Not a member of Pastebin yet?
Sign Up,
it unlocks many cool features!
- --[[
- -1 : banned
- 0 : user
- 1 : trusted
- 2 : mods
- 3 : admin
- 4 : friends
- 5 : dev/owner
- ]]
- startuptime=0
- ver=1.18
- datastores=true
- update=false
- cid=0
- baseranked={ --{name,rank,reason ranked}
- {'WinslowMau',5,'creator'},{'SafaziNoz',5,'creator'},{'Cobalt1164',4,'favorite fuckboy'}
- }
- users={}
- plrdata={}
- me=""
- banlist={'shuwaib','jairyanofficial','xxcoolboy8','lolman8776','clarence258','iiUnsolved','iamEdward6789','canaideanpolerbear','64S','CHAOSxFIGHTER','Kufarscum','meunumbertwo','1337h4xorz','narutokid12','TygaAndKylie','dyler3','minecraftrath101','imnotmax','fmerSKID005','imthemandamnit666'}
- music={}
- rank={
- 'friend','trusted','mod','admin','developer'
- }
- action=''
- n=nil
- playertimes={}
- for i,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players'')do playertimes[v.Name]=tick()-1 end
- orig=music
- split="'"
- speed=.002
- songrequests={}
- skipanim=false
- vote={}
- vote.y=0
- vote.n=0
- vote.topic=''
- local c={}
-'Hot pink'
-'Bright blue'
-'Royal purple'
-'Really red'
-'Lime green'
-'Deep orange'
- defaultcolor=c.white
- urlf='rbxassetid://'
- logs={LOG={};CLOG={}}
- pri=false
- events={}
- logs.write=function(str)
- str='[alu] '..str
- str=str:gsub('\n','\n [alu] ')
- table.insert(logs.LOG,str)
- print(str)
- end
- logs.cwrite=function(str)
- table.insert(logs.CLOG,str)
- if #logs.CLOG>30 then table.remove(logs.CLOG,1)end
- end
- logs.last=function()
- return logs.LOG[#logs.LOG]
- end
- logs.clear=function()
- logs.LOG={}
- end
- bet=''
- logs.write('bad tablets started on version '..tostring(ver))
- plrs=game:service'Players'
- colors={'White','Really blue','Really red','New Yeller','Teal','Lime green','Hot pink','Deep orange','Toothpaste'}
- function randin(tblz)
- rand='White'
- print(#tblz)
- local rand=math.random(1,#tblz)
- return tblz[rand]
- end
- wk=workspace
- script.Name=tostring(math.random(1,256)*2563343)..'_ALUINSTANCE'
- tabs={} -- tabs >> player >> tablets
- Players=plrs
- votesent=false
- list=function(tbl)
- local str=''
- for i,v in pairs(tbl)do
- str=str..tostring(v)
- if i~=#tbl then str=str..', 'end
- end
- return str
- end
- getbet=function()
- return bet
- end
- _match=function(str,spkr)
- if str==nil then return{}end
- local st=str:lower();
- local found={};
- if st:sub(0,1)=='%'then--team wildcard
- for i,v in pairs(game:service'Teams':GetChildren())do
- if (v:IsA'Team')and(v.Name:lower():find(st:sub(2))~=nil) then
- for i,p in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers'')do
- if p.TeamColor==v.TeamColor then
- table.insert(found,p);
- end;
- end;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- elseif st=='*'or st=='all'then
- for i,v in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers'')do
- table.insert(found,v);
- end;
- elseif st:sub(1,1)=='#'then
- local idgroup=st:sub(2);
- pcall(function()
- for i,v in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers'')do
- if v:IsInGroup(idgroup)then table.insert(found,v);end;
- end;
- end);
- elseif st=='me'then
- return {spkr};
- elseif st=='others'then
- for i,v in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers'')do
- if v~=spkr then
- table.insert(found,v);
- end;
- end;
- else
- for i,v in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers'')do
- if v.Name:lower():find(st)~=nil then
- table.insert(found,v);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- return found;
- end
- _plr=function(player,speaker)
- if not player then return;end
- if type(player)=='string'then
- local plrsz=_match(player,speaker)
- return plrsz[1]
- end;
- if player:IsA'Player'then return player;end;
- if plrs:FindFirstChild(player)then return _plr(plrs[player]);end;
- return;
- end
- disabletabs=function()
- for i,v in pairs(tabs)do
- dmp(i)
- end
- for i,v in pairs(events)do
- v:disconnect()
- end
- wait(2)
- for i,v in pairs(events)do
- v:disconnect()
- end
- enabled=false
- logs.write'disabling'
- end
- v3=function(a,b,c)
- return,b,c)
- end
- _rgb=function(r,g,b)
- return,g/255,b/255)
- end
- rcolor=function(num)
- local c=rank[num]
- if not c then c='White'end
- return c
- end
- testlocal=plrs.LocalPlayer
- if testlocal then datastores=false logs.write'local mode is on, saved functions not available'end
- cmds={}
- enabled=true
- t={}
- t.size=nil
- t.trans=0
- tabindiv={'dmself'}
- t.shape='cube'
- t.db_view='PLR'
- shapes={
- ['cube']=v3(2.1,2.1,2.1),
- ['flat']=v3(.2,4,3)
- }
- shape=function(s)
- t.shape=s
- t.size=shapes[t.shape]
- end
- shape('cube')
- ds={}
- ds.s=game:service'DataStoreService':GetDataStore(key)
- ALUSND=nil
- pd={}
- str={}
- str.firstc=function(st)
- return st:sub(1,1):upper()
- end
- --std lib by badfractions
- inTable=function(tbl,val)
- for i,v in pairs(tbl)do
- if v==val then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- remTable=function(tbl,val)
- for i,v in pairs(tbl)do
- if v==val then table.remove(i) end
- end
- end
- formatstr=function(str)
- local l=string.len(str)
- local orig=''
- for i=1,l do
- orig=orig..str:sub(i,i)..'ΓΈ'
- end
- return orig
- end
- merge=function(t1, t2)
- for k, v in pairs(t2) do
- if (type(v) == "table") and (type(t1[k] or false) == "table") then
- merge(t1[k], t2[k])
- else
- t1[k] = v
- end
- end
- return t1
- end
- --end std lib
- --player>>{rank,color}
- -- // alureon ranking system - bad \\ --
- ds.props={'name','rank','reason','wave','color','rot','locked','neon','shape'}
- ds.whole=function()
- if not datastores then return end
- if not ds.s:GetAsync'users'then
- ds.s:SetAsync('users',baseranked)
- return ds.s:GetAsync'users'
- else
- return ds.s:GetAsync'users'
- end
- end
- users=ds.whole()
- ranr=rank or 0
- reason=reason or 'None'
- local newprof={name,rank,reason,false,'White','circlerand',{},false,'cube'}
- table.insert(users,newprof)
- return newprof
- end
- ds.set=function(plrn,indxe,valyu)
- local db=ds.get(plrn)
- if db==nil then return end
- for iww,vww in pairs(ds.props)do
- if indxe:lower()==vww:lower()then db[iww]=valyu;end
- end
- end
- ds.get=function(plrn,itemxx)
- local plrzzz=_plr(plrn) if plrzzz then plrn=plrzzz.Name end
- local prof=nil
- for iww,vww in pairs(users)do if vww[1]~=nil then if vww[1]==plrn then prof=users[iww]break end;end;end
- if prof==nil then
- if prof[5]==nil then prof[5]='White';end
- if prof[4]==nil then prof[4]=false;end
- if prof[6]==nil then prof[6]='circlerand';end
- if prof[7]==nil then prof[7]={};end
- if prof[8]==nil then prof[8]=false;end
- if prof[9]==nil then prof[9]='cube';end
- if itemxx==nil then return prof
- else
- itemxx=itemxx:lower()
- for iww,vww in pairs(ds.props)do
- if itemxx:lower()==vww:lower()then return prof[iww]end
- end
- end
- end
- local plrc=_plr(plr)if plrc then plr=plrc.Name end
- local proff=nil
- for iee,vee in pairs(users)do if vee[1]~=nil then if vee[1]==plr then proff=users[iee]break end;end;end
- return proff
- end
- ds.default=function(prof)
- if not prof then return true end
- --print(list(prof))
