

Jan 12th, 2025 (edited)
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INI file 26.42 KB | Gaming | 0 0
  1. ;  engine ini location C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\KOFXV\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
  2. ;  select file properties and write protect the file so the game doesn't overwrite it.
  4. [Core.System]
  5. Paths=../../../Engine/Content
  6. Paths=%GAMEDIR%Content
  7. Paths=../../../KOFXV/Plugins/ActionTool/Content
  8. Paths=../../../KOFXV/Plugins/Ogl/Content
  9. Paths=../../../KOFXV/Plugins/UITool/Content
  10. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Media/MediaFrameworkUtilities/Content
  11. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Compositing/OpenCVLensDistortion/Content
  12. Paths=../../../KOFXV/Plugins/Effekseer/Content
  13. Paths=../../../KOFXV/Plugins/Wwise/Content
  14. Paths=../../../KOFXV/Plugins/InputSystem/Content
  15. Paths=../../../KOFXV/Plugins/SnkAnimation/Content
  16. Paths=../../../KOFXV/Plugins/DebugMenu/Content
  17. Paths=../../../KOFXV/Plugins/EOSManager/Content
  18. Paths=../../../KOFXV/Plugins/MultipleExceptionPrevention/Content
  19. Paths=../../../KOFXV/Plugins/OnlineSubsystemEOS/Content
  20. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content
  21. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Developer/AnimationSharing/Content
  22. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Editor/GeometryMode/Content
  23. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Editor/SpeedTreeImporter/Content
  24. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Experimental/ChaosClothEditor/Content
  25. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Experimental/GeometryProcessing/Content
  26. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Experimental/GeometryCollectionPlugin/Content
  27. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Experimental/ChaosSolverPlugin/Content
  28. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Experimental/ChaosNiagara/Content
  29. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/FX/Niagara/Content
  30. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Experimental/MotoSynth/Content
  31. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/MagicLeap/MagicLeapPassableWorld/Content
  32. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Media/MediaCompositing/Content
  33. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Runtime/Synthesis/Content
  34. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Runtime/AudioSynesthesia/Content
  36. [Audio]
  37. UnfocusedVolumeMultiplier=0.500000
  39. ; ===============================
  40. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ COLOUR ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  41. ; ===============================
  42. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  43. r.GBufferFormat=3                         ; Set the G-buffer format to HighPrecisionNormals for better color representation
  45. ;perfect                 ;Normal               ;LIGHTER              ;DARK        
  46. r.Color.Max=1.00     ;  1.00 = default     ;r.Color.Max=1.05     ;r.Color.Max=0.8
  47. r.Color.Mid=0.54     ;  0.50 = default     ;r.Color.Mid=0.60     ;r.Color.Mid=0.4    
  48. r.Color.Min=-0.0001     ;  0.00 = default     ;r.Color.Min=0.01     ;r.Color.Min=0.001  
  50. r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0               ; Quality of the scene color fringe effect . 0=disables chromatic aberration.(0 to 4, higher values provide better quality but may impact performance) Disable scene color fringe for improved color accuracy
  51. r.SceneColorFringe.Max=0.0                ; Maximum scene color fringe amount, Set maximum scene color fringe to 0 for cleaner edges.
  52. r.SceneColorFormat=4                      ; high-precision RGBA color format.
