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- --
- -- Firewolf
- -- Made by GravityScore and 1lann
- --
- -- 1.58 Wrapper
- -- Rednet
- local rednet = {}
- rednet.CHANNEL_BROADCAST = 65535
- rednet.CHANNEL_REPEAT = 65533
- local tReceivedMessages = {}
- local tReceivedMessageTimeouts = {}
- local tHostnames = {}
- function sModem )
- if type( sModem ) ~= "string" then
- error( "expected string", 2 )
- end
- if peripheral.getType( sModem ) ~= "modem" then
- error( "No such modem: "..sModem, 2 )
- end
- sModem, "open", os.getComputerID() )
- sModem, "open", rednet.CHANNEL_BROADCAST )
- end
- function rednet.close( sModem )
- if sModem then
- -- Close a specific modem
- if type( sModem ) ~= "string" then
- error( "expected string", 2 )
- end
- if peripheral.getType( sModem ) ~= "modem" then
- error( "No such modem: "..sModem, 2 )
- end
- sModem, "close", os.getComputerID() )
- sModem, "close", rednet.CHANNEL_BROADCAST )
- else
- -- Close all modems
- for n,sModem in ipairs( peripheral.getNames() ) do
- if rednet.isOpen( sModem ) then
- rednet.close( sModem )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function rednet.isOpen( sModem )
- if sModem then
- -- Check if a specific modem is open
- if type( sModem ) ~= "string" then
- error( "expected string", 2 )
- end
- if peripheral.getType( sModem ) == "modem" then
- return sModem, "isOpen", os.getComputerID() ) and sModem, "isOpen", rednet.CHANNEL_BROADCAST )
- end
- else
- -- Check if any modem is open
- for n,sModem in ipairs( peripheral.getNames() ) do
- if rednet.isOpen( sModem ) then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function rednet.send( nRecipient, message, sProtocol )
- -- Generate a (probably) unique message ID
- -- We could do other things to guarantee uniqueness, but we really don't need to
- -- Store it to ensure we don't get our own messages back
- local nMessageID = math.random( 1, 2147483647 )
- tReceivedMessages[ nMessageID ] = true
- tReceivedMessageTimeouts[ os.startTimer( 30 ) ] = nMessageID
- -- Create the message
- local nReplyChannel = os.getComputerID()
- local tMessage = {
- nMessageID = nMessageID,
- nRecipient = nRecipient,
- message = message,
- sProtocol = sProtocol,
- }
- if nRecipient == os.getComputerID() then
- -- Loopback to ourselves
- os.queueEvent( "rednet_message", nReplyChannel, message, sProtocol )
- else
- -- Send on all open modems, to the target and to repeaters
- local sent = false
- for n,sModem in ipairs( peripheral.getNames() ) do
- if rednet.isOpen( sModem ) then
- sModem, "transmit", nRecipient, nReplyChannel, tMessage );
- sModem, "transmit", rednet.CHANNEL_REPEAT, nReplyChannel, tMessage );
- sent = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function rednet.broadcast( message, sProtocol )
- rednet.send( rednet.CHANNEL_BROADCAST, message, sProtocol )
- end
- function rednet.receive( sProtocolFilter, nTimeout )
- -- The parameters used to be ( nTimeout ), detect this case for backwards compatibility
- if type(sProtocolFilter) == "number" and nTimeout == nil then
- sProtocolFilter, nTimeout = nil, sProtocolFilter
- end
- -- Start the timer
- local timer = nil
- local sFilter = nil
- if nTimeout then
- timer = os.startTimer( nTimeout )
- sFilter = nil
- else
- sFilter = "rednet_message"
- end
- -- Wait for events
- while true do
- local sEvent, p1, p2, p3 = os.pullEvent( sFilter )
- if sEvent == "rednet_message" then
- -- Return the first matching rednet_message
- local nSenderID, message, sProtocol = p1, p2, p3
- if sProtocolFilter == nil or sProtocol == sProtocolFilter then
- return nSenderID, message, sProtocol
- end
- elseif sEvent == "timer" then
- -- Return nil if we timeout
- if p1 == timer then
- return nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function sProtocol, sHostname )
- if type( sProtocol ) ~= "string" or type( sHostname ) ~= "string" then
- error( "expected string, string", 2 )
- end
- if sHostname == "localhost" then
- error( "Reserved hostname", 2 )
- end
- if tHostnames[ sProtocol ] ~= sHostname then
- if rednet.lookup( sProtocol, sHostname ) ~= nil then
- error( "Hostname in use", 2 )
- end
- tHostnames[ sProtocol ] = sHostname
- end
- end
- function rednet.unhost( sProtocol )
- if type( sProtocol ) ~= "string" then
- error( "expected string", 2 )
- end
- tHostnames[ sProtocol ] = nil
- end
- function rednet.lookup( sProtocol, sHostname )
- if type( sProtocol ) ~= "string" then
- error( "expected string", 2 )
- end
- -- Build list of host IDs
