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- name:Hellion Scarab
- by:kasperja
- desc:Journey out, trade and upgrade your spaceship.<.>Dynamic Tooltips: MageKing17<//><b>Bulk Buying:</b><.>Hold <b>Shift</b> to buy 50 each time.
- created:07/06/2022
- updated:01/04/2024
- version:2.0
- Settings
- background:
- building cost increase:115%
- building cost refund:50%
- spritesheet:icons, 48 by 48,
- stylesheet:
- no particles
- no bulk particles
- Layout
- *main
- contains:res, buttons, BulkDisplay
- *res
- icons:hide
- contains:Resources
- class:fullWidth
- tooltip origin:bottom
- *buttons
- contains:Buttons
- tooltip origin:left
- *store
- contains:buildings, buildings2, upgrades, upgrades2, buildingsHeader, buildings2Header, upgradesHeader, upgrades2Header
- *buildings
- icons:hide
- contains:Buildings
- tooltip origin:left
- *buildingsHeader
- //header:Shipyard
- class:shipHeader
- *buildings2
- icons:hide
- contains:tag:buildings2
- tooltip origin:left
- *buildings2Header
- //header:Outposts
- class:outHeader
- *upgrades
- tooltip origin:left
- contains:Upgrades
- contains:tag:upgrades
- costs:show
- names:show
- icons:hide
- *upgradesHeader
- //header:Upgrades
- *upgrades2
- tooltip origin:left
- contains:tag:upgrades2
- costs:show
- names:show
- icons:hide
- *upgrades2Header
- //header:Facilities
- *sepOne
- header:-
- class:sepOne
- *sepTwo
- header:-
- class:sepTwo
- *sep3
- header:-
- class:sep3
- *sep4
- header:-
- class:sep4
- *log
- contains:Log
- class:log
- Buttons
- *bunnyButton|blasterButton
- name:Blaster
- desc:Blast smaller asteroids to earn credits.<//><b>Stats:</b><.>Spaceship Level <b>[slvl]</b><.>Pilot Level <b>[ulvl]</b>
- on start:log Welcome to the </#></><t>Hellion Scarab</#> <//> Game version: 2.0</#>
- on load:log Welcome to the </#></><t>Hellion Scarab</#> <//> Game version: 2.0</#>
- on load:log Game loaded.
- on click:anim icon wobble
- on click:yield 1 credits
- on click:yield 1 tcred
- on click:
- if (have miningSoftware and chance(5%))
- yield 1 ore
- yield 1 tore
- end
- end
- icon:
- no text
- class:bigButton
- icon class:shadowed
- tooltip origin:bottom
- tooltip class:red
- Includes
- *include equipmentText
- text:[n:this] : <b>lvl [this]</b>
- *include creditsCost %equipment %cost
- *[%equipment]Cost
- hidden
- is always:pow(1.15, [%equipment])*[%cost]
- *include oreCost %equipment %cost
- *[%equipment]OCost
- hidden
- is always:pow(1.15, [%equipment])*[%cost]
- *include doubleCost %equipment %creditCost %oreCost
- *[%equipment]Cost
- hidden
- is always:pow(1.15, [%equipment])*[%creditCost]
- *[%equipment]OCost
- hidden
- is always:pow(1.15, [%equipment])*[%oreCost]
- *include creditsResources %equipment
- *[%equipment]CPS
- hidden
- tag:PS
- *[%equipment]Cred
- hidden
- tag:Credits
- *[%equipment]CVM
- hidden
- tag:prestige Credits
- *[%equipment]CredT
- hidden
- tag:prestige prestige2 Credits
- *include oreResources %equipment
- *[%equipment]OPS
- hidden
- tag:PS
- *[%equipment]Ore
- hidden
- tag:Ore
- *[%equipment]OVM
- hidden
- tag:prestige Ore
- *[%equipment]OreT
- hidden
- tag:prestige prestige2 Ore
- *include doubleResources %equipment
- *[%equipment]CPS
- hidden
- *[%equipment]Cred
- hidden
- tag:Credits
- *[%equipment]CVM
- hidden
- tag:prestige Credits
- *[%equipment]CredT
- hidden
- tag:prestige prestige2 Credits
- *[%equipment]OPS
- hidden
- *[%equipment]Ore
- hidden
- tag:Ore
- *[%equipment]OVM
- hidden
- tag:prestige Ore
- *[%equipment]OreT
- hidden
- tag:prestige prestige2 Ore
- *include creditsCostDesc %equipment :<.>Adjusted Cost : <b>[round([%equipment]Cost/[%equipment]CPS)] Credits</b>
- *include oreCostDesc %equipment :<.>Adjusted Cost : <b>[round([%equipment]OCost/[%equipment]OPS)] Ore</b>
- *include doubleCostDesc %equipment :<.>Adjusted Cost : <b>[round([%equipment]Cost/[%equipment]CPS)] Credits</b>, <b>[round([%equipment]OCost/[%equipment]OPS)] Ore</b>
- *include descriptionCredits %equipment :<//><b>For every level:</b><.>Produces <b>[(round([%equipment]CPS*10)/10)][?(round([%equipment]CPS*10)<10000 and round([%equipment]CPS*10)%10>=1)|.[(round([%equipment]CPS*10)%10)]] Credit[?((round([%equipment]CPS*10)/10) != 1)|s] per second</b>.[?this|<//><b>Production:</b><.>Actual Credits/s per level : <b>[round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10/this)/10]][?(this and round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10/this)<10000 and round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10/this)%10>=1)|.[round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10/this)%10]][?this|</b><.>Total Credits/s by [n:this] : <b>[round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10)/10]][?(this and round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10)<10000 and round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10)%10>=1)|.[round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10)%10]][?this|</b> ([round(([%equipment]Cred:ps*1000)/credits:ps)/10]][?this and (round(([%equipment]Cred:ps*1000)/credits:ps)%10>=1)|.[round(([%equipment]Cred:ps*1000)/credits:ps)%10]][?this|%)][?[%equipment]CredT|<//><b>Statistics:</b>][?([%equipment]Cred and (tmc or prestigio2))|<.>Total Credits earned with this ship : <b>[[%equipment]Cred]</b>][?([%equipment]CVM and tmc and prestigio2)|<.>Total Credits earned this Victory Medal : <b>[[%equipment]CVM]</b>][?[%equipment]CredT|<.>Total Credits earned : <b>[[%equipment]CredT]</b>]
- *include descriptionOre %equipment %interval="per second" :<//><b>For every level:</b><.>Produces <b>[(round([%equipment]OPS*100)/100)][?(round([%equipment]OPS*100)<100000 and round([%equipment]OPS*100)%100>=1)|.[((round([%equipment]OPS*100)/10)%10)]][?(round([%equipment]OPS*100)<100000 and round([%equipment]OPS*100)%10>=1)|[(round([%equipment]OPS*100)%10)]] Ore [%interval]</b>.[?this|<//><b>Production:</b><.>Total Ore/s by [n:this] : <b>[round([%equipment]Ore:ps*10)/10]][?(this and round([%equipment]Ore:ps*10)<10000 and round([%equipment]Ore:ps*10)%10>=1)|.[round([%equipment]Ore:ps*10)%10]][?this|</b> ([round(([%equipment]Ore:ps*1000)/ore:ps)/10]][?this and (round(([%equipment]Ore:ps*1000)/ore:ps)%10>=1)|.[round(([%equipment]Ore:ps*1000)/ore:ps)%10]][?this|%)][?[%equipment]OreT|<//><b>Statistics:</b>][?([%equipment]Ore and (tmc or prestigio2))|<.>Total Ore earned with this ship : <b>[[%equipment]Ore]</b>][?([%equipment]OVM and tmc and prestigio2)|<.>Total Ore earned this Victory Medal : <b>[[%equipment]OVM]</b>][?[%equipment]OreT|<.>Total Ore earned : <b>[[%equipment]OreT]</b>]
