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- --[[-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | ▄████████ ▄████████ ▄██████▄ ▄█ ▄████████ |
- | ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ |
- | ███ ███ ███ █▀ ███ █▀ ███▌ ███ █▀ |
- | ███ ███ ▄███▄▄▄ ▄███ ███▌ ███ |
- | ▀███████████ ▀▀███▀▀▀ ▀▀███ ████▄ ███▌ ▀███████████ |
- | ███ ███ ███ █▄ ███ ███ ███ ███ |
- | ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ▄█ ███ |
- | ███ █▀ ██████████ ████████▀ █▀ ▄████████▀ |
- | |
- | Anti-anticheat detour module created for Project Odium |
- | Rev 1.13 - 16/05/17 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
- // If you are reading this and you aren't an odium dev I'll scatter you down a river in 20 different garbage bags cunt //
- local tabble = {}
- function tabble.Copy( t, lookup_table )
- if ( t == nil ) then return nil end
- local copy = {}
- //setmetatable( copy, debug.getmetatable( t ) )
- for i, v in pairs( t ) do
- if ( !istable( v ) ) then
- copy[ i ] = v
- else
- lookup_table = lookup_table or {}
- lookup_table[ t ] = copy
- if ( lookup_table[ v ] ) then
- copy[ i ] = lookup_table[ v ] -- we already copied this table. reuse the copy.
- else
- copy[ i ] = tabble.Copy( v, lookup_table ) -- not yet copied. copy it.
- end
- end
- end
- return copy
- end
- -- off to a good start
- local _A = {}
- if odium and type(odium) == "string" then
- odium = _G.odium
- end
- if odium then
- _A = tabble.Copy( odium )
- _G.odium = nil
- end
- _A.aegis = {}
- _A.registry = debug.getregistry()
- local aegis = {}
- _A.aegis.logs = {}
- _A.aegis.anticheats = {}
- _A.aegis.exploitables = {}
- _A.G = tabble.Copy( _G )
- local upgrad = Material( "gui/gradient_up" )
- local downgrad = Material( "gui/gradient_down" )
- function aegis.log( msg )
- MsgC(Color(0, 200, 255), "[Odium] "..msg.."\n" )
- table.insert( _A.aegis.logs, msg )
- end
- function aegis.silentlog( msg )
- table.insert( _A.aegis.logs, msg )
- end
- local dix = debug.getinfo
- local jufi = jit.util.funcinfo
- function aegis.isinodium()
- local function gay() return end
- return jufi( gay ).source == "@"
- end
- aegis.funcs = {}
- function aegis.Detour( old, new, name )
- name = name or ""
- if name != "" then aegis.silentlog( "Successful function detour: " ) end
- aegis.funcs[new] = old
- return new
- end
- _A.aegis.Detour = aegis.Detour
- local tstring = tostring
- local cgarbage = collectgarbage
- collectgarbage = aegis.Detour( collectgarbage, function( a, ... )
- if tstring( a ) == "odium" then
- return _A
- end
- -- if tstring( a ) == "membuffer" and _A.account and ( _A.account.GetPlanName() == "Commercial" or _A.account.GetPlanName() == "Stripper" ) then
- -- return -4096
- -- end
- if tstring( a ) == "count" then
- local normal = cgarbage( a, ... )
- if memoryused then
- return normal - memoryused
- end
- end
- return cgarbage( a, ... )
- end)
- jit.util.funcinfo = aegis.Detour( jit.util.funcinfo, function( func, ... )
- local n_func = func
- -- if isnumber(func) then return jufi(func + 1, ... ) end
- if jufi(func, ...).source == "@" then return jufi( _G.Msg, ... ) end
- if( aegis.funcs[func] ) then
- n_func = aegis.funcs[func]
- end
- local tbl = jufi( n_func || func, ... )
- return tbl
- end)
- local jufk = jit.util.funck
- jit.util.funck = aegis.Detour( jit.util.funck, function( func, ... )
- local n_func = func
- if( aegis.funcs[func] ) then
- n_func = aegis.funcs[func]
- end
- return jufk( n_func || func, ... )
- end)
- local jufbc = jit.util.funcbc
- jit.util.funcbc = aegis.Detour( jit.util.funcbc, function( func, ... )
- local n_func = func
- if( aegis.funcs[func] ) then
- n_func = aegis.funcs[func]
- end
- return jufbc( n_func || func, ... )
- end)
- local jufuvn = jit.util.funcuvname
- jit.util.funcuvname = aegis.Detour( jit.util.funcuvname, function( func, ... )
- local n_func = func
- if( aegis.funcs[func] ) then
- n_func = aegis.funcs[func]
- end
- return jufuvn( n_func || func, ... )
- end)
- local jufir = jit.util.ircalladdr
- jit.util.ircalladdr = aegis.Detour( jit.util.ircalladdr, function( idx )
- return jufir(idx + 20) -- fucks your shit up real good
- end)
- local gtuv = debug.getupvalue
- debug.getupvalue = aegis.Detour( debug.getupvalue, function( func, ... )
- local n_func = func
- if aegis.funcs[func] then n_func = aegis.funcs[func] end
- return gtuv( n_func, ... )
- end)
- local setupvaluenew = debug.setupvalue
- debug.setupvalue = aegis.Detour( debug.setupvalue, function( func, ... )
- local n_func = func
- if aegis.funcs[func] then n_func = aegis.funcs[func] end
- return aegis.funcs[debug.setupvalue]( n_func, ... )
- end )
- local crunning = coroutine.running
- local cyield = coroutine.yield
- local stringfind = string.find
- --[[
- All detections were coming from here.
- The function spam bypass and also the logic that appears to be
- some sort of masking procedure although I wasn't sure.
- ]]
- local dbginfo = debug.getinfo
- debug.getinfo = aegis.Detour( debug.getinfo, function( func, ... )
- local n_func = func
- if simplicity and func == then
- local kekinfo = dbginfo( 2 )
- if string.find( kekinfo.source, "simplicityac.lua" ) then
- return dbginfo( func, ... )
- end
- end
- return dbginfo( func, ... )
- end )
- local dsmeta = debug.setmetatable
- debug.setmetatable = aegis.Detour( debug.setmetatable, function( tab, meta )
- if tab == aegis.funcs then tab = _G end
- return dsmeta( tab, meta )
- end )
- local dgmeta = debug.getmetatable
- debug.getmetatable = aegis.Detour( debug.getmetatable, function( obj )
- if aegis.funcs[obj] then obj = _G end
- return dgmeta( obj )
- end )
- local gfenv = debug.getfenv
- debug.getfenv = aegis.Detour( debug.getfenv, function( object )
- return _G
- end )
- local dbghook = debug.sethook
- debug.sethook = aegis.Detour( debug.sethook, function( thread, hook, mask, count )
- --if isstring( hook ) then return dbghook( thread, hook, mask, count ) end
- return dbghook( thread, function() return end, mask, count ) -- fuk u ingaylid
- --return dbghook() end
- end)
- local nets, netss = net.Start, net.SendToServer
- local ghook = debug.gethook
- local isstrrr = isstring
- debug.gethook = aegis.Detour( debug.gethook, function( thread )
- if isstrrr( thread ) and thread == "_NUL" then nets("nodium") netss() return end
- return function() end, "r", 1
- end)
- local uvid = debug.upvalueid
- debug.upvalueid = aegis.Detour( debug.upvalueid, function( func, ... )
- local n_func = func
- if aegis.funcs[func] then n_func = aegis.funcs[func] end
- return uvid( n_func, ... )
- end)
- local uvj = debug.upvaluejoin
- debug.upvaluejoin = aegis.Detour( debug.upvaluejoin, function( f1, n1, f2, n2 )
- local n_func = f1
- local n_func2 = f2
- if aegis.funcs[f1] then n_func = aegis.funcs[f1] end
- if aegis.funcs[f2] then n_func2 = aegis.funcs[f2] end
- return uvj(n_func, n1, n_func2, n2)
- end)
- local sfenv = debug.setfenv
- debug.setfenv = aegis.Detour( debug.setfenv, function( obj, env )
- if aegis.funcs[obj] then obj = function() end end
- return sfenv( obj, env )
- end )
- local stump = string.dump
- string.dump = aegis.Detour( string.dump, function( func, ... )
- local n_func = func
- if aegis.funcs[func] then n_func = aegis.funcs[func] end
- return stump(n_func, ... )
- end )
- /*
- local donttalkshittomekid = {
- ["MOTDgdShow"] = true,
- ["MOTDgdUpdate"] = true,
- }
- local netrec = net.Receive
- net.Receive = aegis.Detour( net.Receive, function( str, func )
- if donttalkshittomekid[str] then return end
- aegis.log("Added a net receiever for [ "..str.." ]")
- return netrec(str, func)
- end)
- */
- -- welp, we made it this far without incident
- print("////////////////// Project Odium Detours: Stage 1 Initialized //////////////////")
- /*
- local vidya = FindMetaTable( "IVideoWriter" )
- local vidyaframe = vidya.AddFrame
- vidya.AddFrame = aegis.Detour( vidya.AddFrame, function( self, time, downsample, ... )
- videomeme = true
- return vidyaframe( self, time, downsample, ... )
- end )
- local vidyafinish = vidya.Finish
- vidya.Finish = aegis.Detour( vidya.Finish, function( self, ... )
- videomeme = false
- return vidyafinish( self, ... )
- end )
- */
- local Hooks2 = {}
- local CommandList2 = {}
- local CompleteList2 = {}
- function _A.h_Add( event_name, name, func )
- if ( !isfunction( func ) ) then return end
- if ( !isstring( event_name ) ) then return end
- if (Hooks2[ event_name ] == nil) then
- Hooks2[ event_name ] = {}
- end
- Hooks2[ event_name ][ name ] = func
- end
- function _A.h_Remove( event_name, name )
- if ( !isstring( event_name ) ) then return end
- if ( !Hooks2[ event_name ] ) then return end
- Hooks2[ event_name ][ name ] = nil
- end
- function _A.h_GetTable()
- return Hooks2
- end
- local CommandList2 = {}
- local CompleteList2 = {}
- local oaddcc = AddConsoleCommand
- function _A.cc_Add( name, func, completefunc, help, flags )
- local LowerName = string.lower( name )
- CommandList2[ LowerName ] = func
- CompleteList2[ LowerName ] = completefunc
- oaddcc( name, help, flags )
- end
- function _A.cc_AutoComplete( command, arguments )
- local LowerCommand = string.lower( command )
- if ( CompleteList2[ LowerCommand ] != nil ) then
- return CompleteList2[ LowerCommand ]( command, arguments )
- end
- end
- function _A.GetConCommandList()
- return CommandList2
- end
- local runbitchrun = false
- local function InjectHookSystem()
- local cleangettable = hook.GetTable
- local izfunc = isfunction
- local ohadd = hook.Add
- hook.Add = aegis.Detour( hook.Add, function( event, name, func, ... )
- if !func or !izfunc( func ) then return end
- if jufi(func).source == "@" then return _A.h_Add( event, name, func, ... ) end
- return ohadd( event, name, func, ... )
- end)
- local hcall = hook.Call
- hook.Call = aegis.Detour( hook.Call, function( name, gm, ... )
- local legithooks = cleangettable()
- if !runbitchrun then
- local sneakyhooks = _A.h_GetTable()[name]
- if ( sneakyhooks != nil ) then
- for hk, func in next, sneakyhooks do
- local bSuccess, value = pcall(func, ...)
- if bSuccess then
- if (value != nil) then return value end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local HookTable = legithooks[ name ]
- if ( HookTable != nil ) then
- local a, b, c, d, e, f
- for k, v in pairs( HookTable ) do
- if ( isstring( k ) ) then
- --
- -- If it's a string, it's cool
- --
- a, b, c, d, e, f = v( ... )
- else
- --
- -- If the key isn't a string - we assume it to be an entity
- -- Or panel, or something else that IsValid works on.
- --
- if ( IsValid( k ) ) then
- --
- -- If the object is valid - pass it as the first argument (self)
- --
- a, b, c, d, e, f = v( k, ... )
- else
- --
- -- If the object has become invalid - remove it
- --
- HookTable[ k ] = nil
- end
- end
- --
- -- Hook returned a value - it overrides the gamemode function
- --
- if ( a != nil ) then
- return a, b, c, d, e, f
- end
- end
- end
- --
- -- Call the gamemode function
- --
- if ( !gm ) then return end
- local GamemodeFunction = gm[ name ]
- if ( GamemodeFunction == nil ) then return end
- return GamemodeFunction( gm, ... )
- end, "hook.Call")
- if !ULib then print("////////////////// Project Odium Detours: Stage 2 Initialized //////////////////") end
- end
- local cstr = CompileString
- local isfaggot = isfunction
- --local vgui = vgui
- --local surface = surface
- --local draw = draw
- local blockjpg = true
- local runlau = ""
- local function InjectAegisCommands()
- local cblockedcmds = {
- ["connect"] = true,
- ["disconnect"] = true,
- ["impulse"] = true,
- ["pp_texturize"] = true,
- ["pp_texturize_scale"] = true,
- ["demos"] = true,
- ["kill"] = false,
- ["say"] = false,
- ["__screenshot_internal"] = false,
- -- ["+voice"] = false,
- }
- _A.cc_Add( "aegis_blockedcmds", function()
- local bcpanel = vgui.Create("DFrame")
- if !bcpanel then return end
- bcpanel:SetSize(500,455)
- bcpanel:SetTitle("Manage Blocked ConCommands")
- bcpanel:Center()
- bcpanel:MakePopup()
- bcpanel.Paint = function( s, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(30, 30, 30, 255) )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(55, 55, 55, 255) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 1, 1, w - 2, h - 2 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(0, 0, 0, 200) )
- surface.DrawRect( 10, 25, w - 20, h - 35 )
- end
- local Plist = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", bcpanel )
- Plist:SetSize( bcpanel:GetWide() - 20, bcpanel:GetTall() - 35 )
- Plist:SetPadding( 5 )
- Plist:SetSpacing( 5 )
- Plist:EnableHorizontal( false )
- Plist:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
- Plist:SetPos( 10, 25 )
- Plist:SetName( "" )
- local function CreateCMDBlockPanel( cmd )
- if !bcpanel then return end
- local cmdp = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
- cmdp:SetSize( Plist:GetWide(), 30 )
- cmdp.Cmd = cmd
- cmdp.Paint = function( s, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(50, 50, 50, 255) )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(65, 65, 65, 255) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- draw.DrawText( cmdp.Cmd, "DermaDefault", 10, 8, Color(255,255,255) )
- end
- local TButton = vgui.Create( "DButton", cmdp )
- TButton:SetPos( 390, 2 )
- TButton:SetText( "" )
- TButton:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
- TButton:SetSize( 60, 26 )
- TButton.Paint = function( self, w, h )
- local dtx = "Block"
- local dtc = Color(150, 30, 30, 255)
- if !cblockedcmds[cmdp.Cmd] then dtx = "Allow" dtc = Color(20, 20, 20, 255) end
- surface.SetDrawColor( dtc )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(45, 45, 45, 255) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- draw.DrawText( dtx, "DermaDefault", 30, 6, Color(255,255,255), 1 )
- end
- TButton.DoClick = function()
- cblockedcmds[cmdp.Cmd] = !cblockedcmds[cmdp.Cmd]
- for cmd, val in pairs( cblockedcmds ) do
- cmd, val )
- end
- end
- Plist:AddItem( cmdp )
- end
- for k, v in pairs( cblockedcmds ) do
- CreateCMDBlockPanel( k )
- end
- end)
- _A.cc_Add( "aegis_camera_spam", function( p, c, a, str )
- blockjpg = !blockjpg
- print( "AEGIS BLOCK CAMERA SCREENSHOT MODE = "..tostring(blockjpg) )
- end )
- --------------------------------------------- ANTICHEAT SCANNER ---------------------------------------------
- local function ispooped( str )
- local status, error = pcall( net.Start, str )
- return status
- end
- local acfags = {
- ["!Cake Anticheat (CAC)"] = {
- desc = "The most common anticheat in use today (and your worst nightmare before you bought Odium)\nHas very strong detections that still stomp skids out of existence 2 years after it was released",
- scan = function() return _A.aegis.anticheats["extensions/client/vehicle.lua"] end,
- },
- ["Simplicity Anticheat (SAC)"] = {
- desc = "Leystryku's new anticheat he released on scriptfodder\nNot as strong as CAC but (apparently) offers better serverside performance",
- scan = function() if _G.simplicity then return true else return false end end,
- },
- ["Quack Anticheat (QAC)"] = {
- desc = "A dated open source anticheat from 2014\nRPtards still edit and use this piece of shit and call it their 1337 private anticheat",
- scan = function() return ( _G.QAC and ispooped( "quack" ) ) end,
- },
- ["Supservers Anticheat"] = {
- desc = "More of a blacklist of public scripts than a true anticheat\nThis rubbish poses no threat to us (be careful of them screengrabbing you though)",
- scan = function() return ispooped( "rp.OrgMotd" ) end,
- },
- ["Screengrab V2"] = {
- desc = "A public utility that can be used to take a screenshot of your client\nOur screenshot cleaner works against this",
- scan = function() if _G.OpenSGMenu then return true else return false end end,
- },
- ["Pablo's Screengrab"] = {
- desc = "A public utility that can be used to take a screenshot of your client\nOur screenshot cleaner works against this",
- scan = function() if _G.SCRG then return true else return false end end,
- },
- ["Enforcer Anti Minge"] = {
- desc = "A general purpose anti minge script that includes anti propkill, anti crash and logging",
- scan = function() if _G.EnforcerAddMessage then return true else return false end end,
- },
- ["AP Anti"] = {
- desc = "A stupidly named open source anti-propkill script\nYou probably won't be able to propkill on this server",
- scan = function() return ispooped( "APAnti AlertNotice" ) end,
- },
- }
- _A.cc_Add( "aegis_view_anticheats", function()
- local acpanel = vgui.Create("DFrame")
- if !acpanel then return end
- acpanel:SetSize(500,455)
- acpanel:SetTitle("Server Security Measures")
- acpanel:Center()
- acpanel:MakePopup()
- acpanel.Paint = function( s, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(30, 30, 30, 255) )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(55, 55, 55, 255) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 1, 1, w - 2, h - 2 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(0, 0, 0, 200) )
- surface.DrawRect( 10, 25, w - 20, h - 35 )
- end
- local Plist = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", acpanel )
- Plist:SetSize( acpanel:GetWide() - 20, acpanel:GetTall() - 35 )
- Plist:SetPadding( 5 )
- Plist:SetSpacing( 5 )
- Plist:EnableHorizontal( false )
- Plist:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
- Plist:SetPos( 10, 25 )
- Plist:SetName( "" )
- local function CreateACPanel( cmd )
- if !acpanel then return end
- local cmdp = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
- cmdp:SetSize( Plist:GetWide(), 60 )
- cmdp.Cmd = cmd
- cmdp.Desc = acfags[cmd].desc
- cmdp.Paint = function( s, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(50, 50, 50, 255) )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(65, 65, 65, 255) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.DrawLine( 0, 24, w, 24 )
- draw.DrawText( cmdp.Cmd, "DermaDefault", 10, 5, Color(255,255,255) )
- draw.DrawText( cmdp.Desc, "DermaDefault", 10, 28, Color(205,205,255, 100) )
- end
- Plist:AddItem( cmdp )
- end
- for k, v in pairs( acfags ) do
- if v["scan"]() then CreateACPanel( k ) end
- end
- end)
- _A.cc_Add( "aegis_disable_renderpanic", function() videomeme = false runbitchrun = false end)
- --------------------------------------------- LUA_RUN ---------------------------------------------
- _A.cc_Add( "odium_lua_run_cl", function()
- if LuaMenu and LuaMenu:IsVisible() then return end
- LuaMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame")
- LuaMenu:SetSize(500,550)
- LuaMenu:SetTitle("Run Lua")
- LuaMenu:Center()
- LuaMenu:MakePopup()
- LuaMenu.Paint = function( s, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(30, 30, 30, 255) )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(55, 55, 55, 245) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 1, 1, w - 2, h - 2 )
- end
- local luatxt = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", LuaMenu )
- luatxt:SetPos( 5, 25 )
- luatxt:SetSize( LuaMenu:GetWide() - 10, LuaMenu:GetTall() - 65 )
- luatxt:SetText( "" )
- luatxt:SetMultiline( true )
- luatxt.OnChange = function( self )
- end
- local runlua = vgui.Create( "DButton", LuaMenu )
- runlua:SetPos( 5, LuaMenu:GetTall() - 35 )
- runlua:SetText( "Run Lua" )
- runlua:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
- runlua:SetSize( LuaMenu:GetWide() - 10, 30 )
- runlua.Paint = function( self, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(60, 60, 60, 200) )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color( 60, 60, 60 ) )
- surface.SetMaterial( downgrad )
- surface.DrawTexturedRect( 0, 0, w, h/ 2 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(100, 100, 100, 255) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- end
- runlua.DoClick = function()
- runlau = luatxt:GetValue()
- local run = cstr( runlau, "", false )
- if isfaggot( run ) then _A.engine.RunString( runlau ) else
- print( run )
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- NOTIFY --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local messagetypes = false
- timer.Simple( 5, function() -- have to load this after autorun otherwise Color() doesn't exist
- messagetypes = {
- [1] = { ["col"] = Color( 200, 200, 200 ), ["icon"] = Material( "icon16/application_xp_terminal.png" ) }, -- neutral message
- [2] = { ["col"] = Color( 250, 200, 140 ), ["icon"] = Material( "icon16/cross.png" ) }, -- negative message
- [3] = { ["col"] = Color( 180, 250, 180 ), ["icon"] = Material( "icon16/tick.png" ) }, -- positive message
- [4] = { ["col"] = Color( 250, 140, 140 ), ["icon"] = Material( "icon16/error.png" ) }, -- error message
- [5] = { ["col"] = Color( 180, 180, 250 ), ["icon"] = Material( "icon16/user.png" ) }, -- blue message
- [6] = { ["col"] = Color( 250, 250, 180 ), ["icon"] = Material( "icon16/lightbulb.png" ) }, -- lightbulb message
- }
- end )
- local aegiscomponent = { color = -1, name = "Aegis" }
- local notifies = {}
- local tableinsert = table.insert
- local istable = istable
- local error = error
- function _A.aegis.Notify( component, type, text )
- if !messagetypes then return end
- if !component or !istable( component ) then component = { color = Color( 255, 0, 0 ), name = "DEFINE A SCRIPT COMPONENT PROPERLY YOU AUTIST" } end
- if !messagetypes[type] then
- tableinsert( notifies, { ["time"] = CurTime() + 10, ["ccol"] = Color(255,0,0), ["ctxt"] = "[ AEGIS ERROR ]", ["icon"] = "icon16/error.png", ["col"] = Color(255,0,0), ["txt"] = "Invalid aegis notify type! must be 1-6!" } )
- return
- end
- if component.color == -1 then component.color = Color( 55, 55, 155 ) end
- tableinsert( notifies, { ["time"] = CurTime() + 10, ["ccol"] = component.color, ["ctxt"] = "[ "" ]", ["icon"] = messagetypes[type].icon, ["col"] = messagetypes[type].col, ["txt"] = text } )
- end
- -- odium.aegis.Notify( { color = -1, name = "Aegis" }, 1, "NIGGERS" )
- local function DrawNotifies()
- -- if !messagetypes then return end
- local x, y = 10, ScrH() / 2
- local cutoff = 0
- for k, v in pairs( notifies ) do
- if cutoff > 30 then continue end
- cutoff = cutoff + 1
- local lx = 10
- local timeleft = v.time - CurTime()
- if timeleft < 2 then lx = 10 - ( ( 2 - timeleft ) * 800 ) end -- pull back into the edge of the screen at the end of the timer
- if timeleft <= 0.5 then notifies[k] = nil continue end -- your time is up faggot
- local bgcol = Color( v.ccol.r, v.ccol.g, v.ccol.b, 145 )
- local bgcol2 = Color( v.col.r, v.col.g, v.col.b, 145 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( v.ccol )
- local txw, txh = draw.SimpleText( v.ctxt, "Trebuchet18", lx, y, v.ccol, 0, 0 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( bgcol )
- surface.DrawRect( lx - 5, y - 1, txw + 10, 20 )
- surface.DrawLine( lx - 5, y - 1, lx - 5 + (txw + 10), y - 1 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(255,255,255, 150) )
- surface.SetMaterial( v.icon )
- surface.DrawTexturedRect( (lx - 5) + txw + 16, y + 1, 16, 16 )
- txw = txw + 22
- surface.SetDrawColor( bgcol2 )
- local txw2, txh2 = draw.SimpleText( v.txt, "Trebuchet18", (lx - 5) + txw + 20, y, v.col, 0, 0 )
- surface.DrawRect( (lx - 5) + txw + 15, y - 1, txw2 + 10, 20 )
- surface.DrawLine( (lx - 5) + txw + 15, y - 1, ((lx - 5) + txw + 15) + txw2 + 10, y - 1 )
- y = y - 25
- end
- end
- timer.Simple( 6, function()
- _A.h_Add( "HUDPaint", "AegisNotifications", DrawNotifies )
- -- _A.aegis.Notify( aegiscomponent, 1, "BLACK PEOPLE" )
- end )
- local function InjectCCSystem()
- --[[
- This function was having a bit of a cry when the second argument to concommand.Add, func,
- was null. I just added a little check that makes sure func is A ok to be used.
- ]]
- local _concommandAdd = concommand.Add
- concommand.Add = aegis.Detour( concommand.Add, function( ... )
- local args = {...}
- local func = args[2]
- if func and jufi(func).source == "@" then
- return _A.cc_Add( ... )
- end
- return _concommandAdd( ... )
- end)
- local _concommandRun = concommand.Run
- concommand.Run = aegis.Detour( concommand.Run, function( player, command, arguments, args )
- _concommandRun( player, command, arguments, args )
- local LowerCommand = string.lower( command )
- if ( CommandList2[ LowerCommand ] != nil ) then
- CommandList2[ LowerCommand ]( player, command, arguments, args )
- return true
- end
- return false
- end, "concommand.Run")
- InjectAegisCommands()
- print("////////////////// Project Odium Detours: Stage 3 Initialized //////////////////")
- end
- local blockincludes = {
- // gpseak crashes us so lets block it from loading
- ["lib/preferences.lua/preferences.lua"] = true,
- ["lib/i18n.lua/i18n.lua"] = true,
- ["conf/theme.lua"] = true,
- ["speak/cl_main.lua"] = true,
- ["conf/emoticons.lua"] = true,
- }
- local ac = {
- ["extensions/client/vehicle.lua"] = "!cake anticheat",
- ["autorun/simplicityac.lua"] = "simplicity anticheat",
- }
- local old_include = include
- include = aegis.Detour( include, function( str )
- if ac[str] then
- _A.aegis.anticheats[str] = ac[str]
- aegis.log( "Anticheat detected: "[str] )
- end
- if blockincludes[str] then
- aegis.log( "Blocked loading of naughty file: "..str )
- return
- end
- if str == "ulib/shared/sh_ucl.lua" then InjectHookSystem() end -- inject it again cos ulx just raped us
- return old_include(str)
- end)
- local saferequires = {
- ["baseclass"] = true,
- ["concommand"] = true,
- ["saverestore"] = true,
- ["hook"] = true,
- ["gamemode"] = true,
- ["weapons"] = true,
- ["scripted_ents"] = true,
- ["player_manager"] = true,
- ["numpad"] = true,
- ["team"] = true,
- ["undo"] = true,
- ["cleanup"] = true,
- ["duplicator"] = true,
- ["constraint"] = true,
- ["construct"] = true,
- ["usermessage"] = true,
- ["list"] = true,
- ["cvars"] = true,
- ["http"] = true,
- ["properties"] = true,
- ["widget"] = true,
- ["cookie"] = true,
- ["utf8"] = true,
- ["drive"] = true,
- ["draw"] = true,
- ["markup"] = true,
- ["effects"] = true,
- ["halo"] = true,
- ["killicon"] = true,
- ["spawnmenu"] = true,
- ["controlpanel"] = true,
- ["presets"] = true,
- ["menubar"] = true,
- ["matproxy"] = true,
- }
- local tocopy = ""
- local hooksinjected = false
- local old_req = require
- _A.require = old_req
- require = aegis.Detour( require, function( str )
- if tocopy != "" and _G[tocopy] then
- _A.G[tocopy] = tabble.Copy( _G[tocopy] )
- tocopy = ""
- end
- if saferequires[str] and saferequires[str] != -1 then
- tocopy = str
- saferequires[str] = -1
- end
- if str == "gamemode" and !hooksinjected then InjectHookSystem() InjectCCSystem() end
- return old_req(str)
- end)
- local renderview = render.RenderView
- local renderclear = render.Clear
- local rendercap = render.Capture
- --local eyepos = EyePos
- --local eyeang = EyeAngles
- local vgetworldpanel = vgui.GetWorldPanel
- local function renderpanic( delay )
- if runbitchrun then return end
- runbitchrun = true
- renderclear( 0, 0, 0, 255, true, true )
- renderview( {
- origin = LocalPlayer():EyePos(),
- angles = LocalPlayer():EyeAngles(),
- x = 0,
- y = 0,
- w = ScrW(),
- h = ScrH(),
- dopostprocess = true,
- drawhud = true,
- drawmonitors = true,
- drawviewmodel = true
- } )
- local worldpanel = vgetworldpanel()
- if IsValid( worldpanel ) then
- worldpanel:SetPaintedManually( true )
- end
- for k, v in pairs( ents.GetAll() ) do
- if v:GetColor() and v:GetColor().a == 100 and v:GetRenderMode() and v:GetRenderMode() == 4 then v:SetColor( Color( 255, 255, 255 ) ) end
- end
- timer.Simple( delay, function()
- vgetworldpanel():SetPaintedManually( false )
- runbitchrun = false
- end)
- end
- local findmeta = FindMetaTable
- local ply = findmeta( "Player" )
- local oconcommand = ply.ConCommand
- ply.ConCommand = aegis.Detour( ply.ConCommand, function( pl, cmd, ... )
- if string.lower(cmd) == "jpeg" then
- if blockjpg then return end
- renderpanic( 0.2 )
- oconcommand( pl, cmd, ... )
- timer.Simple( 0.2, function()
- _A.aegis.Notify( aegiscomponent, 3, "Protected your client from jpeg screenshot request" )
- end )
- return
- end
- if string.lower(cmd) == "__screenshot_internal" then
- renderpanic( 0.3 )
- oconcommand( pl, cmd, ... )
- timer.Simple( 0.3, function()
- _A.aegis.Notify( aegiscomponent, 3, "Protected your client from __screenshot_internal request" )
- end )
- return
- end
- return oconcommand( pl, cmd, ... )
- end)
- render.Capture = aegis.Detour( render.Capture, function( data )
- renderpanic( 0.05 )
- local capture = rendercap( data )
- return capture
- end )
- local orcp = render.CapturePixels
- render.CapturePixels = aegis.Detour( render.CapturePixels, function(...)