  54. [/Script/Engine.RendererOverrideSettings]
  55. r.DefaultFeature.ColorGrading=1                 ; Disable color grading for improved performance
  56. r.ColorGrading.LUTSize=32                       ; Size of the color grading LUT (16, 32, or 64)
  57. r.ColorGrading.Quality=1                        ; Quality of color grading (0=low, 1=high)
  58. r.Color.MaxEditingLUTs=8                        ; Maximum number of color lookup tables (LUTs) used for color correction
  59. r.Color.MidTones.Sharpen=0.5                    ; Increases sharpness of mid-tone colors DEF 0
  60. r.Color.MidTones.Saturation=1.1                 ; Enhances the saturation of mid-tone colors
  61. r.Color.Contrast=1.05                           ; Improve contrast in light and dark areas Increases overall contrast of the scene
  62. r.Color.Grayscale=0                             ; Disables grayscale effect, keeping colors vibrant
  63. r.Color.MaxHDR=2.0                              ; Boosts the maximum intensity of colors in HDR (high dynamic range) scenes
  64. r.Color.Saturation=0.88                         ; Slight desaturation for natural colors
  65. r.Tonemapper.Method=1                           ; Sets the tonemapping method to improve color reproduction
  66. r.TonemapperGamma=2.6                           ; Slight gamma boost for better brightness in midtones. 1.0 makes evrything to dark
  67. r.TonemapperFilm=1                              ; 0 = off (game default), 1 = on Enable filmic tonemapping (ACES)
  68. r.TonemapperFilm.Toe=0.75
  69. r.TonemapperFilm.Shoulder=0.26
  70. r.Tonemapper.Quality=0                          ; Controls the tonemapping quality. Values: 0 Performance (low), 1 (medium), 2 (high) (1 to 5, higher values provide better quality but may impact performance)
  71. r.ToneCurveAmount=0.65                          ; Enable tone curve for natural light transitions
  72. r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=0.5
  73. r.Tonemapper.EmulateHDR=0                       ; DEF 0
  74. r.Tonemapper.MergeWithUpscale.Mode=0            ; DEF 0
  75. r.Tonemapper.MergeWithUpscale.Threshold=0.49    ; DEF 0.49
  76. r.DefaultFeature.AmbientCubemap=False           ; Disable ambient cubemap for performance
  77. r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization=0                ;Disables film grain
  79. [/Script/Engine.Engine]
  80. ; Default color space used for rendering
  81. r.DefaultColorSpace=1               ; 0: sRGB (standard RGB), 1: Linear (linear color space)
  83. ; Gamma correction settings
  84. r.GammaCorrection=1                 ; Enables gamma correction for rendering
  85. r.FastToneMapping=1                 ; Enables fast tone mapping for better performance
  86. r.Exposure=1.0                      ; Set the overall exposure for the scene
  87. r.Contrast=1.0                      ; Set the overall contrast for the scene
  88. r.Saturation=1.05                   ; Set the overall saturation for the scene
  89. r.Gamma=1.02                        ; Set the overall gamma for the scene
  90. r.Temperature=6500.0                ; Set the overall temperature for the scene
  91. r.Tint=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)              ; Set the overall tint for the scene
  93. [/Script/Engine.PostProcessSettings]
  94. ; Remove Film grain effect
  95. r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization=0          ; Controls the grain amount in the tonemapper, disabled for improved performance. ; Controls the graininess of the image. Values: 0 (off) to 1 (max)
  96. r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=0.0                  ; Use with FXAA, TXAA use r.TemporalAASharpen. 0.5 is subtle, 1.5 is good, and 2.0 is sharper (if you use High or Ultra AA)... Typical Ranges: 0.5 - 2.0 (more then 2.0 will start to look pixelated).
  97. [SystemSettings]
  98. r.TonemapperExposure=0.72        ; Slightly reduce overall exposure (default is usually 1.0)
  100. ; ===================================================
  101. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ EYEADAPTION / AUTOEXPOSURE ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  102. ; ===================================================
  103. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  104. ; Disable Eye Adaptation or Limit its Effect
  105. r.EyeAdaptation.ExponentialTransitionDistance=0.6                 ; Smooth light adaptation transitions
  106. r.EyeAdaptation.LensAttenuation=0.9                               ; Default .65 lower is darker, Smooth light transitions
  107. r.EyeAdaptationQuality=1                                        ; 0-3, 0 = off, 2 = default, 1/3 = not implemented
  108. r.EyeAdaptation.MinExposure=0.9                                ; Minimum brightness at night (Adjust as needed)
  109. r.EyeAdaptation.MaxExposure=1.15                                ; Maximum brightness during the day (Adjust as needed)
  110. r.EyeAdaptation.Bias=0.12                                       ;Effect: Slight boost in overall brightness without affecting sky exposure. If the foreground still feels too dark
  111. r.EyeAdaptation.EditorOnly=0
  113. r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure=1                                 ; Auto exposure disabled for improved performance. Enable auto-exposure for smooth day/night transitions. 1 is histogram-based, better for natural lighting
  114. r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure.Method=1                          ; Auto exposure method set to 0, disabling it for performance.
