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- /*
- BBM2 Extras - Compatible with EN Yellow ONLY
- Description
- Extra scripts for BlipBlopMenu 2 or TimOS. After installation TimOS scripts are incresed by 7 having the following effects:
- #+1 ItemGiver: It gives any item, based on the selected internal ID.
- #+2 MonGiver: It gives any pokemon, based on the selected pokedex ID.
- #+3 MonEncounter: It encounters any pokemon, based on the selected pokedex ID.
- #+4 TrainerEncounter: It encounters any trainer, based on the selected internal ID.
- #+5 MoveTeacher: Teaches any move on the selected party pokemon.
- #+6 PokeDuplicator: It duplicates the pokemon in the first party slot to the second party slot.
- #+7 HealOnTheGo: Party heal on demand.
- Prerequirements
- - TimoVM's gen 1 ACE setup with a clean TimOS installation from:
- - BlipBlopMenu 2 (optional):
- Instructions
- 1) - Installation on actual hardware or emulator: You can use TimoVM's NicknameConverter and NicknameWriter from the given page.
- - Installation on emulator with debugging features: Just copy and paste the HEX code into address $d8b4.
- 2) Run the code from NicknameWriter.
- 3) Verify new scripts are installed and work correctly.
- Warning! Scripts are stored in addresses $c8c3++ inside TimOS region.
- Make sure you are not using this area before installation!
- Code:
- 21 e9 c6 46 3e 07 86 77 11 bb
- c7 1c 1c 05 20 fb 0e 0e 21 d4
- d8 cd b1 00 0e f0 11 c3 c8 c3
- b1 00 e1 c8 2a c9 34 c9 41 c9
- 63 c9 94 c9 ad c9 cd dd 16 c3
- 1c 23 ea 96 cf cd 51 2c a7 fa
- 95 cf c9 21 09 c4 11 6d cd cd
- 16 38 2b 36 7f c9 cd c3 c8 3e
- ff cd c9 c8 c0 f5 ea 1d d1 cd
- c4 2e cd d4 c8 3e 63 cd c9 c8
- c1 20 e5 4f cd 3f 3e 18 df cd
- c3 c8 3e 97 cd c9 c8 28 01 c9
- 11 1d d1 12 06 10 21 86 50 cd
- 84 3e 1a f5 cd 93 2e cd d4 c8
- 3e 64 cd c9 c8 c1 20 d9 c9 cd
- 02 c9 c0 4f cd 59 3e 18 f6 cd
- 02 c9 c0 ea 2e cd fa 1d d1 c3
- 76 32 cd c3 c8 3e 2f cd c9 c8
- c0 ea 30 d0 f5 cd bb 35 cd d4
- c8 f1 c6 c8 ea 1d d1 3e 01 cd
- c9 c8 20 e0 18 d5 cd c3 c8 3e
- a5 cd c9 c8 c0 ea df d0 ea 1d
- d1 cd 4d 2f cd d4 c8 21 4a cf
- 1e 6d cd 16 38 fa 62 d1 cd c9
- c8 20 db 3d ea 91 cf 21 c8 6b
- cd 17 39 18 cf 21 63 d1 2a 77
- 01 2c 00 11 96 d1 2e 6a cd b1
- 00 11 b4 d2 21 bf d2 c3 16 38
- 21 2b 75 c3 4b 07
- Total Bytes: 286
- In case you want to go beyond the limits and get glitch items, pokemon, moves or trainers, you can input the following code afterwards:
- af ea e5 c8 ea f5 c8 ea 06 c9
- ea 22 c9 ea 45 c9 ea 5b c9 ea
- 67 c9 c9
- Total Bytes: 23
- Source is compiled with QuickRGBDS
- */
- SECTION "BlipBlopMenu2ExtrasY", ROM0
- start:
- LOAD "Installer", WRAMX[$D8B4]
- ; ----------- Installer payload ------------
- Installer:
- ; increse no of scripts by 5
- ld hl, $c6e9
- ld b, [hl]
- ld a, (pointers.end-pointers)/2
- add a, [hl]
- ld [hl], a
- ; write pointers to the correct position
- ld de, $c7bb ; destination - script #1
- .pointerloop
- inc e
- inc e
- dec b
- jr nz, .pointerloop
- ; Copy pointers
- ld c, pointers.end-pointers ; b = 0 from previous operation
- ld hl, pointers ; $d8d4 - origin
- call $00b1 ; CopyData
- ; Copy payloads
- ld c, end-emptyscreen
- ld de, $c8c3 ; destination
- jp $00b1 ; CopyData
- ; ----------- Payload pointers ------------
- pointers: ; it automatically calculates every script's starting point offsets
- db LOW(itemgiver), HIGH(itemgiver)
- db LOW(dexgiver), HIGH(dexgiver)
- db LOW(letsgetwild), HIGH(letsgetwild)