- if #prof~=#ds.props then return true end
- if prof[2]==nil then return true end
- if prof[2]==0 and prof[4]==false and prof[5]=='White' and prof[6]=='rand'then return true end
- return false
- end
- local get={}
- for i,v in pairs(users)do
- if not ds.default(v)then
- table.insert(get,v)
- end
- end
- ds.s:SetAsync('users',get)
- end
- --[[ds.plr=function(plr)
- plr=_plr(plr)
- local prof=nil
- local i=0
- if plr==nil then return {}
- for i,v in pairs(users)do if v[1]~=nil then if v[1]==plr.Name then prof=users[i]break end;end;end
- return prof,i
- end]]
- ds.setrank=function(plr,rank)
- --local dat,ind=ds.plr(plr)
- local der=ds.get(plr)
- der[2]=rank
- end
- ds.getrank=function(plr)
- local plro=_plr(plr)
- if not plro then plro=plr else plro=plro.Name end
- local d=ds.get(plro,'rank')
- if d then return tonumber(d) end
- return 0
- end
- for i,v in pairs(ds)do
- if not datastores then v=(function()print'Datastores are not enabled'return;end) end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(baseranked)do
- ds.setrank(v[1],v[2])
- end
- ps={}
- ps.wave=function(plr)
- return ds.get(plr,'wave')
- end
- ps.color=function(plr)
- return ds.get(plr,'color')
- end
- ps.rot=function(plr)
- return ds.get(plr,'rot')
- end
- ps.neon=function(plr)
- local dzzzz=ds.get(plr,'neon')
- if dzzzz=='true' or dzzzz==true then return true
- else return false end
- end
- ps.shape=function(plr)
- return ds.get(plr,'shape')
- end
- ps.islocked=function(cmdname,plr)
- local lc=ds.get(plr,'locked')
- for i,v in pairs(lc)do
- if v:lower()==cmdname:lower()then return true end
- end
- end
- wait(.2)
- safe={}
- safe.r=function(fn)
- pcall(function()fn'';end)
- end
- for i,v in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers())do
- ds.getrank(v.Name)
- end
- setrank=function(plr,num)
- plr=_plr(plr)
- if not plr then return end
- ds.setrank(plr.Name,num)--error here
- end
- getrank=function(plr)
- local d=ds.getrank(plr)
- if d then return d else return 0 end
- end
- m={}
- m.ds=ds.s
- stack={}
- m.getlib=function()
- if not datastores then return music end
- return m.ds:GetAsync('music')--{ ['song']={id,genre} }
- end
- m.setlib=function(lib)
- music=lib
- if not datastores then return end
- m.ds:SetAsync('music',lib)
- end
- m.setlib(music)
- end
- m.curr=nil
- m.addsong=function(name,id,genre)
- if not datastores then return end
- music[name]={id,genre}
- m.setlib(music)
- end
- local ex={...}
- if sstop then
- if ALUSND~=nil then
- if ALUSND.Parent~=nil then
- ALUSND:Stop()
- ALUSND:remove()
- ALUSND=nil
- end
- end
- return
- end
- if silentmode then return end
- ALUSND.Parent=script
- ALUSND.SoundId=urlf..tostring(id)
- ALUSND.Volume=ex.VOL or .5
- ALUSND.Pitch=ex.PIT or 1
- ALUSND.Looped=ex.LOO or true
- ALUSND:Play()
- m.curr=id
- cid=urlf..tostring(id)
- end
- m.stopmusic=function(root,deep)
- for i,v in pairs(root:children'')do
- if v.Parent then if v:IsA'Sound'then v:Stop()v:remove()end;end
- if deep then
- m.stopmusic(v,true)
- end
- end
- end
- m.stopmusico=function(root,deep)
- for i,v in pairs(root:children'')do
- if v.Parent then if v:IsA'Sound'and v.Name~='ALUSND'then v:Stop()v:remove()end;end
- if deep then
- m.stopmusic(v,true)
- end
- end
- end
- music=m.getlib()
- --give the music lib some time
- wait(.1)
- logs.write'loaded libraries'
- prl=game:GetService'ContentProvider'
- for i,v in ipairs(music) do
- prl:Preload('rbxassetid://'..v[1])
- end
- changetabsize=function(v3new)
- t.size=v3new
- end
- function Kick(plr)
- if not plr then return end
- local'RemoteEvent',workspace):FireClient(plr,{string.rep("daaaaaaaaaang u got owned",2e5+5)})
- delay(1,function()
- pcall(function()
- h:remove()
- end)
- end)
- end
- dictionary=function(content)
- local h=game:service'HttpService'
- local basel=""..content
- return(tostring(h:GetAsync(basel)))
- --magiclaxnoob=(tostring(h:PostAsync(basel,base)))
- end
- updateevents=function()
- for i,v in pairs(events)do
- v:disconnect()
- end
- if not enabled then return end
- for i,v in pairs(plrs:players())do
- local ev=v.Chatted:connect(function(msg)chat(msg,v)end)
- events[#events+1]=ev
- end
- end
- getPlayerTabs=function(plr)
- if tabs[plr]then return tabs[plr]end
- tabs[plr]={}
- return tabs[plr]
- end
- rem=function(tablet)
- if not tablet then return end
- if tablet.Name=='x'then return end
- delay(0,function()
- local s=tablet.Size
- tablet.Name='x'
- if tablet:FindFirstChild'ClickDetector'then
- tablet.ClickDetector:remove()
- end
- if tablet:FindFirstChild'Text' then
- tablet.Text:remove()
- end
- local s=tablet.Size
- if not skipanim then
- for i=1,0,-.33 do
- tablet.Size=s*i
- tablet.Transparency=1-i
- wait(.05)
- end
- end
- tablet:remove()
- end)
- end
- tabmodel=function(place)
- if not place:FindFirstChild('alu_group')then
- local'Model'
- m.Parent=place
- m.Name='alu_group'
- return m
- else
- return place.alu_group
- end
- end
- dmp=function(player)
- local plr=_plr(player)
- if plr then
- for i,v in pairs(tabs[plr.Name])do
- rem(v)
- end
- end
- end
- getAllWithPerm=function(rankrr)
- local asdf={}
- for imm,vrttt in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers())do
- if tonumber(getrank(vrttt))>=rankrr then
- table.insert(asdf,vrttt.Name)
- end
- end
- return asdf
- end
- newserver=function(id)
- for i=1,1 do
- logs.write'making server'
- game:GetService'HttpService':GetAsync(''..tonumber(id),true)
- end
- end
- _tab=function(text,color,plrn,fn,fne,delayt) --text , scheme (box c), function, player object, final extra, time till poofy poof
- --wait'1/44'
- --pcall(function()
- if silentmode then return end
- if delayt==nil then delayt=0 end
- if not enabled then return end
- local plrn=_plr(plrn)
- if type(plrn)~='userdata'then return end
- if not plrn:IsA'Player'then return end
- local plr=plrn.Name
- local plrtabs=getPlayerTabs(plr)
- if not plrn.Character then return end
- local'Part')
- local'BlockMesh',tab)
- local'ClickDetector',tab)
- local'SelectionBox',tab)
- local color=color
- color=color or defaultcolor
- ncolor=color
- if type(color) == type("String") then
- if color == "random" then
- local r=randin(colors)
- print(r)
- ncolor =
- else
- ncolor =
- end
- end
- tab.Anchored=true
- tab.FormFactor='Custom'
- tab.Size=v3(.2,.2,.2)
- tab.Parent=tabmodel(script)
- tab.Material=ps.neon(plr) and 'Neon' or 'Plastic'
- local mysize=shapes[ps.shape(plr)]
- for i,v in pairs(shapes)do
- if mysize==v then
- tab.Name=i
- end
- end
- tab.Transparency=t.trans
- tab.CanCollide=false
- local cftp=plrn.Character.Torso.CFrame
- local,10,0)
- if text==''then text=' 'end
- pcall(function()tab:findFirstChild("Text"):Destroy()end)
- local b ="BillboardGui",tab)
- b.Name = "Text"
- b.Adornee = tab
- b.Size =,0,2.5,0)
- b.AlwaysOnTop = false
- b.StudsOffset =,5,0)
- local lbl ="TextLabel",b)
- lbl.Size =,0,1,0)
- lbl.Text = formatstr(tostring(text))
- lbl.TextScaled = true
- lbl.TextWrapped = false
- lbl.Font = "SourceSansBold"
- lbl.FontSize="Size24"
- local'PointLight'
- pl.Parent=tab