- local tResults = nil
- if sHostname == nil then
- tResults = {}
- end
- -- Check localhost first
- if tHostnames[ sProtocol ] then
- if sHostname == nil then
- table.insert( tResults, os.getComputerID() )
- elseif sHostname == "localhost" or sHostname == tHostnames[ sProtocol ] then
- return os.getComputerID()
- end
- end
- if not rednet.isOpen() then
- if tResults then
- return unpack( tResults )
- end
- return nil
- end
- -- Broadcast a lookup packet
- rednet.broadcast( {
- sType = "lookup",
- sProtocol = sProtocol,
- sHostname = sHostname,
- }, "dns" )
- -- Start a timer
- local timer = os.startTimer( 2 )
- -- Wait for events
- while true do
- local event, p1, p2, p3 = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "rednet_message" then
- -- Got a rednet message, check if it's the response to our request
- local nSenderID, tMessage, sMessageProtocol = p1, p2, p3
- if sMessageProtocol == "dns" and tMessage.sType == "lookup response" then
- if tMessage.sProtocol == sProtocol then
- if sHostname == nil then
- table.insert( tResults, nSenderID )
- elseif tMessage.sHostname == sHostname then
- return nSenderID
- end
- end
- end
- else
- -- Got a timer event, check it's the end of our timeout
- if p1 == timer then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if tResults then
- return unpack( tResults )
- end
- return nil
- end
- local bRunning = false
- function
- if bRunning then
- error( "rednet is already running", 2 )
- end
- bRunning = true
- while bRunning do
- local sEvent, p1, p2, p3, p4 = os.pullEventRaw()
- if sEvent == "modem_message" then
- -- Got a modem message, process it and add it to the rednet event queue
- local sModem, nChannel, nReplyChannel, tMessage = p1, p2, p3, p4
- if rednet.isOpen( sModem ) and ( nChannel == os.getComputerID() or nChannel == rednet.CHANNEL_BROADCAST ) then
- if type( tMessage ) == "table" and tMessage.nMessageID then
- if not tReceivedMessages[ tMessage.nMessageID ] then
- tReceivedMessages[ tMessage.nMessageID ] = true
- tReceivedMessageTimeouts[ os.startTimer( 30 ) ] = nMessageID
- os.queueEvent( "rednet_message", nReplyChannel, tMessage.message, tMessage.sProtocol )
- end
- end
- end
- elseif sEvent == "rednet_message" then
- -- Got a rednet message (queued from above), respond to dns lookup
- local nSenderID, tMessage, sProtocol = p1, p2, p3
- if sProtocol == "dns" and tMessage.sType == "lookup" then
- local sHostname = tHostnames[ tMessage.sProtocol ]
- if sHostname ~= nil and (tMessage.sHostname == nil or tMessage.sHostname == sHostname) then
- rednet.send( nSenderID, {
- sType = "lookup response",
- sHostname = sHostname,
- sProtocol = tMessage.sProtocol,
- }, "dns" )
- end
- end
- elseif sEvent == "timer" then
- -- Got a timer event, use it to clear the event queue
- local nTimer = p1
- local nMessage = tReceivedMessageTimeouts[ nTimer ]
- if nMessage then
- tReceivedMessageTimeouts[ nTimer ] = nil
- tReceivedMessages[ nMessage ] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Variables
- local version = "3.0"
- local build = 0
- local w, h = term.getSize()
- local serversFolder = "/fw_servers"
- local indexFileName = "index"
- local sides = {}
- local publicDnsChannel = 9999
- local publicRespChannel = 9998
- local responseID = 41738
- local DNSRequestTag = "--@!FIREWOLF-LIST!@--"
- local DNSResponseTag = "--@!FIREWOLF-DNSRESP!@--"
- local connectTag = "--@!FIREWOLF-CONNECT!@--"
- local disconnectTag = "--@!FIREWOLF-DISCONNECT!@--"
- local receiveTag = "--@!FIREWOLF-RECEIVE!@--"
- local headTag = "--@!FIREWOLF-HEAD!@--"
- local bodyTag = "--@!FIREWOLF-BODY!@--"
- local initiateTag = "--@!FIREWOLF-INITIATE!@--"
- local protocolTag = "--@!FIREWOLF-REDNET-PROTOCOL!@--"
- local initiatePattern = "^%-%-@!FIREWOLF%-INITIATE!@%-%-(.+)"
- local retrievePattern = "^%-%-@!FIREWOLF%-FETCH!@%-%-(.+)"
- local theme = {}
- local colorTheme = {
- background = colors.gray,
- accent =,
- subtle =,
- lightText = colors.gray,
- text = colors.white,
- errorText =,
- }
- local grayscaleTheme = {
- background =,
- accent =,
- subtle =,
- lightText = colors.white,
- text = colors.white,
- errorText = colors.white,
- }
- local default404 = [[
- local function center(text)
- local x, y = term.getCursorPos()
- term.setCursorPos(math.floor(w / 2 - text:len() / 2) + (text:len() % 2 == 0 and 1 or 0), y)
- term.write(text)
- term.setCursorPos(1, y + 1)
- end
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 4)
- center("Error 404")
- print("\n")
- center("The page could not be found.")
