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- -- Hideously Smashed Together by Compilr, a Hideous Smash-Stuff-Togetherer, (c) 2014 oeed --
- -- This file REALLLLLLLY isn't suitable to be used for anything other than being executed --
- -- To extract all the files, run: "<filename> --extract" in the Shell --
- local files = {["Views"]={["toolbar.view"]="{\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"Height\"]=3,\
- [\"Type\"]=\"View\",\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=128,\
- [\"Children\"]={\
- [1]={\
- [\"Y\"]=2,\
- [\"X\"]=2,\
- [\"Name\"]=\"GoStopButton\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Button\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\">\",\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=1,\
- [\"TextColour\"]=128\
- },\
- [2]={\
- [\"Y\"]=2,\
- [\"X\"]=\"100%,-23\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"LogButton\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Button\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Log\",\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=1,\
- [\"TextColour\"]=128,\
- [\"Toggle\"]=false\
- },\
- [3]={\
- [\"Y\"]=2,\
- [\"X\"]=\"100%,-17\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"SettingsButton\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Button\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Settings\",\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=1,\
- [\"TextColour\"]=128,\
- [\"Toggle\"]=false\
- },\
- [4]={\
- [\"Y\"]=2,\
- [\"X\"]=\"100%,-6\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"QuitButton\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Button\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Quit\",\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=1,\
- [\"TextColour\"]=128\
- },\
- [5]={\
- [\"Y\"]=2,\
- [\"X\"]=6,\
- [\"Name\"]=\"StatusLabel\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Stopped\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=1\
- },\
- },\
- }",["main.view"]="{\
- [\"Children\"]={\
- [1]={\
- [\"Y\"]=1,\
- [\"X\"]=1,\
- [\"Name\"]=\"Toolbar\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"View\",\
- [\"InheritView\"]=\"toolbar\"\
- },\
- [2]={\
- [\"X\"]=1,\
- [\"Y\"]=4,\
- [\"Name\"]=\"SettingsView\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"SettingsView\",\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"Height\"]=\"100%,-3\",\
- [\"Visible\"]=false,\
- [\"InheritView\"]=\"settings\"\
- },\
- [3]={\
- [\"X\"]=1,\
- [\"Y\"]=4,\
- [\"Name\"]=\"LogView\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"LogView\",\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"Height\"]=\"100%,-3\",\
- [\"Visible\"]=false\
- },\
- },\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=1,\
- [\"ToolBarColour\"]=128,\
- [\"ToolBarTextColour\"]=1\
- }",["nomodem.view"]="{\
- [\"Children\"]={\
- [1]={\
- [\"Y\"]=\"50%,-2\",\
- [\"X\"]=1,\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"No Modem Attached!\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=16384,\
- [\"Align\"]=\"Center\"\
- },\
- [2]={\
- [\"Y\"]=\"50%\",\
- [\"X\"]=\"10%\",\
- [\"Width\"]=\"80%\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Please attach a wireless modem to use Quest Server.\",\
- [\"Align\"]=\"Center\"\
- },\
- [3]={\
- [\"Y\"]=\"100%,-1\",\
- [\"X\"]=\"100%,-6\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"QuitButton\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Button\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Quit\",\
- },\
- },\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=1,\
- [\"ToolBarColour\"]=128,\
- [\"ToolBarTextColour\"]=1\
- }",["settings.view"]="{\
