
better oobLG

Oct 8th, 2015
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  1. do in any poke center
  2. tlpointeritem = TM43
  3. tlpointerquantity = 33
  4. blockx = 0
  5. blocky = 0
  6. no mapwidth change
  8. items:
  9. 1. Master Balls x[quantity]
  10. 2. [item] x205
  11. 3. Rare Candy x[quantity]
  12. ...
  13. 16. [item] x[quantity 0-36]
  14. [Closest item slot to cancel button]: 4848
  15. [item slot above it]: 8 8
  17. money item slot: potion x0
  18. rival 1: [item] x93
  19. rival 2: [item] x93
  20. rival 3: [item] x94
  21. rival 4: [item] x[pokemonID]
  22. rival 5: [notmasterball] x[quantity]
  24. steps:
  25. 0. Don't do this in Saffron Center [Map id sucks]
  26. 1. Scroll down to rival name, toss the amount to get to the Pokémon desired
  27. 2. Scroll up so 4848 is the bottommost item, close & open menu
  28. 3. Use 8 8 without scrolling the menu, open PC
  29. 4. Go to withdraw menu, check status screen of any(?) Pokémon.
  30. 5. Exit withdraw menu, open withdraw menu again and flash the rekt nick Pokémon
  31. 6. Log out of the PC
  32. 7. Catch Pokémon.
  34. additional stuff:
  35. - figure out what causes the game to say "The hooked"
  36. - rekt nickname Pokémon has to be high leveled (which it should if it was rekt from LG-Fly)
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