  115. r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure.ExtendDefaultLuminanceRange=1
  116. r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure.Bias=0.015                        ; Minor bias adjustment for consistency
  118. [TimeOfDaySystem]
  119. ; Day/Night Cycle exposure compensation
  120. TimeOfDay.AutoExposureCompensation.Day=0.0
  121. TimeOfDay.AutoExposureCompensation.Night=-1.0
  122. TimeOfDay.AutoExposureCompensation.Transition=0.5
  124. ; Light intensity transitions
  125. TimeOfDay.SunIntensity.Day=10.0
  126. TimeOfDay.SunIntensity.Night=0.0
  127. TimeOfDay.MoonIntensity.Night=0.5
  129. ; Sky/Atmosphere settings
  130. TimeOfDay.SkyAtmosphere.Intensity.Day=1.0
  131. TimeOfDay.SkyAtmosphere.Intensity.Night=0.7
  132. TimeOfDaySystem.AutoExposure.ExposureBias=-0.8
  133. TimeOfDaySystem.AutoExposure.MinBrightness=3.6
  134. TimeOfDaySystem.SkyLightPollutionLuminance=0.2
  135. TimeOfDaySystem.BloomIntensity=0.01
  136. TimeOfDaySystem.SunIntensity=60000
  137. TimeOfDaySystem.CloudShadowVolumetricResolutionScale=1
  138. TimeOfDaySystem.Clouds.HighAltitude.CloudDensityMult=0.2
  139. TimeOfDaySystem.VolumetricCloud.LayerHeightScale=2.8
  140. TimeOfDaySystem.VolumetricCloud.LightPollutionMult=0.001
  141. TimeOfDaySystem.VolumetricCloud.SampleCountScaleView=0.8
  142. TimeOfDaySystem.VolumetricCloud.SampleCountScaleShadows=0.9
  143. TimeOfDaySystem.StarIntensity=20
  144. TimeOfDaySystem.MoonIntensity=0.7
  145. TimeofDaySystem.LegacyEmissiveAdjustments.EmissiveMultNonLamp=2000
  146. TimeOfDaySystem.CloudShadowVolumetricStrength=0.5
  147. TimeOfDaySystem.VolumetricCloud.RenderTargetMode=1
  148. TimeOfDaySystem.AutoExposure.SpeedUp=10
  149. TimeOfDaySystem.AutoExposure.SpeedDown=5
  150. TimeOfDaySystem.ColorGrading.ShadowGamma=1.05
  151. TimeOfDaySystem.MinimumCloudSpeed=0.375
  153. [SystemSettings]
  154. ; Auto exposure settings
  155. r.AutoExposure.Method=2
  156. r.AutoExposure.MinBrightness=-10
  157. r.AutoExposure.MaxBrightness=20
  158. r.AutoExposure.SpeedUp=3
  159. r.AutoExposure.SpeedDown=1
  160. r.AutoExposure.ExtendDefaultLuminanceRange=0
  161. AutoExposure.Bias=0.05       ; Small bias to prevent overly dark nights
  163. [Engine.RendererSettings]
  164. r.DFDistanceScale=8
  165. r.DistanceFieldAO=1
  166. r.DFFullResolution=0
  167. r.DFFarTransitionScale=0.1
  169. ; ============================================
  170. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ CHROMATIC ABERRATION ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  171. ; ============================================
  172. ;[/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  173. r.ChromaticAberration=False                      ; Disable chromatic aberration for better performance
  175. ; =========================================
  176. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ MOTION BLUR OFF ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  177. ; =========================================
  178. [SystemSettings]
  179. r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur=0
  180. r.MotionBlurQuality=0
  181. r.MotionBlur.Scale=0
  182. r.FastBlurThreshold=0
  183. r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur=0
  184. r.MotionBlur.Amount=0
  185. r.MotionBlurSeparable=0
  186. r.MotionBlur.Max=0
  188. ; ============================================
  189. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ DEPTH OF FIELD OFF ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  190. ; ============================================
  191. [/Script/Engine.Engine]
  192. r.DefaultFeature.DepthOfField=0
  193. r.DepthofFieldQuality=0
  194. r.GaussianDOF=0
  195. r.DepthOfField.FarBlur=0
  196. r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadius=0.0
  197. r.DepthOfField.MaxBokehSize=0
  198. r.DepthOfField.MaxNearBlurSize=0
  199. r.DepthOfField.MaxFarBlurSize=0
  200. r.DepthOfField.FarBlurKernelSize=0
  201. r.DepthOfField.NearBlurKernelSize=0
  202. r.DepthOfField.DepthBlurRadius=0
  203. r.DepthOfField.DepthBlurAmount=0
  204. r.DepthOfField.MotionBlurAmount=0
  207. ; ==================================
  208. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ LIGHTING ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  209. ; ==================================
  210. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  211. ; Light functions settings
  212. r.DefaultFeature.LightFunctions=1               ; Enables light functions
  213. r.LightFunctionQuality=1                        ; Sets the light function quality (0 = low, 1 = high)
  214. r.LightShaftDownSampleFactor=4                  ; Helps with light shaft quality
  215. r.Light.UseClusteredDeferredShading=1
  216. r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim=8               ; Dimensions of the lighting volume for translucent materials set to 8, reducing memory usage. 24=High
  217. r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale=10                  ; Maximum draw distance of lights.