- [\"Children\"]={\
- [1]={\
- [\"Y\"]=2,\
- [\"X\"]=3,\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Server Address\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=128\
- },\
- [2]={\
- [\"Y\"]=2,\
- [\"X\"]=19,\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"wifi://\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=256\
- },\
- [3]={\
- [\"Y\"]=2,\
- [\"X\"]=26,\
- [\"Width\"]=20,\
- [\"Name\"]=\"AddressTextBox\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"TextBox\",\
- [\"Placeholder\"]=\"e.g. basesite\",\
- },\
- [4]={\
- [\"Y\"]=5,\
- [\"X\"]=3,\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%,-4\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Ok... so maybe there aren't that many settings. But hey, at least it's easy to use.\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=256\
- },\
- [5]={\
- [\"Y\"]=9,\
- [\"X\"]=3,\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Quest Server v1.0.0\",\
- },\
- [6]={\
- [\"Y\"]=11,\
- [\"X\"]=3,\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%,-4\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Quest and Quest Server were made by oeed using Bedrock, the source of all awesomeness. If you find a bug or have any questions give me a PM or post on the forum topic.\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=128\
- },\
- },\
- }",},[""]="Quest-Server\
- ============\
- \
- A wireless modem based CCML server for Quest",["startup"]="local bedrockPath='' if OneOS then OneOS.LoadAPI('/System/API/Bedrock.lua', false)elseif fs.exists(bedrockPath..'/Bedrock')then os.loadAPI(bedrockPath..'/Bedrock')else if http then print('Downloading Bedrock...')local h=http.get('')if h then local'/Bedrock','w')f.write(h.readAll())f.close()h.close()os.loadAPI(bedrockPath..'/Bedrock')else error('Failed to download Bedrock. Is your internet working?') end else error('This program needs to download Bedrock to work. Please enable HTTP.') end end if Bedrock then Bedrock.BasePath = bedrockPath Bedrock.ProgramPath = shell.getRunningProgram() end\
- \
- local program = Bedrock:Initialise()\
- \
- os.loadAPI(program.ProgramPath .. '/APIs/Peripheral')\
- os.loadAPI(program.ProgramPath .. '/APIs/Wireless')\
- \
- local serverRunning = false\
- \
- local messageLevel = {\
- Info = 'Info',\
- Success = 'Success',\
- Warning = 'Warning',\
- Error = 'Error',\
- }\
- \
- local function logMsg(msg, level)\
- level = level or messageLevel.Info\
- program:GetObject('LogView'):AddItem('[' .. level .. '] '..msg, level)\
- end\
- \
- local defaultSettings = {\
- address = nil\
- }\
- \
- local settings = {}\
- \
- local function saveSettings()\
- logMsg('Saving settings.')\
- local f ='.QuestServer.settings', 'w')\
- settings.address = program:GetObject('AddressTextBox').Text\
- if f then\
- f.write(textutils.serialize(settings))\
- f.close()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- local function loadSettings()\
- logMsg('Loading settings.')\
- local f ='.QuestServer.settings', 'r')\
- if f then\
- settings = textutils.unserialize(f.readAll())\
- f.close()\
- else\
- logMsg('No settings file, using default.', messageLevel.Warning)\
- settings = defaultSettings\
- saveSettings()\
- end\
- \
- program:GetObject('AddressTextBox').Text = settings.address or ''\
- end\
- \
- local function switchView(name)\
- local viewNames = {\
- 'Settings',\
- 'Log',\
- }\
- \
- for i, v in ipairs(viewNames) do\
- if name == v then\
- program:GetObject(v .. 'View').Visible = true\
- program:GetObject(v .. 'Button').Toggle = true\
- else\
- program:GetObject(v .. 'View').Visible = false\
- program:GetObject(v .. 'Button').Toggle = false\
- end\
- end\
- \
- program:SetActiveObject()\
- end\
- \
