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- EnableExplicit
- Structure STRUC_DirInfo
- sName.s
- sFullName.s
- EndStructure
- Structure opcode
- CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64
- mov.u
- CompilerElse
- mov.a
- CompilerEndIf
- addr.i
- push.a
- ret.a
- EndStructure
- Structure hookstruct
- addr.i
- hook.opcode
- orig.a[SizeOf(opcode)]
- EndStructure
- Procedure Hook(*OldFunctionAddress, *NewFunctionAddress)
- Protected *hook_ptr.hookstruct
- If *OldFunctionAddress = 0 Or *NewFunctionAddress = 0
- ProcedureReturn #Null
- EndIf
- *hook_ptr = AllocateMemory(SizeOf(hookstruct), #PB_Memory_NoClear)
- *hook_ptr\addr = *OldFunctionAddress
- CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64
- *hook_ptr\hook\mov = $B848
- CompilerElse
- *hook_ptr\hook\mov = $B8
- CompilerEndIf
- *hook_ptr\hook\addr = *NewFunctionAddress
- *hook_ptr\hook\push = $50
- *hook_ptr\hook\ret = $C3
- CopyMemory(*OldFunctionAddress, @*hook_ptr\orig, SizeOf(opcode))
- If WriteProcessMemory_(GetCurrentProcess_(), *OldFunctionAddress, @*hook_ptr\hook, SizeOf(opcode), #Null)=0
- FreeMemory(*hook_ptr)
- ProcedureReturn #Null
- Else
- ProcedureReturn *hook_ptr
- EndIf
- EndProcedure
- Procedure UnHook(*hook_ptr.hookstruct)
- Protected retValue.i
- If *hook_ptr
- If *hook_ptr\addr
- If WriteProcessMemory_(GetCurrentProcess_(), *hook_ptr\addr, @*hook_ptr\orig, SizeOf(opcode), #Null)
- retValue = *hook_ptr\addr
- FreeMemory(*hook_ptr)
- ProcedureReturn retValue
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndIf
- ProcedureReturn #Null
- EndProcedure
- Procedure Block_FindFirstChangeNotification(lpPathName, bWatchSubtree, dwNotifyFilter.l)
- EndProcedure
- Procedure Event_ResizeWindow()
- Protected Window = EventWindow()
- Protected exlFiles = GetWindowData(Window)
- SetGadgetItemAttribute(exlFiles, 0, #PB_Explorer_ColumnWidth, GadgetWidth(exlFiles) - 25)
- EndProcedure
- Procedure FillDirList(Gadget, IconImg, sParentDir.s, List Dirs.STRUC_DirInfo())
- Protected Dir, i, MaxIndex, ItemIndex, sCurDirPart.s, sDirPart.s, sName.s, Count, lvi.LV_ITEM
- If sParentDir And IsGadget(Gadget) And GadgetType(Gadget) = #PB_GadgetType_ListIcon
- If Right(sParentDir, 1) <> "\" : sParentDir + "\" : EndIf
- ClearList(Dirs())
- SendMessage_(GadgetID(Gadget), #WM_SETREDRAW, 0, 0)
- ClearGadgetItems(Gadget)
- lvi\mask = #LVIF_INDENT
- MaxIndex = CountString(sParentDir, "\") - 1
- For i = 0 To MaxIndex
- sDirPart = StringField(sParentDir, i + 1, "\")
- sCurDirPart + sDirPart + "\"
- If AddElement(Dirs())
- Dirs()\sFullName = sCurDirPart
- If i = 0
- AddGadgetItem(Gadget, -1, sCurDirPart, ImageID(IconImg))
- Else
- AddGadgetItem(Gadget, -1, sDirPart, ImageID(IconImg))
- EndIf
- lvi\iItem = i
- SendMessage_(GadgetID(Gadget), #LVM_GETITEM, 0, lvi)
- lvi\iIndent = i
- SendMessage_(GadgetID(Gadget), #LVM_SETITEM, 0, lvi)
- EndIf
- Next
- ;Get the child directories.
- Dir = ExamineDirectory(#PB_Any, sParentDir, "*.*")
- If Dir
- While NextDirectoryEntry(Dir)
- If DirectoryEntryType(Dir) = #PB_DirectoryEntry_Directory
- sName = DirectoryEntryName(Dir)
- If sName <> "." And sName <> ".."
- If AddElement(Dirs())
- Dirs()\sName = sName
- Dirs()\sFullName = sParentDir + sName + "\"
- Count + 1
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Wend
- FinishDirectory(Dir)
- If Count > 0
- i = MaxIndex + 1
- Count = ListSize(Dirs()) - 1
- SortStructuredList(Dirs(), #PB_Sort_Ascending | #PB_Sort_NoCase, OffsetOf(STRUC_DirInfo\sName), #PB_String, i, Count)
- SelectElement(Dirs(), i)
- Repeat
- AddGadgetItem(Gadget, -1, Dirs()\sName, ImageID(IconImg))
- lvi\iItem = i
- SendMessage_(GadgetID(Gadget), #LVM_GETITEM, 0, lvi)
- lvi\iIndent = MaxIndex + 1
- SendMessage_(GadgetID(Gadget), #LVM_SETITEM, 0, lvi)
- i + 1
- Until NextElement(Dirs()) = 0
- EndIf
- EndIf
- SetGadgetState(Gadget, MaxIndex) ;Select the last directory item of "sParentDir" var.