  218. r.MinScreenRadiusForLights=0.001
  219. r.AllowStaticLighting=0                         ; Disable static lighting to rely more on dynamic lighting and color accuracy. Disable reduce memory usage
  220. r.LightPropagationVolume=0                      ; Light propagation volume (LPV) disabled for improved performance.
  222. ; Light shafts settings (also known as God rays)
  223. r.LightShaftQuality=1                           ; Sets the light shaft quality (0 = low, 1 = high) set to 0, disabling it for performance.
  225. ; Particle system settings
  226. r.ParticleLightQuality=1                        ; Sets the particle light quality (0 = low, 1 = high)
  228. ; Miscellaneous settings
  229. r.LightCullingQuality=1                         ;Light culling quality set to 1 for improved performance.
  231. ; LensFlare
  232. r.LensFlareIntensity=0.3                  ; Set the lens flare intensity for the overall scene
  233. r.LensFlareThreshold=0.8                  ; Set the lens flare threshold for the overall scene
  234. r.LensFlareSize=0.05                      ; Set the lens flare size for the overall scene
  235. r.LensFlareQuality=1                      ;r.LensFlareQuality determines the quality of lens flares in the game.0 disables lens flares, while higher values increase the quality.
  236. r.LensFlareBokehShape=0                   ;r.LensFlareBokehShape determines the shape of the bokeh used in lens flares.0 for circular bokeh, 1 for hexagonal bokeh, and 2 for octagonal bokeh.
  237. r.LensFlareOcclusion=1                    ;r.LensFlareOcclusion determines whether lens flares can be occluded by other objects in the scene. 0 disables occlusion, while 1 enables occlusion.
  238. r.LensFlareOcclusionQueries=1             ;r.LensFlareOcclusionQueries determines the method used for occlusion queries with lens flares.0 for software occlusion queries, 1 for hardware occlusion queries.
  239. r.LensFlareOcclusionMaskDarkening=0.2     ;r.LensFlareOcclusionMaskDarkening determines the amount of darkening applied to occluded lens flares. 0 disables darkening, while higher values increase the effect.
  240. r.LensFlareOcclusionDepthRange=1000       ;r.LensFlareOcclusionDepthRange determines the depth range for occlusion queries with lens flares. =1000 sets the depth range in centimeters.
  242. ; =======================================
  243. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ FOG OPTIMIZED ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  244. ; =======================================
  245. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  246. r.Fog=1
  247. r.FogDensity=0.01
  248. r.FogHeightFalloff=0.2
  249. r.FogMaxOpacity=0.85
  250. r.FogStartDistance=600.0
  251. r.FogEndDistance=4500.0
  252. r.FogStartDistanceForOpaque=1500.0
  253. r.FogDistanceScale=1.2
  255. ; ✅ Improve Fog Color for Realism
  256. r.FogColor=0.65, 0.65, 0.75
  257. r.FogInscatteringColor=0.6, 0.6, 0.65
  258. r.FogInscatteringTextureTint=0.9, 0.9, 1.0
  260. ; ✅ Fully Disable Volumetric Fog (For Forward Rendering)
  261. r.VolumetricFog=0
  262. r.VolumetricRenderTarget=0
  263. r.VolumetricFogGridSize=0
  264. r.VolumetricFog.HistoryMissSupersampleCount=0
  265. r.VolumetricFog.TemporalReprojection=0
  267. ; =========================================
  268. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ TEXTURE STREAMING ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  269. ; =========================================
  270. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  271. r.TextureStreaming=True
  272. [/Script/Engine.Engine]
  273. bUseBackgroundLevelStreaming=False ;helps ensure that the increased view distance setting persists during gameplay and less streming from disk but higher memory ussage.
