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- @echo off
- :: FFMPEG, No OS centric design
- :: Folder Locations
- :: Intended for VHS Tapes, RAW Capture, & DaVinci Resovle [Or any Editor that uses Video & audio tracks separately
- @set CAPT=c:\Storage\VHSRaw\
- @set CAPTO=c:\Storage\VHSRaw\OverRun\
- @set FFMG=c:\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg
- @set OUTF=c:\Storage\VHSRaw\Audio\
- @set FIN=c:\Storage\VHSRaw\Video\
- move C:\RawBLME\*.avi %CAPT%
- :: For Raw Captures that Run longer
- for %%a in (%CAPTO%*.avi) do (
- @title = "Ripping OverRun %%~na"
- echo Ripping OverRun %%~na
- %FFMG% -hide_banner -loglevel quiet -stats -i "%%a" -c:a copy -y -to 02:00:00 "%OUTF%%%~na.wav"
- echo Finished %%~na
- @move "%%a" %FIN%
- )
- :: Moves Raw file to folder for further processing, & puts the PCM Audio into a wave file
- for %%a in (%CAPT%*.avi) do (
- @title = "Ripping %%~na"
- echo Ripping %%~na
- %FFMG% -hide_banner -loglevel quiet -stats -i "%%a" -c:a copy -y "%OUTF%%%~na.wav"
- echo Finished %%~na
- @move "%%a" %FIN%
- )
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