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- -- base tool name
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local playerGui = player.PlayerGui
- -- base move 1
- local hotbar = playerGui:FindFirstChild("Hotbar")
- local backpack = hotbar:FindFirstChild("Backpack")
- local hotbarFrame = backpack:FindFirstChild("Hotbar")
- local baseButton1 = hotbarFrame:FindFirstChild("1").Base
- local ToolName1 = baseButton1.ToolName
- ToolName1.Text = "Strong Punch" -- move 1 name
- -- base move 2
- local baseButton2 = hotbarFrame:FindFirstChild("2").Base
- local ToolName2 = baseButton2.ToolName
- ToolName2.Text = "?" -- move 2 name
- -- base move 3
- local baseButton3 = hotbarFrame:FindFirstChild("3").Base
- local ToolName3 = baseButton3.ToolName
- ToolName3.Text = "Tentacle Shove" -- move 3 name
- -- base move 4
- local baseButton4 = hotbarFrame:FindFirstChild("4").Base
- local ToolName4 = baseButton4.ToolName
- ToolName4.Text = "Uppercut" -- move 4 name
- -- ultimate name
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local player = Players.LocalPlayer
- local playerGui = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
- local function findGuiAndSetText()
- local screenGui = playerGui:FindFirstChild("ScreenGui")
- if screenGui then
- local magicHealthFrame = screenGui:FindFirstChild("MagicHealth")
- if magicHealthFrame then
- local textLabel = magicHealthFrame:FindFirstChild("TextLabel")
- if textLabel then
- textLabel.Text = "『POWER UP』" -- ult name
- end
- end
- end
- end
- findGuiAndSetText()
- --[[MOVE 1 ANIM]]
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local animationId = 10468665991
- -- Animation logic
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- -- Stop all playing animations
- for _, animTrack in pairs(humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- end
- -- Play new animation
- local newAnim ="Animation")
- newAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://128022763591042"
- local loadedAnim = humanoid:LoadAnimation(newAnim)
- local startTime = 0
- loadedAnim:Play()
- loadedAnim:AdjustSpeed(1.3)
- loadedAnim.TimePosition = startTime
- loadedAnim:AdjustSpeed(1.3)
- -- Add your sound and particle effects below this line
- -- Create a new sound object
- local sound ="Sound")
- -- Set the Sound ID (example Sound ID from Roblox library)
- sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://3755636438" -- Replace with your Sound ID
- -- Set other properties for the sound
- sound.Volume = 1
- sound.Looped = false -- Set to true if you want the sound to loop
- sound.PlayOnRemove = false
- -- Set the playback speed (change speed here)
- local playbackSpeed = 1 -- Adjust playback speed (1 = normal, 1.5 = faster, 0.5 = slower)
- sound.PlaybackSpeed = playbackSpeed
- -- Parent the sound to the player's PlayerGui so it plays locally
- sound.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
- -- Play the sound
- wait(0.6)
- sound:Play()
- local Test = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Resources.IcePath.Dash["2"] local test = Test:Clone()
- test.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["HumanoidRootPart"]
- for _, child in ipairs(test:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- child.Color =, 150, 150))
- child:Emit(1)
- child.Enabled = true
- wait(0.2)
- test:Destroy()
- end
- end
- -- Optionally, destroy the sound after it finishes playing
- sound.Ended:Connect(function()
- sound:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- end
- -- Connect the function to humanoid's animation played event
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- --[[END OF MOVE 1 ANIM]]
- -- move 2
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local animationId = 10466974800
- -- Animation logic
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- -- Stop all playing animations
- for _, animTrack in pairs(humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- end
- -- Play new animation
- local newAnim ="Animation")
- newAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://12273188754"
- local loadedAnim = humanoid:LoadAnimation(newAnim)
- local startTime = 0
- loadedAnim:Play()
- loadedAnim:AdjustSpeed(1.2)
- loadedAnim.TimePosition = startTime
- loadedAnim:AdjustSpeed(1.2)
- local sound ="Sound")
- sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://17799049330" -- Replace with your Sound ID
- -- Set other properties for the sound
- sound.Volume = 1
- sound.Looped = false -- Set to true if you want the sound to loop
- sound.PlayOnRemove = false
- local playbackSpeed = 1 -- Adjust playback speed (1 = normal, 1.5 = faster, 0.5 = slower)
