
Script profit

Oct 30th, 2023
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  1. scriptname = 'base onRTP'
  2. ------------------ setting strategy ------------------------------
  3. target = balance*2 -- set target profit
  4. stoplose = balance*0 -- set stoplose
  5. price = 0.084 -- set price usd
  6. houseEdge = 2 -- set houseEdge site
  7. bb = 1e-8 -- set minimal bet
  8. minch = 1 -- set minimal chance
  9. maxch = 98 -- set maximal chance
  10. dropbet = 10 -- set dropbet for divide total lose
  11. div = 1e6 -- set divider basebet
  12. limitdd = 30 -- set limit DD for stopwin
  13. stopwin = true -- set true=on or false=off (stopwin)
  14. reseed = true -- set true=on or false=off (resetseed)
  15. ------------------- do not touch ----------------------------------
  16. chance = minch
  17. bethigh = false
  18. payout = 99/chance
  19. ctlose = 0
  20. ctwin = 0
  21. accbet = 0
  22. probet = 0
  23. rtp = 0
  24. taccbet = 0
  25. tprobet = 0
  26. trtp = 0
  27. pro = 0
  28. tpro = 0
  29. maxls = 0
  30. cprofit = 0
  31. rollin = 0
  32. roll = 0
  33. he = 0
  34. limitbet = 0
  35. lastbal = balance
  36. recov = false
  37. divbal = math.floor(balance*price)
  38. if divbal <= 0 then divbal = 3 end
  39. initbal = balance/divbal
  40. nextbet = initbal/div
  41. if nextbet < bb then nextbet = bb end
  42. resetseed()
  43. function dobet()
  44. init_drop()
  45. cprofit = cprofit + currentprofit
  46. if balance > target then stop() end
  47. if balance < stoplose then stop() end
  48. if cprofit > 0 then
  49. divbal = math.floor(balance*price)
  50. if divbal <= 0 then divbal = 3 end
  51. initbal = balance/divbal cprofit = 0
  52. end
  53. accbet = accbet + previousbet taccbet = taccbet + previousbet
  54. he = he + (previousbet*(houseEdge/100))
  55. rtp = (probet/accbet)*100 trtp = (tprobet/taccbet)*100
  56. if maxls > ctlose then maxls = maxls else maxls = ctlose end
  57. log("--- divbal \t"..divbal.."\t - initbal "..string.format("%.8f",initbal).."\t - t-RTP "..string.format("%.2f",trtp).."% ")
  58. log("--- LS \t"..ctlose.."\t - cprofit "..string.format("%.8f",cprofit).."\t ["..string.format("%.2f",((cprofit*-1)/balance)*100).."%] ")
  59. log("--- RTP \t"..string.format("%.2f",rtp).."\t - HE "..string.format("%.8f",he).."\t ["..string.format("%.2f",(he/balance)*100).."%] -Nonce "..lastBet.nonce.."\t -DD "..string.format("%.2f",dd).."% ")
  60. if win and cprofit >= 0 then
  61. if rtp < 60 and lastBet.nonce > 1000 and chance < 33 or rtp < 20 and lastBet.nonce > 250 and chance < 33 or chance > 33 then
  62. if chance < 33 then
  63. if reseed then
  64. resetseed()
  65. else
  66. if lastBet.nonce > 10000 then resetseed() end
  67. end
  68. end
  69. accbet = 0 probet = 0 rtp = 0 maxls = 0
  70. nextbet = initbal/div
  71. if minch > 1 then
  72. chance = math.random(minch,minch+5)
  73. else
  74. chance = math.random(minch*100,(minch+5)*100)/100
  75. end
  76. else
  77. if rtp < 50 and chance < 33 then chance = math.random(33,66) end
  78. end
  79. if chance > 66 then chance = math.random(33,66) end
  80. if ctlose > payout then
  81. if minch < 1 then
  82. chance = chance + 0.1
  83. else
  84. chance = chance + 1
  85. end
  86. if chance > minch+30 and rtp > 50 then
  87. rollin = rollin + 1
  88. if rollin%10 == 0 then
  89. if minch > 1 then
  90. chance = math.random(minch,minch+5)
  91. else
  92. chance = math.random(minch*100,(minch+5)*100)/100
  93. end
  94. else
  95. chance = math.random(minch*100,(minch+5)*100)/100
  96. end
  97. end
  98. end
  99. if lastbal < balance then
  100. pro = balance - lastbal
  101. probet = probet + pro
  102. tpro = balance - lastbal
  103. tprobet = tprobet + tpro
  104. lastbal = balance
  105. end
  106. payout = 99/chance nextbet = initbal/div
  107. ctlose = 0 pro = 0 recov = false
  108. else
  109. ctlose = ctlose + 1
  110. if chance > 66 then chance = math.random(33,66) end
  111. if currentstreak < -payout and rtp > 66 then
  112. nextbet = previousbet*(1+(chance/66))
  113. else
  114. if ctlose > payout then
  115. chance = chance + math.random(50,100)/100
  116. end
  117. if chance < 33 then
  118. if chance < 10 then
  119. nextbet = previousbet*(1+(chance/33))
  120. else
  121. nextbet = previousbet*(1+(chance/50))
  122. end
  123. else
  124. chance = math.random(3300,6600)/100
  125. if cprofit < -initbal*0.1 then
  126. nextbet = (previousbet*0.5)*(1+(chance/66))
  127. else
  128. nextbet = previousbet*(1+(chance/66))
  129. end
  130. if nextbet > (cprofit*-1) then nextbet = (cprofit*-1)/((99/chance)-1) end
  131. end
  132. end
  133. if cprofit*-1 < nextbet and chance >= 33 then nextbet = (cprofit*-1)/((99/chance)-1) end
  134. if cprofit < -initbal*0.3 and (recov == false) then
  135. chance = math.random(33,66)
  136. nextbet = cprofit/-dropbet
  137. recov = true
  138. else
  139. recov = false
  140. nextbet = previousbet * (1+(chance/66))
  141. end
  142. if bb > (initbal/div) then limitbet = bb else limitbet = initbal/div end
  143. if cprofit*-1 <= limitbet and chance >= 33 and currentstreak == -1 or nextbet <= limitbet and chance >= 33 and currentstreak == -1 then
  144. chance = math.random(minch*100, (minch+5)*100)/100
  145. end
  146. if win then
  147. bethigh = !bethigh
  148. else
  149. if chance > 50 and lastBet.roll < chance and ctlose >= 2 then
  150. bethigh = false
  151. else
  152. if chance > 50 and cprofit < -initbal*0.1 and (bethigh == false) and lastBet.roll > chance and ctlose >= 2 then bethigh = true end
  153. end
  154. end
  155. payout = 99/chance
  156. end
  157. if chance > maxch then chance = maxch end
  158. if nextbet < bb then
  159. if (initbal/div) > bb then
  160. nextbet = initbal/div
  161. else
  162. nextbet = bb
  163. end
  164. end
  165. end
  166. -- drop down function
  167. balhi = 0 drop = 0 maxdrop = 0 dd = 0
  168. function init_drop()
  169. if balance > balhi then balhi = balance else balhi = balhi end
  170. drop = balhi - balance if drop > maxdrop then maxdrop = drop end
  171. dd = (maxdrop/balance)*100
  172. end
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