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- --
- --
- --
- --
- local term = require("term")
- local component = require("component")
- local computer = require("computer")
- local math = require("math")
- local event = require("event")
- local string = require("string")
- local unicode = require("unicode")
- local os = require("os")
- local fs = require('filesystem')
- local gpu = component.gpu
- gpu.setResolution(100,50)
- br = component.getPrimary("br_turbine")
- tur = component.br_turbine
- local maxgetsteam = 2000
- local mingetsteam = 0
- local steam = 2000
- local rate = tur.getFluidFlowRateMax()
- local speed = 0
- local block = 1
- local block2 = 1
- local eng23 = 0
- local function sig(a)
- return math.floor(a)
- end
- local function englimit()
- if br.getEnergyStored() >= eng23 then
- br.setInductorEngaged(false)
- elseif br.getEnergyStored() < eng23 then
- br.setInductorEngaged(true)
- end
- end
- local function speedlimit()
- if br.getRotorSpeed() < speed then
- tur.setFluidFlowRateMax(maxgetsteam)
- elseif br.getRotorSpeed() > speed then
- tur.setFluidFlowRateMax(mingetsteam)
- end
- end
- local function loadbar(x,y,width,cur,text,bg,fg)
- local raw = " " .. text ..string.rep(" ", width - unicode.len(text) - 2) .. " "
- local oldbg = gpu.setBackground(bg)
- local oldfg = gpu.setForeground(fg)
- gpu.set(x,y,unicode.sub(raw,1,cur))
- gpu.setBackground(oldbg)
- gpu.setForeground(oldfg)
- gpu.set(x+cur,y,unicode.sub(raw,cur+1,width))
- end
- local function setColor(bg,fg)
- gpu.setBackground(bg)
- gpu.setForeground(fg)
- end
- local function bargraph(x,y,length,am,cap,na,col,colpol)
- local amount = am
- local capacity = cap
- local pct = amount / capacity
- local cur = math.floor(pct * length)
- local color = col
- local color2 = colpol
- local name = na
- local textfrac = string.format("%s / %s", amount, capacity)
- local textpct = string.format("%.02f%%", pct*100)
- local text = textfrac .. string.rep(" ", length - string.len(textfrac) - string.len(textpct) - 6) .. " " .. textpct .. " "
- local text1 = " Уровень заполнения : ("")"
- loadbar(x,y,length,cur,text1,color,color2)
- loadbar(x,y+1,length,cur,text,color,color2)
- end
- local function drawbars()
- amFuel = br.getInputAmount()
- capFuel = 4000
- naFuel = "ПАР"
- colFuel = 0xFFFF00
- colpolFuel = 0x0000FF
- bargraph(2,13,98,amFuel,capFuel,naFuel,colFuel,colpolFuel)
- amWaste = br.getOutputAmount()
- capWaste = 4000
- naWaste = "ВОДА"
- colWaste = 0x00FFFF
- colpolWaste = 0xFF00FF
- bargraph(2,16,98,amWaste,capWaste,naWaste,colWaste,colpolWaste)
- amSteam = br.getRotorSpeed()
- capSteam = 3000
- colSteam = 0x8F8F8F
- colpolSteam = 0xFFFF00
- bargraph(2,19,98,amSteam,capSteam,naSteam,colSteam,colpolSteam)
- amWater = br.getEnergyStored()
- capWater = 1000000
- colWater = 0x71b6cb
- colpolWater = 0x0000FF
- bargraph(2,22,98,amWater,capWater,naWater,colWater,colpolWater)
- en = tur.getEnergyProducedLastTick()
- en2 = en * 20
- en3 = en2 * 60
- en4 = en3 * 60
- gpu.set(3,43,string.format("%10f",sig(en)))
- gpu.set(25,43,string.format("%10f",sig(en2)))
- gpu.set(49,43,string.format("%10f",sig(en3)))
- gpu.set(74,43,string.format("%10f",sig(en4)))
- amstel = tur.getFluidFlowRate()
- gpu.set(19,33, string.format("%10d", speed))
- gpu.set(64,32, string.format("%10d", eng23))
- if block == 2 then
- speedlimit()
- gpu.set(13,6, " ")
- elseif block == 2 then
- tur.setFluidFlowRateMax(steam)
- gpu.set(13,6, string.format("%10d",steam))
- end
- if block2 == 2 then
- englimit()
- end
- end
- local function work(h,m)
- gpu.set(h,m," ")
- gpu.set(h,m+1," ВКЛЮЧИТЬ ")
- gpu.set(h,m+2," ")
- end
- local function nwork(h,m)
- gpu.set(h,m," ")
- gpu.set(h,m+1," ВЫКЛЮЧИТЬ ")
- gpu.set(h,m+2," ")
- end
- local function POWER()
- local ON = br.getActive()
- if ON == true then
- setColor(0x00FF00,0x000000)
- work(87,2)
- setColor(0x000000,0xFF0000)
- nwork(87,6)
- setColor(0x000000,0xFFFFFF)
- elseif ON == false then
- setColor(0x000000,0x00FF00)
- work(87,2)
- setColor(0xFF0000,0xFFFFFF)
- nwork(87,6)
- setColor(0x000000,0xFFFFFF)
- end
- end
- local function INGUCKTOR()
- local ONLINE = br.getInductorEngaged()
- if ONLINE == true then
- setColor(0x00FF00,0x000000)
- work(55,2)
- setColor(0x000000,0xFF0000)
- nwork(55,6)