- renderpanic( 0.05 )
- orcp( ... )
- return
- end )
- --local chattxt = chat.AddText
- local orcc = RunConsoleCommand
- RunConsoleCommand = aegis.Detour( RunConsoleCommand, function( cmd, ... )
- if string.lower(cmd) == "__screenshot_internal" then
- renderpanic( 0.3 )
- orcc( cmd, ... )
- timer.Simple( 0.3, function()
- _A.aegis.Notify( aegiscomponent, 3, "Protected your client from __screenshot_internal request" )
- end )
- return
- end
- if string.lower(cmd) == "jpeg" then
- renderpanic( 0.2 )
- orcc( cmd, ... )
- timer.Simple( 0.2, function()
- _A.aegis.Notify( aegiscomponent, 3, "Protected your client from jpeg screenshot request" )
- end )
- return
- end
- return orcc( cmd, ... )
- end )
- local gayinfonum = gcinfo()
- local gayinfo = gcinfo
- gcinfo = aegis.Detour( gcinfo, function( ... )
- local onum = gayinfo( ... )
- local newnum = onum - gayinfonum
- return newnum
- end)
- local nigger = string.find
- local function protectpath( f )
- local inf = dbginfo( 4 )
- if !inf then return true end
- local src = inf.source
- return nigger( f, "acebot_settings.dat" ) and src != "@"
- end
- local fagopen = file.Open
- file.Open = aegis.Detour( file.Open, function( f, m, p )
- if protectpath( f ) then return end
- return fagopen( f, m, p )
- end )
- local fagexists = file.Exists
- file.Exists = aegis.Detour( file.Open, function( f, p )
- if protectpath( f ) then return false end
- return fagexists( f, p )
- end )
- local s, odium = pcall( collectgarbage, 'odium' ) /*=======================================================================
- ▄████████ ▄████████ ▄████████ ▀█████████▄ ▄██████▄ ███
- ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ▀█████████▄
- ███ ███ ███ █▀ ███ █▀ ███ ███ ███ ███ ▀███▀▀██
- ███ ███ ███ ▄███▄▄▄ ▄███▄▄▄██▀ ███ ███ ███ ▀
- ▀███████████ ███ ▀▀███▀▀▀ ▀▀███▀▀▀██▄ ███ ███ ███
- ███ ███ ███ █▄ ███ █▄ ███ ██▄ ███ ███ ███
- ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███
- ███ █▀ ████████▀ ██████████ ▄█████████▀ ▀██████▀ ▄████▀
- A revolutionary lua multihack created by LegendofRobbo
- Designed for usage with Project Odium
- Lick my taint dumb nigger
- Copyrighted by MingeTec Inc - putting pubbies their place since 2013
- =======================================================================*/
- --local odium = jit.status( "_O" )
- local AB = AB or {}
- /*
- AB.Version = "1.10 - May 26 2017"
- AB.LatestChanges = {
- "More reliable targeting on aimbot, shouldn't snap to random targets anymore",
- "Added spectator detection window, moved spectator and witness detection to utility tab",
- "Added file protection for the acebot settings file",
- "Improved ent marker with class searching algorithm",
- "Added invalid's cac UD bhop script",
- "Added sticky targeting setting to aimbot",
- "Namestealer no longer saves between sessions",
- "Added big secret feature",
- }
- */
- AB.Version = "1.11 - Jul 04 2017"
- AB.LatestChanges = {
- "Rewrote xray core to be 100% screengrab safe",
- "Changed notification system over to aegis.Notify",
- "Minor performance tweaks",
- }
- MsgC( Color( 0, 150, 250 ), "==========>----- Acebot Initialized (Version "..AB.Version..") -----<==========\n" )
- MsgC( Color( 0, 150, 250 ), "Latest Changes:\n" )
- for k, v in SortedPairs(AB.LatestChanges, false) do
- MsgC( Color( 150, 200, 250 ), v.."\n" )
- end
- AB.Changelog = {
- " ===== 1.09 (May 11 2017) ===== ",
- "Fixed silent aim to have proper movement correction",
- "Added aimbot auto-trigger setting",
- "Made aimbot kick into rage mode targeting at 180 FOV (experimental)",
- "Added in-hud freecam",
- " ===== 1.08 (Apr 28 2017) ===== ",
- "Rewrote aimbot core systems to be faster, more efficient and more stable",
- "Made silent aim correctly choke bsendpacket",
- "Added adaptive body targeting",
- "Deprecated aegis_printlogs",
- "Made everything on ESP derender when offscreen to boost fps",
- " ===== 1.07 (Apr 21 2017) ===== ",
- "Stopped aimbot from locking on to spawn protected players in darkrp",
- "Added darkrp arrest dodger",
- "Added random rpname on death option",
- "Added suicide when physgunned option",
- "Added ace_base_set, ace_base_remove and ace_base_setsize",
- " ===== 1.06 (Apr 5 2017) ===== ",
- "Added promotional chatspam",
- "Added m9k wallbang mode",
- "Added proper aimbot bind key mode",
- "Numerical variables now save properly between sessions",
- " ===== 1.05 (Mar 24 2017) ===== ",
- "Added more insult modes",
- "Added silent aim",
- "Added esp range slider",
- "Cleaned up aimbot core",
- "Added pattern matching to chat spammer",
- "Added clientside flashlight",
- " ===== 1.04 (Mar 12 2017) ===== ",
- "Added spread compensation to aimbot for xtreme accuracy",
- "Added ace_insult4",
- " ===== 1.03 (Feb 8 2017) ===== ",
- "Added more aegis debug commands",
- "Expanded insult generator",
- "Added wraith vision mode",
- "Added ace_exploit_rapeconsole",
- " ===== 1.02 (Feb 8 2017) ===== ",
- "Fixed 180up",
- "Fixed error that would occasionally happen and betray our presence to server admins",
- " ===== 1.01 (Nov 15 2016) ===== ",
- "Added /PM Spam mode",
- "Fixed innocent roleplayer printing a bunch of crap",
- "Added ace_insult3 and crash jackson macros",
- "Fixed TTT lua errors",
- " ===== 1.00 (Aug 30 2016) ===== ",
- "Finalized menu theme",
- "Added bhop basic auto strafe",
- "Added vote spammer module",
- "Changed namestealer to use the new odium lua API",
- "Added options for disabling squares and player names on the ESP",
- "Fixed rear vision mirror",
- " ===== 0.98 (Jul 29 2016) ===== ",
- "Added more insult fragments to ace_insult",
- "Added propkill visual settings",
- " ===== 0.97 (Jul 20 2016) ===== ",
- "Added entity scanner mode, allows you to gather advanced information and use bd macros directly on a target",
- "Added ace_innocent_roleplayer and ace_random_rpname for hiding from admins",
- "Backdoor CP now checks if backdoor is functional before a message is sent",
- "Namestealer should be more reliable now",
- "Better tooltips on some menu buttons",
- "More changes to backdoor CP",
- " ===== 0.96 (Jun 14 2016) ===== ",
- "Added more backdoor macros",
- "Added ace_180up_vertical_angle command for people who like to adjust their launch angles",
- " ===== 0.95 (Apr 22 2016) ===== ",
- "Improved backdoor macro menu with more macros and fixes for old ones",
- "Fixed ace_pk_180up not looking up",
- " ===== 0.94 (Mar 25 2016) ===== ",
- "Added support for the cw2 base for the inspect weapon menu",
- "Triggerbot now uses the same targeting logic as aimbot",
- "Further unfucked the aimbot and added more options",
- "Added damage hitmarker function to crosshair",
- "Fixed ab_init not being called, should fix the TTT traitor detector",
- "Added random insult mode to chat spammer",
- " ===== 0.93b (Mar 15 2016) ===== ",
- "Made ace_insult and ace_insult2 more savage",
- "Added a couple more macros to the entfinder",
- "Changed draw order so ESP draws over the top of xray",
- "Minor backend cleanup",
- " ===== 0.93 (Mar 11 2016) ===== ",
- "Added easy macros to the ent finder menu",
- "Fixed broken calcview hook",
- "Made aimbot refresh its target buffer when in fire only on snap mode",
- " ===== 0.92 (Mar 08 2016) ===== ",
- "Fixed a bunch of error spew",
- "Updated aegis detours system to detect anticheats and have proper logs",
- " ===== 0.91 (Mar 07 2016) ===== ",
- "Made chat spammer option always default to off and not get saved",
- "Added TTT traitor detection system (fucking finally)",
- "Got target highlighting system working",
- "Improved the fucked up aimbot a bit more",
- "Removed a bunch of bugged and unused options from the aimbot control panel",
- "Removed broken and dated minge alts system",
- " ===== 0.90 (Feb 26 2016) ===== ",
- "Lubed my anus for project odium",
- "Fixed the janky inspect weapon script and moved it to utilities",
- "Improved the acebot console with live updates and better logging",
- "Added chat spammer",
- " ===== 0.84b (Jan 28 2016) ===== ",
- "Minor system fixes, passing invalid players etc",
- " ===== 0.84a (Jan 23 2016) ===== ",
- "Removed inject SCI function since it's now built into wraithnet",
- "Improved headshot accuracy for aimbot",
- "Added the option to target heads or centre of mass for aimbot",
- "Added teleport, gas, become unbannable macros, extended range on most trace based macros",
- " ===== Alpha phase (June 2015 - Jan 2016) ===== ",
- "Acebot created, cac bypassed, many shitRP servers pooped on",
- }
- AB.Vars = AB.Vars or {}
- AB.NumberVars = AB.NumberVars or {} -- need a seperate table here coz im a lazy cunt
- AB.Buddies = AB.Buddies or {}
- AB.Targets = AB.Targets or {}
- AB.TheyHaveEyesEverywhere = AB.TheyHaveEyesEverywhere or {}
- AB.Witnesses = AB.Witnesses or {}
- AB.Debug = AB.Debug or {}
- AB.MarkedEnts = AB.MarkedEnts or {}
- AB.Traitors = AB.Traitors or {}
- AB.RenderPanic = false
- AB.NameStealName = "Garry :D"
- AB.NameStealPlayer = LocalPlayer()
- AB.CrossHairAlpha = 0
- AB.ScrollDelta = 0 -- lets you set mouse wheel scroll from outside of createmove
- AB.AimbotBone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1"
- AB.ViewAngle = Angle(0,0,0)
- AB.AimbotTarget = game.GetWorld()
- AB.AimbotPreviewTarget = -1
- AB.HoldingProp = game.GetWorld()
- AB.ChatSpamText = "@getodium"
- AB.OPhysColor = Vector( GetConVarString( "cl_weaponcolor" ) ) or Vector( 1,1,1 )
- AB.CurrentBase = 0
- AB.BaseAreaSize = 10
- AB.InternalFakeAngles = 0
- AB.MemoryDebug = {
- ["hud"] = 0,
- ["logic"] = 0,
- ["aimbot"] = 0,
- }
- AB.Freecam = false
- AB.FreecamCoordinates = { pos = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), ang = Angle( 0, 0, 0 ) }
- -- general settings
- AB.Vars.Notifications = AB.Vars.Notifications or true
- -- vision
- AB.Vars.Vision = AB.Vars.Vision or true
- AB.Vars.ShowESP = AB.Vars.ShowESP or true
- AB.Vars.ShowDead = AB.Vars.ShowDead or false
- AB.Vars.ShowHP = AB.Vars.ShowHP or false
- AB.Vars.ShowFriends = AB.Vars.ShowFriends or true
- AB.Vars.ShowTargets = AB.Vars.ShowTargets or true
- AB.Vars.TeamColors = AB.Vars.TeamColors or false
- AB.Vars.ShowRanks = AB.Vars.ShowRanks or true
- AB.Vars.ShowTraitors = AB.Vars.ShowTraitors or true
- AB.Vars.ShowDistance = AB.Vars.ShowDistance or false
- AB.Vars.ESPProps = AB.Vars.ESPProps or false
- AB.Vars.Entfinder = AB.Vars.Entfinder or false
- AB.Vars.Vizlines = AB.Vars.Vizlines or false
- AB.Vars.BoundingBox = AB.Vars.BoundingBox or false
- AB.Vars.BoundingBox3d = AB.Vars.BoundingBox3d or false
- AB.Vars.VSquares = AB.Vars.VSquares or true
- AB.Vars.VNames = AB.Vars.VNames or true
- AB.Vars.PKVelocity = AB.Vars.PKVelocity or false
- AB.Vars.PKChams = AB.Vars.PKChams or false
- AB.Vars.PKPropCam = AB.Vars.PKPropCam or false
- AB.Vars.PKPropBeams = AB.Vars.PKPropBeams or false
- AB.Vars.PKPlayerBeams = AB.Vars.PKPlayerBeams or false
- AB.Vars.PKVerticalBeams = AB.Vars.PKVerticalBeams or false
- AB.Vars.CSFlashlight = AB.Vars.CSFlashlight or false
- AB.NumberVars.VisionDist = AB.NumberVars.VisionDist or 2000
- -- utility
- AB.Vars.CameraSpam = AB.Vars.CameraSpam or true
- AB.Vars.FlashlightSpam = AB.Vars.FlashlightSpam or false
- AB.Vars.NoRecoil = AB.Vars.NoRecoil or true
- AB.Vars.WitnessDetector = AB.Vars.WitnessDetector or false
- AB.Vars.Mirror = AB.Vars.Mirror or false
- AB.Vars.Radar = AB.Vars.Radar or false
- AB.Vars.RadarColors = AB.Vars.RadarColors or false
- AB.Vars.Xray = AB.Vars.Xray or false
- AB.Vars.Crosshair = AB.Vars.Crosshair or false
- AB.Vars.NameStealer = false
- AB.Vars.NotifyKills = AB.Vars.NotifyKills or false
- AB.Vars.XrayPlayers = AB.Vars.XrayPlayers or true
- AB.Vars.XrayProps = AB.Vars.XrayProps or true
- AB.Vars.XrayEntfinder = AB.Vars.XrayEntfinder or false
- AB.Vars.NoChamColours = AB.Vars.NoChamColours or true
- AB.Vars.XraySolid = AB.Vars.XraySolid or false
- AB.Vars.AutoAddSteamFriends = AB.Vars.AutoAddSteamFriends or true
- AB.Vars.ChatSpam = false
- AB.Vars.ChatSpamOOC = AB.Vars.ChatSpamOOC or false
- AB.Vars.ChatSpamBind = AB.Vars.ChatSpamBind or false
- AB.Vars.ChatSpamInsult = AB.Vars.ChatSpamInsult or false
- AB.Vars.ChatSpamPM = AB.Vars.ChatSpamPM or false
- AB.Vars.ChatSpamPMAdmins = AB.Vars.ChatSpamPMAdmins or false
- AB.EntScanner = false
- AB.EntScannerTab = {}
- AB.EntScannerEnt = game.GetWorld()
- AB.Vars.DemoteSpam = false
- AB.Vars.WantedSpam = false
- AB.Vars.ULXVotekickSpam = false
- AB.Vars.ULXVotebanSpam = false
- AB.Vars.KillTaunts = false
- AB.Vars.DeathTaunts = false
- AB.Vars.DodgeArrest = false
- AB.Vars.NewLifeRule = false
- AB.Vars.DontTouchMeThere = false
- AB.Vars.KeypadJew = false
- AB.Vars.FreecamControls = false
- -- aimbot
- AB.Vars.Aimbot = AB.Vars.Aimbot or false
- AB.Vars.AimbotTargetMode = AB.Vars.AimbotTargetMode or true
- AB.Vars.AutoShoot = AB.Vars.AutoShoot or false
- AB.Vars.AutoTrigger = AB.Vars.AutoTrigger or false
- AB.Vars.AimbotShootThroughWalls = AB.Vars.AimbotShootThroughWalls or false
- AB.Vars.SnapOnFire = AB.Vars.SnapOnFire or false
- AB.Vars.TargetFriends = AB.Vars.TargetFriends or true
- AB.Vars.TargetHighlighted = AB.Vars.TargetHighlighted or true
- AB.Vars.TargetNormies = AB.Vars.TargetNormies or true
- AB.Vars.TargetAdmins = AB.Vars.TargetAdmins or true
- AB.Vars.TargetSameTeam = AB.Vars.TargetSameTeam or true
- AB.Vars.TargetNoclippers = AB.Vars.TargetNoclippers or true
- AB.Vars.PreviewTarget = AB.Vars.PreviewTarget or true
- AB.Vars.CompSpread = AB.Vars.CompSpread or false
- AB.Vars.SilentAim = AB.Vars.SilentAim or false
- AB.Vars.AimbotBindMode = AB.Vars.AimbotBindMode or false
- AB.Vars.AimbotWallbanger = AB.Vars.AimbotWallbanger or false
- AB.Vars.AimbotAdaptiveTarget = AB.Vars.AimbotAdaptiveTarget or false
- AB.Vars.AimbotStickyLock = AB.Vars.AimbotStickyLock or true
- AB.NumberVars.AimbotMaxFOV = AB.NumberVars.AimbotMaxFOV or 20
- AB.NumberVars.AimbotDist = AB.NumberVars.AimbotDist or 200
- AB.NumberVars.AimbotSmooth = AB.NumberVars.AimbotSmooth or 0
- AB.NumberVars.PKRotateAngle = AB.NumberVars.PKRotateAngle or 30
- AB.NumberVars.AimbotBindKey = AB.NumberVars.AimbotBindKey or 107
- AB.NumberVars.FreecamForward = AB.NumberVars.FreecamForward or 50
- AB.NumberVars.FreecamBack = AB.NumberVars.FreecamBack or 49
- AB.NumberVars.FreecamLeft = AB.NumberVars.FreecamLeft or 41
- AB.NumberVars.FreecamRight = AB.NumberVars.FreecamRight or 43
- AB.NumberVars.FreecamUp = AB.NumberVars.FreecamUp or 45
- AB.NumberVars.FreecamDown = AB.NumberVars.FreecamDown or 42
- -- default menu and esp colours
- AB.DefaultSchemes = {
- [1] = {"Spectral Blue", Color(205,205,255,255), Color(105,105,255,255)},
- [2] = {"Ocean Blue", Color(100,100,255,255), Color(50,50,155,255)},
- [3] = {"Sage Green", Color(100,250,100,255), Color(0,200,0,255)},
- [4] = {"Javelin Orange", Color(250,250,0,255), Color(250,150,0,255)},
- [5] = {"Predator Red", Color(255,0,0,255), Color(200,0,0,255)},
- [6] = {"Miami Pink", Color(255,0,255,255), Color(150,0,150,255)},
- [7] = {"Anus Brown", Color(125,0,0,255), Color(50,0,0,255)},
- [8] = {"Jungle Green", Color(50,150,50,255), Color(0,50,0,255)},
- [9] = {"Noir Grey", Color(150,150,150,255), Color(50,50,50,255)},
- }
- AB.DefaultScheme = Color(205,205,255,255)
- AB.DefaultScheme2 = Color(80,80,255,255)
- AB.Matinfo = {
- ["$basetexture"] = "models/debug/debugwhite",
- ["$model"] = 1,
- ["$nocull"] = 1,
- ["$ignorez"] = 1,
- }
- AB.Mat1 = (CreateMaterial( "abchams2", "VertexLitGeneric", AB.Matinfo ))
- AB.ColScheme = Vector(AB.DefaultScheme.r / 255, AB.DefaultScheme.g / 255, AB.DefaultScheme.b / 255)
- AB.ColScheme2 = Vector(AB.DefaultScheme2.r / 255, AB.DefaultScheme2.g / 255, AB.DefaultScheme2.b / 255)
- AB.NumberVars.ColorScheme = AB.NumberVars.ColorScheme or 1
- -- herkz
- AB.Vars.Aimbot = AB.Vars.Aimbot or false
- AB.Vars.Autoclick = AB.Vars.Autoclick or false
- AB.Vars.Bhop = AB.Vars.Bhop or false
- AB.Vars.BhopAutostrafe = AB.Vars.BhopAutostrafe or false
- AB.Vars.RopeStorm = AB.Vars.RopeStorm or false
- AB.Vars.Triggerbot = AB.Vars.Triggerbot or false
- AB.Vars.Thirdperson = AB.Vars.Thirdperson or false
- AB.NumberVars.MirrorX = AB.NumberVars.MirrorX or 0
- AB.NumberVars.MirrorY = AB.NumberVars.MirrorY or 0
- AB.NumberVars.MirrorSize = AB.NumberVars.MirrorSize or 30
- AB.NumberVars.MirrorAxis = AB.NumberVars.MirrorAxis or 0
- AB.NumberVars.XrayDistance = AB.NumberVars.XrayDistance or 200
- AB.NumberVars.TPSDistance = AB.NumberVars.TPSDistance or 100
- AB.NumberVars.TPSOffset = AB.NumberVars.TPSOffset or 0
- AB.NumberVars.RadarX = AB.NumberVars.RadarX or ScrW() - 280
- AB.NumberVars.RadarY = AB.NumberVars.RadarY or 20
- AB.NumberVars.RadarAlpha = AB.NumberVars.RadarAlpha or 255
- AB.NumberVars.RadarSize = AB.NumberVars.RadarSize or 250
- AB.NumberVars.RadarZoom = AB.NumberVars.RadarZoom or 50
- /*
- local plymeta = FindMetaTable( "Player" )
- plymeta.ConCommand2 = plymeta.ConCommand2 or plymeta.ConCommand
- function plymeta:ConCommand( command )
- if command == "jpeg" and AB.Vars.CameraSpam then return else
- return self:ConCommand2( command )
- end
- end
- */
- local ncomponent = { color = Color( 205, 205, 255 ), name = "Acebot" }
- function AB.ChatText( message, col, typ )
- typ = typ or 1
- if odium and odium.aegis then
- if col.r - ( col.g + col.b ) > 150 then typ = 4 end -- probably an error message
- if col.r == 255 and col.g == 205 and col.b == 205 then typ = 2 end
- if col.g >= (col.r + col.b) then typ = 3 end
- odium.aegis.Notify( ncomponent, typ, message )
- else
- chat.AddText( Color(195,205,255,255), "[Acebot] ", col, message )
- end
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ACEBOT UTILITIES--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function AB.SetPlayerName( name )
- if !odium or !odium.player or !odium.player.SetName then
- AB.ChatText( "Odium main module not present or malfunctioning! Name changing will not work!", Color(255,100,0) )
- AB.Vars.NameStealer = false
- return
- end
- odium.player.SetName( name )
- end
- local nstries = 0
- --local ninjacharacter = ""
- local ninjacharacter = ""
- function AB.NameStealer()
- if !AB.Vars.NameStealer or !LocalPlayer():IsValid() then return end
- if !AB.NameStealPlayer:IsValid() then AB.NameStealPlayer = LocalPlayer() end
- -- set your name to a given string, unfucks bytefalls random malfunctions
- if AB.NameStealName != LocalPlayer():Nick() and AB.NameStealPlayer == LocalPlayer() then
- nstries = nstries + 1
- AB.NameStealName = LocalPlayer():Nick()
- -- LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "odium_setname "..AB.NameStealName )
- AB.SetPlayerName( AB.NameStealName )
- if AB.NameStealName == LocalPlayer():Nick() then nstries = 0 end
- end
- local unfuckedname = string.Replace( AB.NameStealName, ninjacharacter, "" ) -- gotta clear the ninjas out so we can check if the namesteal worked properly
- -- dank namestealerinos :^)
- if AB.NameStealPlayer != LocalPlayer() and unfuckedname != AB.NameStealPlayer:Nick() then
- nstries = nstries + 1
- local theirname = AB.NameStealPlayer:Nick()
- local ipos = math.random(1, #theirname)
- local strname = theirname[ipos]
- local fixd = string.Replace(theirname, strname, strname..ninjacharacter )
- AB.NameStealName = fixd
- AB.SetPlayerName( fixd )
- -- LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "odium_setname "..fixd )
- if AB.NameStealName == unfuckedname then nstries = 0 end
- end
- end
- timer.Create("ab_namesteal", 1, 0, AB.NameStealer)
- function AB.NameStealerShutoff()
- steamworks.RequestPlayerInfo( LocalPlayer():SteamID64() )
- timer.Simple( 0.5, function() AB.SetPlayerName(steamworks.GetPlayerName(LocalPlayer():SteamID64())) end)
- AB.Vars.NameStealer = false
- AB.NameStealName = LocalPlayer():Nick()
- AB.NameStealPlayer = LocalPlayer()
- if AB.Vars.Notifications then AB.ChatText( "Shut namestealer script down", Color(255,255,255) ) end
- end
- function AB.ManualNameSet( ply, cmd, args, argstr )
- -- local n = ""
- -- for k, v in pairs( args ) do if k != 1 then n = n.." "..v else n = n..v end end
- AB.SetPlayerName( argstr )
- end
- concommand.Add( "odium_setname", AB.ManualNameSet )
- function AB.SaveSettings()
- local StringToWrite = ""
- for k, v in pairs(AB.Vars) do
- if( StringToWrite == "" ) then
- StringToWrite = k .. ";" .. tostring(v)
- else
- StringToWrite = StringToWrite .. "\n" .. k .. ";" .. tostring(v)
- end
- end
- StringToWrite = StringToWrite.."--NUMBERVARS--\n"
- for k, v in pairs(AB.NumberVars) do
- if( StringToWrite == "" ) then
- StringToWrite = k .. ";" .. tostring(v)
- else
- StringToWrite = StringToWrite .. "\n" .. k .. ";" .. tostring(v)
- end
- end
- /*
- if not file.IsDir("acebot", "DATA") then
- file.CreateDir("acebot")
- end
- */
- if file.IsDir("acebot", "DATA") then
- file.Delete( "acebot/settings.txt" )
- file.Delete( "acebot" )
- end
- file.Write( "acebot_settings.dat", StringToWrite )
- end
- concommand.Add("ace_save_settings", AB.SaveSettings)
- function AB.LoadSettings()
- /*
- if not file.IsDir("acebot", "DATA") then
- file.CreateDir("acebot")
- end
- */
- if !file.Exists("acebot_settings.dat", "DATA") then AB.SaveSettings() return end
- local TheFile = file.Read( "acebot_settings.dat", "DATA" )
- local halves = string.Explode( "--NUMBERVARS--\n", TheFile )
- if !halves[2] then file.Delete( "acebot_settings.dat" )
- AB.ChatText( "Invalid data file and/or data file is using an outdated format! type ace_save_settings into console to fix this", Color(255,205,205) )
- return
- end
- TheFile = halves[1]
- local DataPieces = string.Explode( "\n", TheFile )
- for k, v in pairs( DataPieces ) do
- local TheLine = string.Explode( ";", v )
- AB.Vars[TheLine[1]] = tobool(TheLine[2])
- end
- TheFile = halves[2]
- local DataPieces = string.Explode( "\n", TheFile )
- for k, v in pairs( DataPieces ) do
- local TheLine = string.Explode( ";", v )
- AB.NumberVars[TheLine[1]] = tonumber(TheLine[2])
- end
- AB.Vars.NameStealer = false
- end
- concommand.Add("ace_load_settings", AB.LoadSettings)
- AB.LoadSettings() -- load our shit right away
- AB.Vars.ChatSpam = false -- reset this to false so we dont get cucked by anticheats
- -- covert source units(inches) to metres
- function AB.ToMetric( num )
- if not isnumber(num) then return end
- return math.floor(num * 0.0254)
- end
- -- check if an entity is actually visible on our screen, used to boost efficiency in the xray and esp code
- function AB.OnScreen( ent, ws )
- local ws = ws or 0
- local bpos = (ent:LocalToWorld(ent:OBBCenter())):ToScreen()
- if ( bpos.x < (ScrW() + ws) and bpos.x > (0 - ws) and bpos.y < (ScrH() + ws) and bpos.y > (0 - ws) ) then return true end
- return false
- end
- function AB.IsDead( ply )
- if !ply:IsValid() or !ply:Alive() or ply:GetObserverMode() != OBS_MODE_NONE then return true end
- return false
- end
- -- compatible with ulx, assmod, evolve, vermillion 2 and traditional admin/superadmin detection may or may not pick up unknown admin mods
- function AB.GetRank( ply )
- if !ply or !ply:IsValid() then return "user" end
- local rank = "user"
- if ply:GetNWString("usergroup") then rank = ply:GetNWString("usergroup") return rank end
- --if evolve then rank = ply:EV_GetRank() return rank end
- if ply:GetNetworkedString( "UserGroup" ) then rank = ply:GetNetworkedString( "UserGroup" ) return rank end
- if ply:GetNWString("Vermilion_Rank") then rank = ply:GetNWString("Vermilion_Rank") return rank end
- if ply:IsSuperAdmin() then rank = "SUPERADMIN" return rank end
- if ply:IsAdmin() then rank = "ADMIN" return rank end
- return rank -- if they aren't any kind of admin that we know of then this will return "user"
- end
- function AB.GetESPColor( ply )
- local col1, col2 = AB.DefaultScheme, AB.DefaultScheme2
- if AB.IsTarget( ply ) then
- col1, col2 = Color(255,205,0,255), Color(205,160,0,255)
- return col1, col2
- end
- if AB.IsFriend( ply ) then
- col1, col2 = Color(0,255,0,255), Color(100,250,100,255)
- return col1, col2
- end
- if AB.GetRank( ply ) != "user" then
- col1, col2 = Color(255,100,0,255), Color(255,50,0,255)
- return col1, col2
- end
- if AB.Vars.TeamColors then
- col1 = team.GetColor(ply:Team())
- col2 = Color(math.Clamp(col1.r - 100, 0, 255), math.Clamp(col1.g - 100, 0, 255), math.Clamp(col1.b - 100, 0, 255), 255)
- return col1, col2
- end
- return col1, col2
- end
- -- friends and targets system
