273. 11>Generating Code...
  274. 11>Compiling...
  275. 11>thingdef_exp.cpp
  276. 11>thingdef_data.cpp
  277. 11>thingdef_codeptr.cpp
  278. 11>thingdef.cpp
  279. 11>olddecorations.cpp
  280. 11>videomenu.cpp
  281. 11>readthis.cpp
  282. 11>playermenu.cpp
  283. 11>playerdisplay.cpp
  284. 11>optionmenu.cpp
  285. 11>messagebox.cpp
  286. 11>menuinput.cpp
  287. 11>menudef.cpp
  288. 11>menu.cpp
  289. 11>loadsavemenu.cpp
  290. 11>listmenu.cpp
  291. 11>joystickmenu.cpp
  292. 11>colorpickermenu.cpp
  293. 11>resourcefile.cpp
  294. 11>file_zip.cpp
  295. 11>Generating Code...
  296. 11>Compiling...
  297. 11>file_wad.cpp
  298. 11>file_rff.cpp
  299. 11>file_pak.cpp
  300. 11>file_lump.cpp
  301. 11>file_grp.cpp
  302. 11>file_directory.cpp
  303. 11>file_7z.cpp
  304. 11>ancientzip.cpp
  305. 11>t_variable.cpp
  306. 11>t_spec.cpp
  307. 11>t_script.cpp
  308. 11>t_prepro.cpp
  309. 11>t_parse.cpp
  310. 11>t_oper.cpp
  311. 11>t_load.cpp
  312. 11>t_func.cpp
  313. 11>t_fspic.cpp
  314. 11>t_cmd.cpp
  315. 11>SFMT.cpp
  316. 11>parse_xlat.cpp
  317. 11>Generating Code...
  318. 11>Compiling...
  319. 11>timidity.cpp
  320. 11>resample.cpp
  321. 11>playmidi.cpp
  322. 11>mix.cpp
  323. 11>instrum_sf2.cpp
  324. 11>instrum_dls.cpp
  325. 11>instrum.cpp
  326. 11>common.cpp
  327. 11>instrum_font.cpp
  328. 11>opl.cpp
  329. 11>opl_mus_player.cpp
  330. 11>OPL3.cpp
  331. 11>mlopl_io.cpp
  332. 11>mlopl.cpp
  333. 11>fmopl.cpp
  334. 11>music_xmi_midiout.cpp
  335. 11>music_win_mididevice.cpp
  336. 11>music_timidity_mididevice.cpp
  337. 11>music_stream.cpp
  338. 11>music_softsynth_mididevice.cpp
  339. 11>Generating Code...
  340. 11>Compiling...
  341. 11>music_smf_midiout.cpp
  342. 11>music_pseudo_mididevice.cpp
  343. 11>music_opldumper_mididevice.cpp
  344. 11>music_opl_mididevice.cpp
  345. 11>music_mus_opl.cpp
  346. 11>music_mus_midiout.cpp
  347. 11>music_midistream.cpp
  348. 11>music_midi_timidity.cpp
  349. 11>music_midi_base.cpp
  350. 11>music_hmi_midiout.cpp
  351. 11>music_gme.cpp
  352. 11>music_fluidsynth_mididevice.cpp
  353. 11>music_dumb.cpp
  354. 11>music_cd.cpp
  355. 11>i_sound.cpp
  356. 11>i_music.cpp
  357. 11>fmodsound.cpp
  358. 11>r_things.cpp
  359. 11>r_swrenderer.cpp
  360. 11>r_segs.cpp
  361. 11>Generating Code...
  362. 11>Compiling...
  363. 11>r_polymost.cpp
  364. 11>r_plane.cpp
  365. 11>r_main.cpp
  366. 11>r_drawt.cpp
  367. 11>r_draw.cpp
  368. 11>r_bsp.cpp
  369. 11>r_3dfloors.cpp
  370. 11>intermission_parse.cpp
  371. 11>intermission.cpp
  372. 11>shared_sbar.cpp
  373. 11>shared_hud.cpp
  374. 11>sbarinfo.cpp
  375. 11>sbar_mugshot.cpp
  376. 11>hudmessages.cpp
  377. 11>a_weapons.cpp
  378. 11>a_weaponpiece.cpp
  379. 11>a_waterzone.cpp
  380. 11>a_specialspot.cpp
  381. 11>a_spark.cpp
  382. 11>a_soundsequence.cpp
  383. 11>Generating Code...
