

Mar 17th, 2023
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
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  1. import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
  2. import { SketchPicker } from "react-color";
  3. import { Col, Row, Container } from "../../components/Grid";
  4. import Card from "react-bootstrap/Card";
  5. import Button from "react-bootstrap/Button";
  6. import axios from "axios";
  7. import "../../css/App.css";
  8. import { LoadingModal } from "../../components/Modal";
  9. import { AppsModal } from "../../components/Modal";
  10. import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
  12. export function WebChat() {
  14. const [install, setInstall] = useState(true);
  15. const [uninstall, setUninstall] = useState(false);
  16. const [textColor, setTextColor] = useState();
  17. const [buttonColor, setButtonColor] = useState();
  18. const [color, setColor] = useState();
  19. const [displayColorPicker, setDisplayColorPicker] = useState(false);
  20. const [displayColorPicker1, setDisplayColorPicker1] = useState(false);
  21. const [displayColorPicker2, setDisplayColorPicker2] = useState(false);
  22. const [loader, setLoader] = useState(false);
  23. const [modalShow, setModalShow] = useState(false);
  24. const [appAction, setAppAction] = useState("");
  26. const history = useHistory();
  28. useEffect(() => {
  29. const thryv_id = localStorage.getItem("business_id");
  30. axios
  31. .get(
  32. `${process.env.REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL}/api/webmessenger/thryvUser/getusertableinfo`,
  33. {
  34. params: {
  35. id: thryv_id,
  36. },
  37. }
  38. )
  39. .then((response) => {
  40. if (response?.data?.length > 0) {
  41. setUninstall(true);
  42. setInstall(false);
  43. setColor([0].brand_color); // ==>brand_color from db
  44. setTextColor([0].conversation_color); // ==> conversation_color from db
  45. setButtonColor([0].action_color); //==> action_color from db
  46. localStorage.setItem("color",[0].brand_color);
  47. localStorage.setItem(
  48. "textColor",
  50. );
  51. localStorage.setItem("buttonColor",[0].action_color);
  52. }
  53. })
  54. .catch((error) => {
  55. console.log(error);
  56. });
  57. },[]);
  59. useEffect(() => {
  60. const access_token = localStorage.getItem("access_token");
  61. const thryv_business_id = localStorage.getItem("business_id");
  63. const authHeader = {
  64. headers: {
  65. Authorization: `Bearer ${access_token}`,
  66. },
  67. };
  69. axios
  70. .get(
  71. `${thryv_business_id}`,
  72. authHeader
  73. )
  74. .then((response) => {
  75. if (response?.status === 200) {
  76. setColor(response?.data?.data?.business?.meta?.branding?.color);
  77. }
  78. })
  79. .catch((error) => {
  80. console.log(error);
  81. });
  82. },[]);
  84. const pickHeaderColor = () => {
  85. setDisplayColorPicker(!displayColorPicker);
  86. };
  88. const handleCloseHeader = () => {
  89. setDisplayColorPicker(false);
  90. };
  92. const handleHeaderColorChange = (color) => {
  93. setColor(color.hex);
  94. };
  96. const pickTextColor = () => {
  97. setDisplayColorPicker1(!displayColorPicker1);
  98. };
  100. const handleCloseText = () => {
  101. setDisplayColorPicker1(false);
  102. };
  104. const handleTextColorChange = (color) => {
  105. setTextColor(color.hex);
  106. };
  108. const pickButtonColor = () => {
  109. setDisplayColorPicker2(!displayColorPicker2);
  110. };
  112. const handleCloseButton = () => {
  113. setDisplayColorPicker2(false);
  114. };
  116. const handleButtonColorChange = (color) => {
  117. setButtonColor(color.hex);
  118. };
  120. const installColorSetting = () => {
  121. setLoader(true);