- ]]
- -- RC4
- -- Implementation by AgentE382
- local cryptWrapper = function(plaintext, salt)
- local key = type(salt) == "table" and {unpack(salt)} or {string.byte(salt, 1, #salt)}
- local S = {}
- for i = 0, 255 do
- S[i] = i
- end
- local j, keylength = 0, #key
- for i = 0, 255 do
- j = (j + S[i] + key[i % keylength + 1]) % 256
- S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i]
- end
- local i = 0
- j = 0
- local chars, astable = type(plaintext) == "table" and {unpack(plaintext)} or {string.byte(plaintext, 1, #plaintext)}, false
- for n = 1, #chars do
- i = (i + 1) % 256
- j = (j + S[i]) % 256
- S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i]
- chars[n] = bit.bxor(S[(S[i] + S[j]) % 256], chars[n])
- if chars[n] > 127 or chars[n] == 13 then
- astable = true
- end
- end
- return astable and chars or string.char(unpack(chars))
- end
- local crypt = function(plaintext, salt)
- local resp, msg = pcall(cryptWrapper, plaintext, salt)
- if resp then
- if type(msg) == "table" then
- return textutils.serialize(msg)
- else
- return msg
- end
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- -- Backend
- local setupModem = function()
- for _, v in pairs(redstone.getSides()) do
- if peripheral.getType(v) == "modem" then
- table.insert(sides, v)
- end
- end
- if #sides <= 0 then
- error("No modem found!")
- end
- end
- local modem = function(func, ...)
-"right", func, ...)
- return true
- end
- local calculateChannel = function(domain, distance, id)
- local total = 1
- if distance then
- id = (id + 3642 * math.pi) % 100000
- if tostring(distance):find("%.") then
- local distProc = (tostring(distance):sub(1, tostring(distance):find("%.") + 1)):gsub("%.", "")
- total = tonumber(
- else
- total = tonumber(
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #domain do
- total = total * string.byte(domain:sub(i, i))
- if total > 10000000000 then
- total = tonumber(tostring(total):sub(-5, -1))
- end
- while tostring(total):sub(-1, -1) == "0" do
- total = tonumber(tostring(total):sub(1, -2))
- end
- end
- return (total % 50000) + 10000
- end
- local isSession = function(sessions, channel, distance, id)
- for k, v in pairs(sessions) do
- if v[1] == distance and v[2] == id and v[3] == channel then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local fetchPage = function(domain, page)
- local part1 = [[
- [br][=][c orange]Oeed's Farming Turtle Info Page[br][br]
- [<][c white][offset 3]Status: ]]
- local part2 = [[
- [br]Next Harvest: ]]
- local part3 = [[
- [br]ID: ]]
- local part4 = [[
- [br]Coordinates: ]]
- local part5 = [[
- [br]Fuel: ]]
- local x,y,z = gps.locate()
- return (part1..farmerStatus..part2..farmerNextHarvest..part3..os.getComputerID()..part4..x..", "..y..", "..z..part5..turtle.getFuelLevel()), "fwml"
- end
- local backend = function(serverURL, onEvent, onMessage)
- local serverChannel = calculateChannel(serverURL)
- local sessions = {}
- local receivedMessages = {}
- local receivedMessageTimeouts = {}
- modem("open", publicDnsChannel)
- modem("open", serverChannel)
- modem("open", rednet.CHANNEL_REPEAT)
- .. serverURL, initiateTag .. serverURL)
- onMessage("Hosting rdnt://" .. serverURL)
- onMessage("Listening for incoming requests...")
