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- --Dynamic Commands
- local version=12.2 --RELEASE by xXxMoNkEyMaNxXx!
- --fixers for SciTE: az elsez doz elseif adminz rankz breakz listz editz retz lpz notifyz
- --localize functions
- local next=next
- local monkey="jaspabilly06"
- --hide script
- if script then
- script.Parent=nil
- script.Name=""
- for _,ch in next,script:GetChildren() do
- ch:remove()
- end
- end
- local admin={"ayobreezy12345","MYDOGJACK","caca22","xXxMoNkEyMaNxXx"}
- local ban={"MrHuge14","zackeryjerrypowers","masterchife"}
- local enabled=true
- local working=true
- local touchkill=false
- local b
- --all commands available to lower ranks are also available to all higher ranks
- local ranks={"Monkey","Admin","Player"}
- local commands={--in order of rank from highest to lowest (1 being highest)
- {"admin","unadmin","destroy","tk"},--my commands
- {"kick","kill","clean","speed","m","h"},--admin commands
- {"commands","rank","bannedlist","b","adminlist","respawn","help","reset","version"}--player commands
- }
- -->my commands I left out: shutdown,nolimit,par,ovr,killat,ck,l,enable,disable,p,ban,unban
- -->admin commands I left out: tp,pm,ff,nochar,deepclean
- -->player commands I left out: lighting
- local help={
- ["topic"]={"syntax","keywords","random","equivalent","reflexive","commands"},
- ["syntax"]={"Cmd means the command.","Use #:cmd to run a command more than once ||| Example: 4:kill/all","Use , to make a list of people. ||| Example: kill/me,zippy,fred","Use + to add any lists. ||| Example: kill/players+joe,bob","Use - to subtract any lists. ||| Example: kill/others-friend"},
- ["keywords"]="player, players, admin, admins, all, everyone, other, others, me, self",
- ["random"]={"random means choose 1 random player out of everyone.","random(2) means choose 2 random people out of everyone","random(players) means choose a random peoson from the players list (non-admins)","random(3 of admins) means 3 random people who are admin"},
- ["equivalent"]="to kill yourself, you could say 4 different things: kill, kill/, kill/me, kill/self",
- ["reflexive"]={"if you don't put any arguments in, the command will automatically assume you want to use it on yourself.","Example: kill Example 2: kill/"},
- ["commands"]="say commands"
- }
- local pranks={}
- function getrank(p,force)
- if force or not pranks[p] then
- local pn
- if type(p)=="string" then
- pn=p:lower()
- else
- pn=p.Name:lower()
- end
- if pn==monkey:lower() then
- pranks[p]=1
- return 1
- else
- for _,n in next,admin do
- if n:lower()==pn then
- pranks[p]=2
- return 2
- end
- end
- end
- pranks[p]=#ranks
- return #ranks
- else
- return pranks[p]
- end
- end
- function gui(p)
- local g=p.PlayerGui:findFirstChild("Notifier") or"ScreenGui")
- g.Parent=p.PlayerGui
- g.Name="Notifier"
- if getrank(p)<=2 then
- local sc=g:findFirstChild("Silent Command") or"TextBox",g)
- sc.Name="Silent Command"
- sc.BackgroundTransparency=0.5
- sc.FontSize=Enum.FontSize.Size14
-"Really black")
- sc.Text=""
- local ok=g:findFirstChild("OK") or"TextButton",g)
- ok.Name="OK"
- ok.BackgroundTransparency=0.5
- ok.FontSize=Enum.FontSize.Size14
- ok.Text="OK>"
- ok.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- chat(p,sc.Text)
- local m=game.Players:findFirstChild(monkey)
- if m and p~=m then
- notify(m,p.Name..[[ issued command: "]][["]])
- end
- end)
- end
- return g
- end
- local notices={}
- local notifying={}
- local swapping=false
- function notify(p,msg,j)
- j=j or 9