- setColor(0x000000,0xFFFFFF)
- elseif ONLINE == false then
- setColor(0x000000,0x00FF00)
- work(55,2)
- setColor(0xFF0000,0xFFFFFF)
- nwork(55,6)
- setColor(0x000000,0xFFFFFF)
- end
- end
- local function SPEEDINDICATOR()
- if block == 2 then
- setColor(0x00FF00,0x000000)
- work(33,28)
- setColor(0x000000,0xFF0000)
- nwork(3,28)
- setColor(0x000000,0xFFFFFF)
- elseif block == 1 then
- setColor(0x000000,0x00FF00)
- work(33,28)
- setColor(0xFF0000,0xFFFFFF)
- nwork(3,28)
- setColor(0x000000,0xFFFFFF)
- end
- end
- local function ENGINDICATOR()
- if block2 == 2 then
- setColor(0x00FF00,0x000000)
- work(78,28)
- setColor(0x000000,0xFF0000)
- nwork(48,28)
- setColor(0x000000,0xFFFFFF)
- elseif block2 == 1 then
- setColor(0x000000,0x00FF00)
- work(78,28)
- setColor(0xFF0000,0xFFFFFF)
- nwork(48,28)
- setColor(0x000000,0xFFFFFF)
- end
- end
- term.clear()
- gpu.set(1,1,"╔══════════════════════════════════╦════════════════╦══════════════╦════════════════╦══════════════╗")
- gpu.set(1,2,"║ ║ ║ ████████████ ║ ║ ████████████ ║")
- gpu.set(1,3,"║ ║ ║ █ ВКЛЮЧИТЬ █ ║ ║ █ ВКЛЮЧИТЬ █ ║")
- gpu.set(1,4,"║ ║ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ║ ████████████ ║ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ║ ████████████ ║")
- gpu.set(1,5,"║ ║ -->╠══════════════╣ -->╠══════════════╣")
- gpu.set(1,6,"║ ║ КАТУШКАМИ ║ ████████████ ║ ТУРБИНОЙ ║ ████████████ ║")
- gpu.set(1,7,"║ ║ ║ █ВЫКЛЮЧИТЬ █ ║ ║ █ВЫКЛЮЧИТЬ █ ║")
- gpu.set(1,8,"║ ║ ║ ████████████ ║ ║ ████████████ ║")
- gpu.set(1,9,"╠══════════════════════════════════╩════════════════╩══════════════╩════════════════╩══════════════╣")
- gpu.set(1,10,"║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,11,"║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,12,"╠══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣")
- gpu.set(1,13,"║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,14,"║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,15,"╠══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣")
- gpu.set(1,16,"║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,17,"║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,18,"╠══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣")
- gpu.set(1,19,"║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,20,"║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,21,"╠══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣")
- gpu.set(1,22,"║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,23,"║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,24,"╠════════════════════════════════════════════╦════════════════════════════════════════════╦════════╣")
- gpu.set(1,27,"╠══════════════╦══════════════╦══════════════╣══════════════╦══════════════╦══════════════╣ ║")
- gpu.set(1,28,"║ ████████████ ║ ║ ████████████ ║ ████████████ ║ ║ ████████████ ║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,29,"║ █ ВКЛЮЧИТЬ █ ║ ║ █ВЫКЛЮЧИТЬ █ ║ █ ВКЛЮЧИТЬ █ ║ ║ █ВЫКЛЮЧИТЬ █ ║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,30,"║ ████████████ ║ ║ ████████████ ║ ████████████ ║ ║ ████████████ ║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,31,"╠══════════════╝ ╚══════════════╠══════════════╝ ╚══════════════╣ ║")
- gpu.set(1,32,"║ +1000 | | -1000 ║ +100000 | | -100000 ║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,33,"║ +100 | | -100 ║ +10000 | | -10000 ║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,34,"║ +10 | | -10 ║ +1000 | | -1000 ║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,35,"║ +1 | | -1 ║ +100 | | -100 ║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,36,"╠════════════════════════════════════════════╩════════════════════════════════════════════╩════════╣")
- gpu.set(1,38,"╠═════════════════════╦═══════════════════════╦════════════════════════╦═══════════════════════════╣")
- gpu.set(1,40,"║ ║ ║ ║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,41,"║ RF/T ║ RF/SEC ║ RF/M ║ RF/H ║")
- gpu.set(1,42,"║ ║ ║ ║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,43,"║ ║ ║ ║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,44,"╠═════════════════════╩═══════════════════════╩════════════════════════╩═══════════════════════════╣")