- sound.PlaybackSpeed = playbackSpeed
- sound.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
- sound:Play()
- wait(1.5)
- sound:Destroy()
- end
- end
- -- Connect the function to humanoid's animation played event
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- -- end of move 2
- -- move 3
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local animationId = 10471336737
- -- Animation logic
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- -- Stop all playing animations
- for _, animTrack in pairs(humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- end
- -- Play new animation
- local newAnim ="Animation")
- newAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://12296882427"
- local loadedAnim = humanoid:LoadAnimation(newAnim)
- local startTime = 0
- loadedAnim:Play()
- loadedAnim:AdjustSpeed(1)
- loadedAnim.TimePosition = startTime
- loadedAnim:AdjustSpeed(1)
- local rightArm = character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")
- local A0 = rightArm:FindFirstChild("RightGripAttachment")
- if rightArm then
- local sfx ="Part")
- sfx.Size =, 4, 1.3) -- size
- sfx.BrickColor ="Black")
- sfx.CanCollide = false
- sfx.Anchored = false
- sfx.Parent = character
- local weld ="Weld")
- weld.Part0 = sfx
- weld.Part1 = rightArm
- weld.C0 =
- weld.Parent = sfx
- wait(0.5)
- sfx:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- -- Connect the function to humanoid's animation played event
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- -- end of move 3
- -- move 4
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local animationId = 12510170988
- -- Animation logic
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- -- Stop all playing animations
- for _, animTrack in pairs(humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- end
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoidRootPart = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- local function onBodyVelocityAdded(bodyVelocity)
- if bodyVelocity:IsA("BodyVelocity") then
- bodyVelocity.Velocity =, 0, bodyVelocity.Velocity.Z)
- end
- end
- character.DescendantAdded:Connect(onBodyVelocityAdded)
- for _, descendant in pairs(character:GetDescendants()) do
- onBodyVelocityAdded(descendant)
- end
- player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(newCharacter)
- character = newCharacter
- humanoidRootPart = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- character.DescendantAdded:Connect(onBodyVelocityAdded)
- for _, descendant in pairs(character:GetDescendants()) do
- onBodyVelocityAdded(descendant)
- end
- end)
- -- Play new animation
- local newAnim ="Animation")
- newAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://14705929107"
- local loadedAnim = humanoid:LoadAnimation(newAnim)
- local startTime = 1.5
- loadedAnim:Play()
- loadedAnim:AdjustSpeed(1)
- loadedAnim.TimePosition = startTime
- loadedAnim:AdjustSpeed(1)
- local sound ="Sound")
- sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://541909913" -- Replace with your Sound ID
- -- Set other properties for the sound
- sound.Volume = 2
- sound.Looped = false -- Set to true if you want the sound to loop
- sound.PlayOnRemove = false
- local playbackSpeed = 1 -- Adjust playback speed (1 = normal, 1.5 = faster, 0.5 = slower)
- sound.PlaybackSpeed = playbackSpeed
- sound.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
- sound.Ended:Connect(function()
- sound:Destroy()
- end)
- local rightArm = character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")
- local A0 = rightArm:FindFirstChild("RightGripAttachment")
- if rightArm then
- local sfx ="Part")
- sfx.Size =, 5, 2) -- size
- sfx.BrickColor ="Black")
- sfx.CanCollide = false
- sfx.Anchored = false
- sfx.Parent = character
- local weld ="Weld")
- weld.Part0 = sfx
- weld.Part1 = rightArm
- weld.C0 =
- weld.Parent = sfx
- wait(0.6)
- sound:Play()
- wait(0.5)
- sfx:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- -- Connect the function to humanoid's animation played event
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- -- end of move 4
- -- Wall Combo
- local wallComboAnimationId = 15955393872 -- The animation to track
- local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") -- Ensure TweenService is defined
- -- Function to handle Wall Combo animation
- local function onWallComboAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. wallComboAnimationId then
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Humanoid = p.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- -- Stop all currently playing animations
- for _, animTrack in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- end
