
The National Security Act of 1947 Betrayal

Nov 11th, 2021
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  3. Un-Official History of the Long Range Takeover of America
  4. Part 2: The National Security Act of 1947 Betrayal
  7. The First Key Takeover Element: The National Security Act of 1947
  9. 1947
  11. The National Security Act of 1947 completely restructured our military and intelligence apparatus, and gave control over our nation's military and intelligence matters to non-military personnel.
  13. There are many websites complaining that The National Security Act of 1947 is illegal, and that it's inception lead to furtherance of the long range takeover of America.
  15. The National Security Act of 1947 is a problem. Since it's enactment, there has been little change to it, except to broaden the powers of the Secret Government. Here is a pdf of the latest revision (Aug. 2007) of the National Security Act of 1947, it's an unofficial version but it is accurate. Good luck finding the official version online.
  17. In the Definitions of terms, 50 U.S.C. 401a(4)(L) defines ‘‘intelligence community’’:
  19. Such other elements of any other department or agency as may be designated by the President, or designated jointly by the Director of National Intelligence and the head of the department or agency concerned, as an element of the intelligence community
  21. That means others can be added to the Secret Government, and Congress and We The People don't have to be informed.
  23. There seems to be a possible conflict with item 7 in the next section defining members of the National Security Council, who control the Secret Government. Some governmental units may only be added with the express approval of the Senate.
  25. SEC. 101. 50 U.S.C. 402(a) There is hereby established a council to be known as the National Security Council (thereinafter in this section referred to as the ‘‘Council’’)
  27. The Council shall be composed of
  29. (1) the President;
  31. (2) the Vice President;
  33. (3) the Secretary of State;
  35. (4) the Secretary of Defense;
  37. (5) the Director for Mutual Security;
  39. (6) the Chairman of the National Security Resources Board and
  41. (7) The Secretaries and Under Secretaries of other executive departments and the military departments, the Chairman of the Munitions Board, and the Chairman of the Research and Development Board, when appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to serve at his pleasure.
  43. (b) In addition to performing such other functions as the President may direct, for the purpose of more effectively coordinating the policies and functions of the departments and agencies of the Government relating to the national security, it shall, subject to the direction of the President, be the duty of the Council—
  45. That section then goes into the functions of the NSC.
  47. Then the Act forms Secret Government Committees:
  49. (h)(1) There is established within the National Security Council a committee to be known as the Committee on Foreign Intelligence (in this subsection referred to as the ‘‘Committee’’).
  51. (2) The Committee shall be composed of the following:
  53. (A) The Director of National Intelligence.
  55. (B) The Secretary of State.
  57. (C) The Secretary of Defense.
  59. (D) The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, who shall serve as the chairperson of the Committee.
  61. (E) Such other members as the President may designate.
  63. The Act continues with creation of more and more Committees. Each of these Committee establishments are then followed by their functions.
  64. To sum up the National Security Act of 1947, it created the Secret Government and gives the Secret Government control of all intelligence, and gives them the ability to add whoever and whatever they want, when they want, and they can eliminate anyone who opposes them under the guise of national security.
  66. Those people could control the MKULTRA experiments which were conducted on an unknowing We The People, and which are continuing today. Those people can tell the CIA and every other intelligence and defense agency what to do, and to keep it secret.
  68. On June 18, 1948, The NSC passed Directive NSC 10/2, which authorized the CIA to carry out covert action operations in all countries of the world and within the CIA created a covert action branch under the name of 'Office of Special Projects', a label soon changed to the less revealing 'Office of Policy Coordination' (OPC).
  69. NSC 10/2 directed that OPC shall "plan and conduct covert operations."
  71. Specifically, covert action operations according to NSC 10/2
  73. "shall include any covert activities related to: propaganda; economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition, and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas and refugee liberation groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world."
  75. The directives of NSC 10/2 also covered the setting up of secret anti-Communist Gladio armies in Western Europe but explicitly excluded conventional warfare as well as intelligence and counterintelligence operations:
  77. "Such operations shall not include armed conflict by recognised military forces, espionage, counter espionage, and covert and deception for military operations."
  79. All in all, the secretive NSC 10/2 differed greatly from the values and principles that Truman had publicly expressed in his March 1947 Truman Doctrine.
  80. In later years, Truman stated that the National Security Act had become something he never intended it to be, nor imagined that it would become.
  82. In 1964, Truman said he never intended the CIA "to operate as an international agency engaged in strange actvities."
  84. During the 20 years after his retirement, Truman sometimes seemed amazed, even somewhat appalled, at the size and power of the intelligence community he had brought into being, according to British historian Christopher Andrew.
  85. In The NSA Exemption From Freedom Of Information Act I noted that the Secret Government sought an invincible anonymity with exemption from the Freedom of Information Act, and that in the end, The National Security Act of 1947 was modified instead.
  87. The National Security Act of 1947 figures prominently in the long range takeover of America, which will become clear as the story is told.
  89. Conclusion
  91. The National Security Act of 1947 opened the door for our enemies to embark on long range takeover by creating a Secret Government with control over our intelligence and other governmental agencies.
  93. We The People can be sure there will be little to no documents remaining that will ever unravel the whole truth.
  95. Part 3 covers 1920's thru 1950's US Anti-Communism, Part 4 covers the JFK assasination and coverup.
  97. Further Reading Suggestions
  99. For an in depth look at the impact of The National Security Act of 1947 and the growth of the Secret Government, see this excerpt from NATO's Secret Armies, Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe by Daniele Ganser (2005), Chapter 5 The Secret War in America.
  101. For further reading, the May-June 2008 Military Review has a good article on the history of the National Security Act of 1947 (page 13), and another article on page 3 calls for legislative reform of the National Security Act of 1947.
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