- *include descriptionDouble %equipment %interval="per second" :<//><b>For every level:</b><.>Produces <b>[(round([%equipment]CPS*10)/10)][?(round([%equipment]CPS*10)<10000 and round([%equipment]CPS*10)%10>=1)|.[(round([%equipment]CPS*10)%10)]] Credit[?((round([%equipment]CPS*10)/10) != 1)|s] per second</b>.<.>Produces <b>[(round([%equipment]OPS*100)/100)][?(round([%equipment]OPS*100)<100000 and round([%equipment]OPS*100)%100>=1)|.[((round([%equipment]OPS*100)/10)%10)]][?(round([%equipment]OPS*100)<100000 and round([%equipment]OPS*100)%10>=1)|[(round([%equipment]OPS*100)%10)]] Ore [%interval]</b>.[?this|<//><b>Production:</b><.>Actual Credits/s per level : <b>[round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10/this)/10]][?(this and round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10/this)<10000 and round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10/this)%10>=1)|.[round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10/this)%10]][?this|</b><.>Total Credits/s by [n:this] : <b>[round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10)/10]][?(this and round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10)<10000 and round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10)%10>=1)|.[round([%equipment]Cred:ps*10)%10]][?this|</b> ([round(([%equipment]Cred:ps*1000)/credits:ps)/10]][?this and (round(([%equipment]Cred:ps*1000)/credits:ps)%10>=1)|.[round(([%equipment]Cred:ps*1000)/credits:ps)%10]][?this|%)<.>Total Ore/s by [n:this] : <b>[round([%equipment]Ore:ps*10)/10]][?(this and round([%equipment]Ore:ps*10)<10000 and round([%equipment]Ore:ps*10)%10>=1)|.[round([%equipment]Ore:ps*10)%10]][?this|</b> ([round(([%equipment]Ore:ps*1000)/ore:ps)/10]][?this and (round(([%equipment]Ore:ps*1000)/ore:ps)%10>=1)|.[round(([%equipment]Ore:ps*1000)/ore:ps)%10]][?this|%)][?([%equipment]CredT or [%equipment]OreT)|<//><b>Statistics:</b>][?([%equipment]Cred and (tmc or prestigio2))|<.>Total Credits earned with this ship : <b>[[%equipment]Cred]</b>][?([%equipment]CVM and tmc and prestigio2)|<.>Total Credits earned this Victory Medal : <b>[[%equipment]CVM]</b>][?[%equipment]CredT|<.>Total Credits earned : <b>[[%equipment]CredT]</b>][?([%equipment]Ore and (tmc or prestigio2))|<.>Total Ore earned with this ship : <b>[[%equipment]Ore]</b>][?([%equipment]OVM and tmc and prestigio2)|<.>Total Ore earned this Victory Medal : <b>[[%equipment]OVM]</b>][?[%equipment]OreT|<.>Total Ore earned : <b>[[%equipment]OreT]</b>]
- *include yieldCredits %amt %for
- on tick:yield [%amt] credit
- on tick:yield [%amt] tcred
- on tick:yield [%amt] [%for]Cred
- on tick:yield [%amt] [%for]CVM
- on tick:yield [%amt] [%for]CredT
- *include yieldOre %amt %for
- on tick:yield [%amt] ore
- on tick:yield [%amt] tore
- on tick:yield [%amt] [%for]Ore
- on tick:yield [%amt] [%for]OVM
- on tick:yield [%amt] [%for]OreT
- Resources
- *bunny|credit|credits
- name:Credit|Credits
- desc:Earn credits for exploring the universe and by trading.[?(tmc or prestigio2)|<.>Total earned in this ship : <b>[tcred]</b>]
- class:noBackground
- show earned
- tag:Credits
- *goldenCarrot|ore
- name:Ore
- desc:Ore can be refined to provide materials for ship parts, or sold for credits at stations.[?prestigio2|<.>Total collected since last Victory Medal : <b>[tore]</b>]
- class:noBackground
- show earned
- hidden when 0
- tag:Ore
- *prestigio
- name:Microchip|Microchips
- desc:Sell your ship to earn Microchips<.>Max AI lvl reached : <b>[shipAI:max]</b>
- class:noBackground
- show earned
- tag:prestige
- hidden when 0
- *prestigio2|victoryMedal|victoryMedals
- name:Victory Medal|Victory Medals
- desc:Shows how many times you have completed the game.
- class:noBackground
- show earned
- tag:prestige prestige2
- hidden when 0
- *talz|tcred
- hidden
- tag:Credits
- *slvl
- name:Spaceship Level
- text:Spaceship Level [slvl]
- is always:(pow(tcred,0.041))*1.47
- class:slvl
- no tooltip
- *ulvl
- name:Pilot Level
- text:Pilot Level [ulvl]
- is always:(pow(((credits:max)),0.041)*1.47)
- class:ulvl
- no tooltip
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *chk
- on start:
- if (chk > 0)
- else
- tcred=credits:earned
- chk=1
- end
- do resetps with tag:PS
- end
- on load:
- if (chk > 0)
- else
- tcred=credits:earned
- chk=1
- end
- do resetps with tag:PS
- end
- on resetps:
- //Reset "per second" resources.
- thrusterCPS = 0.1
- //"every minute"
- tractorBeamOPS = 0.1
- pulseLaserCPS = 100
- fuelTankCPS = 50
- //"every hour"
- fuelTankOPS = 1
- engineTuningCPS = 1000
- hullPlatingCPS = 4000
- missileLauncherCPS = 6000
- //"every minute"
- missileLauncherOPS = 1
- shieldGeneratorCPS = 20000
- dockingComputerCPS = 40000
- cargoBayExtCPS = 60000
- mineralScannerOPS = 0.1
- seekerMissileCPS = 9000
- afterburnerCPS = 50000
- afterburnerOPS = 0.2
- repairDroidCPS = 100000
- repairDroidOPS = 0.1
- bioscannerCPS = 250000
- reconDroneCPS = 300000
- reconDroneOPS = 2
- laserTurretCPS = 400000
- laserTurretOPS = 1
- cloakingDeviceCPS = 600000
- gaussCannonCPS = 1000000
- gaussCannonOPS = 5
- shieldBoosterCPS = 10000000
- beamLaserCPS = 27000000
- beamLaserOPS = 15
- miningLaserOPS = 10
- powerPlantCPS = 20000000
- plasmaAccelCPS = 140000000
- plasmaAccelOPS = 8
- shockCannonCPS = 60000000
- shockCannonOPS = 30
- massDriverCPS = 350000000
- massDriverOPS = 200
- empBombCPS = 500000000
- empBombOPS = 600
- end
- hidden
- tag:prestige prestige2 PS
- *tsc|tore
- hidden
- tag:prestige Ore
- *taa|tmc
- hidden
- tag:prestige
- *schk
- passive:
- if (slvl>=(schkt+1))
- log <b><#e6e8d8>Spaceship Level [slvl] reached!</b>
- schk=0
- schkt=floor(slvl)
- end
- end
- hidden
- *schkt
- on load:
- schkt = floor(slvl)
- end
- on start:
- schkt = floor(slvl)
- end
- hidden
- *uchk
- passive:
- if (ulvl>=(uchkt+1))
- log <b><#e6e8d8>Pilot Level [ulvl] reached!</b>
- uchk=0
- uchkt=floor(ulvl)
- end
- end
- tag:prestige prestige2
- hidden
- *uchkt
- on load:
- uchkt=floor(ulvl)
- end
- on start:
- uchkt=floor(ulvl)
- end
- tag:prestige prestige2
- hidden
- *ast
- hidden
- passive:
- if (ast>random(5,10))
- ast is 0
- astc is 0
- end
- end
- *astc
- hidden
- passive:
- if (astc == 1)
- yield 1 ast
- spawn asteroid
- spawn asteroid2
- end
- end
- *pir
- hidden
- passive:
- if (pir>random(4,7))
- pir is 0
- pirc is 0
- end
- end
- *pirc
- hidden
- passive:
- if (pirc == 1)
- yield 1 pir
- spawn pirate
- end
- end
- *comm
- hidden
- passive:
- if (comm>random(40,70))
- $ranocc=random(1,21)
- if ($ranocc == 1 and chance(20%))
- $rewa=((max(random(5,10),random(credits:ps*30,credits:ps*180)))*10)
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#93f8ff>Hi there, thanks for destroying a pirate that has chased me for the past week. Here is a small reward.