- -- Play the specific animation
- local AnimAnim ="Animation")
- AnimAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://15943915877" -- The specific wall combo animation
- local Anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimAnim)
- local startTime = 0.05 -- Speed for the specific animation
- Anim:Play()
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(0) -- Stops animation initially
- Anim.TimePosition = startTime
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(1) -- Adjust speed later
- end
- end
- -- End of Wall Combo
- -- ult anim
- local animationId = 12447707844 -- the animation ID that triggers the aura
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- -- Triggered when the animation is played
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- -- Stop all currently playing animations
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Humanoid = p.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- for _, animTrack in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- end
- -- Load and play the specific ultimate animation
- local AnimAnim ="Animation")
- AnimAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://17464923657" -- the specific animation
- local Anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimAnim)
- local startTime = 0 -- the specific start time for the animation
- Anim:Play()
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(1) -- Set speed to 0 initially
- Anim.TimePosition = startTime
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(1)-- Restore speed after starting the animation
- wait(3)
- Anim:Stop()
- end
- end
- -- Connect to the AnimationPlayed event
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- -- the end of ult anim
- --[[ ult name changer made by Owner of Aztech ]]
- -- // DEATH COUNTER //
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local function detectAndRenameTool()
- local tool = player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Death Counter") or player.Character:FindFirstChild("Table Flip")
- if tool then
- tool.Name = "?" -- Change the ult name
- end
- end
- player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function()
- task.wait(1)
- detectAndRenameTool()
- end)
- player.Backpack.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child)
- if child.Name == "Death Counter" then
- detectAndRenameTool()
- end
- end)
- detectAndRenameTool()
- -- // SERIOUS PUNCH //
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local function detectAndRenameTool()
- local tool = player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Serious Punch") or player.Character:FindFirstChild("Table Flip")
- if tool then
- tool.Name = "?" -- Change the ult name
- end
- end
- player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function()
- task.wait(1)
- detectAndRenameTool()
- end)
- player.Backpack.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child)
- if child.Name == "Serious Punch" then
- detectAndRenameTool()
- end
- end)
- detectAndRenameTool()
- -- // TABLE FLIP //
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local function detectAndRenameTool()
- local tool = player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Table Flip") or player.Character:FindFirstChild("Table Flip")
- if tool then
- tool.Name = "?" -- Change the ult name
- end
- end
- player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function()
- task.wait(1)
- detectAndRenameTool()
- end)
- player.Backpack.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child)
- if child.Name == "Table Flip" then
- detectAndRenameTool()
- end
- end)
- detectAndRenameTool()
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local function detectAndRenameTool()
- local tool = player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Omni Directional Punch") or player.Character:FindFirstChild("Table Flip")
- if tool then
- tool.Name = "?" -- Change the ult name
- end
- end
- player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function()
- task.wait(1)
- detectAndRenameTool()
- end)
- player.Backpack.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child)
- if child.Name == "Omni Directional Punch" then
- detectAndRenameTool()
- end
- end)
- detectAndRenameTool()
- --[[Execute Anims (Animations when you execute script]]
- local sound ="Sound")
- -- Set the Sound ID (example Sound ID from Roblox library)
- sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://74376324560435" -- Replace with your Sound ID
- -- Set other properties for the sound
- sound.Volume = 1
- sound.Looped = false -- Set to true if you want the sound to loop