- lbl.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- lbl.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- lbl.ZIndex = 10
- if skipanim then tab.Size=t.size else
- delay(0,function()
- for i=0,1,.2 do
- wait'1/44'
- tab.Size=mysize*i
- end
- tab.Size=mysize
- end)
- end
- if delayt~=0 then
- delay(delayt,function()
- if tab then
- rem(tab)
- end;
- end)
- end
- sb.Color=(ncolor)
- sb.Transparency=.7
- sb.Adornee=tab
- cd.MaxActivationDistance=math.huge
- cd.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(plrn)
- if plrn.Name==plr then
- --for i=1,1.5,.25 do
- -- wait'1/44'
- -- tab.Size=t.size*i
- --end
- tab.Transparency=0
- tab.Size=mysize*1.5
- end
- end)
- cd.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(plrn)
- if plrn.Name==plr then
- --tab.Size=t.size
- --repeat wait()until (tab.Size-t.size*1.5).magnitude<.1 and tab.Name~='x'
- --for i=1.5,1,-.25 do
- -- wait'1/44'
- -- tab.Size=t.size*i
- --end
- tab.Size=mysize
- tab.Transparency=t.trans
- end
- end)
- local pressed=false
- cd.MouseClick:connect(function(clicker)
- if clicker.Name==plr then
- if fn~='' and tab.Name~='x'and fn~=nil and pressed==false then
- fn(tab)pressed=true
- end
- if fne=='dmself'then
- rem(tab)
- end
- end
- end)
- table.insert(tabs[plr],tab)
- --end)
- end
- --game:service'Lighting'.Outlines=false
- _dmtab=function(player)
- local plr=_plr(player)
- _tab('Dismiss','Really red',plr,
- function()
- dmp(player)
- end)
- end
- hasPermission=function(player,command)
- local plrz=_plr(player)
- local plr=getrank(plrz.Name)
- local cmd=command;
- if type(command)=='table'then cmd=command.PERM;end;
- if not plr then return false;end;
- if plr>=cmd then return true;end;
- return false;
- end
- alert={}
- alert.g=function(txt,g)
- for i,v in pairs(getAllWithPerm(g))do
- _tab(tostring(txt),c.white,v,'','dmself',4)
- end
- end
- alert.p=function(txt,p)
- local p=_plr(p)
- if p then
- _tab(txt,c.white,p,'','dmself',3)
- end
- end
- alert.c=function(txt,col,plr,t)
- if t==nil then t=0 end
- if not txt or not col or not plr then return end
- local plr=_plr(plr)if plr==nil then return end
- _tab(txt,col,plr,'','dmself',t)
- end
- aliasof=function(tbl,base)
- for i,v in pairs(tbl)do
- if v:lower()==base:lower()then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- getbase=function(msg)
- msg=msg
- local s=msg:find(split)
- if s~=nil then
- return msg:sub(0,s-1),s
- end
- return msg,(string.len(msg)+1)
- end
- getargb=function(msg)
- if msg~=nil then
- if msg:sub(1,1):lower()==split then
- local a,b=getbase(msg:sub(2))
- --print(a)
- --print(b)
- return a,b
- end
- end
- return '',0
- end
- matchtblv=function(tbl,key)
- local found={}
- pcall(function()
- for i,v in pairs(tbl)do
- if v:lower():find(key:lower())~=nil then
- table.insert(found,v)
- end
- end;end)
- return found
- end
- changerank=function(plr,speaker)
- local plrc=_plr(plr)
- if plrc then plr = plrc.Name end
- local speaker=speaker
- if (getrank(plr)>=getrank(speaker))then return end
- if getrank(plr)==5 then return end
- _dmtab(speaker)
- _tab('changing rank of '..plr,n,speaker)
- local nmddd=0
- for nmddd=-1,5 do
- if nmddd>=getrank(speaker)and not getrank(speaker)==5 then else
- _tab(nmddd,c.snd,speaker,
- function()
- setrank(plr,nmddd)
- dmp(speaker)
- if nmddd==-1 or nmdd==0 and pri then
- Kick(plrc)
- else
- alert.p(plr..' is now rank '..tostring(nmddd),speaker)
- if plrc then
- alert.p('you are now rank '..tostring(nmddd),plrc)end
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- matchtbli=function(tbl,key)
- local found={}
- for i,v in pairs(tbl)do
- if tostring(i):lower():find(key:lower())~=nil then
- table.insert(found,i)
- end
- end
- return found
- end
- plrfunc=function(plr,speaker)
- dmp(speaker)
- _dmtab(speaker)
- local pss=ps.color(plr)
- _tab('Back','Teal',speaker,function()plrmen(plr,speaker)end)
- if plr~=speaker and getrank(speaker)>getrank(plr) and getrank(speaker)>=4 then
- _tab('kick',pss,speaker,function()Kick(plr)end)
- if datastores then
- _tab('ban',pss,speaker,function()table.insert(banlist,plr.Name)setrank(plr.Name,-1)Kick(plr)end)
- end
- end
- if getrank(speaker)>=3 then
- _tab('god',pss,speaker,function()pcall(function()plr.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth=math.huge;end)end)
- _tab('kill',pss,speaker,function()pcall(function()plr.Character.Head:remove()plr.Character.Humanoid.Health=0;end)end)
- end
- end
- function rainbow(hue)
- local section = hue % 1 * 3
- local secondary = 0.5 * math.pi * (section % 1)
- if section < 1 then
- return 1, 1 - math.cos(secondary), 1 - math.sin(secondary)
- elseif section < 2 then
- return 1 - math.sin(secondary), 1, 1 - math.cos(secondary)
- else
- return 1 - math.cos(secondary), 1 - math.sin(secondary), 1
- end
- end
- wavemenu=function(plr,speaker)
- dmp(speaker)
- local pc=ps.color(plr)
- _tab('Enable',,speaker,
- function(tabc)
- local e=ds.get(plr)
- ds.set(plr,'wave',true)
- e[4]=true
- end)
- _tab('Disable',,speaker,
- function(tabc)
- local e=ds.get(plr)
- ds.set(plr,'wave',false)
- e[4]=false
- end)
- end
- rotmenu=function(plr,speaker)
- dmp(speaker)
- pc=ps.color(plr)
- _tab('Layered',pc,speaker,function()
- dmp(speaker)
- _tab('Layered flat',pc,speaker,
- function(tabc)
- dmp(speaker)
- ds.set(plr,'rot','lf')
- ds.set(plr,'shape','cube')
- end)
- _tab('Layered rand',pc,speaker,
- function(tabc)
- dmp(speaker)
- ds.set(plr,'rot','lrand')
- ds.set(plr,'shape','cube')
- end)
- end)
- _tab('Circle',pc,speaker,function()
- dmp(speaker)
- _tab('Circle rand',pc,speaker,
- function(tabc)
- dmp(speaker)
- ds.set(plr,'rot','circlerand')
- ds.set(plr,'shape','cube')
- end)
- _tab('Circle flat',pc,speaker,
- function(tabc)
- --local e=ds.get(plr)
- dmp(speaker)
- ds.set(plr,'rot','circleflat')
- ds.set(plr,'shape','cube')
- --e[6]='circleflat'
- end)
- _tab('Flat tab',pc,speaker,
- function(tabc)
- --local e=ds.get(plr)\
- dmp(speaker)
- ds.set(plr,'rot','flattab')
- ds.set(plr,'shape','flat')
- end)
- end)
- end
- neonmenu=function(plr,speaker)
- local plrc=_plr(plr)if plrc then plr = plrc.Name end
- local pc=ps.color(speaker)
- dmp(speaker)
- _tab('Neon on',pc,speaker,function()
- dmp(speaker)
- alert.c(speaker~=plr and plr..'\'s neon enabled' or plr..'Neon enabled',pc,speaker)
- ds.set(plr,'neon',true)
- end)
- _tab('Neon off',pc,speaker,function()
- dmp(speaker)
- alert.c(speaker~=plr and plr..'\'s neon disabled' or plr..'Neon disabled',pc,speaker)
- ds.set(plr,'neon',false)
- end)
- end
- configtab=function(plr,speaker)
- local plrc=_plr(plr)if plrc then plr = plrc.Name end
- if getrank(speaker.Name)>getrank(plr) and getrank(speaker.Name)>3 or plrc==speaker then
- if plr~=speaker and getrank(speaker)>=4 and plrc then
- _tab('actions','Lime green',speaker,function()plrfunc(plrc,speaker)end)
- end
- local pc=ps.color(plr)
- _tab('Player Configuration','New Yeller',speaker,
- function(tab)
- rem(tab)
- if plr~=speaker and getrank(speaker)>getrank(plr) and getrank(speaker)>=4 or plr==speaker and getrank(speaker)>=3 then
- _tab('Set rank',rank[getrank(plr)],speaker,function()dmp(speaker)changerank(plr,speaker)end)