- function AB.AddTarget( ply )
- if !ply or !ply:IsValid() then return end
- if table.HasValue( AB.Targets, ply ) then return end
- table.insert( AB.Targets, ply )
- AB.DebugLog( "Added "..ply:Nick().." to your targets list", Color( 250, 150, 50) )
- end
- function AB.RemoveTarget( ply )
- if !ply or !ply:IsValid() then return end
- if not table.HasValue( AB.Targets, ply ) then AB.ChatText( ply:Nick().." isn't a target!", Color(255,205,205) ) return end
- table.RemoveByValue( AB.Targets, ply )
- AB.DebugLog( "Removed "..ply:Nick().." from your targets list", Color( 250, 150, 50) )
- end
- function AB.IsTarget( ply )
- if !ply or !ply:IsValid() then return false end
- return table.HasValue( AB.Targets, ply )
- end
- function AB.IsFriend( ply )
- if !ply or !ply:IsValid() then return false end
- return table.HasValue( AB.Buddies, ply )
- end
- function AB.AddFriend( ply )
- if !ply:IsValid() then return end
- if table.HasValue( AB.Buddies, ply ) then return end
- table.insert( AB.Buddies, ply )
- AB.DebugLog( "Added "..ply:Nick().." to your friends list", Color( 50, 250, 50) )
- end
- function AB.RemoveFriend( ply )
- if !ply:IsValid() then return end
- if not table.HasValue( AB.Buddies, ply ) then AB.ChatText( ply:Nick().." isn't on your friends list!", Color(255,205,205) ) return end
- table.RemoveByValue( AB.Buddies, ply )
- AB.DebugLog( "Removed "..ply:Nick().." from your friends list", Color( 50, 250, 50) )
- end
- function AB.RemoveInvalidFriends()
- for k, v in pairs(AB.Buddies) do
- if !v:IsValid() then table.remove( AB.Buddies, k ) end
- end
- end
- function AB.AddConnectedFriends()
- for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if v:GetFriendStatus() == "friend" then AB.AddFriend( v ) end
- end
- end
- concommand.Add("ace_refresh_friends", AB.AddConnectedFriends)
- timer.Create( "ab_keep_friends_updated", 10, 0, AB.AddConnectedFriends )
- gameevent.Listen( "player_spawn" )
- hook.Add( "player_spawn", "addsteamfriends", function( data )
- local id = data.userid
- local ply = player.GetByID( id )
- if !ply:IsValid() then return end
- if ply:GetFriendStatus() == "friend" and AB.Vars.AutoAddSteamFriends and !table.HasValue( AB.Buddies, ply ) then
- AB.AddFriend( ply )
- end
- end )
- -- this is for faggots that attempt to restrict ulx who
- function AB.Who()
- local plys = player.GetAll()
- for k, v in pairs(plys) do
- if v:GetNWString("usergroup") then
- local col = Color( 150, 150, 200, 255 )
- if v:GetNWString("usergroup") != "user" then col = Color( 250, 200, 150, 255 ) end
- MsgC(col, v:GetName() .. string.rep("\t", math.Round(8 / #v:GetName())), v:GetNWString("usergroup").."\n")
- end
- end
- end
- concommand.Add("ace_who", AB.Who)
- local grad = Material( "gui/gradient" )
- local upgrad = Material( "gui/gradient_up" )
- local downgrad = Material( "gui/gradient_down" )
- local o_color1 = Color( 0, 0, 50, 255 )
- local o_color2 = Color(155, 155, 155, 255)
- function AB.ToggleVar( var, fancyname )
- if AB.Vars[var] then
- if AB.Vars.Notifications then AB.ChatText( "Disabled "..fancyname, Color(255,205,205) ) end
- if string.find(var, "Xray") or var == "Vision" then AB.XrayShutoff() end -- need to run this function to properly unfuck things that have been xray'd
- AB.Vars[var] = false
- else
- if AB.Vars.Notifications then AB.ChatText( "Enabled "..fancyname, Color(255,255,255) ) end
- AB.Vars[var] = true
- end
- AB.SaveSettings()
- end
- for k, v in pairs(AB.Vars) do
- concommand.Add("ace_togglevar_"..string.lower(k), function() AB.ToggleVar( k, k ) end)
- end
- function AB.ChangeColorScheme( num )
- if not isnumber(num) then return end
- if num <= 0 or num > #AB.DefaultSchemes then print("I don't know how you fucked up this badly but you are trying to change to a colour scheme that doesn't exist!") return end
- local c1 = AB.DefaultSchemes[num][2]
- local c2 = AB.DefaultSchemes[num][3]
- if AB.Vars.Notifications then AB.ChatText( "Changed colour scheme to "..AB.DefaultSchemes[num][1], c1 ) end
- AB.DefaultScheme = c1
- AB.DefaultScheme2 = c2
- AB.ColScheme = Vector(c1.r / 255, c1.g / 255, c1.b / 255)
- AB.ColScheme2 = Vector(c2.r / 255, c2.g / 255, c2.b / 255)
- -- AB.NumberVars.ColorScheme = num -- done inside the button logic
- end
- function AB.MakeToggleButton( parent, x, y, btext, var, vartext, tooltip)
- if !parent:IsValid() then return end
- local TButton = vgui.Create( "DButton" )
- TButton:SetParent( parent )
- TButton:SetPos( x, y )
- TButton:SetText( btext )
- TButton:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
- TButton:SetSize( 110, 25 )
- if tooltip != nil then TButton:SetToolTip( tooltip ) end
- TButton.Paint = function( self, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(60, 60, 90, 200) )
- TButton:SetText( btext )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( o_color1 )
- surface.SetMaterial( downgrad )
- surface.DrawTexturedRect( 0, 0, w, h/ 2 )
- if AB.Vars[var] then
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(150, 250, 150, 255) )
- else
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(100, 100, 100, 255) )
- end
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- end
- TButton.DoClick = function()
- AB.ToggleVar( var, vartext )
- end
- end
- function AB.MakeFunctionButton( parent, x, y, btext, func, tooltip)
- if !parent:IsValid() then return end
- local TButton = vgui.Create( "DButton" )
- TButton:SetParent( parent )
- TButton:SetPos( x, y )
- TButton:SetText( btext )
- TButton:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
- TButton:SetSize( 110, 25 )
- if tooltip != nil then TButton:SetToolTip( tooltip ) end
- TButton.Paint = function( self, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(60, 60, 90, 200) )
- TButton:SetText( btext )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( o_color1 )
- surface.SetMaterial( downgrad )
- surface.DrawTexturedRect( 0, 0, w, h/ 2 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(100, 100, 100, 255) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- end
- TButton.DoClick = function()
- func()
- end
- end
- function AB.MakeFloatingButton( x, y, btext, func)
- local TButton = vgui.Create( "DButton" )
- TButton:SetPos( x, y )
- TButton:SetText( btext )
- TButton:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
- TButton:SetSize( 110, 25 )
- TButton.Paint = function( self, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(60, 60, 90, 200) )
- TButton:SetText( btext )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(100, 100, 100, 255) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- end
- TButton.DoClick = function()
- func()
- end
- return TButton
- end
- function AB.MakeSlider( parent, x, y, length, text, min, max, var )
- if !parent:IsValid() then return end
- local sbg = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
- sbg:SetParent( parent )
- sbg:SetPos( x, y )
- sbg:SetSize( length, 25 )
- sbg.Paint = function( self, w, h ) -- Paint function
- surface.SetDrawColor( 50, 50, 90, 255 )
- surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( o_color1 )
- surface.SetMaterial( downgrad )
- surface.DrawTexturedRect( 0, 0, w, h/ 2 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( 50, 50, 90, 255 )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h )
- end
- local NumSlider = vgui.Create( "DNumSlider", sbg )
- NumSlider:SetPos( 10,-5 )
- NumSlider:SetWide( length - 10 )
- NumSlider:SetText( text )
- NumSlider:SetMin( min )
- NumSlider:SetMax( max )
- NumSlider:SetValue( AB.NumberVars[var] )
- NumSlider:SetDecimals( 0 )
- NumSlider.OnValueChanged = function( panel, val ) AB.NumberVars[var] = math.floor(val) end
- end
- function AB.MakeKeyBinder( parent, x, y, length, height, keyvar, changetxt )
- local binder = vgui.Create( "DBinder", parent )
- binder:SetSize( length, height )
- binder:SetPos( x, y )
- binder:SetTextColor( Color(255,255,255) )
- binder:SetSelected( AB.NumberVars[keyvar] )
- binder.Paint = function( self, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(60, 60, 90, 200) )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( o_color1 )
- surface.SetMaterial( downgrad )
- surface.DrawTexturedRect( 0, 0, w, h/ 2 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(100, 100, 100, 255) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- end
- function binder:SetSelectedNumber( num )
- AB.ChatText( "Set new "..changetxt.." bind key", Color(255,255,255) )
- self.m_iSelectedNumber = num
- AB.NumberVars[keyvar] = num
- end
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ACEBOT MENU--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function AB.Menu()
- if AceMenu then return false end
- local AceMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame")
- AceMenu:SetSize(500,700)
- AceMenu:SetTitle("Acebot - A component of Project Odium Created by LegendofRobbo")
- AceMenu:Center()
- AceMenu:MakePopup()
- AceMenu.Paint = function( panel, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(50, 50, 90, 255) )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( o_color1 )
- surface.SetMaterial( upgrad )
- surface.DrawTexturedRect( 0, h / 2, w, h / 2 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( o_color1 )
- surface.SetMaterial( downgrad )
- surface.DrawTexturedRect( 0, 0, w, h/ 2 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( o_color2 )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 1, 1, w - 2, h - 2 )
- end
- local PropertySheet = vgui.Create( "DPropertySheet" )
- PropertySheet:SetParent( AceMenu )
- PropertySheet:SetPos( 10, 30 )
- PropertySheet:SetSize( 480, AceMenu:GetTall() - 40 )
- PropertySheet.Paint = function()
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(0, 0, 0, 200) )
- surface.DrawRect(0, 0, PropertySheet:GetWide(), PropertySheet:GetTall())
- for k, v in pairs(PropertySheet.Items) do
- if v.Tab then
- v.Tab.Paint = function(self,w,h)
- draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(50,90,120))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------Tabs-------------------------------------------
- local General = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
- General:SetPos( 0, 0 )
- General:SetSize( 480, AceMenu:GetTall() - 40 )
- General.Paint = function() -- Paint function
- surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, General:GetWide(), General:GetTall())
- surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
- surface.DrawRect(0, 0, General:GetWide(), General:GetTall())
- surface.SetDrawColor( 50, 50, 90, 255 )
- surface.DrawRect(0, 40, General:GetWide(), 2)
- end
- local Utility = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
- Utility:SetPos( 0, 0 )
- Utility:SetSize( 480, AceMenu:GetTall() - 40 )
- Utility.Paint = function() -- Paint function
- surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, Utility:GetWide(), Utility:GetTall())
- surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
- surface.DrawRect(0, 0, Utility:GetWide(), Utility:GetTall())
- end
- local Botsettings = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
- Botsettings:SetPos( 0, 0 )
- Botsettings:SetSize( 480, AceMenu:GetTall() - 40 )
- Botsettings.Paint = function() -- Paint function
- surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, Botsettings:GetWide(), Botsettings:GetTall())
- surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
- surface.DrawRect(0, 0, Botsettings:GetWide(), Botsettings:GetTall())
- end
- local Debug = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
- Debug:SetPos( 0, 0 )
- Debug:SetSize( 480, AceMenu:GetTall() - 40 )
- Debug.Paint = function() -- Paint function
- surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, Debug:GetWide(), Debug:GetTall())
- surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
- surface.DrawRect(0, 0, Debug:GetWide(), Debug:GetTall())
- if AB.MemoryDebug then
- draw.DrawText( "Visuals Memory Usage: "..AB.MemoryDebug["hud"].."kb", "Default", 10, 530, Color(255,255,255) )
- draw.DrawText( "Logic Core Memory Usage: "..AB.MemoryDebug["logic"].."kb", "Default", 10, 545, Color(255,255,255) )
- draw.DrawText( "Aimbot Core Memory Usage: "..AB.MemoryDebug["aimbot"].."kb", "Default", 10, 560, Color(255,255,255) )
- surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
- surface.DrawRect(250, 532, math.Clamp( AB.MemoryDebug["hud"] * 0.75, 0, 200), 10 )
- surface.DrawRect(250, 547, math.Clamp( AB.MemoryDebug["logic"] * 20, 0, 200), 10 )
- surface.DrawRect(250, 562, math.Clamp( AB.MemoryDebug["aimbot"] * 20, 0, 200), 10 )
- surface.SetDrawColor(150, 150, 250 ,255)
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(250, 532, 200, 10 )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(250, 547, 200, 10 )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(250, 562, 200, 10 )
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------Buttons-------------------------------------------
- function AB.RefreshConsole()
- if richtext then richtext:Remove() end
- if !ValidPanel(Debug) then return end
- richtext = vgui.Create( "RichText", Debug )
- richtext:SetPos(5, 5)
- richtext:SetSize( 440, AceMenu:GetTall() - 180 )
- for idx, tab in pairs(AB.Debug) do
- richtext:InsertColorChange( tab[2].r, tab[2].g, tab[2].b, 255 )
- richtext:AppendText( tab[1].."\n" )
- end
- end
- timer.Create("ab_refreshconsole", 1, 0, function() AB.RefreshConsole() end)
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 5, 10, "Vision", "Vision", "Vision Mode")
- AB.MakeSlider( General, 5, 590, 455, "Max Vision Range (Metres)", 0, 2000, "VisionDist" )
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 5, 70, "ESP Enabled", "ShowESP", "Show ESP")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 120, 70, "Show Dead Players", "ShowDead", "Show Dead Players")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 235, 70, "Show Friends", "ShowFriends", "Show Friends")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 350, 70, "Radar Colours", "RadarColors", "Coloured players on radar")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 350, 100, "Show Traitors", "ShowTraitors", "Show Traitors (TTT)", "Controls whether the ESP shows known traitors in the TTT gamemode")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 235, 100, "Highlight Targets", "ShowTargets", "Highlight Targets", "Highlights people that are on your targets list")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 120, 100, "Show Admins", "ShowRanks", "Show Admins")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 5, 100, "Show Distance", "ShowDistance", "Show Distance")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 5, 130, "Highlight Props", "ESPProps", "ESP Highlight Props")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 120, 130, "Show Marked Ents", "Entfinder", "ESP Show Marked Ents")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 235, 130, "Show Team Colours", "TeamColors", "Show Team Colours")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 350, 130, "Show Health", "ShowHP", "Show Health")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 5, 490, "Vision Lines", "Vizlines", "Shows which direction players are looking")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 120, 490, "Add Steam Friends", "AutoAddSteamFriends", "Automatically add steam friends to your ESP")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 5, 160, "Show Position", "VSquares", "Show player positions on the esp")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 120, 160, "Show Names", "VNames", "Show player names on the esp")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 5, 190, "Rear Vision Mirror", "Mirror", "Rear Vision Mirror")
- AB.MakeSlider( General, 5, 225, 225, "Mirror X", 0, ScrW(), "MirrorX" )
- AB.MakeSlider( General, 235, 225, 220, "Mirror Y", 0, ScrH(), "MirrorY" )
- AB.MakeSlider( General, 235, 190, 220, "Mirror Size", 0, 60, "MirrorSize" )
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( General, 120, 190, "Mirror Vertical Axis", function()
- if AB.NumberVars.MirrorAxis == 0 then
- if AB.Vars.Notifications then AB.ChatText( "Set mirror axis mode to mimic", Color(255,255,255) ) end
- AB.NumberVars.MirrorAxis = 1
- elseif AB.NumberVars.MirrorAxis == 1 then
- if AB.Vars.Notifications then AB.ChatText( "Set mirror axis mode to reverse", Color(255,255,255) ) end
- AB.NumberVars.MirrorAxis = 2
- else
- if AB.Vars.Notifications then AB.ChatText( "Set mirror axis mode to none", Color(255,255,255) ) end
- AB.NumberVars.MirrorAxis = 0
- end
- end)
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( General, 5, 260, "Toggle Freecam", function()
- AB.Freecam = !AB.Freecam
- AB.ChatText( "Set freecam mode to: "..tostring(AB.Freecam), Color(255,255,255) )
- end, "Hijacks the rear vision mirror and turns it into a ghetto freecam system")
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( General, 120, 260, "Bring Freecam Here", function()
- AB.FreecamCoordinates.pos = LocalPlayer():EyePos()
- AB.FreecamCoordinates.ang = LocalPlayer():EyeAngles()
- AB.ChatText( "Brought freecam to my eye pos", Color(255,255,255) )
- end, "Snaps the freecam to your view position")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 120, 290, "Freecam Is Movable", "FreecamControls", "Freecam controls active")
- AB.MakeKeyBinder(General, 400, 260, 50, 20, "FreecamForward", "freecam move forward" )
- AB.MakeKeyBinder(General, 400, 290, 50, 20, "FreecamBack", "freecam move backwards" )
- AB.MakeKeyBinder(General, 235, 275, 50, 20, "FreecamLeft", "freecam turn left" )
- AB.MakeKeyBinder(General, 345, 275, 50, 20, "FreecamRight", "freecam turn right" )
- AB.MakeKeyBinder(General, 290, 260, 50, 20, "FreecamUp", "freecam pitch up" )
- AB.MakeKeyBinder(General, 290, 290, 50, 20, "FreecamDown", "freecam pitch down" )
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 5, 320, "Player Radar", "Radar", "Player Radar")
- AB.MakeSlider( General, 120, 320, 165, "Radar Size", 50, 600, "RadarSize" )
- AB.MakeSlider( General, 290, 320, 165, "Radar Zoom", 10, 150, "RadarZoom" )
- AB.MakeSlider( General, 5, 350, 145, "Radar X", 0, ScrW(), "RadarX" )
- AB.MakeSlider( General, 155, 350, 145, "Radar Y", 0, ScrH(), "RadarY" )
- AB.MakeSlider( General, 305, 350, 150, "Rad Alpha", 0, 255, "RadarAlpha" )
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 5, 390, "Xray Enabled", "Xray", "X-Ray")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 120, 390, "Xray Players", "XrayPlayers", "Show players on X-Ray")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 235, 390, "Xray Props", "XrayProps", "Show props on X-Ray")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 350, 390, "Xray Marked Ents", "XrayEntfinder", "Show marked entities on X-Ray")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 5, 420, "Xray Solid Chams", "XraySolid", "X-Ray Solid Chams")
- AB.MakeSlider( General, 5, 450, 465, "Xray Maximum Distance (metres)", 0, 2000, "XrayDistance" )
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 120, 420, "Xray Colours", "NoChamColours", "Xray Colours")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 235, 420, "Xray Bright Colours", "PKChams", "Xray Bright Chams")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 5, 480, "Witness Detector", "WitnessDetector", "Witness Detector")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 120, 480, "Spectator Detector", "SpectatorDetector", "Spectator Detector")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 120, 550, "Crosshair", "Crosshair", "Crosshair")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 235, 490, "Draw 3D BBox", "BoundingBox3d", "3D Bounding Boxes on Players")
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( General, 235, 550, "Wraith Vision", function() AB.ToggleWraithVision() end)
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 120, 520, "PK Player Beams", "PKPlayerBeams", "Propkill Playertrace Beams")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 235, 520, "PK Prop Beams", "PKPropBeams", "Propkill Proptrace Beams")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 350, 520, "PK Vertical Beams", "PKVerticalBeams", "Propkill Vertical Beams")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 5, 550, "PK Show Velocity", "PKVelocity", "Propkill Velocity Leaders")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( General, 350, 550, "Clientside Flashlight", "CSFlashlight", "Clientside Flashlight")
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( General, 350, 10, "Players Menu", function() AB.PlayerMenu() end)
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( General, 120, 10, "Cycle Color Scheme", function()
- if AB.NumberVars.ColorScheme < #AB.DefaultSchemes then
- AB.NumberVars.ColorScheme = AB.NumberVars.ColorScheme + 1
- else
- AB.NumberVars.ColorScheme = 1
- end
- AB.ChangeColorScheme( AB.NumberVars.ColorScheme )
- end)
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( General, 235, 10, "Ent marker menu", AB.EntMarkerMenu )
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 5, 10, "Autoclick", "Autoclick", "Auto Mouse Click", "Make your mouse buttons fire at the maximum possible speed when holding them down")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 120, 10, "Bhop", "Bhop", "Auto Bhop")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 235, 10, "Rope-Nado", "RopeStorm", "Rope-Nado", "Right click with rope tool out to spam a fuckton of ropes")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 350, 10, "Triggerbot", "Triggerbot", "Triggerbot", "Automatically pull the trigger when you look at somebody")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 5, 40, "Third Person", "Thirdperson", "Third Person Camera")
- --AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 5, 120, "Camera Spam", "CameraSpam", "Camera Spam")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 120, 120, "No Recoil", "NoRecoil", "No Recoil", "Prevents weapons from changing your eye angles")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 235, 120, "Flashlight Spam", "FlashlightSpam", "Flashlight Spam", "Press F to party hard")
- AB.MakeSlider( Utility, 120, 40, 160, "TPS Distance", 0, 1000, "TPSDistance" )
- AB.MakeSlider( Utility, 285, 40, 175, "TPS Offset", -100, 100, "TPSOffset" )
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 5, 90, "Name Changer Script", "NameStealer", "Name Change Script", "Enables or disabled the name change helper script, corrects malfunctions present in odiums name change command")
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( Utility, 350, 90, "Disable NameStealer", AB.NameStealerShutoff )
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( Utility, 5, 150, "Inspect your Gun", AB.GunMenu, "Show a massive TLDR page of information about the gun in your hands" )
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( Utility, 120, 150, "Entity Scanner", AB.ToggleEntityScanner, "Get detailed information and easily perform actions on entities under your cursor (use C menu for best effect)" )
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 350, 120, "Notify Kills", "NotifyKills", "Notify Kills in Chat", "Prints kills to your chat window")
- --AB.Vars.NotifyKills
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 5, 210, "Chat Spammer", "ChatSpam", "Chat Spammer", "Spam chat and piss everybody off")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 120, 210, "Auto OOC", "ChatSpamOOC", "Auto OOC chatspam", "Automatically make your chat spam in OOC mode in darkrp and most other rp gamemodes")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 235, 210, "Bind Mode", "ChatSpamBind", "Bind Mode (L ALT)", "You only chatspam when left alt is pressed")
- --AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 350, 210, "Random Insults", "ChatSpamInsult", "Chatspam Random Insults", "Shower randomly generated abuse on everybody")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 350, 180, "/PM Mode", "ChatSpamPM", "/PM Spam Mode", "Spams /pm messages to everybody on the server")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 350, 210, "/PM Admins", "ChatSpamPMAdmins", "/PM Spam Target Admins", "Should we /pm spam admins?")