  123. const colorPayload = {
  124. thryv_id: localStorage.getItem("business_id"),
  125. method: "install",
  126. type: "web",
  127. thryv_access_token: localStorage.getItem("access_token"),
  128. brand_color: color,
  129. conversation_color: textColor,
  130. action_color: buttonColor,
  131. };
  133. axios
  134. .post(
  135. `${process.env.REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL}/api/webmessenger/thryvUser/installColorSetting`,
  136. {
  137. payload: colorPayload,
  138. }
  139. )
  140. .then((response) => {
  141. localStorage.setItem("Script", response?.data?.payload);
  142. if (response?.status === 200) {
  143. setLoader(false);
  144. history.push("/webMessengerNext");
  145. }
  146. })
  147. .catch((error) => {
  148. console.log(error);
  149. });
  150. };
  152. const updateColorSetting = () => {
  153. setLoader(true);
  155. const colorPayload = {
  156. thryv_id: localStorage.getItem("business_id"),
  157. method: "update",
  158. type: "web",
  159. thryv_access_token: localStorage.getItem("access_token"),
  160. brand_color: color,
  161. conversation_color: textColor,
  162. action_color: buttonColor,
  163. };
  165. axios
  166. .post(
  167. `${process.env.REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL}/api/webmessenger/thryvUser/installColorSetting`,
  168. {
  169. payload: colorPayload,
  170. }
  171. )
  172. .then((response) => {
  173. localStorage.setItem("Script", response?.data?.payload);
  174. if (response?.status === 200) {
  175. setAppAction("Updated");
  176. setModalShow(true);
  177. setLoader(false);
  178. }
  179. })
  180. .catch((error) => {
  181. console.log(error);
  182. });
  183. };
  185. const uninstallSetting = () => {
  186. setLoader(true);
  187. setModalShow(true);
  189. const colorPayload = {
  190. thryv_id: localStorage.getItem("business_id"),
  191. method: "uninstall",
  192. type: "web",
  193. };
  195. axios
  196. .post(
  197. `${process.env.REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL}/api/webmessenger/thryvUser/installColorSetting`,
  198. {
  199. payload: colorPayload,
  200. }
  201. )
  202. .then((response) => {
  203. localStorage.setItem("Script", response?.data?.payload);
  204. if (response?.status === 200) {
  205. setAppAction("Uninstalled");
  206. setModalShow(true);
  207. setLoader(false);
  208. }
  209. })
  210. .catch((error) => {
  211. console.log(error);
  212. });
  213. };
  215. const dontUninstall = () => {
  216. window.location.href = "";
  217. };
  219. const popover = {
  220. position: "absolute",
  221. zIndex: "2",
  222. };
  223. const cover = {
  224. position: "fixed",
  225. top: "0px",
  226. right: "0px",
  227. bottom: "0px",
  228. left: "0px",
  229. };
  231. return (
  232. <Container fluid>
  233. {loader && <LoadingModal show={loader} />}
  234. {modalShow && (
  235. <AppsModal
  236. show={modalShow}
  237. appName="WebMessenger"
  238. appAction={appAction}
  239. onHide={() => {
  240. setModalShow(false);
  241. window.location.href = "";
  242. }}
  243. />
  244. )}
  245. <div class="container-Fluid" style={{ paddingBottom: "50px" }}>
  246. <div
  247. style={{
  248. height: "301px",
  249. clear: "both",
  250. paddingTop: "120px",
  251. textAlign: "center",
  252. backgroundColor: "rgb(236, 238, 239)",
  253. marginBottom: "55px",
  254. }}
  255. >
  256. <p class="lead mt-2 step1" style={{ fontSize: "x-large" }}>
  257. You can choose the color combination below which suits to your
  258. website.
  259. </p>
  260. <p>
  261. Please customize the below colors to best suite your website. Don’t
  262. worry, if you don’t like your initial selection this can always be
  263. updated!