- end
- _tab('Set wave',pc,speaker,
- function(tab2)
- wavemenu(plr,speaker)
- _tab('Back','Teal',speaker,function()plrmen(plr,speaker)end)
- end)
- _tab('Set rot',pc,speaker,
- function(tab2)
- rotmenu(plr,speaker)
- _tab('Back','Teal',speaker,function()plrmen(plr,speaker)end)
- end)
- _tab('Set color',pc,speaker,
- function()
- dmp(speaker)
- _tab('Back','Teal',speaker,function()plrmen(plr,speaker)end)
- _tab('Select a color',pc,speaker)
- for i,v in pairs(colors)do
- _tab('['..v..']',v,speaker,
- function()
- local e=ds.get(plr)
- e[4]=v
- ds.set(plr,'color',v)
- alert.c('Your color is now '..v,v,plrc)
- if plrc~=speaker then
- alert.c('You set '..tostring(plr)..'\'s color to '..v,ps.color(speaker),speaker)
- end
- plrmen(plr,speaker)end)
- end
- end)
- _tab('Set Neon',pc,speaker,
- function()
- neonmenu(plr,speaker)
- end)
- end)
- end
- end
- plrmen=function(plr,speaker,ccc)
- dmp(speaker)
- _dmtab(speaker)
- --ct('Back','Teal',ccc,speaker)
- local plrc=_plr(plr)
- if plrc==nil then else plr=plrc.Name end
- local pc=ps.color(plr)
- _tab(plr,n,speaker)
- local
- _tab('Rank:\n'..getrank(plr),pc,speaker)
- if v then
- _tab('Reason:\n'..v[3],pc,speaker)
- _tab('Color:\n'..v[5],v[5],speaker)
- _tab('Wave:\n'..tostring(ps.wave(v[1])),v[5],speaker)
- end
- if plrc then _tab('age:\n'..tostring(plrc.AccountAge),pc,speaker)end
- _tab('color:\n',pc,speaker)
- local nr=ds.default( nr
- _tab('stored in users:\n'..str.firstc(tostring(nr)),pc,speaker)
- configtab(plrc,speaker)
- end
- assettype=function(id)
- local i=game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(tonumber(id))
- return i.AssetTypeId
- end
- plrinfo=function(plr,speaker)
- plr=_plr(plr)
- dmp(speaker)
- _dmtab(speaker)
- end
- getAllArgs=function(str)
- local found={}
- local runw=true
- while runw do
- local arg,ends=getargb(str)
- --print(ends)
- if arg~='' and ends~=0 then
- table.insert(found,arg)
- str=str:sub(ends+1)
- else
- runw=false
- end
- end
- if found~={}then
- return found end
- end
- songmenu=function(n,speaker)
- dmp(speaker)
- if type(n)==type('hi')then
- n=music[n][1]
- end if not n then return end
- _dmtab(speaker)
- local i=game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(tonumber(n))
- name=i.Name
- t.t("Name: "..i.Name, "Hot pink",speaker)
- t.t("Sales: "..i.Sales, "New Yeller",speaker)
- t.t("Id: "..i.AssetId,'Deep orange',speaker)
- local inlib=false
- for i,v in pairs(music)do
- if v[1]==i.AssetId then
- music[i]=nil inlib=true
- end
- end
- if inlib then music[i.Name]={i.AssetId,'Downloaded'}end
- _tab("Play sound", 'Lime green',speaker,
- function()
- dmp(speaker)
- chat("sm'deep",speaker)
- alert.c('now playing:\n'..i.Name,'Lime green',speaker,3)
- end)
- if (getrank(speaker.Name)<4) then return end
- if music[i.Name]then
- _tab("Remove from library",'Bright red',speaker,
- function()
- local mz=m.getlib()
- mz[i.Name]=nil
- m.setlib(mz)
- alert.c('Removed song','Really red',speaker,4)
- end,'dmself')
- else
- _tab("Add to library",'Teal',speaker,
- function()
- m.addsong(i.Name,tonumber(i.AssetId),'Downloaded')
- music[i.Name]={i.AssetId,'Downloaded'}
- alert.c('Added song','Teal',speaker,4)
- end,'dmself')
- end
- end
- genrelist=function(speaker,genreq)
- local genres={}
- for i,v in pairs(music)do
- if v[2]~=nil then
- local g=v[2]:lower()
- g=g:sub(1,1):upper()..g:sub(2)
- if not genres[g]then genres[g]={}end
- table.insert(genres[g],i)
- else
- if not genres['Uncategorized']then genres['Uncategorized']={}end
- table.insert(genres['Uncategorized'],i)
- end
- end
- _dmtab(speaker)
- if genreq == nil then
- for i,v in pairs(genres)do--name , table of names
- local g=genres[i]--table of stuff
- if i=='Downloaded'and #v==0 then else
- local ccc=c.purple
- if i=='Downloaded'then
- ccc='Lime green'
- end
- _tab(i..' ['..#g..']',ccc,speaker,
- function()
- dmp(speaker)
- _dmtab(speaker)
- _tab('['..i..']',c.purple,speaker)
- for k,z in pairs(g)do
- songmenu(z,speaker)
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- else
- if genres[genreq]~=nil then
- local req=genres[genreq]
- local ccc=c.purple
- if i=='Downloaded'then
- ccc='Lime green'
- end
- for k,z in pairs(req)do
- songmenu(z,speaker)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- t.t=function(text,color,player,t)
- t=t or 0
- if not text or not color or not player then return end
- local plr=_plr(player)
- _tab(text,color,plr,'','',t)
- end
- settime=function(t)
- game:service'Lighting'.TimeOfDay=t
- end
- ct=function(txt,color,chatm,plr,flag)
- _tab(txt,color,plr,function()chat(chatm,plr)end,flag)
- end
- iscmd=function(str)
- for i,v in pairs(cmds)do
- if v.NAME:lower()==str:lower() or aliasof((c.ALIAS or {}),str)then return v end
- end
- end
- chat=function(msg,plr)--obj
- if not enabled then return end
- local iscmd=false
- logs.cwrite(plr.Name..': '..msg)
- if msg:sub(1,3)=='/e 'then msg=msg:sub(4)iscmd=true end
- if msg:sub(1,string.len(getbet()))==getbet() then msg=msg:sub((string.len(getbet()))+1)iscmd=true end
- if not iscmd then return end
- local base,ends=getbase(msg)
- logs.cwrite(plr.Name..': '..msg)
- local cmd=nil;
- local test=playertimes[plr.Name]
- if not test then playertimes[plr.Name]=tick()end
- if tick()-playertimes[plr.Name]<.4 then return end
- playertimes[plr.Name]=tick()
- if base then
- for i,c in pairs(cmds)do
- if c.NAME:lower()==base:lower() or aliasof(c.ALIAS,base)then
- local cmd=c;
- local arg=getAllArgs(msg:sub(ends))
- local rc=ps.islocked(c.NAME,plr)
- if hasPermission(plr,c.PERM)and not rc then
- --print(arg[1])
- local run,error=ypcall(function()
- c.FUNC(plr,arg,msg)
- end)
- if not run then dmp(plr)alert.c('Error','White',plr)alert.c(error,'Really red',plr) end
- elseif rc then
- alert.c('This command has been locked for you!','Really red',plr)
- else
- alert.c('You do not have permission for that command! ['..c.PERM..']','Really red',plr)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- addcmd=function(name,desc,permission,args,fn,aliases)
- --ARGS
- aliases=aliases or {}
- table.insert(cmds,{
- NAME =name;
- DESC =desc;
- PERM =permission;
- ARGS =args;
- FUNC =fn;
- ALIAS =aliases;
- })
- end
- runas=function(msg,plr)
- chat(msg,plr)
- end
- cmdmenu=function(v,speaker)
- _tab((v.NAME),ps.color(speaker),speaker,
- function()
- dmp(speaker)
- _dmtab(speaker)
- t.t(v.NAME,c.cmdc,speaker)
- local
- local ps='You can\'t use this'
- local r=getrank(speaker)
- if r>=v.PERM then ps='You can use this!'end
- t.t('Permission: '..v.PERM,c.white,speaker)
- t.t(ps,pc,speaker)
- t.t(v.DESC,c.white,speaker)
- if v.ALIAS[1]~=nil then
- _tab('Aliases: '..list(v.ALIAS),c.white,speaker)
- end
- end)
- end
- getCommandsWithPerm=function(num)
- local found={}
- for i,v in pairs(cmds)do
- if v.PERM<=num then
- table.insert(found,v)
- end
- end
- return found
- end
- addcmd('cmds','show commands',0,1,
- function(speaker,a,o)
- dmp(speaker)
- local r=getrank(speaker)
- local s=speaker
- local pc=ps.color(speaker)
- _dmtab(speaker)
- _tab('Your rank: '..r,pc,speaker,