- log You are rewarded [$rewa] Credit[?($rewa != 1)|s].
- credits is $rewa+credits
- tcred is $rewa+tcred
- end
- if ($ranocc == 2 and chance(20%))
- $rewa2=(max(random(1,7),random(ore:ps*10,ore:ps*60)))
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#93f8ff>Greetings Pilot. I need more space in my cargo hold, so I just ejected some Ore for you.
- log You collect <b>[$rewa2] Ore</b>.
- ore is $rewa2+ore
- tore is $rewa2+tore
- end
- if ($ranocc == 3 and chance(40%))
- log Asteroid field detected.
- log Entering safe mode.
- toast <b>WARNING:</b> Entering asteroid field.
- astc is 1
- end
- if ($ranocc == 4 and chance(20%))
- log This is the ship computer of the Hellion Scarab.
- log Automatic repairs were conducted.
- end
- if ($ranocc == 5 and chance(20%))
- log <b>Your ship is being scanned.</b>
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#93f8ff>This is the Qak law enforcement, we didn't find any illegal goods on board.
- end
- if ($ranocc == 6 and chance(20%))
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#fe6e52>Give up your cargo immediately or be exterminated!
- log <b>Enemy ships approaching.</b>
- toast <b>WARNING:</b> Enemy ships approaching.
- pirc is 1
- end
- if ($ranocc == 7 and chance(20%))
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#fe6e52>Die you three eyed excuse for a Bino star goat!
- log <b>Enemy ships approaching.</b>
- toast <b>WARNING:</b> Enemy ships approaching.
- pirc is 1
- end
- if ($ranocc == 8 and chance(20%))
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#fe6e52>Bug eyed clone of a clockwork hyper slug!
- log <b>Enemy ships approaching.</b>
- toast <b>WARNING:</b> Enemy ships approaching.
- pirc is 1
- end
- if ($ranocc == 9 and chance(20%))
- log <b>Your ship is being scanned.</b>
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#93f8ff>This is the Phemien law enforcement, we didn't find any illegal goods on board.
- end
- if ($ranocc == 10 and chance(20%))
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#fe6e52>One dimensional space sick replicant...
- log <b>Enemy ships approaching.</b>
- toast <b>WARNING:</b> Enemy ships approaching.
- pirc is 1
- end
- if ($ranocc == 11 and chance(20%))
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#fe6e52>Borg loving son of a mutant garbage droid!
- log <b>Enemy ships approaching.</b>
- toast <b>WARNING:</b> Enemy ships approaching.
- pirc is 1
- end
- if ($ranocc == 12 and chance(20%))
- $rewa=((max(random(5,10),random(credits:ps*30,credits:ps*180)))*10)
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#93f8ff>This is the Yegar law enforcement. Please accept this reward for keeping our system secure.
- log You are rewarded [$rewa] Credit[?($rewa != 1)|s].
- credits is $rewa+credits
- tcred is $rewa+tcred
- end
- if ($ranocc == 13 and chance(20%))
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#fe6e52>Bug eyed apology for a radiation damaged space weevil!
- log <b>Enemy ships approaching.</b>
- toast <b>WARNING:</b> Enemy ships approaching.
- pirc is 1
- end
- if ($ranocc == 14 and chance(20%))
- $rewa2=(max(random(1,7),random(ore:ps*10*1,ore:ps*20*3)))
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#93f8ff>This is Qak Mining Industries. We have mined some valuable minerals from a nearby asteroid field. We mined more than we can carry, so you can keep what is left.
- log You collect <b>[$rewa2] Ore</b>.
- ore is $rewa2+ore
- tore is $rewa2+tore
- end
- if ($ranocc == 15 and chance(20%))
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#fe6e52>Clone of a clockwork android!
- log <b>Enemy ships approaching.</b>
- toast <b>WARNING:</b> Enemy ships approaching.
- pirc is 1
- end
- if ($ranocc == 16 and chance(20%))
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#fe6e52>Single celled excuse for a mutant cyborg...
- log <b>Enemy ships approaching.</b>
- toast <b>WARNING:</b> Enemy ships approaching.
- pirc is 1
- end
- if ($ranocc == 17 and chance(20%))
- $rewa=((max(random(5,10),random(credits:ps*30,credits:ps*180)))*10)
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#93f8ff>What's up? You shared some information with me that led me to a pirate fleet I have been looking for. Thanks to you they are now all in jail on Zao TO5. Here is a share of the reward.
- log You are rewarded [$rewa] Credit[?($rewa != 1)|s].
- credits is $rewa+credits
- tcred is $rewa+tcred
- end
- if ($ranocc == 18 and chance(20%))
- $rewa=((max(random(5,10),random(credits:ps*30,credits:ps*180)))*10)
- log <b>Your ship is being scanned.</b>
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#93f8ff>This is the Qak Space Police Agency. We have evidence that you have consumed a too high amount of space-beer shortly before flying your spacecraft. We scanned your ship, and noticed that most of the ship is running in Auto-pilot, so you can get away with paying a smaller fine.
- log You pay [$rewa] Credit[?($rewa != 1)|s].
- credits is credits-$rewa
- end
- if ($ranocc == 19 and chance(20%))
- $rewa=((max(random(5,10),random(credits:ps*30,credits:ps*180)))*10)
- log <b>Incoming transmission:</b>
- log <#93f8ff>This is the Phemien One. Thanks for being considerate in the space traffic.
- log You are rewarded [$rewa] Credit[?($rewa != 1)|s].
- credits is $rewa+credits
- tcred is $rewa+tcred
- end
- if ($ranocc == 20 and chance(20%))
- $rewa=((max(random(5,10),random(credits:ps*30,credits:ps*180)))*10)
- $rewa2=(max(random(1,7),random(ore:ps*10,ore:ps*60)))
- log This is the ship computer of the Hellion Scarab.
- log An automated weapon has neutralized a hostile spacecraft.
- log <b>[$rewa] Credits </b>rewarded. <//><//><b>[$rewa2] Ore </b>looted.
- credits is $rewa+credits
- tcred is $rewa+tcred
- ore is $rewa2+ore
- tore is $rewa2+tore
- end
- if ($ranocc == 21 and chance(20%))
- $rewa2=(max(random(1,7),random(ore:ps*10,ore:ps*60)))
- log This is the automated asteroid mining system.
- log Your ship has mined <b>[$rewa2] Ore</b>, which has been transferred directly to the cargo hold.