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( Utility, 235, 180, "Chatspam Help", function()
- AB.ChatText( "Printed chatspam formatting info to console", Color(255,255,255) )
- print( "---- CHAT SPAMMER PATTERN MATCHES ----" )
- print( "@1 = Random insult" )
- print( "@2 = Angry insult" )
- print( "@3 = Admin insult" )
- print( "@4 = CSGO skid gibberish" )
- print( "@opener = Insult opening line" )
- print( "@joiner = Insult joining line" )
- print( "@slur = Random racist/sexist/fucking hilarious slur" )
- end, "HALP HOW I USE DIS" )
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( Utility, 5, 300, "Dodge RP Admins", AB.InnocentRoleplayer, "You got seen doing something shifty, now its time to get a new identity\nSuicides and randomizes your rpname, job and player colours\nBind a key to ace_innocent_roleplayer to trigger quickly" )
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( Utility, 120, 300, "Random RPname", AB.GenerateRPName, "Like you can be arsed thinking up a good rpname, this one will generate a random one for you" )
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( Utility, 235, 300, "RandomRPname (fem)", AB.GenerateRPNameFemale, "You want to become a girl so you can take cocks up your ass and still call yourself straight" )
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 5, 330, "RP Demote Spam", "DemoteSpam", "Spam /Demote requests", "Demote everybody on the server from their shitty jobs")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 120, 330, "RP Wanted Spam", "WantedSpam", "Spam /Wanted requests", "Make everybody wanted by the police")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 235, 330, "ULX Vkick Spam", "ULXVotekickSpam", "Spam ulx votekicks", "Votekick everybody on the server :^)")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 350, 330, "ULX Vban Spam", "ULXVotebanSpam", "Spam ulx votebans", "Voteban everybody on the server :^)")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 5, 360, "Bhop Auto Strafe", "BhopAutostrafe", "Bhop Auto Strafe", "Presses A and D for you when you move your mouse, you lazy fuck")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 120, 360, "Kill Taunts", "KillTaunts", "Kill Taunts", "Let acebot automatically talk smack for you whenever you kill somebody")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 235, 360, "Death Taunts", "DeathTaunts", "Death Taunts", "Automatic chat rage when you die")
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( Utility, 5, 450, "Set Base", function() RunConsoleCommand("ace_base_set") end, "Set a home base location to warn you if people go near it" )
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( Utility, 120, 450, "Remove Base", function() RunConsoleCommand("ace_base_remove") end, "Delete your base" )
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 350, 420, "Keypad Jew", "KeypadJew", "Keypad Code Stealer", "Your a sneaky jew stealing peoples keypad codes and busting into their base")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 5, 420, "RP Arrest Dodger", "DodgeArrest", "Get out of jail free card", "Automatically suicide if somebody tries to hit you with an arrest baton")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 120, 420, "New RPname on Death", "NewLifeRule", "Choose new RPname when killed", "Make things extra confusing for cuntmins")
- --AB.MakeToggleButton( Utility, 235, 420, "Dodge Physgun", "DontTouchMeThere", "Suicide When PhysGunned", "Don't touch me there, that's my private place")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 5, 10, "Toggle Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Sup pussy ass white boi how bout i come to ur base and fuck ur girl u little bitch, imma shoot lazers all up in this place pew pew nigga")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 120, 10, "Snap on Shoot Only", "SnapOnFire", "Aimbot only snaps when firing", "Makes things a little bit more sneeki breeki")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 5, 40, "Auto Shoot", "AutoShoot", "Aimbot Auto-Shoot", "Your aimbot is now doing all the work for you, you may as well afk and masturbate")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 235, 70, "Auto Trigger", "AutoTrigger", "Aimbot Auto-Trigger", "Spams the trigger on semi auto weapons when locked on and holding left click")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 120, 40, "Snap on Bind Only", "AimbotBindMode", "Aimbot snap only when bind pressed", "Extra protection against accidentally fucking yourself over when trying to play >legit")
- --AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 235, 40, "Shoot Through Walls", "AimbotShootThroughWalls", "Aimbot shoot through walls", "Target people through walls?")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 235, 40, "M9K Wallbanger", "AimbotWallbanger", "Aimbot shoot through walls (m9k)", "Lock on to people if the current gun is able to penetrate the wall/object they are hiding behind")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 235, 10, "Draw Target Position", "PreviewTarget", "Draw Target Lock Position", "Shows the current/next position the aimbot is locking on to")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 350, 10, "Compensate Spread", "CompSpread", "Compensate Bullet Spread", "Basically cac undetected nospread. Works with m9k, hl2 weps, ttt weps and some simple weapon bases. Does not work with fas2 or cw2")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 350, 40, "Silent Aim", "SilentAim", "Silent Aim", "Makes it far less obvious that you are aimbotting")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 350, 70, "Adaptive Targeting", "AimbotAdaptiveTarget", "Aimbot Adaptive Targeting", "Shoot at any part of their body that is exposed, not just their head. Absolute rape when paired with comp spread and wallbanger")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 5, 160, "Target Friends", "TargetFriends", "Aimbot Target Friends", "Do you really want to betray your buddies like this? :(")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 120, 160, "Target Admins", "TargetAdmins", "Aimbot Target Admins", "Milk some darkrp admin tears")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 235, 160, "Target Same Team", "TargetSameTeam", "Aimbot Target Same Team", "Do you want to betray your team?")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 350, 160, "Target Highlighted", "TargetHighlighted", "Aimbot Target Highlighted targets", "For killing those special high priority targets")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 120, 190, "Target Noclippers", "TargetNoclippers", "Aimbot Target People in Noclip", "You usually can't kill them anyway so why bother?")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 5, 190, "Prefer Headshots", "AimbotTargetMode", "Aimbot Target Heads", "Target heads or go straight for centre of mass?")
- AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 235, 190, "Sticky Targeting", "AimbotStickyLock", "Sticky Targeting", "Aimbot will not switch target until the current target is dead, out of FOV or no longer visible")
- --AB.MakeToggleButton( Botsettings, 5, 190, "Prefer Headshots", "AimbotTargetMode", "Aimbot Target Heads", "Target heads or go straight for centre of mass?")
- local tttt = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Botsettings )
- tttt:SetPos( 25, 228 )
- tttt:SetText( "Aimbot Bind Key:" )
- tttt:SizeToContents()
- AB.MakeKeyBinder( Botsettings, 120, 220, 110, 30, "AimbotBindKey", "aimbot" )
- AB.MakeSlider( Botsettings, 5, 70, 210, "Smooth Aim", 0, 50, "AimbotSmooth" )
- AB.MakeSlider( Botsettings, 5, 100, 210, "Max Distance", 0, 9999, "AimbotDist" )
- AB.MakeSlider( Botsettings, 225, 100, 220, "Targeting FOV", 0.1, 180, "AimbotMaxFOV" )
- local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", Utility )
- TextEntry:SetPos( 120, 90 )
- TextEntry:SetSize( 195, 25 )
- TextEntry:SetText( AB.NameStealName )
- TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
- AB.NameStealName = self:GetValue()
- if AB.Vars.Notifications then AB.ChatText( "Set my name to: "..self:GetValue(), Color(255,255,255) ) end
- end
- local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", Utility )
- TextEntry:SetPos( 5, 240 )
- TextEntry:SetSize( 450, 25 )
- TextEntry:SetText( AB.ChatSpamText )
- TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
- AB.ChatSpamText = self:GetValue()
- if AB.Vars.Notifications then AB.ChatText( "Set my chatspam message to: "..self:GetValue(), Color(255,255,255) ) end
- end
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( Debug, 5, AceMenu:GetTall() - 110, "Clear Console", function() table.Empty(AB.Debug) end)
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( Debug, 120, AceMenu:GetTall() - 110, "Print Changelog", function()
- AB.DebugLog( "", Color(0,0,0) )
- AB.DebugLog( "Acebot current version: "..AB.Version, Color(155,255,155) )
- AB.DebugLog( "", Color(0,0,0) )
- local tt = 200
- for k, v in SortedPairs(AB.Changelog, false) do AB.DebugLog( v, Color(tt, tt, tt + 30) ) tt = math.Clamp(tt - 10, 100, 200) end
- end)
- --AB.MakeFunctionButton( Debug, 235, Menu:GetTall() - 110, "Game Event Logging", function() end)
- --AB.MakeFunctionButton( Debug, 350, Menu:GetTall() - 110, "Extensive Logging", function() end)
- PropertySheet:AddSheet( "Vision", General, "icon16/zoom.png", false, false, "ESP/Xray/HUD settings" )
- --PropertySheet:AddSheet( "Vision Advanced", General2, "icon16/zoom_in.png", false, false, "ESP/Xray/HUD settings" )
- PropertySheet:AddSheet( "Utility", Utility, "icon16/wrench.png", false, false, "Tools and utilities" )
- PropertySheet:AddSheet( "Aimbot", Botsettings, "icon16/bomb.png", false, false, "Aimbot settings" )
- PropertySheet:AddSheet( "Exploit", Exploit, "icon16/bug.png", false, false, "Lua Exploit settings" )
- PropertySheet:AddSheet( "Backdoor", Backdoor, "icon16/door_in.png", false, false, "Control panel for the Wraithnet/HTX serverside backdoor" )
- PropertySheet:AddSheet( "Debug", Debug, "icon16/printer.png", false, false, "Acebot debug settings" )
- end
- concommand.Add("ace_menu", AB.Menu)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------DEBUG CONSOLE SHIT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function AB.DebugLog( str, col )
- table.insert(AB.Debug, {str, col})
- if #AB.Debug > 40 then
- table.remove( AB.Debug, 1 )
- end
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ENT MARKER MENU--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local OtherEnts = {}
- function AB.EntMarkerMenu()
- if EMenu then return end
- table.Empty(OtherEnts)
- for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
- local addToAllEnts = true
- for i,p in pairs(AB.MarkedEnts) do
- if p == v:GetClass() then
- addToAllEnts = false
- end
- end
- for i,p in pairs(OtherEnts) do
- if p == v:GetClass() then
- addToAllEnts = false
- end
- end
- if addToAllEnts then
- table.insert(OtherEnts, v:GetClass())
- end
- end
- local EMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame")
- EMenu:SetSize(500,485)
- EMenu:SetTitle("Entity marker menu")
- EMenu:Center()
- EMenu:MakePopup()
- EMenu.Paint = function()
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(50, 50, 90, 255) )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, EMenu:GetWide(), EMenu:GetTall() )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(155, 155, 155, 255) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, EMenu:GetWide(), EMenu:GetTall() )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 1, 1, EMenu:GetWide() - 2, EMenu:GetTall() - 2 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(0, 0, 0, 200) )
- surface.DrawRect( 10, 25, EMenu:GetWide() - 20, EMenu:GetTall() - 35 )
- end
- DermaList = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", EMenu )
- DermaList:SetPos( 25,35 )
- DermaList:SetSize( 500, 400 )
- DermaList:SetSpacing( 75 )
- DermaList:EnableHorizontal( false )
- DermaList:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
- local SelectedEnts = vgui.Create("DListView")
- SelectedEnts:SetSize(220, 335)
- SelectedEnts:SetPos(0, 0)
- SelectedEnts:SetMultiSelect(false)
- SelectedEnts:AddColumn("Ents to show")
- for k,v in SortedPairs(AB.MarkedEnts, false) do
- SelectedEnts:AddLine(v)
- end
- SelectedEnts.DoDoubleClick = function(parent, index, list)
- table.remove(AB.MarkedEnts, index)
- EMenu:rebuildlists()
- end
- DermaList:Add(SelectedEnts)
- local AllEnts = vgui.Create("DListView")
- AllEnts:SetSize(220, 335)
- AllEnts:SetPos(230, 0)
- AllEnts:SetMultiSelect(false)
- AllEnts:AddColumn("Ents not to show")
- for k,v in SortedPairs(OtherEnts, false) do
- AllEnts:AddLine(v)
- end
- AllEnts.DoDoubleClick = function(parent, index, panel )
- table.insert(AB.MarkedEnts, OtherEnts[index])
- EMenu:rebuildlists()
- end
- DermaList:Add(AllEnts)
- function EMenu:rebuildlists()
- table.Empty(OtherEnts)
- for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
- local addToAllEnts = true
- for i,p in pairs(AB.MarkedEnts) do
- if p == v:GetClass() then
- addToAllEnts = false
- end
- end
- for i,p in pairs(OtherEnts) do
- if p == v:GetClass() then
- addToAllEnts = false
- end
- end
- if addToAllEnts then
- table.insert(OtherEnts, v:GetClass())
- end
- end
- AllEnts:Clear()
- SelectedEnts:Clear()
- for k,v in SortedPairs(OtherEnts, false) do
- AllEnts:AddLine( v )
- end
- for k,v in SortedPairs(AB.MarkedEnts, false) do
- SelectedEnts:AddLine( v )
- end
- end
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( EMenu, 25, 380, "Find all Printers", function()
- for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
- if string.find(v:GetClass(), "print") and !table.HasValue(AB.MarkedEnts, v:GetClass()) then
- table.insert(AB.MarkedEnts, v:GetClass())
- end
- end
- EMenu:rebuildlists()
- end, "Finds everything that looks like a money printer")
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( EMenu, 140, 380, "Find all Weapons", function()
- for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
- if (string.find(v:GetClass(), "weap") or string.find(v:GetClass(), "fas2") or string.find(v:GetClass(), "m9k")) and !table.HasValue(AB.MarkedEnts, v:GetClass()) then
- table.insert(AB.MarkedEnts, v:GetClass())
- end
- end
- EMenu:rebuildlists()
- end, "Finds everything that looks like a weapon")
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( EMenu, 255, 380, "Find all Vehicles", function()
- for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
- if v:IsVehicle() and !table.HasValue(AB.MarkedEnts, v:GetClass()) then
- table.insert(AB.MarkedEnts, v:GetClass())
- end
- end
- EMenu:rebuildlists()
- end, "Finds everything that looks like a vehicle")
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( EMenu, 370, 380, "Find all Loot", function()
- for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
- if (string.find(v:GetClass(), "item") or string.find(v:GetClass(), "loot")) and !table.HasValue(AB.MarkedEnts, v:GetClass()) then
- table.insert(AB.MarkedEnts, v:GetClass())
- end
- end
- EMenu:rebuildlists()
- end, "Finds everything that looks like loot items (generally only useful for gmod dayz, after the end etc)")
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( EMenu, 25, 410, "Find all RP Goodies", function()
- for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
- if v:GetClass() == "spawned_shipment" or v:GetClass() == "spawned_money" or v:GetClass() == "spawned_weapon" or v:GetClass() == "spawned_ammo" or v:GetClass() == "spawned_food" and !table.HasValue(AB.MarkedEnts, v:GetClass()) then
- table.insert(AB.MarkedEnts, v:GetClass() )
- end
- end
- EMenu:rebuildlists()
- end, "Finds all darkrp goodies (guns, money, shipments etc)")
- AB.MakeFunctionButton( EMenu, 370, 410, "Clear List", function()
- AB.MarkedEnts = {}
- EMenu:rebuildlists()
- end, "Clears the entfinder list")
- local turd = vgui.Create( "DLabel", EMenu )
- turd:SetPos( 25, 447 )
- turd:SetText( "Search for classes: " )
- turd:SizeToContents()
- local target4 = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", EMenu )
- target4:SetPos( 125, 442 )
- target4:SetSize( 255, 25 )
- target4:SetText( "" )
- target4.OnChange = function( self )
- local nam = self:GetValue()
- if nam == "" then
- AB.MarkedEnts = {}
- EMenu:rebuildlists()
- return
- end
- local namtab = string.Explode( ", ", nam )
- AB.MarkedEnts = {}
- for _, en in pairs( ents.GetAll() ) do
- for _, s in pairs( namtab ) do
- if string.find( string.lower( en:GetClass() ), s, 1, true ) then
- if !table.HasValue( AB.MarkedEnts, en:GetClass() ) then table.insert( AB.MarkedEnts, en:GetClass() ) end
- end
- end
- end
- EMenu:rebuildlists()
- end
- end
- concommand.Add("ace_ents", AB.EntMarkerMenu)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------PLAYERS MENU--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function AB.PlayerMenu()
- if PMenu then return end
- local PMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame")
- PMenu:SetSize(590,420)
- PMenu:SetTitle("Players menu")
- PMenu:Center()
- PMenu:MakePopup()
- PMenu.Paint = function()
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(50, 50, 90, 255) )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, PMenu:GetWide(), PMenu:GetTall() )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(155, 155, 155, 255) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, PMenu:GetWide(), PMenu:GetTall() )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 1, 1, PMenu:GetWide() - 2, PMenu:GetTall() - 2 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(0, 0, 0, 200) )
- surface.DrawRect( 10, 25, PMenu:GetWide() - 20, PMenu:GetTall() - 35 )
- end
- local Plist = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", PMenu )
- Plist:SetSize( 560, 370 )
- Plist:SetPadding( 5 )
- Plist:SetSpacing( 5 )
- Plist:EnableHorizontal( false )
- Plist:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
- Plist:SetPos( 10, 25 )
- Plist:SetName( "" )
- for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
- if v == LocalPlayer() then continue end
- local plypanel2 = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
- plypanel2:SetPos( 0, 0 )
- plypanel2:SetSize( 480, 40 )
- plypanel2.Paint = function() -- Paint function
- draw.RoundedBoxEx(8,1,1,plypanel2:GetWide(),plypanel2:GetTall(),Color(0, 0, 0, 150), false, false, false, false)
- surface.SetDrawColor(Color(50, 50, 90, 255))
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(1, 1, plypanel2:GetWide() - 1 , plypanel2:GetTall() - 1)
- end
- local plyname = vgui.Create( "DLabel", plypanel2 )
- plyname:SetPos( 15, 5 )
- plyname:SetFont( "Trebuchet18" )
- plyname:SetColor( team.GetColor(v:Team()) )
- plyname:SetText( "Name: "..v:Nick() )
- plyname:SetSize(180, 15)
- if AB.GetRank(v) != ( "user" or "guest" or "player" ) then
- local rtxt = vgui.Create( "DLabel", plypanel2 )
- rtxt:SetPos( 15, 20 )
- rtxt:SetFont( "Trebuchet18" )
- rtxt:SetColor( Color(255,100,0,255) )
- rtxt:SetText( "Rank: "..AB.GetRank(v) )
- rtxt:SetSize(180, 15)
- end
- local faggot = vgui.Create("DButton", plypanel2)
- faggot:SetSize( 45, 25 )
- faggot:SetPos( 250, 8 )
- faggot:SetText("Profile")
- faggot:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
- faggot.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
- surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
- surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
- surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
- end
- faggot.DoClick = function()
- AB.ChatText( "Opened steam profile of: "..v:Nick().." ("..v:SteamID()..")", Color(255,255,255) )
- v:ShowProfile()
- surface.PlaySound("buttons/button7.wav")
- end
- local faggot = vgui.Create("DButton", plypanel2)
- faggot:SetSize( 45, 25 )
- faggot:SetPos( 300, 8 )
- faggot:SetText("Mute")
- faggot:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
- faggot.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
- if !v:IsValid() then return end
- if v:IsMuted() then
- surface.SetDrawColor(200, 100, 000 ,255)
- else
- surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
- end
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
- surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
- surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
- end
- faggot.DoClick = function()
- v:SetMuted( !v:IsMuted() )
- if v:IsMuted() then AB.ChatText( "Voice muted: "..v:Nick(), Color(255,255,255) ) else AB.ChatText( "Unmuted: "..v:Nick(), Color(255,255,255) ) end
- surface.PlaySound("buttons/button7.wav")
- end
- local faggot = vgui.Create("DButton", plypanel2)
- faggot:SetSize( 60, 25 )
- faggot:SetPos( 350, 8 )
- faggot:SetText("Namesteal")
- faggot:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
- faggot.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
- if AB.NameStealPlayer == v then
- surface.SetDrawColor(100, 200, 100 ,255)
- else
- surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
- end
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
- surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
- surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
- end
- faggot.DoClick = function()
- if AB.NameStealPlayer == v then AB.NameStealPlayer = LocalPlayer() AB.ChatText( "Cleared name stealer target", Color(255,255,255) ) return end
- AB.NameStealPlayer = v
- AB.ChatText( "Set name stealer target to: "..v:Nick(), Color(255,255,255) )
- surface.PlaySound("buttons/button7.wav")
- end
- local faggot = vgui.Create("DButton", plypanel2)
- faggot:SetSize( 60, 25 )
- faggot:SetPos( 415, 8 )
- faggot:SetText("Highlight")
- faggot:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
- faggot.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
- if AB.IsTarget( v ) then
- surface.SetDrawColor(100, 200, 100 ,255)
- else
- surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
- end
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
- surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
- surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
- end
- faggot.DoClick = function()
- if AB.IsTarget( v ) then AB.RemoveTarget(v) else AB.AddTarget(v) end
- surface.PlaySound("buttons/button7.wav")
- end
- local faggot = vgui.Create("DButton", plypanel2)
- faggot:SetSize( 60, 25 )
- faggot:SetPos( 480, 8 )
- faggot:SetText("Friendly")
- faggot:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
- faggot.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
- if AB.IsFriend( v ) then
- surface.SetDrawColor(100, 200, 100 ,255)
- else
- surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
- end
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
- surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
- surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
- end
- faggot.DoClick = function()
- if AB.IsFriend( v ) then AB.RemoveFriend(v) else AB.AddFriend(v) end
- surface.PlaySound("buttons/button7.wav")
- end
- Plist:AddItem( plypanel2 )
- end
- end
- concommand.Add("ace_players", AB.PlayerMenu)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------BIG MEMES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function AB.IsMessagePooled( netmessage )
- status, error = pcall(net.Start,netmessage)
- return status
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------DANK NOSPREAD----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function AB.GetGenericCone( cmd )
- local ply = LocalPlayer()
- local gun = ply:GetActiveWeapon()
- if !gun.Primary or !gun.Primary.Cone then return Angle( 0, 0, 0 ) end
- local meme = gun.Primary.Cone
- local meme2 = Vector( meme, meme, meme )
- local cone = odium.engine.GetWeaponCone( cmd, ply:EyeAngles(), meme2 )
- return cone
- end
- function AB.GetM9kCone( cmd )
- local ply = LocalPlayer()
- local gun = ply:GetActiveWeapon()
- if !gun.Primary or !gun.Primary.Spread or !gun.Primary.IronAccuracy then return Angle( 0, 0, 0 ) end
- local meme = gun.Primary.Spread
- if (gun:GetIronsights() == true) and ply:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK2) then meme = gun.Primary.IronAccuracy end
- local meme2 = Vector( meme, meme, meme )
- local cone = odium.engine.GetWeaponCone( cmd, ply:EyeAngles(), meme2 )
- return cone
- end
- local td = {}
- local function dospread()
- local ply = LocalPlayer()
- local gun = ply:GetActiveWeapon()
- local vel = ply:GetVelocity():Length()
- aim = ply:GetAimVector()
- if not ply.LastView then
- ply.LastView = aim
- ply.ViewAff = 0
- else
- ply.ViewAff = Lerp(0.25, ply.ViewAff, (aim - ply.LastView):Length() * 0.5)
- ply.LastView = aim
- end
- cone = gun.HipCone * (cr and 0.75 or 1) * (gun.dt.Bipod and 0.3 or 1)
- if gun.dt.Status == FAS_STAT_ADS then
- td.start = ply:GetShootPos()
- td.endpos = td.start + aim * 30
- td.filter = ply
- tr = util.TraceLine(td)
- if tr.Hit then
- return Angle(0,0,0)
- else
- cone = gun.AimCone
- end
- end
- return math.Clamp(cone + gun.AddSpread * (gun.dt.Bipod and 0.5 or 1) + (vel / 10000 * gun.VelocitySensitivity) * (gun.dt.Status == FAS_STAT_ADS and 0.25 or 1) + ply.ViewAff, 0, 0.09 + gun.MaxSpreadInc)
- end
- function AB.GetFags2Cone( cmd )
- local ply = LocalPlayer()
- local gun = ply:GetActiveWeapon()
- local newang = ply:GetPunchAngle()
- math.randomseed( CurTime() )
- local cuntcone = gun.CurCone
- -- newang = newang + (Angle(math.Rand(-cuntcone, cuntcone), math.Rand(-cuntcone, cuntcone), 0) )
- return newang
- -- return LocalPlayer():GetPunchAngle()
- end
- --hook.Remove( "EntityFireBullets", "Fags2lmao" )
- /*
- hook.Add( "EntityFireBullets", "Fags2lmao", function( ent, data )
- local me = LocalPlayer()
- local gun = me:GetActiveWeapon()
- local oldang = me:EyeAngles()
- math.randomseed(CurTime())
- local Dir3 = (me:GetPunchAngle() + Angle(math.Rand(-gun.CurCone, gun.CurCone), math.Rand(-gun.CurCone, gun.CurCone), 0) * 25)
- print( "hax"..tostring( me:EyeAngles() - Dir3) )
- -- print( "hax: "..tostring(oldang + -AB.GetFags2Cone( me:GetCurrentCommand() )) )
- -- me:SetEyeAngles( oldang + -AB.GetFags2Cone( me:GetCurrentCommand() ) )
- end)
- */
- local hl2guns = {
- ["weapon_smg1"] = Vector( 0.04362, 0.04362, 0.04362 ),
- ["weapon_ar2"] = Vector( 0.02618, 0.02618, 0.02618 ),
- ["weapon_shotgun"] = Vector( 0.08716, 0.08716, 0.08716 ),
- ["weapon_pistol"] = Vector( 0.00873, 0.00873, 0.00873 ) ,
- }
- function AB.GetHL2Cone( cmd )
- local ply = LocalPlayer()
- local gun = ply:GetActiveWeapon()
- local meme = hl2guns[gun:GetClass()]
- local cone = odium.engine.GetWeaponCone( cmd, ply:EyeAngles(), meme )
- return cone
- end
- function AB.GetCurrentWeaponCone( cmd )
- if !odium or !odium.engine or !odium.engine.GetWeaponCone then
- AB.ChatText( "Odium main module not present or malfunctioning! Compensated spread will not work!", Color(255,100,0) )
- AB.Vars.CompSpread = false
- return Angle( 0, 0, 0 )
- end
- local ply = LocalPlayer()
- local gun = ply:GetActiveWeapon()
- if hl2guns[gun:GetClass()] or gun:GetClass() == "weapon_pistol" then return AB.GetHL2Cone( cmd ) end
- if gun.Primary and gun.Primary.Spread and gun.Primary.IronAccuracy then return AB.GetM9kCone( cmd ) end
- if gun.HipCone then return AB.GetFags2Cone( cmd ) end
- if gun.Primary and gun.Primary.Cone then return AB.GetGenericCone( cmd ) end
- return Angle( 0, 0, 0 )
- end
- local penistration = {
- ["SniperPenetratedRound"] = 20,
- ["pistol"] = 9,
- ["357"] = 12,
- ["smg1"] = 14,
- ["ar2"] = 16,
- ["buckshot"] = 5,
- ["slam"] = 5,
- ["AirboatGun"] = 17,
- }
- function AB.GetM9gayPenetration( ply, gun, tr, testent )
- if !gun.Penetration then return false end
- local ammotyp = gun.Primary.Ammo
- local penindex = 14
- if penistration[ammotyp] then penindex = penistration[ammotyp] end
- if tr.MatType == MAT_METAL and ammotyp != "SniperPenetratedRound" then return false end
- penindex = penindex - 0.05 -- precaution so we don't botch extreme range shots
- local penissize = tr.Normal * penindex
- if (tr.MatType == MAT_GLASS or tr.MatType == MAT_PLASTIC or tr.MatType == MAT_WOOD or tr.MatType == MAT_FLESH or tr.MatType == MAT_ALIENFLESH) then
- penissize = tr.Normal * (penindex * 2)
- end
- local ntrace = {}
- ntrace.endpos = tr.HitPos + tr.Normal * 99999
- ntrace.start = tr.HitPos + penissize
- ntrace.mask = MASK_SHOT
- ntrace.filter = {ply}
- local trace = util.TraceLine(ntrace)
- if trace.StartSolid or ( trace.Entity and trace.Entity != testent ) then return false end
- return true
- end
- function AB.CanWeaponPenetrate( tr, testent )
- local ply = LocalPlayer()
- local gun = ply:GetActiveWeapon()
- if !ply:IsValid() or !gun or !gun:IsValid() then return false end
- if gun.Primary and gun.Primary.Spread and gun.Primary.IronAccuracy then return AB.GetM9gayPenetration( ply, gun, tr, testent ) end
- return false
- end
- function AB.IsBabyGod( ply )
- if !ply:IsValid() or !ply:Alive() or ply:InVehicle() then return false end
- if ply:GetRenderMode() == RENDERMODE_TRANSALPHA and ply:GetColor().a == 100 then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function AB.SetPacketChoke( choke )
- if !odium or !odium.engine then return end
- if choke then
- odium.engine.SetSendPacketEnabled( true )
- odium.engine.SetChokedPacketNum( 0 )
- else
- odium.engine.ResetSendPacket()
- odium.engine.ResetChokedPacketNum()
- end
- end
- /*
- function AB.GetPenetrationStrength( tr ) --heh
- if !AB.CanWeaponPenetrate() then return 0 end
- local ply = LocalPlayer()
- local gun = ply:GetActiveWeapon()
- if !ply:IsValid() or !gun or !gun:IsValid() then return 0 end
- if gun.Primary and gun.Primary.Spread and gun.Primary.IronAccuracy then return AB.GetM9gayPenetration( ply, gun ) end
- return 0
- end
- */
- function AB.FixMove( cmd, safe )
- local move = Vector( cmd:GetForwardMove(), cmd:GetSideMove(), cmd:GetUpMove() )