- SendMessage_(GadgetID(Gadget), #WM_SETREDRAW, 1, 0)
- RedrawWindow_(GadgetID(Gadget), 0, 0, #RDW_ERASE | #RDW_INVALIDATE | #RDW_UPDATENOW)
- EndIf
- EndProcedure
- Procedure WndProc_ExplorerList(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
- Protected Gadget, old = GetProp_(hWnd, "OldWndProc")
- Static IsRedrawingBlocked
- IsRedrawingBlocked = 1 - wParam
- ElseIf uMsg = #WM_ERASEBKGND
- If IsRedrawingBlocked
- Gadget = GetProp_(hWnd, "PB_ID")
- If IsGadget(Gadget)
- PostEvent(#PB_Event_Gadget, 0, Gadget, #PB_EventType_FirstCustomValue)
- EndIf
- Else
- ProcedureReturn 1
- EndIf
- ElseIf uMsg = #WM_NCDESTROY
- RemoveProp_(hWnd, "OldWndProc")
- EndIf
- ProcedureReturn CallWindowProc_(old, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
- EndProcedure
- Procedure.s OpenSelectDirWindow(sInitDir.s, ParentWindow)
- Protected Event, EventType, sXML.s, Xml, Dialog, Window, hWndMain, Img, sCurDir.s, sPrevDrive.s, sResult.s
- Protected strPath, exlFiles, excDrive, liFolders, btnOK, btnCancel, hLiFolders, sfi.SHFILEINFO, Index
- Protected *FindFirstChangeNotificationW, *FindFirstChangeNotificationA, LibKernel32
- Protected NewList Dirs.STRUC_DirInfo()
- sXML = "<dialogs>" +
- " <window name='SelDir' text='Select Directory' minwidth='330' minheight='350' flags='#PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered | #PB_Window_SizeGadget | #PB_Window_Invisible'>" +
- " <gridbox columns='2' colexpand='yes' rowexpand='item:3'>" +
- " <text name='txtFolder' text='Folder name:' colspan='2' height='10'/>" +
- " <string name='strPath' colspan='2' flags='#PB_String_ReadOnly' height='10'/>" +
- " <listicon name='liFolders' text='Folders' width='150' flags='#PB_ListIcon_AlwaysShowSelection'/>" +
- " <vbox expand='item:2'>" +
- " <text name='txtType' text='File type: *.*' height='10'/>" +
- " <explorerlist name='exlFiles' height='150' flags='#PB_Explorer_FullRowSelect | #PB_Explorer_NoFolders | #PB_Explorer_NoParentFolder | #PB_Explorer_NoDirectoryChange | #PB_Explorer_NoDriveRequester | #PB_Explorer_NoMyDocuments | #PB_Explorer_AutoSort'/>" +
- " <text name='txtDrive' text='Drives:' height='10'/>" +
- " <explorercombo name='excDrive' height='22' flags='#PB_Explorer_DrivesOnly | #PB_Explorer_NoMyDocuments'/>" +
- " </vbox>" +
- " <empty/>" +
- " <singlebox expand='no' align='right' margin='left:0,right:0,horizontal:0'>" +
- " <hbox expand='equal' spacing='8' height='13'>" +
- " <button name='btnOK' text='OK' width='75' height='12'/>" +
- " <button name='btnCancel' text='Cancel' width='75' height='12'/>" +
- " </hbox>" +
- " </singlebox>" +
- " </gridbox>" +
- " </window>" +
- "</dialogs>"
- If sInitDir = "" : sInitDir = "C:\" : EndIf
- If Right(sInitDir, 1) <> "\" : sInitDir + "\" : EndIf
- If ParentWindow <> -1 : DisableWindow(ParentWindow, 1) : EndIf
- Xml = ParseXML(#PB_Any, sXML)
- If Xml And XMLStatus(Xml) = #PB_XML_Success
- Dialog = CreateDialog(#PB_Any)
- If Dialog And OpenXMLDialog(Dialog, Xml, "SelDir", 0, 0, 500, 450)
- strPath = DialogGadget(Dialog, "strPath")
- btnOK = DialogGadget(Dialog, "btnOK")
- btnCancel = DialogGadget(Dialog, "btnCancel")
- exlFiles = DialogGadget(Dialog, "exlFiles")
- excDrive = DialogGadget(Dialog, "excDrive")
- liFolders = DialogGadget(Dialog, "liFolders")
- ;Remove the window icon.
- Window = DialogWindow(Dialog)
- hWndMain = WindowID(Window)
- SendMessage_(hWndMain, #WM_SETICON, 0, 0) ;for the old version of Windows.
