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- os.loadAPI("predictPath.lua")
- os.loadAPI("turtleToCords.lua")
- os.loadAPI("userInput.lua")
- os.loadAPI("getTurtleFuel.lua")
- cx, cy, cz = gps.locate()
- tx = tonumber(userInput.getUserInput("X Cord: "))
- ty = tonumber(userInput.getUserInput("Y Cord: "))
- tz = tonumber(userInput.getUserInput("Z Cord: "))
- predictPath.predictTwo(x, y, z, cx, cy, cz)
- fuelcost = predictPath.getFuelCost()
- if fuelcost > turtle.getFuelLevel() then
- getTurtleFuel.displayFuelInfo()
- print("Fuel too Low to Start, Please Insert Buckets")
- userInput.getUserInput("Type Anything to Refuel")
- end
- if fuelcost > turtle.getFuelLevel() then
- print("Fuel Still too Low to Start, Terminating Program")
- else
- turtleToCords.toCords(x, y, z)
- end
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