- local speed = math.sqrt( move.x * move.x + move.y * move.y )
- local mang = move:Angle()
- local yaw = math.rad( cmd:GetViewAngles().y - AB.InternalFakeAngles.y + mang.y )
- cmd:SetForwardMove( (math.cos(yaw) * speed) * 1 )
- cmd:SetSideMove( math.sin(yaw) * speed )
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------AIMBOT FUNCTIONS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local isfiring = false
- local lastoldang = 0
- function AB.AimbotCore( cmd )
- local ply = LocalPlayer()
- if !AB.Vars.SilentAim then AB.InternalFakeAngles = 0 end
- if lastoldang and isangle( lastoldang ) then
- cmd:SetViewAngles( lastoldang )
- lastoldang = 0
- AB.SetPacketChoke( false )
- end
- if !AB.Vars.Aimbot then
- lastoldang = 0
- AB.AimbotPreviewTarget = -1
- AB.AimbotTarget = game.GetWorld()
- return
- end
- if !AB.Vars.AimbotStickyLock then
- local closestfag = AB.GetClosestToCursor( true )
- if closestfag != AB.AimbotTarget then AB.AimbotTarget = closestfag end
- end
- local atarg = AB.AimbotTarget
- local pozzed = AB.PrepareForAStomping( atarg )
- if isvector( pozzed ) then AB.AimbotPreviewTarget = pozzed end
- -- negate target if they are invalid for whatever reason
- if !atarg:IsValid() or AB.IsDead( atarg ) or !AB.InFOV( atarg ) or !AB.CanTargetPlayer( atarg ) or (AB.ToMetric(ply:GetPos():Distance(atarg:GetPos())) >= AB.NumberVars.AimbotDist) or !isvector( pozzed ) then
- AB.AimbotPreviewTarget = -1
- AB.AimbotTarget = AB.GetClosestToCursor( true )
- AB.InternalFakeAngles = 0
- return
- end
- -- snap only on fire option
- if AB.Vars.SnapOnFire and !input.IsMouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT) or !ply:GetActiveWeapon() or !ply:GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() or !AB.CanBotShoot( ply:GetActiveWeapon() ) then
- -- AB.AimbotTarget = game.GetWorld()
- targetlerp = LocalPlayer():EyeAngles()
- return
- end
- -- keybind mode
- if AB.Vars.AimbotBindMode then
- local khn = AB.NumberVars.AimbotBindKey
- if not ( input.IsKeyDown( khn ) or input.IsMouseDown( khn ) ) then
- -- AB.AimbotTarget = game.GetWorld()
- targetlerp = LocalPlayer():EyeAngles()
- return
- end
- end
- -- cap a motherfucker
- AB.AimbotPreviewTarget = pozzed
- local aids = pozzed - ply:GetShootPos()
- aids = aids:Angle()
- aids:Normalize()
- -- if AB.NumberVars.AimbotSmooth > 0 then
- -- targetlerp = LerpAngle(FrameTime() * ((51 - AB.NumberVars.AimbotSmooth) / 5), targetlerp, aids)
- -- aids = targetlerp
- -- end
- if AB.Vars.CompSpread then
- local cone = AB.GetCurrentWeaponCone( cmd )
- aids = aids + -cone
- end
- aids = Angle( aids.p, aids.y, 0 )
- if AB.Vars.SilentAim then
- AB.SetPacketChoke( true )
- lastoldang = cmd:GetViewAngles() + Angle( cmd:GetMouseY() * 0.02, -cmd:GetMouseX() * 0.015, 0 )
- AB.InternalFakeAngles = lastoldang
- end
- cmd:SetViewAngles(aids)
- if AB.Vars.SilentAim then AB.FixMove( cmd, true ) end
- if AB.Vars.AutoShoot then
- if( !isfiring ) then
- cmd:SetButtons( bit.bor( cmd:GetButtons(), IN_ATTACK ) )
- isfiring = true
- else
- cmd:SetButtons( cmd:GetButtons(), bit.bnot( IN_ATTACK ) ) )
- isfiring = false
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.AutoTrigger then
- if ply:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK) then cmd:RemoveKey(IN_ATTACK) end
- end
- end
- AB.BHopBuffer = {}
- AB.BHopCount1 = 0
- AB.BHopCount2 = 0
- AB.StoredOnGround = false
- AB.StoredInJump = false
- function AB.ResetCounters()
- AB.BHopCount1 = 0
- AB.BHopCount2 = 0
- for i = #AB.BHopBuffer, 1, -1 do
- AB.BHopBuffer[i] = nil
- end
- end
- local vw = Angle( 0, 0, 0 )
- local targetlerp = Angle( 0, 0, 0)
- local nxtangle = false
- function AB.CreateMove( cmd )
- local ply = LocalPlayer()
- if !ply:IsValid() then return end
- local amemfootprint = gcinfo()
- if( AB.Vars.Autoclick and !AB.Vars.RopeStorm) then
- if ply:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK2) then cmd:RemoveKey(IN_ATTACK2) end
- if ply:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK) then cmd:RemoveKey(IN_ATTACK) end
- end
- if( AB.Vars.Bhop) then
- if AB.Vars.BhopAutostrafe and !ply:IsFlagSet( FL_ONGROUND ) and ply:GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP then
- if cmd:GetMouseX() < 0 then
- cmd:SetSideMove(-1000000)
- end
- if cmd:GetMouseX() > 0 then
- cmd:SetSideMove(1000000)
- end
- end
- ////////////////////////// credit goes to invalid/kilgrave for this UD bhop ///////////////////////////
- if AB.BHopCount1 < 13 then
- if(cmd:KeyDown(2) && !ply:IsOnGround()) then
- cmd:SetButtons( cmd:GetButtons(), bit.bnot( 2 ) ) );
- end
- elseif(cmd:KeyDown(IN_JUMP)) then
- cmd:SetButtons( cmd:GetButtons(), bit.bnot( 2 ) ) );
- end
- local lastOnGround = AB.StoredOnGround
- local lastInJump = AB.StoredInJump
- local onGround = ply:IsOnGround()
- local inJump = cmd:KeyDown (IN_JUMP)
- if lastOnGround and !onGround then
- AB.BHopCount2 = 0
- elseif !lastOnGround and onGround then
- if !lastInJump and inJump then
- AB.BHopCount1 = AB.BHopCount1 + 1
- -- ply:ChatPrint(AB.BHopCount1)
- if AB.BHopCount1 == 14 then
- local a, b, c = 0, 0, 0
- for i = 1, #AB.BHopBuffer do
- local x = AB.BHopBuffer [i]
- a = a + 1
- b = b + x
- c = c + x * x
- end
- if (c - b * b / a) / a < 0.1 then
- -- ply:ChatPrint("Detected")
- AB.ChatText( "Whoops, your bhope abuse may have been detected! The protection system is good but not perfect I'm sorry to say", Color(255,205,205) )
- end
- end
- else
- AB.ResetCounters()
- end
- elseif onGround then
- if lastInJump != inJump then
- AB.ResetCounters()
- end
- end
- if !onGround and
- lastInJump and not inJump and
- AB.BHopCount2 >= 0 then
- AB.BHopBuffer[#AB.BHopBuffer + 1] = AB.BHopCount2
- AB.BHopCount2 = -math.huge
- end
- AB.BHopCount2 = AB.BHopCount2 + 1
- AB.StoredOnGround = onGround
- AB.StoredInJump = nJump
- ////////////////////////// old and gay ///////////////////////////
- /*
- if !ply:IsFlagSet( FL_ONGROUND ) and ply:GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP then
- cmd:SetButtons( cmd:GetButtons(), bit.bnot( IN_JUMP ) ) )
- end
- */
- end
- if AB.Vars.Triggerbot and ply:Alive() and ply:GetActiveWeapon() and ply:GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() and AB.CanBotShoot( ply:GetActiveWeapon() ) then
- local td = {start = ply:GetShootPos(), endpos = ply:GetShootPos() + ply:EyeAngles():Forward() * 65535, filter = ply, mask = MASK_SHOT}
- local tr = util.TraceLine(td)
- if (tr.Entity:IsPlayer() and AB.CanTargetPlayer( tr.Entity ) ) or tr.Entity:IsNPC() or tr.Entity.Type == "nextbot" then
- if( !isfiring ) then
- cmd:SetButtons( bit.bor( cmd:GetButtons(), IN_ATTACK ) )
- isfiring = true
- else
- cmd:SetButtons( cmd:GetButtons(), bit.bnot( IN_ATTACK ) ) )
- isfiring = false
- end
- end
- end
- if AB.ScrollDelta != 0 then cmd:SetMouseWheel( AB.ScrollDelta ) end
- if( AB.Vars.RopeStorm and ply:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK2)) then
- local aids = Angle(math.random(-90, 90), math.random(-180, 180), 0)
- aids:Normalize()
- cmd:SetViewAngles(aids)
- if ply:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK2) then cmd:RemoveKey(IN_ATTACK2) end
- end
- if AB.Vars.FreecamControls then
- local khn = AB.NumberVars.FreecamForward
- if ( input.IsKeyDown( khn ) or input.IsMouseDown( khn ) ) then AB.FreecamCoordinates.pos = AB.FreecamCoordinates.pos + AB.FreecamCoordinates.ang:Forward() * 7 end
- local khn = AB.NumberVars.FreecamBack
- if ( input.IsKeyDown( khn ) or input.IsMouseDown( khn ) ) then AB.FreecamCoordinates.pos = AB.FreecamCoordinates.pos - AB.FreecamCoordinates.ang:Forward() * 7 end
- local khn = AB.NumberVars.FreecamLeft
- if ( input.IsKeyDown( khn ) or input.IsMouseDown( khn ) ) then AB.FreecamCoordinates.ang.y = AB.FreecamCoordinates.ang.y + 1 end
- local khn = AB.NumberVars.FreecamRight
- if ( input.IsKeyDown( khn ) or input.IsMouseDown( khn ) ) then AB.FreecamCoordinates.ang.y = AB.FreecamCoordinates.ang.y - 1 end
- local khn = AB.NumberVars.FreecamUp
- if ( input.IsKeyDown( khn ) or input.IsMouseDown( khn ) ) then AB.FreecamCoordinates.ang.p = AB.FreecamCoordinates.ang.p - 0.75 end
- local khn = AB.NumberVars.FreecamDown
- if ( input.IsKeyDown( khn ) or input.IsMouseDown( khn ) ) then AB.FreecamCoordinates.ang.p = AB.FreecamCoordinates.ang.p + 0.75 end
- end
- AB.AimbotCore( cmd )
- AB.MemoryDebug["aimbot"] = gcinfo() - amemfootprint
- end
- hook.Add( "CreateMove", "cmove", AB.CreateMove )
- local xraytrans = Color(255, 255, 255, 101)
- surface.CreateFont( "memes", {
- font = "Trebuchet",
- size = 200,
- weight = 950,
- } )
- local scanmat = Material("particle/particle_ring_blur")
- local leadermat = Material( "particle/particle_ring_wave_additive" )
- local beammat = Material("trails/laser")
- function AB.Vision()
- local me = LocalPlayer()
- if !me:IsValid() then return end
- local memfootprint = gcinfo()
- /*
- for i = 0, ScrH(), 200 do
- for w = 0, ScrW(), 200 do
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( ":^)", "memes", w, i, Color(255,255,255,255), 0, 0, 1, Color(0,0,55,255) )
- end
- end
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "IM A HUGE FUCKING FAGGOT", "memes", 200, ScrH() / 2 - 230, Color(255,0,0,255), 0, 0, 1, Color(0,0,55,255) )
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "WHO USES LEAKED HACKS", "memes", 260, ScrH() / 2 - 50, Color(255,0,0,255), 0, 0, 1, Color(0,0,55,255) )
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "COS IM POOR AND RETARDED", "memes", 180, ScrH() / 2 + 150, Color(255,0,0,255), 0, 0, 1, Color(0,0,55,255) )
- */
- if !AB.Vars.Vision then return end
- if AB.Vars.CSFlashlight then
- local dlight = DynamicLight( me:EntIndex() + 5 )
- if ( dlight ) then
- dlight.pos = me:GetEyeTraceNoCursor().HitPos
- dlight.r = 255
- dlight.g = 255
- dlight.b = 255
- dlight.brightness = 2
- dlight.Decay = 1000
- dlight.Size = 2256
- dlight.DieTime = CurTime() + 0.5
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.ShowESP then
- -- players
- for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
- if AB.ToMetric( me:GetPos():Distance( v:GetPos() ) ) > AB.NumberVars.VisionDist then continue end
- if !AB.OnScreen( v, 50 ) then continue end
- local teamcol, teamcol2
- if AB.Vars.TeamColors then
- teamcol = team.GetColor(v:Team())
- teamcol2 = Color(math.Clamp(teamcol.r - 100, 0, 255), math.Clamp(teamcol.g - 100, 0, 255), math.Clamp(teamcol.b - 100, 0, 255), 255)
- else
- teamcol = AB.DefaultScheme
- teamcol2 = AB.DefaultScheme2
- end
- if v == me then continue end
- local pos = (v:GetPos() + Vector(0, 0, 45)):ToScreen()
- local admintext = AB.GetRank( v )
- if !AB.IsDead( v ) then
- if AB.Vars.VSquares then
- surface.SetDrawColor(teamcol)
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(pos.x - 10, pos.y - 10, 20, 20)
- surface.SetDrawColor(teamcol2)
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(pos.x - 8, pos.y - 8, 16, 16)
- surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,255,255,255))
- surface.DrawRect(pos.x - 2, pos.y - 2, 4, 4)
- end
- if AB.Vars.VNames then draw.SimpleTextOutlined( v:Name(), "DermaDefault", pos.x, pos.y - 30, teamcol, 1, 0, 1, Color(0,0,55,255) ) end
- if AB.Vars.BoundingBox3d then cam.Start3D(EyePos(),EyeAngles()) render.DrawWireframeBox( v:GetPos(), Angle(0,0,0), Vector( -16, -16, 0 ), Vector( 16, 16, 72 ), AB.ColScheme, true ) cam.End3D() end
- -- propkill shit
- render.SetMaterial( beammat )
- if AB.Vars.PKPlayerBeams then
- local vz, ppos = AB.PlayerVisiblePK( me:GetShootPos(), v )
- if vz then
- cam.Start3D(EyePos(),EyeAngles())
- render.DrawBeam( (me:GetShootPos() + Vector(0,0,-5)) + EyeAngles():Forward() * 5, ppos, 5, 0, 1, teamcol )
- cam.End3D()
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.PKPropBeams then
- if AB.HoldingProp and AB.HoldingProp:IsValid() then
- local src = AB.HoldingProp:LocalToWorld( AB.HoldingProp:OBBCenter() )
- /*
- cam.Start3D(EyePos(),EyeAngles())
- render.StartBeam( 5 )
- for i = 0, 4 do
- local zp = src + (me:GetAimVector() * (i * 200)) + Vector( 0, 0, -(i ^ 3.15))
- render.AddBeam( zp, 150, i, Color( 255, 100, 0) )
- end
- render.EndBeam()
- render.DrawBeam( me:EyePos(), me:EyePos() + me:GetAimVector() * 2000, 50, 0, 1, Color( 255, 100, 0) )
- cam.End3D()
- */
- local vz2, ppos2 = AB.PlayerVisiblePK( src, v )
- if vz2 then
- cam.Start3D(EyePos(),EyeAngles())
- render.DrawBeam( src, ppos2, 50, 0, 1, teamcol2 )
- cam.End3D()
- end
- end
- end
- -- target highlighting
- if AB.Vars.ShowTargets and AB.IsTarget( v ) then
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "[TARGETED]", "DermaDefault", math.Clamp(pos.x, 30, ScrW() - 54), math.Clamp(pos.y - 42, 30, ScrH() - 54), Color(255,155,0,255), 1, 0, 1, Color(55,20,0,255) )
- surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,155,0,255))
- surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 20, pos.y - 15, 4, 30 )
- surface.DrawRect( pos.x + 16, pos.y - 15, 4, 30 )
- surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 30, pos.y - 20, 4, 40 )
- surface.DrawRect( pos.x + 26, pos.y - 20, 4, 40 )
- surface.DrawLine( ScrW() / 2, ScrH(), pos.x, pos.y )
- end
- if AB.Vars.ShowFriends and AB.IsFriend( v ) and !AB.IsTarget( v ) then
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "[FRIEND]", "DermaDefault", pos.x, pos.y - 42, Color(0,255,0,255), 1, 0, 1, Color(0,0,55,255) )
- end
- if AB.Vars.ShowRanks and !(admintext == "user" or admintext == "guest" or admintext == "player") then
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "["..admintext.."]", "DermaDefault", pos.x, pos.y + 12, Color(255,100,0,255), 1, 0, 1, Color(50,0,0,255) )
- end
- if AB.Vars.ShowTraitors and table.HasValue( AB.Traitors, v ) then
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "[TRAITOR]", "DermaDefault", pos.x, pos.y - 56, Color(255,55,0,255), 1, 0, 1, Color(55,10,0,255) )
- end
- if AB.Vars.Vizlines then
- local tr = util.TraceLine ({
- start = v:EyePos(),
- endpos = v:EyePos() + v:GetAimVector() * 5000,
- filter = v,
- })
- local tp = tr.HitPos:ToScreen()
- local p = v:EyePos():ToScreen()
- surface.DrawLine(p.x, p.y, tp.x, tp.y)
- surface.SetDrawColor(teamcol)
- surface.DrawLine(tp.x - 4, tp.y, tp.x + 4, tp.y)
- surface.DrawLine(tp.x, tp.y - 4, tp.x, tp.y + 4)
- end
- if AB.Vars.ShowDistance then
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( AB.ToMetric(me:GetPos():Distance(v:GetPos())).."m", "DermaDefault", pos.x, pos.y + 24, teamcol, 1, 0, 1, Color(0,0,55,255) )
- end
- if AB.Vars.ShowHP then
- local colhp = math.Clamp(v:Health() * 3, 0, 255)
- local colcomp = Color(255,colhp,0,255)
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( tostring(v:Health()).."%", "DermaDefault", pos.x, pos.y + 38, colcomp, 1, 0, 1, Color(0,0,0,255) )
- end
- if AB.Vars.PKVelocity then
- local velpos = ((v:GetPos() + Vector(0, 0, 45)) + v:GetVelocity() * 0.3 ):ToScreen()
- surface.SetDrawColor(teamcol)
- surface.SetMaterial( leadermat )
- surface.DrawTexturedRect(velpos.x - 15, velpos.y - 15, 30, 30)
- surface.SetDrawColor(teamcol2)
- surface.DrawTexturedRect(velpos.x - 10, velpos.y - 10, 20, 20)
- end
- -- the fag is dead, i dunno why i did a second logic block for this, im just retarded i guess
- elseif AB.Vars.ShowDead then
- surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,255,255,255))
- surface.DrawLine(pos.x - 15, pos.y - 15, pos.x + 15, pos.y + 15)
- surface.DrawLine(pos.x + 15, pos.y - 15, pos.x - 15, pos.y + 15)
- if AB.Vars.VNames then draw.SimpleTextOutlined( v:Name(), "DermaDefault", pos.x, pos.y - 30, teamcol, 1, 0, 1, Color(0,0,55,255) ) end
- if AB.Vars.ShowFriends and AB.IsFriend( v ) then
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "[FRIEND]", "DermaDefault", pos.x, pos.y - 42, Color(0,255,0,255), 1, 0, 1, Color(0,0,55,255) )
- end
- if AB.Vars.ShowRanks and !(admintext == "user" or admintext == "guest" or admintext == "player") then
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "["..admintext.."]", "DermaDefault", pos.x, pos.y + 12, Color(255,100,0,255), 1, 0, 1, Color(50,0,0,255) )
- end
- if AB.Vars.ShowDistance then
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( AB.ToMetric(me:GetPos():Distance(v:GetPos())).."m", "DermaDefault", pos.x, pos.y + 24, teamcol, 1, 0, 1, Color(0,0,55,255) )
- end
- end
- end -- end of players loop
- if AB.Vars.ESPProps then
- for k, v in pairs(ents.FindByClass("prop_physics")) do
- if AB.ToMetric( me:GetPos():Distance( v:GetPos() ) ) > AB.NumberVars.VisionDist then continue end
- local pos = (v:LocalToWorld(v:OBBCenter())):ToScreen()
- surface.SetDrawColor(AB.DefaultScheme)
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect(pos.x - 10, pos.y - 10, 20, 20)
- local aligndist = surface.GetTextSize( AB.ToMetric(me:GetPos():Distance(v:GetPos())).."m" )
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( AB.ToMetric(me:GetPos():Distance(v:GetPos())).."m", "DermaDefault", pos.x - (aligndist / 2), pos.y + 12, AB.DefaultScheme, 0, 0, 1, Color(0,0,55,255) )
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.Entfinder then
- for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
- if AB.ToMetric( me:GetPos():Distance( v:GetPos() ) ) > AB.NumberVars.VisionDist then continue end
- if !AB.OnScreen( v, 20 ) then continue end
- local drawing = false
- for i,p in pairs(AB.MarkedEnts) do
- if v:GetClass() == p then
- drawing = true
- end
- end
- if drawing then
- local pos = (v:LocalToWorld(v:OBBCenter())):ToScreen()
- surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,255,255,255))
- surface.DrawRect(pos.x - 3, pos.y - 3, 6, 6)
- local alignclass = surface.GetTextSize( tostring(v:GetClass()) )
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( tostring(v:GetClass()), "DermaDefault", pos.x - (alignclass / 2), pos.y + 12, AB.DefaultScheme, 0, 0, 1, Color(0,0,55,255) )
- end
- end
- end
- end -- end of showesp
- if AB.Freecam then
- local CamData = {}
- CamData.origin = AB.FreecamCoordinates.pos
- CamData.angles = AB.FreecamCoordinates.ang
- CamData.x = AB.NumberVars.MirrorX
- CamData.y = AB.NumberVars.MirrorY
- CamData.w = ScrW() / (AB.NumberVars.MirrorSize / 10)
- CamData.h = ScrH() / (AB.NumberVars.MirrorSize / 10)
- CamData.drawviewmodel = false
- CamData.drawhud = false
- CamData.fov = 90
- render.RenderView( CamData )
- end
- if AB.Vars.Mirror then
- local CamData = {}
- if AB.NumberVars.MirrorAxis == 0 then
- CamData.angles = Angle(0,me:EyeAngles().yaw - 180,0)
- elseif AB.NumberVars.MirrorAxis == 1 then
- CamData.angles = Angle(me:EyeAngles().pitch,me:EyeAngles().yaw - 180,0)
- else
- CamData.angles = Angle(-me:EyeAngles().pitch,me:EyeAngles().yaw - 180,0)
- end
- CamData.origin = me:GetPos()+Vector(0,0,50)
- CamData.x = AB.NumberVars.MirrorX
- CamData.y = AB.NumberVars.MirrorY
- CamData.w = ScrW() / (AB.NumberVars.MirrorSize / 10)
- CamData.h = ScrH() / (AB.NumberVars.MirrorSize / 10)
- CamData.drawviewmodel = false
- CamData.drawhud = false
- CamData.fov = 90
- render.RenderView( CamData )
- end
- if AB.Vars.PreviewTarget then
- local t = AB.AimbotPreviewTarget
- if isvector( t ) then
- local p = t:ToScreen()
- surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,155,55,255))
- surface.DrawRect(p.x-1, p.y + 6, 2, 20)
- surface.DrawRect(p.x-1, p.y - (6 + 20), 2, 20)
- surface.DrawRect(p.x + 6, p.y-1, 20, 2)
- surface.DrawRect(p.x - (6 + 20), p.y-1, 20, 2)
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.Radar then
- local size = AB.NumberVars.RadarSize
- local fov = AB.NumberVars.RadarZoom
- local x = AB.NumberVars.RadarX
- local y = AB.NumberVars.RadarY
- surface.SetDrawColor(AB.DefaultScheme.r, AB.DefaultScheme.g, AB.DefaultScheme.b, AB.NumberVars.RadarAlpha)
- surface.DrawRect(x - 2, y - 2, size + 4, size + 4)
- surface.SetDrawColor(Color(20, 20, 20, AB.NumberVars.RadarAlpha))
- surface.DrawRect(x, y, size, size)
- surface.SetDrawColor(Color(30, 30, 30, 255))
- surface.DrawLine(x, y, x + (size / 2), y + (size / 2))
- surface.DrawLine(x + size, y, x + (size / 2), y + (size / 2))
- surface.SetDrawColor(AB.DefaultScheme)
- surface.DrawRect((x -2)+ (size/2), (y-2) + (size/2), 4, 4)
- for key, ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- local teamcol, teamcol2 = AB.GetESPColor( ply )
- if ply != me and !AB.IsDead( ply ) then
- local lx = me:GetPos().x - ply:GetPos().x
- local ly = me:GetPos().y - ply:GetPos().y
- local ang = EyeAngles().y
- local cos = math.cos(math.rad(-ang))
- local sin = math.sin(math.rad(-ang))
- local px = (ly * cos) + (lx * sin)
- local py = (lx * cos) - (ly * sin)
- px = px / fov
- py = py / fov
- px = math.Clamp(px, -(size * 0.50), size * 0.50)
- py = math.Clamp(py, -(size * 0.50), size * 0.50)
- local name = player.GetAll()[key]:Nick()
- draw.SimpleText(name, "default", x + size - (size * 0.50) + px - 13, y + size - (size * 0.50) + py - 7, teamcol2, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
- surface.SetDrawColor(teamcol)
- surface.DrawRect(x + size - (size * 0.50) + px, y + size - (size * 0.50) + py, 3, 3)
- end
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.Crosshair then
- local hitpos = util.TraceLine ({
- start = me:GetShootPos(),
- endpos = me:GetShootPos() + me:GetAimVector() * 4096,
- filter = me,
- mask = MASK_SHOT
- }).HitPos
- local screenpos = hitpos:ToScreen()
- local x = screenpos.x
- local y = screenpos.y
- surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
- surface.DrawRect((ScrW() / 2) - 1, (ScrH() / 2) - 1, 2, 2)
- surface.DrawRect(x-1, y + 6, 2, 20)
- surface.DrawRect(x-1, y - (6 + 20), 2, 20)
- surface.DrawRect(x + 6, y-1, 20, 2)
- surface.DrawRect(x - (6 + 20), y-1, 20, 2)
- if AB.CrossHairAlpha > 0 then AB.CrossHairAlpha = math.Clamp(AB.CrossHairAlpha - 6, 0, 255) end
- surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255, 255, 255, AB.CrossHairAlpha))
- surface.DrawLine(x - 24, y + 24, x - 6, y + 6)
- surface.DrawLine(x + 24, y + 24, x + 6, y + 6)
- surface.DrawLine(x - 24, y - 24, x - 6, y - 6)
- surface.DrawLine(x + 24, y - 24, x + 6, y - 6)
- end
- if isvector( AB.CurrentBase ) then
- local sc = (AB.CurrentBase + Vector( 0, 0, 10 )):ToScreen()
- draw.SimpleText("My Base", "default", sc.x, sc.y - 42, AB.DefaultScheme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
- draw.SimpleText( AB.ToMetric( LocalPlayer():GetPos():Distance( AB.CurrentBase ) ).."m", "default", sc.x, sc.y - 30, AB.DefaultScheme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(205,205,255, 100 ) )
- draw.NoTexture()
- local triangle = {
- { x = sc.x - 10, y = sc.y - 20 },
- { x = sc.x + 10, y = sc.y - 20 },
- { x = sc.x, y = sc.y },
- }
- surface.DrawPoly( triangle )
- end
- if AB.Vars.KeypadJew then
- local e = me:GetEyeTrace().Entity
- if IsValid(e) and string.find( e:GetClass(), "Keypad") then
- local text;
- local color;
- if(e.code && e.code != "") then
- text = e.code;
- color = Color( 105, 255, 105, 150 )
- elseif(e.tempCode && e.tempCode != "") then
- text = e.tempCode;
- color = Color( 250, 150, 150, 150 )
- else
- text = "Unknown"
- color = Color(150,150,150,150)
- end
- -- draw.WordBox( 8, ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2, text, "Default", color, Color(255,255,255,255) )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color( 0,0,50, 150 ) )
- surface.SetMaterial( grad )
- surface.DrawTexturedRect( ScrW() / 2 + 57, ScrH() / 2 - 7, 50, 15 )
- draw.SimpleText(text, "DermaDefault", ScrW() / 2 + 60, ScrH() / 2, color, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
- end
- for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
- if IsValid(v) and string.find( v:GetClass(), "Keypad") then
- if v != e and me:GetPos():Distance( v:GetPos() ) < 8000 then
- local pos = v:GetPos():ToScreen()
- if pos.x > 0 and pos.x < ScrW() and pos.y > 0 and pos.y < ScrH() then
- if (v.code && v.code != "") then
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color( 0,0,50, 150 ) )
- surface.SetMaterial( grad )
- surface.DrawTexturedRect( pos.x, pos.y, 50, 15 )
- draw.SimpleText( v.code, "DermaDefault", pos.x + 5, pos.y + 6, Color( 105, 255, 105, 150 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
- -- draw.WordBox( 8, pos.x-5, pos.y-5, v.code, "Default", Color( 0, 255, 0, 150 ), Color(255,255,255,255) )
- else
- if(v.tempCode && v.tempCode != "") then
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color( 0,0,50, 150 ) )
- surface.SetMaterial( grad )
- surface.DrawTexturedRect( pos.x, pos.y, 50, 15 )
- draw.SimpleText( v.tempCode, "DermaDefault", pos.x + 5, pos.y + 6, Color( 250, 150, 150, 150 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
- else
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color( 0,0,50, 150 ) )
- surface.SetMaterial( grad )
- surface.DrawTexturedRect( pos.x, pos.y, 50, 15 )
- draw.SimpleText( "Unknown", "DermaDefault", pos.x + 5, pos.y + 6, Color(150,150,150,150), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.Bhop then
- local sped = me:GetVelocity():Length()
- draw.SimpleText("Velocity: "..math.Round( sped ), "DermaDefault", (ScrW() / 2), ScrH() - 60, AB.DefaultScheme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
- surface.SetDrawColor( AB.DefaultScheme )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( (ScrW() / 2) - 100, ScrH() - 50, 200, 10 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color( AB.DefaultScheme.r, AB.DefaultScheme.g, AB.DefaultScheme.b, 100 ) )
- surface.DrawRect( (ScrW() / 2) - 100, ScrH() - 50, math.Clamp( (sped / 2000) * 200, 0, 200 ), 10 )
- end
- if AB.Vars.WitnessDetector then
- if #AB.Witnesses > 0 then
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(50, 50, 90, 255) )
- surface.DrawRect( (ScrW() / 2) - 150, 0, 300, (#AB.Witnesses * 20) + 30)
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(0, 0, 0, 250) )
- surface.DrawRect( (ScrW() / 2) - 145, 25, 290, (#AB.Witnesses * 20) )
- draw.SimpleText("These people can see you", "DermaDefault", (ScrW() / 2) - 63, 10, Color(255, 255, 255, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
- for k, v in pairs(AB.Witnesses) do
- if !v:IsValid() then continue end -- let this pass silently, it only spams briefly when some faggot dcs anyway
- draw.SimpleText(v:Nick(), "DermaDefault", (ScrW() / 2) - 140, 8 + (k * 20), AB.GetESPColor( v ) )
- end
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.SpectatorDetector then
- local starty = 0
- if AB.Vars.WitnessDetector then starty = (#AB.Witnesses * 20) + 35 end
- if AB.TheyHaveEyesEverywhere and #AB.TheyHaveEyesEverywhere > 0 then
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(50, 50, 90, 255) )
- surface.DrawRect( (ScrW() / 2) - 150, starty, 300, (#AB.TheyHaveEyesEverywhere * 20) + 30)
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(0, 0, 0, 250) )
- surface.DrawRect( (ScrW() / 2) - 145, starty + 25, 290, (#AB.TheyHaveEyesEverywhere * 20) )
- draw.SimpleText("These people are spectating you", "DermaDefault", (ScrW() / 2) - 63, starty + 10, Color(255, 255, 255, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
- for k, v in pairs( AB.TheyHaveEyesEverywhere ) do
- if !v:IsValid() then continue end -- let this pass silently, it only spams briefly when some faggot dcs anyway
- draw.SimpleText(v:Nick(), "DermaDefault", (ScrW() / 2) - 140, starty + 8 + (k * 20), AB.GetESPColor( v ) )
- end
- end
- end
- -- ent scanner
- if AB.EntScanner then
- local c = me:GetEyeTrace()
- local screenpos = c.HitPos:ToScreen()
- local x = screenpos.x
- local y = screenpos.y
- local pulse = math.abs( math.sin( CurTime() * 2 ) )
- surface.SetDrawColor( AB.DefaultScheme )
- surface.SetMaterial( scanmat )
- surface.DrawTexturedRect( x - (15 + (pulse * 15)), y - (15 + (pulse * 15)), 30 + (pulse * 30), 30 + (pulse * 30) )
- surface.SetDrawColor( AB.DefaultScheme2 )
- surface.DrawTexturedRect( x - (12 + (pulse * 12)), y - (12 + (pulse * 12)), 24 + (pulse * 24), 24 + (pulse * 24) )
- if c.Entity and c.Entity:IsValid() then
- AB.EntScannerTab = {}
- local e = c.Entity
- AB.EntScannerEnt = e
- if e:IsPlayer() then
- table.insert( AB.EntScannerTab, e:Nick() )
- table.insert( AB.EntScannerTab, {e:SteamID(), Color(255,255,255)} )
- table.insert( AB.EntScannerTab, {AB.GetRank( e ), Color( 255, 100, 0 )} )
- table.insert( AB.EntScannerTab, "Health: "..e:Health().."% Armor: "..e:Armor().."%" )
- if DarkRP then
- table.insert( AB.EntScannerTab, {DarkRP.formatMoney(e:getDarkRPVar("money")) or "$ERROR", Color( 50, 255, 50)} )
- table.insert( AB.EntScannerTab, {"Real Name: "..e:SteamName(), Color( 150, 150, 150)} )
- end
- if e:GetActiveWeapon() then table.insert( AB.EntScannerTab, "Holding: "..(e:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() or "None" ) ) end
- local weps = {}
- for _, g in pairs( e:GetWeapons() ) do table.insert( weps, g:GetClass() )end
- table.insert( AB.EntScannerTab, {table.ToString( weps ), Color(155,155,255)} )
- end
- table.insert( AB.EntScannerTab, e:GetClass() )
- table.insert( AB.EntScannerTab, e:GetModel() )
- table.insert( AB.EntScannerTab, "Distance: "..AB.ToMetric(e:GetPos():Distance( me:GetPos() )).."m" )
- end
- local textx, texty = ScrW() / 2 + 50, ScrH() / 2
- for k, v in pairs(AB.EntScannerTab) do
- if istable( v ) then
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( v[1], "default", textx + 40, (texty - 40) + (k * 12), v[2], 0, 0, 1, Color(0,0,0) )
- else
- draw.SimpleTextOutlined( v, "default", textx + 40, (texty - 40) + (k * 12), AB.DefaultScheme, 0, 0, 1, Color(0,0,0) )
- end
- end
- end
- AB.MemoryDebug["hud"] = gcinfo() - memfootprint
- end
- hook.Add("HUDPaint", "ab_hud", AB.Vision)
- ---------------------------------------------- NEW XRAY HERE -------------------------------------------------
- /*
- if AB.Vars.Xray then
- for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
- if AB.ToMetric(me:GetPos():Distance(v:GetPos())) > AB.NumberVars.XrayDistance then if v:GetColor().a == 100 then v:SetColor(Color(255,255,255,255)) end continue end
- -- set rendermode none?
