

May 15th, 2016
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  1. local user=game.Players.localPlayer;
  2. local color='White';--BrickColorName colors={'Really red','Really blue','Black','White','Lime green','New Yeller','Dark Orange'}
  3. local generate=function()
  4. local particle=Instance.new'Part';
  5. particle.Anchored=true;
  6. particle.CFrame=CFrame.new(user.Character.Torso.CFrame.p);
  7. particle.FormFactor='Custom';
  8. particle.Size=Vector3.new(.5,.5,.5);
  9. particle.TopSurface='Smooth';
  10. particle.BrickColor=BrickColor.new(color);
  11. local random=math.random;
  12. local randSet1={random(1,2),random(1,2),random(1,2)};
  13. local randSet2={random(1,5),random(1,5),random(1,5)};
  14. local cf={0,0,0};
  15. for _,v in next,randSet1 do
  16. cf[_]=((v==1 and 1)or -1)*randSet2[_];
  17. end;
  18. particle.Parent=user.Character;
  19. particle.CFrame=particle.CFrame*CFrame.new(cf[1],cf[2],cf[3]);
  20. for i=0,1,0.1 do
  21. particle.Transparency=i;
  22. particle.CFrame=particle.CFrame*CFrame.new(0,0.1,0);
  23. wait'';
  24. end;
  25. particle:remove'';
  26. end;
  27. repeat
  28. coroutine.wrap(generate)();
  29. wait'';
  30. until false;
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