- local availableTimer = nil\
- \
- local startServer = nil\
- local stopServer = nil\
- \
- local function checkNameAvailable(name)\
- logMsg('Checking address clashes: '\
- if name:match(\"%W\") then\
- logMsg('Invalid address!', messageLevel.Error)\
- stopServer('Invalid Address')\
- switchView('Settings')\
- else\
- Wireless.SendMessage(Wireless.Channels.QuestServerNameAvailable, name)\
- availableTimer = program:StartTimer(function()\
- if availableTimer and name == settings.address then\
- logMsg('No address clashes found!', messageLevel.Success)\
- availableTimer = nil\
- startServer(true)\
- end\
- end, 1)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function stopServer(reason)\
- logMsg('Stopping server: ' .. reason or 'Stopped', messageLevel.Warning)\
- serverRunning = false\
- program:GetObject('GoStopButton').Text = '>'\
- program:GetObject('StatusLabel').Text = reason or 'Stopped'\
- end\
- \
- function startServer(available)\
- logMsg('Starting server...')\
- if settings.address and #settings.address > 0 then\
- if available then\
- logMsg('Server started!', messageLevel.Success)\
- serverRunning = true\
- program:GetObject('GoStopButton').Text = 'x'\
- program:GetObject('StatusLabel').Text = 'Running'\
- else\
- program:GetObject('StatusLabel').Text = 'Checking Name'\
- checkNameAvailable(settings.address)\
- end\
- else\
- logMsg('Server could not start, address not set!', messageLevel.Error)\
- stopServer('Address Not Set')\
- switchView('Settings')\
- end\
- end\
- \
- program.OnKeyChar = function(self, event, keychar)\
- if keychar == '\\\\' then\
- os.reboot()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- program:RegisterEvent('modem_message', function(self, event, side, channel, replyChannel, message, distance)\
- Wireless.HandleMessage(event, side, channel, replyChannel, message, distance)\
- end)\
- \
- local function split(str, pat)\
- local t = {}\
- local fpat = \"(.-)\" .. pat\
- local last_end = 1\
- local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1)\
- while s do\
- if s ~= 1 or cap ~= \"\" then\
- table.insert(t,cap)\
- end\
- last_end = e+1\
- s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end)\
- end\
- if last_end <= #str then\
- cap = str:sub(last_end)\
- table.insert(t, cap)\
- end\
- return t\
- end\
- \
- local function findLast(haystack, needle)\
- local i=haystack:match(\".*\"..needle..\"()\")\
- if i==nil then return nil else return i-1 end\
- end\
- \
- local hex_to_char = function(x)\
- return string.char(tonumber(x, 16))\
- end\
- \
- local function urlUnencode( str )\
- -- essentially reverses textutils.urlDecode\
- if str then\
- str = string.gsub(str, \"+\", \" \")\
- str = string.gsub(str, \"\\r\\n\", \"\\n\")\
- term.setTextColor(\
- str = str:gsub(\"%%(%x%x)\", hex_to_char)\
- end\
- return str \
- end\
- \
- local function urlComponents(url)\
- if url then\
- urlUnencode(textutils.urlEncode(url))\
- local components = {}\
- local parts = split(url, '[\\\\/]+')\
- if url:find('://') and parts[1]:sub(#parts[1]) == ':' then\
- components.protocol = parts[1]:sub(1, #parts[1]-1)\
- components.sansprotocol = url:sub(#components.protocol + 4)\
- = parts[2]\
- components.fullhost = components.protocol .. '://' .. parts[2] .. '/'\
- components.filename = fs.getName(url)\
- components.filepath = url:sub(#components.fullhost)\
- if components.filename == then\
- components.filename = ''\
- end\
- components.base = url:sub(1, findLast(url, '/'))\
- components.get = {}\
- components.filepathsansget = components.sansprotocol\
- if url:find('?') then\
- local start = url:find('?')\
- components.filepathsansget = url:sub(#components.protocol + 4, start - 1)\