- SetWindowLongPtr_(hWndMain, #GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong_(hWndMain, #GWL_STYLE) | #WS_CLIPCHILDREN)
- SetWindowLongPtr_(hWndMain, #GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong_(hWndMain, #GWL_EXSTYLE) | #WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME)
- SetWindowData(Window, exlFiles)
- hLiFolders = GadgetID(liFolders)
- SetWindowLongPtr_(hLiFolders, #GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLongPtr_(hLiFolders, #GWL_STYLE) | #LVS_NOSORTHEADER);#LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER)
- SetWindowPos_(hLiFolders, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, #SWP_NOMOVE | #SWP_NOSIZE | #SWP_NOZORDER | #SWP_FRAMECHANGED)
- For Index = 1 To 3
- RemoveGadgetColumn(exlFiles, 1)
- Next
- ;Get a directory icon.
- Img = CreateImage(#PB_Any, 16, 16, 32, #PB_Image_Transparent)
- If Img
- If SHGetFileInfo_(GetTemporaryDirectory(), 0, sfi, SizeOf(SHFILEINFO), #SHGFI_ICON | #SHGFI_SMALLICON)
- If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(Img))
- DrawImage(sfi\hIcon, 0, 0)
- StopDrawing()
- EndIf
- DestroyIcon_(sfi\hIcon)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- ;Block automatic updates of the ExplorerList gadget.
- LibKernel32 = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "Kernel32.dll")
- If LibKernel32
- *FindFirstChangeNotificationW = Hook(GetFunction(LibKernel32, "FindFirstChangeNotificationW"), @Block_FindFirstChangeNotification())
- *FindFirstChangeNotificationA = Hook(GetFunction(LibKernel32, "FindFirstChangeNotificationA"), @Block_FindFirstChangeNotification())
- EndIf
- SetProp_(GadgetID(exlFiles), "OldWndProc", SetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(exlFiles), #GWLP_WNDPROC, @WndProc_ExplorerList()))
- ;Set the initial directory.
- If FileSize(sInitDir) = -2
- SetGadgetText(excDrive, sInitDir)
- sPrevDrive = GetGadgetText(excDrive)
- FillDirList(liFolders, Img, sInitDir, Dirs())
- SendMessage_(GadgetID(exlFiles), #WM_SETREDRAW, 0, 0)
- SetGadgetText(exlFiles, sInitDir)
- If Right(sInitDir, 2) <> ":\"
- sInitDir = RTrim(sInitDir, "\")
- EndIf
- SetGadgetText(strPath, sInitDir)
- EndIf
- BindEvent(#PB_Event_SizeWindow, @Event_ResizeWindow(), Window)
- HideWindow(Window, 0)
- Repeat
- Event = WaitWindowEvent()
- If Event = #PB_Event_ActivateWindow
- ElseIf Event = #PB_Event_Gadget
- EventType = EventType()
- Select EventGadget()
- Case excDrive
- sCurDir = GetGadgetText(excDrive)
- If sPrevDrive <> sCurDir ;The ExplorerCombo gadget has no #PB_EventType_Change event.
- SetGadgetText(strPath, sCurDir)
- FillDirList(liFolders, Img, sCurDir, Dirs())
- SetGadgetText(exlFiles, sCurDir)
- sPrevDrive = sCurDir
- EndIf
- Case exlFiles
- If EventType = #PB_EventType_FirstCustomValue
- SendMessage_(GadgetID(exlFiles), #WM_SETREDRAW, 1, 0)
- EndIf
- Case liFolders
- If EventType = #PB_EventType_LeftDoubleClick
- Index = GetGadgetState(liFolders)
- If Index >= 0
- SelectElement(Dirs(), Index)
- sCurDir = Dirs()\sFullName
- FillDirList(liFolders, Img, sCurDir, Dirs())
- SendMessage_(GadgetID(exlFiles), #WM_SETREDRAW, 0, 0)
- SetGadgetText(exlFiles, sCurDir)
- If Right(sCurDir, 2) <> ":\"
- sCurDir = RTrim(sCurDir, "\")
- EndIf
- SetGadgetText(strPath, sCurDir)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Case btnOK
- sResult = GetGadgetText(strPath)
- Break
- Case btnCancel
- Break
- EndSelect
- EndIf
- Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow And EventWindow() = Window
- If LibKernel32
- UnHook(*FindFirstChangeNotificationW)
- UnHook(*FindFirstChangeNotificationA)
- CloseLibrary(LibKernel32)
- EndIf
- CloseWindow(Window)
- While WindowEvent() : Wend
- EndIf
- EndIf
- If ParentWindow <> -1 : DisableWindow(ParentWindow, 0) : SetActiveWindow(ParentWindow) : EndIf
- ProcedureReturn sResult
- EndProcedure
- Define e
- If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 222, 200, "", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered)
- ButtonGadget(0, 10, 10, 160, 23, "Show window")
- Repeat
- e = WaitWindowEvent()
- If e = #PB_Event_Gadget And EventGadget() = 0
- Debug OpenSelectDirWindow("C:\windows\", 0)
- EndIf
- Until e = #PB_Event_CloseWindow
- EndIf
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