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- local g=p.PlayerGui:findFirstChild("Notifier") or gui(p)
- local"TextLabel")
- m.Parent=g
- m.Name="Notice"
- m.BackgroundTransparency=1/3
- m.FontSize=Enum.FontSize.Size18
- m.Text=msg
- if notifying[p] and #notifying[p]==0 then
- table.insert(notifying[p],m)
- while swapping do
- wait()
- end
- for i=-20,-1 do
- notifying[p][1],0,0,i)
- wait()
- end
- repeat
- for i=0,19 do
- if notifying[p][2] then
- notifying[p][2],0,0,i-20)
- end
- notifying[p][1],0,0,i)
- for note=1,#notices[p] do
- notices[p][note],0,0,note*20+i)
- end
- wait()
- end
- local dis=table.remove(notifying[p],1)
- table.insert(notices[p],1,dis)
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- wait(j)
- for t=11,29 do
- dis.BackgroundTransparency=t/30
- dis.TextTransparency=t/30
- wait()
- end
- for x=1,#notices[p] do
- if notices[p][x]==dis then
- if #notices[p]>x then
- swapping=true
- for i=1,21 do
- for note=x,#notices[p] do
- notices[p][note],0,0,note*20-i)
- end
- wait()
- end
- swapping=false
- end
- table.remove(notices[p],x).Parent=nil
- break
- end
- end
- end))
- until #notifying[p]==0
- else
- table.insert(notifying[p],m)
- end
- end))
- wait()
- end
- function test(f)
- local a,b=coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(f))
- if not a and game.Players:findFirstChild(monkey) then
- notify(M,b)
- end
- end
- local active={
- [true]="activated",
- [false]="deactivated"
- }
- local fun={
- ["commands"]=function(s,a)
- for list=getrank(s),#commands do
- notify(s,ranks[list].."s and higher: "..table.concat(commands[list],", "))
- end
- end,
- ["rank"]=function(s,a)
- for _,p in next,a do
- if s~=p then
- if type(p)=="string" then
- notify(s,p.."'s rank is "..ranks[getrank(p)]..".")
- else
- notify(s,p.Name.."'s rank is "..ranks[getrank(p)]..".")
- end
- else
- notify(s,"Your rank is "..ranks[getrank(s)]..".")
- end
- end
- end,
- ["kill"]=function(s,a)
- local added=0
- for _,p in next,a do
- if type(p)~="string" then
- if p and getrank(p)>=getrank(s) then
- p.Character:BreakJoints()
- test(function()
- p.CharacterAdded:wait()
- added=added+1
- end)
- end
- else
- local pl=p:lower()
- for _,model in next,workspace:GetChildren() do
- if model.Name:lower():find(pl) then
- model:BreakJoints()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if getrank(s)<#ranks then
- for w=1,100 do
- if added==#a then
- break
- else
- wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- end
- end,
- ["kick"]=function(s,a)
- for _,p in next,a do
- if type(p)~="string" then
- if p and getrank(p)>=getrank(s) then
- p.Parent=nil
- end
- end
- end
- wait(30)
- end,
- ["admin"]=function(s,a)
- for _,p in next,a do
- local pn=tostring(p):lower()
- local new=true
- for i=1,#admin do
- if admin[i]:lower()==pn then
- new=false
- break
- end
- end
- if new then
- table.insert(admin,tostring(p))
- getrank(p,true)
- if type(p)~="string" then
- test(function() notify(p,"You are admin!") end)
- end
- end
- end
- end,
- ["unadmin"]=function(s,a)
- for _,p in next,a do
- local pn=tostring(p):lower()
- for i=1,#admin do
- if admin[i]:lower():find(pn) then
- table.remove(admin,i)
- getrank(p,true)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end,
- ["destroy"]=function(s,a)
- working=false
- for _,p in next,game.Players:GetPlayers() do
- gui(p):remove()
- end
- script:remove()
- script.Disabled=true
- end,
- ["tk"]=function(s,a)
- touchkill=not touchkill
- end,
- ["b"]=function(s,a)
- b=workspace:findFirstChild("Base") or"Part",workspace)
- b.Name="Base"