  276. [/Script/Engine.TextureLODSettings]
  277. TEXTUREGROUP_World=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  278. TEXTUREGROUP_WorldNormalMap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  279. TEXTUREGROUP_WorldSpecular=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Sharpen1,NumStreamedMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  280. TEXTUREGROUP_Character=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  281. TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterNormalMap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  282. TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterSpecular=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Sharpen1,NumStreamedMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  283. TEXTUREGROUP_Weapon=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  284. TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponNormalMap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  285. TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponSpecular=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Sharpen1,NumStreamedMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  286. TEXTUREGROUP_Vehicle=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  287. TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleNormalMap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  288. TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleSpecular=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Sharpen1,NumStreamedMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  289. TEXTUREGROUP_Cinematic=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  290. TEXTUREGROUP_Effects=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=linear,MipFilter=point,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  291. TEXTUREGROUP_EffectsNotFiltered=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  292. TEXTUREGROUP_Skybox=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  293. TEXTUREGROUP_UI=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  294. TEXTUREGROUP_Lightmap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Blur5,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  295. TEXTUREGROUP_Shadowmap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Blur5,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  296. TEXTUREGROUP_RenderTarget=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  297. TEXTUREGROUP_MobileFlattened=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  298. TEXTUREGROUP_Terrain_Heightmap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  299. TEXTUREGROUP_Terrain_Weightmap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=LeaveExistingMips,NumStreamedMips=-1)
  300. TEXTUREGROUP_Bokeh=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=1,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=linear,MipFilter=linear)
  301. TEXTUREGROUP_Pixels2D=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=point,MipFilter=point)
  302. TEXTUREGROUP_IESLightProfile=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=point)
  303. TEXTUREGROUP_HDR=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=8192,LODBias=-15,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=point)
  305. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  306. r.Streaming.FullyLoadUsedTextures=1       ; Configured for performance. It allows textures to be loaded partially instead of fully loading them, improving memory usage.
  307. r.Streaming.DropMips=0                    ; Configured for performance. It disables the dropping of mipmaps, ensuring all mip levels are loaded, which can improve image quality.
  308. r.Streaming.HiddenPrimitiveScale=0.5      ; Configured for performance. It scales down the streaming bounds for hidden primitives, reducing the memory usage for streaming.
  309. ; r.Streaming.HLODStrategy=2                ; Configured for performance. It disables Hierarchical Level of Detail (HLOD) strategy, which can improve performance at the cost of some visual quality.
  310. r.Streaming.MipBias=0.0                  ; Configured for performance. can improve performance by reducing the rendering cost of high-resolution textures.
  311. r.Streaming.UseAllMips=1                  ; Configured for performance. It disables the use of all mips, meaning only the highest mip level will be used for rendering, reducing memory usage and potentially improving performance.
  312. r.MaxAnisotropy=16                        ; Configured for performance. It sets the maximum anisotropic filtering level to 8, which balances image quality and performance.
  313. r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM=0         ; Configured for performance. It disables the limitation of the streaming pool size based on available VRAM, allowing the pool size to be set manually.
  314. r.Streaming.PoolSize=10000                ; ~10GB based on 85% of available VRAM (12GB * 0.85 ≈ 10GB).0 = auto
  315. r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed=8192     ; It sets the maximum temporary memory allowed for streaming recomended 16gig RAM/4=4096 MB or 0 MB effectively disabling the use of temporary memory.
  316. r.RenderTargetPoolMin=400                ; Configured for performance. It sets the minimum size of the render target pool to 2048 MB, which affects the memory allocation for render targets.