  384. 11>Compiling...
  385. 11>a_soundenvironment.cpp
  386. 11>a_skies.cpp
  387. 11>a_setcolor.cpp
  388. 11>a_sectoraction.cpp
  389. 11>a_secrettrigger.cpp
  390. 11>a_randomspawner.cpp
  391. 11>a_quake.cpp
  392. 11>a_puzzleitems.cpp
  393. 11>a_pickups.cpp
  394. 11>a_movingcamera.cpp
  395. 11>a_morph.cpp
  396. 11>a_mapmarker.cpp
  397. 11>a_lightning.cpp
  398. 11>a_keys.cpp
  399. 11>a_hatetarget.cpp
  400. 11>a_fountain.cpp
  401. 11>a_flashfader.cpp
  402. 11>a_fastprojectile.cpp
  403. 11>a_decals.cpp
  404. 11>a_debris.cpp
  405. 11>Generating Code...
  406. 11>Compiling...
  407. 11>a_camera.cpp
  408. 11>a_bridge.cpp
  409. 11>a_artifacts.cpp
  410. 11>a_armor.cpp
  411. 11>a_action.cpp
  412. 11>win32video.cpp
  413. 11>st_start.cpp
  414. 11>i_xinput.cpp
  415. 11>I_system.cpp
  416. 11>i_rawps2.cpp
  417. 11>i_movie.cpp
  418. 11>i_mouse.cpp
  419. 11>i_main.cpp
  420. 11>i_keyboard.cpp
  421. 11>i_input.cpp
  422. 11>i_dijoy.cpp
  423. 11>i_crash.cpp
  424. 11>i_cd.cpp
  425. 11>helperthread.cpp
  426. 11>hardware.cpp
  427. 11>Generating Code...
  428. 11>Compiling...
  429. 11>fb_ddraw.cpp
  430. 11>fb_d3d9_wipe.cpp
  431. 11>fb_d3d9.cpp
  432. 11>eaxedit.cpp
  433. 11>zzautozend.cpp
  434. 11>zstring.cpp
  435. 11>zstrformat.cpp
  436. 11>x86.cpp
  437. 11>wi_stuff.cpp
  438. 11>w_wad.cpp
  439. 11>v_video.cpp
  440. 11>v_text.cpp
  441. 11>v_pfx.cpp
  442. 11>v_palette.cpp
  443. 11>v_font.cpp
  444. 11>v_draw.cpp
  445. 11>v_collection.cpp
  446. 11>v_blend.cpp
  447. 11>tempfiles.cpp
  448. 11>teaminfo.cpp
  449. 11>Generating Code...
  450. 11>Compiling...
  451. 11>tables.cpp
  452. 11>Generating Code...
  453. 11>Compiling...
  454. 11>strnatcmp.c
  455. 11>Generating Code...
  456. 11>Compiling...
  457. 11>stringtable.cpp
  458. 11>stats.cpp
  459. 11>statistics.cpp
  460. 11>st_stuff.cpp
  461. 11>skins.cpp
  462. 11>sc_man.cpp
  463. 11>s_sound.cpp
  464. 11>s_sndseq.cpp
  465. 11>s_playlist.cpp
  466. 11>s_environment.cpp
  467. 11>s_advsound.cpp
  468. 11>po_man.cpp
  469. 11>parsecontext.cpp
  470. 11>p_xlat.cpp
  471. 11>p_writemap.cpp
  472. 11>p_user.cpp
  473. 11>p_usdf.cpp
  474. 11>p_udmf.cpp
  475. 11>p_trace.cpp
  476. 11>p_tick.cpp
  477. 11>Generating Code...
  478. 11>Compiling...
  479. 11>p_things.cpp
  480. 11>p_terrain.cpp
  481. 11>p_teleport.cpp
  482. 11>p_switch.cpp
  483. 11>p_states.cpp
  484. 11>p_spec.cpp
  485. 11>p_slopes.cpp
  486. 11>p_sight.cpp
  487. 11>p_setup.cpp
  488. 11>p_sectors.cpp
  489. 11>p_saveg.cpp
  490. 11>p_pspr.cpp
  491. 11>p_plats.cpp
  492. 11>p_pillar.cpp
  493. 11>p_mobj.cpp
  494. 11>p_maputl.cpp
  495. 11>p_map.cpp
  496. 11>p_lnspec.cpp
  497. 11>p_linkedsectors.cpp
  498. 11>p_lights.cpp
  499. 11>Generating Code...