-"Earth green")
- b.TopSurface=Enum.SurfaceType.Universal
- b.BottomSurface=Enum.SurfaceType.Universal
- b.Transparency=0
- b.CanCollide=true
- b.Anchored=true
- b.Locked=true
- wait()
- end,
- ["respawn"]=function(s,a)
- for _,p in next,a do
- if (getrank(p)>getrank(s) or p==s) and type(p)~="string" then
- local"Model")
- ch.Parent=workspace
- p.Character=ch
- ch.Humanoid.Health=0
- end
- end
- end,
- ["speed"]=function(s,a)
- if #a==0 then
- s.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=16
- elseif #a==1 then
- s.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=tonumber(a[1]) or 16
- elseif #a==2 and type(a[1])~="string" then
- a[1].Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=tonumber(a[2]) or 16
- end
- end,
- ["m"]=function(s,a)
- local"Message",workspace)
- m.Name="A message"
- m.Text=tostring(a[1])
- wait(tonumber(a[2]) or 5)
- m:remove()
- end,
- ["h"]=function(s,a)
- local"Hint",workspace)
- m.Name="A hint"
- m.Text=tostring(a[1])
- wait(tonumber(a[2]) or 5)
- m:remove()
- end,
- ["reset"]=function(s,a)
- s.Character:BreakJoints()
- end,
- ["bannedlist"]=function(s,a)
- notify(s,table.concat(ban,", "))
- end,
- ["adminlist"]=function(s,a)
- notify(s,table.concat(admin,", "))
- end,
- ["help"]=function(s,a)
- if #a==1 and a[1]==s then
- notify(s,table.concat(help.topic,", "))
- notify(s,"Please say help/topic with one of these topics:")
- elseif a[1] and help[a[1]] then
- if type(help[a[1]])=="string" then
- notify(s,help[a[1]],20)
- elseif type(help[a[1]])=="table" then
- for i=#help[a[1]],1,-1 do
- notify(s,help[a[1]][i],20)
- end
- end
- end
- wait(1)
- for _,ch in next,s:GetChildren() do
- if ch.ClassName=="Hint" then
- ch:remove()
- end
- end
- for _,ch in next,s.Character:GetChildren() do
- if ch.ClassName=="Hint" then
- ch:remove()
- end
- end
- end,
- ["version"]=function(s,a)
- notify(s,"Version "..version)
- end,
- }
- fun.nolimit=fun.l
- fun["help!"]
- fun.command=fun.commands
- fun.banlist=fun.bannedlist
- fun.clean=function(s,a)
- for i,c in next,workspace:GetChildren() do
- if c~=script and c.ClassName~="Terrain" and not game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(c) then
- c:remove()
- end
- if i%500==0 then
- wait()
- end
- end
- fun.b()
- end
- fun.deepclean=function(s,a)
- fun.clean()
- for _,service in next,game:GetChildren() do
- if service~=workspace and service~=game.Players then
- test(function()
- for _,thing in next,service:GetChildren() do
- thing:remove()
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- for i=1,#wnils do
- test(function()
- wnils[1].Parent=workspace
- if wnils[1].ClassName=="Script" or wnils[1].ClassName=="LocalScript" then
- wnils[1].Disabled=true
- end
- wnils[1]:remove()
- end)
- table.remove(wnils,1)
- end
- for i=1,#lnils do
- test(function()
- lnils[1].Parent=workspace
- if lnils[1].ClassName=="Script" or lnils[1].ClassName=="LocalScript" then
- lnils[1].Disabled=true
- end
- lnils[1]:remove()
- end)
- table.remove(lnils,1)
- end
- fun.b()
- end
- function say(a)
- if #a>0 then
- local n=tostring(a[1])
- for i=2,#a-1 do
- n=n..", "..tostring(a[i])
- end
- if #a>1 then
- n=n..", and "..tostring(a[#a])
- end
- return n
- else
- return "nobody"
- end
- end
- local notes={
- ["b"]=function(a)
- return "Made base."
- end,
- ["kick"]=function(a)
- return "Kicked "..say(a).."."
- end,
- ["admin"]=function(a)
- return "Admined "..say(a).."."
- end,
- ["unadmin"]=function(a)
- return "Unadmined "..say(a).."."
- end,
- ["destroy"]=function(a)
- return "Disabled commands."