  318. [TextureStreaming]
  319. r.Streaming.MaxTextureLoadTime=1.0             ; Allows more time per frame for texture loading (prevents crashes)
  320. r.Streaming.MaxTextureRequestTime=0.05         ; Slightly relaxed texture request time for better stability
  321. r.Streaming.NumStreamedMips=2                  ; Loads 2 mips instead of 1 for smoother transitions
  322. r.Streaming.DistanceScale=0.5                  ; Increases streaming distance slightly for less pop-in
  323. r.Streaming.MipBias=-0.25                      ; Mild negative bias to balance texture sharpness and performance
  324. r.Streaming.MinTexturePoolSize=1024            ; Increased minimum pool size to prevent texture loss 2048 will crash some games could have exceeded available VRAM
  325. r.Streaming.TargetTexturePoolSize=3072         ; Keeps a reasonable VRAM limit for textures (adjust based on GPU)
  326. r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed=512           ; Limits temp memory usage (higher values help with streaming stutters)
  327. r.Streaming.MaxEffectiveScreenSizeForDBM=0     ; Keeps dropped mip screen size at 0 (prevents texture flickering)
  328. r.Streaming.FlushAsyncLoadin=1
  329. r.TextureStreaming.ForceFullyLoadVisible=1
  331. [SystemSettings]
  332. r.LOD.UseObjectScaleOverride=true     ; Configured for performance. It enables the use of object scale override for LOD (Level of Detail), allowing more control over LOD distances.
  333. r.LOD.ObjectScaleOverride=3.0        ; Configured for performance. It sets the object scale override value to 3.0, which affects LOD distances and can improve performance by reducing the level of detail for objects.
  334. r.HLODDistanceFactor=3.0             ; Configured for performance. It sets the HLOD (Hierarchy Level of Detail) distance factor to 3.0, controlling the distance at which HLOD is used, potentially improving performance by reducing the rendering cost of complex objects.
  335. r.HLOD.DistanceOverrideScale=8
  337. [AsyncLoading]
  338. r.Streaming.UseNewMetrics=1   ; Enables new streaming metrics for async loading
  340. [Engine.Engine]
  341. ;old Unreal 3 settings probably dont work
  342. MinTextureDensity=0.0 ; Adjusted for performance, can be increased if needed
  343. IdealTextureDensity=12.0 ; Adjusted for performance, can be increased if needed
  344. MaxTextureDensity=55.0 ; Adjusted for performance, can be increased if needed
  346. MinLightMapDensity=0.0 ; Adjusted for performance, can be increased if needed
  347. IdealLightMapDensity=0.05 ; Adjusted for performance, can be increased if needed
  348. MaxLightMapDensity=0.2 ; Adjusted for performance, can be increased if needed
  350. MipFadeInSpeed0=0.0 ; Increased for smoother texture mip transitions DEF 0.3
  351. MipFadeOutSpeed0=0.0 ; Increased for smoother texture mip transitions DEF 0.3
  352. MipFadeInSpeed1=0.0 ; Increased for smoother texture mip transitions DEF 0.3
  353. MipFadeOutSpeed1=0.0 ; Increased for smoother texture mip transitions DEF 0.3
  356. ; =====================================
  357. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ References ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  358. ; =====================================
  359. ;Colour and exposure:
  360. ;
  362. ;Sharpening shadows:
  363. ;
  364. ;
  366. ;Texture streaming:
  367. ;
  369. ;Subsurface post-process
  370. ;
  372. ;TXAA settings:
  373. ;
  374. ;
  376. ;Shadows:
  377. ;
  378. ;
  379. ;
  380. ;
  382. ;EyeAdaptation & AutoExposure:
  383. ;
  384. ;
  385. ;
  388. ;
  389. ;
  390. ;
  391. ;
  395. ; SETTINGS TAKEN OUT (glitching issues)
  396. ; -------------------------------------
  397. ; r.TemporalAAUpsampling=1
  398. ; r.TemporalAA.Algorithm=1                    ; 0 = Gen 4, 1 = Gen 5
  399. ; r.ScreenPercentage=75                       ; Render resolution before upsampling
  400. ; r.Jittering=1
  401. ; r.TemporalAA.Algorithm=1                    ; DEF 0, 0 for PERFORMANCE
  402. ; r.TemporalAA.AllowDownsampling=1            ; DEF 1
  403. ; r.TemporalAA.HistoryScreenPercentage=100    ; DEF 100
  404. ; r.TemporalAA.R11G11B10History=0             ; DEF 0
  405. ; r.TemporalAA.Upscaler=1                     ; DEF 1
  406. ; r.TemporalAAUpsampleFiltered=1              ; DEF 1
  408. ; r.Shadow.CSMShadowDistanceFadeoutMultiplier=0.1
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