

Nov 30th, 2016
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  1. Pokémon Center Support: Hello Taylor, how may I assist you today?
  2. Crystal Cune: I have an unexpected charge on my card from here and I don't know why. I wanted to know if you were able to look into it and tell me why, because I never authorized it.
  3. Pokémon Center Support: Have you made any orders from Pokemon Center before?
  4. Crystal Cune: The other day I placed an order for 73.95. but I noticed the additional charge of 18.48 on my bank account this morning, and I'm wondering where it came from.
  5. Crystal Cune: Aside from that order, I have placed orders from you before yes.
  6. Crystal Cune: The order number from the other day is 4601000, if you need that.
  7. Pokémon Center Support: What is your order number. Likely your initial charge is a hold for the total amount of the order. Your order may have been split so each part of the order will incur a charge equal to the value of the objects sent until the complete order is sent.
  8. Pokémon Center Support: Thank you
  9. Pokémon Center Support: I will check to make sure this is what is happening
  10. Crystal Cune: Okay, thank you.
  11. Pokémon Center Support: Yes it appears your order was shipped from two separate warehouses, so you should actually see two new charges, the original hold charge will go away within 24 hours.
  12. Pokémon Center Support: Carrier: UPS
  13. Tracking Number: 1ZXF38300389584619
  14. Delivery Estimate: December 1, 2016 Th is is order 1
  15. Pokémon Center Support: Carrier: USPS
  16. Tracking Number: 9374889678090132727235
  17. Delivery Estimate: December 1, 2016 This is part two
  18. Crystal Cune: So I'm having to pay extra shipping then what I paid in the invoice?
  19. Crystal Cune: Or is it all just temporary hold and will be reversed?
  20. Pokémon Center Support: no not at all, when the two charged it will equal the exact amount as invoiced
  21. Pokémon Center Support: That temporary hold will go away
  22. Crystal Cune: How long does it take to go away/reverse?
  23. Pokémon Center Support: Usually within 24 hours of the actual charges being made.
  24. Crystal Cune: So the charge of $18.48 will go away, and then you said two new charges? And those will go away too? or what?
  25. Pokémon Center Support: There will be one charge for each shipment, That will total the cost of the invoice, any other charge will go away.
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