  500. 11>Compiling...
  501. 11>p_interaction.cpp
  502. 11>p_glnodes.cpp
  503. 11>p_floor.cpp
  504. 11>p_enemy.cpp
  505. 11>p_effect.cpp
  506. 11>p_doors.cpp
  507. 11>p_conversation.cpp
  508. 11>p_ceiling.cpp
  509. 11>p_buildmap.cpp
  510. 11>p_acs.cpp
  511. 11>p_3dmidtex.cpp
  512. 11>p_3dfloors.cpp
  513. 11>nodebuild_utility.cpp
  514. 11>nodebuild_gl.cpp
  515. 11>nodebuild_extract.cpp
  516. 11>nodebuild_events.cpp
  517. 11>nodebuild_classify_nosse2.cpp
  518. 11>nodebuild.cpp
  519. 11>name.cpp
  520. 11>memarena.cpp
  521. 11>Generating Code...
  522. 11>Compiling...
  523. 11>md5.cpp
  524. 11>m_specialpaths.cpp
  525. 11>m_random.cpp
  526. 11>m_png.cpp
  527. 11>m_misc.cpp
  528. 11>m_joy.cpp
  529. 11>m_cheat.cpp
  530. 11>m_bbox.cpp
  531. 11>m_argv.cpp
  532. 11>m_alloc.cpp
  533. 11>lumpconfigfile.cpp
  534. 11>keysections.cpp
  535. 11>info.cpp
  536. 11>i_net.cpp
  537. 11>hu_scores.cpp
  538. 11>gitinfo.cpp
  539. 11>gi.cpp
  540. 11>gameconfigfile.cpp
  541. 11>g_skill.cpp
  542. 11>g_mapinfo.cpp
  543. 11>Generating Code...
  544. 11>Compiling...
  545. 11>g_level.cpp
  546. 11>g_hub.cpp
  547. 11>g_game.cpp
  548. 11>files.cpp
  549. 11>farchive.cpp
  550. 11>f_wipe.cpp
  551. 11>dthinker.cpp
  552. 11>dsectoreffect.cpp
  553. 11>doomstat.cpp
  554. 11>doomdef.cpp
  555. 11>dobjtype.cpp
  556. 11>dobjgc.cpp
  557. 11>dobject.cpp
  558. 11>decallib.cpp
  559. 11>d_protocol.cpp
  560. 11>d_netinfo.cpp
  561. 11>d_net.cpp
  562. 11>D_main.cpp
  563. 11>d_iwad.cpp
  564. 11>d_dehacked.cpp
  565. 11>Generating Code...
  566. 11>Compiling...
  567. 11>ct_chat.cpp
  568. 11>configfile.cpp
  569. 11>compatibility.cpp
  570. 11>colormatcher.cpp
  571. 11>cmdlib.cpp
  572. 11>c_expr.cpp
  573. 11>c_dispatch.cpp
  574. 11>c_cvars.cpp
  575. 11>c_console.cpp
  576. 11>c_cmds.cpp
  577. 11>c_bind.cpp
  578. 11>bbannouncer.cpp
  579. 11>B_think.cpp
  580. 11>b_move.cpp
  581. 11>B_game.cpp
  582. 11>B_func.cpp
  583. 11>b_bot.cpp
  584. 11>am_map.cpp
  585. 11>actorptrselect.cpp
  586. 11>__autostart.cpp
  587. 11>Generating Code...
  588. 11>Compiling...
  589. 11>nodebuild_classify_sse2.cpp
  590. 11>Compiling resources...
  591. 11>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.0
  592. 11>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  593. 11>Linking...