- gpu.set(1,45,"║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,46,"║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,47,"║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,48,"║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,49,"║ ║")
- gpu.set(1,50,"╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝")
- local function onTouch(event,adress,x,y,clic,pseudo)
- if x==1 and y==1 then
- computer.pushSignal("quit")
- term.setCursor(1,1)
- return false
- elseif x > 85 and x < 100 and y > 1 and y < 5 then
- br.setActive(true)
- elseif x > 85 and x < 100 and y > 5 and y < 9 then
- br.setActive(false)
- elseif x > 54 and x < 67 and y > 1 and y < 5 then
- br.setInductorEngaged(true)
- elseif x > 54 and x < 67 and y > 5 and y < 9 then
- br.setInductorEngaged(false)
- elseif x > 2 and x < 15 and y > 28 and y < 30 then
- block = 1
- elseif x > 32 and x < 45 and y > 28 and y < 30 then
- block = 2
- elseif x > 47 and x < 60 and y > 28 and y < 30 then
- block2 = 1
- br.setInductorEngaged(false)
- elseif x > 77 and x < 90 and y > 28 and y < 30 then
- block2 = 2
- br.setInductorEngaged(false)
- elseif x > 50 and x < 57 and y == 32 then -- скорость +1000
- if eng23 >= 900000 then
- eng23 = 1000000
- else
- eng23 = eng23 + 100000
- end
- gpu.set(64,32, string.format("%10d", eng23))
- elseif x > 50 and x < 57 and y == 33 then -- скорость +100
- if eng23 >= 990000 then
- eng23 = 1000000
- else
- eng23 = eng + 10000
- end
- gpu.set(64,32, string.format("%10d", eng23))
- elseif x > 50 and x < 57 and y == 34 then -- скорость +10
- if eng23 >= 999000 then
- eng23 = 1000000
- else
- eng23 = eng23 + 1000
- end
- gpu.set(64,32, string.format("%10d", eng23))
- elseif x > 50 and x < 57 and y == 35 then -- скорость +1
- if eng23 >= 999900 then
- eng23 = 1000000
- else
- eng23 = eng23 + 100
- end
- gpu.set(64,32, string.format("%10d", eng23))
- elseif x > 80 and x < 87 and y == 32 then -- скорость -1000
- if eng23 <= 100000 then
- eng23 = 0
- else
- eng23 = eng23 - 100000
- end
- gpu.set(64,32, string.format("%10d", eng23))
- elseif x > 80 and x < 87 and y == 33 then -- скорость -100
- if eng23 <= 10000 then
- eng23 = 0
- else
- eng23 = eng23 - 10000
- end
- gpu.set(64,32, string.format("%10d", eng23))
- elseif x > 80 and x < 87 and y == 34 then -- скорость -10
- if eng23 <= 1000 then
- eng23 = 0
- else
- eng23 = eng23 - 1000
- end
- gpu.set(64,32, string.format("%10d", eng23))
- elseif x > 80 and x < 87 and y == 35 then -- скорость -1
- if eng23 <= 100 then
- eng23 = 0
- else
- eng23 = eng23 - 100
- end
- gpu.set(64,32, string.format("%10d", eng23))
- elseif x > 2 and x < 15 and y == 32 then -- скорость +1000
- if speed >= 2000 then
- speed = 3000
- else
- speed = speed + 1000
- end
- gpu.set(19,33, string.format("%10d", speed))
- elseif x > 2 and x < 15 and y == 33 then -- скорость +100
- if speed >= 2900 then
- speed = 3000
- else
- speed = speed + 100
- end
- gpu.set(19,33, string.format("%10d", speed))
- elseif x > 2 and x < 15 and y == 34 then -- скорость +10
- if speed >= 2990 then
- speed = 3000
- else
- speed = speed + 10
- end
- gpu.set(19,33, string.format("%10d", speed))
- elseif x > 2 and x < 15 and y == 35 then -- скорость +1
- if speed >= 2999 then
- speed = 3000
- else
- speed = speed + 1
- end
- gpu.set(19,33, string.format("%10d", speed))
- elseif x > 31 and x < 44 and y == 32 then -- скорость -1000
- if speed <= 1000 then
- speed = 0
- else
- speed = speed - 1000
- end
- gpu.set(19,33, string.format("%10d", speed))
- elseif x > 31 and x < 44 and y == 33 then -- скорость -100
- if speed <= 100 then
- speed = 0
- else
- speed = speed - 100
- end
- gpu.set(19,33, string.format("%10d", speed))
- elseif x > 31 and x < 44 and y == 34 then -- скорость -10
- if speed <= 10 then
- speed = 0
- else
- speed = speed - 10
- end
- gpu.set(19,33, string.format("%10d", speed))
- elseif x > 31 and x < 44 and y == 35 then -- скорость -1
- if speed <= 1 then
- speed = 0
- else
- speed = speed - 1
- end
- gpu.set(19,33, string.format("%10d", speed))
- end
- end
- local function onTimer(_,timer)
- drawbars()
- return true
- end
- event.listen("touch",onTouch)
- local timer = event.timer(0,onTimer,math.huge)
- event.pull("quit")
- event.cancel(timer)
- event.ignore("touch",onTouch)
- component.gpu.setResolution(100,50)
- term.clear()
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