
CI book

Sep 30th, 2014
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  1. Welcome to Crimson Ingot, the server that combines both PVP and RP into an unified mass of beautifully written slaughter.
  3. In this here land, we're not usually so direct. I, for example, have no idea what PVP or RP mean, I am but a NPC.
  5. Fortunately, I have a dictionary here, as I don't know what a NPC is either...
  6. RP - Role Playing
  7. PVP - Player vs Player
  8. OOC - Out of Character
  9. IC - In Character
  10. NPC - Non PC (Player Character)
  12. We also have some rules in this here place. Rules that are enforced by powers that are. But not "admins" or "staff" or such words. We try never to mention them.
  14. There's also this place, called an "OOC channel". It is a place of beauty. You speak to all of the people, and your money just vanishes for it. A coin a sentence, unlimited distance. That's what I call value!
  16. First, for the rules that govern the OOC channel. It's a place to relax, and for that, people need to be nice. As goes: No abuse, no profanity, no explicit scenes, no accusing people of breaking rules.
  18. To expand on the final one... we have this fancy place called "The Forum". It has a Support section, and there belong all the accusations. We do not want arguments, let the ad... powers that be, resolve that.
  20. We also respect the landscape here. Do not make massive automated machines, they don't exist yet, and are wont to just disappear because of that. Don't destroy without reason, we like our forests pretty.
  22. What else do we like? Oh yes, we like you to fit in. Use a skin that describes something fantasy or medieval based, not a modern one. As far as modern goes, do not use illegal mods or hacks as they're called. We don't warn on those.
  24. If you break the rules, you get warned and kicked. Break them again? Then the powers that be get to decide on your fate, maybe they will show mercy and warn again... maybe not. Better not try your luck, eh?
  26. Don't try your luck with exploits, either. If you find something that behaves far too well in your favour, report it on The Forum. Consequences for not doing so are dire.
  28. What else do we dislike? We dislike people acting out of order. If people are playing their characters, join them as such. Do not insult them out of character.
  30. Your character is limited by Minecraft rules, as well as some rules of "reality". Do not take other people's actions for them, do not give your own knowledge to your character.
  32. Now you know what not to do, what to do? Use this book as a shield from the "banhammer" and all will be fine. Make other people smile, or make them frown, but never out of malice.
  34. Your character can be unleashed onto the world, a person of their own. Glint is a good place to start, even though you can not build there, or in Planu Heath. They're both "protected".
  36. To build and harvest? You'll have to leave the protection. Divines help you there, as you will be hunted and you will hunt. Godspeed, newling, and may The Seven watch your soul.
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