

Dec 17th, 2017
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  1. (info reg)
  2. rax 0xfffffffffffffff8 -8
  3. rbx 0x0 0
  4. rcx 0x7ffff63b6ff0 140737324478448
  5. rdx 0x28d25f8 42804728
  6. rsi 0x0 0
  7. rdi 0x7fffffffd758 140737488344920
  8. rbp 0x7ffff63b6ff0 0x7ffff63b6ff0 <dlclose_doit>
  9. rsp 0x7fffffffd6e8 0x7fffffffd6e8
  10. r8 0x2944c30 43273264
  11. r9 0x0 0
  12. r10 0x7ffff4c90cc0 140737300204736
  13. r11 0x200206 2097670
  14. r12 0x2944c30 43273264
  15. r13 0x0 0
  16. r14 0x7fffffffd950 140737488345424
  17. r15 0x7ffff49fe6f8 140737297508088
  18. rip 0x7ffff613616c 0x7ffff613616c <__GI__dl_catch_error+108>
  19. eflags 0x210246 [ PF ZF IF RF ID ]
  20. cs 0x33 51
  21. ss 0x2b 43
  22. ds 0x0 0
  23. es 0x0 0
  24. fs 0x0 0
  25. gs 0x0 0
  27. (x/5i $pc)
  28. => 0x7ffff613616c <__GI__dl_catch_error+108>: movaps %xmm0,0x50(%rsp)
  29. 0x7ffff6136171 <__GI__dl_catch_error+113>: mov %rsi,0x18(%rsp)
  30. 0x7ffff6136176 <__GI__dl_catch_error+118>: xor %esi,%esi
  31. 0x7ffff6136178 <__GI__dl_catch_error+120>:
  32. callq 0x7ffff60176d0 <__sigsetjmp>
  33. 0x7ffff613617d <__GI__dl_catch_error+125>: test %eax,%eax
  35. (x/12i $pc-0x20)
  36. 0x7ffff613614c <__GI__dl_catch_error+76>: mov %fs:(%rax),%rsi
  37. 0x7ffff6136150 <__GI__dl_catch_error+80>: mov %rdi,%fs:(%rax)
  38. 0x7ffff6136154 <__GI__dl_catch_error+84>: lea 0x70(%rsp),%rdi
  39. 0x7ffff6136159 <__GI__dl_catch_error+89>: mov %fs:0x28,%rbx
  40. 0x7ffff6136162 <__GI__dl_catch_error+98>: mov %rbx,0x138(%rsp)
  41. 0x7ffff613616a <__GI__dl_catch_error+106>: xor %ebx,%ebx
  42. => 0x7ffff613616c <__GI__dl_catch_error+108>: movaps %xmm0,0x50(%rsp)
  43. 0x7ffff6136171 <__GI__dl_catch_error+113>: mov %rsi,0x18(%rsp)
  44. 0x7ffff6136176 <__GI__dl_catch_error+118>: xor %esi,%esi
  45. 0x7ffff6136178 <__GI__dl_catch_error+120>:
  46. callq 0x7ffff60176d0 <__sigsetjmp>
  47. 0x7ffff613617d <__GI__dl_catch_error+125>: test %eax,%eax
  48. 0x7ffff613617f <__GI__dl_catch_error+127>:
  49. jne 0x7ffff61361e0 <__GI__dl_catch_error+224>
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