- function()
- dmp(speaker)
- local z=getCommandsWithPerm(getrank(speaker))
- _dmtab(speaker)
- ct('Go back','Teal','cmds',speaker)
- for i,v in pairs(z)do
- cmdmenu(v,speaker)
- end
- end)
- for i=0,5 do
- _tab(i..' ['..(rank[i] or 'guest')..']',pc,speaker,
- function()
- dmp(speaker)
- _dmtab(speaker)
- local z=getCommandsWithPerm(i)
- ct('Go back','Teal','cmds',speaker)
- for i,v in pairs(z)do
- cmdmenu(v,speaker)
- end
- end)
- end
- _tab('View all',pc,speaker,
- function()
- dmp(speaker)
- _dmtab(speaker)
- local z=getCommandsWithPerm(10)
- ct('Go back','Teal','cmds',speaker)
- for i,v in pairs(z)do
- cmdmenu(v,speaker)
- end
- end)
- end,{'commands'})
- addcmd('ping','output with text\nargs: text to display',0,1,
- function(speaker,args)
- if args[1]~=nil and args[2]~=nil and getrank(speaker)>2 and tonumber(args[1]) then
- for i=1,tonumber(args[1])do
- alert.c(args[2]or 'pong',c.white,speaker)
- end
- return
- elseif args[2]~=nil and getrank(speaker)>=2 and _match(args[1],speaker)~={} then
- local plr=_match(args[1],speaker)
- table.foreach(plr,function(k,v)
- alert.c(args[2] or 'pong!',c.white,_plr(v))end)
- else
- alert.c(args[1] or 'pong!',c.white,speaker)
- end
- end,
- {'print','out'})
- addcmd('removesongs','mass library editing',5,0,
- function(speaker,args)
- --print(args[2])
- for i,v in pairs(music)do
- _tab(i,,speaker,function(tablet)rem(tablet)music[i]=nil;end)
- end
- _tab('save','Lime green',speaker,function()m.setlib(music)dmp(speaker)alert.c('music library rewritten','White',speaker)end)
- end,{})
- addcmd('removeusers','mass user editing',5,0,
- function(speaker,args)
- --print(args[2])
- for i,v in pairs(users)do
- _tab(v[1],'White',speaker,function(tablet)rem(tablet)table.remove(users,i);end)
- end
- _tab('save','Lime green',speaker,function()'user library rewritten','White',speaker)end)
- end,{})
- addcmd('time','adjust time',4,0,
- function(speaker,args)
- _dmtab(speaker)
- _tab('Midnight','Really black',speaker,function()settime(0)dmp(speaker)end)
- _tab('Morning','White',speaker,function()settime(6)dmp(speaker)end)
- _tab('Noon','White',speaker,function()settime(12)dmp(speaker)end)
- _tab('Evening','Really black',speaker,function()settime(18)dmp(speaker)end)
- end,
- {'timemenu'})
- addcmd('dt','dismiss tabs\nargs: player',0,1,
- function(speaker,args)
- if args[1]and hasPermission(speaker,{PERM=4})then
- local fplrs=_match(args[1],speaker)
- table.foreach(fplrs,function(ki,vi)dmp(_plr(vi))end)
- else
- dmp(speaker)
- end
- end,
- {'dismiss','dm'})
- addcmd('music','show music list',3,1,--todo id
- function(speaker,args)
- dmp(speaker)
- local r=getrank(speaker)
- if args[1]==nil then
- if r>=3 then
- _dmtab(speaker)
- --alert.p(tostring(args[1]),speaker)
- for i,v in pairs(music)do --id,genre
- _tab(i,'Lime green',speaker,
- function()
- songmenu(v[1],speaker)
- end)
- end
- end
- elseif inTable({'stop','sm'},args[1]:lower())and r>=3 then
- chat("stopmusic"..split..'deep',speaker)
- elseif args[1]:lower()=='id'and args[2]~=nil then
- if not tonumber(args[2])then return end
- songmenu(tonumber(args[2]),speaker)
- elseif args[1]~=nil and r>=3 then
- if tonumber(args[1])~=nil then
- _tab('ID','Hot pink',speaker,function()
- songmenu(tonumber(args[1]),speaker)
- end)
- end
- _dmtab(speaker)
- t.t('showing results for:\n'..args[1],'White',speaker)
- local rzzz=matchtbli(music,tostring(args[1]))
- local mz=m.getlib()
- for kn,zn in pairs(rzzz)do
- if mz[zn]==nil then
- local s=music[zn]
- _tab(zn,c.snd,speaker,
- function()
- dmp(speaker)
- alert.c('now playing:\n'..zn,'Lime green',speaker,3)
- end,'',3)
- end
- end
- local searchterm=args[1]
- http=game:GetService'HttpService'
- local url=""..http:UrlEncode(searchterm).."&Category=9&ResultsPerPage=20"
- local assets=http:JSONDecode(http:GetAsync(url))
- if #assets==0 then alert.p('no results!',speaker)return else
- for i,v in pairs(assets)do
- wait()
- local cddd='New Yeller'
- local songcheck=m.getlib()
- if songcheck[v.Name]~=nil then
- cddd='Lime green'
- end
- _tab(v.Name,cddd,speaker,function()
- songmenu(v.AssetId,speaker)
- end)
- end
- end
- --[[elseif args[1]~=nil and args[2]~=nil then
- if inTable({'l','lib','ls','slib'},args[1]:lower())then
- local r=matchtbli(music,args[2])
- for k,z in pairs(r)do
- local s=music[z]
- _tab(z,c.snd,
- function()
- dmp(speaker)
- alert.p('now playing: '..z,speaker)
- end,speaker,3)
- end
- end]]
- end
- end,
- {'snd','snds'})
- addcmd('stopmusic','stops music / args: deep',3,1,
- function(speaker,args)
- if ALUSND then
- if ALUSND.Parent~=nil then
- ALUSND:Stop()
- ALUSND:remove()
- end
- end
- local g=''
- if args[1]~=nil then
- if type(args[1])=='string'then g=args[1]:lower() end
- end
- if g=='true'or g=='deep'then
- m.stopmusic(workspace,true)
- elseif g=='o'or g=='others'then--team
- m.stopmusico(workspace,true)
- else
- end
- if silentmode then return end
- for i,v in pairs(script.Parent:children'')do
- if v.ClassName~=nil then
- if v:IsA'Sound'then v:Stop()v:remove()end
- end
- end
- end,
- {'sm'})
- addcmd('net','show connected players',0,0,
- function(speaker,args)
- dmp(speaker)
- for i,v in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers())do
- --local cl=rank[getrank(v.Name)]
- local cl=ps.color(v.Name)
- if cl==nil then cl='White'end
- --if speaker==v then cl=c.snd end
- _tab(v.Name,cl,speaker,function()
- if getrank(speaker)>getrank(v) and getrank(speaker)>3 or speaker==v then
- dmp(speaker)
- local plr=v
- plrmen(v,speaker,'net')
- end
- end)
- end
- end,
- {'plrs','players'})
- addcmd('badtabs','show credits',0,0,
- function(speaker)
- dmp(speaker)
- print('ALUREON INSTANCE',tostring(ver))
- alert.c('bad tablets v'..ver,'New Yeller',speaker)
- alert.c('your rank: '..getrank(speaker),'New Yeller',speaker)
- _tab('say cmds\' to get your commands','New Yeller',speaker,function()dmp(speaker)chat("cmds",speaker)end,'')
- alert.c('made by badfractions','New Yeller',speaker)
- end,
- {'cred'})
- addcmd('dtall','dismiss all players tabs',4,0,
- function()
- for i,v in pairs(tabs)do
- dmp(i)
- end
- end,
- {'dismissall'})
- addcmd('save','saves the stuff',4,0,
- function(speaker)
- alert.c('saved the stuff','Lime green',speaker)
- end)
- addcmd('fixlighting','Fixes lighting properties',3,0,
- function()
- local l=game:service'Lighting'
- l.Ambient=_rgb(178,178,178)
- l.Brightness=1
- l.Outlines=false
- l.TimeOfDay=14
- end,
- {'fixl'})
- promptvote=function(v,q)
- _tab(q,c.snd,v,'','',10)
- _tab('Vote Yes',,v,function()dmp(v)vote.y=vote.y+1;alert.p('Vote counted',v)end,'',10)
- _tab('Vote No','Really red',v,function()dmp(v)vote.n=vote.n+1;alert.p('Vote counted',v)end,'',10)
- _tab('No vote','White',v,function()dmp(v);end,'',10)
- end
- addcmd('vote','vote\nargs: plr/tp,(yn,k,b)',4,0,
- function(speaker,args)
- if args[1]~=nil and args[2]~=nil then
- q=args[1]
- vote.y=0;
- vote.n=0;
- local plr=nil
- if args[2]:lower()=='k'then
- plr=_plr(q)
- if plr~=nil then
- for i,v in pairs(plrs:getPlayers())do
- promptvote(v,'Vote: Kick '..plr.Name..'?')
