
I Just Need To Not Be Sick

Dec 9th, 2021
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  1. Hello everyone my name is nothing but something. I just need to not be sick, I just need to not be sick, I just need to not be sick.
  3. The things I wish… to be inside my mind. I want to be freee. I want this to be gone and not exist anymore. Please let me fruit. I want fruit! I want fruit? Why? Can’t I get fruit!!!
  5. My case and scenario of immeasurable numbness and no sharpness in mind. Is a value of dead of the sick. It makes them lose their minds and not become balanced with nature.
  7. Why can’t fruit me up daddy. Fruits of big big juicy sheets of fruits! I want melons on my cake and number. Can you not see fruit and mansions harder than the years to only build as formulas learn into you forever! I want fruit darn it!
  9. Can me sauce my Howard’s milk. I want that too? What am I doing I’m sick not making a dialogue. Where did I exist to form any. Why did I congratulate myself to this sickness embedded to me and not think straight anymore than to only numb. I want people to understand and appreciation of any. Do you want caulk in your mouth as sick to cure? Whatever your fine.
  11. Did you know that I am sick serious. I planned to not do anything until I am not sick. I was jeep and gods who walk. Thinner thunder clashed the talking. Where was I before anyone stumbled and suck. I just need to not be sick!
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