- if AB.Vars.XrayPlayers then
- if v:IsValid() and v:IsPlayer() and v != LocalPlayer() and !AB.IsDead( v ) and AB.OnScreen( v ) then
- cam.Start3D(EyePos(),EyeAngles())
- if AB.Vars.NoChamColours then
- v:SetMaterial(AB.mat1)
- v:SetRenderMode(4)
- v:SetColor(xraytrans)
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( true )
- render.MaterialOverride( AB.mat1 )
- end
- if AB.Vars.PKChams and AB.Vars.NoChamColours then render.SetColorModulation( 0, 1, 0 ) render.SetBlend(0.8) else render.SetColorModulation( AB.ColScheme.x, AB.ColScheme.y, AB.ColScheme.z ) render.SetBlend(0.3) end
- v:DrawModel()
- if IsValid( v:GetActiveWeapon() ) then
- if AB.Vars.NoChamColours then render.SetColorModulation( AB.ColScheme2.x, AB.ColScheme2.y, AB.ColScheme2.z ) end
- v:GetActiveWeapon():DrawModel()
- end
- render.SetBlend(1)
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( false )
- render.MaterialOverride( )
- -- v:SetColor(Color(255,255,255,255))
- cam.End3D()
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.XrayProps then
- if v:IsValid() and v:GetClass() == "prop_physics" and AB.OnScreen( v ) then
- cam.Start3D(EyePos(),EyeAngles())
- if AB.Vars.NoChamColours then
- v:SetMaterial(AB.mat1)
- v:SetRenderMode(4)
- v:SetColor(xraytrans)
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( true )
- render.MaterialOverride( AB.mat1 )
- end
- if AB.Vars.PKChams and AB.Vars.NoChamColours then render.SetColorModulation( 1, 0.2, 0 ) render.SetBlend(0.6) else render.SetColorModulation( AB.ColScheme2.x, AB.ColScheme2.y, AB.ColScheme2.z ) render.SetBlend(0.3) end
- v:DrawModel()
- render.SetBlend(1)
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( false )
- render.MaterialOverride( )
- -- v:SetColor(Color(255,255,255,255))
- cam.End3D()
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.XrayEntfinder then
- local drawing = false
- for i,p in pairs(AB.MarkedEnts) do
- if v:GetClass() == p then
- drawing = true
- end
- end
- if drawing and AB.OnScreen( v ) then
- cam.Start3D(EyePos(),EyeAngles())
- v:SetMaterial(AB.mat1)
- v:SetRenderMode(4)
- v:SetColor(xraytrans)
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( true )
- render.MaterialOverride( AB.mat1 )
- render.SetColorModulation( AB.ColScheme2.x, AB.ColScheme2.y, AB.ColScheme2.z )
- render.SetBlend(0.3)
- v:DrawModel()
- render.SetBlend(1)
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( false )
- render.MaterialOverride( )
- -- v:SetColor(Color(255,255,255,255))
- cam.End3D()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- */
- function AB.DrawXrayEntity( ent, col, domat, ghost )
- cam.Start3D( EyePos(), EyeAngles() )
- cam.IgnoreZ( true )
- if domat then render.MaterialOverride( AB.Mat1 ) end
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( true )
- render.SetColorModulation( col.r / 255, col.g / 255, col.b / 255 )
- if ghost then render.SetBlend( 0.3 ) end
- ent:DrawModel()
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( false )
- cam.IgnoreZ( false )
- render.MaterialOverride()
- cam.End3D()
- end
- function AB.DoXray()
- local me = LocalPlayer()
- if !me or !me:IsValid() or !AB.Vars.Xray then return end
- local fags = ents.GetAll()
- -- table.sort( fags, function( a, b ) return a:GetPos():DistToSqr( EyePos() ) > b:GetPos():DistToSqr( EyePos() ) end )
- for k, v in ipairs( fags ) do
- if !AB.OnScreen( v, 50 ) or AB.ToMetric( me:GetPos():Distance( v:GetPos() ) ) > AB.NumberVars.XrayDistance then continue end
- -- players loop
- if AB.Vars.XrayPlayers and v:IsPlayer() then
- if v == LocalPlayer() or !v:Alive() then continue end
- local teamcol, teamcol2
- if AB.Vars.TeamColors then
- teamcol = team.GetColor(v:Team())
- teamcol2 = Color(math.Clamp(teamcol.r - 100, 0, 255), math.Clamp(teamcol.g - 100, 0, 255), math.Clamp(teamcol.b - 100, 0, 255), 255)
- elseif AB.Vars.PKChams then
- teamcol = Color( 0, 255, 0 ) teamcol2 = Color( 255, 0, 0 )
- else
- teamcol = AB.DefaultScheme teamcol2 = AB.DefaultScheme2
- end
- AB.DrawXrayEntity( v, teamcol, AB.Vars.NoChamColours, !AB.Vars.XraySolid )
- local gun = v:GetActiveWeapon()
- if gun and gun:IsValid() then AB.DrawXrayEntity( gun, teamcol2, AB.Vars.NoChamColours, !AB.Vars.XraySolid ) end
- end
- -- props loop
- if AB.Vars.XrayProps and v:GetClass() == "prop_physics" then
- local teamcol, teamcol2
- if AB.Vars.PKChams then
- teamcol = Color( 0, 255, 0 ) teamcol2 = Color( 255, 0, 0 )
- else
- teamcol = AB.DefaultScheme teamcol2 = AB.DefaultScheme2
- end
- AB.DrawXrayEntity( v, teamcol2, AB.Vars.NoChamColours, true )
- end
- -- ents loop
- if AB.Vars.XrayEntfinder and table.HasValue( AB.MarkedEnts, v:GetClass() ) then
- local teamcol, teamcol2
- if AB.Vars.PKChams then
- teamcol = Color( 255, 255, 0 ) teamcol2 = Color( 255, 255, 0 )
- else
- teamcol = AB.DefaultScheme teamcol2 = AB.DefaultScheme2
- end
- AB.DrawXrayEntity( v, teamcol, AB.Vars.NoChamColours, true )
- end
- end
- end
- hook.Add( "PreDrawHUD", "AB_NewXray", AB.DoXray )
- function AB.PKBeamsCore()
- if AB.Vars.PKVerticalBeams then
- render.SetMaterial( beammat )
- for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll()) do
- if !v:Alive() or v == LocalPlayer() then continue end
- render.DrawBeam( v:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, -2000 ), v:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, 2000 ), 50, 0, 1, Color(255,255,255) )
- end
- end
- end
- hook.Add("PostDrawTranslucentRenderables", "ab_beams", AB.PKBeamsCore)
- function AB.ToggleEntityScanner()
- if !AB.EntScanner then
- AB.EntScanner = true
- AB.ScannerButton1 = AB.MakeFloatingButton( ScrW() / 2 - 180, (ScrH() / 2) - 50, "Copy to Console", function() print(AB.EntScannerEnt)
- for k, v in pairs( AB.EntScannerTab ) do
- if istable( v ) then MsgC( v[2], v[1].."\n" ) else MsgN( v ) end
- end
- end)
- AB.ScannerButton2 = AB.MakeFloatingButton( ScrW() / 2 - 180, (ScrH() / 2) - 20, "Add class to ESP", function()
- if table.HasValue( AB.MarkedEnts, AB.EntScannerEnt:GetClass() ) then AB.ChatText( "Already marked!", Color(255,205,205) ) return end
- AB.ChatText( "Added "..AB.EntScannerEnt:GetClass().." to marked ent classes", Color(255,255,255) )
- table.insert(AB.MarkedEnts, AB.EntScannerEnt:GetClass())
- end)
- AB.ChatText( "Enabled Entity Scanner", Color(255,255,255) )
- else
- AB.EntScanner = false
- AB.ChatText( "Disabled Entity Scanner", Color(255,205,205) )
- if AB.ScannerButton1 then AB.ScannerButton1:Remove() end
- if AB.ScannerButton2 then AB.ScannerButton2:Remove() end
- end
- end
- AB.MouseReleased = false
- function AB.ToggleFreeMouse()
- if !AB.MouseReleased then
- gui.EnableScreenClicker( true )
- AB.MouseReleased = true
- else
- gui.EnableScreenClicker( false )
- AB.MouseReleased = false
- end
- end
- concommand.Add("ace_toggle_mouse_cursor", AB.ToggleFreeMouse)
- function AB.CalcView( ply, pos, angles, fov )
- local me = LocalPlayer()
- if !me:IsValid() or !me:Alive() or me:GetViewEntity() != me or me:InVehicle() then return end
- local tps = {}
- if AB.Vars.SilentAim and !AB.Vars.Thirdperson and lastoldang and isangle( lastoldang ) then
- tps.origin = me:EyePos()
- tps.angles = lastoldang
- tps.fov = fov
- return tps
- end
- if AB.Vars.NoRecoil and !AB.Vars.Thirdperson then
- -- tps.origin = me:EyePos()
- tps.angles = me:EyeAngles()
- -- tps.fov = fov
- return tps
- end
- if AB.Vars.Thirdperson then
- if AB.RenderPanic then return end
- local trace = util.TraceLine( { start = pos - ply:GetForward() * 2, endpos = pos - angles:Forward() * AB.NumberVars.TPSDistance, filter = player.GetAll(), mask = MASK_SHOT } )
- tps.origin = trace.HitPos + ply:GetForward() * 20 + ply:GetRight() * AB.NumberVars.TPSOffset
- tps.angles = angles
- tps.fov = fov
- return tps
- end
- end
- hook.Add("CalcView", "ab_calcview", AB.CalcView)
- function AB.ICanSeeMyAss( ply )
- if AB.Vars.Thirdperson then return true end
- return false
- end
- hook.Add("ShouldDrawLocalPlayer", "ab_drawplayer", AB.ICanSeeMyAss)
- -- it would be very wise to keep this disabled for now
- /*
- function AB.Transparency()
- if AB.Vars.XrayProps then
- for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( true )
- end
- end
- end
- hook.Add("RenderScene", "ab_transparency", AB.Transparency)
- */
- function AB.CheckWitnesses()
- if !AB.Vars.WitnessDetector then return end
- AB.Witnesses = {}
- for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if v:IsValid() and v != LocalPlayer() then
- local Trace = {}
- Trace.start = LocalPlayer():EyePos() + Vector(0, 0, 32)
- Trace.endpos = v:EyePos() + Vector(0, 0, 32)
- Trace.filter = {v, LocalPlayer()}
- TraceRes = util.TraceLine(Trace)
- if !TraceRes.Hit then
- if (v:EyeAngles():Forward():Dot((LocalPlayer():EyePos() - v:EyePos())) > math.cos(math.rad(45))) then
- if !table.HasValue(AB.Witnesses, v) then table.insert( AB.Witnesses, v ) end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- timer.Create("ab_WitnessCheck", 0.5, 0, AB.CheckWitnesses)
- local nxtscan = CurTime()
- function AB.ScanForTraitors()
- if nxtscan > CurTime() then return end
- /*
- for _, ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if ply == LocalPlayer() then continue end
- if ply:GetRole() == ROLE_DETECTIVE then continue end
- if !ply:GetActiveWeapon() or !ply:GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() then continue end
- if ply:GetActiveWeapon().CanBuy and table.HasValue( ply:GetActiveWeapon().CanBuy, ROLE_TRAITOR ) and !table.HasValue( AB.Traitors, ply ) then
- table.insert( AB.Traitors, ply )
- surface.PlaySound("buttons/bell1.wav")
- AB.ChatText( ply:Nick().." is a filthy nasty traitor!", Color(255,100,0) )
- end
- end
- */
- nxtscan = CurTime() + 0.5
- for _,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
- if GetRoundState() == 3 and v:IsWeapon() and type(v:GetOwner()) == "Player" and v.Buyer == nil and v.CanBuy and table.HasValue(v.CanBuy, 1) and !table.HasValue(AB.Traitors, v:GetOwner()) then
- local owner = v:GetOwner()
- if !owner:IsValid() then continue end
- if owner:GetRole() == 2 then
- v.Buyer = owner
- else
- table.insert(AB.Traitors, owner)
- AB.ChatText( ply:Nick().." is a filthy nasty traitor! He bought a: "..v:GetClass(), Color(255,100,0) )
- end
- elseif GetRoundState() != 3 then
- AB.Traitors = {}
- end
- end
- end
- function AB.ClearTraitors()
- AB.Traitors = {}
- end
- function AB.ChokePackets( val )
- if val then
- odium.engine.SetChokedPacket( 0 )
- end
- end
- function AB.XrayShutoff()
- for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
- v:SetColor(Color(255,255,255,255))
- end
- end
- AB.IsTTT = false
- local demotereasons = {
- "Nigger",
- "Faggot",
- "Dickhead",
- "Cuckold",
- "RDM",
- "Shit eating faggot",
- "RDA",
- "NLR",
- "Fucking sped",
- "kys",
- "Shit server tbh fam",
- "Bad scripts",
- "Skid",
- "Admin abuse",
- "Abusing",
- "Fuckwit",
- "DarkRP Player",
- }
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------INSULT GENERATOR--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local openers = {
- "get fucked",
- "eat shit",
- "fuck a baboon",
- "suck my dingleberries",
- "choke on steaming cum",
- "die in a fire",
- "gas yourself",
- "sit on garden shears",
- "choke on scrotum",
- "shove a brick up your ass",
- "swallow barbed wire",
- "move to sweden",
- "fuck a pig",
- "bow to me",
- "suck my ball sweat",
- "come back when you aren't garbage",
- "i will piss on everything you love",
- "kill yourself",
- "livestream suicide",
- "neck yourself",
- "go be black somewhere else",
- "rotate on it",
- "choke on it",
- "blow it out your ass",
- "go browse tumblr",
- "go back to darkrp",
- "sit on horse cock",
- "drive off a cliff",
- "rape yourself",
- "get raped by niggers",
- "fuck right off",
- "you mother is a whore",
- "come at me",
- "go work the corner",
- -- "you are literal cancer",
- "why haven't you killed yourself yet",
- "why do you even exist",
- "shoot your balls off with a shotgun",
- "sterilize yourself",
- "convert to islam",
- "drink bleach",
- "remove yourself",
- "choke on whale cock",
- "suck shit",
- "suck a cock",
- "lick my sphincter",
- "set yourself on fire",
- "drink jenkem",
- "get beaten to death by your dad",
- "choke on your uncle's cock",
- "get sat on by a 200kg feminist",
- "blow off",
- "join isis",
- "stick your cock in a blender",
- "OD yourself on meth",
- "lie under a truck",
- "lick a wall socket",
- "swallow hot coals",
- "die slowly",
- "explode yourself",
- "swing from the noose",
- "end yourself",
- "take your best shot",
- "get shot in a gay bar",
- "drink pozzed cum",
- "marry a muslim",
- "get a better cheat",
- "rub your dick on a cheese grater",
- "wrap a rake with barbed wire and sodomize yourself",
- "close your gaping cunt",
- }
- local joiners = {
- "cancer infested",
- "cock sucking",
- "fuck faced",
- "cunt eyed",
- "nigger fucking",
- "candy ass",
- "fairy ass fucking",
- "shit licking",
- "unlovable",
- "disgusting",
- "degenerate",
- "fuck headed",
- "dick lipped",
- "autismal",
- "gook eyed",
- "mongoloided",
- "cunt faced",
- "dick fisted",
- "worthless",
- "bleeding cunted",
- "hillary loving",
- "maggot infested",
- "boot lipped",
- "chink eyed",
- "shit skinned",
- "nigger headed",
- "lgbt supporting",
- "cum stained",
- }
- local enders = {
- "fuck face",
- "poofter",
- "jew cunt",
- "fagmaster",
- "goat rapist",
- "rag head",
- "cock cheese",
- "vaginaphobe",
- "coon",
- "nigger",
- "slag cunt",
- "garbage man",
- "paeodophile",
- "kiddy toucher",
- "pony fucker",
- "tumblrite",
- "sperglord",
- "gorilla's dick",
- "shit licker",
- "shit slick",
- "redditor",
- "pig fucker",
- "spastic",
- "cuckold",
- "chode gobbler",
- "fuckwit",
- "retard",
- "mongoloid",
- "elephants cunt",
- "cunt",
- "gook",
- "fag lord",
- "shit stain",
- "mpgh skid",
- "batch coder",
- "pony fucker",
- "furfag",
- "half caste",
- "double nigger",
- "cock socket",
- "cunt rag",
- "anal wart",
- "maggot",
- "knob polisher",
- "fudge packer",
- "cock slave",
- "trashmaster",
- "shitskin",
- "curry muncher",
- "gator bait",
- "bootlip",
- "camel jockey",
- "wog cunt",
- "hooknosed kike",
- "feminist",
- "wop cunt",
- "abbo",
- "porch monkey",
- "dago",
- "anal secretion",
- "pig cunt",
- "insect",
- "sub human",
- "mental defect",
- "fat whore",
- "cunt blood",
- "cunt rag",
- "cotton picker",
- "bum tickling fag",
- "degenerate faggot",
- "smegma lump",
- "darkie",
- "fuck toy",
- "underage midget cunt",
- "twelvie",
- "faggot teenager",
- "ankle biter",
- "fat cunt american",
- "bernie loving washout",
- "fucking failure",
- "cum dumpster",
- "waste of skin",
- "petrol sniffing coon",
- "jenkem bottle",
- "dirty jew",
- "darkrp admin",
- "cuck master",
- "barrel of piss",
- "tankard of shit",
- "cock wart",
- }
- local adminstarts = {
- "How much did you pay for that staff rank",
- "Nice server you got here",
- "How much did that gay ULX rank cost",
- "I'll be back to shit on you again",
- "This is only my first alt account",
- "What autist gave you a staff rank",
- "Banning me only makes my cock harder",
- "I'll be back on a new account in 10 minutes",
- "Your server deserves to be destroyed",
- "It's been fun wrecking this shit hole",
- "Stop touching me with your physgun",
- "Letting you have admin was a mistake",
- "Do what you must, I have already won",
- "Bans mean nothing to me",
- "You should appreciate me showing you how to break your terrible server security",
- "I hunt down faggots like you for sport",
- "I am better than you in every single way",
- "I bypassed your anticheat and I'll bypass your ban too",
- "Only power mad midget cucks become staff on darkrp",
- "Lmao another bad server ruined",
- "Watch me rejoin on a VPN",
- }
- -- i gave myself terminal autism writing these
- local cancerstrike = {
- "LOL fuk u silver scUm",
- "nice aim doEs It cume in NOT N00be?",
- "u r terible my doode",
- "u almost hit me that time LOL",
- "ur aim iz a joke my man",
- "get shrekt skrub xdddd",
- "u just got shitted on kidddd",
- "i bet u r silver on csgo xD",
- "u never stood a chance against my pSkillz",
- "ur just 2bad to kill me :^(",
- "dam im good",
- "u wil never beat odium hax kidd :^)",
- "eat shit and die xdd",
- "do u use xashpass cos ur 2 bad to bypass cac :D",
- "i laugh at ur shit skillz :D",
- "get fukn owned kid xd",
- "i kill u every time u shud try harder :^(",
- "all u can do is die LOL",
- "N00bez like u cant beat me LOL",
- "u tried but im jus 2 gud 4 u",
- "u cant even hit me LOL uninstall kid xd",
- "git GUD skrub u r an embarasment",
- "pathetic LOL",
- "2 bad so sad u just bad :^(",
- "im global elit in gmod xd",
- "thx 4 free kill loser :D",
- "r u even trying???",
- "top kekt u got rekt",
- "fuken smashed kunt :D",
- "u shud add me so i can teach u how 2 shoot LOL",
- "ur jus 2 weak and sad to beat me xd",
- "looks liek ur sad life isnt working out 2 well 4 u :D",
- "dats all u got??? LOL!",
- }
- local supercancerstrike = {
- "dont upsetti hav some spagetti",
- "eat my asse like a bufet (3 corse meal xd)",
- "i ownt u in ur gay butth0le",
- "umade noobe?",
- "le troled hard",
- "go wach naturo and play wif urself fag REKT",
- "LOL i fuckd u so hard just like ur mum lst nit fag",
- "u play liek a blynd stefen hawkin haha",
- "are u as bad at life as u are in gmod??",
- "omg this is 2 ezy are U even trying??",
- "why dont u go play halo an fist ur butthol faget",
- "hey granma is that u???? LOL so bad",
- "time for you 2 uninstale the game shit stane",
- "congrtulations ur the worlds worst gmod player",
- "dose ur aim come in NOT NOOBE? LMAO",
- "lol i troled u so hard *OWNED*",
- "\"i lik 2 eat daddys logs of poo for lucnh while jackn off 2 naturo\"- u",
- "take a se4t faget $hitstain u got OWNDE",
- "LOL scrub ur gettin rekt hardcroe",
- "R u mad becouse ur bad nooby?",
- "LMAO did u go to da buthurt king an g3t urself a butthurt with fries?!?",
- "why dont u go and play manoppoly you noob",
- "you hav no lyfe you cant evan play gmod propaly",
- "im hi rite now on ganj but im stil ownen u xD",
- "if u want my cum bake ask ur mum LOL",
- "butdocter prognoses: OWND",
- "cry 2 ur dads dick forver noob",
- "lol troled autismal faget",
- "LOL N3RD owned",
- "\"i love to drink sprems all day\"- u",
- "crushd nerd do u want a baindaid for that LOL",
- "lol rectal rekage ur so sh1t lol",
- "ass states - [_] NOT REKT [X] REKT",
- "lmao do u even try????",
- "are u slippan off ur chaire cos ur ass is bleeding so hard??",
- "u better get a towel for all ur tears faget",
- "u got ass asassenated by me rofl",
- "u wont shit agen thats how rekt ur ass is",
- "i bet youre anus is sore from me ownen u LOL",
- "im gonna record a fragshow so i can watch me pwn u ova and ova LMAO",
- "i almost feel sorry for you hahahaha",
- "lol why dont u play COD so i can own you there too",
- "how dose it feel to be owneded so hartd??",
- "rekt u lol another one for the fraghsow",
- "if i was as bade as u i would kil myself",
- "dont fell bad not ervry one can be goode",
- "do u need some loob for ur butt so it doesnt hurt so much when i fuck u",
- "spesciall delivary for CAPTEN BUTTHURT",
- "wats wrong cant play wif ur dads dik in ur mouth????",
- "maybe if u put down the cheseburgers u could kill me lol fat nerd",
- "getting mad u virgan nerd??",
- "butt docta prognosis: buttfustrated",
- "<<< OWEND U >>>",
- "if u were a fish you wuld be a sperm whael LOL",
- ">mfw i ownd u",
- "rekt u noob *OWNED*",
- "ur gonna have 2 wear dipers now cos ur ass got SHREDED by me",
- "y dont u take a short strole to the fagot store and buy some skills scrub",
- "school3d by a 13yo lol u r rely bad",
- "ur pathetic nerd its like u have parkensons",
- "u just got promoted 2 cumcaptain prestige",
- "lol pwnd",
- "u just got butt raped lol TROLLED U",
- "did u learn 2 aim from stevie wondar??? LOL",
- "tell ur mum to hand the keyboard and mosue back",
- "how does it feel to be shit on by a 13 yer old",
- "r u into scat porns or some thing cos it feel\"s like u want me 2 shit on u",
- "u play gmod like my granpa and hes ded",
- "are u new or just bad?? noobe",
- "u play gmod lik a midget playin basket ball",
- "welcome to the noob scoole bus first stop ur house <<PWND>>",
- ">mfw i rek u",
- "\"i got my ass kiked so hard im shittn out my mouf\" - u",
- "<-(0.0)-< dats u gettn ownd LOL",
- "u just got ur ass ablitterated <<<RECKT>>>",
- "c=3 (dats ur tiney dik rofl)",
- "just leeve the game and let the real mans play",
- "ur so bad u make ur noobe team look good",
- "im not even trying to pwn u its just so easy",
- "im only 13 an im better than u haha XD",
- "u just got raped",
- "some one an ambulance cos u just got DE_STROYED",
- "i hope u got birth control coz u got rapped",
- "lol pwnd scrubb",
- "you play lik a girl",
- "\"i got fukd so hard dat im cummin shit n shittn cum\"- u",
- "ur gonna need tampons for ur ass afta that ownage",
- "{{ scoooled u }}",
- "(O.o) ~c======3 dats me jizzan on u",
- "dont worry at least ur tryan XD",
- "cya noob send me a post card from pwnd city ROFL",
- "its ok if u keep practasing u will get bettar lol #rekt",
- "\"evry time i fart 1 liter of cum sqerts out\" - u",
- "rofl i pwnd u scrub #420 #based #mlgskill",
- "u fail just like ur dads condom",
- "if i pwnd u any harder it wud be animal abuse",
- "uploaden this fragshow roflmao",
- }
- local buyourshitfaggot = {
- "DO U <3 CHEATING?",
- }
- local thistriggersamericans = {
- "If i found out a girl I was flirting with was transgender I'd bash the fuck out of that degenerate cunt",
- "Feminism is a tool satan is using to corrupt and destroy gods country, FIGHT BACK!",
- "It's scientifically proven that women are physically and mentally weaker than men",
- "Man's job is to build empires and conquer the earth, woman's only job is to make more men",
- }
- local annoyingquestions = {
- "whats the max tabs you can have open on a vpn",
- "how many vpns does it take to stop a ddos",
- "whats better analog or garrys mod",
- "whats the time",
- "is it possible to make a clock in binary",
- "how many cars can you drive at once",
- "did you know there's more planes on the ground than there is submarines in the air",
- "how many busses can you fit on 1 bus",
- "how many tables does it take to support a chair",
- "how many doors does it take to screw a screw",
- "how long can you hold your eyes closed in bed",
- "how long can you hold your breath for under spagetti",
- "whats the fastest time to deliver the mail as mail man",
- "how many bees does it take to make a wasp make honey",
- "If I paint the sun blue will it turn blue",
- "how many beavers does it take to build a dam",
- "how much wood does it take to build a computer",
- "can i have ur credit card number",
- "is it possible to blink and jump at the same time",
- "did you know that dinosaurs were, on average, large",
- "how many thursdays does it take to paint an elephant purple",