- local getString = url:sub(start + 1)\
- local values = split(getString, '&')\
- for i, v in ipairs(values) do\
- local keyvalue = split(v, '=')\
- components.get[keyvalue[1]] = urlUnencode(keyvalue[2])\
- end\
- end\
- return components\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- local function resolveFile(path)\
- local parts = split(path, '[\\\\/]+')\
- local realPath = '/Server Files'\
- if #parts == 0 then\
- parts = {''}\
- end\
- for i, v in ipairs(parts) do\
- local tmpPath\
- if #v == 0 then\
- tmpPath = realPath\
- else\
- tmpPath = realPath .. '/' ..v\
- end\
- if fs.exists(tmpPath) then\
- if fs.isDir(tmpPath) and i == #parts then\
- local attempts = {\
- tmpPath .. '/index.ccml',\
- tmpPath .. '/index.html',\
- }\
- \
- for i2, v2 in ipairs(attempts) do\
- if fs.exists(v2) then\
- return v2\
- end\
- end\
- return nil\
- end\
- realPath = tmpPath\
- else\
- return nil\
- end\
- end\
- return realPath\
- end\
- \
- Wireless.Responder = function(event, side, channel, replyChannel, message, distance)\
- if channel == Wireless.Channels.QuestServerRequest and serverRunning then\
- if message.content:find('wifi://') == 1 then\
- local parts = urlComponents(message.content)\
- if and == settings.address then\
- local path = resolveFile(parts.filepath)\
- local content\
- if path then\
- local f =, 'r')\
- if f then\
- content = f.readAll()\
- logMsg('File request successful: '..message.content, messageLevel.Success)\
- end\
- end\
- if not content then\
- logMsg('File request failed: '..message.content, messageLevel.Warning)\
- end\
- Wireless.SendMessage(replyChannel, {url = message.content, content = content}, nil, message.messageID)\
- end\
- end\
- elseif channel == Wireless.Channels.QuestServerNameAvailable then\
- if message.content == settings.address then\
- logMsg('External address clash request clashed with this server: '..message.content, messageLevel.Warning)\
- Wireless.SendMessage(replyChannel, 'IN_USE', nil, message.messageID)\
- end\
- elseif channel == Wireless.Channels.QuestServerNameAvailableReply and running then\
- availableTimer = nil\
- logMsg('Address clash request failed, address in use: '..message.content, messageLevel.Error)\
- stopServer('Address In Use')\
- switchView('Settings')\
- end\
- end\
- \
- local debounce = nil\
- \
- program.OnTimer = function(self, event, timer)\
- if timer == debounce then\
- saveSettings()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- program:Run(function()\
- if Wireless.Present() then\
- program:LoadView('main')\
- \
- if not fs.exists('/Server Files/') then\
- fs.makeDir('/Server Files/')\
- local f ='/Server Files/index.ccml', 'w')\
- if f then\
- f.write([[<!DOCTYPE ccml>\
- <html>\
- <head>\
- <title>Welcome to your Quest Server Website!</title>\
- </head>\
- \
- <body>\
- <br>\
- <h colour=\"green\">Welcome to your Quest Server Website!</h>\
- <br>\
- <center>\
- <p width=\"46\" align=\"center\">\
- The files for this website are stored in the /Server Files/ folder on the server.\
- </p>\
- <br>\
- <p width=\"46\" align=\"center\">\
- If you haven't made a Quest web page before you should look for the CCML tutorial on the ComputerCraft forums.\
- </p>\
- </center>\
- </body>\
- </html>]])\
- f.close()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- loadSettings()\
- Wireless.Initialise()\
- \
- switchView('Log')\
- startServer()\
- \
- program:GetObject('SettingsButton').OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)\
- switchView('Settings')\
- end\
- \
- program:GetObject('LogButton').OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)\
- switchView('Log')\
- end\
- \
- program:GetObject('GoStopButton').OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)\