  594. 11>a_strifestuff.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  595. 11>a_hereticmisc.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  596. 11>a_hexenmisc.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  597. 11>a_artitele.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  598. 11>a_minotaur.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  599. 11>a_weaponpiece.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  600. 11>a_weapons.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  601. 11>olddecorations.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  602. 11>a_doommisc.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ) referenced in function "void __fastcall AFP_A_Saw(class AActor *,class AActor *,struct FState *,int,struct StateCallData *)" (?AFP_A_Saw@@YIXPAVAActor@@0PAUFState@@HPAUStateCallData@@@Z)
  603. 11>a_soundsequence.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  604. 11>a_spark.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  605. 11>a_specialspot.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  606. 11>a_waterzone.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  607. 11>a_sectoraction.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  608. 11>a_setcolor.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  609. 11>a_skies.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  610. 11>a_soundenvironment.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  611. 11>a_pickups.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  612. 11>a_puzzleitems.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  613. 11>a_randomspawner.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  614. 11>a_secrettrigger.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  615. 11>a_keys.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  616. 11>a_mapmarker.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  617. 11>a_morph.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  618. 11>a_movingcamera.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  619. 11>a_decals.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  620. 11>a_fastprojectile.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  621. 11>a_fountain.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  622. 11>a_hatetarget.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  623. 11>a_artifacts.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  624. 11>a_bridge.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  625. 11>a_camera.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  626. 11>a_debris.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  627. 11>p_user.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  628. 11>s_advsound.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  629. 11>a_action.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  630. 11>a_armor.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  631. 11>d_dehacked.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  632. 11>p_buildmap.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  633. 11>p_mobj.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  634. 11>p_teleport.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall AActor::PropagateMark(void)" (?PropagateMark@AActor@@UAEIXZ)
  635. 11>warptexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  636. 11>pngtexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  637. 11>rawpagetexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  638. 11>texture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  639. 11>tgatexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  640. 11>jpegtexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  641. 11>multipatchtexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  642. 11>patchtexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  643. 11>pcxtexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  644. 11>ddstexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  645. 11>emptytexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  646. 11>flattexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  647. 11>imgztexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  648. 11>strife_sbar.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  649. 11>automaptexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  650. 11>buildtexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  651. 11>canvastexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  652. 11>v_font.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  653. 11>v_video.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  654. 11>sbarinfo.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  655. 11>playerdisplay.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::PrecacheGL(void)" (?PrecacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  656. 11>warptexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  657. 11>pngtexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  658. 11>rawpagetexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  659. 11>texture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  660. 11>tgatexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  661. 11>jpegtexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  662. 11>multipatchtexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  663. 11>patchtexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  664. 11>pcxtexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  665. 11>ddstexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  666. 11>emptytexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  667. 11>flattexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  668. 11>imgztexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  669. 11>strife_sbar.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  670. 11>automaptexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  671. 11>buildtexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  672. 11>canvastexture.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  673. 11>v_font.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  674. 11>v_video.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  675. 11>sbarinfo.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  676. 11>playerdisplay.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall FTexture::UncacheGL(void)" (?UncacheGL@FTexture@@UAEXXZ)
  677. 11>hardware.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class IVideo * __fastcall gl_CreateVideo(void)" (?gl_CreateVideo@@YIPAVIVideo@@XZ) referenced in function "void __fastcall I_InitGraphics(void)" (?I_InitGraphics@@YIXXZ)
  678. 11>hardware.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "struct FRenderer * __fastcall gl_CreateInterface(void)" (?gl_CreateInterface@@YIPAUFRenderer@@XZ) referenced in function "void __fastcall I_CreateRenderer(void)" (?I_CreateRenderer@@YIXXZ)
  679. 11>thingdef_states.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __fastcall AddStateLight(struct FState *,char const *)" (?AddStateLight@@YIXPAUFState@@PBD@Z) referenced in function "void __fastcall ParseStates(class FScanner &,struct FActorInfo *,class AActor *,struct Baggage &)" (?ParseStates@@YIXAAVFScanner@@PAUFActorInfo@@PAVAActor@@AAUBaggage@@@Z)
  680. 11>texture.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall FTexture::MiscGLInfo::~MiscGLInfo(void)" (??1MiscGLInfo@FTexture@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function __unwindfunclet$??0FTexture@@IAE@PBDH@Z$0
  681. 11>texture.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall FTexture::MiscGLInfo::MiscGLInfo(void)" (??0MiscGLInfo@FTexture@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "protected: __thiscall FTexture::FTexture(char const *,int)" (??0FTexture@@IAE@PBDH@Z)
  682. 11>../zdoom.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 8 unresolved externals
  683. 11>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Programming\SourceCodes\gzdoom\Release\BuildLog.htm"
  684. 11>zdoom - 89 error(s), 0 warning(s)
  685. ========== Build: 10 succeeded, 1 failed, 3 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
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