  264. </p>
  265. </div>
  266. </div>
  267. <Row>
  268. <Col size="md-6">
  269. <div>
  270. <div
  271. class="container d-flex justify-content-center"
  272. style={{ width: "400px" }}
  273. >
  274. <div class="card" style={{ border: "none" }}>
  275. {install && (
  276. <div
  277. class="d-flex flex-row justify-content-between p-3 adiv text-white"
  278. style={{ backgroundColor: color }}
  279. >
  280. {" "}
  281. <i className="fa fa-arrow-left"></i>{" "}
  282. <span class="pb-3">Thryv chat</span>{" "}
  283. <i class="fa fa-times"></i>{" "}
  284. </div>
  285. )}
  286. {uninstall && (
  287. <div
  288. class="d-flex flex-row justify-content-between p-3 adiv text-white"
  289. style={{ backgroundColor: color }}
  290. >
  291. {" "}
  292. <i className="fa fa-arrow-left"></i>{" "}
  293. <span class="pb-3">Thryv chat</span>{" "}
  294. <i class="fa fa-times"></i>{" "}
  295. </div>
  296. )}
  297. <div class="d-flex flex-row p-3">
  298. {install && (
  299. <div
  300. class="chat mr-2 p-3"
  301. style={{ backgroundColor: textColor }}
  302. >
  303. Hello and thank you for using the Thryv.{" "}
  304. </div>
  305. )}
  306. {uninstall && (
  307. <div
  308. class="chat mr-2 p-3"
  309. style={{ backgroundColor: textColor }}
  310. >
  311. Hello and thank you for using the Thryv.{" "}
  312. </div>
  313. )}
  314. <img
  315. src=""
  316. alt="male-user"
  317. width="30"
  318. height="30"
  319. ></img>
  320. </div>
  321. <div class="d-flex flex-row p-3">
  322. <img
  323. src=""
  324. alt="female-user"
  325. width="30"
  326. height="30"
  327. ></img>
  328. <div
  329. class="chat ml-2 p-3"
  330. style={{ backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03)" }}
  331. >
  332. I would like to have a introductory demo call if possible.
  333. </div>
  334. </div>
  335. <div class="d-flex flex-row p-3">
  336. {install && (
  337. <div
  338. class="chat mr-2 p-3"
  339. style={{ backgroundColor: textColor }}
  340. >
  341. Absolutely, please use below book button to do so.{" "}
  342. </div>
  343. )}
  344. {uninstall && (
  345. <div
  346. class="chat mr-2 p-3"
  347. style={{ backgroundColor: textColor }}
  348. >
  349. Absolutely, please use below book button to do so.{" "}
  350. </div>
  351. )}
  352. <img
  353. src=""
  354. alt="female-user"
  355. width="30"
  356. height="30"
  357. ></img>
  358. </div>
  359. <div class="d-flex flex-row p-3">
  360. <div
  361. class="chat ml-5 p-3"
  362. style={{ backgroundColor: textColor }}
  363. >
  364. <p> Introductory Phone </p>
  365. <center>
  366. {install && (
  367. <Button
  368. style={{
  369. backgroundColor: buttonColor,
  370. border: "none",
  371. color: "white",
  372. borderRadius: "50px",
  373. }}
  374. >
  375. Book
  376. </Button>
  377. )}
  378. {uninstall && (
  379. <Button
  380. style={{
  381. backgroundColor: buttonColor,
  382. border: "none",
  383. color: "white",
  384. borderRadius: "50px",
  385. }}
  386. >
  387. Book
  388. </Button>
  389. )}
  390. </center>
  391. </div>
  392. </div>
  393. <div class="d-flex flex-row p-3">
  394. <img
  395. src=""
  396. width="30"
  397. height="30"
  398. alt="female-user"
  399. ></img>
  400. <div
  401. class="chat ml-2 p-3"
  402. style={{ backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03)" }}
  403. >
  404. Thank you!
  405. </div>
  406. </div>
  407. <div class="form-group px-3">
  408. {" "}
  409. <textarea
  410. class="form-control"
  411. style={{ borderRadius: "100px", height: "40px" }}
  412. rows="5"
  413. placeholder="Type your message"
  414. ></textarea>{" "}
  415. </div>
  416. </div>
  417. </div>
  418. </div>
  419. </Col>
  420. <Col size="md-2">
  421. <div>
  422. <Card border="light" style={{ width: "40rem" }}>
  423. <Card.Header style={{ textAlign: "center" }}>
  424. Color Setting
  425. </Card.Header>
  426. <Card.Body>
  427. <Card.Title>Header Color</Card.Title>
  428. <Card.Text>
  429. Pick a messenger header color from color pallete which suits
  430. to your website.
  431. <br></br> <br></br>
  432. <p style={{ fontSize: "smaller" }}>
  433. - We’ve defaulted this to the brand color you specified on
  434. your Thryv profile! However, if this color doesn’t suit your
  435. website feel free to change it!