- ore is $rewa2+ore
- tore is $rewa2+tore
- end
- if ($ranocc == 22 and chance(20%))
- log test comm 22
- end
- if ($ranocc == 23 and chance(20%))
- log test comm 23
- end
- comm is 0
- end
- end
- [include creditsCost %equipment="thruster" %cost="40"]
- [include creditsResources %equipment="thruster"]
- [include oreResources %equipment="tractorBeam"]
- [include creditsCost %equipment="pulseLaser" %cost="10000"]
- [include creditsResources %equipment="pulseLaser"]
- [include creditsCost %equipment="fuelTank" %cost="60000"]
- [include doubleResources %equipment="fuelTank"]
- [include creditsCost %equipment="engineTuning" %cost="1700000"]
- [include creditsResources %equipment="engineTuning"]
- [include creditsCost %equipment="hullPlating" %cost="8000000"]
- [include creditsResources %equipment="hullPlating"]
- [include doubleCost %equipment="missileLauncher" %creditCost="80000000" %oreCost="480"]
- [include doubleResources %equipment="missileLauncher"]
- [include creditsCost %equipment="shieldGenerator" %cost="140000000"]
- [include creditsResources %equipment="shieldGenerator"]
- [include creditsCost %equipment="dockingComputer" %cost="400000000"]
- [include creditsResources %equipment="dockingComputer"]
- [include creditsCost %equipment="cargoBayExt" %cost="600000000"]
- [include creditsResources %equipment="cargoBayExt"]
- [include oreResources %equipment="mineralScanner"]
- [include creditsCost %equipment="seekerMissile" %cost="200000000"]
- [include creditsResources %equipment="seekerMissile"]
- [include doubleCost %equipment="afterburner" %creditCost="300000000" %oreCost="1000"]
- [include doubleResources %equipment="afterburner"]
- [include creditsCost %equipment="repairDroid" %cost="600000000"]
- [include doubleResources %equipment="repairDroid"]
- [include creditsCost %equipment="bioscanner" %cost="700000000"]
- [include creditsResources %equipment="bioscanner"]
- [include creditsCost %equipment="reconDrone" %cost="5000000000"]
- [include doubleResources %equipment="reconDrone"]
- [include doubleCost %equipment="laserTurret" %creditCost="15000000000" %oreCost="3000"]
- [include doubleResources %equipment="laserTurret"]
- [include creditsCost %equipment="cloakingDevice" %cost="35000000000"]
- [include creditsResources %equipment="cloakingDevice"]
- [include doubleCost %equipment="gaussCannon" %creditCost="14000000000" %oreCost="100000"]
- [include doubleResources %equipment="gaussCannon"]
- [include creditsResources %equipment="shieldBooster"]
- [include doubleCost %equipment="beamLaser" %creditCost="400000000000" %oreCost="900000"]
- [include doubleResources %equipment="beamLaser"]
- [include oreCost %equipment="miningLaser" %cost="1000"]
- [include oreResources %equipment="miningLaser"]
- [include creditsCost %equipment="powerPlant" %cost="200000000000"]
- [include creditsResources %equipment="powerPlant"]
- [include doubleCost %equipment="plasmaAccel" %creditCost="1000000000000" %oreCost="70000"]
- [include doubleResources %equipment="plasmaAccel"]
- [include doubleCost %equipment="shockCannon" %creditCost="1500000000000" %oreCost="3000000"]
- [include doubleResources %equipment="shockCannon"]
- [include creditsCost %equipment="massDriver" %cost="5000000000000"]
- [include doubleResources %equipment="massDriver"]
- [include doubleCost %equipment="empBomb" %creditCost="2000000000000" %oreCost="1000000"]
- [include doubleResources %equipment="empBomb"]
- Shinies
- *luckyBunny|asteroid
- text:ORE
- movement:moveRandom anywhere spinCCW:1
- frequency:120
- frequency variation:60
- req:7000 tcred
- icon:
- class:bigButton
- on click:
- $amount=max(random(1,7),random(ore:ps*10,ore:ps*60))
- log Asteroid destroyed.<//><//><b>[$amount] Ore </b>collected.
- yield $amount ore
- yield $amount tore
- end
- *luckyBunny2|asteroid2
- text:ORE
- movement:moveRandom anywhere spinCW:1
- frequency:120
- frequency variation:60
- req:7000 tcred
- icon:
- class:bigButton
- on click:
- $amount=max(random(1,7),random(ore:ps*10,ore:ps*60))
- log Asteroid destroyed.<//><//><b>[$amount] Ore </b>collected.
- yield $amount ore
- yield $amount tore
- end
- *luckyBunny3
- text:Station
- movement:moveRandom:0.4 anywhere grow
- frequency: 80
- frequency variation:40
- duration:20
- req:7000 tcred
- icon:
- class:bigButton stationSh
- on click:
- $rano=random(1,10)
- if ($rano > 4 and ore < 1) $rano = 1
- log <b>Station docking granted</b>
- if ($rano > 4)
- log Trade conducted.
- //get at least 5, or between 1 and 6 minutes of our credit production
- $amount=max(random(5,10),random(credits:ps*60,credits:ps*360))
- $amounttwo=0
- if (ore >= 5)
- $amounttwo=max(random(1,3),random(ore:ps*30,ore:ps*180))
- else if (ore >= 2)
- $amounttwo=max(random(1,2),random(ore:ps*30,ore:ps*180))
- else
- $amounttwo=max(1,random(ore:ps*30,ore:ps*180))
- end
- $ransb=random(1,10)
- if ($ransb > 6)
- log <b>[$amounttwo] Ore</b> sold.
- log <b>[$amount] Credits</b> collected.
- lose $amounttwo ore
- yield $amount credits
- yield $amount tcred
- else
- log <b>[$amounttwo] Ore</b> bought for <b>[$amount*0.1] Credits</b>.
- yield $amounttwo ore
- yield $amounttwo tore
- lose ($amount*0.1) credits
- end
- else if ($rano <= 4)
- $ranb2=random(1,10)
- if ($ranb2 > 5)
- $beer=max(random(2,10),random(credits:ps*30,credits:ps*180))
- log You pay a visit to the station bar.
- log Space-beer for <b>[$beer] Credit[?($beer != 1)|s]</b> consumed.
- lose $beer credits
- else
- $tradebar=max(random(5,10),random(credits:ps*30,credits:ps*180))
- log You share information with a Bounty Hunter.
- log You gain <b>[$tradebar] Credits</b>.
- yield $tradebar credits
- yield $tradebar tcred
- end
- end
- end
- *luckyBunny4|pirate
- text:Pirate
- movement:moveRandom anywhere
- frequency: 60
- frequency variation:30
- req:7000 tcred
- icon:
- class:bigButton
- on click:
- if (chance(50%))
- //get at least 5, or between 0.5 and 3 minutes of our credit production
- $amount=max(random(5,10),random(credits:ps*30,credits:ps*180))
- log Pirate eliminated.<//><//><b>[$amount] Credits </b>rewarded.
- yield $amount credits
- yield $amount tcred
- else
- $amount=max(random(1,7),random(ore:ps*30,ore:ps*180))
- $amountth=max(random(5,10),random(credits:ps*30,credits:ps*180))
- log Pirate eliminated.<//><//><b>[$amountth] Credits </b>rewarded. <//><//><b>[$amount] Ore </b>looted.