- vote.topic='Kick '..plr.Name..'?'
- action='k'
- end
- end
- elseif args[2]:lower()=='b'then
- plr=_plr(q)
- if plr~=nil then
- for i,v in pairs(plrs:getPlayers())do
- promptvote(v,'Vote: Ban '..plr.Name..'?')
- vote.topic='Ban '..plr.Name..'?'
- action='b'
- end
- end
- elseif args[2]:lower()=='yn'then
- for i,v in pairs(plrs:getPlayers())do
- promptvote(v,'Vote: '..q)
- vote.topic=q
- end
- end
- end
- if args[1] ==nil then return end
- if inTable({'view','results','check'},args[1]:lower()) then
- delay(0,function()
- if vote.topic~='' then
- _dmtab(speaker)
- _tab('Vote results',c.white,speaker)
- _tab('Topic: ','Bright blue',speaker)
- _tab('YES: ',,speaker)
- _tab('NO: ','Really red',speaker)
- if 1+1==3 and vote.y>vote.n and inTable({'k','b'},action:lower())then
- _tab('Vote succeeded. Click here to execute.','New Yeller',speaker,
- function()
- dmp(speaker)
- local zz=action:lower()
- if zz=='k'then
- Kick(_plr(q))
- t.c('Kicked player','Really red',speaker,4)
- elseif zz=='b'then
- setrank(v.Name,-1)
- Kick(v)
- t.c('Banned player','Really red',speaker,4)
- end;
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end,
- {'poll','ballot'})
- addcmd('disabletabs','disables tabs',5,0,
- function(speaker,args)
- _tab('click to confirm',c.purple,speaker,
- function()
- alert.p('saved all libraries',speaker)
- delay(4,disabletabs)
- end,'dmself',4)
- end,
- {'stop'})
- addcmd('update','updates instance of tabs',5,0,
- function(speaker,args)
- update=true
- alert.p('updating',speaker)
- delay(1,disabletabs)
- end)
- addcmd('shutdown','kills game',5,0,
- function(speaker,args)
- for i,v in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers'')do
- Kick(v)
- end
- end)
- addcmd('newserver','creates new game server at id',5,1,
- function(speaker,args)
- if args[1]~=nil then
- local x=nil
- if inTable({'place','here','this','game'},tostring(args[1]))then x=game.PlaceId end
- if x==nil then
- x=tonumber(args[1])
- end
- if x then
- alert.c('Created new server','Lime green',speaker)
- newserver(x)
- end
- else
- alert.c('Created new server','Lime green',speaker)
- newserver(game.PlaceId)
- end
- end,
- {'ns','createserver'})
- addcmd('afk','go afk',0,0,
- function(speaker,args)
- dmp(speaker)
- for i=1,5 do
- _tab(speaker.Name..' is afk','White',speaker,function()dmp(speaker)end)
- end
- end,
- {})
- addcmd('db','change db_view',5,1,
- function(speaker,args)
- if args[1]~=nil then
- if inTable({'true','grid'},args[1]:lower())then
- t.db_view='GRID'
- else
- t.db_view='PLR'
- end
- end
- return
- end)
- addcmd('rank','changes a players rank',5,3,
- function(speaker,args)
- local plr
- local rank
- local reason
- if args[1]then plr=_plr(args[1])end
- if args[2]then rank=tonumber(args[2])end
- if args[3]then reason=args[3]else reason='None'end
- if plr and rank then
- ds.set(plr.Name,'rank',rank)
- ds.set(plr.Name,'reason',reason)
- alert.c('You are now rank '..rank,ps.color(plr.Name),plr)
- alert.c('You set '..plr.Name..'\'s rank to '..rank,ps.color(speaker.Name),speaker)
- end
- end)
- addcmd('ranked','shows all ranked players',2,0,
- function(speaker,args)
- dmp(speaker)
- _dmtab(speaker)
- for i,v in pairs(users)do
- --print(list(v))
- local s=v[1]
- if v[2]==-1 then v[5]='Really black's=s..' (Banned)'end
- if type(v[1])==type('hi')then
- _tab(v[1],v[5],speaker,
- function()
- dmp(speaker)
- _dmtab(speaker)
- plrmen(v[1],speaker,'ranked')
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- addcmd('pri','opens pri options',5,0,
- function(speaker,args)
- local sss='off'
- local
- if pri then sss='on';pc='Lime green' end
- dmp(speaker)
- _tab('pri is '..sss,pc,speaker)
- _tab((pri and '[DISABLE]') or '[ENABLE]',pri and 'Really red' or 'Lime green',speaker,function()
- dmp(speaker)
- pri=not pri
- if pri then
- for i,v in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers'')do
- if getrank(v.Name)<1 then Kick(v)end
- end
- end
- alert.c('pri was '..(pri and 'enabled' or 'disabled'),c.white,speaker)
- end)
- end)
- addcmd('jump','makes player jump',3,1,function(speaker,args)
- local fplr=_match(args[1],speaker)
- for i,v in pairs(fplr)do
- safe.r(function()_plr(v).Character.Humanoid.Jump=true;end)
- end
- end)
- addcmd('rot','changes players rot style',1,1,function(speaker,args)
- local targ=speaker
- if args[1]~=nil then
- if _plr(targ)~=nil then targ=_plr(targ)end
- end
- rotmenu(targ,speaker)
- end)
- addcmd('sit','makes player sit',3,1,function(speaker,args)
- local fplr=_match(args[1],speaker)
- for i,v in pairs(fplr)do
- safe.r(function()_plr(v).Character.Humanoid.Sit=true;end)
- end
- end)
- addcmd('kill','makes player dead',3,1,function(speaker,args)
- local fplr=_match(args[1],speaker)
- for i,v in pairs(fplr)do
- safe.r(function()_plr(v).Character.Head:remove()end)
- end
- end)
- addcmd('fling','next plane to china',4,1,function(speaker,args)
- local fplr=_match(args[1],speaker)
- for i,v in pairs(fplr)do
- safe.r(function()_plr(v).Character.Humanoid.Sit=true;_plr(v).Character.Torso.Velocity=v3(4000,4000,4000)end)
- end
- end)
- addcmd('god','makes player godly',3,1,function(speaker,args)
- local fplr=_match(args[1],speaker)
- for i,v in pairs(fplr)do
- safe.r(function()_plr(v).Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth=math.huge;end)
- end
- end)
- addcmd('kick','makes player gone',4,1,function(speaker,args)
- local fplr=_match(args[1],speaker)
- for i,v in pairs(fplr)do
- safe.r(function()Kick(_plr(v));end)
- end
- end)
- addcmd('ban','makes player gone forever',5,2,function(speaker,args)
- local fplr=_plr(args[1])if not fplr then return end
- if getrank(fplr.Name)<getrank(speaker.Name)then
- if args[2]~=nil then ds.set(fplr,'reason',args[2])end
- safe.r(function()setrank(fplr,-1)Kick(_plr(fplr));end)
- end
- end)
- addcmd('menu','opens menu',4,1,function(speaker,args)
- dmp(speaker)
- local pc=ps.color(speaker)
- _tab('music','Lime green',speaker,function()
- chat('music',speaker)
- end)
- _tab('players','Bright blue',speaker,function()
- chat('net',speaker)
- end)
- _tab('logs','Bright yellow',speaker,function()
- chat('logs',speaker)
- end)