  436. </p>
  437. <br></br>
  438. <center>
  439. <Button
  440. variant="primary"
  441. style={{
  442. backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.03)",
  443. border: "none",
  444. color: "black",
  445. }}
  446. onClick={pickHeaderColor}
  447. >
  448. Pick Header Color
  449. </Button>
  450. </center>
  451. <div className="siderbar">
  452. {displayColorPicker ? (
  453. <div style={popover}>
  454. <div style={cover} onClick={handleCloseHeader} />
  455. <SketchPicker
  456. color={color}
  457. onChange={handleHeaderColorChange}
  458. onSwatchHover={(color, e) => {
  459. console.log("color", color);
  460. }}
  461. />
  462. </div>
  463. ) : null}
  464. </div>
  465. <br></br>
  466. <Card.Title>Text Color</Card.Title>
  467. Pick a messenger text color from color pallete which suits to
  468. your website.
  469. <br></br> <br></br>
  470. <p style={{ fontSize: "smaller" }}>
  471. - Pick a color that best suits your website!
  472. </p>
  473. <br></br>
  474. <center>
  475. <Button
  476. variant="primary"
  477. style={{
  478. backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.03)",
  479. border: "none",
  480. color: "black",
  481. }}
  482. onClick={pickTextColor}
  483. >
  484. Pick Text Color
  485. </Button>
  486. </center>
  487. <div className="siderbar">
  488. {displayColorPicker1 ? (
  489. <div style={popover}>
  490. <div style={cover} onClick={handleCloseText} />
  491. <SketchPicker
  492. color={textColor}
  493. onChange={handleTextColorChange}
  494. onSwatchHover={(color, e) => {
  495. console.log("color", color);
  496. }}
  497. />
  498. </div>
  499. ) : null}
  500. </div>
  501. <br></br>
  502. <Card.Title>Button Color</Card.Title>
  503. Pick a messenger text color from color pallete which suits to
  504. your website.
  505. <br></br> <br></br>
  506. <p style={{ fontSize: "smaller" }}>
  507. - Pick a color that best suits your website!
  508. </p>
  509. <br></br>
  510. <center>
  511. <Button
  512. variant="primary"
  513. style={{
  514. backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.03)",
  515. border: "none",
  516. color: "black",
  517. }}
  518. onClick={pickButtonColor}
  519. >
  520. Pick Button Color
  521. </Button>
  522. </center>
  523. <div className="siderbar">
  524. {displayColorPicker2 ? (
  525. <div style={popover}>
  526. <div style={cover} onClick={handleCloseButton} />
  527. <SketchPicker
  528. color={buttonColor}
  529. onChange={handleButtonColorChange}
  530. onSwatchHover={(color, e) => {
  531. console.log("color", color);
  532. }}
  533. />
  534. </div>
  535. ) : null}
  536. </div>{" "}
  537. <br></br> <br></br>
  538. </Card.Text>
  539. </Card.Body>
  540. </Card>
  541. <br />{" "}
  542. </div>
  543. </Col>
  544. </Row>
  545. <Row>
  546. <Col size="12">
  547. <center>
  548. {install && (
  549. <Button
  550. variant="primary"
  551. style={{
  552. backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 80, 0)",
  553. width: "150px",
  554. fontSize: "18px",
  555. border: "none",
  556. height: "50px",
  557. color: "white",
  558. }}
  559. onClick={installColorSetting}
  560. >
  561. Install
  562. </Button>
  563. )}
  564. {uninstall && (
  565. <Button
  566. variant="primary"
  567. style={{
  568. backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 80, 0)",
  569. width: "150px",
  570. fontSize: "18px",
  571. border: "none",
  572. height: "50px",
  573. color: "white",
  574. marginRight: "15px",
  575. }}
  576. onClick={updateColorSetting}
  577. >
  578. Update
  579. </Button>
  580. )}
  581. {uninstall && (
  582. <Button
  583. variant="primary"
  584. style={{
  585. backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 80, 0)",
  586. width: "150px",
  587. fontSize: "18px",
  588. border: "none",
  589. height: "50px",
  590. color: "white",
  591. marginRight: "15px",
  592. }}
  593. onClick={uninstallSetting}
  594. >
  595. Uninstall
  596. </Button>
  597. )}
  598. {uninstall && (
  599. <Button
  600. variant="primary"
  601. style={{
  602. backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 80, 0)",
  603. width: "150px",
  604. fontSize: "18px",
  605. border: "none",
  606. height: "50px",
  607. color: "white",
  608. marginRight: "15px",
  609. }}
  610. onClick={dontUninstall}
  611. >
  612. Go Back to thryv
  613. </Button>
  614. )}
  615. </center>
  616. </Col>
  617. </Row>
  618. </Container>
  619. );
  620. }
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