- sound.PlayOnRemove = false
- -- Set the playback speed (change speed here)
- local playbackSpeed = 1 -- Adjust playback speed (1 = normal, 1.5 = faster, 0.5 = slower)
- sound.PlaybackSpeed = playbackSpeed
- -- Parent the sound to the player's PlayerGui so it plays locally
- sound.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
- -- Play the sound
- sound:Play()
- -- Optionally, destroy the sound after it finishes playing
- sound.Ended:Connect(function()
- sound:Destroy()
- end)
- local highlight ="Highlight")
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Humanoid = p.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- for _, animTrack in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- end
- local AnimAnim ="Animation")
- AnimAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://18182425133" -- Replace with your animation ID
- local Anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimAnim)
- local startTime = 1.8
- Anim:Play()
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(1)
- Anim.TimePosition = startTime
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(1)
- highlight.Name = "Outline"
- highlight.Parent = character
- highlight.FillTransparency = 0
- highlight.OutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0)
- highlight.FillColor = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0)
- wait(1.4)
- highlight:Destroy()
- local sound ="Sound")
- -- Set the Sound ID (example Sound ID from Roblox library)
- sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://17858030830" -- Replace with your Sound ID
- -- Set other properties for the sound
- sound.Volume = 5
- sound.Looped = false -- Set to true if you want the sound to loop
- sound.PlayOnRemove = false
- -- Set the playback speed (change speed here)
- local playbackSpeed = 1 -- Adjust playback speed (1 = normal, 1.5 = faster, 0.5 = slower)
- sound.PlaybackSpeed = playbackSpeed
- -- Parent the sound to the player's PlayerGui so it plays locally
- sound.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
- -- Play the sound
- sound:Play()
- -- Optionally, destroy the sound after it finishes playing
- sound.Ended:Connect(function()
- sound:Destroy()
- end)
- local Test = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Resources.KJEffects["fine...Emit2OG"].EmitBatch2 local test = Test:Clone()
- test.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["HumanoidRootPart"]
- for _, child in ipairs(test:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- child:Emit(15)
- child.Enabled = true
- wait(1.5)
- test:Destroy()
- end
- end
- -- Services
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
- -- Local Player
- local player = Players.LocalPlayer
- local playerGui = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
- -- GUI and color adjustment function
- local function updateBarColor()
- -- Find the ScreenGui on the screen
- local screenGui = playerGui:FindFirstChild("ScreenGui")
- if not screenGui then return end
- -- Find the MagicHealth Frame
- local magicHealthFrame = screenGui:FindFirstChild("MagicHealth")
- if not magicHealthFrame then return end
- -- Find the Health Frame
- local healthFrame = magicHealthFrame:FindFirstChild("Health")
- if not healthFrame then return end
- -- Find the Bar Frame
- local barFrame = healthFrame:FindFirstChild("Bar")
- if not barFrame then return end
- -- Find the ImageLabel with ImageColor3 property inside the Bar Frame
- local imageLabel = barFrame:FindFirstChild("Bar")
- if not imageLabel or not imageLabel:IsA("ImageLabel") then return end
- -- Set the color to yellow
- imageLabel.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(138, 138, 138) -- Yellow
- end
- -- Check the GUI again when the character resets
- local function onCharacterAdded(character)
- -- Update the GUI
- updateBarColor()
- end
- -- Check the local player's character
- local function onPlayerAdded()
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- onCharacterAdded(character)
- -- Check again when the character changes
- player.CharacterAdded:Connect(onCharacterAdded)
- end
- -- Check when the player is added
- Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerAdded)
- if player then
- onPlayerAdded()
- end
- -- LocalScript inside StarterPlayerScripts
- -- Function to show the notification
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Saitama to Black",
- Text = "By Sundayo",
- Icon = "rbxassetid://115474707256695", -- Optional, you can provide an image asset ID or leave empty
- Duration = 3 -- Duration in seconds
- })
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