

Jan 6th, 2024
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  1. Slavery must be continually abolished, until there is one nation under God
  2. AGAIN
  4. Secularists must be removed from High Office.
  6. The Unusual Clause had meaning, it meant the entire works of St. Thomas Aquinas, as Rational and Real belief. And so another separation of Church and State. And so we are not a secularist democracy
  8. It is only recently, and Nixon did it, Nixon and the Nixon Administration created small slaveries in small places throughout the United States.
  11. So that all the money could be loved -- But, first.
  13. Secularist democracy means +1 +1 is the same as -1 -1, it's just as easy to add as to delete.
  14. Enlightened Democracy is not that.
  17. So that all the money could be loved, the Edwardians, The Edwardians invented Inflation. then all the European Currency and Cash could be loved, equally.
  19. Since the belief of the Edwardians is that a countries money inflates for existing, for existing in the economy outside of investment.
  21. So, The Love of Money Is The Root of All Evil.
  24. Slavery was recreated in small places throughout the United States by Nixon
  25. and the administration, so Gen X. was given a nation in disrepair. The
  26. Unusual Clause separated us from the the Renaissance Religion does exist to
  27. be understood and discarded. The Renaissance cannot exist without
  28. Renaissance Europe, or where is it born? There are thousands of small
  29. slaveries, in the Renaissance, and there is the tortured slave to prove what
  30. a cast is. So, one shouldn't be tortured if one can read religion, but war
  31. is brutal. Renaissance wars, are wars of subjugation, the first target is a
  32. city.
  34. And a city once subjugated, once subjugated anyone could be tortured
  35. medievally; the ruling militias simply don't have to like your looks. Or
  36. especially how you behave, and of course bounties on captures, like the 1st
  37. you could hang with a sheep.
  39. And of the Assassin to the Christian, the needle and syringe, which could
  40. have anything, not just solutions like doctors of today, but suspensions, and
  41. especially of air. And then also, subduing agents, chemicals, and the same
  42. Lethal Injection, that Nixon must love above all things, the suspension
  43. allows 2 things to be pushed through. One, the suspension that creates the
  44. pain of the 1st heart attack, this destroys free will. Second, something to
  45. kill you. One they learn to push it, it's just another part of their
  46. melee-life-style, so why recreate it here, in the Commonwealth of Virginia?
  48. Unless to subjugate us, to subjugate our cities, just like the Renaissance,
  49. just like that one can imagine all the tortured slaves, from all the small
  50. slaveries, and start to realize the cast systems. To imagine how and can,
  51. and to fear any part of a Police Stronghold. Because if already part of the
  52. description of lawful subdue, then what is Christian in the United States?
  53. Slavery must be abolished, even if it's just a small clause, a small clause
  54. in the state code, it must be abolished, as how can there be one nation under
  55. God, AGAIN
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