- db LOW(hitrainer), HIGH(hitrainer)
- db LOW(teachmemaster), HIGH(teachmemaster)
- db LOW(duplicator), HIGH(duplicator)
- db LOW(healer), HIGH(healer)
- .end
- LOAD "payloads", WRAM0[$c8c3]
- emptyscreen:
- call $16dd ; ClearScreen
- jp $231c ; UpdateSprites
- selector: ; 11 bytes - common function
- ld [$cf96], a ; wMaxItemQuantity write
- call $2c51 ; DisplayChooseQuantityMenu
- and a, a ; if a is 0, z flag is set
- ld a, [$cf95] ; wItemQuantity read
- ret
- copyname: ; 13 bytes - common function
- ld hl, $c409 ; destination
- ld de, $cd6d ; origin - wNameBuffer
- call $3816 ; CopyString
- dec hl
- ld [hl], $7f ; blank last name byte
- ret
- itemgiver: ; 33 bytes
- call emptyscreen
- ld a, 255 ; total item IDs
- call selector
- ret nz ; if B pressed, then ret
- push af
- ld [$d11d], a ; wPokedexNum
- call $2ec4 ; GetItemName
- call copyname
- ld a, 99
- call selector
- pop bc
- jr nz, itemgiver ; if B pressed go to the beginning, ln0
- ld c, a ; bc = id, quantity
- call $3e3f ; GiveItem
- jr itemgiver ; jp to start, ln0
- pokecommon: ; 41 bytes - common function
- call emptyscreen
- ld a, 151 ; total species IDs
- call selector
- jr z, .continue ; if B pressed, then ret
- ret
- .continue
- ld de, $d11d ; wPokedexNum
- ld [de], a ; pokemon id is stored in wPokedexNum
- ld b, $10 ; select bank 16
- ld hl, $5086 ; PokedexToIndex
- call $3e84 ; Bankswitch
- ld a, [de] ; wPokedexNum
- push af
- call $2e93 ; GetMonName
- call copyname
- ld a, 100
- call selector
- pop bc
- jr nz, pokecommon ; if B pressed go to the beginning, ln0
- ret
- dexgiver: ; 10 bytes
- call pokecommon
- ret nz
- ld c, a ; bc = id, level
- call $3e59 ; GivePokemon
- jr dexgiver ; jp to start, ln0
- letsgetwild: ; 5 bytes
- call pokecommon
- ret nz
- encounter: ; 9 bytes - common function
- ld [$cd2e], a ; wEnemyMonAttackMod - [wCurEnemyLevel]/[wTrainerNo]
- ld a, [$d11d] ; wPokedexNum - pokemon/trainer id
- jp $3276 ; InitBattleEnemyParameters+$03
- hitrainer: ; 34 bytes
- call emptyscreen
- ld a, 47 ; total encounter IDs
- call selector
- ret nz ; if B pressed, then ret
- ld [$d030], a ; wTrainerClass
- push af
- call $35bb ; GetTrainerName
- call copyname
- pop af
- add a, $c8
- ld [$d11d], a ; id is stored in wNamedObjectIndex
- ld a, 01
- call selector
- jr nz, hitrainer ; if B pressed go to the beginning, ln0
- jr encounter
- teachmemaster:
- call emptyscreen ; ClearScreen
- ld a, 165 ; total move IDs
- call selector
- ret nz ; if B pressed, then ret
- ld [$d0df], a ; wMoveNum
- ld [$d11d], a ; wNamedObjectIndex
- call $2f4d ; GetMoveName
- call copyname
- ld hl, $cf4a ; destination (wStringBuffer)
- ld e, $6d ; origin (wNameBuffer)
- call $3816 ; CopyString
- ld a, [$d162] ; wPartyCount
- call selector
- jr nz, teachmemaster; if B pressed go to the beginning
- dec a
- ld [$cf91], a ; wWhichPokemon
- ld hl, $6bc8 ; LearnMove
- call $3917 ; bankswitch bank1
- jr teachmemaster
- duplicator: ; 25 bytes
- ; transfer pokemon id
- ld hl, $d163 ; poke 1 id
- ld a, [hli]
- ld [hl], a ; hl = $d164
- ; transfer pokemon data
- ld bc, $002c ; poke data length
- ld de, $d196 ; poke 2 data
- ld l, $6a ; poke 1 data
- call $00b1 ; CopyData
- ; transfer pokemon nickname
- ld de, $d2b4 ; poke 1 nickname
- ld hl, $d2bf ; poke 2 nickname
- jp $3816 ; CopyString
- healer: ; 6 bytes
- ld hl, $752b ; HealParty
- jp $074b ; hardcoded rombankswitch 3
- end:
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