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- Umm: Either that or I'll go snowboarding toma-today without sleeping
- Me: ok nya~
- Umm: ...I think I might be having a stroke
- Either that or my room smells like toast, which is equally probable.
- Me: oh nyo~ nya~
- Umm: I'll keep you posted on that
- While I search my room for signs of toast
- Me: so then there is only a solution behind solution nya~
- go for it nya~ go now nya~
- Umm: Oh, I'm light headed
- Me: oh ok nya~…
- Umm: Gotta love the sensation of static filling your head when you stand up
- Me: yea nya~
- Umm: Oh, found it
- I dropped a slice of buttered toast
- That's what made the smell
- Me: good nya~ now throw it away nya~
- Umm: Good news, I'm not having a stroke, bad news, I'm not having a stroke <:dying_inside:
- Me: cool nya~ but this feels not good when you feel like that nya~…
- Umm: Don't worry, I'm always like this <:disappointed:
- Me: ok nya~
- Umm: My top 5 emojis in this server are <:dying_inside:> <:disappointed:> <:miopat: <:Painpeko:<:alcoholic:
- Me: do you atleast take everything in nya~ for many things can make you feel better nya~ and atleast understand it with experience even though that is a very hard thing to do nya~
- Umm: I 100% understand everything you just said, and will continue to do what I do best
- Being depressed, gambling my sorrows, and drinking away whatever I have left
- Me: yes nyaa~
- but hug yourself nya~ most importantly nya~ making happiness become a blessing nya~
- so you can live with bread nya~
- you need to also learn how to make you the best happy feel good for whatever your doing nya~
- like imagine your favorite kindness happy person like anime or literally anyone nya~ being by your side having such great in mind nya~ of enjoyment nya~
- jahy-sama nyaa~so much filled the seats and hugged on top of me with happiness nyaaa~~~ that food was so good nya~ aha~.
- I felt it so nice nya~ I never felt so happy nya~
- so that is the only thing you should be on nya~ train your mind to do so nya~ and you will feel the comfort to prepare for anything nya~
- the voices and the wishes of happiness just out of mind nya~ so much to explore nya~ you’d see at first and I love you nya~
- so happy you are enjoying your ways nya~ but you are doing better nya~
- let your ways be for the good of yourself nya~ and letting you live to a dream of something to mean anything impossible nya~ and keep being that of a I will keep going nya~ I won’t give up nya~! Nya~
- so happy nya~
- Umm: What the fwack, where am I?
- Me: what is it nyaa~
- Umm: I went outside for some fresh air, spaced out for like 5 minutes, and now I'm in some back alley next to a dude who looks like he died from heroin overdose
- Me: that is not great nya~
- Umm: Eh, not the weirdest I've happened upon
- Me: try to go back home and lay down nya~ it’s best nya~ and yea from what I can see nya~ it seems many are in the dumps nya~ they haven’t been able to get the love and comf they needed nya~… how unfortunately true nya~
- Umm: does she always show up whenever I'm lost? I don't even recognize the name of this street
- Anywhatsit I've got a ride home now ig
- Me: yea nya~ and always check your areas nya~ make a paper of a map nya~ or really anything that could be helpful for you nya~…
- do you admire things nya~ that is the best way to remember where you are nya~
- Umm: Either that or i somehow find myself in a forest, and have to live off the land for a few days
- Umm: I've come to accept my ability to get lost
- Me: well there is always a way nya~
- Umm: No matter what I do, I end up in someplace I never knew existed, or someplace I have no idea how to get back from
- Me: Well that is unfortunate nya~ why not always look back behind your head nya~
- like have a bit of paranoia nya~
- Umm: Either that or i somehow find myself in a forest, and have to live off the land for a few days
- Me: yes nya~ worry more to something better nya~
- Umm: It happens before I realize it's happening
- Me: tell more nya~
- Umm: I start thinking about something, then bam I'm stood next to a homeless guy in a part of town I've never been to
- I also wake up in strange situations a lot
- Me: look down on your feet nya~ look for a goal infront of you nya~ then once you feel your steps nya~ you can retrace back nya~ keep trying to get more fresh air nya~
- si what situation nya~
- Umm: Like, not too long ago I woke up at the bottom of a cliff with hazy memory of the days prior, I'm still not too sure if that was an attempt at my life, or I got incredibly drunk
- Me: is it the situation of anyone I can imagine nya~ like someone yea like that nya~
- I see that it’s dangerous for your own well-being nya~
- Umm: It's also half the reason I think I'm immortal
- Me: yes very dangerous nya~ you never think about yourself well nya~ do you nya~
- go and feel me if you have no one else nya~
- Umm: The other half was that time my rat poison bottle broke and spilled into all my food, and I was completely fine
- Me: ok nya~ you surely have something to get rid of anything nya~ right nya~ cause if you don’t take care of anything nya~ we’ll somehow you will get something that maybe very expensive nya~
- Umm: Ahh~ good times
- Oh hey, we're already at my house, that was quick
- Me :yea for you nya~ but make sure to be worried nya~ and take time practicing nya~ great nya~
- Umm: Only a 20-ish minute drive, anyway, imma go sleep now
- Night
- Me: goodnight nya~ hopefully you’re gonna do better to we’re you aren’t seeing rats anymore nya~ and what other things you should try nya~ always do your best as you promised yourself before nya~ and now in your veins nya~
- Now: Out of sight and Mind you can’t see your place but wonder inside your mind to all things! You are universal as some are nya~ connection to everything as a way to come back no matter where you are nya~ that is you nya~
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