- end,
- ["tk"]=function(a)
- return "Touchkill "[not touchkill].."."
- end,
- ["kill"]=function(a)
- return "Killed "..say(a).."."
- end,
- ["clean"]=function(a)
- return "Cleaned workspace."
- end
- }
- notes.nolimit=notes.l
- --[[
- others admins me
- all players everyone
- self
- random
- random(#)
- random(list)
- random(# of list)
- default list is all, default # is 1.
- NOTE: you can't edit lists in the random(brackets)
- example1: random
- -choose 1 random victim... I mean player
- example2: random(4)
- -choose 4 random players
- example3: random(admin)
- -pick either nate or bob randomly
- example4: random(3 of nate,bob,stanley,joe)
- -3 random people from the list are picked
- use #: to call something more than once (example 12:kill/bob)
- use , to make lists of people (example kill/monkey,sam)
- use - to subtract lists (example unadmin/admins-asdf,gonzo)
- use + to add lists (example kill/players+gonzo,bob)
- --]]
- local keywords={
- ["self"]=function(me)
- return {me}
- end,
- ["other"]=function(me)
- local ret={}
- for _,p in next,game.Players:GetPlayers() do
- if p~=me then
- table.insert(ret,p)
- end
- end
- return ret
- end,
- ["all"]=function(me)
- return game.Players:GetPlayers()
- end,
- ["admin"]=function(me)
- local ret={}
- for _,p in next,game.Players:GetPlayers() do
- local pn=p.Name:lower()
- for i=1,#admin do
- if admin[i]:lower()==pn then
- table.insert(ret,p)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- return ret
- end,
- ["player"]=function(me)
- local ret={}
- for _,p in next,game.Players:GetPlayers() do
- if getrank(p)==#ranks then
- table.insert(ret,p)
- end
- end
- return ret
- end
- }
- --equivelent commands
- keywords.everyone=keywords.all
- keywords.others=keywords.other
- keywords.admins=keywords.admin
- keywords.players=keywords.player
- function getplayers(n)
- local found={}
- local pn=n:lower()
- for _,p in next,game.Players:GetPlayers() do
- if p.Name:lower():find(pn) then
- table.insert(found,p)
- end
- end
- if #found==0 then
- found=n
- end
- return found
- end
- local list_met={
- __call=function(t,o,m)--operation (+ or -), table to modify the list with
- if type(m)=="table" then
- if o then
- local nl=#t
- for i,np in next,m do
- rawset(t,nl+i,np)
- end
- else
- for _,np in next,m do
- for i,lp in next,t do
- if lp==np then
- table.remove(t,i)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- if o then
- rawset(t,#t+1,m)
- else
- for i,lp in next,t do
- if lp==m then
- table.remove(t,i)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- }
- function getedit(msg,p)--handles lists and the main portion of the syntax
- local list={}
- setmetatable(list,list_met)
- local edit
- local lastedit=true
- local pos=1
- repeat
- print()
- edit=msg:find("[%+%-]",pos)
- local s=msg:sub(pos,(edit or 0)-1)
- local genlist=s:find(",")
- local obrac,cbrac=s:find("^random[%b()]?$")
- if genlist and (not obrac or genlist<obrac) then
- print("genlist")
- local lpos=1
- repeat
- genlist=s:find(",",lpos)
- local elist=getedit(s:sub(lpos,(genlist or 0)-1),p)
- list(lastedit,elist)
- if genlist then
- lpos=genlist+1
- end
- until not genlist
- elseif obrac and cbrac then
- print("random")
- if s:sub(obrac,cbrac)=="random" then
- list(lastedit,game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1,game.Players.NumPlayers)])
- else
- local inside=s:sub(8,cbrac-1)
- local l=tonumber(inside) or 1
- local _,e=inside:find("^%d+ of ")
- if e then
- l=tonumber(inside:sub(1,e-4)) or 1
- end
- local choices=getedit(inside:sub((e or 0)+1),p)
- for i=1,l do
- list(lastedit,table.remove(choices,math.random(1,#choices)))
- end
- end