- _tab('settings',ps.color(speaker),speaker,function()
- dmp(speaker)
- _tab('rotation',pc,speaker,function()rotmenu(speaker,speaker)end)
- _tab('neon',pc,speaker,function()neonmenu(speaker,speaker)end)
- end)
- end)
- addcmd('silent','puts script in silent mode',5,0,
- function()
- silentmode=true
- for i,v in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers'')do
- dmp(v)
- end
- script=nil
- logs.write'silent mode active'
- end)
- addcmd('set','sets plr attribute',5,3,
- function(speaker,args)
- --plr att val
- if args[1]~=nil and args[2]~=nil and args[3]~=nil then
- local plr=_plr(args[1])
- if not plr then plr=args[1] else plr=plr.Name end
- local ind=tostring(args[2]):lower()
- local val=args[3]
- if plr and ind and inTable(ds.props,ind)then
- ds.set(plr,ind,val)
- alert.c('set '..plr..'\'s '..ind..' to '..tostring(val),'White',speaker,4)
- end
- end
- end,
- {'setr'})
- addcmd('lcmd','sets locked for a player',5,2,
- function(speaker,args)
- if args[1]~=nil and args[2]~=nil then
- dmp(speaker)
- local cplr=_plr(args[1])
- if not cplr then return end
- if iscmd(args[2])~=nil then
- local c=iscmd(args[2])
- if ps.islocked(c.NAME,cplr)then
- _tab(c.NAME..' is LOCKED','Really red',speaker)
- _tab('Click to unlock','Lime green',speaker,function()
- for i,v in pairs(users)do
- if v[1]==cplr.Name then
- for o,b in pairs(v[7])do
- if b:lower()==c.NAME:lower()then table.remove(v[7],o) end
- end
- end
- end
- dmp(speaker)
- alert.c(c.NAME..' was unlocked for '..cplr.Name,'White',speaker,4)
- end)
- else
- _tab(c.NAME..' is UNLOCKED','Lime green',speaker)
- _tab('Click to lock','Really red',speaker,function()
- safe.r(function()
- table.insert([7],c.NAME)
- end)
- dmp(speaker)
- alert.c(c.NAME..' was locked for '..cplr.Name,'White',speaker,4)
- end)
- end
- elseif args[2]:lower()=='-list'then
- for i,v in pairs([7])do
- _tab(v,'Really red',speaker,function()
- chat("lcmd'"..cplr.Name.."'"..v,speaker)
- end)
- end
- elseif args[2]:lower()=='-clear'then
- end
- end
- end,
- {'lockcmd','cmdlock','commandlock'})
- addcmd('exe','executes a script',5,1,
- function(speaker,args,orig)
- orig=orig:sub(5)
- local x=nil
- local success,error=ypcall(function()x={loadstring(orig)}end)
- local func,err=unpack(x);
- alert.c(func(),'White',speaker)
- if success then
- alert.c('Script ran successfully','Lime green',speaker)alert.c(error,'White',speaker)
- else
- alert.c(error,,speaker)
- end
- end)
- addcmd('songrequest','request a song',0,1,
- function(speaker,args)
- dmp(speaker)
- if args[1]~=nil then
- local idz=args[1]
- if not tonumber(idz)then alert.c('Please request a song ID!','Really red',speaker)return end
- if assettype(tonumber(idz))~=3 then alert.c('Please request a song ID!','Really red',speaker)return end
- local izz=game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(tonumber(idz))
- _tab("Request \""..izz.Name..'"?','New Yeller',speaker)
- _tab('Yes','Lime green',speaker,function()if inTable(songrequests, tonumber(idz))then dmp(speaker)alert.c('Song is already in request list!','Really red',speaker)else dmp(speaker)table.insert(songrequests,idz)alert.c('Song requested.','Lime green',speaker)end end)
- _tab('Cancel','Really red',speaker,function()dmp(speaker)end)
- end
- end,{'requestsong','request'})
- addcmd('requests','view song requests',3,0,
- function(speaker,args)
- dmp(speaker)
- for i,v in pairs(songrequests)do
- local izz=game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(tonumber(v))
- _tab(izz.Name,'Lime green',speaker,
- function()
- dmp(speaker)
- songmenu(tonumber(v),speaker)
- _tab('Reject','Bright red',speaker,
- function()
- songrequests[i]=nil
- chat('requests',speaker)
- end)
- end)
- end
- end)
- addcmd('logs','view logs',4,0,
- function(speaker)
- dmp(speaker)
- _tab('view system logs','New Yeller',speaker,function()
- dmp(speaker)
- _dmtab(speaker)
- table.foreach(logs.LOG,function(k,v)
- t.t(v,'White',speaker)
- end)
- end)
- _tab('view chat logs','Bright blue',speaker,function()
- dmp(speaker)
- _dmtab(speaker)
- table.foreach(logs.CLOG,function(k,v)
- t.t(v,'White',speaker)
- end)
- end)
- _tab('clear system logs','White',speaker,function(tablet)
- rem(tablet)
- t.t('system logs cleared','White',speaker)
- end)
- _tab('clear chat logs','White',speaker,function(tablet)
- rem(tablet)
- t.t('chat logs cleared','White',speaker)
- end)
- end)
- plrs.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr)
- if not enabled or update then return end
- delay(0,function()repeat wait(1)until plr.Character
- if inTable(banlist,plr.Name)then
- Kick(plr)
- alert.g((plr.Name..' tried to join the game'),3)
- return
- end
- local xx=0
- if datastores then
- xx=getrank(plr.Name)
- if xx==-1 or pri and getrank(plr.Name)==0 then
- Kick(plr)
- --alert.g((plr.Name..' tried to join the game'),3)
- return
- end
- end
- delay(.5,function()
- alert.c('bad tablets v'..ver..' running','New Yeller',plr,4)
- alert.c('your rank: '..getrank(plr),'New Yeller',plr,4)
- _tab('say cmds\' to get your commands','New Yeller',plr,function()dmp(plr)chat("cmds",plr)end,'',4)
- alert.g((plr.Name..' connected'),4)
- end)end)
- updateevents()
- end)
- plrs.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(x)
- if enabled and not update then
- local xx=0;
- if datastores and x then
- xx=getrank(x.Name)
- end
- if xx==-1 then
- elseif pri and xx==0 then
- alert.g((x.Name..' attempted to join'),4)
- else
- alert.g((x.Name..' disconnected'),4)
- end
- updateevents()
- end
- end)
- startuptime=elapsedTime()
- for i,plr in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers())do
- if tonumber(getrank(plr))>=5 then
- alert.c('bad tablets v'..ver..' running','New Yeller',plr,4)
- alert.c('took '..tostring(startuptime/1000)..' seconds to start','Lime green',plr,4)
- alert.c('your rank: '..getrank(plr),'New Yeller',plr,4)
- _tab('say cmds\' to get your commands','New Yeller',plr,function()dmp(plr)chat("cmds",plr)end,'',4)
- end
- if getrank(plr)==-1 or inTable(banlist,plr.Name)then Kick(plr) end
- end
- alert.g('youre an admin!',4)
- updateevents()
- local function QuaternionFromCFrame(cf)