- if serverRunning then\
- stopServer()\
- else\
- startServer()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- program:GetObject('AddressTextBox').OnChange = function(self, event, keychar)\
- if settings.address ~= program:GetObject('AddressTextBox').Text then\
- stopServer('Address Changed')\
- debounce = os.startTimer(1)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- else\
- program:LoadView('nomodem')\
- end\
- \
- program:GetObject('QuitButton').OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)\
- term.setBackgroundColour(\
- term.setTextColor(colours.white)\
- term.clear()\
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)\
- print('Thanks for using Quest Server by oeed')\
- program:Quit()\
- end\
- end)",["Objects"]={["SettingsView.lua"]="Inherit = 'View'",["LogView.lua"]="Inherit = 'View'\
- Log = nil\
- \
- SaveLog = function(self)\
- local str = table.concat(self.Log, '\\n')\
- local f ='QuestServer.log', 'w')\
- if f then\
- f.write(str)\
- f.close()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- AddItem = function(self, str, level)\
- local messageColours = {\
- Info =,\
- Success =,\
- Warning =,\
- Error =,\
- }\
- table.insert(self.Log, str)\
- \
- local y = 1\
- \
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do\
- y = y + v.Height\
- end\
- \
- self:AddObject({\
- X = 1,\
- Y = y,\
- Width = \"100%\",\
- Type = 'Label',\
- Text = str,\
- TextColour = messageColours[level]\
- })\
- \
- self:SaveLog()\
- end\
- \
- OnLoad = function(self)\
- self.Log = {}\
- end",},["APIs"]={["Peripheral"]="GetPeripheral = function(_type)\
- for i, p in ipairs(GetPeripherals()) do\
- if p.Type == _type then\
- return p\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- Call = function(type, ...)\
- local tArgs = {...}\
- local p = GetPeripheral(type)\
-, unpack(tArgs))\
- end\
- \
- local getNames = peripheral.getNames or function()\
- local tResults = {}\
- for n,sSide in ipairs( rs.getSides() ) do\
- if peripheral.isPresent( sSide ) then\
- table.insert( tResults, sSide )\
- local isWireless = false\
- if pcall(function()isWireless =, 'isWireless') end) then\
- isWireless = true\
- end \
- if peripheral.getType( sSide ) == \"modem\" and not isWireless then\
- local tRemote = sSide, \"getNamesRemote\" )\
- for n,sName in ipairs( tRemote ) do\
- table.insert( tResults, sName )\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- return tResults\
- end\
- \
- GetPeripherals = function(filterType)\
- local peripherals = {}\
- for i, side in ipairs(getNames()) do\
- local name = peripheral.getType(side):gsub(\"^%l\", string.upper)\
- local code = string.upper(side:sub(1,1))\
- if side:find('_') then\
- code = side:sub(side:find('_')+1)\
- end\
- \
- local dupe = false\
- for i, v in ipairs(peripherals) do\
- if v[1] == name .. ' ' .. code then\
- dupe = true\
- end\
- end\
- \
- if not dupe then\
- local _type = peripheral.getType(side)\
- local formattedType = _type:sub(1, 1):upper() .. _type:sub(2, -1)\
- local isWireless = false\
- if _type == 'modem' then\
- if not pcall(function()isWireless =, 'isWireless') end) then\
- isWireless = true\
- end \
- if isWireless then\
- _type = 'wireless_modem'\
- formattedType = 'Wireless Modem'\
- name = 'W '\
- end\
- end\
- if not filterType or _type == filterType then\
- table.insert(peripherals, {Name = name:sub(1,8) .. ' '..code, Fullname = name .. ' ('..side:sub(1, 1):upper() .. side:sub(2, -1)..')', Side = side, Type = _type, Wireless = isWireless, FormattedType = formattedType})\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- return peripherals\
- end\
- \
- GetSide = function(side)\
- for i, p in ipairs(GetPeripherals()) do\