- while true do
- local eventArgs = {os.pullEvent()}
- local event, givenSide, givenChannel, givenID, givenMessage, givenDistance = unpack(eventArgs)
- if event == "modem_message" then
- if givenChannel == serverChannel and givenMessage:match(initiatePattern) == serverURL then
- modem("transmit", serverChannel, responseID, crypt(connectTag .. serverURL, serverURL .. tostring(givenDistance) .. givenID))
- if #sessions > 50 then
- modem("close", sessions[#sessions][3])
- table.remove(sessions)
- end
- local isInSessions = false
- for k, v in pairs(sessions) do
- if v[1] == givenDistance and v[3] == givenID then
- isInSessions = true
- end
- end
- local userChannel = calculateChannel(serverURL, givenDistance, givenID)
- if not isInSessions then
- onMessage("[DIRECT] Starting encrypted connection: " .. userChannel)
- table.insert(sessions, {givenDistance, givenID, userChannel})
- modem("open", userChannel)
- else
- modem("open", userChannel)
- end
- elseif isSession(sessions, givenChannel, givenDistance, givenID) then
- local request = crypt(textutils.unserialize(givenMessage), serverURL .. tostring(givenDistance) .. givenID)
- if request then
- local domain = request:match(retrievePattern)
- if domain then
- local page = domain:match("^[^/]+/(.+)")
- if not page then
- page = "index"
- end
- onMessage("[DIRECT] Requested: /" .. page)
- local contents, language = fetchPage(serverURL, page)
- if not contents then
- contents = fetch404(serverURL)
- end
- local header
- if language == "fwml" then
- header = {language = "Firewolf Markup"}
- else
- header = {language = "Lua"}
- end
- modem("transmit", givenChannel, responseID, crypt(headTag .. textutils.serialize(header) .. bodyTag .. contents, serverURL .. tostring(givenDistance) .. givenID))
- elseif request == disconnectTag then
- for k, v in pairs(sessions) do
- if v[2] == givenChannel then
- sessions[k] = nil
- break
- end
- end
- modem("close", givenChannel)
- onMessage("[DIRECT] Connection closed: " .. givenChannel)
- end
- end
- elseif givenChannel == rednet.CHANNEL_REPEAT and type(givenMessage) == "table"
- and givenMessage.nMessageID and givenMessage.nRecipient and
- not receivedMessages[givenMessage.nMessageID] then
- receivedMessages[givenMessage.nMessageID] = true
- receivedMessageTimeouts[os.startTimer(30)] = givenMessage.nMessageID
- modem("transmit", rednet.CHANNEL_REPEAT, givenID, givenMessage)
- modem("transmit", givenMessage.nRecipient, givenID, givenMessage)
- end
- elseif event == "timer" then
- local messageID = receivedMessageTimeouts[givenSide]
- if messageID then
- receivedMessageTimeouts[givenSide] = nil
- receivedMessages[messageID] = nil
- end
- elseif event == "rednet_message" then
- if givenID == protocolTag .. serverURL then
- local id = givenSide
- local decrypt = crypt(textutils.unserialize(givenChannel), serverURL .. id)
- if decrypt then
- local domain = decrypt:match(retrievePattern)
- if domain then
- local page = domain:match("^[^/]+/(.+)")
- if not page then
- page = "index"
- end
- onMessage("[REDNET] Requested: /" .. page .. " from " .. id)
- local contents, language = fetchPage(serverURL, page)
- if not contents then
- contents = fetch404(serverURL)
- end
- local header
- if language == "fwml" then
- header = {language = "Firewolf Markup"}
- else
- header = {language = "Lua"}
- end
- rednet.send(id, crypt(headTag .. textutils.serialize(header) .. bodyTag .. contents, serverURL .. givenSide), protocolTag .. serverURL)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local shouldExit = false
- if shouldExit then
- rednet.unhost(protocolTag .. serverURL, initiateTag .. serverURL)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- -- Hosting Interface
- local host = function(domain)
- local onMessage = function(text)
- return
- end
- backend(domain, onEvent, onMessage)
- end
- local handleError = function(err)
- print(err)
- sleep(2)
- end
- local _, err
- while true do
- parallel.waitForAny(function() _, err = pcall(host, "") end,
- if err and not err:lower():find("terminate") then
- handleError(err)
- end
- if err and err:lower():find("terminate") then
- break
- end
- end
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