

Sep 14th, 2022
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  1. I ran as hard as I could, drawing up more of my will. I should have been feeling some of the strain by now, but I wasn't. Go, go, Gadget Faustian bargain.
  2. I gathered my will, shouted, "Aparturum!" and slashed at the air down the hallway with my right hand.
  3. I'd used a lot of energy to open the Way, and it tore wide, a diagonal rip in the fabric of space, crooked and off center to the hallway. It hung there like some kind of oddly geometric cloud of mist, and I pointed at it, shouting wordlessly to Susan. She shouted something back, nodding, while behind us the vampires gained ground with every second.
  4. We both screamed in a frenzy of wild fear and rampant adrenaline, and hit the Way moving at a dead run.
  5. We plunged through - into empty air.
  6. I let out a shriek as I fell, and figured I'd finally taken my last desperate gamble - but after less than a second, my flailing limbs hit solid stone and I dropped into a roll. I came back up to my feet and kept running through what appeared to be a spacious cavern of some kind, and Susan ran beside me.
  7. We didn't run far. A wall loomed up out of the blackness and we barely stopped in time to keep from braining ourselves against it.
  8. "Jesus," Susan said, panting. "Have you been working out?"
  9. I turned, blasting rod in hand and ready, to wait for the first of the pursuing vampires to appear. There were shrieks and wails and the sound of scrabbling claws - but none of them emerged from the shadows.
  12. Changes Chapter 35, Page 362-363
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