- yield $amount ore
- yield $amount tore
- yield $amountth credits
- yield $amountth tcred
- end
- end
- Buildings
- // on click:anim glow
- *cage|thruster|thrusters
- name:Thrusters
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:Thrusters increase your speed and efficiency, and you are rewarded by the traders guild for exploring space.[include creditsCostDesc %equipment="thruster"][?(this < 20)|<.>Get this to <b>lvl ][?(this < 3)|3][?(this >= 3 and this < 5)|5][?(this >= 5 and this < 20)|20][?(this < 20)|</b> to help unlock something new!][include descriptionCredits %equipment="thruster"]
- cost:40 credits
- [include yieldCredits %amt="0.1" %for="thruster"]
- req:20 tcred
- *hutch|tractorBeam|tractorBeams
- name:Tractor-Beam
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:The Tractor-Beam automatically collects ore from asteroids floating by.[include descriptionOre %equipment="tractorBeam" %interval="every minute"]
- cost:800 credits
- [include yieldOre %amt="0.001667" %for="tractorBeam"]
- req:600 tcred
- *coop|pulseLaser|pulseLasers
- name:Pulse Laser
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:A pulse laser system to blast asteroids and enemy pirates.[include creditsCostDesc %equipment="pulseLaser"][?(this < 4)|<.>Get this to <b>lvl ][?(this < 2)|2][?(this >= 2 and this < 4)|4][?(this < 4)|</b> to help unlock something new!][include descriptionCredits %equipment="pulseLaser"]
- cost:10000 credits
- [include yieldCredits %amt="100" %for="pulseLaser"]
- req:20000 tcred
- tag:buildings2
- *pen|fuelTank|fuelTanks
- name:Fuel Tank
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:Your ship can travel faster and longer with extra fuel.[include creditsCostDesc %equipment="fuelTank"][?(engineTunings < 10 and this < 10)|<.>Get this to <b>lvl 10</b> to help unlock something new!][include descriptionDouble %equipment="fuelTank" %interval="every hour"]
- cost:60000 credits
- [include yieldCredits %amt="50" %for="fuelTank"]
- [include yieldOre %amt="0.000277778" %for="fuelTank"]
- req:120000 tcred
- *meadow|engineTuning|engineTunings
- name:Engine Tuning
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:Your engines are tuned, so you travel faster.[include creditsCostDesc %equipment="engineTuning"][?((fuelTanks < 10 and this < 10) or this < 1)|<.>Get this to <b>lvl ][?(this < 1)|1][?(fuelTanks < 10 and this >= 1 and this < 10)|10][?((fuelTanks < 10 and this < 10) or this < 1)|</b> to help unlock something new!][include descriptionCredits %equipment="engineTuning"]
- cost:1700000 credits
- [include yieldCredits %amt="1000" %for="engineTuning"]
- on tick:yield 1000 tcred
- req:1400000 tcred
- *village|hullPlating|hullPlatings
- name:Hull Plating
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:With Hull Plating you can defeat more difficult enemies, and visit more dangerous systems.[include creditsCostDesc %equipment="hullPlating"][include descriptionCredits %equipment="hullPlating"]
- cost:8000000 credits, 2 ore
- [include yieldCredits %amt="4000" %for="hullPlating"]
- req:2000000 tcred and superComputer
- *city|missileLauncher|missileLaunchers
- name:Missile Launcher
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:This weapon can destroy larger ships and asteroids.[include doubleCostDesc %equipment="missileLauncher"][?(this < 4)|<.>Get this to <b>lvl ][?(this < 2)|2][?(this >= 2 and this < 4)|4][?(this < 4)|</b> to help unlock something new!][include descriptionDouble %equipment="missileLauncher" %interval="every minute"]
- cost:80000000 credits, 8 ore
- [include yieldCredits %amt="6000" %for="missileLauncher"]
- [include yieldOre %amt="0.01667" %for="missileLauncher"]
- req:10000000 tcred and superComputer
- tag:buildings2
- *citadel|shieldGenerator|shieldGenerators
- name:Shield Generator
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:With this module the ship can take fire without damaging the hull, with no need of repairs.[include creditsCostDesc %equipment="shieldGenerator"][?((cargoBayExts < 10 and this < 10) or this < 1)|<.>Get this to <b>lvl ][?(this < 1)|1][?(cargoBayExts < 10 and this >= 1 and this < 10)|10][?((cargoBayExts < 10 and this < 10) or this < 1)|</b> to help unlock something new!][include descriptionCredits %equipment="shieldGenerator"]
- cost:140000000 credits, 32 ore
- [include yieldCredits %amt="20000" %for="shieldGenerator"]
- req:170000000 tcred and superComputer
- *Station|dockingComputer|dockingComputers
- name:Docking Computer
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:The Docking Computer handles and optimizes station docking.[include creditsCostDesc %equipment="dockingComputer"][?(mineralScanners < 30 and this < 30)|<.>Get this to <b>lvl 30</b> to help unlock something new!][include descriptionCredits %equipment="dockingComputer"]
- cost:400000000 credits
- [include yieldCredits %amt="40000" %for="dockingComputer"]
- req:350000000 tcred and superComputer
- *Police|cargoBayExt|cargoBayExts
- name:Cargo Bay Extension
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:Increases the Cargo Bay, so you can carry more goods.[include creditsCostDesc %equipment="cargoBayExt"][?(this < 10)|<.>Get this to <b>lvl ][?(this < 5)|5][?(this >= 5 and this < 10)|10][?(this < 10)|</b> to help unlock something new!][include descriptionCredits %equipment="cargoBayExt"]
- cost:600000000 credits
- [include yieldCredits %amt="60000" %for="cargoBayExt"]
- req:400000000 tcred and superComputer
- *Bomber|mineralScanner|mineralScanners
- name:Mineral Scanner
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:Scans the asteroids for more valuable ore.[?((dockingComputers < 30 and this < 30) or this < 10)|<.>Get this to <b>lvl ][?(this < 10)|10][?(dockingComputers < 30 and this >= 10 and this < 30)|30][?((dockingComputers < 30 and this < 30) or this < 10)|</b> to help unlock something new!][include descriptionOre %equipment="mineralScanner"]
- cost:5000000000 credits
- [include yieldOre %amt="0.1" %for="mineralScanner"]
- req:4000000000 tcred and superComputer
- *cage2|seekerMissile|seekerMissiles
- name:Seeker Missiles
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:These missiles automatically chases down enemies.[include creditsCostDesc %equipment="seekerMissile"][?(this < 4)|<.>Get this to <b>lvl ][?(this < 2)|2][?(this >= 2 and this < 4)|4][?(this < 4)|</b> to help unlock something new!][include descriptionCredits %equipment="seekerMissile"]
- cost:200000000 credits, 50 ore
- [include yieldCredits %amt="9000" %for="seekerMissile"]
- req:superComputer and 1000000000 tcred
- tag:buildings2
- *hutch2|afterburner|afterburners
- name:Afterburner
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:The ship can enter a higher level of sub-light speed.[include doubleCostDesc %equipment="afterburner"][include descriptionDouble %equipment="afterburner"]
- cost:300000000 credits, 1000 ore
- [include yieldCredits %amt="50000" %for="afterburner"]
- [include yieldOre %amt="0.2" %for="afterburner"]
- req:8000000000 tcred and 10000 tore and superComputer
- *coop2|repairDroid|repairDroids
- name:Repair Droid
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:Repairs the ship when damage is taken.[include creditsCostDesc %equipment="repairDroid"][include descriptionDouble %equipment="repairDroid"]
- cost:600000000 credits
- [include yieldCredits %amt="100000" %for="repairDroid"]
- [include yieldOre %amt="0.1" %for="repairDroid"]
- req:14000000000 tcred and 30000 tore
- *pen2|bioscanner|bioscanners
- name:Bioscanner
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:Scans for life aboard ships.[include creditsCostDesc %equipment="bioscanner"][include descriptionCredits %equipment="bioscanner"]
- cost:700000000 credits, 800 ore
- [include yieldCredits %amt="250000" %for="bioscanner"]
- req:60000000000 tcred and 50000 tore
- *meadow2|reconDrone|reconDrones
- name:Recon Drone
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:A small drone you can deploy to scout.[include creditsCostDesc %equipment="reconDrone"][include descriptionDouble %equipment="reconDrone"]
- cost:5000000000 credits
- [include yieldCredits %amt="300000" %for="reconDrone"]
- [include yieldOre %amt="2" %for="reconDrone"]
- req:80000000000 tcred and 100000 tore
- *village2|laserTurret|laserTurrets
- name:Laser Turret
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:Automatic precision weapon.[include doubleCostDesc %equipment="laserTurret"][?(this < 2)|<.>Get this to <b>lvl 2</b> to help unlock something new!][include descriptionDouble %equipment="laserTurret"]
- cost:15000000000 credits, 3000 ore
- [include yieldCredits %amt="400000" %for="laserTurret"]
- [include yieldOre %amt="1" %for="laserTurret"]
- req:50000000000 tcred
- tag:buildings2
- *city2|cloakingDevice|cloakingDevices
- name:Cloaking Device
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:Hide your ship from sight and targeting systems.[include creditsCostDesc %equipment="cloakingDevice"][include descriptionCredits %equipment="cloakingDevice"]
- cost:35000000000 credits, 40000 ore
