
SOA thanks

Sep 29th, 2018
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  1. I've been meaning to write this I owe you guys a great deal if it wasn't for all of you, all of the developers in the studio or what it was. I wouldn't have been able to find out what I wanted to do with my life, I figured out I want to try becoming a game developer. I have figured out a few things about this job such and why i'm so good at it, its because i am good at being able to pick apart everything and find a the one flaw in it. If it wasn't for you guys doing this making what you wanted even if it did fail in the end, I would never been able to find out what I enjoy. I have many memories of this place and you people many of them other enjoyable many of them some where annoying such as "when is the combat update coming out" or "when is open beta?". I wish back then I could have helped but I had no idea what to do and my dream wasn't set in stone yet. If this was the made nowadays I would totally help you but that's just a wish, I know this is gone and it won't come back. To all the people that helped thank you sure wasn't the best, and if we would look back on it nowadays i bet it would be pretty cringey but in the end it was fun. I wanted to thank all of you I can't thank you individually and now that the forums gone and all of those goodbye letters are gone as well you won't be able to see what I said back then, but now that I'm here now I can thank you properly and maybe one day I can finish this project for you guys. Oh and Owex? Thank you for bringing us all together if it wasn't for you and all the others none of us would of been here and thanks to you on my life is changed for the better. -Sincerely Squid
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