- if p.Side == side then\
- return p\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- PresentNamed = function(name)\
- return peripheral.isPresent(name)\
- end\
- \
- CallType = function(type, ...)\
- local tArgs = {...}\
- local p = GetPeripheral(type)\
- return, unpack(tArgs))\
- end\
- \
- CallNamed = function(name, ...)\
- local tArgs = {...}\
- return, unpack(tArgs))\
- end\
- \
- GetInfo = function(p)\
- local info = {}\
- local buttons = {}\
- if p.Type == 'computer' then\
- local id =,'getID')\
- if id then\
- info = {\
- ID = tostring(id)\
- }\
- else\
- info = {}\
- end\
- elseif p.Type == 'drive' then\
- local discType = 'No Disc'\
- local discID = nil\
- local mountPath = nil\
- local discLabel = nil\
- local songName = nil\
- if, 'isDiskPresent') then\
- if, 'hasData') then\
- discType = 'Data'\
- discID =, 'getDiskID')\
- if discID then\
- discID = tostring(discID)\
- else\
- discID = 'None'\
- end\
- mountPath = '/', 'getMountPath')..'/'\
- discLabel =, 'getDiskLabel')\
- else\
- discType = 'Audio'\
- songName =, 'getAudioTitle')\
- end\
- end\
- if mountPath then\
- table.insert(buttons, {Text = 'View Files', OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)GoToPath(mountPath)end})\
- elseif discType == 'Audio' then\
- table.insert(buttons, {Text = 'Play', OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)\
- if self.Text == 'Play' then\
- disk.playAudio(p.Side:lower())\
- self.Text = 'Stop'\
- else\
- disk.stopAudio(p.Side:lower())\
- self.Text = 'Play'\
- end\
- end})\
- else\
- diskOpenButton = nil\
- end\
- if discType ~= 'No Disc' then\
- table.insert(buttons, {Text = 'Eject', OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)disk.eject(p.Side:lower()) sleep(0) RefreshFiles() end})\
- end\
- \
- info = {\
- ['Disc Type'] = discType,\
- ['Disc Label'] = discLabel,\
- ['Song Title'] = songName,\
- ['Disc ID'] = discID,\
- ['Mount Path'] = mountPath\
- }\
- elseif p.Type == 'printer' then\
- local pageSize = 'No Loaded Page'\
- local _, err = pcall(function() return tostring(, 'getPgaeSize')) end)\
- if not err then\
- pageSize = tostring(, 'getPageSize'))\
- end\
- info = {\
- ['Paper Level'] = tostring(, 'getPaperLevel')),\
- ['Paper Size'] = pageSize,\
- ['Ink Level'] = tostring(, 'getInkLevel'))\
- }\
- elseif p.Type == 'modem' then\
- info = {\
- ['Connected Peripherals'] = tostring(, 'getNamesRemote'))\
- }\
- elseif p.Type == 'monitor' then\
- local w, h =, 'getSize')\
- local screenType = 'Black and White'\
- if, 'isColour') then\
- screenType = 'Colour'\
- end\
- local buttonTitle = 'Use as Screen'\
- if OneOS.Settings:GetValues()['Monitor'] == p.Side:lower() then\
- buttonTitle = 'Use Computer Screen'\
- end\
- table.insert(buttons, {Text = buttonTitle, OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)\
- self.Bedrock:DisplayAlertWindow('Reboot Required', \"To change screen you'll need to reboot your computer.\", {'Reboot', 'Cancel'}, function(value)\
- if value == 'Reboot' then\
- if buttonTitle == 'Use Computer Screen' then\
- OneOS.Settings:SetValue('Monitor', nil)\
- else\
- OneOS.Settings:SetValue('Monitor', p.Side:lower())\
- end\
- OneOS.Reboot()\
- end\
- end)\
- end\
- })\
- info = {\
- ['Type'] = screenType,\
- ['Width'] = tostring(w),\
- ['Height'] = tostring(h),\
- }\
- end\
- info.Buttons = buttons\
- return info\
- end",["Wireless"]="--This is just the OneOS Wireless API\
- \
- --OneOS uses channels between 4200 and 4300, avoid use where possible\
- \
- Channels = {\
- Ignored = 4299,\
- Ping = 4200,\
- PingReply = 4201,\
- QuestServerRequest = 4250,\
- QuestServerRequestReply = 4251,\
- QuestServerNameAvailable = 4252,\
- QuestServerNameAvailableReply = 4253,\
- }\
- \