- [include yieldCredits %amt="600000" %for="cloakingDevice"]
- req:550000000000 tcred and (shieldGenerators>=1)
- *citadel2|gaussCannon|gaussCannons
- name:Gauss Cannon
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:Fires ultra fast projectiles.[include doubleCostDesc %equipment="gaussCannon"][?(this < 4)|<.>Get this to <b>lvl ][?(this < 2)|2][?(this >= 2 and this < 4)|4][?(this < 4)|</b> to help unlock something new!][include descriptionDouble %equipment="gaussCannon"]
- cost:14000000000 credits, 100000 ore
- [include yieldCredits %amt="1000000" %for="gaussCannon"]
- [include yieldOre %amt="5" %for="gaussCannon"]
- req:fusionEngine
- tag:buildings2
- *Station2|shieldBooster|shieldBoosters
- name:Shield Booster
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:Can boost the shields for a short time when needed. Further reduces the need for repairs of your increasingly expensive parts.[include descriptionCredits %equipment="shieldBooster"]
- cost:600000 ore
- [include yieldCredits %amt="10000000" %for="shieldBooster"]
- req:1500000000000 tcred and fusionEngine
- *Police2|beamLaser|beamLasers
- name:Beam Laser
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:The Beam Laser is a highly advanced weapon, which also can be used for heavy mining.[include doubleCostDesc %equipment="beamLaser"][?(this < 4)|<.>Get this to <b>lvl 4</b> to help unlock something new!][include descriptionDouble %equipment="beamLaser"]
- cost:400000000000 credits, 900000 ore
- [include yieldCredits %amt="27000000" %for="beamLaser"]
- [include yieldOre %amt="15" %for="beamLaser"]
- req:100 hyperdrive
- tag:buildings2
- *Ionfrigate|miningLaser|miningLasers
- name:Mining Laser
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:Greatly improves the mining capabilities of your ship.[include oreCostDesc %equipment="miningLaser"][?(this < 1)|<.>Get this to <b>lvl 1</b> to help unlock something new!][include descriptionOre %equipment="miningLaser"]
- cost:20000000000 credits, 1000 ore
- [include yieldOre %amt="10" %for="miningLaser"]
- req:superComputer and fusionEngine and defenseMatrix
- *Battlecruiser|powerPlant|powerPlants
- name:Power Plant
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:The Power Plant powers up your ship components.[include creditsCostDesc %equipment="powerPlant"][include descriptionCredits %equipment="powerPlant"]
- cost:200000000000 credits, 4000 ore
- [include yieldCredits %amt="20000000" %for="powerPlant"]
- req:70000000000 tcred and superComputer and fusionEngine and defenseMatrix
- *fortress|hyperdrive
- name:Hyperdrive
- text:Hyperdrive ([this]%)
- desc:With the Hyperdrive you can travel further, and obtain technologies from distant systems.<//><b>The Hyperdrive is [this]% complete.</b>
- cost:600000000 credits, 400 ore
- req:100000000000 tcred and superComputer and fusionEngine and defenseMatrix
- cost increase:107%
- limit:100
- *Superfreighter|plasmaAccel|plasmaAccels
- name:Plasma Accelerator
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:Thermal weapon for shooting larger ships and asteroids.[include doubleCostDesc %equipment="plasmaAccel"][include descriptionDouble %equipment="plasmaAccel"]
- cost:1000000000000 credits, 70000 ore
- [include yieldCredits %amt="140000000" %for="plasmaAccel"]
- [include yieldOre %amt="8" %for="plasmaAccel"]
- req:100000000000 tcred and superComputer and fusionEngine and defenseMatrix
- tag:buildings2
- *Bomber2|shockCannon|shockCannons
- name:Shock Cannon
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:These cannons fire pure lightning energy.[include doubleCostDesc %equipment="shockCannon"][include descriptionDouble %equipment="shockCannon"]
- cost:1500000000000 credits, 3000000 ore, 1 prestigio
- [include yieldCredits %amt="60000000" %for="shockCannon"]
- [include yieldOre %amt="30" %for="shockCannon"]
- req:100000000000 tcred and 100 hyperdrive
- tag: buildings2
- *Ionfrigate2|massDriver|massDrivers
- name:Mass Driver
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:State of the art projectile weapon.[include creditsCostDesc %equipment="massDriver"][include descriptionDouble %equipment="massDriver"]
- cost:5000000000000 credits, 5 prestigio
- [include yieldCredits %amt="350000000" %for="massDriver"]
- [include yieldOre %amt="200" %for="massDriver"]
- req:100000000000 tcred and superComputer and warpDistorter and 100 hyperdrive
- tag:buildings2
- *Vanguard|empBomb|empBombs
- name:EMP Bomb
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:The EMP Bomb is a powerful weapon that can immobilize a whole fleet.[include doubleCostDesc %equipment="empBomb"][include descriptionDouble %equipment="empBomb"]
- cost:2000000000000 credits, 1000000 ore, 10 prestigio
- [include yieldCredits %amt="500000000" %for="empBomb"]
- [include yieldOre %amt="600" %for="empBomb"]
- req:100000000000 tcred and superComputer and fusionEngine and defenseMatrix and warpDistorter and 100 hyperdrive
- tag:buildings2
- //Tier'd "upgrades"
- *BountyAI|shipAI
- name:Artificial Intelligence
- [include equipmentText]
- desc:Integrate advanced AI into the ship computer, making a lot of actions automatical and highly efficient. Additionally makes the targeting system more precise for both mining and combat.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>With every level, gain an Ore every second for every Microchip ever earned (previous games included): <b>[tmc]</b><.>With every level, gain 1,000,000 Credits every second for every Microchip ever earned (previous games included): <b>[tmc*1000000]</b>
- cost:1000 prestigio
- req:warpDistorter
- on tick:yield (tmc) ore
- on tick:yield (tmc) tore
- on tick:yield (tmc*1000000) credits
- on tick:yield (tmc*1000000) tcred
- tags:buildings
- cost increase:150%
- Upgrades
- // on click:anim glow
- *parsley|subLightAmplifier
- name:Sub-Light Amplifier
- desc:Amplifies the efficiency of the thrusters.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Thrusters production x2
- cost:500 credits
- passive:multiply yield of thrusters by 2
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:if (this) thrusterCPS = thrusterCPS * 2
- req:200 tcred and (thrusters>=3)
- tag:upgrades2 PS
- *spinach
- name:Buyings Locator
- desc:Your ship computer automatically scans for best deals to buy.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Credits production +15%
- cost:1000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of tag:Credits by 1.15
- req:500 tcred and subLightAmplifier
- tag:upgrades2
- *lettuce
- name:Sellings Locator
- desc:Your ship computer automatically scans for best places to sell.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Credits production +20%
- cost:1800 credits
- passive:multiply yield of tag:Credits by 1.20
- req:1000 tcred and subLightAmplifier and (thrusters>=20)
- tag:upgrades2
- //building upgrades
- *buildingUpgrade1|fightSoftware
- name:Fight Software
- desc:With this software, the Pulse Laser targeting system is greatly improved.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Pulse Laser production x2
- cost:90000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of pulseLasers by 2
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:if (this) pulseLaserCPS = pulseLaserCPS * 2
- req:80000 tcred and (pulseLasers>=2)
- tag:upgrades2 PS
- *buildingUpgrade2|tradingSoftware
- name:Trading Software
- desc:This software makes a lot of the trading processes and transactions for you.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Credits production +25%
- cost:1600000000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of tag:Credits by 1.25
- req:230000000 tcred and (cargoBayExts>=5) and fightSoftware
- tag:upgrades2
- *buildingUpgrade3
- name:Explorer Software
- desc:Your ship scans for asteroids and locations with high concentration of valuable minerals.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Ore production +20%
- cost:6000000000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of tag:Ore by 1.20
- req:(beamLasers>=4) and tradingSoftware
- tag:upgrades2
- *buildingUpgrade4
- name:Command Software
- desc:You can enter commands for your ship autopilot.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Fuel tank production x4<.>Engine tuning production x2
- cost:25000000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of fuelTanks by 4
- passive:multiply yield of engineTunings by 2
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:
- if (this)
- fuelTankCPS = fuelTankCPS * 4
- fuelTankOPS = fuelTankOPS * 4
- engineTuningCPS = engineTuningCPS * 2
- end
- end
- req:(fuelTanks>=10 or engineTunings>=10)
- tag:upgrades2 PS
- *buildingUpgrade5|cargoLifeSupport
- name:Cargo Life Support System
- desc:You can enter the cargo bay while in space, or transport lifeforms.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Cargo Bay Extension production x4
- cost:150000000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of cargoBayExts by 4
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:if (this) cargoBayExtCPS = cargoBayExtCPS * 4