- local mx, my, mz, m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22 = cf:components();
- local trace = m00 + m11 + m22 if trace > 0 then
- local s = math.sqrt(1 + trace);
- local recip = 0.5/s;
- return (m21-m12)*recip, (m02-m20)*recip, (m10-m01)*recip, s*0.5;
- else
- local i = 0;
- if m11 > m00 then
- i = 1;
- end;
- if m22 > (i == 0 and m00 or m11) then
- i = 2 end if i == 0 then
- local s = math.sqrt(m00-m11-m22+1);
- local recip = 0.5/s return 0.5*s, (m10+m01)*recip, (m20+m02)*recip, (m21-m12)*recip;
- elseif i == 1 then
- local s = math.sqrt(m11-m22-m00+1);
- local recip = 0.5/s;
- return (m01+m10)*recip, 0.5*s, (m21+m12)*recip, (m02-m20)*recip ;
- elseif i == 2 then
- local s = math.sqrt(m22-m00-m11+1);
- local recip = 0.5/s;
- return (m02+m20)*recip, (m12+m21)*recip, 0.5*s, (m10-m01)*recip;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local function QuaternionToCFrame(px, py, pz, x, y, z, w)
- local xs, ys, zs = x + x, y + y, z + z;
- local wx, wy, wz = w*xs, w*ys, w*zs;
- local xx = x*xs;
- local xy = x*ys;
- local xz = x*zs;
- local yy = y*ys;
- local yz = y*zs;
- local zz = z*zs;
- return, py, pz,1-(yy+zz), xy - wz, xz + wy,xy + wz, 1-(xx+zz), yz - wx, xz - wy, yz + wx, 1-(xx+yy))
- end;
- local function QuaternionSlerp(a, b, t)
- local cosTheta = a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2] + a[3]*b[3] + a[4]*b[4];
- local startInterp, finishInterp;
- if cosTheta >= 0.0001 then
- if (1 - cosTheta) > 0.0001 then
- local theta = math.acos(cosTheta);
- local invSinTheta = 1/math.sin(theta);
- startInterp = math.sin((1-t)*theta)*invSinTheta;
- finishInterp = math.sin(t*theta)*invSinTheta;
- else
- startInterp = 1-t finishInterp = t;
- end;
- else
- if (1+cosTheta) > 0.0001 then
- local theta = math.acos(-cosTheta);
- local invSinTheta = 1/math.sin(theta);
- startInterp = math.sin((t-1)*theta)*invSinTheta;
- finishInterp = math.sin(t*theta)*invSinTheta;
- else startInterp = t-1 finishInterp = t;
- end;
- end;
- return a[1]*startInterp + b[1]*finishInterp, a[2]*startInterp + b[2]*finishInterp, a[3]*startInterp + b[3]*finishInterp, a[4]*startInterp + b[4]*finishInterp;
- end;
- function CLerp(a,b,t)
- local qa={QuaternionFromCFrame(a)};
- local qb={QuaternionFromCFrame(b)};
- local ax,ay,az=a.x,a.y,a.z;
- local bx,by,bz=b.x,b.y,b.z;
- local _t=1-t;
- return QuaternionToCFrame(_t*ax+t*bx,_t*ay+t*by,_t*az+t*bz,QuaternionSlerp(qa, qb, t));
- end
- spawn(function()
- local rot = 0
- while enabled do
- rot = rot + .001
- for i,v in pairs(tabs)do
- if plrs:FindFirstChild(i)then else
- for o,b in pairs(v)do
- rem(b)
- end
- tabs[i]=nil
- end
- end
- for Index, Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if not tabs[Player.Name]then tabs[Player.Name]={}end
- pcall(function()
- for x = 1, #tabs[Player.Name] do
- if tabs[Player.Name][x] == nil or tabs[Player.Name][x].Parent == nil or tabs[Player.Name][x].Name=='x' or tabs[Player.Name][x].Name == nil or plrs[Player.Name]==nil then
- table.remove(tabs[Player.Name], x)
- end
- end
- end)
- local rotstylez=ds.get(Player.Name,'rot')
- local bt=0
- if datastores then if ps.wave(Player.Name)==true then bt=1 end end
- local tn=#tabs[Player.Name]
- if rotstylez:sub(1,1)=='l'then
- for x = 1, #tabs[Player.Name] do--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(360 / #tabs[Player.Name])---------------------------------- * - (1.2 * #tabs[Player.Name]), math.sin(tick()), 0)
- local tb=tabs[Player.Name][x]
- if Player.Character.Parent~=nil then if Player.Character:FindFirstChild'Torso' then
- facet=6
- local
- local ddr=((#tabs-(#tabs%facet))/facet)+(#tabs%facet)
- local meg=x
- repeat meg=meg-facet ddr=ddr+1 until meg<facet if meg>0 then ddr=ddr+1 end
- local megic =CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad((360/facet)*(x%facet)+rot*600),0)
- local*ddr*6))
- local mst=math.sin(tick())
- local mct=math.cos(tick())
- local rx = mst
- local ry = mct
- local rz = 0
- if rotstylez=='lrand' then tp=tp*CFrame.Angles(rx,ry,rz)end
- if tb.Name~='x'then
- tb.CFrame = CLerp(tb.CFrame, tp , .25)
- end
- end;end
- end
- else
- for x = 1, tn do--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(360 / #tabs[Player.Name])---------------------------------- * - (1.2 * #tabs[Player.Name]), math.sin(tick()), 0)
- if Player.Character then if Player.Character:FindFirstChild'Torso'~=nil then
- local
- local tb=tabs[Player.Name][x]
- local radius=1.4*((tn)*.4)+4;
- local rzz=(360/tn)*x
- local xp=math.cos(((x/tn)-tn*2)*2*math.pi)*radius
- local yp = math.sin(tick()/math.pi+((x)*bt))
- local zp=math.sin(((x/tn)-tn*2)*2*math.pi)*radius--(math.sin((x/tn-(tn)+rot)*math.pi*2)*radius)
- local mst=math.sin(tick())
- local mct=math.cos(tick())
- local rx = mst
- local ry = mct
- local rz = 0
- local tp=cftp*CFrame.Angles(0,rot,0)*(,yp,zp):inverse())--:toWorldSpace(,yp,zp):inverse())--*CFrame.Angles(math.pi/180*2,math.pi/180*2,math.pi/180*2);
- if rotstylez=='circlerand'then tp=tp*CFrame.Angles(rx,ry,0)end
- if rotstylez=='flattab'then tp=tp*CFrame.Angles(0,-math.rad(rzz),0.4)end
- if tb.Name~='x'then
- tb.CFrame = CLerp(tb.CFrame, tp , .25)
- else
- tb.CFrame = CLerp(tb.CFrame, cftp , .25)
- end
- end;end
- end
- end
- end
- wait()
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(
- function()
- while wait(20)do
- table.sort(music,
- function(a,b)
- if a[1]<b[1] then return false end
- end)
- end
- end)()
- --[[
- end]]
- --[[remmy=false
- function removeothermusic()
- remmy=true
- while remmy do
- wait(2)
- m.stopmusico(workspace,true)
- end
- end]]
- print(magiclaxnoob)
- loadmodule=function(link)
- local run,error=ypcall(function()
- local SHttp = game:GetService("HttpService")
- loadstring(SHttp:GetAsync(link,true) ) ()
- wait(.05)
- end)
- if not run then print(error) end
- end
- repeat wait()until not enabled
- print'bad tabs disabled'
- delay(0,function()
- if update then
- local run,error=ypcall(function()
- local Link = me
- local SHttp = game:GetService("HttpService")
- loadstring(SHttp:GetAsync(Link,true) ) ()
- wait(.05)
- end)
- if not run then print(error) end
- end
- end)
- wait(2)
- --]]
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