- local function isOpen(channel)\
- return Peripheral.CallType('wireless_modem', 'isOpen', channel)\
- end\
- \
- local function open(channel)\
- if not isOpen(channel) then\
- Peripheral.CallType('wireless_modem', 'open', channel)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- Open = open\
- \
- local function close(channel)\
- Peripheral.CallType('wireless_modem', 'close', channel)\
- end\
- \
- local function closeAll()\
- Peripheral.CallType('wireless_modem', 'closeAll')\
- end\
- \
- local function transmit(channel, replyChannel, message)\
- Peripheral.CallType('wireless_modem', 'transmit', channel, replyChannel, textutils.serialize(message))\
- end\
- \
- function Present()\
- if Peripheral.GetPeripheral('wireless_modem') == nil then\
- return false\
- else\
- return true\
- end\
- end\
- \
- local function FormatMessage(message, messageID, destinationID)\
- return {\
- content = textutils.serialize(message),\
- senderID = os.getComputerID(),\
- senderName = os.getComputerLabel(),\
- channel = channel,\
- replyChannel = reply,\
- messageID = messageID or math.random(10000),\
- destinationID = destinationID\
- }\
- end\
- \
- local Timeout = function(func, time)\
- time = time or 1\
- parallel.waitForAny(func, function()\
- sleep(time)\
- --log('Timeout!'..time)\
- end)\
- end\
- \
- RecieveMessage = function(_channel, messageID, timeout)\
- open(_channel)\
- local done = false\
- local event, side, channel, replyChannel, message = nil\
- Timeout(function()\
- while not done do\
- event, side, channel, replyChannel, message = os.pullEvent('modem_message')\
- if channel ~= _channel then\
- event, side, channel, replyChannel, message = nil\
- else\
- message = textutils.unserialize(message)\
- message.content = textutils.unserialize(message.content)\
- if messageID and messageID ~= message.messageID or (message.destinationID ~= nil and message.destinationID ~= os.getComputerID()) then\
- event, side, channel, replyChannel, message = nil\
- else\
- done = true\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- end,\
- timeout)\
- return event, side, channel, replyChannel, message\
- end\
- \
- Initialise = function()\
- if Present() then\
- for i, c in pairs(Channels) do\
- open(c)\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- HandleMessage = function(event, side, channel, replyChannel, message, distance)\
- message = textutils.unserialize(message)\
- message.content = textutils.unserialize(message.content)\
- \
- if channel == Channels.Ping then\
- if message.content == 'Ping!' then\
- SendMessage(replyChannel, 'Pong!', nil, message.messageID)\
- end\
- elseif message.destinationID ~= nil and message.destinationID ~= os.getComputerID() then\
- elseif Wireless.Responder then\
- Wireless.Responder(event, side, channel, replyChannel, message, distance)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- SendMessage = function(channel, message, reply, messageID, destinationID)\
- reply = reply or channel + 1\
- open(channel)\
- open(reply)\
- local _message = FormatMessage(message, messageID, destinationID)\
- transmit(channel, reply, _message)\
- return _message\
- end\
- \
- Ping = function()\
- local message = SendMessage(Channels.Ping, 'Ping!', Channels.PingReply)\
- RecieveMessage(Channels.PingReply, message.messageID)\
- end",},}
- local function run(tArgs)
- local fnFile, err = loadstring(files['startup'], 'startup')
- if err then
- error(err)
- end
- local function split(str, pat)
- local t = {}
- local fpat = "(.-)" .. pat
- local last_end = 1
- local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1)
- while s do
- if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then
- table.insert(t,cap)
- end
- last_end = e+1