- req:(cargoBayExts>=10)
- tag:PS
- *buildingUpgrade6
- name:Cargo Bay Shield
- desc:Invent the Hyper Drive to travel to distant galaxies.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Cargo Bay Extension production x2<.>Shield Generator production x4
- cost:100000000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of shieldGenerators by 4
- passive:multiply yield of cargoBayExts by 2
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:
- if (this)
- shieldGeneratorCPS = shieldGeneratorCPS * 4
- cargoBayExtCPS = cargoBayExtCPS * 2
- end
- end
- req:(shieldGenerators>=10 or cargoBayExts>=10)
- tag:PS
- *buildingUpgrade7
- name:Progressive Firewall Software
- desc:You are less vulnerable to hacking from enemies.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Docking Computer production x4<.>Mineral Scanner production x3
- cost:500000000000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of mineralScanners by 3
- passive:multiply yield of dockingComputers by 4
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:
- if (this)
- mineralScannerOPS = mineralScannerOPS * 3
- dockingComputerCPS = dockingComputerCPS * 4
- end
- end
- req:(mineralScanners>=30 or dockingComputers>=30)
- tag:upgrades2 PS
- *buildingUpgrade8
- name:Pulse Wave Analyser
- desc:Improves scanners so minerals are easier to distinguish.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Mineral Scanner production x2<.>Tractor-Beam production x10
- cost:1000000000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of mineralScanners by 2
- passive:multiply yield of tractorBeams by 10
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:
- if (this)
- mineralScannerOPS = mineralScannerOPS * 2
- tractorBeamOPS = tractorBeamOPS * 10
- end
- end
- req:10 mineralScanners and cargoLifeSupport
- tag:upgrades2 PS
- *goldenTouch|miningSoftware
- name:Mining Software
- desc:You can now gain ore by shooting with the blaster.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>5% chance of gaining 1 Ore per Blaster shot.
- cost:100 ore
- req:10 ore:earned and fightSoftware
- tag:upgrades2
- *independenceDay|superComputer
- name:Supercomputer
- desc:The Supercomputer makes the ship able to self-upgrade, using the Ore you have collected.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Unlocks Ore-based constructions.
- cost:1000 ore
- req:70 ore:earned and (engineTunings>=1)
- *moonGardens
- name:Deflector Shield
- desc:Deflects enemy fire and asteroids.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Shield Generator production x7
- cost:10000 ore
- passive:multiply yield of shieldGenerators by 7
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:if (this) shieldGeneratorCPS = shieldGeneratorCPS * 7
- req:(shieldGenerators>=1) and 50 ore:earned
- tag:PS
- *militaryProtection|fusionEngine
- name:Fusion Engine
- desc:Your engine is upgraded with fusion power.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Unlocks new technology.
- cost:200000 ore
- req:12000000000 tcred
- *militaryProtection2|defenseMatrix
- name:Defense Matrix
- desc:Ensures maximum power to your weapons and shields.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Unlocks high-tech weapon systems.
- cost:2000000 ore
- req:42000000000 tcred and fusionEngine
- tag:upgrades2
- *parsley2|emergencyJump
- name:Emergency Jump
- desc:When your ship takes near fatal damage, the ship jumps to safety.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Thrusters production x4
- passive:multiply yield of thrusters by 4
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:if (this) thrusterCPS = thrusterCPS * 4
- cost:1000 credits
- req:(thrusters>=5)
- tag:PS
- *spinach2
- name:Acceleration Module
- desc:Thrusters accelerates a lot faster.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Thrusters production x3
- passive:multiply yield of thrusters by 3
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:if (this) thrusterCPS = thrusterCPS * 4
- cost:9000 credits
- req:emergencyJump
- tag:PS
- *broccoli2
- name:Signal Supressor
- desc:Supresses signals and noise, making the Tractor-Beam more accurate.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Tractor-Beam production x4
- cost:100000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of tractorBeams by 4
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:if (this) tractorBeamOPS = tractorBeamOPS * 4
- req:emergencyJump
- tag:PS
- *apple2|targetingSoftware
- name:Targeting Software
- desc:Optimizes targeting for all weapons.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Credits/click x10<.>Credit production +10%
- cost:8000000000 credits
- passive:multiply credit yield of blasterButton by 10
- passive:multiply tcred yield of blasterButton by 10
- passive:multiply yield of tag:Credits by 1.10
- req:(laserTurrets>=2)
- tag:upgrades2
- *radish2
- name:Warp Jamming
- desc:Prevents enemy ships from warping.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Tractor-Beam production x5<.>Pulse Laser production x5
- cost:27000000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of tractorBeams by 5
- passive:multiply yield of pulseLasers by 5
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:
- if (this)
- tractorBeamOPS = tractorBeamOPS * 5
- pulseLaserCPS = pulseLaserCPS * 5
- end
- end
- req:fightSoftware
- tag:upgrades2 PS
- *mint2|doubleLasers
- name:Double Lasers
- desc:Pulse Lasers are doubled and fire twice as fast.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Pulse Laser production x4
- cost:40000000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of pulseLasers by 4
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:if (this) pulseLaserCPS = pulseLaserCPS * 4
- req:(pulseLasers>=2)
- tag:PS
- *chard2
- name:Quad Lasers
- desc:Pulse Lasers are quadrubled and fire twice as fast.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Pulse Laser production x8
- cost:1000000000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of pulseLasers by 8
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:if (this) pulseLaserCPS = pulseLaserCPS * 8
- req:doubleLasers and (pulseLasers>=4)
- tag:PS
- *cherry2|doubleMissiles
- name:Double Missle Launchers
- desc:Missile Launchers are doubled and fire twice as fast.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Missile Launcher production x4<.>Seeker Missiles production x4
- cost:6000000000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of missileLauncher by 4
- passive:multiply yield of seekerMissiles by 4
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:
- if (this)
- missileLauncherCPS = missileLauncherCPS * 4
- missileLauncherOPS = missileLauncherOPS * 4
- seekerMissileCPS = seekerMissileCPS * 4
- end
- end
- req:50000000 tcred and (missileLauncher>=2) and (seekerMissiles>=2)
- tag:PS
- *carrot2
- name:Quad Missile Launchers
- desc:Missile Launchers are quadrubled and fire twice as fast.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Missile Launcher production x8<.>Seeker Missiles production x8
- cost:12000000000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of missileLauncher by 8
- passive:multiply yield of seekerMissiles by 8
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:
- if (this)
- missileLauncherCPS = missileLauncherCPS * 8
- missileLauncherOPS = missileLauncherOPS * 8
- seekerMissileCPS = seekerMissileCPS * 8
- end
- end
- req:doubleMissiles and (missileLauncher>=4) and (seekerMissiles>=4)
- tag:PS
- *buildingUpgrade12|doubleCannons
- name:Double Cannons
- desc:Gauss Cannons are doubled.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Gauss Cannon production x2
- cost:9000000000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of gaussCannons by 2
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:
- if (this)
- gaussCannonCPS = gaussCannonCPS * 2
- gaussCannonOPS = gaussCannonOPS * 2
- end
- end
- req:900000000 tcred and (gaussCannons>=2)
- tag:PS
- *buildingUpgrade22
- name:Quad Cannons
- desc:Gauss Cannons are quadrubled.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Gauss Cannon production x4
- cost:1000000000000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of gaussCannons by 4
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:
- if (this)
- gaussCannonCPS = gaussCannonCPS * 4
- gaussCannonOPS = gaussCannonOPS * 4
- end
- end
- req:doubleCannons and (gaussCannons>=4)
- tag:PS
- *buildingUpgrade32
- name:Sub-Surface Module
- desc:The Mining Laser can target minerals below the surface of the asteroids.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Mining Laser production x4
- cost:400000000000 credits
- passive:multiply yield of miningLasers by 4
- on earn:do resetps
- on resetps:if (this) miningLaserOPS = miningLaserOPS * 4
- req:(miningLasers>=1)
- tag:PS
- *buildingUpgrade42|warpDistorter
- name:Warp Distorter
- desc:The hyperdrive is upgraded, you can now explore the whole universe.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Ore production +20%<.>Unlocks Alien technologies.