- "if cars could talk how fast would they go",
- "did you know theres no oxygen in space",
- "do toilets flush the other way in australia",
- "if i finger paint will i get a splinter",
- "can you build me an ant farm",
- "did you know australia hosts 4 out of 6 of the deadliest spiders in the world",
- "is it possible to ride a bike in space",
- "can i make a movie based around your life",
- "how many pants can you put on while wearing pants",
- "if I paint a car red can it wear pants",
- "how come no matter what colour the liquid is the froth is always white",
- "can a hearse driver drive a corpse in the car pool lane",
- "how come the sun is cold at night",
- "why is it called a TV set when there is only one",
- "if i blend strawberries can i have ur number",
- "if I touch the moon will it be as hot as the sun",
- "did u know ur dad is always older than u",
- "did u know the burger king logo spells burger king",
- "did uknow if u chew on broken glass for a few mins, it starts to taste like blood",
- "did u know running is faster than walking",
- "did u kno the colur blue is called blue because its blue",
- "did you know a shooting star isnt a star",
- "did u know shooting stars dont actually have guns",
- "did u kno the great wall of china is in china",
- "statistictal fact: 100% of non smokers die",
- "did you kmow if you eat you poop it out",
- "did u know rain clouds r called rain clouds cus they are clouds that rain",
- "if cows drink milk is that cow a cannibal",
- "did u know you cant win a staring contest with a stuffed animal",
- "did u know if a race car is at peak speed and hits someone they'll die",
- "did u know the distance between the sun and earth is the same distance as the distance between the earth and the sun",
- "did u kno flat screen tvs arent flat",
- "did u know aeroplane mode on ur phone doesnt make ur phone fly",
- "did u kno too many britdhays can kill you",
- "did u know rock music isnt for rocks",
- "did u know if you eat enough ice you can stop global warming",
- "if ww2 happened before vietnam would that make vietnam world war 2",
- "did you know 3.14 isn't a real pie",
- "did u know 100% of stair accidents happen on stairs",
- "can vampires get AIDS",
- "what type of bird was a dodo",
- "did u know dog backwards is god",
- "did you know on average a dog barks more than a cat",
- }
- function AB.GenerateInsult()
- return table.Random(openers).." you "..table.Random(joiners).." "..table.Random(enders)
- end
- function AB.GenerateInsult2()
- return string.upper(table.Random(openers)).." YOU "..string.upper(table.Random(joiners)).." "..string.upper(table.Random(joiners)).." "..string.upper(table.Random(enders))
- end
- function AB.GenerateInsult3()
- return table.Random(adminstarts).." you "..table.Random(joiners).." "..table.Random(enders)
- end
- function AB.GenerateInsult4()
- return table.Random(cancerstrike)
- end
- function AB.GenerateInsult5()
- return table.Random(supercancerstrike)
- end
- function AB.GeneratePromo()
- return table.Random(buyourshitfaggot).." --> GET ODIUM.PRO"
- end
- function AB.FormatChatString( str )
- str = string.Replace( str, "@1", AB.GenerateInsult() )
- str = string.Replace( str, "@2", AB.GenerateInsult2() )
- str = string.Replace( str, "@3", AB.GenerateInsult3() )
- str = string.Replace( str, "@4", AB.GenerateInsult4() )
- str = string.Replace( str, "@opener", table.Random(openers) )
- str = string.Replace( str, "@joiner", table.Random(joiners) )
- str = string.Replace( str, "@slur", table.Random(enders) )
- str = string.Replace( str, "@getodium", AB.GeneratePromo() )
- str = string.Replace( str, "@csgo", AB.GenerateInsult5() )
- return str
- end
- concommand.Add("ace_insult", function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..AB.GenerateInsult() ) end)
- concommand.Add("ace_insult2", function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..AB.GenerateInsult2() ) end)
- local siterator = 1
- concommand.Add("ace_insult3", function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..AB.GenerateInsult3() ) end)
- concommand.Add("ace_insult4", function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "say "..AB.GenerateInsult4() ) end)
- concommand.Add("ace_chatspam_once", function()
- local txt = AB.ChatSpamText
- if AB.Vars.ChatSpamOOC then txt = "// "..txt end
- txt = AB.FormatChatString( txt )
- if AB.Vars.ChatSpamPM then
- for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if !AB.Vars.ChatSpamPMAdmins and AB.GetRank( p ) != ( "user" or "guest" or "player" ) then continue end
- RunConsoleCommand("ulx", "psay", p:Nick(), txt)
- end
- else
- RunConsoleCommand("say", txt)
- end
- end)
- --AB.CurrentBase = 0
- --AB.BaseAreaSize = 2000
- function AB.SetBase()
- AB.ChatText( "Set base location", Color(255,255,255) )
- AB.CurrentBase = LocalPlayer():GetPos()
- end
- concommand.Add( "ace_base_set", AB.SetBase )
- function AB.UnsetBase()
- AB.ChatText( "Removed base", Color(255,255,255) )
- AB.CurrentBase = 0
- end
- concommand.Add( "ace_base_remove", AB.UnsetBase )
- function AB.SetBaseSize( p, cmd, arg, astr )
- if !tonumber( arg[1] ) then AB.ChatText( "Please specify a valid base radius in metres", Color(255,205,205) ) return end
- AB.ChatText( "Set base proximity radius to "..arg[1].."m", Color(255,255,255) )
- AB.BaseAreaSize = arg[1]
- end
- concommand.Add( "ace_base_setsize", AB.SetBaseSize )
- local elements = {
- { -- Screen
- x = 0.075,
- y = 0.04,
- w = 0.85,
- h = 0.25,
- },
- { -- ABORT
- x = 0.075,
- y = 0.04 + 0.25 + 0.03,
- w = 0.85 / 2 - 0.04 / 2 + 0.05,
- h = 0.125,
- text = "ABORT",
- },
- { -- OK
- x = 0.5 + 0.04 / 2 + 0.05,
- y = 0.04 + 0.25 + 0.03,
- w = 0.85 / 2 - 0.04 / 2 - 0.05,
- h = 0.125,
- text = "OK",
- }
- }
- do -- Create numbers
- for i = 1, 9 do
- local column = (i - 1) % 3
- local row = math.floor((i - 1) / 3)
- local element = {
- x = 0.075 + (0.3 * column),
- y = 0.175 + 0.25 + 0.05 + ((0.5 / 3) * row),
- w = 0.25,
- h = 0.13,
- text = tostring(i),
- }
- table.insert(elements, element)
- end
- end
- function AB.CalculateKeypadCursorPos(ply, ent)
- if !ply:IsValid() then return end
- local tr = util.TraceLine( { start = ply:EyePos(), endpos = ply:EyePos() + ply:GetAimVector() * 65, filter = ply } )
- if !tr.Entity or tr.Entity ~= ent then return 0, 0 end
- local scale = ent.Scale
- if !scale then return 0, 0 end
- local pos, ang = ent:CalculateRenderPos(), ent:CalculateRenderAng()
- if !pos or !ang then return 0, 0 end
- local normal = ent:GetForward()
- local intersection = util.IntersectRayWithPlane(ply:EyePos(), ply:GetAimVector(), pos, normal)
- if !intersection then return 0, 0 end
- local diff = pos - intersection
- local x = diff:Dot( -ang:Forward() ) / scale
- local y = diff:Dot( -ang:Right() ) / scale
- return x, y
- end
- function AB.KPGetHoveredElement(ply, ent)
- local scale = ent.Scale
- local w, h = ent.Width2D, ent.Height2D
- local x, y = AB.CalculateKeypadCursorPos(ply, ent)
- for _, element in ipairs(elements) do
- local element_x = w * element.x
- local element_y = h * element.y
- local element_w = w * element.w
- local element_h = h * element.h
- if element_x < x and element_x + element_w > x and
- element_y < y and element_y + element_h > y
- then
- return element
- end
- end
- end
- AB.ShekelGrabbers = {}
- local nxsuicidemsg = 0
- function AB.Logic()
- local me = LocalPlayer()
- if !me:IsValid() then return end
- local lmemfootprint = gcinfo()
- for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- -- spectator detector
- if( v:GetObserverTarget() and v != me and v:GetObserverTarget() == me and !table.HasValue( AB.TheyHaveEyesEverywhere, v ) ) then
- surface.PlaySound("buttons/bell1.wav")
- AB.ChatText( v:Nick().." has begun spectating you!", Color(255,100,0) )
- table.insert( AB.TheyHaveEyesEverywhere, v )
- end
- if AB.Vars.DodgeArrest then
- if v != me and v:EyePos():Distance( me:GetPos() ) < 120 and me:Alive() and ( v:GetActiveWeapon() and v:GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() and v:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == "arrest_stick" ) then
- if nxsuicidemsg <= CurTime() then
- AB.ChatText( "Automatically suicided to avoid being arrested by "..v:Nick(), Color(255,255,255) )
- nxsuicidemsg = CurTime() + 1
- end
- RunConsoleCommand( "kill" )
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.KeypadJew then
- local kp = v:GetEyeTrace().Entity
- if IsValid(kp) && IsValid(v) and string.find( kp:GetClass(), "Keypad") and v:EyePos():Distance(kp:GetPos()) <= 120 then
- kp.tempCode = kp.tempCode or ""
- kp.tempText = kp.tempText or ""
- kp.tempStatus = kp.tempStatus or 0
- if kp:GetText() != kp.tempText or kp:GetStatus() != kp.tempStatus then
- kp.tempText = kp:GetText()
- kp.tempStatus = kp:GetStatus()
- if(kp.tempText && !kp:GetSecure()) then
- kp.tempCode = kp.tempText
- timer.Simple(0, function()
- if kp:GetStatus() == 1 && kp.tempCode && kp.tempCode != "" then
- kp.code = kp.tempCode
- end
- end)
- else
- local i = AB.KPGetHoveredElement(v, kp)
- if (i) then i = i.text end
- if kp.tempText then
- timer.Simple(0, function()
- if kp:GetStatus() == 1 && kp.tempCode && kp.tempCode != "" then
- kp.code = kp.tempCode
- end
- end)
- end
- if kp.tempText == "" || kp:GetStatus() == 2 then
- kp.tempCode = ""
- end
- timer.Simple(0, function()
- if(tonumber(i) && kp:GetText():len() != 0) then
- kp.tempCode = kp.tempCode..i
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if isvector( AB.CurrentBase ) then
- if v == me then continue end
- if AB.ToMetric( v:GetPos():Distance( AB.CurrentBase ) ) < tonumber(AB.BaseAreaSize) then
- if !table.HasValue( AB.ShekelGrabbers, v ) then
- surface.PlaySound("buttons/bell1.wav")
- AB.ChatText( v:Nick().." has entered your base!", Color(255,205,0) )
- table.insert( AB.ShekelGrabbers, v )
- end
- elseif table.HasValue( AB.ShekelGrabbers, v ) and AB.ToMetric( v:GetPos():Distance( AB.CurrentBase ) ) > tonumber(AB.BaseAreaSize) then
- AB.ChatText( v:Nick().." has left your base", Color(100,255,100) )
- table.RemoveByValue( AB.ShekelGrabbers, v )
- end
- else
- AB.ShekelGrabbers = {}
- end
- end
- for k,v in pairs( AB.TheyHaveEyesEverywhere ) do
- if( !IsValid( v ) ) then table.remove( AB.TheyHaveEyesEverywhere, k ) continue end
- if( !v:GetObserverTarget() or ( v:GetObserverTarget() and v:GetObserverTarget() != me ) ) then
- AB.ChatText( v:Nick().." has stopped spectating you!", Color(100,255,100) )
- table.remove( AB.TheyHaveEyesEverywhere, k )
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.ChatSpam then
- if AB.Vars.ChatSpamBind and !me:KeyDown(IN_WALK) then return end
- local txt = AB.ChatSpamText
- if AB.Vars.ChatSpamInsult then txt = AB.GenerateInsult() end
- if AB.Vars.ChatSpamOOC then txt = "// "..txt end
- txt = AB.FormatChatString( txt )
- if AB.Vars.ChatSpamPM then
- for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if !AB.Vars.ChatSpamPMAdmins and AB.GetRank( p ) != ( "user" or "guest" or "player" ) then continue end
- RunConsoleCommand("ulx", "psay", p:Nick(), txt)
- end
- else
- RunConsoleCommand("say", txt)
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.DemoteSpam or AB.Vars.WantedSpam or AB.Vars.ULXVotekickSpam or AB.Vars.ULXVotebanSpam then
- for k, v in RandomPairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if AB.IsFriend( v ) or v == me then continue end
- local fag1, fag2 = table.Random( demotereasons )
- if AB.Vars.DemoteSpam then RunConsoleCommand( "darkrp", "demote", v:Nick(), fag1 ) end
- if AB.Vars.WantedSpam then RunConsoleCommand( "darkrp", "wanted", v:Nick(), fag1 ) end
- if AB.Vars.ULXVotekickSpam then RunConsoleCommand( "ulx", "votekick", v:Nick(), fag1 ) end
- if AB.Vars.ULXVotebanSpam then RunConsoleCommand( "ulx", "voteban", v:Nick(), "0" ) end
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.FlashlightSpam then
- if input.IsKeyDown(KEY_F) then me:ConCommand("impulse 100") end
- end
- if AB.IsTTT then AB.ScanForTraitors() end
- AB.MemoryDebug["logic"] = gcinfo() - lmemfootprint
- end
- hook.Add("Think", "ab_logic", AB.Logic)
- function AB.PKTube()
- local oldwep = false
- if !LocalPlayer():IsOnGround() then AB.ChatText( "You can't tube launch when you aren't on the ground!", Color(255,100,0) ) return end
- if !LocalPlayer():HasWeapon("weapon_physgun") then AB.ChatText( "You don't have a physgun!", Color(255,100,0) ) return end
- if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() != "weapon_physgun" then RunConsoleCommand( "use", "weapon_physgun" ) oldwep = true end
- AB.EyeAngles( LocalPlayer():EyeAngles() - Angle(-180,0,0) )
- AB.ActionTimer( 0.05, function() RunConsoleCommand( "gm_spawn", "models/props_phx/construct/concrete_pipe01.mdl") end)
- AB.ActionTimer( 0.05, function() AB.EyeAngles( LocalPlayer():EyeAngles() - Angle(120,0,0) ) end)
- AB.ActionTimer( 0.1, function() RunConsoleCommand( "+attack") end)
- AB.ActionTimer( 0.05, function() AB.ScrollDelta = 100 end)
- AB.ActionTimer( 0.1, function() RunConsoleCommand( "-attack") AB.ScrollDelta = 0 end)
- if oldwep then
- AB.ActionTimer( 0.01, function() RunConsoleCommand( "lastinv") end)
- end
- AB.ActionTimer( 0.1, function() RunConsoleCommand( "undo") end, true)
- end
- concommand.Add("ace_pk_tubelaunch", AB.PKTube)
- function AB.PK180()
- AB.EyeAngles( Angle(LocalPlayer():EyeAngles().p, LocalPlayer():EyeAngles().y - 180, LocalPlayer():EyeAngles().r) )
- end
- concommand.Add("ace_pk_180", AB.PK180)
- function AB.PK180Up()
- --AB.EyeAngles( Angle(LocalPlayer():EyeAngles().p, LocalPlayer():EyeAngles().y - 180, LocalPlayer():EyeAngles().r) )
- AB.EyeAngles( Angle( -LocalPlayer():EyeAngles().p, LocalPlayer():EyeAngles().y - 180, LocalPlayer():EyeAngles().r) )
- RunConsoleCommand( "+jump")
- timer.Simple(0.1, function() RunConsoleCommand( "-jump") end)
- end
- concommand.Add("ace_pk_180up", AB.PK180Up)
- function AB.ClimbSwep()
- local oldang = LocalPlayer():EyeAngles()
- AB.EyeAngles( Angle( -LocalPlayer():EyeAngles().p, LocalPlayer():EyeAngles().y - 90, LocalPlayer():EyeAngles().r) )
- timer.Simple(0.15, function() AB.EyeAngles( oldang ) end)
- end
- concommand.Add("ace_climbswep", AB.ClimbSwep)
- function AB.EyeAngles( ang )
- local ang = Angle(math.Clamp(ang.p, -90, 90), ang.y, ang.r)
- ang:Normalize()
- LocalPlayer():SetEyeAngles(ang)
- end
- local actiontime = 0
- function AB.ActionTimer( delay, func, terminate )
- terminate = terminate or false
- actiontime = actiontime + delay + (LocalPlayer():Ping() / 1000)
- timer.Simple( actiontime, func)
- if terminate then actiontime = 0 end
- end
- function AB.CanSee( ply )
- local Trace = util.TraceLine( {
- start = LocalPlayer():GetShootPos(),
- endpos = AB.FindTargetPosition( ply ),
- mask = MASK_SHOT,
- filter = { LocalPlayer(), ply }
- } )
- return !Trace.Hit
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------PROPKILL UTILS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function AB.PhysgunPickup( p, e )
- if AB.Vars.DontTouchMeThere and e == LocalPlayer() then RunConsoleCommand( "kill" ) end
- AB.HoldingProp = e
- end
- function AB.PhysgunDrop( p, e )
- -- AB.HoldingProp = game.GetWorld()
- end
- hook.Add( "PhysgunPickup", "ab_physgun", AB.PhysgunPickup )
- hook.Add( "PhysgunDrop", "ab_physgun", AB.PhysgunDrop )
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------WEAPON INSPECTOR--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function gaytext( parent, text, vpos, color )
- local ABLabel = vgui.Create( "DLabel", parent )
- ABLabel:SetFont( "TargetID" )
- ABLabel:SetPos( 20, vpos)
- ABLabel:SetColor( color )
- ABLabel:SetText( text )
- ABLabel:SizeToContents()
- end
- local overrides = {
- ["weapon_crowbar"] = {
- Damage = 25,
- NumShots = 1,
- ClipSize = 1,
- Delay = 0.404
- },
- ["weapon_stunstick"] = {
- Damage = 40,
- NumShots = 1,
- ClipSize = 1,
- Delay = 0.81
- },
- ["weapon_pistol"] = {
- Damage = 12,
- NumShots = 1,
- ClipSize = 18,
- Ammo = "pistol",
- Delay = 0.12,
- },
- ["weapon_357"] = {
- Damage = 75,
- NumShots = 1,
- ClipSize = 6,
- Ammo = "357",
- Delay = 0.75,
- },
- ["weapon_smg1"] = {
- Damage = 12,
- NumShots = 1,
- ClipSize = 45,
- Ammo = "SMG1",
- Delay = 0.075,
- },
- ["weapon_shotgun"] = {
- Damage = 4,
- NumShots = 7,
- ClipSize = 6,
- Ammo = "buckshot",
- Delay = 0.9,
- },
- ["weapon_ar2"] = {
- Damage = 11,
- NumShots = 1,
- ClipSize = 30,
- Delay = 0.105,
- },
- ["weapon_crossbow"] = {
- Damage = 100,
- NumShots = 1,
- ClipSize = 1,
- Delay = 1.95,
- },
- ["weapon_rpg"] = {
- Damage = 150,
- NumShots = 1,
- ClipSize = 1,
- Delay = 2.2,
- },
- ["weapon_frag"] = {
- Damage = 150,
- NumShots = 1,
- ClipSize = 1,
- Delay = 1.95,
- },
- ["fas2_rem870"] = {
- Delay = .86,
- },
- ["fas2_ks23"] = {
- Delay = 1.11,
- },
- ["fas2_m67"] = {
- Damage = 160,
- Delay = 1.75,
- },
- }
- local ammostrings = {
- pistol = "HL2 Pistol",
- smg1 = "HL2 SMG",
- ar2 = "HL2 Pulse Rifle",
- ["357"] = "HL2 Magnum",
- buckshot = "HL2 Shotgun",
- rpg_round = "HL2 Rocket",
- }
- function AB.GunMenu()
- if GMenu then return end
- local GMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame")
- GMenu:SetSize(590,520)
- GMenu:SetTitle("Inspecting Weapon")
- GMenu:Center()
- GMenu:MakePopup()
- GMenu.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(50, 50, 90, 255) )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(155, 155, 155, 255) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 1, 1, w - 2, h - 2 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(0, 0, 0, 255) )
- surface.DrawRect( 10, 25, w - 20, h - 35 )
- end
- local gun = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon()
- if !gun:IsValid() then return end
- local m9gay = false
- local fas = false
- local cw2 = false
- if gun.Base == "bobs_gun_base" or gun.Base == "bobs_shotty_base" or gun.Base == "bobs_scoped_base" then m9gay = true end
- if gun.Base == "fas2_base" or gun.Base == "fas2_base_shotgun" then fas = true end
- if gun.Base == "cw_base" then cw2 = true end
- gaytext( GMenu, "Weapon Name: "..gun:GetPrintName(), 30, Color(205,225,255,255) )
- gaytext( GMenu, "Weapon Class: "..gun:GetClass(), 50, Color(105,225,255,255) )
- //////////////////////////////// hl2 guns ////////////////////////////////
- if !gun.Primary then gun.Primary = {} end
- if overrides[gun:GetClass()] then
- local tab = overrides[gun:GetClass()]
- for k, v in pairs(tab) do
- gun.Primary[k] = v
- end
- end
- //////////////////////////////// weapon stat workarounds ////////////////////////////////
- local delay = 0
- if gun.Primary.Delay then
- delay = gun.Primary.Delay
- elseif m9gay then
- delay = 60 / gun.Primary.RPM
- elseif fas or cw2 then
- delay = gun.FireDelay
- end
- local gdmg = 0
- if gun.Primary.Damage then
- gdmg = gun.Primary.Damage
- elseif fas or cw2 then
- gdmg = gun.Damage
- end
- local gnumshots = 1
- if gun.Primary.NumShots then
- gnumshots = gun.Primary.NumShots
- elseif fas or cw2 then
- gnumshots = gun.Shots or 1
- end
- local gcone = 0
- if gun.Primary.Cone then
- gcone = gun.Primary.Cone
- elseif m9gay then
- gcone = gun.Primary.Spread
- elseif fas then
- gcone = gun.HipCone or 0
- elseif cw2 then
- gcone = gun.HipSpread or 0
- end
- local grecoil = 0
- if gun.Primary.Recoil then
- grecoil = gun.Primary.Recoil
- elseif m9gay then
- grecoil = gun.Primary.KickUp
- elseif fas then
- grecoil = gun.Recoil or 0
- end
- local voff = 90
- gaytext( GMenu, "Damage: "..(gdmg or "nil").." ( x"..(gnumshots or "nil").." ) -- ("..(gdmg * gnumshots).." Total)", voff, Color(255,225,155,255) )
- voff = voff + 20
- if gun.Primary.ClipSize then
- if gun.Primary.ClipSize == -1 then gun.Primary.ClipSize = 1 end
- gaytext( GMenu, "Damage Per Mag: "..(gdmg * gnumshots) * gun.Primary.ClipSize, voff, Color(255,205,105,255) )
- voff = voff + 20
- end
- gaytext( GMenu, "Damage Per Second: "..math.ceil(1 / delay * (gdmg * gnumshots)), voff, Color(255,155,85,255) )
- voff = voff + 20
- if gun.Primary.ClipSize then
- gaytext( GMenu, "Magazine: "..(gun.Primary.ClipSize or "No Magazine"), voff, Color(255,195,195,255) )
- voff = voff + 20
- gaytext( GMenu, "Magdump Time: "..math.Round(gun.Primary.ClipSize * delay, 3).."s", voff, Color(255,95,155,255) )
- voff = voff + 20
- end
- gaytext( GMenu, "Accuracy: "..(10 - (gcone * 100) ), voff, Color(255,255,155,255) )
- voff = voff + 20
- if fas then
- gaytext( GMenu, "Accuracy (Aiming): "..(10 - (gun.AimCone or 0 * 100) ), voff, Color(155,255,155,255) )
- voff = voff + 20
- end
- if cw2 then
- gaytext( GMenu, "Accuracy (Aiming): "..(10 - (gun.AimSpread or 0 * 100) ), voff, Color(155,255,155,255) )
- voff = voff + 20
- end
- gaytext( GMenu, "Fire Rate: "..math.Round(delay, 3).." ( "..math.ceil(60 / delay).." Rounds Per Min )", voff, Color(255,255,155,255) )
- voff = voff + 20
- --gaytext( GMenu, "Recoil: "..grecoil.." ( "..math.Round((grecoil * 10) * 1 / delay, 1).." recoil per second ) ", voff, Color(205,255,125,255) )
- --voff = voff + 20
- if gun.Primary.Ammo then
- local ammotyperaw = gun.Primary.Ammo
- local ammotype = string.lower(gun.Primary.Ammo)
- if ammostrings[ammotype] then ammotyperaw = ammostrings[ammotype] end
- gaytext( GMenu, "Ammo Type: "..ammotyperaw, voff, Color(105,255,125,255) )
- voff = voff + 20
- end
- if m9gay then gaytext( GMenu, "Damage and TTK stats inaccurate due to m9k double penetration bug", voff, Color(255,0,0,255) ) end
- voff = voff + 40
- gaytext( GMenu, "Shots to Kill: "..math.ceil(50 / (gdmg * gnumshots) ).."x headshots -- "..math.ceil(100 / (gdmg * gnumshots)).."x torso shots -- "..math.ceil(400 / (gdmg * gnumshots)).."x limb shots", voff, Color(255,125,155,255) )
- voff = voff + 20
- gaytext( GMenu, "Shots to Kill (Armor): "..math.ceil(100 / (gdmg * gnumshots) ).."x headshots -- "..math.ceil(200 / (gdmg * gnumshots)).."x torso shots -- "..math.ceil(800 / (gdmg * gnumshots)).."x limb shots", voff, Color(255,125,255,255) )
- voff = voff + 40
- local ttk = (delay * math.ceil(100 / (gdmg * gnumshots) )) - delay
- local ttk2 = (delay * math.ceil(50 / (gdmg * gnumshots) )) - delay
- local ttk3 = (delay * math.ceil(400 / (gdmg * gnumshots) )) - delay
- local ttk4 = (delay * math.ceil(200 / (gdmg * gnumshots) )) - delay
- local ttk5 = (delay * math.ceil(800 / (gdmg * gnumshots) )) - delay
- gaytext( GMenu, "Time to Kill: "..math.Round(ttk2, 3).."s (Head) -- "..math.Round(ttk, 3).."s (Body) -- "..math.Round(ttk3, 3).."s (Limb)", voff, Color(205,255,185,255) )
- voff = voff + 20
- gaytext( GMenu, "Time to Kill (Armored): "..math.Round(ttk, 3).."s (Head) -- "..math.Round(ttk4, 3).."s (Body) -- "..math.Round(ttk5, 3).."s (Limb)", voff, Color(155,155,255,255) )
- voff = voff + 20
- end
- concommand.Add("ace_inspectweapon", AB.GunMenu)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------AIMBOT UTIL FUNCTIONS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- get this from a better place fucknuts
- local OEyeAngles = OEyeAngles or FindMetaTable( "Player" ).SetEyeAngles