- s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end)
- end
- if last_end <= #str then
- cap = str:sub(last_end)
- table.insert(t, cap)
- end
- return t
- end
- local function resolveTreeForPath(path, single)
- local _files = files
- local parts = split(path, '/')
- if parts then
- for i, v in ipairs(parts) do
- if #v > 0 then
- if _files[v] then
- _files = _files[v]
- else
- _files = nil
- break
- end
- end
- end
- elseif #path > 0 and path ~= '/' then
- _files = _files[path]
- end
- if not single or type(_files) == 'string' then
- return _files
- end
- end
- local oldFs = fs
- local env
- env = {
- fs = {
- list = function(path)
- local list = {}
- if fs.exists(path) then
- list = fs.list(path)
- end
- for k, v in pairs(resolveTreeForPath(path)) do
- if not fs.exists(path .. '/' ..k) then
- table.insert(list, k)
- end
- end
- return list
- end,
- exists = function(path)
- if fs.exists(path) then
- return true
- elseif resolveTreeForPath(path) then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end,
- isDir = function(path)
- if fs.isDir(path) then
- return true
- else
- local tree = resolveTreeForPath(path)
- if tree and type(tree) == 'table' then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- end,
- isReadOnly = function(path)
- if not fs.isReadOnly(path) then
- return false
- else
- return true
- end
- end,
- getName = fs.getName,
- getSize = fs.getSize,
- getFreespace = fs.getFreespace,
- makeDir = fs.makeDir,
- move = fs.move,
- copy = fs.copy,
- delete = fs.delete,
- combine = fs.combine,
- open = function(path, mode)
- if fs.exists(path) then
- return, mode)
- elseif type(resolveTreeForPath(path)) == 'string' then
- local handle = {close = function()end}
- if mode == 'r' then
- local content = resolveTreeForPath(path)
- handle.readAll = function()
- return content
- end
- local line = 1
- local lines = split(content, '\n')
- handle.readLine = function()
- if line > #lines then
- return nil
- else
- return lines[line]
- end
- line = line + 1
- end
- return handle
- else
- error('Cannot write to read-only file (compilr archived).')
- end
- else
- return, mode)
- end
- end
- },
- loadfile = function( _sFile )
- local file = _sFile, "r" )
- if file then
- local func, err = loadstring( file.readAll(), fs.getName( _sFile ) )
- file.close()
- return func, err
- end
- return nil, "File not found: ".._sFile
- end,
- dofile = function( _sFile )
- local fnFile, e = env.loadfile( _sFile )
- if fnFile then
- setfenv( fnFile, getfenv(2) )
- return fnFile()
- else
- error( e, 2 )
- end
- end
- }
- setmetatable( env, { __index = _G } )
- local tAPIsLoading = {}
- env.os.loadAPI = function( _sPath )
- local sName = fs.getName( _sPath )
- if tAPIsLoading[sName] == true then
- printError( "API "..sName.." is already being loaded" )
- return false
- end
- tAPIsLoading[sName] = true
- local tEnv = {}
- setmetatable( tEnv, { __index = env } )
- local fnAPI, err = env.loadfile( _sPath )
- if fnAPI then
- setfenv( fnAPI, tEnv )
- fnAPI()
- else
- printError( err )
- tAPIsLoading[sName] = nil
- return false
- end
- local tAPI = {}
- for k,v in pairs( tEnv ) do
- tAPI[k] = v
- end
- env[sName] = tAPI
- tAPIsLoading[sName] = nil
- return true
- end
- = shell
- setfenv( fnFile, env )
- fnFile(unpack(tArgs))
- end
- local function extract()
- local function node(path, tree)
- if type(tree) == 'table' then
- fs.makeDir(path)
- for k, v in pairs(tree) do
- node(path .. '/' .. k, v)
- end
- else
- local f =, 'w')
- if f then
- f.write(tree)
- f.close()
- end
- end
- end
- node('', files)
- end
- local tArgs = {...}
- if #tArgs == 1 and tArgs[1] == '--extract' then
- extract()
- else
- run(tArgs)
- end
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