- cost:10000000000000 credits, 10000000 ore
- passive:multiply yield of tag:Ore by 1.20
- req:5600000000 tcred and 100 hyperdrive
- *ResetPrestige
- name:Sell Your Ship
- desc:Sell your ship for <b>[tore*0.000001]</b> Microchips.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Lose all Credits, Ore, Upgrades, and Equipment.<.>Gain 1 Microchip per 1,000,000 Ore collected (ore earned in previous ships included).
- tag:prestige upgrades2
- req:warpDistorter and tmc<1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- on earn:log <b><#e6e8d8>Ship sold.<//>
- on earn:log <b><#e6e8d8>New ship bought.<//>
- on earn:log <b>[tore*0.000001] Microchips</b> earned.
- on earn:
- lose notTag:prestige
- yield (tore*0.000001) prestigio
- yield (tore*0.000001) tmc
- lose ResetPrestige
- do resetps with tag:PS
- end
- *ResetPrestige2
- name:Gain the Victory Medal
- desc:Reset everything, <b>even your Microchips</b>, gaining <b>1</b> Victory Medal.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Complete the game and start from scratch with a Victory Medal.
- tag:prestige upgrades2
- req:1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 tmc and warpDistorter
- on earn:log <b><#e6e8d8>You are awarded a Victory Medal.
- on earn:
- lose notTag:prestige2
- yield 1 prestigio2
- lose ResetPrestige2
- do resetps with tag:PS
- end
- Achievements
- // on click:anim glow
- *shipAchiev1
- name:Beam me up!
- desc:Buy the Tractor-Beam.
- req:(tractorBeams>=1)
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *shipAchiev5
- name:Plasma
- desc:Buy a Plasma Accelerator.
- req:(plasmaAccels>=1)
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *shipAchiev6
- name:Ionized
- desc:Have a <b>lvl 10</b> Plasma Accelerator.
- req:(plasmaAccels>=10)
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *shipAchiev7
- name:State of Matter
- desc:Have a <b>lvl 100</b> Plasma Accelerator.
- req:(plasmaAccels>=100)
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *shipAchiev2
- name:EMP
- desc:Buy an EMP Bomb.
- req:(empBombs>=1)
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *shipAchiev3
- name:Disturbance
- desc:Have a <b>lvl 10</b> EMP Bomb.
- req:(empBombs>=10)
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *shipAchiev4
- name:Magnetic
- desc:Have a <b>lvl 100</b> EMP Bomb.
- req:(empBombs>=100)
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *bunnyAchievm1
- name:The Start of the Journey
- desc:Start a new game.
- passive:yield 1 comm
- on earn:tore is ore:earned
- on earn:tmc is prestigio:earned
- req:0 credits
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *bunnyAchiev2
- name:Space Trucker
- desc:Have <b>1,000</b> Credits.
- req:1000 credits
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *bunnyAchiev3
- name:Millionaire
- desc:Have <b>1,000,000</b> Credits.
- req:1000000 credits
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *bunnyAchiev4
- name:Billionaire
- desc:Have <b>1,000,000,000</b> Credits.
- req:1000000000 credits
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *bunnyAchiev5
- name:Trillionaire
- desc:Have <b>1,000,000,000,000</b> Credits.
- req:1000000000000 credits
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *bunnyPsAchiev1
- name:Autopilot
- desc:Produce <b>10</b> Credits per second.
- req:10 credits per second
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *bunnyPsAchiev2
- name:Profit
- desc:Produce <b>100</b> Credits per second.
- req:100 credits per second
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *bunnyPsAchiev3
- name:Revenue
- desc:Produce <b>1,000</b> Credits per second.
- req:1000 credits per second
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *bunnyPsAchiev4
- name:Income
- desc:Produce <b>10,000</b> Credits per second.
- req:10000 credits per second
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *bunnyPsAchiev5
- name:Cash Flow
- desc:Produce <b>100,000</b> Credits per second.
- req:100000 credits per second
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *bunnyPsAchiev6
- name:Royalty
- desc:Produce <b>1,000,000</b> Credits per second.
- req:1000000 credits per second
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *carrotAchiev1
- name:A New Business Form
- desc:Have <b>10</b> Ore.
- req:10 ore
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *carrotAchiev2
- name:Mineral Deposit
- desc:Have <b>100</b> Ore.
- req:100 ore
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *carrotAchiev3
- name:Ore Miner
- desc:Have <b>1,000</b> Ore.
- req:1000 ore
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *carrotAchiev4
- name:Ore Vein
- desc:Have <b>10,000</b> Ore.
- req:10000 ore
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *carrotAchiev5
- name:Mineral Madness
- desc:Have <b>100,000</b> Ore.
- req:100000 ore
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *carrotAchiev6
- name:Pressurized Cargo
- desc:Have <b>1,000,000</b> Ore.
- req:1000000 ore
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *fortressAchiev
- name:Freedom!
- desc:Complete building the <b>Hyperdrive</b>.
- req:100 hyperdrive
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *aaAchiev
- name:What A Bargain
- desc:Sell your ship.
- req:1 prestigio
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *aaAchiev2
- name:Computer Power
- desc:Have <b>100 Microchips</b>.
- req:100 prestigio
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *aaAchiev3
- name:OpenAI
- desc:Have <b>1,000 Microchips</b>.
- req:1000 prestigio
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *aaAchiev4
- name:Mainframe
- desc:Have <b>10,000 Microchips</b>.
- req:10000 prestigio
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *aaAchiev5
- name:Hybrid Intelligence
- desc:Have <b>100,000 Microchips</b>.
- req:100000 prestigio
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *aaAchiev6
- name:Digital World
- desc:Have <b>1,000,000 Microchips</b>.
- req:1000000 prestigio
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *aaAchiev7
- name:RAID
- desc:Have <b>1,000,000,000 Microchips</b>.
- req:1000000000 prestigio
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *aaAchiev8
- name:Data Control
- desc:Have <b>1,000,000,000,000 Microchips</b>.
- req:1000000000000 prestigio
- tag:prestige prestige2
- *doAchiev1
- name:Victory
- desc:Have a <b>Victory Medal</b>.
- req:1 prestigio2
- tag:prestige prestige2
- #game
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- background:#24656B;
- background-size: cover;
- font-family: Kanit, sans-serif !important;
- letter-spacing: 0px;
- font-stretch: ultra-expanded
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