

May 20th, 2016
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  1. --------------------------------------------------------
  2. --Thanks For Getting My Troll Script :D --killerboy634--
  3. --------------------------------------------------------
  4. plr = "Hacker!" --Put Your Name Der.
  5. --Start The Music!
  6. local s = Instance.new("Sound") --Inserts A Sound.
  7. s.Name = "REKT" --Names It So People Cant Delete it because dey dont know its name!
  8. s.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=261180865" --Sets The Music
  9. s.Volume = 5 --Sets the volume
  10. s.Looped = true --Makes it keep on looping. (It keeps playing..)
  11. s.archivable = false --Makes it so people cant delete it if they find out the name.
  12. s.Parent = game.Workspace --Makes the Sound go to the workspace so everyone can hear it
  13. s:play()
  14. --Set The Skybox!
  15. h = Instance.new("Sky") --Inserts A Skybox
  16. h.Parent=game.Lighting --Puts the skybox into lighting
  17. h.SkyboxBk="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=333564054" --All Below Set The Skybox
  18. h.SkyboxDn="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=333564054"
  19. h.SkyboxFt="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=333564054"
  20. h.SkyboxLf="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=333564054"
  21. h.SkyboxRt="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=333564054"
  22. h.SkyboxUp="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=333564054"
  23. --Make A Message!
  24. msg = Instance.new("Message",workspace) --Inserts A Message Into Workspace.
  25. msg.Name="trolled" --Names It So People Dont Know The Name To Delete It.
  26. msg.Text = "Warning Leave This Game Hacked By "..plr.."!" --Sets The Message.
  28. --Thats It O3O
  29. --[[
  30. Server = Rekt
  31. ]]--
  33. --No, I did not copy this. I used my own brain. Not someone elses LOL.
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