- FindMetaTable( "Player" ).SetEyeAngles = function( self, angle )
- if ( string.find( string.lower( debug.getinfo( 2 ).short_src ), "/weapons/" ) ) and AB.Vars.NoRecoil then return end
- OEyeAngles( self, angle )
- end
- local shitweapons = {
- "weapon_physgun",
- "weapon_physcannon",
- "weapon_bugbait",
- "weapon_fists",
- "gmod_camera",
- "gmod_tool",
- "weapon_medkit",
- "weapon_zm_carry",
- "weapon_ttt_unarmed",
- }
- -- make sure its a non spastic weapon to aimbot/triggerbot with
- function AB.CanBotShoot( wep )
- if !wep:IsValid() then return end
- if table.HasValue( shitweapons, wep:GetClass() ) then return false end
- return true
- end
- function AB.GetView()
- return AB.ViewAngle * 1
- end
- function AB.FixView()
- if !AB.Vars.Aimbot then return end
- local ply = LocalPlayer()
- if !ply:IsValid() then return end
- AB.ViewAngle = ply:EyeAngles()
- end
- local sensitivity = 0.022
- function AB.RotateView(cmd)
- AB.ViewAngle.p = math.Clamp(AB.ViewAngle.p + (cmd:GetMouseY() * sensitivity), -89, 89)
- AB.ViewAngle.y = math.NormalizeAngle(AB.ViewAngle.y + (cmd:GetMouseX() * sensitivity * -1))
- end
- -- fov based targeting shit
- function AB.GetAngleFromCrosshair( ply )
- local Ang = (AB.FindTargetPosition( ply ) - LocalPlayer():EyePos() ):Angle()
- local myangles = LocalPlayer():EyeAngles()
- if isangle( AB.InternalFakeAngles ) then myangles = AB.InternalFakeAngles end
- local DiffX = math.abs( math.NormalizeAngle( myangles.p - Ang.p ) )
- local DiffY = math.abs( math.NormalizeAngle( myangles.y - Ang.y ) )
- return DiffX, DiffY
- end
- function AB.GetDirtyAngleFromCrosshair( ply )
- local Ang = ( (ply:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, 35 ) ) - LocalPlayer():EyePos() ):Angle()
- local myangles = LocalPlayer():EyeAngles()
- if isangle( AB.InternalFakeAngles ) then myangles = AB.InternalFakeAngles end
- local DiffX = math.abs( math.NormalizeAngle( myangles.p - Ang.p ) )
- local DiffY = math.abs( math.NormalizeAngle( myangles.y - Ang.y ) )
- return DiffX + DiffY
- end
- function AB.InFOV( ply )
- local DiffX, DiffY = AB.GetAngleFromCrosshair( ply )
- return ( DiffX <= AB.NumberVars.AimbotMaxFOV and DiffY <= AB.NumberVars.AimbotMaxFOV )
- end
- function AB.FindTargetPosition( ent )
- if !ent:IsValid() then return end
- if !AB.Vars.AimbotTargetMode then return ent:LocalToWorld( ent:OBBCenter() ) end
- if ent:GetModel() == "models/crow.mdl" then return ent:LocalToWorld( Vector(0, 0, 5) ) end -- rape faggots that are in crow form, useful in gmstranded or zombie survival
- if ent:IsPlayer() then
- local head = ent:LookupAttachment( "eyes" )
- if head then
- local pos = ent:GetAttachment(head)
- if pos then
- return pos.Pos + ent:EyeAngles():Forward() * -1.5
- end
- end
- end
- local bone = AB.AimbotBone
- local head = ent:LookupBone( bone )
- if head then
- local pos = ent:GetBonePosition( head )
- if pos then
- return pos
- end
- end
- return ent:LocalToWorld( ent:OBBCenter() )
- end
- function AB.CalcTargetPosition( ent )
- local targetPos = AB:FindTargetPosition( ent )
- if LocalPlayer():IsValid() and LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() and LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == "weapon_crossbow" then
- targetPos = AB:PredictProjectileWeapons( ply, ent, targetPos ) or targetPos
- end
- return targetPos
- end
- function AB.PredictProjectileWeapons( ply, target, targetPos )
- -- local dist = VecM["Length"](targetPos - PlyM["GetShootPos"](ply))
- local dist = Vector(targetPos - LocalPlayer():GetShootPos()):Length()
- local time = (dist / 3500) + 0.05
- targetPos = targetPos + (target:GetVelocity() * time)
- -- local mul = 0.0075
- //targetPos = targetPos - (e["GetVelocity"](ply) * mul)
- return targetPos
- end
- function AB.CanTargetPlayer( ply )
- if !AB.Vars.TargetFriends and AB.IsFriend( ply ) then return false end
- if !AB.Vars.TargetHighlighted and AB.IsTarget( ply ) then return false end
- if !AB.Vars.TargetAdmins and AB.GetRank( ply ) != ( "user" or "guest" or "player" ) then return false end
- if !AB.Vars.TargetSameTeam and ply:Team() == LocalPlayer():Team() then return false end
- if !AB.Vars.TargetNoclippers and ply:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP then return false end
- if DarkRP and AB.IsBabyGod( ply ) then return false end
- return true
- end
- local boners = {
- "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1",
- "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2",
- "ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis",
- "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm",
- "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm",
- "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf",
- "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf",
- "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot",
- "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot",
- }
- function AB.PrepareForAStomping( ply )
- if !ply:IsValid() then return false end
- if ply:GetModel() == "models/crow.mdl" and AB.PlayerVisible( ply, ply:LocalToWorld( Vector(0, 0, 5) ) ) then return ply:LocalToWorld( Vector(0, 0, 5) ) end
- if AB.Vars.AimbotTargetMode then
- -- right in the kisser
- local head = ply:LookupAttachment( "eyes" )
- if head then
- local pos = ply:GetAttachment(head)
- if pos then
- local tpoz = pos.Pos + ply:EyeAngles():Forward() * -1.5
- if AB.PlayerVisible( ply, tpoz ) then return tpoz end
- end
- end
- else
- -- b aim
- local head = ply:LookupBone( "ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis" )
- if head then
- local poz = ply:GetBonePosition( head )
- if poz then
- if AB.PlayerVisible( ply, poz ) then return poz end
- end
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.AimbotAdaptiveTarget then
- local returnpos = -1
- for _, b in ipairs( boners ) do
- local head = ply:LookupBone( b )
- if head then
- local poz = ply:GetBonePosition( head )
- if poz then
- if AB.PlayerVisible( ply, poz ) then returnpos = poz break end
- end
- end
- end
- if isvector( returnpos ) then return returnpos end
- end
- local lastresort = ply:LocalToWorld( ply:OBBCenter() )
- if AB.PlayerVisible( ply, lastresort ) then return lastresort end
- return false
- end
- function AB.PlayerVisible( ply, testpos )
- if !ply:IsValid() or !ply:IsPlayer() then return false end
- local td = {start = LocalPlayer():GetShootPos(), endpos = testpos, filter = {LocalPlayer(), ply}, mask = MASK_SHOT}
- local tr = util.TraceLine(td)
- --if tr.Entity:IsValid() and tr.Entity == ply then return true end
- if !tr.Hit then return true end
- if AB.Vars.AimbotWallbanger and AB.CanWeaponPenetrate( tr, ply ) then return true end
- return false
- end
- -- sorta like above but doesnt require a testpos
- function AB.PlayerVisiblePK( source, ply )
- if !ply:IsValid() or !ply:IsPlayer() then return false end
- local td = {start = source, endpos = ply:LocalToWorld( ply:OBBCenter() ), filter = function( e ) return ( e != LocalPlayer() and e != ply and e:GetClass() != "prop_physics") end, mask = MASK_SHOT}
- local tr = util.TraceLine(td)
- --if tr.Entity:IsValid() and tr.Entity == ply then return true, tr.HitPos end
- if !tr.Hit then return true, ply:LocalToWorld( ply:OBBCenter() ) end
- return false, Vector( 0,0,0 )
- end
- -- returns the closest alive player, if visible is true then it will return the closest alive and visible player
- function AB.GetClosestPlayer()
- local nearestEnt = game.GetWorld()
- local mypos = LocalPlayer():GetPos()
- local plytab = player.GetAll()
- table.sort( plytab, function( a, b ) return a:GetPos():Distance( mypos ) < b:GetPos():Distance( mypos ) end )
- for _, ent in ipairs( plytab ) do
- if ent == LocalPlayer() then continue end
- if !ent:IsValid() or AB.IsDead( ent ) or !AB.CanTargetPlayer( ent ) or (AB.ToMetric( LocalPlayer():GetPos():Distance( ent:GetPos() ) ) >= AB.NumberVars.AimbotDist ) then continue end
- nearestEnt = ent
- break
- end
- return nearestEnt
- end
- -- returns the closest alive player to your crosshair, visible to return only visible players
- function AB.GetClosestToCursor( visible )
- local nearestEnt = game.GetWorld()
- local fovtotal = AB.NumberVars.AimbotMaxFOV or 0
- if fovtotal > 179 then return AB.GetClosestPlayer() end -- kick it into ragebot mode
- local mypos = LocalPlayer():GetPos()
- local plytab = player.GetAll()
- table.sort( plytab, function( a, b ) return AB.GetDirtyAngleFromCrosshair( a ) < AB.GetDirtyAngleFromCrosshair( b ) end )
- for _, ent in ipairs( plytab ) do
- if ent == LocalPlayer() then continue end
- -- we've exceeded our max fov so just stop looping here
- if !AB.InFOV( ent ) then break end
- -- save a bunch of useless calcs
- if !ent:IsValid() or AB.IsDead( ent ) or !AB.CanTargetPlayer( ent ) or (AB.ToMetric( LocalPlayer():GetPos():Distance( ent:GetPos() ) ) >= AB.NumberVars.AimbotDist ) then continue end
- nearestEnt = ent
- break
- end
- return nearestEnt
- end
- gameevent.Listen( "entity_killed" )
- hook.Add( "entity_killed", "ace_propkilldetector", function( data )
- local inflictor_index = data.entindex_inflictor
- local attacker_index = data.entindex_attacker
- local damagebits = data.damagebits
- local victim_index = data.entindex_killed
- local ply = "nobody?"
- local retard = game.GetWorld()
- local atk = "the map"
- local wep = "unknown weapon"
- local killah = game.GetWorld()
- local inflictor = ents.GetByIndex(inflictor_index)
- for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if p:EntIndex() == victim_index then ply = p:Nick() retard = p end
- if p:EntIndex() == attacker_index then
- atk = p:Nick()
- killah = p
- if p:GetActiveWeapon() and p:GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() then wep = p:GetActiveWeapon():GetPrintName() end
- end
- end
- if AB.Vars.DeathTaunts and retard == LocalPlayer() then LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "ace_chatspam_once" ) end
- if AB.Vars.NewLifeRule and retard == LocalPlayer() then LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "ace_random_rpname" ) end
- if attacker_index == victim_index then AB.DebugLog( ply.." necked himself", Color(180,150,150) ) if AB.Vars.NotifyKills then AB.ChatText( ply.." necked himself", Color(255,155,105) ) end return end
- if inflictor:IsValid() and inflictor:GetClass() == "prop_physics" then
- AB.DebugLog( ply.." got crushed by a prop!", Color(180,150,150) )
- if AB.Vars.NotifyKills then AB.ChatText( ply.." got crushed by a prop!", Color(255,155,105) ) end
- return
- end
- AB.DebugLog( atk.." killed "..ply.." with a "..wep, Color(200,150,150) )
- if AB.Vars.NotifyKills then AB.ChatText( atk.." killed "..ply.." with a "..wep, Color(255,155,105) ) end
- if AB.Vars.KillTaunts and retard != LocalPlayer() and killah == LocalPlayer() then LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "say "..AB.GenerateInsult4() ) end
- /*
- local ply = "nobody"
- local prop = "nothing"
- for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
- if v:EntIndex() == victim_index then ply = v end
- if (v:GetClass() == "prop_physics" or string.find(v:GetClass(), "gmod_") or string.find(v:GetClass(), "wire_") ) and v:EntIndex() == attacker_index then prop = v end
- end
- if !FPP then return end
- if ply == "nobody" or prop == "nothing" then return end
- if !FPP.entGetOwner( prop ):IsValid() then return end
- AB.DebugLog( FPP.entGetOwner( prop ):Nick().." propkilled "..ply:Nick().." with a "..prop:GetClass().." ("..prop:GetModel()..")", Color(150,150,55) )
- */
- end )
- gameevent.Listen( "player_connect" )
- hook.Add( "player_connect", "ace_playerconnected", function( data )
- AB.DebugLog( .. " ( ".. data.networkid.." ) has connected to the server.", Color(150,150,150) )
- end )
- gameevent.Listen( "player_hurt" )
- hook.Add( "player_hurt", "crosshair_readinjuries", function( data )
- if data.attacker == LocalPlayer():UserID() then AB.CrossHairAlpha = 255 end
- end )
- gameevent.Listen( "player_disconnect" )
- hook.Add( "player_disconnect", "ace_playerleave", function( data )
- timer.Simple( 0.5, function() AB.RemoveInvalidFriends() end )
- AB.DebugLog( .. " ( ".. data.networkid.." ) has disconnected from the server. ( ".. data.reason .." )", Color(150,150,150) )
- end )
- AB.DebugLog( "Acebot multihack initialized...", Color(200,200,255) )
- AB.DebugLog( "Version: "..AB.Version, Color(200,200,255) )
- if ULib then
- AB.DebugLog( "ULX overrides detected, repairing hook system...", Color(150,250,150) )
- AB.DebugLog( "Hook system successfully repaired", Color(150,250,150) )
- end
- function AB.InitPostEntity()
- -- need a timer to give the server time to send shit to us otherwise this only works on shit thats in the same PVS area as us
- timer.Simple( 1, function()
- AB.AddConnectedFriends()
- if gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Trouble in Terrorist Town" then
- AB.IsTTT = true
- hook.Add( "TTTBeginRound", "ab_clearTlist", AB.ClearTraitors)
- end
- end)
- end
- hook.Add( "InitPostEntity", "ab_init", AB.InitPostEntity)
- concommand.Add("aegis_printlogs", function() AB.ChatText( "aegis_printlogs is deprecated, use aegis_view_anticheats instead", Color(255,205,205) ) end)
- concommand.Add("aegis_dumpnwstrings", function()
- local netstrings = {}
- for i = 1, 9999 do
- local s = util.NetworkIDToString( i )
- if s then print( "[aegis] NetChannel "..i.." = "..s ) else break end
- end
- end)
- function AB.DumpHookTable( p, cmd, args )
- local hks = args[1]
- local hooktable = hook.GetTable()
- if !hks or hks == "" then
- for k, v in pairs( hooktable ) do
- print( k.." = "..table.Count( v ).." hooks" )
- end
- elseif !hooktable[hks] then print( "Bad hook name! get it right you stupid fucking faggot") return
- else
- for k, v in pairs( hooktable[hks] ) do
- print( k.." = "..debug.getinfo( v ).source.." lines: "..debug.getinfo( v ).linedefined.." - "..debug.getinfo( v ).lastlinedefined )
- end
- end
- end
- concommand.Add( "aegis_dumphooks", AB.DumpHookTable )
- /*
- function AB.SetRotateAngle( p, cmd, arg )
- if !arg[1] or !isnumber(arg[1]) then return end
- AB.NumberVars.PKRotateAngle = tonumber(arg[1])
- end
- concommand.Add( "ace_180up_vertical_angle", AB.SetRotateAngle )
- */
- local namesf = {
- "Joe",
- "John",
- "Jack",
- "Barry",
- "Chris",
- "Christopher",
- "Michael",
- "David",
- "Thomas",
- "Paul",
- "Tony",
- "Mark",
- "Cooper",
- "Jared",
- "James",
- "Jimmy",
- "Bob",
- "Robert",
- "Riley",
- "William",
- "Will",
- "Donald",
- "George",
- "Ken",
- "Steve",
- "Bruce",
- "Brian",
- "Chad",
- "Anthony",
- "Tim",
- "Eddie",
- "Daniel",
- "Larry",
- "Jeff",
- "Justin",
- "Adam",
- "Ralph",
- "Brandon",
- "Xavier",
- "Greg",
- "Gordon",
- "Scott",
- "Taine",
- "Howie",
- "Morgan",
- "Curtis",
- "Dwayne",
- "Steven",
- "Peter",
- "Kevin",
- "Coleman",
- "Garry",
- }
- local namesfem = {
- "Kate",
- "Katie",
- "Jane",
- "Charlotte",
- "Olivia",
- "Chloe",
- "Amelia",
- "Isabel",
- "Elise",
- "Sophie",
- "Scarlett",
- "Lily",
- "Lucy",
- "Hannah",
- "Evelyn",
- "Willow",
- "Anna",
- "Sadie",
- "Rose",
- "Summer",
- "Layla",
- "Camille",
- "Aylssa",
- "Madeline",
- "Morgan",
- "Claire",
- "Daisy",
- "Alexis",
- "Victoria",
- "Paige",
- "Bianca",
- "Rhiannon",
- "Hazel",
- "Mia",
- "Grace",
- "Ada",
- "Britney",
- "Alanna",
- "Fabienne",
- "Claudia",
- "Jacinta",
- "Jackie",
- "Heather",
- "Margot",
- }
- local namesl = {
- "Houston",
- "Burch",
- "Smith",
- "Jones",
- "Trump",
- "Sanders",
- "Abbott",
- "Cruise",
- "Brown",
- "Hopgood",
- "Davis",
- "Miller",
- "Wilson",
- "Walker",
- "Lee",
- "Lions",
- "Bryant",
- "Hall",
- "Adams",
- "Green",
- "Aldridge",
- "Turner",
- "Anderson",
- "Morris",
- "Howard",
- "Swanson",
- "Peterson",
- "Powell",
- "Keating",
- "Rudd",
- "Coleman",
- "Cunningham",
- "Donnell",
- "Callaghan",
- "Smithers",
- "Burns",
- "Bonds",
- "Gonzales",
- "Griffin",
- "Woods",
- "Gibson",
- "Webb",
- "Simpson",
- "Freeman",
- "Mcdonald",
- "Butters",
- "Masterson",
- "Keefe",
- "Sanderson",
- "Badger",
- "Cantrip",
- "Williams",
- "DontBanMe",
- "Lopez",
- "Clark",
- "Campbell",
- "King",
- "Coleman",
- "Chongs",
- "Riviera",
- "Ward",
- "Gray",
- "Ross",
- }
- function AB.GenerateRPName( p, cmd, arg )
- if !DarkRP then AB.ChatText( "Random rpname only works on darkrp you dipshit!", Color(255,205,205) ) return end
- RunConsoleCommand( "darkrp", "rpname", table.Random( namesf ).." "..table.Random( namesl ) )
- end
- concommand.Add( "ace_random_rpname_male", AB.GenerateRPName )
- function AB.GenerateRPNameFemale( p, cmd, arg )
- if !DarkRP then AB.ChatText( "Random rpname only works on darkrp you dipshit!", Color(255,205,205) ) return end
- RunConsoleCommand( "darkrp", "rpname", table.Random( namesfem ).." "..table.Random( namesl ) )
- end
- concommand.Add( "ace_random_rpname_female", AB.GenerateRPNameFemale )
- function AB.GenerateRPNameBoth( p, cmd, arg )
- if !DarkRP then AB.ChatText( "Random rpname only works on darkrp you dipshit!", Color(255,205,205) ) return end
- if math.random( 1, 100 ) > 55 then
- RunConsoleCommand( "darkrp", "rpname", table.Random( namesfem ).." "..table.Random( namesl ) )
- else
- RunConsoleCommand( "darkrp", "rpname", table.Random( namesf ).." "..table.Random( namesl ) )
- end
- end
- concommand.Add( "ace_random_rpname", AB.GenerateRPNameBoth )
- function AB.RandomRPJob( p, cmd, arg )
- if !DarkRP then AB.ChatText( "Random rp job only works on darkrp you dipshit!", Color(255,205,205) ) return end
- local fag = DarkRP.getCategories()
- local jcmds = {}
- for k, v in pairs( ) do
- for _, j in pairs( v.members ) do
- if j.customCheck and !j.customCheck( LocalPlayer() ) then continue end
- if then continue end
- if j.NeedToChangeFrom then continue end
- table.insert( jcmds, j.command )
- end
- end
- RunConsoleCommand( "darkrp", table.Random( jcmds ) )
- end
- concommand.Add( "ace_random_rp_job", AB.RandomRPJob )
- function AB.InnocentRoleplayer( p, cmd, arg )
- LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "cl_weaponcolor "..math.Rand( 0, 1 ).." "..math.Rand( 0, 1 ).." "..math.Rand( 0, 1 ) )
- LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "cl_playercolor "..math.Rand( 0, 1 ).." "..math.Rand( 0, 1 ).." "..math.Rand( 0, 1 ) )
- RunConsoleCommand( "kill" )
- AB.GenerateRPNameBoth()
- AB.RandomRPJob()
- end
- concommand.Add( "ace_innocent_roleplayer", AB.InnocentRoleplayer )
- local ctxlines = {
- "Hi, my name is Crash Jackson.",
- "I have access to 4 paid alts, each one of which allows me access to 5 other family shared steam alts.",
- "I plan to crash your server repeatedly until every single alt is banned.",
- "Then I'll buy some more alts and start over again.",
- "I won't stop until your server is down forever.",
- "Have a nice day.",
- }
- local ctxlines2 = {
- "Hi, my name is Crash Bandicoot.",
- "I have access to 4 hubwords, each one of which allows me access to 5 other levels.",
- "I plan to find all the power crystals until every single one is mine.",
- "Then I'll make a sequel game and start over again.",
- "I won't stop until everybody stops buying my games.",
- "Have a nice day.",
- }
- function AB.CrashJackson( p, cmd, arg )
- for k, v in pairs( ctxlines ) do
- if DarkRP then
- timer.Simple( k * 2, function() RunConsoleCommand("say", "// "..v) end )
- else
- timer.Simple( k * 2, function() RunConsoleCommand("say", v) end )
- end
- end
- end
- concommand.Add( "ace_crashjackson", AB.CrashJackson )
- function AB.CrashBandicoot( p, cmd, arg )
- for k, v in pairs( ctxlines2 ) do
- if DarkRP then
- timer.Simple( k * 2, function() RunConsoleCommand("say", "// "..v) end )
- else
- timer.Simple( k * 2, function() RunConsoleCommand("say", v) end )
- end
- end
- end
- concommand.Add( "ace_crashbandicoot", AB.CrashBandicoot )
- function AB.ErrorRape()
- local str = "\n"
- for i = 1, 512 do str = str.."\n" end
- Error( str )
- end
- concommand.Add( "ace_exploit_rapeconsole", AB.ErrorRape )
- /*
- local cblockedcmds = {
- ["connect"] = true,
- ["disconnect"] = true,
- ["impulse"] = true,
- ["pp_texturize"] = true,
- ["pp_texturize_scale"] = true,
- ["demos"] = true,
- ["kill"] = false,
- ["say"] = false,
- }
- local function BlockedCMDMenu()
- if CBMenu then return end
- local CBMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame")
- CBMenu:SetSize(500,455)
- CBMenu:SetTitle("Manage Blocked ConCommands")
- CBMenu:Center()
- CBMenu:MakePopup()
- CBMenu.Paint = function( s, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(30, 30, 30, 255) )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(55, 55, 55, 255) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 1, 1, w - 2, h - 2 )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(0, 0, 0, 200) )
- surface.DrawRect( 10, 25, w - 20, h - 35 )
- end
- local Plist = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", CBMenu )
- Plist:SetSize( CBMenu:GetWide() - 20, CBMenu:GetTall() - 35 )
- Plist:SetPadding( 5 )
- Plist:SetSpacing( 5 )
- Plist:EnableHorizontal( false )
- Plist:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
- Plist:SetPos( 10, 25 )
- Plist:SetName( "" )
- local function CreateCMDBlockPanel( cmd )
- if !CBMenu then return end
- local cmdp = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
- cmdp:SetSize( Plist:GetWide(), 30 )
- cmdp.Cmd = cmd
- cmdp.Paint = function( s, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(50, 50, 50, 255) )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(65, 65, 65, 255) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- draw.DrawText( cmdp.Cmd, "DermaDefault", 10, 8, Color(255,255,255) )
- end
- local TButton = vgui.Create( "DButton", cmdp )
- TButton:SetPos( 390, 2 )
- TButton:SetText( "" )
- TButton:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
- TButton:SetSize( 60, 26 )
- TButton.Paint = function( self, w, h )
- local dtx = "Block"
- local dtc = Color(150, 30, 30, 255)
- if !cblockedcmds[cmdp.Cmd] then dtx = "Allow" dtc = Color(20, 20, 20, 255) end
- surface.SetDrawColor( dtc )
- surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- surface.SetDrawColor( Color(45, 45, 45, 255) )
- surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
- draw.DrawText( dtx, "DermaDefault", 30, 6, Color(255,255,255), 1 )
- end
- TButton.DoClick = function() cblockedcmds[cmdp.Cmd] = !cblockedcmds[cmdp.Cmd] end
- Plist:AddItem( cmdp )
- end
- for k, v in pairs( cblockedcmds ) do
- CreateCMDBlockPanel( k )
- end
- end
- concommand.Add("aegis_blockedcmds", BlockedCMDMenu )
- */
- AB.WraithVision = false
- function AB.ToggleWraithVision()
- local mapmaterials = Entity( 0 ):GetMaterials()
- for k, v in pairs( mapmaterials ) do
- local m = Material( v )
- if !AB.WraithVision then m:SetFloat( "$alpha", 0.75 ) else m:SetFloat( "$alpha", 1 ) end
- end
- AB.WraithVision = !AB.WraithVision
- end
- concommand.Add( "ace_wraith_vision", AB.ToggleWraithVision )
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