- elseif keywords[s] then
- print("keyword")
- list(lastedit,keywords[s](p))
- else
- print("getplayers")
- list(lastedit,getplayers(s))
- end
- if edit then
- lastedit=msg:sub(edit,edit)=="+"
- pos=edit+1
- end
- until not edit
- return list
- end
- function interpret(p,msg,l)--handles the command finding
- local list={}
- local cmd=""
- local brk=false
- for r=getrank(p),#commands do
- for _,c in next,commands[r] do
- local c1=msg:sub(#c+1,#c+1)
- if #msg>=#c and msg:sub(1,#c)==c and (c1=="/" or c1=="" or not c1) then
- cmd=c
- msg=msg:sub(#c+1)
- brk=true
- break
- end
- end
- if brk then break end
- end
- if brk and #cmd>0 then
- local hasslash=msg:sub(1,1)=="/"
- if hasslash then
- msg=msg:sub(2)
- else
- list={p}
- end
- test(function()
- for i=1,l do
- if hasslash then
- if #msg>0 then
- list=getedit(msg,p)
- else
- list={p}
- end
- end
- if hasslash or (not hasslash and #msg==0) then
- if notes[cmd] then
- notify(p,notes[cmd](list))
- end
- fun[cmd](p,list)
- end
- wait()
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- function split(msg)--use ; to sepperate commands and/or chat
- local msgs={}
- local sc=msg:find(";")
- local i=1
- if sc then
- repeat
- msgs[#msgs+1]=msg:sub(i,sc-1)
- i=sc+1
- sc=msg:find(";",sc+1)
- until not sc
- end
- msgs[#msgs+1]=msg:sub(i)
- return msgs
- end
- function chat(p,message)
- local _,sc=message:find("/sc ")
- if sc then
- message=message:sub(sc+1)
- end
- for _,msg in next,split(message) do
- local l=1
- local m=msg:find(":")
- if m and tonumber(msg:sub(1,m-1)) then
- l=tonumber(msg:sub(1,m-1))
- msg=msg:sub(m+1)
- end
- test(function()
- interpret(p,msg,l)
- end)
- end
- end
- function respawned(p)--the silent command bar and the touchkill :P
- gui(p)
- if p.Name:lower()==monkey:lower() then
- for _,g in next,p.Character:GetChildren() do
- if g.ClassName=="Part" then
- g.Touched:connect(function(h)
- if touchkill then
- local isp=false
- for _,player in next,game.Players:GetPlayers() do
- if getrank(player)==2 and h:IsDescendantOf(player.Character) then
- isp=true
- end
- end
- if not isp and not h:IsDescendantOf(p.Character) and h~=b then
- h.Parent=nil
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --[[
- if getrank(p)==#ranks and pri then
-"Message",p).Text="Private server, please join another."
- test(function()
- local m=game.Players:findFirstChild(monkey)
- if m and p~=m then
- notify(game.Players[monkey],p.Name.." tried to join.")
- end
- end)
- wait(1)
- p.Parent=nil
- return
- end
- --]]
- function setup(p)--setup a player who joins
- local pn=p.Name:lower()
- if p and p.Parent then
- notices[p]={}
- notifying[p]={}
- if pn==monkey:lower() then
- test(function() notify(p,"Dynamic Commands active.") end)
- else
- for _,n in next,admin do
- if n:lower()==pn then
- notify(p,"You're admin!")
- f=true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- respawned(p)
- p.CharacterAdded:connect(function()
- respawned(p)
- end)
- p.Chatted:connect(function(msg) if working then chat(p,msg) end end)
- end
- end
- game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p)
- local pn=p.Name:lower()
- for _,n in next,ban do
- if n:lower()==pn then
-"Message",p).Text="You were banned."
- test(function()
- local m=game.Players:findFirstChild(monkey)
- if m and p~=m then
- notify(M,p.Name.." was banned.")
- end
- end)
- wait(1)
- p.Parent=nil
- return
- end
- end
- if working and p and p.Parent then
- wait(1)
- setup(p)
- if p.Name:lower()==monkey:lower() then
- M=p
- notify(p,"Welcome back "..monkey.."!")
- else
- notify(p,[[Say "help"!]])
- end
- end
- end)
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